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Han YG  Kwok BH  Kernan MJ 《Current biology : CB》2003,13(19):1679-1686
BACKGROUND: Intraflagellar transport (IFT) uses kinesin II to carry a multiprotein particle to the tips of eukaryotic cilia and flagella and a nonaxonemal dynein to return it to the cell body. IFT particle proteins and motors are conserved in ciliated eukaryotes, and IFT-deficient mutants in algae, nematodes, and mammals fail to extend or maintain cilia and flagella, including sensory cilia. In Drosophila, the only ciliated cells are sensory neurons and sperm. no mechanoreceptor potential (nomp) mutations have been isolated that affect the differentiation and function of ciliated sense organs. The nompB gene is here shown to encode an IFT protein. Its mutant phenotypes reveal the consequences of an IFT defect in an insect. RESULTS: Mechanosensory and olfactory neurons in nompB mutants have missing or defective cilia. nompB encodes the Drosophila homolog of the IFT complex B protein IFT88/Polaris/OSM-5. nompB is expressed in the ciliated sensory neurons, and a functional, tagged NOMPB protein is located in sensory cilia and around basal bodies. Surprisingly, nompB mutant males produce normally elongated, motile sperm. Neuronally restricted expression and male germline mosaic experiments show that nompB-deficient sperm are fully functional in transfer, competition, and fertilization. CONCLUSIONS: NOMPB, the Drosophila homolog of IFT88, is required for the assembly of sensory cilia but not for the extension or function of the sperm flagellum. Assembly of this extremely long axoneme is therefore independent of IFT.  相似文献   

Tsujikawa M  Malicki J 《Neuron》2004,42(5):703-716
Cilia play diverse roles in vertebrate and invertebrate sensory neurons. We show that a mutation of the zebrafish oval (ovl) locus affects a component of the ciliary transport (IFT) mechanism, the IFT88 polypeptide. In mutant retina, cilia are generated but not maintained, producing the absence of photoreceptor outer segments. A loss of cilia also occurs in auditory hair cells and olfactory sensory neurons. In all three sense organs, cilia defects are followed by degeneration of sensory cells. Similar phenotypes are induced by the absence of the IFT complex B polypeptides, ift52 and ift57, but not by the loss of complex A protein, ift140. The degeneration of mutant photoreceptor cells is caused, at least partially, by the ectopic accumulation of opsins. These studies reveal an essential role for IFT genes in vertebrate sensory neurons and implicate the molecular components of intraflagellar transport in degenerative disorders of these cells.  相似文献   

Intraflagellar transport and cilium-based signaling   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Scholey JM  Anderson KV 《Cell》2006,125(3):439-442
Cilia are specialized structures that not only play diverse roles in cell motility but also transmit signals to the cytoplasm and nucleus to control gene expression, cell function, animal development, and behavior. Cilia are assembled and maintained by the intraflagellar transport (IFT) machinery, which coordinates rapid, bidirectional transport between the cell body and the distal tip of the cilium. A new study (Wang et al., 2006) illuminates the role of IFT in cilium-based signaling during mating in the alga Chlamydomonas.  相似文献   

Intraflagellar transport involves the movement of large protein particles along ciliary microtubules and is required for the assembly and maintenance of eukaryotic cilia and flagella. Intraflagellar-transport defects in the mouse cause a range of diseases including polycystic kidney disease, retinal degeneration and the laterality abnormality situs inversus, highlighting the important role that motile, sensory and primary cilia play in vertebrates.  相似文献   

Leroux MR 《Cell》2007,129(6):1041-1043
Defects in protein trafficking within the cell body and cilia are thought to underlie the human disease Bardet-Biedl syndrome (BBS). In this issue, Nachury et al. (2007) reveal that a large complex of proteins implicated in BBS cooperates with Rabin8-the GTP exchange factor for the small GTPase Rab8-to promote cilia formation and presumably movement of membrane proteins from the cell into the cilium.  相似文献   

The transport of glucose by canine thick ascending limbs (TAL) and inner medullary collecting ducts (IMCD) was studied using tubule suspensions and membrane vesicles. The uptake of D-[14C(U)]glucose by a suspension of intact TAL tubules was reduced largely by phloretin (Pt), moderately by phlorizin (Pz), and completely suppressed by a combination of both agents. A selective effect of Pz on the transport of [14C]alpha-methyl-D-glucoside, but not on 2-[3H]deoxyglucose, was also observed in TAL tubules. In contrast, glucose transport was unaffected by Pz but entirely suppressed by Pt alone in IMCD tubules. The metabolism of glucose was largely suppressed by Pt but unaffected by Pz in both types of tubules. Membrane vesicles were prepared from the red medulla and the white papilla or from TAL and IMCD tubules isolated from these tissues. Vesicle preparations from both tissues demonstrated a predominant carrier-mediated, sodium-independent, Pt- and cytochalasin B-sensitive glucose transport. Following purification of basolateral membrane on a Percoll gradient, the sodium-insensitive D-[14C(U)]glucose transport activity copurified with the activity of the basolateral marker Na(+)-K+ ATPase in both tissues. However, a small sodium-dependent and Pz-sensitive component of glucose transport was found in membrane vesicles prepared from the red medulla or from thick ascending limb tubules but not from the papilla nor collecting duct tubules. The kinetic analysis of the major sodium-independent processes showed that the affinity of the transporter for glucose was greater in collecting ducts (Km = 2.3 mM) than in thick ascending limbs (Km = 4.9 mM). We conclude that glucose gains access into the cells largely through a basolateral facilitated diffusion process in both segments. However a small sodium-glucose cotransport is also detected in membranes of TAL tubules. The transport of glucose presents an axial differentiation in the affinity of glucose transporters in the renal medulla, ensuring an adequate supply of glucose to the glycolytic inner medullary structures.  相似文献   

Nielsen et al., [2001: Curr Biol 11:529-533], based on studies in Drosophila, have proposed that beta tubulin in axonemal microtubules must contain a specific acidic seven amino acid sequence in its carboxyl terminus. In mammals, the two betaIV isotypes (betaIVa and betaIVb) contain that sequence. In order to test the application of this hypothesis to mammals, we have examined the expression of beta tubulin isotypes in four different ciliated tissues (trachea, ependyma, uterine tube, and testis) using isotype-specific antibodies and indirect immunofluorescence. We find that betaIV tubulin is present in all ciliated cell types examined, but so is betaI tubulin. Taken together with recent studies that show that betaI and betaIV tubulin are both present in the cilia of vestibular hair cells, olfactory neurons, and nasal respiratory epithelial cells, we propose that both betaI tubulin and betaIV tubulin may be required for axonemal structures in mammals.  相似文献   

Multiple tubulin isotypes have been described in vertebrate cells and they are known to be tissue specific (Cleveland and Sullivan, 1985; Cowan and Dudley, 1983). In this study, tubulin heterogeneity has been analysed in rabbit testis and spermatozoa by isoelectric focusing, two dimensional electrophoresis and immunoblotting performed using antibodies with different specificities. These biochemical techniques evidenced a small number of tubulin isotypes expressed by immature testis and fully maturated testis and spermatozoa of rabbit, and showed that the alpha isotypes are less acidic than the beta ones and present the post-translational detyrosinated form.  相似文献   

《Cell reports》2023,42(6):112653
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Galbraith  James A.  Gallant  Paul E. 《Brain Cell Biology》2000,29(11-12):889-911
Brain Cell Biology - Axonal transport is responsible for supplying the axonal processes with proteins that are synthesized in the cell body. Among the proteins that are moved by this mechanism are...  相似文献   

Intraflagellar transport (IFT) of particles along flagellar microtubules is required for the assembly and maintenance of eukaryotic flagella and cilia. In Chlamydomonas, anterograde and retrograde particles viewed by light microscopy average 0.12-microm and 0.06-microm diameter, respectively. Examination of IFT particle structure in growing flagella by electron microscopy revealed similar size aggregates composed of small particles linked to each other and to the membrane and microtubules. To determine the relationship between the number of particles and flagellar length, the rate and frequency of IFT particle movement was measured in nongrowing, growing, and shortening flagella. In all flagella, anterograde and retrograde IFT averaged 1.9 microm/s and 2.7 microm/s, respectively, but retrograde IFT was significantly slower in flagella shorter than 4 mum. The number of flagellar IFT particles was not fixed, but depended on flagellar length. Pauses in IFT particle entry into flagella suggest the presence of a periodic "gate" that permits up to 4 particles/s to enter a flagellum.  相似文献   

Cytoskeletal networks play an important role in regulating nuclear morphology and ciliogenesis.However,the role of microtubule (MT) post-translational modificat...  相似文献   

The connecting cilium of rat retinal rods was studied by freeze-fracture and thin-sectioning techniques. Transverse strands of intramembranous particles could be observed on fracture face B on the ciliary plasma membrane. The strands were essentially similar to those found at the transitional zone of motile cilia ("ciliary necklace"). The larger number of intramembranous particles obscured the pattern on fracture face A of the membrane. On longitudinal sections of the cilia, beads showing a periodicity similar to the necklace strands were observed. Each bead consisted of two structures apposed to both sides of the plasma membrane. Transverse sections of the cilia revealed radial Y-shaped structures that connected each ciliary doublet with the plasma membrane. Axial tubules, central sheath, radial spokes and dynein arms were missing in the connecting cilium. Comparing the fine structure of the retinal cilia with that of motile cilia it becomes evident that the connecting cilium is analogous in structure with the transitional zone of motile cilia. The present observations suggest that periodic membrane beads along the plasma membrane on thin sections correspond to strands of necklace particles as observed on freeze-fractured membranes. The arrangement of the particles in transverse strands is probably ensured by the radial connecting structures.  相似文献   

Intraflagellar transport (IFT) is the bidirectional movement of protein complexes required for cilia and flagella formation. We investigated IFT by analyzing nine conventional IFT genes and five novel putative IFT genes (PIFT) in Trypanosoma brucei that maintain its existing flagellum while assembling a new flagellum. Immunostaining against IFT172 or expression of tagged IFT20 or green fluorescent protein GFP::IFT52 revealed the presence of IFT proteins along the axoneme and at the basal body and probasal body regions of both old and new flagella. IFT particles were detected by electron microscopy and exhibited a strict localization to axonemal microtubules 3–4 and 7–8, suggesting the existence of specific IFT tracks. Rapid (>3 μm/s) bidirectional intraflagellar movement of GFP::IFT52 was observed in old and new flagella. RNA interference silencing demonstrated that all individual IFT and PIFT genes are essential for new flagellum construction but the old flagellum remained present. Inhibition of IFTB proteins completely blocked axoneme construction. Absence of IFTA proteins (IFT122 and IFT140) led to formation of short flagella filled with IFT172, indicative of defects in retrograde transport. Two PIFT proteins turned out to be required for retrograde transport and three for anterograde transport. Finally, flagellum membrane elongation continues despite the absence of axonemal microtubules in all IFT/PIFT mutant.  相似文献   

The four different renal cell types in the cortical segments beyond the macula densa--distal convoluted tubule (DCT) cell, the connecting tubule (CNT) cell, the principal (P) cell, and the intercalated (I) cell--each respond to prolonged specific stimuli with changes in cell membrane area. Increases in basolateral cell membrane area, reflecting the transport capacity of the cell, are associated in DCT cells with luminal, chronically high sodium load, in CNT cells with mineralocorticoids and tubular solute load, and in P cells with mineralocorticoids. In I cells the luminal cell membrane area seems to be influenced by the local luminal environment of the cells as well as by the peritubular environment. These structural findings indicate that tubular fluid composition as well as peritubular factors (e.g., mineralocorticoid levels) may have a role in regulating the transport capacity of distal cell types in the kidney.  相似文献   

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