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Electric organ discharge (EOD) frequency in the brown ghost knifefish (Apteronotus leptorhynchus) is sexually dimorphic, steroid-regulated, and determined by the discharge rates of neurons in the medullary pacemaker nucleus (Pn). We pharmacologically characterized ionic currents that regulate the firing frequency of Pn neurons to determine which currents contribute to spontaneous oscillations of these neurons and to identify putative targets of steroid action in regulating sexually dimorphic EOD frequency. Tetrodotoxin (TTX) initially reduced spike frequency, and then reduced spike amplitude and stopped pacemaker activity. The sodium channel blocker muO-conotoxin MrVIA also reduced spike frequency, but did not affect spike amplitude or production. Two potassium channel blockers, 4-aminopyridine (4AP) and kappaA-conotoxin SIVA, increased pacemaker firing rates by approximately 20% and then stopped pacemaker firing. Other potassium channel blockers (tetraethylammonium, cesium, alpha-dendrotoxin, and agitoxin-2) did not affect the pacemaker rhythm. The nonspecific calcium channel blockers nickel and cadmium reduced pacemaker firing rates by approximately 15-20%. Specific blockers of L-, N-, P-, and Q-type calcium currents, however, were ineffective. These results indicate that at least three ionic currents-a TTX- and muO-conotoxin MrVIA-sensitive sodium current; a 4AP- and kappaA-conotoxin SIVA-sensitive potassium current; and a T- or R-type calcium current-contribute to the pacemaker rhythm. The pharmacological profiles of these currents are similar to those of currents that are known to regulate firing rates in other spontaneously oscillating neural circuits.  相似文献   

Weakly electric fish such as Sternopygus macrurus utilize a unique signal production system, the electric organ (EO), to navigate within their environment and to communicate with conspecifics. The electric organ discharge (EOD) generated by the Sternopygus electric organ is quasi-sinusoidal and sexually dimorphic; sexually mature males produce long duration EOD pulses at low frequencies, whereas mature females produce short duration EOD pulses at high frequencies. EOD frequency is set by a medullary pacemaker nucleus, while EOD pulse duration is determined by the kinetics of Na+ and K+ currents in the electric organ. The inactivation of the Na+ current and the activation of the delayed rectifying K+ current of the electric organ covary with EOD frequency such that the kinetics of both currents are faster in fish with high (female) EOD frequency than those with low (male) EOD frequencies. Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) implants masculinize the EOD centrally by decreasing frequency at the pacemaker nucleus (PMN). DHT also acts at the electric organ, broadening the EO pulse, which is at least partly due to a slowing of the inactivation kinetics of the Na+ current. Here, we show that chronic DHT treatment also slows the activation and deactivation kinetics of the electric organ's delayed rectifying K+ current. Thus, androgens coregulate the time-varying kinetics of two distinct ion currents in the EO to shape a sexually dimorphic communication signal.  相似文献   

Weakly electric fish in the genus Sternopygus emit a sinusoidal, individually distinct, and sexually dimorphic electric organ discharge (EOD) that is used in electrolocation and communication. Systemically applied androgens decrease EOD frequency, which is set by a medullary pacemaker nucleus, and increase pulse duration, which is determined by the cells of the electric organ (the electrocytes), in a coordinated fashion. One possibility is that androgens broaden the EOD pulse duration by acting on the pacemaker neurons, thereby effecting a change in pacemaker firing frequency, and that the change in EOD pulse duration is due to an activity-dependent process. To determine whether androgens can alter pulse duration despite a stable pacemaker nucleus firing frequency, we implanted small doses of dihydrotestosterone in the electric organ. We found that androgen implants increased EOD pulse duration, but did not influence EOD frequency. In addition, using immunocytochemistry, we found that electrocytes label positively with an androgen receptor antibody. While it is not known on which cells androgens act directly, together these experiments suggest that they likely act on the electrocytes to increase EOD pulse duration. Since pulse duration is determined by electrocyte action potential duration and ionic current kinetics, androgens may therefore play a causative role in influencing individual variation and sexual dimorphism in electrocyte electrical excitability, an important component of electrocommunicatory behavior.  相似文献   

Central pattern generators play a critical role in the neural control of rhythmic behaviors. One of their characteristic features is the ability to modulate the oscillatory output. An important yet little‐studied type of modulation involves the generation of oscillations that are sexually dimorphic in frequency. In the weakly electric fish Apteronotus leptorhynchus, the pacemaker nucleus serves as a central pattern generator that drives the electric organ discharge of the fish in a one‐to‐one fashion. Males discharge at higher frequencies than females—a sexual dimorphism that develops under the influence of steroid hormones. The two principal neurons that constitute the oscillatory network of the pacemaker nucleus are the pacemaker and relay cells. Whereas the number and size of the pacemaker and relay cells are sexually monomorphic, pronounced sex‐dependent differences exist in the morphology, and subcellular properties of astrocytes, which form a syncytium closely associated with these neurons. In females, compared to males, the astrocytic syncytium covers a larger area surrounding the pacemaker and relay cells and exhibits higher levels of expression of connexin‐43 expression. The latter indicates a strong gap‐junction coupling of the individual cells within the syncytium. It is hypothesized that these sex‐specific differences result in an increased capacity for buffering of extracellular potassium ions, thereby lowering the potassium equilibrium potential, which, in turn, leads to a decrease in the oscillation frequency. This hypothesis has received strong support from simulations based on computational models of individual neurons and the whole neural network of the pacemaker nucleus.  相似文献   

Behavior in electric fish includes modulations of a stereotyped electric organ discharge (EOD) in addition to locomotor displays. Gymnotiformes can modulate the EOD rate to produce signals that participate in different behaviors. We studied the reproductive behavior of Brachyhypopomus pinnicaudatus both in the wild and laboratory settings. During the breeding season, fish produce sexually dimorphic social electric signals (SES): males emit three types of chirps (distinguished by their duration and internal structure), and accelerations, whereas females interrupt their EOD. Since these SES imply EOD frequency modulations, the pacemaker nucleus (PN) is involved in their generation and constitutes the main target organ to explore seasonal and sexual plasticity of the CNS. The PN has two types of neurons, pacemakers and relays, which receive modulatory inputs from pre-pacemaker structures. These neurons show an anisotropic rostro-caudal and dorso-ventral distribution that is paralleled by different field potential waveforms in distinct portions of the PN. In vivo glutamate injections in different areas of the PN provoke different kinds of EOD rate modulations. Ventral injections produce chirp-like responses in breeding males and EOD interruptions in breeding females, whereas dorsal injections provoke EOD frequency rises in both sexes. In the non-breeding season, males and females respond with interruptions when stimulated ventrally and frequency rises when injected dorsally. Our results show that changes of glutamate effects in the PN could explain the seasonal and sexual differences in the generation of SES. By means of behavioral recordings both in the wild and in laboratory settings, and by electrophysiological and pharmacological experiments, we have identified sexual and seasonal plasticity of the CNS and explored its underlying mechanisms.  相似文献   

Gymnotiform electric fish emit an electric organ discharge that, in several species, is sexually dimorphic and functions in gender recognition. In addition, some species produce frequency modulations of the electric organ discharge, known as chirps, that are displayed during aggression and courtship. We report that two congeneric species (Apteronotus leptorhynchus and A. albifrons) differ in the expression of sexual dimorphism in these signals. In A. leptorhynchus, males chirp more than females, but in A. albifrons chirping is monomorphic. The gonadosomatic index and plasma levels of 11-ketotestosterone were equivalent in both species, suggesting that they were in similar reproductive condition. Corresponding to this difference in dimorphism, A. leptorhynchus increases chirping in response to androgens, but chirping in A. albifrons is insensitive to implants of testosterone, dihydrotestosterone or 11-ketotestosterone. Species also differ in the sexual dimorphism and androgen sensitivity of electric organ discharge frequency. In A. leptorhynchus, males discharge at higher frequencies than females, and androgens increase electric organ discharge frequency. In A.␣albifrons, males discharge at lower frequencies than females, and androgens decrease electric organ discharge frequency. Thus, in both chirping and electric organ discharge frequency, evolutionary changes in the presence or direction of sexual dimorphism have been accompanied and perhaps caused by changes in the androgen regulation of the electric organ discharge. Accepted: 18 February 1998  相似文献   

Some gymnotiform electric fish modulate their electric organ discharge for intraspecific communication. In Apteronotus leptorhynchus, chirps are usually rapid (10-30 ms) modulations that are activated through non- N-methyl- d-aspartate (non-NMDA) glutamate receptors in the hindbrain pacemaker nucleus. Males produce longer chirp types than females and chirp at higher rates. In Apteronotus albifrons, chirp rate is sexually monomorphic, but chirp structure (change in frequency and amplitude during a chirp) was unknown. To better understand the neural regulation and evolution of chirping behavior, we compared chirp structure in these two species under identical stimulus regimes. A. albifrons, like A. leptorhynchus, produced distinct types of chirps that varied, in part, by frequency excursion. However, unlike in A. leptorhynchus, chirp types in A. albifrons varied little in duration, and chirps were all longer (70-200 ms) than those of A. leptorhynchus. Chirp type production was not sexually dimorphic in A. albifrons, but within two chirp types males produced longer chirps than females. We suggest that species differences in chirp duration might be attributable to differences in the relative proportions of fast-acting (non-NMDA) and slow-acting (NMDA) glutamate receptors in the pacemaker. Additionally, we map species difference onto a phylogeny and hypothesize an evolutionary sequence for the diversification of chirp structure.  相似文献   

The electromotor and electrosensory systems of the weakly electric fish Apteronotus leptorhynchus are model systems for studying mechanisms of high-frequency motor pattern generation and sensory processing. Voltage-dependent ionic currents, including low-threshold potassium currents, influence excitability of neurons in these circuits and thereby regulate motor output and sensory filtering. Although Kv1-like potassium channels are likely to carry low-threshold potassium currents in electromotor and electrosensory neurons, the distribution of Kv1 alpha subunits in A. leptorhynchus is unknown. In this study, we used immunohistochemistry with six different antibodies raised against specific mammalian Kv1 alpha subunits (Kv1.1-Kv1.6) to characterize the distribution of Kv1-like channels in electromotor and electrosensory structures. Each Kv1 antibody labeled a distinct subset of neurons, fibers, and/or dendrites in electromotor and electrosensory nuclei. Kv1-like immunoreactivity in the electrosensory lateral line lobe (ELL) and pacemaker nucleus are particularly relevant in light of previous studies suggesting that potassium currents carried by Kv1 channels regulate neuronal excitability in these regions. Immunoreactivity of pyramidal cells in the ELL with several Kv1 antibodies is consistent with Kv1 channels carrying low-threshold outward currents that regulate spike waveform in these cells (Fernandez et al., J Neurosci 2005;25:363-371). Similarly, Kv1-like immunoreactivity in the pacemaker nucleus is consistent with a role of Kv1 channels in spontaneous high-frequency firing in pacemaker neurons. Robust Kv1-like immunoreactivity in several other structures, including the dorsal torus semicircularis, tuberous electroreceptors, and the electric organ, indicates that Kv1 channels are broadly expressed and are likely to contribute significantly to generating the electric organ discharge and processing electrosensory inputs.  相似文献   

The South American weakly-electric knifefish (Apteronotidae) produce highly diverse and readily quantifiable electrocommunication signals. The electric organ discharge frequency (EODf), and EOD modulations (chirps and gradual frequency rises (GFRs)), vary dramatically across sexes and species, presenting an ideal opportunity to examine the proximate and ultimate bases of sexually dimorphic behavior. We complemented previous studies on the sexual dimorphism of apteronotid communication signals by investigating electric signal features and their hormonal correlates in Apteronotus bonapartii, a species which exhibits strong sexual dimorphism in snout morphology. Electrocommunication signals were evoked and recorded using a playback paradigm, and were analyzed for signal features including EOD frequency and the structure of EOD modulations. To investigate the androgenic correlates of sexually dimorphic EOD signals, we measured plasma concentrations of testosterone and 11-ketotestosterone. A. bonapartii responded robustly to stimulus playbacks. EODf was sexually monomorphic, and males and females produced chirps with similar durations and amounts of frequency modulation. However, males were more likely than females to produce chirps with multiple frequency peaks. Sexual dimorphism in apteronotid electrocommunication signals appears to be highly evolutionarily labile. Extensive interspecific variation in the magnitude and direction of sex differences in EODf and in different aspects of chirp structure suggest that chirp signals may be an important locus of evolutionary change within the clade. The weakly-electric fish represent a rich source of data for understanding the selective pressures that shape, and the neuroendocrine mechanisms that underlie, diversity in the sexual dimorphism of behavior.  相似文献   

The cyclic enrichment of behavioral repertoires is a common event in seasonal breeders. Breeding males Brachyhypopomus gauderio produce electric organ discharge (EOD) rate modulations called chirps while females respond with interruptions. The electromotor system is commanded by a pacemaker nucleus (PN) which sets the basal rate and produces the rate modulations. We focused on identifying functional, seasonal and sexual differences in this nucleus in correlation to these differences in behavior. The in vivo response to glutamate injection in the PN was seasonal, sexually dimorphic and site specific. Non-breeding adults and breeding females injected in dorsal and ventral sites generated EOD rate increases and interruptions, respectively. Reproductive males added a conspicuous communication signal to this repertoire. They chirped repetitively when we injected glutamate in a very restricted area of the ventral–rostral nucleus, surprisingly one with a low number of relay cell somata. This study shows that the PN is functionally organized in regions in a caudal–rostral axis, besides the previously documented dorsal–ventral division. Functional regions are revealed by seasonal changes that annually provide this nucleus with the cellular mechanisms that allow the bursting activity underlying chirp production, only in males.  相似文献   

Electric fish communicate with electric organ (EO) discharges (EODs) that are sexually dimorphic, hormone-sensitive, and often individually distinct. The cells of the EO (electrocytes) of the weakly electric fish Sternopygus possess delayed rectifying K+ currents that systematically vary in their activation and deactivation kinetics, and this precise variation in K+ current kinetics helps shape sex and individual differences in the EOD. Because members of the Kv1 subfamily produce delayed rectifier currents, we cloned a number of genes in the Kv1 subfamily from the EO of Sternopygus. Using our sequences and those from genome databases, we found that in teleost fish Kv1.1 and Kv1.2 exist as duplicate pairs (Kv1.1a&b, Kv1.2a&b) whereas Kv1.3 does not. Using real-time quantitative RT-PCR, we found that Kv1.1a and Kv1.2a, but not Kv1.2b, expression in the EO is higher in high EOD frequency females (which have fast EO K+ currents) than in low EOD frequency males (which have slow EO K+ currents). Systemic treatment with dihydrotestosterone decreased Kv1.1a and Kv1.2a, but not Kv1.2b, expression in the EO, whereas treatment with human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) increased Kv1.2a but not Kv1.1a or Kv1.2b expression in the EO. Thus, systematic variation in the ratios of Kv1 channels expressed in the EO is correlated with individual differences in and sexual dimorphism of a communication signal.  相似文献   

The neural circuit that controls the electric organ discharge (EOD) of the brown ghost knifefish (Apteronotus leptorhynchus) contains two spontaneous oscillators. Both pacemaker neurons in the medulla and electromotor neurons (EMNs) in the spinal cord fire spontaneously at frequencies of 500–1000 Hz to control the EOD. These neurons continue to fire in vitro at frequencies that are highly correlated with in vivo EOD frequency. Previous studies used channel blocking drugs to pharmacologically characterize ionic currents that control high‐frequency firing in pacemaker neurons. The goal of the present study was to use similar techniques to investigate ionic currents in EMNs, the other type of spontaneously active neuron in the electromotor circuit. As in pacemaker neurons, high‐frequency firing of EMNs was regulated primarily by tetrodotoxin‐sensitive sodium currents and by potassium currents that were sensitive to 4‐aminopyridine and κA‐conotoxin SIVA, but resistant to tetraethylammonium. EMNs, however, differed from pacemaker neurons in their sensitivity to some channel blocking drugs. Alpha‐dendrotoxin, which blocks a subset of Kv1 potassium channels, increased firing rates in EMNs, but not pacemaker neurons; and the sodium channel blocker μO‐conotoxin MrVIA, which reduced firing rates of pacemaker neurons, had no effect on EMNs. These results suggest that similar, but not identical, ionic currents regulate high‐frequency firing in EMNs and pacemaker neurons. The differences in the ionic currents expressed in pacemaker neurons and EMNs might be related to differences in the morphology, connectivity, or function of these two cell types. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Neurobiol, 2006  相似文献   

The neural circuit that controls the electric organ discharge (EOD) of the brown ghost knifefish (Apteronotus leptorhynchus) contains two spontaneous oscillators. Both pacemaker neurons in the medulla and electromotor neurons (EMNs) in the spinal cord fire spontaneously at frequencies of 500-1,000 Hz to control the EOD. These neurons continue to fire in vitro at frequencies that are highly correlated with in vivo EOD frequency. Previous studies used channel blocking drugs to pharmacologically characterize ionic currents that control high-frequency firing in pacemaker neurons. The goal of the present study was to use similar techniques to investigate ionic currents in EMNs, the other type of spontaneously active neuron in the electromotor circuit. As in pacemaker neurons, high-frequency firing of EMNs was regulated primarily by tetrodotoxin-sensitive sodium currents and by potassium currents that were sensitive to 4-aminopyridine and kappaA-conotoxin SIVA, but resistant to tetraethylammonium. EMNs, however, differed from pacemaker neurons in their sensitivity to some channel blocking drugs. Alpha-dendrotoxin, which blocks a subset of Kv1 potassium channels, increased firing rates in EMNs, but not pacemaker neurons; and the sodium channel blocker muO-conotoxin MrVIA, which reduced firing rates of pacemaker neurons, had no effect on EMNs. These results suggest that similar, but not identical, ionic currents regulate high-frequency firing in EMNs and pacemaker neurons. The differences in the ionic currents expressed in pacemaker neurons and EMNs might be related to differences in the morphology, connectivity, or function of these two cell types.  相似文献   

Gymnarchus niloticus, a wave-type African electric fish, performs its jamming avoidance response by relying solely upon afferent signals and does not use corollary discharges from the pacemaker nucleus in the medulla which generates the rhythmicity of electric organ discharges. This is in sharp contrast to the mode of sensory processing found in closely related African pulse-type electric fishes where afferent signals are gated by corollary discharges from the pacemaker for the distinction of exafferent and reafferent stimuli. Does Gymnarchus still possess a corollary discharge mechanism for other behavioral tasks but does not use it for the jamming avoidance response? In this study, I recorded from and labeled medullary neuronal structures that either generate or convey the pacemaker signal for electric organ discharges to examine whether this information is also sent directly to any sensory areas. The pacemaker nucleus was identified as the site of generation of the pacemaking signal. The pacemaker neurons project exclusively to the lateral relay nucleus which, in turn projects exclusively to the medial relay nucleus. Neurons in the medial relay nucleus send unbranched axons to the spinal electromotoneurons. These neurons are entirely devoted to drive the electric organ discharges, and no axon collaterals from these neurons were found to project to any sensory areas. This indicates that Gymnarchus does not possess the neuronal hardware for a corollary discharge mechanism.  相似文献   

1. An in vitro preparation of the medullary pacemaker nucleus of the weakly electric fish Apteronotus leptorhynchus was studied which fires regularly and synchronously at the fish's characteristic frequency of electric organ discharge (EOD). Upon bipolar stimulation of tissue regions through which pass prepacemaker nucleus afferents to the pacemaker, a brief, transient increase in discharge frequency ensued at short-latency (Fig. 1A). 2. Intracellular recordings revealed that the acceleration was accompanied by a depolarization and decline in action potential amplitude. The magnitude of these changes was both phase- (Fig. 5) and amplitude-dependent, with the latter showing an evident threshold effect (Figs. 4 and 12). The response was reversibly blocked by high Mg2+ saline (Fig. 1B), and the magnitude of the accelerations showed marked facilitation during repeated stimulation (Fig. 6). 3. Optical and histological identification allowed characteristically different responses in the intracellular recordings to be attributed to the two cell types of the pacemaker nucleus: pacemaker and relay cells (Figs. 2 and 3). Similar responses have been observed at these respective recording locations in the intact animal during chirping (Dye and Heiligenberg 1987). 4. Simultaneous recordings of pairs of cells revealed a transient change in the phase relationship of firing during the accelerations which was most marked between relay and pacemaker cells (Fig. 7). These dual recordings also revealed that the relay cells depolarize and accelerate more than pacemaker cells (Fig. 10), suggesting that they are the principal effectors of this behavioral modulation. 5. Trains of pulses additionally elicited a long-lasting frequency elevation which occurred at a slightly higher threshold than the brief accelerations. This slow frequency change relaxed back to baseline following a biexponential time course which closely resembled that of a distinct behavior seen in intact fish, termed 'yodeling' (Dye 1987).  相似文献   

In this study we examined electrocommunication behavior in Sternarchogiton nattereri (Apteronotidae), a weakly electric fish from South America. We focused on variation between females and males lacking external dentition and used playbacks of simulated conspecifics to elicit chirps (modulations of their electric organ discharge, EOD). Chirp responses were not affected by the frequency of the playback stimulus. EOD frequency, chirp rate, and chirp duration were not sexually dimorphic; however, the amount of chirp frequency modulation was significantly greater in toothless males than in females. These results reinforce that sex differences in chirp structure are highly diverse and widespread in the Apteronotidae.  相似文献   

Sexually dimorphic signaling is widespread among animals and can act as an honest indicator of mate quality. Additionally, differences in signaling and morphology within a sex can be associated with different strategies for acquiring mates. Weakly electric fish communicate via self-generated electrical fields that transmit information about sex, reproductive state, and social status. The weakly electric knifefish Parapteronotus hasemani exhibits sexual dimorphism in body size as well as substantial within-male variation in body size and jaw length. We asked whether P. hasemani exhibits hormonally mediated sexual dimorphism in electrocommunication behavior. We also asked whether males with short versus long jaws differed significantly from each other in morphology, behavior, hormone levels, or reproductive maturity. Males produced longer chirps than females, but other signal parameters (electric organ discharge frequency; chirp rate and frequency modulation) were sexually monomorphic. Pharmacologically blocking androgen receptors in males reduced chirp duration, suggesting that this sexually dimorphic trait is regulated at least in part by the activational effects of androgens. Males sorted into two distinct morphological categories but did not differ in circulating 11-ketotestosterone or testosterone. Short-jawed males and long-jawed males also did not differ in any aspects of signaling. Thus, chirping and high levels of 11-ketotestosterone were reliably associated with reproductively active males but do not necessarily indicate male type or quality. This contrasts with other alternative male morph systems in which males that differ in morphology also differ in androgen profiles and signaling behavior.  相似文献   

In Sternopygus macrurus, electrocyte action potential duration determines the electric organ discharge pulse duration. Since the electric organ discharge is a sexually-dimorphic behavior under the control of steroid hormones, and because electrocyte action potential durations can range from 3–14 ms, the electrocytes provide a unique opportunity to study how sex steroids regulate membrane excitability. In this study, the voltage-sensitive ionic currents of electrocytes were identified under current- and voltage-clamp as a prelude to further studies on their regulation by sex steroid hormones.Bath application of TTX completely abolished the spike and eliminated an inward current under voltage clamp, indicating that the action potential is due primarily to a sodium current. Calcium-free saline had no effect on spike waveform or voltage-clamp currents, indicating that neither calcium nor calcium-dependent currents contribute to the action potential. Application of potassium channel blocking agents, such as tetraethylammonium and cesium ions, caused changes in the spike which, together with voltage-clamp results, indicate the presence of two potassium currents: an inward rectifier and a classical delayed rectifier. In addition, these cells have a large, presumably voltage-insensitive, chloride current. Differences in one or more of these currents could be responsible for the range of action potential durations found in these cells and for the steroid-mediated changes in spike duration.Abbreviations EOD electric organ discharge - VC voltage clamp - CC current clamp - AP action potential - VI/IV voltage-current/current-voltage  相似文献   

The two closely related gymnotiform fishes, Apteronotus and Eigenmannia, share many similar communication and electrolocation behaviors that require modulation of the frequency of their electric organ discharges. The premotor linkages between their electrosensory system and their medullary pacemaker nucleus, which controls the repetition rate of their electric organ discharges, appear to function differently, however. In the context of the jamming avoidance response, Eigenmannia can raise or lower its electric organ discharge frequency from its resting level. A normally quiescent input from the diencephalic prepacemaker nucleus can be recruited to raise the electric organ discharge frequency above the resting level. Another normally active input, from the sublemniscal prepacemaker nucleus, can be inhibited to lower the electric organ discharge frequency below the resting level (Metzner 1993). In contrast, during a jamming avoidance response, Apteronotus cannot lower its electric organ discharge frequency below the resting level. The sublemniscal prepacemaker is normally completely inhibited and release of this inhibition allows the electric organ discharge frequency to rise during the jamming avoidance response. Further inhibition of this nucleus cannot lower the electric organ discharge frequency below the resting level. Lesions of the diencephalic prepacemaker do not affect performance of the jamming avoidance response. Thus, in Apteronotus, the sublemniscal prepacemaker alone controls the change of the electric organ discharge frequency during the jamming avoidance response.  相似文献   

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