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Although the number of studies of pollen concentrations inside and outside buildings is increasing, little is known about the efficiency of penetration of pollen from outdoor to indoor air, and further. We studied indoor and outdoor pollen concentrations in the town of Lappeenranta and in the municipality of Rautjärvi in SE Finland from May 3–23, 2004, i.e. throughout the Betula pollen season, and assessed the risk of exposure to pollen grains. Pollen concentrations were measured inside and outside a block of flats, a detached house, and the regional central hospital, using rotorod-type samplers; in the town of Joutseno data were compared with Burkard counts. Outdoor concentrations of Betula pollen grains ranged between low and abundant (0–855 grains m?3). The corresponding indoor concentrations near the main front doors varied from low to moderate (0–17 grains m?3) in the central hospital and were low (<10 grains m?3) in both residential buildings. Indoor concentrations further from the main front door were low (<10 grains m?3) at all study sites. The concentrations of Betula pollen decreased substantially from outdoors to indoors, and further toward the centre of the building, probably indicating relatively poor penetrating properties of the pollen grains and/or the short-lived presence of pollen grains in indoor air. The concentrations of Betula pollen inside the buildings during the peak flowering period were mostly at a level barely inducing reactions even in the most sensitive persons.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the onset, length and end of the ragweed pollen season, taking into account diurnal, day-to-day, monthly and annual pollen variations, the effect of some meteorological parameters on atmospheric pollen concentrations and possible differences in the airborne pollen season and concentration due to sampling site. Airborne pollen was collected at three sites in central Croatia (Zagreb, Samobor and Ivanić Grad) during three pollen seasons (2002–2004). Seven-day Hirst-type volumetric pollen traps were used for pollen sampling. Ragweed pollen was the third most abundant pollen type to occur in the atmosphere of central Croatia. Total Ambrosia pollen concentration was the highest in the 2003 pollen season and the lowest in 2004 at all sampling sites. Maximum emissions were restricted to August and September. Intradiurnal periodicity showed a peak from 1000 to 1200 hours. The concentration of ragweed pollen during the pollen season was greatly influenced by temperature and precipitation: on rainy days accompanied by temperature decline, the air pollen concentration decreased abruptly. The results of this study are aimed at helping to alleviate the symptoms of allergic reactions in individuals with ragweed pollen hypersensitivity, thus improving their quality of life.  相似文献   

Summary Pollen and spore concentrations were compared in Tartu, Estonia and in three sites in Finland (Turku, Kuopio and Oulu) during May–September 1989. The onset ofQuercus, Pinus, Poaceae,Urtica andRumex flowering started earlier in Tartu than at any site in Finland. The flowering ofJuniperus andArtemisia, on the other hand, began earlier in Turku and Kuopio than in Tartu.Pinus andJuniperus showed a significant correlation (number of pollen grains at the same date) between Tartu and Turku and between Turku and Kuopio. Poaceae andUrtica were correlated between all the sites, as wasRumex except between Tartu and Turku.Artemisia was correlated between Tartu and Turku, Turku and Oulu, and Kuopio and Oulu.Cladosporium correlated between Tartu and Turku. The pollen seasons of Poaceae,Urtica andRumex are prolonged towards the south.  相似文献   

Studies on Ambrosia pollen concentrations were carried out in Lublin in the period 1995–2004. The effects of a number of meteorological factors were analysed. In the first period of the study, the gravimetric method was used (1995–1999), while in the second period, the volumetric method was applied. The results show an increasing trend in the amount of airborne pollen. The Ambrosia pollen season in Lublin lasts from August to October. Over a period of 5 years, the highest number of pollen grains was recorded in September (53%), followed by August (44%) and October (3%). There were wide variations in annual totals. The annual total pollen counts was 167–1180 grains, with the peak value in 2002. Maximum daily pollen concentrations (56–312 pollen grains m−3) were recorded in the first half of August and in the first half of September. On the days when high Ambrosia pollen concentrations occurred, the temperature was above 21°C and the winds were mainly from the southeast, south and east. Maximum intradiurnal concentrations of pollen grains occurred in the afternoon hours. These results indicate, to some degree, that Ambrosia pollen is transported for long distances before descent.  相似文献   

Ambrosia pollen is known as an importantallergen in North America, and more recently in someEuropean countries. From 1989 to 1995, the Ambrosia pollen levels detected at the stationsmonitored by the Aerobiological Network of Catalonia(Xarxa Aerobiològica de Catalunya, XAC) wereinsignificant. In 1996, a considerable althoughtemporary increase in the concentration of this pollenwas detected in the atmosphere over Girona, Barcelona,Bellaterra, Manresa, and Tarragona. Most of the Ambrosia pollen collected in 1996 was concentrated ina single day. Its appearance on that day wasattributed to long range transportation, caused byunusual conditions of atmospheric circulation, fromthe Lyon region in France where the species isabundant. This is the only day where concentrations ofAmbrosia pollen that may be dangerous to humanhealth have been reached. Ambrosia coronopifolia is the most abundantspecies of the genus in Catalonia, and although rare,its expansion is favoured by the fact that it growsthrough rhizomes and sprouts easily. It is, therefore,important to monitor the growth of its population andthe release of its pollen in order to predict theappearance of pollen levels that may precipitateallergic symptoms.  相似文献   

Summary Mugwort pollen flight and pollen emission are characterized by a distinct biological rhythm with emission in the early morning hours (6:00–11:00 a.m. CEST). Pollen traps at roof level monitor the daily and yearly variation of mugwort pollen flight later and in lower quantities than those installed at ground level because of the different daily variation of convection at various air levels. The daily variation of mugwort pollen flight can be described by mathematical functions. Because of these significant differences between the catch at different levels, the supposed high allergic potential of mugwort has to be discussed.  相似文献   

【目的】开发外来入侵生物三裂叶豚草和豚草不同生育期、不同部位的环介导等温扩增(loop-mediated isothermal amplification, LAMP)技术,以达到田间快速、准确和高效识别的目的。【方法】以SYBR Green Ⅰ为指示剂,分别针对三裂叶豚草和豚草不同发育阶段(幼苗期、生长期、种子期)开展LAMP技术开发。【结果】特异性验证结果显示,所检测杂草的LAMP产物均呈阳性(产生白色沉淀),而与其对照的其他2种杂草的LAMP产物均为阴性(无白色沉淀)。灵敏度检测结果显示,该体系的DNA最低检测限为10-10 ng·μL-1,比常规聚合酶链式反应灵敏度高。【结论】本研究建立的LAMP检测体系能有效应用于三裂叶豚草和豚草样本的快速检测,为其快速、高效识别提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

This study analyzes the pollen counts obtained from the air of the greater Lyon (corresponding to the urban area of Lyon) an area which has been overrun by ragweed in the last 40 years. Two periods are investigated, 1982–1989 and 1990–1995. The year 1995 deserves specific attention because for the first time a campaign of ragweed eradication was launched in greater Lyon. From the data of the 14 pollination seasons it was possible to define some parameters: subpathological risk period, pathological risk period and the position and level of the pollen peak. Our study indicates the progression of the weed in the infested area over the two periods. In 1995 a slight decrease in the pollen count was observed but this was followed by a second peak probably related to later growth of some plants which had been cut. In this connection, 4 weeks weeding campaign is not long enough and in the future a 6-week campaign without the use of weedkillers should be planned. Determining the parameters of ragweed pollination every year will be useful both to patients and physicians concerned by allergy to ragweed pollen. According to the level of the ragweed pollen in the air, the patients may take appropriate medication. This study emphasizes the necessity to record air pollen concentrations over many years. In particular, the actual impact of cutting ragweed before pollination on ragweed pollen counts can only be evaluated after several years of eradication.  相似文献   

The work was carried out using a Cour trap that sampled the air of the city for 8 consecutive years (1987–1994). The pollen ofPlatanus hispanica is the fourth most abundant in the air of Seville (a mean of 11.05% of the total pollen collected). The variation throughout the years in the sum of weekly concentrations ofPlatanus hispanica pollen presents a certain biennial rhythm, in which years of high and low collection of pollen alternate. The starting day of the main pollination period (MPP) is negatively related with the mean of the mean temperatures for February (r=0.73,r 2=0.53,P=0.0398) and is earlier (at the beginning of March) when the mean temperature for February is high, and vice versa. The pattern of pollen variation inPlatanus hispanica remains constant through the years—pollen appears abruptly in high weekly concentrations (> 150 grains/m3) in March (sporadically at the beginning of April), with a week of maximum pollen emission (WMPE) in which more than 50% of the annual pollen is collected (in 6 of the 8 years), and a main pollination period (MPP) of 2 or 3 weeks (except in 1989 when it was 5 weeks). In every year (except 1989), weekly mean temperatures increased during the MPP, the duration of which depends on mean temperature and mean rainfall: mean temperatures > 16°C and absence of rainfall shorten the MPP, while lower temperatures and presence of rainfall lengthen it. The meteorological conditions most often found during the WMPE are mean temperatures > 15°C and rainfall absent or almost so.  相似文献   

潘燕芳  阎顺  穆桂金  孔昭宸  倪健  杨振京 《生态学报》2011,31(23):6999-7006
对中国东天山天池自2001年7月至2006年7月连续5a收集的雪岭云杉大气花粉含量进行统计分析,结果表明:1)一年四季大气中都有雪岭云杉花粉,但花粉数量变化比较大,超过全年90%的大气花粉集中在5、6月份的花粉高峰期,之后花粉浓度逐渐下降,至翌年1月份浓度降至最低,2月开始花粉浓度有升高的趋势;2)5a平均花粉浓度是42.66粒/m3,最高年是2005年,花粉浓度可达99.54粒/m3,最低年2003年,仅为2.13粒/m3;3)雪岭云杉大气花粉高峰期出现在5月22至6月2日,高峰日出现在5月28至6月6日,结束日是在6月18至6月25日,平均持续时间为27 d.观测时段雪岭云杉大气花粉高峰期出现日、高峰日逐年提前,2006年出现日期比2002年提前了7d、高峰日提前9d,结束日期滞后,2006年比2002年滞后6d,花粉高峰期持续时间逐年延长,2006年比2002年延长了12d.分析显示,影响雪岭云杉大气花粉高峰期变化的主要因素是春季气温的升高;4)粗略估算每年新疆的雪岭云杉林带内由大气中降落到表土的花粉量达61 kg/hm2,新疆现有雪岭云杉52.84×104hm2,全年由大气降落到林带内表土的花粉多达3223 t,一部分降落到戈壁、荒漠以及沙漠等一些极端气候区的花粉为一些先锋种植物提供必要的营养物质,具有重要的生态意义.  相似文献   

An increasing percentage of the European population suffers from allergies to pollen. The study of the evolution of air pollen concentration supplies prior knowledge of the levels of pollen in the air, which can be useful for the prevention and treatment of allergic symptoms, and the management of medical resources. The symptoms of Betula pollinosis can be associated with certain levels of pollen in the air. The aim of this study was to predict the risk of the concentration of pollen exceeding a given level, using previous pollen and meteorological information, by applying neural network techniques. Neural networks are a widespread statistical tool useful for the study of problems associated with complex or poorly understood phenomena. The binary response variable associated with each level requires a careful selection of the neural network and the error function associated with the learning algorithm used during the training phase. The performance of the neural network with the validation set showed that the risk of the pollen level exceeding a certain threshold can be successfully forecasted using artificial neural networks. This prediction tool may be implemented to create an automatic system that forecasts the risk of suffering allergic symptoms.  相似文献   

The micropylar secrete of the ovules of Crocus vernus ssp. vernus was analyzed for the Ca+2 content by atomic absorption, and its capacity to germinate and attract pollen was tested by pollinating explanted ovules, and incubating in absence of culture medium. The results display a Ca+2 concentration of 28.9 mM in the micropylar secrete. On this secrete both compatible- and incompatible pollen germinates with a mean percentage of 53.7%, and their pollen tubes enter the micropylar canal with percentages of 32.3% to 21.0%. In situ the ovules fail to attract tubes of incompatible pollen. The results are discussed in relation to the ovule receptivity and the guided growth of pollen tubes, substantiating the model of the tropic growth towards increasing calcium concentrations.  相似文献   

The relation between the occurrence of carpophores of mycorrhizal fungi, tree vitality, and air pollution in ‘young’ (5–10 years) and ‘old’ (50–80 years) stands ofPinus sylvestris L. was investigated. In the Netherlands 21 homogeneous plots of 1000 m2 were selected on dry, sandy soils. Tree vitality was assessed in the summer of 1985 and during the autumn the plots were searched for carpophores of mycorrhizal fungi. In the young plots 3 times more species of ectomycorrhizal fungi and 20 times more carpophores per plot were found than in the old plots. In the old plots, the number of carpophores and the number of species showed significant positive correlations with the average number of needleyears of the trees. The number of carpophores and the number of species were significantly negative correlated with the concentrations of SO2 and O3 in the air and the amount of NH3 emission. The number of needleyears, the crown density and the overall tree vitality were found to be significantly negative correlated with the amount of NH3 emission, and the number of needleyears also with the concentration of O3 in the air. Such correlations were not found for the young plots. No differences were found in soil chemical properties between the plots. Evidence was obtained that the fructification of mycorrhizal fungi of old stands ofPinus sylvestris is influenced by air pollution either directly, or indirectly by way of tree vitality. It is hypothesized that the young plots offer more advantageous circumstances for fructification of the fungi because of the disturbance of the upper soil-layer at the time of planting.  相似文献   

Exposure to Aspergillus fumigatus is linked with respiratory diseases such as asthma, invasive aspergillosis, hypersensitivity pneumonitis, and allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis. Molecular methods using quantitative PCR (qPCR) offer advantages over culture and optical methods for estimating human exposures to microbiological agents such as fungi. We describe an assay that uses lyticase to digest A. fumigatus conidia followed by TaqMan™ qPCR to quantify released DNA. This method will allow analysis of airborne A. fumigatus samples collected over extended time periods and provide a more representative assessment of chronic exposure. The method was optimized for environmental samples and incorporates: single tube sample preparation to reduce sample loss, maintain simplicity, and avoid contamination; hot start amplification to reduce non-specific primer/probe annealing; and uracil-N-glycosylase to prevent carryover contamination. An A. fumigatus internal standard was developed and used to detect PCR inhibitors potentially found in air samples. The assay detected fewer than 10 A. fumigatus conidia per qPCR reaction and quantified conidia over a 4−log10 range with high linearity (R 2 > 0.99) and low variability among replicate standards (CV=2.0%) in less than 4 h. The sensitivity and linearity of qPCR for conidia deposited on filters was equivalent to conidia calibration standards. A. fumigatus DNA from 8 isolates was consistently quantified using this method, while non-specific DNA from 14 common environmental fungi, including 6 other Aspergillus species, was not detected. This method provides a means of analyzing long term air samples collected on filters which may enable investigators to correlate airborne environmental A. fumigatus conidia concentrations with adverse health effects.  相似文献   

This study presents the results obtained for airborne Betula pollen between 1992 and 2000 in Ourense, Spain, sampled by volumetric spore-trap (LANZONI VPPS2000). Annual and year-on-year variations were analyzed, and a statistical study of the correlation between daily counts and several meteorological parameters was performed. Birch pollen is present in the atmosphere during March and April in Ourense. Significant differences were observed among the different years. Values obtained for the correlation coefficient between Betula pollen counts and the various meteorological parameters studied indicate, for Ourense, a positive correlation between pollen count and both temperature and sunlight. A negative correlation was recorded for relative humidity. Temperature is thus the determining factor for flowering onset and intensity. Regression equations included values for the days prior to pollen concentration measurement in order to optimize results.  相似文献   

Clonal fragments of Glechoma hederacea L. (Lamiaceae) were subjected to environments in which light and nutrients were supplied with a strictly negative association in space, i.e. when one of these resources was in ample supply the other was scarce. Treatments were chosen to simulate environments in which clones grew either within homogeneous conditions or across patch types (heterogeneous conditions). The hypothesis was tested that reciprocal translocation (i.e. exchange of both nutrients and assimilates) between connected groups of ramets would increase biomass production of clones growing under heterogeneous conditions compared to that of clones growing in homogeneous conditions. A cost-benefit analysis was carried out to test this hypothesis. Results suggested that reciprocal translocation did not occur at the structural scale considered in this experiment; no evidence was found for a significant effect on whole clone biomass of assimilate and/or nutrient translocation between clone parts experiencing contrasting levels of resource supply. It is suggested that predominantly acropetal movement of resources and the pattern of integrated physiological unit formation in G. hederacea are the main properties responsible for the lack of mutual physiological support between connected clonal fragments growing in differing habitat conditions. These properties are expected to promote clonal expansion and the exploitation of new territory, rather than sustaining clone parts in sub-optimal patches of habitat for prolonged periods of time.  相似文献   

Since the discovery of the green alga Caulerpa taxifolia in Lake Macquarie (New South Wales, Australia) in 2001, the New South Wales Department of Primary Industries (Fisheries) has attempted various control methods, including covering the alga with granulated sea salt to induce osmotic shock and cell lysis. In Lake Macquarie, C. taxifolia often occurs in patches within beds of the native seagrass Zostera capricorni. Although the effects of the salt treatment on blades of Z. capricorni and infauna have been shown to be minimal, there have been no tests of any effects on other native biota, including seagrass epifauna. In this study, we tested the general hypothesis that the abundance and diversity of epifauna would be reduced by salting. We used a ‘Beyond BACI’ experimental design whereby epifaunal invertebrates were sampled 3 months, 6 weeks and 6 days before and then again after salting. Epifaunal abundances at the putatively impacted (salted) location were compared to those at 4 control locations (where no salt was applied). Abundances of most organisms varied significantly among times and locations with no evidence of the consistent effect of salting on diversity or abundance of epifauna. The study represents an example of the use of large-scale managerial action as a scientific experiment. Electronic supplementary material Supplementary material is available for this article at <> and accessible for authorised users  相似文献   

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