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In a variety of species, glucoprivation results in the suppression of the reproductive axis. Two experiments were performed to test the hypothesis that blockade of glucose metabolism via administration of the glucose inhibitor 2-deoxy-D-glucose (2DG) to mares would cause a modification in gonadotropin and prolactin secretion. Long-term ovariectomized mares (Experiment 1, n=4) or ovary-intact mares during the follicular phase of a synchronized estrous cycle (Experiment 2, n=4 per dose) were treated with 2DG. The dose of 2DG used in Experiment 1 was 100mg 2DG/kg BW, but because severe behavioral responses occurred, lower doses (50, 25, and 12.5mg 2DG/kg BW) were used for Experiment 2. In addition to the effects of 2DG, the pituitary responsiveness after glucoprivation was determined by an injection of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (100 microg) 6h post-treatment. In both experiments, treatment with 2DG was unaccompanied by changes in gonadotropin secretion or pituitary responsiveness. Mares treated with 100 mg 2DG/kg BW exhibited a significant increase in prolactin and mares treated with 100mg 2DG or 50mg 2DG/kg BW exhibited a significant increase in serum glucose concentrations, suggesting that glucoprivation was detected at these doses. Lower doses of 2DG did not cause significant alterations in prolactin or glucose levels. These results indicate that 2DG inhibits glucose utilization, but short-term glucoprivation via this metabolic inhibitor does not alter gonadotropin secretion in the mare. This lack of response to glucoprivation may reflect species differences in the response to glucoprivation or may be due to metabolic responses to the inhibition of glucose availability.  相似文献   

Cyclosporine (CyA) is extremely useful as an immunosuppressant and it is believed that at least some of its actions are due to antagonizing PRL effects. To determine whether the reported ability of CyA to inhibit gonadotropin release can be modified by PRL, we have examined the effects of treatment of normal and hyperprolactinemic rats with CyA in vivo on the release of LH, FSH and PRL from their pituitaries in vitro. Hyperprolactinemia was induced by implantation of capsules containing diethylstilbestrol (DES) and the animals were examined while the capsules were still in place (DES-IN) or after they had been removed (DES-OUT). Treatment with CyA significantly reduced plasma LH levels in control DES-IN rats without reducing basal LH release from the pituitaries of these animals in vitro. In the DES-IN rats, CyA exposure in vivo did not modify plasma PRL levels, but reduced PRL release in vitro, and interfered with the inhibitory action of dopamine (DA) on PRL release. The effect of DA on gonadotropin release in vitro was modified by CyA treatment. Administration of CyA failed to antagonize the suppressive effects of hyperprolactinemia on plasma LH and FSH levels or on the basal rates of gonadotropin release by incubated pituitaries. We conclude that CyA can reduce PRL release but does not interfere with the actions of PRL on anterior pituitary function.  相似文献   

Lactogen binding and prolactin content were measured in hepatic subcellular fractions from tumor-bearing rats (TBR; MtT/F4, MtT/W5, MtT/W10) with elevated prolactin and growth hormone levels and from control animals. Specific binding of 125I-oPRL to Golgi fractions from tumor-bearing animals was 2.5 to 7 fold greater than that from controls. Binding to plasmalemma was 6-fold greater in tumor-bearing rats. The specific binding of 125I-labelled bGH and insulin showed less marked differences between TBR and controls. Subcellular fractions were extracted with HCl to determine hormonal content. The content of prolactin and growth hormone in Golgi fractions from TBR was at least 20-fold that in fractions from controls. Rat prolactin extracted from Golgi heavy elements was 50% as effective as native material in binding to lactogen receptors as judged by radioreceptor assay. These studies demonstrate that the chronic elevation of prolactin was associated with an increase of receptors not only in the intracellular compartment but on the cell surface as well. Furthermore, they demonstrate that native prolactin is internalized and accumulated in rat liver Golgi fractions.  相似文献   

To investigate how various concentrations of serum prolactin (PRL) influence the priming effect of luteinizing hormone releasing hormone (LH-RH) on the pituitary gland, 24 women with various blood PRL concentrations received intravenous injections of 100 micrograms of synthetic LH-RH twice at an interval of 60 minutes and their serum LH and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) were measured and analysed. In the follicular phase with a normal PRL concentration (PRL less than 20 ng/ml, n = 6), marked first peaks of the two hormones following the first LH-RH stimulation and enhanced second peaks after the second LH-RH administration were observed, indicating a typical priming effect of LH-RH on gonadotropins, though the second response of FSH was more moderate than that of LH. In hyperprolactinemia, in which the serum PRL concentration was higher than 70 ng/ml (n = 13), the basal concentration of gonadotropins was not significantly changed but the priming effect of LH-RH on LH and FSH was significantly decreased (p less than 0.01). No marked second peaks of LH and FSH were observed, suggesting an inhibitory effect of hyperprolactinemia on the second release of LH and FSH. In contrast, this effect was restored in a group of women whose serum PRL concentration was between 30 and 50 ng/ml (n = 5). Furthermore, enhanced second peaks of both LH and FSH were noted after successful bromocriptine therapy reduced hyperprolactinemia (PRL greater than 70 ng/ml) to less than 25 ng/ml (n = 5).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Effects of administration of the LHRH agonist D-Leu6-LHRH ethylamide (LHRH-A), gonadotropin (PMS), and their interaction on testicular prolactin (PRL) receptor levels were investigated in rats. LHRH-A (2 micrograms/100 g body wt.) or saline was injected SC daily, and PMS (5 IU) injected every other day. In intact rats, the testicular PRL receptor levels were about 400 fmoles/testis after either 1 or 7 daily injections of saline. Administration of LHRH-A decreased PRL receptors to 12% of that of saline-injected control rats at day 1, and to 20% at day 2, and PRL receptor levels were partially restored to 55% at day 7. In hypophysectomized rats given daily injections of saline for 7 days PRL receptor levels were only 20% of those in saline-injected intact rats. Injections of LHRH-A in hypophysectomized animals did not further decrease PRL receptor numbers at this time. Administration of PMS to hypophysectomized rats for 7 days partially reversed the reduction of PRL receptors that occurred after hypophysectomy, to 46% of those in intact controls. Injections of LHRH-A into hypophysectomized. PMS-treated animals did not significantly alter PRL receptors on day 1 (117% of that of saline-injected, hypophysectomized, PMS-treated rats at day 1) or day 2 (96% of same-day controls), but decreased PRL receptors on day 7 to 102 fmoles/testis (55% of same-day controls). This latter concentration is nearly the same as that in saline-injected, 7-day hypophysectomized rats not treated with PMS. These findings suggest that: (1) the effects of LHRH-A on testicular PRL receptors differ depending on the presence or absence of gonadotropin, (2) gonadotropin, primarily FSH, maintains some population of testicular PRL receptors, and these gonadotropin-dependent PRL receptors are suppressed by direct action of LHRH-A upon the testes, and (3) there is a population of PRL receptors which is not affected by LHRH-A or gonadotropin.  相似文献   

Arginine vasotocin was injected into the third ventricle or intravenously in conscious, ovariectomized rats and its effect on gonadotropin and prolactin release evaluated. The peptide lowered plasma levels of both LH and prolactin in doses of 40 or 100 ng given intraventricularly. The higher dose was slightly more effective than the lower dose. Intravenous injection of a 1-microgram dose of vasotocin failed to alter plasma LH in the ovariectomized animals; however, a 5-micrograms dose induced a slight depression apparent at only 60 min following injection. Intravenous injection of 1 microgram produced a significant lowering of plasma prolactin, whereas a dramatic lowering followed the injection of the higher dose. Plasma FSH was unaffected in these experiments. Incubation of dispersed anterior pituitary cells from ovariectomized rats with various doses of vasotocin revealed no effect of the peptide on the release of FSH, LH, or prolactin. It also did not alter the response to LHRH, but it partially blocked the action of dopamine to inhibit prolactin release. The data indicate that quite low doses of arginine vasotocin act within the brain to inhibit LH and prolactin secretion in ovariectomized, conscious animals.  相似文献   

Ovine prolactin (oPRL) increased serum somatomedin (SM) bioactivity in hypophysectomized female rats. ACTH, in small but not large doses, augmented this oPRL effect. These results suggest that in the female rat PRL may regulate SM production. Adrenal factors may variably modulate SM production or serum SM bioactivity.  相似文献   

Twenty-two women with hyperprolactinemia and amenorrhea were followed up for at least 18 months after 22 bromocriptine-induced full term pregnancies. Return of menstruation occurred in 9 of the 22 patients after pregnancy. Five of them conceived subsequently without any treatment. The prolactin (PRL) concentration before or during bromocriptine treatment was not significantly different between the patients who conceived spontaneously and those who did not. However, the PRL concentration after weaning was significantly lower in the patients who conceived spontaneously than in those who did not. Serum PRL levels were normal or only slightly elevated in the patients who conceived spontaneously. In 11 of the 22 patients, PRL levels were serially determined during bromocriptine-induced pregnancies. In 7 of the 11 patients, serum PRL levels fell during the second or third trimester. Spontaneous pregnancy occurred in 3 of the 7 patients who showed a decrease in PRL values during pregnancy, but in none of the 4 patients who did not. Furthermore, PRL levels after weaning correlated with PRL levels during the third trimester in these 11 women. Consequently, a decrease in PRL values during pregnancy may result in a fall in PRL levels after pregnancy, which in turn leads to the restoration of reproductive function in some subjects.  相似文献   

The central effects of both an antagonist and an antiserum to substance P (SP) on gonadotropin and prolactin (Prl) secretion were studied in castrated male rats. The lateral ventricular injection (20 micrograms) of an analogue to SP possessing antagonistic properties resulted in significantly suppressed serum LH levels without altering serum FSH and Prl levels when compared with saline-injected control animals. Similarly, the lateral ventricular injection of an antiserum to SP also resulted in significantly suppressed LH levels when compared to control animals injected with normal rabbit serum. Additionally, no changes were observed in the levels of serum FSH and Prl as a result of the anti-SP injection. Thus, although indirect, these results support the hypothesis that SP may have a central stimulatory action on LH secretion, but not FSH and Prl secretion.  相似文献   

S Furudate 《Jikken dobutsu》1991,40(2):203-208
The influences of estradiol on the prolactin (PRL) surges and on the secretion of gonadotropins (LH and FSH) were investigated in the pseudopregnancy (PSP) of acutely ovariectomized rats. The four following experimental groups were prepared: 1) intact PSP as a control, 2) ovariectomy was performed on day 0 of PSP (OVX), 3) a Silastic tube containing estradiol was implanted for day 1-4 into the OVX rats (OVX-E 1-4), and 4) the Silastic tube was implanted for day 5-8 by the same manner into the OVX rats (OVX-E 5-8). In the OVX group nocturnal (N) PRL surges were observed at 0500 h on days 4, 8 and 12 examined, and increased secretions of LH and FSH were noted. In the OVX-E 1-4 group, the N PRL surge was suppressed on day 4, and the suppressed N PRL surge did not occur on day 8, after the removal of the implanted tubes. Diurnal (D) PRL surges with LH surges were observed at 1700 h on day 4 in these rats. Similarly, more remarkable results were obtained on days 8 and 12 in the OVX-E 5-8 group than in the OVX-E 1-4.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The effect of spinal transections on the preovulatory release of gonadotropins and PRL was investigated in female rats. A preovulatory rise in serum LH, FSH and PRL and subsequent ovulation were prevented by complete spinal transections (CST) at high thoracic levels (T3-T7), but not at low thoracic and lumbar levels (T8-L5), performed at 1000-1230 h on proestrus. Norepinephrine (NE) concentrations in the preoptic-anterior hypothalamic area at 1700-1800 h on proestrus were also significantly reduced by CST at high thoracic levels, but not at lumbar levels. Either electrochemical stimulation of the suprachiasmatic part of the preoptic area or NE injection into the third ventricle at 1400-1500 h on proestrus restored ovulation in animals with CST at high thoracic levels. Animals with CST at lumbar levels exhibited relatively regular 4-day cycles, but those with CST at high thoracic levels showed prolonged periods of diestrous (8-20 days) before they resumed cyclicity. In the case of partial transections, bilateral transections of the lateral columns, but not transections of the dorsal or medial columns, of the spinal cord at T4-T5 significantly blocked the preovulatory gonadotropin release and the occurrence of ovulation. Unilateral transections of the lateral columns of the spinal cord or unilateral electrolytic lesions of the ventrolateral part of the medulla oblongata (VLMO) failed to block ovulation. When combinations of them were performed ipsilaterally, ovulation occurred, but when they were performed contralaterally, the incidence of ovulation was significantly decreased.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Injection of [Asu1,7]-eel calcitonin (CT) (0.1–2.5μg) into the lateral ventricle resulted in a significant and dose-related increase of plasma prolactin (PRL) levels in urethane-anesthetized male rats. Naloxone failed to block [Asu1,7]-eel CT induced PRL release. Salmon CT, human CT and porcine CT were similarly effective to stimulate PRL release when injected intraventricularly. Intravenous administration of [Asu1,7]-eel CT(20 μg) failed to cause any significant changes in plasma PRL levels, while this peptide (10?8?10?6M) possesed a mild stimulating activity of PRL release from the anterior pituitary cells cultured in vitro. These results suggest that CT stimulates rat PRL secretion mainly through the central nervous system like one of the neurotransmitters, though it may also act directly on the pituitary.  相似文献   

Radioimmunoassay presented a method of measuring plasma levels of FSH,LH and prolactin in pseudopregnant rats. Plasma prolactin levels doubled 15 minutes following cervical probing (p .01) on the day of estrus. Plasma LH levels were not significantly elevated. Due to the use of ether anesthesia at blood collecting 3 hr before and 15 minutes after stimulation, only 1 of 16 rats developed pseudopregnancy. On Day 4 of pseudopregnancy in rats mated with vasectomized males; plasma LH was lower (p .05) than in normal rats on the first day of diestrus, perhaps due to the suppressive action of ovarian progesterone and some estrogen. FSH was higher than in normal rats (p .05) perhaps due to the lesser sensitivity of FSH to the inhibitory effect of progesterone. Large decidoumata developed by Day 9 in uterine horns traumatized on Day 4 (153 plus or minus 8 mg uterus weight compared to 1510 plus or minus 204 mg). Thus, the corpora remain functional after LH and prolactin are at normal and subnormal levels. On Day 9 plasma prolactin was lower than at Day 1 of diestrus (p .001). Plasma FSH was elevated (p .01). Plasma LH was unchanged. The degree of rise of LH levels 5 days following ovariectomy on Day 4 of psuedopregnancy or on the first day of diestrus was greater in the former group (p .02), perhaps due to rebound of LH from suppression by ovarian steroids. FSH rose equally in both groups. Prolactin remain about the same. Increased prolactin release by the adenohypophysis was briefer than expected.  相似文献   

Intravenous injection of synthetic Substance P resulted in a significant and dose-related increase in plasma growth hormone (GH) and prolactin (PRL) in urethane-anesthetized rats. Increases in plasma GH induced by Substance P were significantly suppressed by the simultaneous administration of either ?-dopa or nicotine, whereas plasma PRL responses to Substance P were blunted by ?-dopa but not by nicotine. Substance P also raised plasma GH and PRL in rats with extensive hypothalamic destruction. L-dopa significantly suppressed plasma PRL responses to Substance P in rats with hypothalamic destruction. However, plasma GH responses to Substance P were not significantly affected by ?-dopa nor by nicotine in animals with hypothalamic ablation. These results suggest that Substance P stimulates rat GH and PRL secretion possibly acting on the anterior pituitary and that ?-dopa and nicotine affect GH and PRL release induced by Substance P in different ways.  相似文献   

The administration of carbidopa (MK-486, α-methyl-L-dopa hydrazine; 100–200 mg/kg, intraperitoneally) causes several-fold increases in hypothalamic dopa and serum prolactin levels in male rats within 2 hours; these changes are not reversed by the administration of pyridoxine. These observations suggest that high doses of carbidopa can affect catecholamine synthesis within the hypothalamus.  相似文献   

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