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µ-Calpain quickly split the α-connectin in myofibrils into β-connectin, and then produced a 1700-kDa component. Cathepsin D also split α-connectin into β-connectin, further degrading it to fragments smaller than the 1700-kDa component with increasing incubation time. The action of cathepsin D on the connectin molecule was distinctly different from that of, µ-calpain in terms of the splitting rate and manner. When freshly excised muscle was exposed to a temperature of 37°C, complete disappearance of connectin (α, β and 1700-kDa component) was observed within 36h. In contrast, at 2°C, about 75% of connectin was retained as β-form even after 3 weeks. The present data suggest that the degradation of connectin in muscle might be caused by, µ-calpain in the early stage of aging, and then with time, this action is replaced by m-calpain or cathepsin D. However, the possibility of other intrinsic proteases participating in the degradation of connectin still remains.  相似文献   

The pathogenicity of the only documented ‘aphid’ strain of Metarrhizium anisopliae for the aphid, Macrosiphoniella sanborni, was established by experimental infection. Its aphicidal potential was assessed by conducting parallel experiments with Verticillium lecanii, a fungus of proven efficacy in controlling aphids. The spore germination, growth and sporulation rates of M. anisopliae were slower than V. lecanii and were most likely the principal factors determining the higher LC., values in bioassay and slower propagation of this fungus amongst aphid populations. It is concluded that M. anisopliae, except perhaps in the salt marsh habitat from which it was originally isolated, would not prove as useful an agent as V. lecanii in biological control of aphids.  相似文献   

Microscopic investigations over time were carried out to study and compare the pathogenesis of invasion of ticks and blowflies by Metarhizium anisopliae. The scanning electron microscope and stereo light microscope were used to observe and record processes on the arthropods' surfaces and the compound light microscope was used to observe and record processes within the body cavities. Two distinctly different patterns of invasion were found in ticks and blowflies. Fungal conidia germinated on the surface of ticks then hyphae simultaneously penetrated into the tick body and grew across the tick surface. There was extensive fungal degradation of the tick cuticle, particularly the outer endocuticle. Although large numbers of conidia adhered to the surface of blowflies, no conidia were seen to germinate on external surfaces. A single germinating conidium was seen in the entrance to the buccal cavity. Investigations of the fly interior revealed a higher density of hyphal bodies in the haemolymph surrounding the buccal cavity than in haemolymph from regions of the upper thorax. This pattern suggests that fungal invasion of the blowfly is primarily through the buccal cavity. Plentiful extracellular mucilage was seen around the hyphae on tick cuticles, and crystals of calcium oxalate were seen amongst the hyphae on the surface of ticks and in the haemolymph of blowflies killed by M. anisopliae isolate ARIM16.  相似文献   

Remarkable changes in the cellular response and oxygen uptake in the wax moth Galleria mellonella were observed when larvae were infected with the entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium anisopliae . The number of haemocytes increased 48, 72 and 96 h after infection with fungal conidiospores. Extensive blebbing of the cell membrane in the haemocytes and large numbers of vacuoles were noticed as a result of fungal infection. The study showed a significant difference in oxygen uptake between healthy and infected larvae and the greatest uptake was recorded 72 h after fungal infection. The results suggested that the rate of cellular reaction and oxygen uptake were associated with the development of fungal infection.  相似文献   

Natural isolates of two entomogenous fungi, Beauveria bassiana and Metarrhizium anisopliae, were cultured in liquid culture media containing 24 amino acids and KNO3 to determine their effect on growth and sporulation. In addition, the growth and medium pH changes for each isolate grown on an asparagine-containing medium were compared. Tryptophan and alanine were most effective for growth and sporulation of B. bassiana, although glutamine and KNO3 also produced large numbers of regularly shaped spores. Tryptophan, glutamic acid, and histidine were all well utilized for both growth and sporulation of M. anisopliae. Nitrogen sources containing sulfur were poorly utilized for sporulation by M. anisopliae. In general, B. bassiana produces greater mycelial mass and much larger numbers of spores than M. anisopliae. Both fungi attained nearly the same growth maximum on asparagine medium though B. bassiana exhibited an initially more rapid growth rate. In both fungi this rapid growth phase was accompanied by a decline in medium pH followed by a rise in pH during the decline phase of growth.  相似文献   

Two entomogenous fungi, Metarrhizium anisopliae and Beauveria bassiana, were cultured in liquid culture media containing various commercial peptone sources to determine the effect of the sources on growth and sporulation. Each fungus responded differently to the various peptone sources. Tryptone, Casitone, and yeast extract were effective for mycelial growth of M. anisopliae; however, yeast extract was the most effective in production of spores. Soytone Casitone, Neopeptone, and casein hydrolysate were used effectively for mycelial growth of B. bassiana, but the latter two were not as effective for production of spores. Gelatone and Peptone (Bacteriological) were not effective for production of growth or sporulation for either fungus.  相似文献   

南瓜白粉病病原菌鉴定及寄主范围测定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对南瓜白粉病病原菌的闭囊壳、分生孢子及萌发方式的观察和鉴别寄主感病反应鉴定,结果表明引起甘肃省武威地区南瓜白粉病的病原菌为苍耳单囊白粉菌Podosphaera xanthii。该白粉病菌闭囊壳形成的最适条件为温度20℃、相对湿度70%和光照强度4,400lx。寄主范围测定结果表明,该病菌不侵染丝瓜、小麦、辣椒、番茄、苜蓿、红三叶草、架豆和菜豆,可侵染除丝瓜之外的其余9种瓜类植物和绿豆、红小豆、向日葵,其中对南瓜、绿豆、西葫芦、红小豆、向日葵、甜瓜和黄瓜的致病性最强,发病率均达到100%,病情指数分别为15.56、14.51、13.33、13.33、13.07、12.22和12.22。侵染过程观察发现,感病南瓜人工接种白粉菌12h后,分生孢子芽管从侧面萌发,于24h芽管伸长,于36h形成菌丝,于72h形成稠密的网状菌丝,于96h形成分生孢子梗及串生分生孢子。  相似文献   

Abstract:  In order to establish the host range of the pea aphid subspecies, Acyrthosiphon pisum ssp. destructor , and hence from which plant species pea crops are likely to become infested, the performance of this aphid on different leguminous plants was assessed. The plant species used were: Lotus uliginosus , Medicago sativa , Melilotus officinalis , Ononis repens , Sarothamnus scoparius , Trifolium hybridum , Trifolium pratense , Trifolium repens , Vicia cracca and Vicia faba . Vicia faba and Trifolium hybridum were the plants on which aphids reached the greatest size, took the least time to reach maturity, and experienced the lowest mortality. The time taken for the aphids to develop to maturity was negatively correlated with adult size, whereas survival to maturity was positively correlated with adult size. The host preference of the aphids was also assessed. The plant species selected as hosts by alatae were those on which their offspring performed best.  相似文献   

Blastospores of three strains of Metarhizium anisopliae were stored in 18 liquids at 4°C, 20°C and 35°C for 18 weeks, 12 weeks or 9 days respectively. Viability was quantified by determination of their germination. In bioassays the virulence of stored blastospores was studied using adults and third instars of Locusta migratoria migratorioides (R. & F.) and compared to those of freshly produced blastospores and conidia. Generally, there was great variability in the viability of blastospores, depending on the fungal strain and the liquids used. Blastospores survived best at 4°C in 10% hydroxyethyl starch; for example, germination of M. anisopliae strain 97 still amounted to more than 80% after storage for 18 weeks. Other suitable liquids were deionized water, 25% Ringer's solution and 1% sodium alginate. The viability of blastospores stored at 20°C was considerably shorter than at 4°C. During storage for 12 weeks at 20°C the best protective liquids for M. anisopliae strain 97 were 25% Ringer's solution (43% germination), deionized water (23%) and 10% hydroxyethyl starch (23%). At 35°C, 45% of M. anisopliae strain 97 blastospores still germinated after storage for 7 days in 25% glycerol. The bioassays revealed that the virulence of blastospores after storage was comparable to that of fresh ones and even better than that of fresh conidia. In general, the LT50 was about 4–6 days at an alternating day/night temperature of 28/20°C.  相似文献   

The host range ofTetranychus lintearius was examined experimentally to determine if the mite could be safely introduced into New Zealand for the biological control of gorse,Ulex europaeus (Leguminosae: Genisteae). The rationale for choosing test plants was the same as that employed for testing insect species as biological control agents. Outdoors, mite colonies could be transferred successfully from gorse plant to gorse plant, but could not re-establish on any of 39 other plant species progeny to develop, was measured on 58 plant species other than gorse. Apart fromUlex europaeus andU. minor, development was completed only onPhaseolus vulgaris andGlycine max. Further experiments using 22 bean cultivars showed that mites could not complete a second generation on detached leaf cultures, could not form permanent colonies on potted plants in the glasshouse, and remanned only a short time when transferred to bean plants in the field. Tetranychus lintearius has never been recorded from any plant butUlex species. This fact, coupled with the results of host-range testing, suggests that the mite is sufficiently host-specific to be safely used as a biological control agent for gorse in New Zealand.  相似文献   

Phytophagous insects detect volatile compounds produced by host and non-host plants, using species-specific sets of olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs). To investigate the relationship between the range of host plants and the profile of ORNs, single sensillum recordings were carried out to identify ORNs and corresponding active compounds in female Uraba lugens (Lepidoptera: Nolidae), an oligophagous eucalypt feeder. Based on the response profiles to 39 plant volatile compounds, 13 classes of sensilla containing 40 classes of ORNs were identified in female U. lugens. More than 95% (163 out of 171) of these sensilla contained 16 classes of ORNs with narrow response spectra, and 62.6% (107 out of 171) 18 classes of ORNs with broad response spectra. Among the specialized ORNs, seven classes of ORNs exhibited high specificity to 1,8-cineole, (±)-citronellal, myrcene, (±)-linalool and (E)-β-caryophyllene, major volatiles produced by eucalypts, while nine other classes of ORNs showed highly specialized responses to green leaf volatiles, germacrene D, (E)-β-farnesene and geranyl acetate that are not produced by most eucalypts. We hypothesize that female U. lugens can recognize their host plants by detecting key host volatile compounds, using a set of ORNs tuned to host volatiles, and discriminate them from non-host plants using another set of ORNs specialized for non-host volatiles. The ORNs with broad response spectra may enhance the discrimination between host and non-host plants by adding moderately selective sensitivity. Based on our finding, it is suggested that phytophagous insects use the combinational input from both host-specific and non-host specific ORNs for locating their host plants, and the electrophysiological characterization of ORN profiles would be useful in predicting the range of host plants in phytophagous insects.  相似文献   

Timema cristinae is a herbivorous insect that exhibits polymorphism for body coloration (green, red and grey morphs) and for pattern (striped, expressed only in the green morph, and unstriped). The striped green morph is associated with ceanothus ( Ceanothus spinosus ) and the unstriped green morph is associated with chamise ( Adenostoma fasciculatum ). This study examines the relative vulnerabilities to predation of the different pattern and colour morphs on their natural backgrounds. The vulnerabilities of the striped and unstriped morphs on their two food plants were tested using uncaged wild birds (Scrub Jays) and captive western fence lizards. Strong differential predation was observed suggesting that each morph is most cryptic on the food plant on which it is most common. Furthermore, in a mark-recapture experiment in a patch of ceanothus the unstriped and red morphs were recaptured in higher proportion than the other morphs. The vulnerabilities of the grey and green morphs on the ground and foliage were tested using lizards. The grey morph was more vulnerable on the plants than the green morph, but the inverse was observed on the ground (where they drop after a disturbance). This may be why the grey morph is not associated with specific food plants. The striped and colour polymorphisms in T. cristinae appear to be an evolutionary consequence of differential predation on different backgrounds. The implications of differential predation to food-plant utilization are discussed.  相似文献   

The bean plataspid, Megacopta cribraria (F.), recently was discovered in the United States feeding on kudzu, Pueraria montana Lour. (Merr.) variety lobata (Willd.), an economically important invasive vine. We studied its biology on kudzu and its impact on kudzu growth. We also tested its ability to use other common forest legumes for oviposition and development. Flight intercept traps operated from 17 May 2010 to 31 May 2011 in a kudzu field near Athens, GA showed three peaks of adult flight activity suggesting there are two generations per year on kudzu. Vine samples examined for eggs from April 2010 to April 2011 and June to October 2011 showed two periods of oviposition activity in 2010, which coincided with the peaks in adult activity. In 2011, the second period of oviposition began on or before 24 June and then egg abundance declined gradually thereafter until late August when we recovered <2 eggs/0.5 m of vine. Samples of the five nymphal instars and adults on vines did not show similar trends in abundance. Adults did not lay eggs on the various legume species tested in 2010 in a no-choice test possibly because the cages were too small. In the 2011 field host range experiments conducted in a kudzu field by using 12 legume species, M. cribraria preferentially oviposited on kudzu over soybean, Glycine max Merrill., but they still laid 320 eggs per plant on soybean. Lespedeza hirta (L.) Hornem. and Lespedeza cuneata (Dum. Cours.) G. Don had 122.2 and 108.4 eggs per plant, respectively. Kudzu and soybean were the only species M. cribraria completed development on. Plots protected from M. cribraria feeding by biweekly insecticide applications had 32.8% more kudzu biomass than unprotected plots. Our results show that M. cribraria has a significant impact on kudzu growth and could help suppress this pest weed.  相似文献   

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