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Two sites are distinguished for the oxidation of exogenous donors by Photosystem II in non-oxygen evolving chloroplasts. In the presence of lipophilic donors (e.g. phenylenediamine, benzidine, diphenylcarbazide), the rate for Signal IIf rereduction following a flash increases as the concentration of exogenous reductant increases. There is a decrease (20-40%) in Signal IIf magnitude accompanying donor addition at low (smaller than 10(-%) M) concentrations, but the extent of the decrease does not change further with increasing donor concentrations. Complementary polarographic experiments monitoring donor (phenylenediamine) oxidation show an increase in oxidation rate with increasing donor concentration. In the presence of the hydrophilic donor, Mn-2+, the Signal IIf decay halftime remains constant with increasing Mn-2+ concentration. However, the flash-induced Signal IIf magnitude pregressively decreases with increasing Mn-2+ concentration. These results are interpreted in terms of two competing paths for the reduction of P680+. In one path P680+ reduction is accompanied by the appearance of Signal IIf, and lipophilic donors subsequently rereduce the Signal IIf species in a series reaction. This reduction follows pseudo-first order kinetics as a function of donor concentration. In the second path Mn-2+ reduces P680+ in a parallel reaction that competes with the formation of the Signal IIf species. This results in a decrease in the magnitude of Signal IIf, but no change in its decay time.  相似文献   

Semin BK  Ghirardi ML  Seibert M 《Biochemistry》2002,41(18):5854-5864
The donation of electrons by Mn(II) and Fe(II) to Y(Z*) through the high-affinity (HA(Z)) site in Mn-depleted photosystem II (PSII) membranes has been studied by flash-probe fluorescence yield measurements. Mn(II) and Fe(II) donate electrons to Y(Z*) with about the same efficiency, saturating this reaction at the same concentration (ca. 5 microM). However, following a short incubation of the membranes with 5 microM Fe(II), but not with Mn(II) in room light, added Mn(II) or Fe(II) can no longer be photooxidized by Y(Z)(*). This blocking effect is caused by specifically bound, photooxidized Fe [> or =Fe(III)] and is accompanied by a delay in the fluorescence yield decay kinetics attributed to the slowing down of the charge recombination rate between Q(a-) and Y(Z*). Exogenously added Fe(III), on the other hand, does not donate electrons to Y(Z*), does not block the donation of electrons by added Mn(II) and Fe(II), and does not change the kinetics of the decay of the fluorescence yield. These results demonstrate that the light-dependent oxidation of Fe(II) by Y(Z*) creates an Fe species that binds at the HA(Z) site and causes the blocking effect. The pH dependence of Mn(II) electron donation to Y(Z*) via the HA(Z) site and of the Fe-blocking effect is different. These results, together with sequence homologies between the C-terminal ends of the D1 and D2 polypeptides of the PSII reaction center and several diiron-oxo enzymes, suggest the involvement of two or perhaps more (to an upper limit of four to five) bound iron cations per reaction center of PSII in the blocking effect. Similarities in the interaction of Fe(II) and Mn(II) with the HA(Z) Mn site of PSII during the initial steps of the photoactivation process are discussed. The Fe-blocking effect was also used to investigate the relationship between the HA(Z) Mn site and the HA sites on PSII for diphenylcarbazide (DPC) and NH2OH oxidation. Blocking of the HA(Z) site with specifically bound Fe leads to the total inhibition of electron donation to Y(Z*) by DPC. Since DPC and Mn(II) donation to PSII is noncompetitive [Preston, C., and Seibert, M. (1991) Biochemistry 30, 9615-9624], the Fe bound to the HA(Z) site can also block the DPC donation site. On the other hand, electron donation by NH2OH to PSII still occurs in Fe-blocked membranes. Since hydroxylamine does not reduce the Fe [> or =Fe(III)] specifically bound to the HA(Z) site, NH2OH must donate to Y(Z*) through its own site or directly to P680+.  相似文献   

Yanan Ren  Jingquan Zhao 《BBA》2010,1797(8):1421-3132
Chloride is an essential cofactor for photosynthetic water oxidation. However, its location and functional roles in active photosystem II are still a matter of debate. We have investigated this issue by studying the effects of Cl replacement by Br in active PSII. In Br substituted samples, Cl is effectively replaced by Br in the presence of 1.2 M NaBr under room light with protection of anaerobic atmosphere followed by dialysis. The following results have been obtained. i) The oxygen-evolving activities of the Br-PSII samples are significantly lower than that of the Cl-PSII samples; ii) The same S2 multiline EPR signals are observed in both Br and Cl-PSII samples; iii) The amplitudes of the visible light induced S1TyrZ and S2TyrZ EPR signals are significantly decreased after Br substitution; the S1TyrZ EPR signal is up-shifted about 8 G, whereas the S2TyrZ signal is down-shifted about 12 G after Br substitution. These results imply that the redox properties of TyrZ and spin interactions between TyrZ and Mn-cluster could be significantly modified due to Br substitution. It is suggested that Cl/Br probably coordinates to the Ca2+ ion of the Mn-cluster in active photosystem II.  相似文献   

The electron transfer from wild-type spinach plastocyanin (Pc) to photosystem 1 has been studied by flash-induced absorption changes at 830 nm. The decay kinetics of photo-oxidized P700 are drastically slower in the presence of Ag(I)-substituted Pc, while addition of Zn(II)-substituted Pc has a weaker effect. The metal-substituted forms of Pc act as competitive inhibitors of the reaction between normal, Cu-containing, Pc and P700. The inhibition constants obtained from an analysis of the kinetic data were 30 and 410 muM for Ag(I)- and Zn(II)-substituted Pc, respectively. When the Gly8Asp mutant form of Pc was used instead of the wild-type form, the corresponding values were found to be 77 and 442 muM. If the Ag- and Zn-derivatives can be considered as structural mimics of reduced and oxidized CuPc, respectively, our results imply that there is a redox-induced decrease in the affinity between Pc and photosystem 1 that follows the electron donation to P700. Our data also imply that the Gly8Asp mutation can diminish the magnitude of this change. The findings reported here are consistent with a reaction mechanism where the electron transfer in the complex between Pc and photosystem 1 is assumed to be reversible.  相似文献   

Hanna Jansson 《BBA》2008,1777(9):1116-1121
The electron transfer from wild-type spinach plastocyanin (Pc) to photosystem 1 has been studied by flash-induced absorption changes at 830 nm. The decay kinetics of photo-oxidized P700 are drastically slower in the presence of Ag(I)-substituted Pc, while addition of Zn(II)-substituted Pc has a weaker effect. The metal-substituted forms of Pc act as competitive inhibitors of the reaction between normal, Cu-containing, Pc and P700. The inhibition constants obtained from an analysis of the kinetic data were 30 and 410 μM for Ag(I)- and Zn(II)-substituted Pc, respectively. When the Gly8Asp mutant form of Pc was used instead of the wild-type form, the corresponding values were found to be 77 and 442 μM. If the Ag- and Zn-derivatives can be considered as structural mimics of reduced and oxidized CuPc, respectively, our results imply that there is a redox-induced decrease in the affinity between Pc and photosystem 1 that follows the electron donation to P700. Our data also imply that the Gly8Asp mutation can diminish the magnitude of this change. The findings reported here are consistent with a reaction mechanism where the electron transfer in the complex between Pc and photosystem 1 is assumed to be reversible.  相似文献   

Water oxidation at photosystem II Mn-cluster is mediated by the redox-active tyrosine Y(Z). We calculated the redox potential (E(m)) of Y(Z) and its symmetrical counterpart Y(D), by solving the linearized Poisson-Boltzmann equation. The calculated E(m)(Y( )/Y(-)) were +926 mV/+694 mV for Y(Z)/Y(D) with the Mn-cluster in S2 state. Together with the asymmetric position of the Mn-cluster relative to Y(Z/D), differences in H-bond network between Y(Z) (Y(Z)/D1-His(190)/D1-Asn(298)) and Y(D) (Y(D)/D2-His(189)/D2-Arg(294)/CP47-Glu(364)) are crucial for E(m)(Y(Z/D)). When D1-His(190) is protonated, corresponding to a thermally activated state, the calculated E(m)(Y(Z)) was +1216 mV, which is as high as the E(m) for P(D1/D2). We observed deprotonation at CP43-Arg(357) upon S-state transition, which may suggest its involvement in the proton exit pathway. E(m)(Y(D)) was affected by formation of P(D2)(+) (but not P(D1)(+)) and sensitive to the protonation state of D2-Arg(180). This points to an electrostatic link between Y(D) and P(D2).  相似文献   

In this study we employ isotope ratio membrane-inlet mass spectrometry to probe the turnover efficiency of photosystem II (PSII) membrane fragments isolated from spinach at flash frequencies between 1Hz and 50Hz in the presence of the commonly used exogenous electron acceptors potassium ferricyanide(III) (FeCy), 2,5-dichloro-p-benzoquinone (DCBQ), and 2-phenyl-p-benzoquinone (PPBQ). The data obtained clearly indicate that among the tested acceptors PPBQ is the best at high flash frequencies. If present at high enough concentration, the PSII turnover efficiency is unaffected by flash frequency of up to 30Hz, and at 40Hz and 50Hz only a slight decrease by about 5-7% is observed. In contrast, drastic reductions of the O(2) yields by about 40% and 65% were found at 50Hz for DCBQ and FeCy, respectively. Comparison with literature data reveals that PPBQ accepts electrons from Q(A)(-) in PSII membrane fragments with similar efficiency as plastoquinone in intact cells. Our data also confirm that at high flashing rates O(2) evolution is limited by the reactions on the electron-acceptor side of PSII. The relevance of these data to the evolutionary development of the water-splitting complex in PSII and with regard to the potential of artificial water-splitting catalysts is discussed. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Photosynthesis Research for Sustainability: from Natural to Artificial.  相似文献   

Expression of the genes of the photosystem II (PSII) core polypeptides D1 and D2, of three proteins of the oxygen evolving complex of PSII and of the light harvesting chlorophyll a/b binding proteins (LHCP) has been compared in wild-type (wt) and in the y-1 mutant of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Since wt, but not y-1 cells produce a fully developed photosynthetic system in the dark, comparison of the two has allowed us to distinguish the direct effect of light from the influence of plastid development on gene expression. The PSII core polypeptides and LHCP are nearly undetectable in dark-grown y-1 cells but they accumulate progressively during light induced greening. The levels of these proteins in wt are the same in the light and the dark. The amounts of the proteins of the oxygen evolving complex do not change appreciably in the light or in the dark for both wt and y-1. Steady state levels of chloroplast mRNA encoding the core PSII polypeptides remain nearly constant in the light or the dark and are not affected by the developmental stage of the plastid. Levels of nuclear encoded mRNAs for the oxygen evolving proteins and of LHCP increase during light growth in wt and y-1. In contrast to wt, synthesis of LHCP proteins is not detectable in y-1 cells in the dark but starts immediately after transfer to light, indicating that LHCP synthesis is controlled by a light-induced factor or process. While the rates of synthesis of D1 and D2 are immediately enhanced by light in wt, this increase occurs only after a lag in y-1 and thus must be dependent on an early light-induced event in the plastid. These results show that the biosynthesis of PSII is affected by light directly, by the stage of plastid development, and by the interaction of light and events associated with plastid development.  相似文献   

In the water-oxidizing reactions of photosystem II (PSII), a tyrosine residue plays a key part as an intermediate electron-transfer reactant between the primary donor chlorophylls (the pigment P(680)) and the water-oxidizing Mn cluster. The tyrosine is deprotonated upon oxidation, and the coupling between the proton reaction and electron transfer is of great mechanistic importance for the understanding of the water-oxidation mechanism. Within a programme on artificial photosynthesis, we have made and studied the proton-coupled tyrosine oxidation in a model system and been able to draw mechanistic conclusions that we use to interpret the analogous reactions in PSII.  相似文献   

Upon addition of hydroxylamine to chloroplasts or photosystem II preparations, the EPR signal of Z? disappears and a new signal is observed. From its shape and g-value this signal is identified with the oxidized reaction center chlorophyll, P680+. The decay of P680+ occurs with a halftime of ? 200 μs and apparently is the result of a back reaction with the reduced form of the primary acceptor, QA. This mode of hydroxylamine inhibition is reversible. These observations indicate that hydroxylamine, in addition to its well known inhibitory action on the oxygen evolving complex, is also able to disrupt physiological electron flow to P680 itself.  相似文献   

Photosystem II, being a constituent of light driven photosynthetic apparatus, is a highly organized pigment-protein-lipid complex. The arrangement of PSII active redox cofactors insures efficiency of electron transfer within it. Donation of electrons extracted from water by the oxygen evolving complex to plastoquinones requires an additional activation energy. In this paper we present theoretical discussion of the anharmonic fluctuations of the protein-lipid matrix of PSII and an experimental evidence showing that the fluctuations are responsible for coupling of its donor and acceptor side. We argue that the fast collective motions liberated at temperatures higher that 200 K are crucial for the two final steps of the water splitting cycle and that one can distinguish three different dynamic regimes of PSII action which are controlled by the timescales of forward electron transfer, which vary with temperature. The three regimes of the dynamical behavior are related to different spatial domains of PSII.  相似文献   

Proteolysis of photosystem I particles had no effect on P700 oxidation but did inhibit the rate of P700+ reduction. The Vmax values were decreased for both dichlorophenol and plastocyanin, but the Km values were unaffected indicating that trypsin treatment altered electron transfer rather than the binding of the donor to the photosystem I complex. The salt dependence of P700+ reduction was unaffected. The effects of P700+ reduction were the same for the preparations of different workers (Shiozawa, Alberte, Thornber 1974 Arch Biochem Biophys 165: 388; and Bengis, Nelson 1975 J Biol Chem 250: 2783).

In both cases, the 70-kilodalton, chlorophyll-containing polypeptide was digested confirming its role in transferring electrons from plastocyanin to P700. The fact that the preparation of Shiozawa et al. lacks subunit (III) but still used plastocyanin as the electron donor rules out a role for this subunit as “the plastocyanin binding protein.” Subunit III was also digested in the Bengis and Nelson preparation.


The O2-evolving complex of photosystem II, Mn 4Ca, cycles through five oxidation states, S0,..., S4, during its catalytic function, which involves the gradual abstraction of four electrons and four protons from two bound water molecules. The direct oxidant of the complex is the tyrosine neutral radical, YZ(*), which is transiently produced by the highly oxidizing power of the photoexcited chlorophyll species P680. EPR characterization of YZ(*) has been limited, until recently, to inhibited (non-oxygen-evolving) preparations. A number of relatively recent papers have demonstrated the trapping of YZ(*) in O2-evolving preparations at liquid helium temperatures as an intermediate of the S0 to S1, S1 to S2, and S2 to S3 transitions. The respective EPR spectra are broadened and split at g approximately 2 by the magnetic interaction with the Mn cluster, but this interaction collapses at temperatures higher than about 100K [Zahariou et al. (2007) Biochemistry 46, 14335 -14341]. We have conducted a study of the Tyr Z(*) transient in the temperature range 77-240 K by employing rapid or slow EPR scans. The results reveal for the first time high-resolution X-band spectra of Tyr Z(*) in the functional system and at temperatures close to the onset of the S-state transitions. We have simulated the S 2Y Z(*) spectrum using the simulation algorithm of Svistunenko and Cooper [(2004) Biophys. J. 87, 582 -595]. The small g(x) = 2.00689 value inferred from the analysis suggests either a H-bonding of Tyr Z (*) (presumably with His190) that is stronger than what has been assumed from studies of Tyr D(*) or Tyr Z(*) in Mn-depleted preparations or a more electropositive environment around Tyr Z(*). The study has also yielded for the first time direct information on the temperature variation of the YZ(*)/QA(-) recombination reaction in the various S states. The reaction follows biphasic kinetics with the slow phase dominating at low temperatures and the fast phase dominating at high temperatures. It is tentatively proposed that the slow phase represents the action of the YZ(*)/YZ(-) redox couple while the fast phase represents that of the YZ(*)/YZH couple; it is inferred that Tyr Z at elevated temperatures is protonated at rest. It is also proposed that YZ(*)/YZH is the couple that oxidizes the Mn cluster during the S1-S2 and S2-S3 transitions. A simple mechanism ensuring a rapid (concerted) protonation of Tyr Z upon oxidation of the Mn cluster is discussed, and also, a structure-based molecular model suggesting the participation of His190 into two hydrogen bonds is proposed.  相似文献   

1. 3,3'-Diaminobenzidine was shown to serve as an electron donor to photosystem 1 in the presence of 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea. In Tris-treated chloroplasts diaminobenzidine serves as an electron donor to photosystem 1 and to photosystem 2; the latter is sensitive to 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea. 2. Addition of diaminobenzidine to Tris-treated chloroplasts causes an increase in fluorescence yield. 3. Diaminobenzidine-dependent electron transport mediated by photosystem 2 is coupled to synthesis of ATP even in the absence of an electron acceptor. This phosphorylation which is presumably supported by cyclic electron flow, is sensitive to 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea. 4. Diaminobenzidine-dependent ATP formation, in Tris-treated chloroplasts exhibits the red-drop phenomenon. 5. The diaminobenzidine-induced cyclic photophosphorylation (mediated by photosystem 2) is resistant to a large extent to KCN-treatment which is known to inhibit reactions catalyzed by photosystem 1. On the other hand ATP formation supported by electron transport from diaminobenzidine to methyl viologen [in the presence of 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea] is largely inhibited by KCN-treatment. This observation suggests that there are two coupling sites of ATP formation, one catalyzed by diaminobenzidine as a donor to photosystem 1 (in the presence of 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea), and the other supported by diaminobenzidine which acts both as a donor to photosystem 2 (in Tris-treated chloroplasts) and as an acceptor (in its oxidized form) from a carrier located between the two photosystems.  相似文献   

Tyrosine Z (TyrZ) oxidation observed at liquid helium temperatures provides new insights into the structure and function of TyrZ in active Photosystem II (PSII). However, it has not been reported in PSII core complex from higher plants. Here, we report TyrZ oxidation in the S1 and S2 states in PSII core complex from spinach for the first time. Moreover, we identified a 500 G-wide symmetric EPR signal (peak position g = 2.18, trough position g = 1.85) together with the g = 2.03 signal induced by visible light at 10 K in the S1 state in the PSII core complex. These two signals decay with a similar rate in the dark and both disappear in the presence of 6% methanol. We tentatively assign this new feature to the hyperfine structure of the S1TyrZ EPR signal. Furthermore, EPR signals of the S2 state of the Mn-cluster, the oxidation of the non-heme iron, and the S1TyrZ in PSII core complexes and PSII-enriched membranes from spinach are compared, which clearly indicate that both the donor and acceptor sides of the reaction center are undisturbed after the removal of LHCII. These results suggest that the new spinach PSII core complex is suitable for the electron transfer study of PSII at cryogenic temperatures.  相似文献   

We have adapted the procedure for the isolation of PSII membranes from higher plants (D.A. Berthold et al., 1981, FEBS Lett. 134, 231–234) to the green algae Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. The chlorophyll (Chl)-binding proteins from this PSII preparation have been further separated into single Chl-binding polypeptides and characterized spectroscopically. Seven single polypeptides were shown to bind Chl a and Chl b. In particular, we demonstrate that polypeptides p9, p10 and p22, which had not been previously shown to bind Chl a and b, have characteristics similar to those of CP29, CP26 and CP24 from higher plants. We note, however, that p9 and p10 are phosphorylatable in C. reinhardtii, at variance with CP29 and CP26 from higher plants. Our data support the notion that the PSII antenna systems in C. reinhardtii and in higher plants are very similar. Therefore, studies on the organization and regulation of light-harvesting processes in C. reinhardtii may provide information of general relevance for both green algae and higher plants.Abbreviations Chl chlorophyll - IEF isoelectrofocusing - LHC light harvesting complex - MW molecular weight - PAGE polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - PS photosystem - RC reaction centre - SDS sodium dodecylsulfate We thank Dr. J. Olive (Institut Jacques Monod, Paris, France) for the electron-microscopy analysis, C. de Vitry (Institut de Biologie Physico-Chimique, Paris, France) for the kind gift of a PSII RC preparation and P. Dainese and M.L. Di Paolo (Universitá di Padova, Padova, Italy) for helpfull discussions. Professor Strasser and Elizbeth Scwartz (Université de Genova, Genova, Switzerland) are thanked for assistance in taking low-temperature fluorescence emission spectra. Roberto Bassi was recipient of a short-term fellowship from the European Molecular Biology Organization fellowship, during the early phases of the work.  相似文献   

State transitions, or the redistribution of light-harvesting complex II (LHCII) proteins between photosystem I (PSI) and photosystem II (PSII), balance the light-harvesting capacity of the two photosystems to optimize the efficiency of photosynthesis. Studies on the migration of LHCII proteins have focused primarily on their reassociation with PSI, but the molecular details on their dissociation from PSII have not been clear. Here, we compare the polypeptide composition, supramolecular organization, and phosphorylation of PSII complexes under PSI- and PSII-favoring conditions (State 1 and State 2, respectively). Three PSII fractions, a PSII core complex, a PSII supercomplex, and a multimer of PSII supercomplex or PSII megacomplex, were obtained from a transformant of the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii carrying a His-tagged CP47. Gel filtration and single particles on electron micrographs showed that the megacomplex was predominant in State 1, whereas the core complex was predominant in State 2, indicating that LHCIIs are dissociated from PSII upon state transition. Moreover, in State 2, strongly phosphorylated LHCII type I was found in the supercomplex but not in the megacomplex. Phosphorylated minor LHCIIs (CP26 and CP29) were found only in the unbound form. The PSII subunits were most phosphorylated in the core complex. Based on these observations, we propose a model for PSII remodeling during state transitions, which involves division of the megacomplex into supercomplexes, triggered by phosphorylation of LHCII type I, followed by LHCII undocking from the supercomplex, triggered by phosphorylation of minor LHCIIs and PSII core subunits.  相似文献   

Pretreatment of chloroplast with 0.75 mM of EDTA inhibits markedly electron flow at pH above 8.5. This inhibition can be reversed by adding donors to PS II or by addition of salts to the reaction medium.Restoration of electron flow in EDTA-treated chloroplasts by salts depends clearly on the valency of the cation used. The efficiency observed is: C3+>C2+>C+, which is indicative of screening of negative charges on the membrane. However, maximal restoration of electron flow depends also on the presence of a relatively low concentration of Cl- which is known to be required at the oxygen evolution site. Charge density in the region of Q was measured in control and EDTA-treated chloroplasts. The calculated charge densities were: -1.1 C/cm2 and -2.0 C/cm2 for control and EDTA-treated chloroplasts respectively.It is concluded that EDTA-treatment, by dissipating ° pH and by chelating Mg2+, causes an increase in the negative charge density on the thylakoid membrane which includes a site (or sites) closely related to water donation.Abbreviations EDTA Ethylendiaminetetracetic Acid, disodium salt - MV Methylviologen - TEC Tris (Ethylendiamine) cobalt (III) Chloride - DCMU 3(34 dichlorophenyl)-1,1 Dimethylurea - HQ Hydroquinone - Asc Ascorbate - PS II Photosystem II - SOD Superoxide Dismutase  相似文献   

Photosynthesis Research - Effect of water-soluble and stable sucrose-bound iron oxyhydroxide nanoparticles [Fe[III] sucrose complex (FSC)] on the efficiency of electron transport in the photosystem...  相似文献   

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