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Escherichia coli cells which contain a functional Kup (formerly TrkD) system took up Cs+ with a moderate rate and affinity. Kup is a separate K+ uptake system with relatively little discrimination in the transport of the cations K+, Rb+, and Cs+. Regardless of the presence or absence of Kup, K+-replete cells took up Cs+ primarily by a very low affinity mode, proportional to the ratio of the Cs+ and K+ concentrations in the medium.  相似文献   

The Kdp K+ uptake system of Escherichia coli is induced by limitation for K+ and/or high osmolarity. In the present study, the regulation of the activity of the Kdp system has been investigated in E. coli mutants possessing only the Kdp system as the mechanism of K+ accumulation. Cells grown in the presence of low K+ (0.1-1 mM) exhibit normal growth. However, growth inhibition results from exposure of cells to moderate levels of external K+ (> 5 mM). Measurement of the cytoplasmic pH, of K+ pools and of transport via the Kdp system demonstrates that the Kdp system is rapidly and irreversibly inhibited by moderate external K+. Concentrations of K+ greater than 2 mM are sufficient to cause inhibition of Kdp. At pH 6, this results in rapid lowering of the capacity for pH homeostasis, but at pH 7 the intracellular pH is unaffected. Parallel analysis of the expression of the Kdp system in a Kdp+/kdpFABC-lacZ strain shows that levels of K+ that are sufficient to inhibit Kdp activity also repress expression. As a result, growth inhibition of strains solely possessing Kdp arises jointly from inhibition of Kdp activity and repression of Kdp gene expression. These data identify an important aspect of the regulation of potassium transport via the Kdp system and also provide support for a model of regulation of Kdp expression via at least two mechanisms: sensing of both turgor and external K+ concentration.  相似文献   

The bipA gene encodes a ribosome-associated GTPase postulated to be involved in regulatory functions in enteropathogenic Escherichia coli. Previous studies demonstrated that BipA is tyrosine phosphorylated in EPEC strains, but not in E. coli strain K12. Results presented here indicate that BipA function is required at low temperatures in E. coli K12, suggesting a regulatory role independent of phosphorylation and of pathogenicity.  相似文献   

The dual energy requirement (protonmotive force and ATP) of the Escherichia coli Trk potassium transport system has been investigated. Using inhibitors and unc mutants we show that Trk is not an ATPase but may be regulated by ATP. Possible mechanisms of energy coupling to Trk are discussed.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli grown under anaerobic conditions in acidic medium (pH 5.5) upon hyperosmotic stress accumulates potassium ions mainly through the Kup system, the functioning of which is associated with proton efflux decrease. It was shown that H+ secretion but not glucose-induced K+ uptake was inhibited by N,N′-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCC). The inhibitory effect of DCC on the H+ efflux was stronger in the trkA mutant with defective potassium transport. The K+ and H+ fluxes depended on the extent of hyperosmotic stress in the absence or presence of DCC. The decrease in external oxidation/reduction potential and H2 liberation insensitive to DCC were recorded. It was found that the atpD mutant with nonfunctional F0F1-ATPase produced a substantial amount of H2, while in the hyc mutant (but not the hyf mutant defective in hydrogenases 3 (Hyd-3) and 4 (Hyd-4)) the H2 production was significantly suppressed. At the same time, the rate of K+ uptake was markedly lower in hyfR and hyfB-R but not in hycE or hyfA-B mutants; H+ transport was lowered and sensitive to DCC in hyf but not in hyc mutants. The results point to the relationship of K+ uptake with the Hyd-4 activity. Novel options of the expression of some hyf genes in E. coli grown at pH 5.5 are proposed. It is possible that the hyfB-R genes expressed under acidic conditions or their gene products interact with the gene coding for the Kup protein or directly with the Kup system.  相似文献   

The role of K+ and Na+ in the maintenance of the proton motive force (delta p) was studied in Escherichia coli incubated in alkaline media. Cells respiring in Tris buffer (pH 7.8) that contained less than 100 microEq of K+ and Na+ per liter had a normal delta p of about -165 mV. At pH 8.2, however, the delta p was reduced significantly. The decrease in delta p at pH 8.2 was due to a marked decrease in the transmembrane potential (delta psi), while the internal pH remained at 7.5 to 7.7. When KCl or NaCl, but not LiCl or choline chloride, was added to the cells, the delta psi rose to the values seen at an external pH of 7.8. In addition, choline chloride inhibited the enhancement of delta psi by K+. None of the salts had a significant effect on the internal pH. The effects can be attributed to alterations of K+ or Na+ cycling in and out of the cells via the known K+ and Na+ transport systems.  相似文献   

Expression of the Kdp system sensitizes cells to methylglyoxal (MG) whether this electrophile is added externally or is synthesized endogenously. The basis of this enhanced sensitivity is the maintenance of a higher cytoplasmic pH (pHi) in cells expressing Kdp. In such cells, MG elicits rapid cytoplasmic acidification via KefB and KefC, but the steady-state pHi attained is still too high to confer protection Lowering pHi further by incubation with acetate increases the sensitivity of cells to MG.  相似文献   

Very few vacuolar two pore potassium channels (TPKs) have been functionally characterized. In this paper we have used complementation of K+ uptake deficient Escherichia coli mutant LB2003 to analyze the functional properties of Arabidopsis thaliana TPK family members. The four isoforms of AtTPKs were cloned and expressed in LB2003 E. coli background.The expression of channels in bacteria was analyzed by RT-PCR. Our results show that AtTPK1, AtTPK2 and AtTPK5 are restoring the LB2003 growth on low K+ media. The analysis of potassium uptake exhibited elevated level of K+ uptake in the same three types of AtTPKs transformants.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli accumulates K+ by means of multiple uptake systems of which Kup is the major transport system at acidic pH. In cells grown under fermentative conditions at pH 5.5, K+ influx by a wild-type strain upon hyper-osmotic stress at pH 5.5 was accompanied by a marked decrease in H+ efflux, with a 1:1 ratio of K+ to H+ fluxes. This was observed with cells treated with N,N'-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide. Similar results with a mutant defective in Kdp and TrkA but with a functional Kup system but not in a mutant defective in Kdp and Kup but having an active TrkA system suggest that Kup operates as a H+ -K+ -symporter.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli has an ability, rare among the Enterobacteriaceae, to survive extreme acid stress under various host (e.g., human stomach) and nonhost (e.g., apple cider) conditions. Previous microarray studies have exposed a cluster of 12 genes at 79 centisomes collectively called an acid fitness island (AFI). Four AFI genes, gadA, gadX, gadW, and gadE, were already known to be involved in an acid resistance system that consumes an intracellular proton through the decarboxylation of glutamic acid. However, roles for the other eight AFI gene products were either unknown or subject to conflicting findings. Two new aspects of acid resistance are described that require participation of five of the remaining eight AFI genes. YhiF (a putative regulatory protein), lipoprotein Slp, and the periplasmic chaperone HdeA protected E. coli from organic acid metabolites produced during fermentation once the external pH was reduced to pH 2.5. HdeA appears to handle protein damage caused when protonated organic acids diffuse into the cell and dissociate, thereby decreasing internal pH. In contrast, YhiF- and Slp-dependent systems appear to counter the effects of the organic acids themselves, specifically succinate, lactate, and formate, but not acetate. A second phenomenon was defined by two other AFI genes, yhiD and hdeD, encoding putative membrane proteins. These proteins participate in an acid resistance mechanism exhibited only at high cell densities (>10(8) CFU per ml). Density-dependent acid resistance does not require any demonstrable secreted factor and may involve cell contact-dependent activation. These findings further define the complex physiology of E. coli acid resistance.  相似文献   

The L-form NC7, derived from Escherichia coli K12, grew in a complex medium containing 0.2 M-CaCl2 as osmotic stabilizer, but not at pH values above 7.8. The cessation of growth at alkaline pH was not due to cell death. In complex media containing K+ or Na+, the L-form grew ove a wide pH range. Growth at alkaline pH was inhibited by 1 mM-amiloride, indicating that Na+/H+ antiport activity was required for growth at alkaline pH. The internal pH (pHi) of the L-form in media containing K+, Na+ or Ca2+ was constant at about 7.8 to 8.0 at external pH (pHo) values of 7.2 and 8.2. The rates of O2 consumption by intact cells, lactate oxidation by membrane vesicles from cells grown in Ca(2+)-containing medium, and cell division were all strongly repressed under alkaline conditions.  相似文献   

Abstract In Escherichia coli cells depleted of both sodium and potassium, the potassium uptake system TrkA mediated a slow, electrogenic uptake of potassium. Electroneutrality was maintained by the extrusion of protons. Internal, but not external sodium stimulated potassium uptake. This extra uptake was coupled to a stoichiometric extrusion of sodium. Triethanolamine also stimulated potassium uptake, presumably by increasing the cytoplasmic buffer capacity. These results are taken to mean that sodium is not a substrate of the TrkA system, but stimulates TrkA activity by facilitating the reentry of protons through the sodium-proton antiporter, and thereby preventing a prohibitive increase in cytoplasmic pH.  相似文献   

Abstract Escherichia coli strains isolated from children with diarrhea were studied to determine the incidence of the components of the aerobactin system. The production of aerobactin and the presence of the aerobactin receptor were demonstrated using bioassay techniques. The presence and location of the genes for the aerobactin system was determined by colony and Southern DNA-DNA hydridization. It was found that aerobactin and the aerobactin receptor could be coded by either chromosomal or plasmid genes. A high percentage of strains expressed the receptor in the absence of aerobactin. Of 19 enterotoxin-producing strains one was found to have the complete aerobactin system, while 11 expressed only the aerobactin receptor which was most frequently coded by a plasmid.  相似文献   

A gene, designated ves, that is expressionally responsive to temperature was found in Escherichia coli. Experiments with a single-copy lacZ operon fusion and primer extension analysis revealed that ves was expressed at a low temperature with a peak around 25 degrees C but was hardly expressed at 42 degrees C. After a temperature downshift, the mRNA level increased until 6 to 12 h and then decreased. Consistently, an A + T-rich sequence similar to UP elements seen in cold-shock inducible cold-shock protein (Csp) genes was found up-stream of the ves promoter, and its 5'-untranslated region was found to share similarity with those of the cold-shock inducible and cold-adaptive cspA and cspB genes. Additionally, a putative down-stream box, which also exists in cold-inducible proteins, was found. The ves product was identified by overproduction and determination of its N-terminal sequence. Similarity of the C-terminal portion of Ves to the CspA family suggests that Ves belongs to this family. The results of gene-disruption experiments suggest that ves is not essential for E. coli.  相似文献   

Previous reports have suggested that Escherichia coli K12 mutants defective in the expression of oligogopeptide permease protein A (OppA) exhibit reduced sensitivity to aminoglycosides due to altered permeability of the cell envelope. In this work, the role of the OppA protein, and the oligogopeptide permease (Opp) transport system has been evaluated, in the resistance to aminoglycosides using derivatives of the E. coli K12 SS320 strain selected for triornithine resistance or with a deletion of the complete opp operon. All tested mutants were defective in the uptake of tri- and tetra-peptides but did not expressed resistance to aminoglycosides. Additionally, complementation tests carried out with a plasmid encoding the OppA protein did not affect the sensitivity of the strains to these antibiotics. Taken together, these evidences indicate that the Opp uptake system, as well as the OppA protein, does not play a direct role in the sensitivity to aminoglycosides in E. coli K12.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli inorganic pyrophosphatase (E-PPase) is a homohexamer formed from two trimers related by a two-fold axis. The residue Asp26 participates in intertrimeric contacts. Kinetics of MgPPi hydrolysis by a mutant Asp26Ala E-PPase is found to not obey Michaelis-Menten equation but can be described within the scheme of activation of hydrolysis by a free PPi binding at an effectory subsite. Existence of such a subsite is confirmed by the finding that the free form of methylenediphosphonate activates MgPPi hydrolysis though its magnesium complex is a competitive inhibitor. The Asp26Ala variant is the first example of hexameric E-PPase demonstrated to have an activatory subsite.  相似文献   

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