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1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3 (1,25(OH)2D3) transactivates the avian β3 integrin gene whose promoter contains at least two vitamin D response elements, one of which is in close proximity to a candidate AP1 site (TGACTCA). Since fos/jun and steroid hormones interact to regulate gene expression, we asked whether phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate (PMA), which stimulates binding of fos/jun to AP1 sites, transactivates the avian β3 integrin gene and, if so, does the phorbol ester modulate 1,25(OH)2D3 induction of the gene. We find the candidate AP1 sequence comigrates with the consensus AP1 sequence on electromobility shift assay when incubated with recombinant c-jun protein. Furthermore, PMA prompts expression of β3 integrin mRNA in the avian monocytic line, HD11. The increase in message reflects transactivation of the β3 gene and is mirrored by plasma membrane appearance of the integrin heterodimer αvβ3. Moreover, attesting to the functional significance of PMA-enhanced αvβ3 expression, cells treated with concentrations of the phorbol ester that induce the β3 gene, spread extensively on plastic, an event blocked by an anti-αv antibody and a peptide mimetic known to inhibit αvβ3-mediated cell attachment. Interestingly, co-addition of 1.25(OH)2D3 and PMA prompts greater expression of αvβ3 than when the cells are exposed to either agent alone and PMA enhances 1,25(OH)2D3-induced β3 integrin mRNA expression. Thus, PMA and 1,25(OH)2D3 impact on the avian β3 integrin gene independently and in combination. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

β-hexosaminidase is an essential lysosomal enzyme whose absence in man results in a group of disorders, the GM2 gangliosidoses. β-hexosaminidase activity is many times higher in the epididymis than in other tissues, is present in sperm, and is postulated to be required for mammalian fertilization. To better understand which cells are responsible for β-hexosaminidase expression and how it is regulated in the male reproductive system, we quantitated the mRNA expression of the α- and β-subunits of β-hexosaminidase and carried out immunocytochemical localization studies of the enzyme in the rat testis and epididymis. β-hexosaminidase α-subunit mRNA was abundant and differentially expressed in the adult rat testis and epididymis, at 13- and 2-fold brain levels, respectively. In contrast, β-subunit mRNA levels in the testis and epididymis were 0.3- and 5-fold brain levels. During testis development from 7–91 postnatal days of age, testis levels of α-subunit mRNA increased 10-fold and coincided with the appearance of spermatocytes and spermatids in the epithelium; in contrast, β-subunit mRNA was expressed at low levels throughout testis development. In isolated male germ cells, β-hexosaminidase α-subunit expression was most abundant in haploid round spermatids, whereas the β-subunit mRNA was not detected in germ cells. Within the epididymis both α- and β-subunit mRNA concentrations were highest in the corpus, with 1.5-fold and 9-fold initial segment values, respectively. Light microscopic immunocytochemistry revealed that β-hexosaminidase was localized to Sertoli cells and interstitial macrophages in the testis. In the epididymis, β-hexosaminidase staining was most intense in narrow cells in the initial segment, principal cells in the caput, and proximal corpus, and clear cells throughout the duct. Electron microscopic immunocytochemistry revealed that β-hexosaminidase was predominantly present in lysosomes in Sertoli and epididymal cells. The cellular and regional specificity of β-hexosaminidase immunolocalization suggest an important role for the enzyme in testicular and epididymal functions. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 46:227–242, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Recently, we cloned the adult α-globin genes from large yellow croaker Pseudosciaena crocea, cuneate drum Nibea miichthioides and red drum Sciaenops ocellatus. All these α-globins have a unique Gly insertion at the 47th residue. In this paper, the three sciaenid globin complexes were identified and compared in detail. Linkage analysis indicated that the sciaenid α- and β-globin genes were oriented head-to-head relative to each other. The sciaenid intergenic regions between the linked α- and β-globin genes were the smallest in reported fish globin gene complexes to date. Classical promoter elements were condensed and the CCAAT box unstable duplication was found in these regions. The promoter function of the intergenic region from large yellow croaker was tested by transient expression of EGFP in Vero cells. We also described a method for studying luciferase reporter gene transient expression in primary fish erythrocytes. We used the method to assess the promoter strength of the three intergenic regions between the sciaenid α- and β-globin genes.  相似文献   

Summary The products of 11 switching (swi) genes are required for efficient mating-type (MT) switching in homothallic (h 90) strains of Schizosaccharomyces pombe. The MT region of h 90 comprises three cassette genes: the expression site mat1: 1 and two silent loci, mat2: 2 and mat3: 3. Besides reducing MT switching, the swi6 mutation leads to deletions in the MT region caused by intrachromosomal cross-overs between two paired cassettes. These deletions only arise if DNA double-strand breaks are present at mat1: 1, which initiate MT switching. Furthermore, swi6 allows meiotic recombination in the K region, a region of 16 kb between mat2: 2 and mat3: 3; in wild-type strains no recombination occurs in K. swi6 also allows the simultaneous expression of two different cassettes in the same haploid cell. Thus swi6 may have an influence on the general chromatin structure in the MT region.  相似文献   

Microorganisms which can assimilate tropate were screened from soil. Among them, we found a microorganism which has an ability to convert α-methyltropate to optically active α-phenylpropionate, and it was identified as Rhodococcus sp. KU1314. Substrate specificity of the microorganism has been studied. When the aryl group was phenyl, 4-methoxyphenyl and 2-naphthyl, the substrate gave optically active α-propionate in good yields. To estimate the reaction mechanism, some compounds considered to be the intermediates were subjected to the reaction. Both enantiomers of α-methyltropate were converted to (R)-α-phenylpropionate with almost the same enantiomeric excess (68 and 72% from R-and S-enantiomers, respectively) and yield (605 and 48% from R-and S-enantiomers, respectively).  相似文献   

Smooth muscle α actin (SMA) is a cytoskeletal protein expressed by mesenchymal and smooth muscle cell types, including mural cells (vascular smooth muscle cells and pericytes). Using Bacterial Artificial Chromosome (BAC) recombineering technology, we generated transgenic reporter mice that express a membrane localized cherry red fluorescent protein (mCherry), driven by the full‐length SMA promoter and intronic sequences. We determined that the founders and F1 progeny of five independent lines contain 1–3 copies of the mCherry‐substituted BAC vector. Furthermore, we characterized the expression of SMA‐mCherry in relation to endogenous SMA in the embryo and in adult tissues, and found that the transgenic reporter in each line recapitulated endogenous SMA expression at all time points. We were also able to isolate SMA expressing cells from embryonic tissues using fluorescence‐activated cell sorting (FACS). We demonstrated that this marker can be combined with other vital fluorescent reporters and it can be used for live imaging of embryonic cardiodynamics. Therefore, these transgenic mice will be useful for isolating live SMA‐expressing cells via FACS and for studying the emergence, behavior, and regulation of SMA‐expressing cells, including vascular smooth muscle cells and pericytes throughout embryonic and postnatal development. genesis 48:457–463, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

At present 15 to 20 million people are estimated to be infected with pathogenic trypanosome parasites worldwide, mainly in developing countries. There are a number of factors that affect the severity of trypanosomiasis, including the nutritional status of the host. However, the relationship between micronutrient levels and trypanosomiasis outcome has yet to be reported in detail. Here, we demonstrate that the inhibition of α-tocopherol transfer protein, a determinant of the vitamin E concentration in host circulation, confers resistance to Trypanosoma congolense infection, evidently owing to oxidative damage to parasite DNA. These results suggest that transient inhibition of α-tocopherol transfer gene activity could possibly be exploited as a strategy for both the prevention and the treatment of trypanosomiasis.  相似文献   

The α‐Ca2+/calmodulin‐dependent protein kinase II (αCaMKII), a key regulator of the glutamatergic synapse, has been implicated in many psychiatric disorders characterized by social impairments. Here we tested whether autophosphorylation of αCaMKII at threonine 286, which prolongs the activity of the enzyme, affects social behaviors in mice. We observed that autophosphorylation‐deficient (αCaMKII‐T286A) mutant female mice showed abnormal social behaviors characterized by decreased social preference and interest in conspecifics of the same sex, as compared to their wild‐type littermates. Moreover, we developed a mathematical approach to analyze social interactions in group‐housed mice in the automated IntelliCages. Using this approach we observed that αCaMKII‐T286A mutants show decreased levels of social interactions in a social group, as compared with WT mice. WT mice increased the frequency of close social interactions when learning about the location of the food reward. This phenomenon was absent in the mutants. Overall, our data indicates that autophosphorylation of αCaMKII affects social interactions.  相似文献   

We demonstrated previously that an α1—β2—γ2 gene cluster of the γ-aminobutyric acid (GABAA) receptor is located on human chromosome 5q34–q35 and that an ancestral α—β—γ gene cluster probably spawned clusters on chromosomes 4, 5, and 15. Here, we report that the α4 gene (GABRA4) maps to human chromosome 4p14–q12, defining a cluster comprising the α2, α4, β1, and γ1 genes. The existence of an α2—α4—β1—γ1 cluster on chromosome 4 and an α1—α6—β2—γ2 cluster on chromosome 5 provides further evidence that the number of ancestral GABAA receptor subunit genes has been expanded by duplication within an ancestral gene cluster. Moreover, if duplication of the α gene occurred before duplication of the ancestral gene cluster, then a heretofore undiscovered subtype of α subunit should be located on human chromosome 15q11–q13 within an α5—αx—β3—γ3 gene cluster at the locus for Angelman and Prader—Willi syndromes.  相似文献   

Transgenic rats and mice carrying Bos taurus beta-casein gene were obtained using microinjection into the male pronucleus. Integration, inheritance and expression of the gene in transgenic animals were studied.  相似文献   

Both the stage of the growth cycle and the age of the cell culture used to isolate protoplasts had a pronounced effect on both transient and stable expression of the GUS gene. A level of GUS gene transient expression of 9000 pmol 4MU/μg protein/h and a frequency of GUS gene stable expression of 5.72% were obtained with protoplasts isolated from suspension cultures 10–20 weeks after initiation and 3–4 days after subculturing when an optimized transformation protocol and a rice actin 1 promoter-uidA gene construct were used. The effect of the cell growth cycle on GUS gene transient expression was closely correlated with the growth rate and the rate of protein synthesis in cell cultures whereas prolonged subculturing of the cells resulted in a gradual decline in both transient and stable expression. The length of time cells were digested in cell wall digestion enzyme and the osmolarity of the transformation medium were found to critically affect both the level of transient and stable GUS gene expression. The composition and osmolarity of the protoplast culture medium was less critical for transient GUS gene expression although the osmolarity of the medium was shown to have a significant effect on stable expression of the GUS gene.  相似文献   

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