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Alteration of the membrane fatty acyl composition modulates the fusion of myoblasts into multinucleate myotubes. The rate of fusion after addition of calcium to 50–52 hour cultures of chick pectoral myoblasts is markedly inhibited in cells possessing acyl chains enriched in elaidate and is enhanced in those enriched in oleate. The modulations appear to occur after the cells have recognized one another and adhered strongly but before the membranes have united. These observations lead to a hypothesis for membrane union (fusion) in which the lipids participate directly perhaps by a mechanism analogous to that proposed for the fusion of lipid vesicles.  相似文献   

Members of the CDM (CED-5, Dock180, Myoblast city) superfamily of guanine nucleotide exchange factors function in diverse processes that include cell migration and myoblast fusion. Previous studies have shown that the SH3, DHR1 and DHR2 domains of Myoblast city (MBC) are essential for it to direct myoblast fusion in the Drosophila embryo, while the conserved DCrk-binding proline rich region is expendable. Herein, we describe the isolation of Drosophila ELMO/CED-12, an ∼ 82 kDa protein with a pleckstrin homology (PH) and proline-rich domain, by interaction with the MBC SH3 domain. Mass spectrometry confirms the presence of an MBC/ELMO complex within the embryonic musculature at the time of myoblast fusion and embryos maternally and/or zygotically mutant for elmo exhibit defects in myoblast fusion. Overexpression of MBC and ELMO in the embryonic mesoderm causes defects in myoblast fusion reminiscent of those seen with constitutively-activated Rac1, supporting the previous finding that both the absence of and an excess of Rac activity are deleterious to myoblast fusion. Overexpression of MBC and ELMO/CED-12 in the eye causes perturbations in ommatidial organization that are suppressed by mutations in Rac1 and Rac2, demonstrating genetically that MBC and ELMO/CED-12 cooperate to activate these small GTPases in Drosophila.  相似文献   

The Crk adaptor proteins (Crk and CrkL) constitute an integral part of a network of essential signal transduction pathways in humans and other organisms that act as major convergence points in tyrosine kinase signaling. Crk proteins integrate signals from a wide variety of sources, including growth factors, extracellular matrix molecules, bacterial pathogens, and apoptotic cells. Mounting evidence indicates that dysregulation of Crk proteins is associated with human diseases, including cancer and susceptibility to pathogen infections. Recent structural work has identified new and unusual insights into the regulation of Crk proteins, providing a rationale for how Crk can sense diverse signals and produce a myriad of biological responses.  相似文献   

Myoblast fusion is a key step during skeletal muscle differentiation as it enables the formation of contractile fibers. Calpains have been implicated in some aspects of myogenesis in mammals, but whether they exert a conserved function during myoblast fusion has not been investigated. Here, we studied Calpain function in two models of myogenesis: in vitro analysis of chick myogenic cultures and in vivo analysis of Drosophila melanogaster muscle development. First we showed that Calpain A is important for fly muscle function. In addition, Calpain A knockdown reduced lateral body wall muscle length and width, as well as the number of nuclei in dorsal oblique muscles, consistent with fewer cells fusing to form fibers. Treatment of chick cultures with a selective Calpain inhibitor led to the formation of thinner myotubes containing a reduced number of nuclei, consistent with decreased myoblast fusion. Dynamic changes in IκBα labeling and transfection with a dominant‐negative IκBα suggest a role for the NFκB pathway during chick myogenesis and a possible role of Calpains in attenuating NFκB signals that restrict myoblast fusion. Our data suggest that different model organisms may be used to study the role of Calpains in regular myogenesis and Calpain‐related muscular degenerative disorders. genesis 53:417–430, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Somatic muscle formation in Drosophila requires fusion of muscle founder cells with fusion-competent myoblasts. In a genetic screen for genes that control muscle development, we identified antisocial (ants), a gene that encodes an ankyrin repeat-, TPR repeat-, and RING finger-containing protein, required for myoblast fusion. In ants mutant embryos, founder cells and fusion-competent myoblasts are properly specified and patterned, but they are unable to form myotubes. ANTS, which is expressed specifically in founder cells, interacts with the cytoplasmic domain of Dumbfounded, a founder cell transmembrane receptor, and with Myoblast city, a cytoskeletal protein, both of which are also required for myoblast fusion. These findings suggest that ANTS functions as an intracellular adaptor protein that relays signals from Dumbfounded to the cytoskeleton during myoblast fusion.  相似文献   

The mammalian ferlins are calcium-sensing, C2 domain-containing proteins involved in vesicle trafficking. Myoferlin and dysferlin regulate myoblast fusion and muscle membrane resealing, respectively. Correspondingly, myoferlin is most highly expressed in singly nucleated myoblasts, whereas dysferlin expression is increased in mature, multinucleated myotubes. Myoferlin also mediates endocytic recycling and participates in trafficking the insulin-like growth factor receptor. We have now characterized a novel member of the ferlin family, Fer1L5, because of its high homology to dysferlin and myoferlin. We found that Fer1L5 protein is expressed in small myotubes that contain only two to four nuclei. We also found that Fer1L5 protein binds directly to the endocytic recycling proteins EHD1 and EHD2 and that the second C2 domain in Fer1L5 mediates this interaction. Reduction of EHD1 and/or EHD2 inhibits myoblast fusion, and EHD2 is required for normal translocation of Fer1L5 to the plasma membrane. The characterization of Fer1L5 and its interaction with EHD1 and EHD2 underscores the complex requirement of ferlin proteins and mediators of endocytic recycling for membrane trafficking events during myotube formation.  相似文献   

Vascular injury increases nitric oxide (NO) levels, and this effect may play a counterregulatory role in neointima formation, by decreasing vascular smooth muscle cell motility. However, the mechanisms underlying this effect are not well established. We tested the hypothesis that NO decreases cell motility by increasing the activity of a protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTP), PTP-PEST, in cultured rat aortic smooth muscle cells. Two NO donors increased the activity of PTP-PEST. A cGMP analog mimicked the effect of NO, whereas a guanyl cyclase inhibitor blocked it, indicating that elevated cGMP is both necessary and sufficient to induce PTP-PEST activity. Overexpression of wild-type PTP-PEST induced antimotogenesis, whereas expression of dominant negative PTP-PEST blocked the antimotogenic effect of NO, indicating that increased PTP-PEST activity is both sufficient and necessary to explain the effect of NO. Overexpression of PTP-PEST mimicked NO-induced dephosphorylation of adapter protein p130cas, whereas dominant negative PTP-PEST blocked the effect of NO, indicating that upregulation of PTP-PEST is both necessary and sufficient to explain NO-induced p130cas dephosphorylation. Expression of a substrate domain-deleted p130cas decreased motogenesis, whereas overexpression of wild-type p130cas blocked the antimotogenic effect of NO, indicating the functional importance of p130cas dephosphorylation. NO induced dissociation of the Cas-Crk complex, an effect that was mimicked by overexpression of PTP-PEST and opposed by expression of dominant negative PTP-PEST. Our results indicate that NO decreases aortic smooth muscle cell motility via a cGMP-mediated mechanism, involving upregulation of PTP-PEST, in turn inducing dephosphorylation of p130cas, and likely involving Cas-Crk dissociation as a downstream event.  相似文献   

The tumor suppressor Rb is thought to control cell proliferation, survival and differentiation. We recently showed that differentiating Rb-deficient mouse myoblasts can fuse to form short myotubes that quickly collapse through a mechanism involving autophagy, and that autophagy inhibitors or hypoxia could rescue the defect leading to long, twitching myotubes. Here we determined the contribution of pRb relatives, p107 and p130, to this process. We show that chronic or acute inactivation of Rb plus p107 or p130 increased myoblast cell death and reduced myotube formation relative to Rb loss alone. Treatment with autophagy antagonists or hypoxia extended survival of double-knockout myotubes, which appeared indistinguishable from control fibers. In contrast, triple mutations in Rb, p107 and p130, led to substantial increase in myoblast death and to elongated bi-nuclear myocytes, which seem to derive from nuclear duplication, as opposed to cell fusion. Under hypoxia, some rare, abnormally thin triple knockout myotubes survived and twitched. Thus, mutation of p107 or p130 reduces survival of Rb-deficient myoblasts during differentiation but does not preclude myoblast fusion or necessitate myotube degeneration, whereas combined inactivation of the entire Rb family produces a distinct phenotype, with drastically impaired myoblast fusion and survival.  相似文献   

Two types of the pentalaminar structure were found in developing skeletal muscles. One of them is characterized by three electron-dense lines 23-25 nm in size. The other one, 11 nm in size, has only one electron-dense central line and forms membrane invaginations (blebs), 100-250 nm in diameter. The transformation of the "bridge" contact into the 2nd type pentalaminar structure and electron-dense bodies--"lenses" (60-65 nm) was established. The "lenses" contain an electron-dense material, similar to that of the "bridges". Neuraminidase hydrolysis shows that the "bridges" consist of glycoproteins. The muscle cells were extracted with 0.5% triton X-100. The detergent removes most of phospholipids. The first type of the pentalaminar structure remains stable to detergent treatment, whereas the second type may be dissolved. Besides, a partial destruction of surface membranes--"breaks"--are observed in the regions of membrane transmission to the pentalaminar structure. The detergent appears to act on those sites of the surface membrane which are instable and ready to fuse, especially on the bases of invaginations.  相似文献   

Amoui M  Miller WT 《Cellular signalling》2000,12(9-10):637-643
c-Abl preferentially phosphorylates peptide substrates that contain proline at the P+3 site (relative to the phosphorylated tyrosine). We previously described a mutant form of the Abl catalytic domain (Y569W) with altered substrate specificity at the P+3 position, as measured using synthetic peptides. In this study, we examine the phosphorylation of Crk, a protein substrate of Abl that is phosphorylated in the sequence Tyr221-Ala-Gln-Pro. In vitro, phosphorylation of Crk by Y569W Abl is greatly reduced relative to wild-type Abl. Overexpression of Y569W mutant Abl in 293T kidney cells produces a similar overall pattern of tyrosine phosphorylation as wild-type Abl, indicating that not all cellular proteins depend on Pro at P+3 for Abl recognition. However, phosphorylation of Crk by Y569W Abl in these cells is markedly reduced relative to wild-type Abl. A truncated form of Abl lacking the C-terminal polyproline region is not able to phosphorylate Crk in these assay conditions. Thus, proper phosphorylation of Crk by Abl depends not only on the interaction of the Crk SH3 domain with the Abl polyproline region, but also on the recognition of amino acids surrounding tyrosine by the Abl catalytic domain.  相似文献   

Ni J  Gao Y  Liu H  Chen J 《FEBS letters》2004,561(1-3):223-230
Crk1, a Cdc2-related protein kinase from the human pathogenic fungus Candida albicans, plays an important role in hyphal development and virulence. To address its regulatory mechanisms, we searched for Crk1 interacting proteins by two-hybrid screening. A CDC37 ortholog (CaCDC37) was cloned from the screening with the Crk1 kinase domain as the bait. The CaCdc37 interacted preferentially with the kinase domain of Crk1 (Crk1N) as shown by two-hybrid and immunoprecipitation experiments. CaCDC37 could complement a cdc37 thermosensitive mutant (cdc37-34) of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Importantly, Crk1 protein was hardly detectable in the cdc37-34 mutant at restrictive temperature. However, upon expression of CaCdc37 in the cdc37 mutant, Crk1 protein was detected even at restrictive temperature. Our data suggested that CaCdc37 was required for the production of Crk1 kinase. Like Cdc37 proteins of S. cerevisiae and higher eukaryotes, CaCdc37 might function as a molecular chaperone that stabilized Crk1 and other protein kinases in C. albicans. In support of this, CaSTI1 was identified from a two-hybrid screen with the full-length Crk1 as the bait. CaSti1 showed two-hybrid interactions with both Crk1 and the CaCdc37.  相似文献   


Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) homeostasis is maintained by the removal of misfolded ER proteins via different quality control pathways. Aggregation-prone proteins, including certain disease-linked proteins, are resistant to conventional ER degradation pathways and require other disposal mechanisms. Reticulophagy is a disposal pathway that uses resident autophagy receptors. How these receptors, which are dispersed throughout the ER network, target a specific ER domain for degradation is unknown. We recently showed in budding yeast, that ER stress upregulates the reticulophagy receptor, triggering its association with the COPII cargo adaptor complex, Sfb3/Lst1-Sec23 (SEC24C-SEC23 in mammals), to discrete sites on the ER. These domains are packaged into phagophores for degradation to prevent the accumulation of protein aggregates in the ER. This unconventional role for Sfb3/Lst1 is conserved in mammals and is independent of its role as a cargo adaptor on the secretory pathway. Our findings may have important therapeutic implications in protein-aggregation linked neurodegenerative disorders.  相似文献   

The role of the endogenous brain carbohydrate-binding proteinR1 in muscle cell development and regeneration was analysedboth in vivo and in vitro. In vivo, R1 was developmentally regulated,with an embryonic 65 000 subunit and a neonatal 67 000 subunit,being replaced progressively by a 135 000 adult form. LectinR1 was intracellularly localized at birth and in the prenatalperiod. During development and at the time of myoblast fusion,the antigen was progressively found at the surface, where itremained at low levels in the adult. In vitro, in pure myoblastcultures, only the embryonic form was present. The ultrastructuralstudies indicated that the lectin could participate in the membranefusion process during myoblast fusion. The specific role inmyoblast fusion, derived from the ultrastructural localizationof R1, was evidenced by a strong inhibitory effect of anti-R1 Fab fragments (10–100 µg/ml), relative to controlFab fragments. In vivo, the embryonic subunit pattern and subcellulardistribution of R1 reappeared in muscle cells after lesion ofthe adult muscle. This suggested that, as observed in vitro,R1 participated in vivo in the phenomenon of myoblast fusion.Similar modifications in subunit expression were observed inmuscles after denemation (the embryonic form of lectin R1 reappearingafter lesion), suggesting that R1 could be involved in the processof neuromuscular junction formation. Thus, it is proposed thatthe carbohydrate-binding protein R1 is an important recognitionmolecule for the formation of myotubes. Its potential involvementin a recognition process between axons and muscle cells duringneuromuscular junction formation is discussed. culture development fusion N-glycan glycoprotein lectin mannose myoblast  相似文献   

Plasmid pDB31 is a ColE1-compatible expression vector based on the p15A origin of replication. It is designed to express His-tagged fusion proteins in cells co-hosting a compatible expression vector. It was constructed by assembling the operator/promoter region plus the 6xHis and the multiple cloning site of pQE31 (QIAGEN) with the p15A origin of replication plus KanR of pGP1-2. The plasmid was found to be stable in Escherichia coli strains BL21 and DH11S. It was used to produce and purify the ferredoxin reductase component of Comamonas testosteroni B-356 biphenyl dioxygenase inside a clone hosting the remaining dioxygenase genes on a compatible plasmid.  相似文献   

Myoblast fusion is an essential step during muscle differentiation. Previous studies in Drosophila have revealed a signaling pathway that relays the fusion signal from the plasma membrane to the actin cytoskeleton. However, the function for the actin cytoskeleton in myoblast fusion remains unclear. Here we describe the characterization of solitary (sltr), a component of the myoblast fusion signaling cascade. sltr encodes the Drosophila ortholog of the mammalian WASP-interacting protein. Sltr is recruited to sites of fusion by the fusion-competent cell-specific receptor Sns and acts as a positive regulator for actin polymerization at these sites. Electron microscopy analysis suggests that formation of F-actin-enriched foci at sites of fusion is involved in the proper targeting and coating of prefusion vesicles. These studies reveal a surprising cell-type specificity of Sltr-mediated actin polymerization in myoblast fusion, and demonstrate that targeted exocytosis of prefusion vesicles is a critical step prior to plasma membrane fusion.  相似文献   

Myoblast fusion into multinucleated myotubes is a crucial step in skeletal muscle development and regeneration. Here, we accumulated murine myoblasts at the ready-to-fuse stage by blocking formation of early fusion intermediates with lysophosphatidylcholine. Lifting the block allowed us to explore a largely synchronized fusion. We found that initial merger of two cell membranes detected as lipid mixing involved extracellular annexins A1 and A5 acting in a functionally redundant manner. Subsequent stages of myoblast fusion depended on dynamin activity, phosphatidylinositol(4,5)bisphosphate content, and cell metabolism. Uncoupling fusion from preceding stages of myogenesis will help in the analysis of the interplay between protein machines that initiate and complete cell unification and in the identification of additional protein players controlling different fusion stages.  相似文献   

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