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N-Acetylglucosamine kinase (ATP:2-acetamido-2-deoxy-D-glucose 6-phosphotransferase, EC catalyzes the first reaction in the inducible N-acetylglucosamine catabolic pathway of Candida albicans, an obligatory aerobic yeast. As a part of continuing biochemical studies concerning the regulation of gene expression in a simple eukaryote, N-acetylglucosamine kinase has been purified and characterized biochemically. The enzyme has been purified about 300-fold from the crude extract and its molecular weight of 75 000 has been determined by Sephadex G-100 gel filtration. Isolation and analysis procedures are described. The kinase reaction is optimal within a pH range of 7--8. The enzyme is strictly specific for GlcNAc as phosphate acceptor; ATP is the phosphoryl group donor for the kinase reaction and to a lesser extent dATP and CTP. Km values for GlcNAc and ATP are 1.33 mM and 1.82 mM, respectively. The enzyme required Mg2+, which may be replaced by other bivalent metal ions such as Mn2+, Ca2+, Ba2+ and Co2+ for a lesser degree of effectiveness. The purified enzyme is extremely sensitive to thermal denaturation and becomes completely inactive by heating at 65% C for 2 min. The enzyme is also inactivated by sulphydryl reagents such as p-chloromercuribenzene sulfonic acid and N-ethylmaleimide.  相似文献   

Three DNA polymerase activities, A, B and C, were identified in extracts of exponentially growing synchronous cultures of Chlamydomonas reinhardii, and DNA polymerases A and B were characterized in detail. Both enzymes have the same binding affinity for DEAE-cellulose at pH 7.8, but can be distinguished from each other by their behaviour on phosphocellulose and DNA-agarose. 'Activated' calf thymus DNA was used as template, and the pH, K+ and bivalent-cation optima were measured. DNA polymerase A sediments at 5.3 S in glycerol gradients, with an apparent mol.wt. of 90000-100000. Polymerase B sediments between 8S and 10S in 100mM-KCl, the predominant species having an apparent mol.wt. of 200000. In 200mM-KCl, polymerase B dissociates to a single species, which sediments at 5.8S. A 3S species was found in aged preparations of both enzymes. The activity of polymerase B from cells harvested during nuclear DNA synthesis is twice that found in Chlamydomonas at other times during the cell cycle.  相似文献   


DNA polymerases of Candida albicans were purified to near homogeneity. Three well distinguished peaks of DNA polymerase activity (Enzyme I, II and III respectively) were obtained bv DEAE-Sephacel chromatography. This purification step was followed by column chromatographies on Sepharose 6B and denatured DNA-cellulose. The enzymes molecular mass and biochemical properties, including their inhibition by aphidicolin, were studied. Molecular mass was determined by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate and was found to be 110 kDa for Enzyme I, 80 kDa for Enzyme II and 50 kDa for Enzyme III.  相似文献   

Three intracellular proteinases termed A, B and C were purified to homogeneity from the unicellular form of the yeast Candida albicans. Enzyme A is an aspartic proteinase that acts on a variety of proteins. Its optimal pH is around 5 and it is displaced to 6.5 by KSCN. It is not significantly inhibited by PMSF, TLCK (Tos-Lys-CHCl2) or soybean trypsin inhibitor but it is inhibited by pepstatin. Its molecular weight is 60 000. Enzyme B is a dipeptidase that acts on esters or on dipeptides without blocks in either the carboxyl or amino ends. Its pH optimum is around 7.5 and the molecular weight is 57 000. It is inhibited by PMSF, TLCK and DANME (N2Ac-Nle-OMe). Proteinase C is an aminopeptidase with an optimum pH around 8. Its molecular weight was 67 000 when determined by SDS gel electrophoresis and 243 000 when determined by gel filtration. It is active towards dipeptides in which at least one amino acid is apolar and is not active when the N-terminal amino acid is blocked. It is inhibited by EDTA or o-phenanthroline and activated by several divalent cations.  相似文献   

Surface-active properties of Candida albicans.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Cell surface hydrophobicity may be an important factor contributing to the virulence of Candida yeast cells. Surface hydrophobic and surface polar groups would be required for a yeast cell to act as a surface-active agent. In this report, the surface activities of whole yeast cells were measured. Yeast cells added at 10(8)/ml reduced the surface tension (gamma s) of saline by 20% as determined by the du Nouy method. A 1% suspension of yeast cell wall fragments reduced gamma s of saline by 36%. Whole yeast cells caused a reduction in interfacial tension (gamma I) between hexadecane and saline. The reduction of gamma I was proportional to the surface hydrophobicity of the yeasts. Yeast cells grown in glucose as the sole carbon source (thus possessing a relatively more hydrophilic cell surface) reduced gamma I by 30%, whereas yeast cells grown in hexadecane (thus possessing a more hydrophobic cell surface) reduced gamma I by 41%. The reduction of gamma I was reversed upon the addition of a strong surfactant. It was also demonstrated that yeast cells blended with nonionic surfactants during growth in a glucose broth in order to change their cell surface hydrophobicity adhered to solid surfaces in direct proportion to their cell surface hydrophobicity. Thus, the surface-active properties of Candida yeast cells may significantly contribute to the accumulation of yeast cells at various biological interfaces such as liquid-solid, liquid-liquid, and liquid-air, leading to their eventual adhesion to solid or tissue surfaces.  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic (high-molecular-weight) DNA polymerase was partially purified from mouse myeloma. Upon chromatography on DEAE-Sephadex, following fractionation on phosphocellulose, the enzyme was resolved into three species named CI, CII, and CIII. The species CI and CII have equal sedimentation coefficients (10.5 S) in sucrose gradients without salt. In the presence of 125 mM ammonium sulfate the sedimentation coefficients are reduced to 8.6 S. The species CIII shows sedimentation coefficients of 5.7 S and 5.2 S without salt and in the presence of 125 mM ammonium sulfate, respectively. This species is assumed to be an artifact arising from either CI or to a minor extent from CII. The optima for pH, KCl and Mg2+ concentration, and the extent of inhibition by N-ethylmaleimide are the same. However, the enzymes differ in their responses to Mn2+ (substituting for Mg-2+), and to addition of ethanol, dimethylsulfoxide, and various phospholipids in the assay mixture. The enzymes prefer poly[d(A-T - d(A-T)] or partially degraded (activated) DNA as template rather than double-stranded or single-stranded DNA. The activity on activated DNA relative to that on poly[d(A-T) - D(A-T)] was found to be 93, 66, and 29% for DNA polymerases CI, CII, and CIII, respectively.  相似文献   

Four DNA polymerases, two enzymes from the nucleus and two from the cytoplasm, were purified 2000- to 7000-fold from continuous mouse cell-line (JLS-V9), by sequential column chromatography. Each of these polymerases require all the deoxynucleoside-5′-triphosphates in order to synthesize DNA, using activated DNA as a primer-template, and can copy the ribonucleotide strand of hybrid templates, but their rate of efficiency varies. The molecular weights of these DNA polymerases range from 35,000 to 160,000, as estimated by Sephadex column chromatography. Three out of the four DNA polymerases are probably a single polypeptide chain, since they have a single major band in polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis as well as one enzymatically active peak in guanidine hydrochloride gel filtration. The highly purified preparation of the high molecular weight cytoplasmic DNA polymerase contains two major bands in sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and two enzymatically active peaks in guanidine hydrochloride gel filtration.  相似文献   

Proteolytic activity of medically important yeasts was tested in both YCB-BSA agar and medium. All of 134 strains of Candida albicans, 13 of 18 strains of Candida tropicalis and 11 of 18 strains of Candida parapsilosis had this activity, while none of 52 Candida glabrata strains or of 11 Cryptococcus neoformans strains tested had proteolytic activity. Strains of C. albicans fell into five groups based on the level and time-course of in vitro proteinase productivity. Five strains randomly selected from each group were tested for pathogenicity in mice. The strain possessing the strongest pathogenicity was used to purify proteinase. The molecular weight of the proteinase was approximately 44,000 daltons and its isoelectric point was pH 4.2. Optimal pH of the proteinase was 3.2 and the enzyme was stable below pH 7.0 and lost its activity above pH 8.0 at 37 C in a 60-min incubation. The 23 amino acid sequence of the proteinase N-terminus was determined.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated methionine synthase from Candida albicans (CaMET 6p) and Saccharomyces cerevisiae (ScMET 6p). We describe the cloning of CaMet 6 and ScMet 6, and the expression of both the enzymes in S. cerevisiae. CaMET 6p is able to complement the disruption of met 6 in S. cerevisiae. Following the purification of ScMET 6p and CaMET 6p, kinetic assays were performed to determine substrate specificity. The Michaelis constants for ScMET 6p with CH(3)-H(4)PteGlu(2), CH(3)-H(4)PteGlu(3), CH(3)-H(4)PteGlu(4), and l-homocysteine are 108, 84, 95, and 13 microM, respectively. The Michaelis constants for CaMET 6p with CH(3)-H(4)PteGlu(2), CH(3)-H(4)PteGlu(3), CH(3)-H(4)PteGlu(4), and l-homocysteine are 113, 129, 120, and 14 microM, respectively. Neither enzyme showed activity with CH(3)-H(4)PteGlu(1) as a substrate. We conclude that ScMET 6p and CaMET 6p require a minimum of two glutamates on the methyltetrahydrofolate substrate, similar to the bacterial metE homologs. The cloning, purification, and characterization of these enzymes lay the groundwork for inhibitor-design studies on the cobalamin-independent fungal methionine synthases.  相似文献   

DNA polymerase from soluble fraction of ascites hepatoma cells has been purified about 490-fold. The polymerase requires template DNA, all four deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates, and magnesium ions for the reaction. Optimal activity was found at pH 7.0 – 7.5, with 3 – 8 mM magnesium chloride, and 20 – 40 mM potassium phosphate. The purified enzyme utilizes preferentially DNA treated with pancreatic DNase as template.  相似文献   

DNA polymerases from Bacillus stearothermophilus, Bacillus caldotenax, and Bacillus caldovelox were purified by chromatography on DEAE-cellulose, phosphocellulose, and heparin-Sepharose and obtained in high yield. The enzyme preparations are free of exo- and endonuclease activities. Additional purification steps, e.g., hydrophobic interaction chromatography and chromatography on a Mono Q column or sucrose density gradient centrifugation, are needed to obtain the enzymes in the form of homogeneous 95-kDa proteins. Each of the three organisms possesses a major DNA polymerase activity comparable to DNA polymerase I. The enzymes require Mg2+ (10 to 30 mM) for optimal activity, although 0.4 mM Mn2+ could substitute for magnesium. The optimal reaction temperatures were lowest in B. stearothermophilus (60 to 65 degrees C) and about equal in B. caldovelox and B. caldotenax (65 to 70 degrees C). The thermal stabilities of the enzymes increased in the same order. The DNA polymerase from Thermus thermophilus was isolated for comparison by using a similar procedure. The enzyme was obtained as a homogeneous 85-kDa protein that was also free of exo- and endonucleolytic activities.  相似文献   

Cell surface hydrophobicity may be an important factor contributing to the virulence of Candida yeast cells. Surface hydrophobic and surface polar groups would be required for a yeast cell to act as a surface-active agent. In this report, the surface activities of whole yeast cells were measured. Yeast cells added at 10(8)/ml reduced the surface tension (gamma s) of saline by 20% as determined by the du Nouy method. A 1% suspension of yeast cell wall fragments reduced gamma s of saline by 36%. Whole yeast cells caused a reduction in interfacial tension (gamma I) between hexadecane and saline. The reduction of gamma I was proportional to the surface hydrophobicity of the yeasts. Yeast cells grown in glucose as the sole carbon source (thus possessing a relatively more hydrophilic cell surface) reduced gamma I by 30%, whereas yeast cells grown in hexadecane (thus possessing a more hydrophobic cell surface) reduced gamma I by 41%. The reduction of gamma I was reversed upon the addition of a strong surfactant. It was also demonstrated that yeast cells blended with nonionic surfactants during growth in a glucose broth in order to change their cell surface hydrophobicity adhered to solid surfaces in direct proportion to their cell surface hydrophobicity. Thus, the surface-active properties of Candida yeast cells may significantly contribute to the accumulation of yeast cells at various biological interfaces such as liquid-solid, liquid-liquid, and liquid-air, leading to their eventual adhesion to solid or tissue surfaces.  相似文献   

DNA polymerase-alpha and -beta can be distinguished from one another by the differential effects of N-ethylmaleimide, KCl, ara-CTP and temperature, as well as on the basis of sedimentation. The sensitivity of DNA polymerase-beta to elevated temperatures as compared to DNA polymerase-alpha provides a new means of distinguishing between these two enzymes even in crude extracts and a possible probe for determining their function. DNA polymerase-alpha and -beta share several properties in common, including the ability to readily incorporate dUTP in place of dTTP. The Km for dUTP varies from 10 to 30 micron with different preparations of DNA polymerase-alpha and -beta. Thus, in mammalian cells, dUMP could be incorporated into DNA, and if excised by an endonuclease, would lead to discontinuities. Initial analyses of fidelity in direct comparative studies indicate that beta-class DNA polymerases are highly accurate in base selection when copying poly[d(A-T)]. Less than one molecule of dGMP is incorporated for every 12 000-45 000 molecules of dAMP and dTMP polymerized. DNA polymerase-alpha is somewhat less accurate, making one mistake for every 4000-10 000 correct nucleotides incorporated. Since both polymerases lack an exonucleolytic activity, this accuracy must be the result of selectivity for the complementary nucleotide by the polymerase.  相似文献   

We have fractionated homogenates of Chinese hamster cells grown in tissue culture, and found that >80% of those cells' DNA-dependent DNA polymerase appears localized in the soluble cytoplasm. The Chinese hamster cytoplasmic DNA polymerase is very similar to DNA polymerases from several mammalian sources: it is large and heterogeneous (165,000–200,000 daltons), sensitive to sulfhydryl-blocking reagents and absolutely requires double stranded templates containing free 3′-OH primers. Two distinct species of DNA polymerase also have been isolated from purified Chinese hamster nuclei. One nuclear DNA polymerase appeared to be identical to DNA polymerase found in the cells' soluble cytoplasm. The second polymerase, comprising 1.5–3% of the total DNA polymerase activity, was found only in nuclear extracts. That enzyme is resistant to sulfhydryl-blocking reagents and has an apparent molecular weight of 49,000. The data discussed in this report suggest that Chinese hamster cells, like other mammalian cell types, possess at least two DNA-dependent DNA polymerases that might participate in replicative DNA biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Two soluble alpha-mannosidases, E-I and E-II, were purified from C. albicans yeast cells by a three-step procedure consisting of size exclusion and ion exchange chromatographies in Sepharose CL6B and Mono Q columns, respectively, and preparative nondenaturing electrophoresis. E-I and E-II migrated as monomeric polypeptides of 54.3 and 93.3 kDa in SDS-PAGE, respectively. Some biochemical properties of purified enzymes were investigated by using 4-methylumbelliferyl-alpha-D-mannopyranoside and p-nitrophenyl-alpha-D-mannopyranoside as substrates. Hydrolysis of both substrates by either enzyme was optimum at pH 6.0 with 50 mM Mes-Tris buffer and at 42 degrees C. Apparent Kmvalues for hydrolysis of 4-methylumbelliferyl-alpha-D-mannopyranoside and p-nitrophenyl-alpha-D-mannopyranoside by E-I were 0.83 microM and 2. 4 mM, respectively. Corresponding values for E-II were 0.25 microM and 1.86 mM. Swansonine and deoxymannojirimicin strongly inhibited the hydrolysis of 4-methylumbelliferyl-alpha-D-mannopyranoside by both enzymes. On the contrary, hydrolysis of p-nitrophenyl-alpha-D-mannopyranoside by E-I and E-II was slightly stimulated or not affected, respectively, by both inhibitors. E-I and E-II did not depend on metal ions although activity of the latter was slightly stimulated by Mn2+and Ca2+in the range of 0.5-2 mM. At the same concentrations, Mg2+was slightly inhibitory of both enzymes. Substrate specificity experiments revealed that both E-I and E-II preferentially cleaved alpha-1,6 and alpha-1,3 linkages, respectively.  相似文献   

A lysophospholipase-transacylase was purified to homogeneity from the culture broth of Candida albicans by ammonium sulfate precipitation and chromatographs on DEAE-cellulose, Ultrogel AcA-44, first Mono Q, hydroxyapatite, TSKgel-3000 and second Mono Q columns. The purified protein was a single band (Mr 41,000) as inferred by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. It had a specific activity of 78 mumol/min per mg protein for fatty acid release and 320 mumol/min per mg protein for phosphatidylcholine formation. Fatty acid release obeyed Michaelis-Menten kinetics and the apparent Km was 76 microM of 1-palmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphatidylcholine, but Lineweaver-Burk plots of transacylase activity was parabolic. The ratio of hydrolase to transacylase activity of the purified enzyme was varied depending upon the concentration of lysophosphatidylcholine. Transacylation was prominent at high concentration of substrate and the ratio of hydrolase to transacylase was 0.24. Low concentration of palmitoylcarnitine (50 microM) inhibited markedly phosphatidylcholine formation but stimulated fatty acid release. The degree of esterification of 1-acyllysophosphatidylcholine was altered with mixtures of different molecular species of substrate, demonstrating acyl chain selectivity in the transfer process. These results suggest that C. albicans lysophospholipase-transacylase is different from the corresponding mammalian enzymes in enzymatic properties.  相似文献   

Candida albicans and Candida dubliniensis are the only Candida sp. that have been observed to produce chlamydospores. The function of these large, thick-walled cells is currently unknown. In this report, we describe the production and purification of chlamydospores from these species in defined liquid media. Staining with the fluorescent dye FUN-1 indicated that chlamydospores are metabolically active cells, but that metabolic activity is undetectable in chlamydospores that are >30 days old. However, 5–15-day-old chlamydospores could be induced to produce daughter chlamydospores, blastospores, pseudohyphae and true hyphae depending on the incubation conditions used. Chlamydospores that were preinduced to germinate were also observed to escape from murine macrophages following phagocytosis, suggesting that these structures may be viable in vivo . Mycelium-attached and purified chlamydospores rapidly lost their viability in water and when subjected to dry stress, suggesting that they are unlikely to act as long-term storage structures. Instead, our data suggest that chlamydospores represent an alternative specialized form of growth by C. albicans and C. dubliniensis .  相似文献   

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