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The regional distribution of inhaled gas within the lung is affected in part by normal variations in airway geometry or by obstructions resulting from disease. In the present work, the effects of heterogeneous airway obstructions on the distribution of air and helium-oxygen were examined using an in vitro model, the two compartments of a dual adult test lung. Breathing helium-oxygen resulted in a consistently more uniform distribution, with the gas volume delivered to a severely obstructed compartment increased by almost 80%. An engineering approach to pipe flow was used to analyze the test lung and was extrapolated to a human lung model to show that the in vitro experimental parameters are relevant to the observed in vivo conditions. The engineering analysis also showed that helium-oxygen can decrease the relative weight of the flow resistance due to obstructions if they are inertial in nature (i.e., density dependent) due to either turbulence or laminar convective losses.  相似文献   

Discrepancies in the assessment of thoracoabdominal asynchrony are observed depending on the choice of respiratory movement sensors. We test the hypothesis that these discrepancies are due to a different dependence of the sensors on cross-sectional perimeter and area variations of the chest wall. First, we study the phase shift between perimeter and area (Phi(PA)) for an elliptical model, which is deformed by sinusoidal changes of its principal axes. We show that perimeter and area vary sinusoidally in the physiological range of deformations, and we discuss how Phi(PA) depends on the ellipticity of the cross section, on the ratio of transverse and dorsoventral movement amplitudes, and on their phase difference. Second, we compute the relationship between perimeter, area, and the output of the inductive sensor, and we proceed by comparing inductive plethysmography with strain gauges for several cross section deformations. We demonstrate that both sensors can provide different phase information for identical cross section deformations and, hence, can estimate thoracoabdominal asynchrony differently. Furthermore, the complex dependence of the inductive sensor on perimeter and area warns against this sensor for the evaluation of thoracoabdominal asynchrony.  相似文献   

We hypothesized that augmentation of antioxidant defenses with exogenous superoxide dismutase (SOD), an enzyme that provides an initial defense against oxidative injury, would attenuate allergen-induced nasal congestion in the canine model of allergic rhinitis. Nasal congestion was evaluated by the measurements of nasal resistance and the volume of the nasal passage. In five nonsensitized dogs, 30,000 U of SOD from bovine erythrocytes delivered by aerosol to the nasal passages before histamine challenge reduced the histamine-induced nasal congestion. At 30 min postchallenge, nasal resistance was 1.14 +/- 0.2 cmH2O.l(-1).min(-1) in the saline pretreatment study vs. 0.36 +/- 0.02 cmH2O.l(-1).min(-1) in the SOD pretreatment study (P < 0.05), and volume of nasal passage was 10.9 +/- 0.5 cm3 vs. 17.4 +/- 1.3 cm3 (P < 0.05), respectively. In five sensitized dogs, however, neither an analogous pretreatment with SOD nor intranasal aerosolized pretreatment with 30,000 U of SOD conjugated to polyethylene glycol attenuated ragweed-induced nasal congestion. Also, systemic application of SOD did not attenuate responses to challenges with histamine and ragweed in nonsensitized and sensitized dogs, respectively. The antioxidant-induced attenuation of nasal congestion in nonsensitized dogs confirms validity of the model and indicates the involvement of free radical-mediated damage in the genesis of the histamine-induced congestion. In sensitized dogs, the data do not support the hypothesis that oxidative stress is a clinically significant component of acute ragweed-induced nasal congestion. The data do not support the use of SOD for acute protection against allergic rhinitis.  相似文献   

A band of 23 pregnant mares on a Thoroughbred breeding farm all had serum virus-neutralizing antibody titres to equine herpesvirus 1 (EHV-1). Antibody was not transferred to their foals in utero. All foals received antibody from colostrum and developed antibody titres similar to their dams. The serum virus-neutralizing antibody titres were observed in 10 of these foals for 1 year. Decay of passive immunity occurred at the rate of 3.25 two-fold dilutions in 100 days and reached zero at the mean time of 180 days. The foals were exposed to EHV-1 twice. Foals with a geometric mean titre of 1 : 25 experienced infection and a rise of titre, while those with a geometric mean titre of 1 : 76 resisted infection.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Acquisition of lineage-specific cell cycle duration is a central feature of metazoan development. The mechanisms by which this is achieved during early embryogenesis are poorly understood. In the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, differential cell cycle duration is apparent starting at the two-cell stage, when the larger anterior blastomere AB divides before the smaller posterior blastomere P(1). How anterior-posterior (A-P) polarity cues control this asynchrony remains to be elucidated.RESULTS: We establish that early C. elegans embryos possess a hitherto unrecognized DNA replication checkpoint that relies on the PI-3-like kinase atl-1 and the kinase chk-1. We demonstrate that preferential activation of this checkpoint in the P(1) blastomere contributes to asynchrony of cell division in two-cell-stage wild-type embryos. Furthermore, we show that preferential checkpoint activation is largely abrogated in embryos that undergo equal first cleavage following inactivation of Galpha signaling.CONCLUSION: Our findings establish that differential checkpoint activation contributes to acquisition of distinct cell cycle duration in two-cell-stage C. elegans embryos and suggest a novel mechanism coupling asymmetric division to acquisition of distinct cell cycle duration during development.  相似文献   

Exposure to ozone (O3) induces airway hyperresponsiveness mediated partly through the release of substance P (SP) from nerve terminals in the airway wall. Although substantial evidence suggests that SP is released by sensory nerves, SP is also present in neurons of airway ganglia. The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of intrinsic airway neurons in O3-enhanced airway responsiveness in ferret trachea. To remove the effects of sensory innervation, segments of ferret trachea were maintained in culture conditions for 24 h before in vitro exposure to 2 parts/million of O3 or air for 1 h. Sensory nerve depletion was confirmed by showing that capsaicin did not affect tracheal smooth muscle responsiveness to cholinergic agonist or contractility responses to electrical field stimulation (EFS). Contractions of isolated tracheal smooth muscle to EFS were significantly increased after in vitro O3 exposure, but the constrictor response to cholinergic agonist was not altered. Pretreatment with CP-99994, an antagonist of the neurokinin 1 receptor, attenuated the increased contraction to EFS after O3 exposure but had no effect in the air exposure group. The number of SP-positive neurons in longitudinal trunk ganglia, the extent of SP innervation to superficial muscular plexus nerve cell bodies, and SP nerve fiber density in tracheal smooth muscle all increased significantly after O3 exposure. The results show that release of SP from intrinsic airway neurons contributes to O3-enhanced tracheal smooth muscle responsiveness by facilitating acetylcholine release from cholinergic nerve terminals.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationships between pathological changes in small airways (<6 mm perimeter) and lung function in 22 nonasthmatic subjects (20 smokers) undergoing lung resection for peripheral lesions. Preoperative pulmonary function tests revealed airway obstruction [ratio of forced expiratory volume in 1 s to forced vital capacity (FEV1/FVC) < 70%] in 12 subjects and normal lung function in 10. When all subjects were considered together, total airway wall thickness was significantly correlated with FEV1/FVC (r2 = 0.25), reactivity to methacholine (r2 = 0.26), and slope of linear regression of FVC against FEV1 values recorded during the methacholine challenge (r2 = 0.56). Loss of peribronchiolar alveolar attachments was significantly associated (r2 = 0.25) with a bronchoconstrictor effect of deep inhalation, as assessed from a maximal-to-partial expiratory flow ratio <1, but not with airway responses to methacholine. No significant correlation was found between airway smooth muscle thickness and lung function measurements. In conclusion, this study suggests that thickening of the airway wall is a major mechanism for airway closure, whereas loss of airway-to-lung interdependence may contribute to the bronchoconstrictor effect of deep inhalation in the transition from normal lung function to airway obstruction in nonasthmatic smokers.  相似文献   

Plasma calcium and calcitonin levels were measured periodically during the two last months of pregnancy and at the time of parturition in 9 pregnant mares and their foals. In pregnant animals, there was an increase in plasma calcitonin levels in the days before parturition, which was not due to any change in plasma calcium. This result indicates that in the mare, as in the cow, in the days before parturition CT secretion escapes from its control by plasma calcium. In 0-day and 7-day-old foals plasma calcium levels were significantly higher than in their mothers, but plasma calcitonin levels were not significantly different from those observed in their dams at the time of parturition.  相似文献   

We demonstrate evidence for the presence of travelling waves in a cyclic population of field voles in northern Britain by fitting simple, empirical models to spatially referenced time series data. Population cycles were broadly synchronous at all sites, but use of Mantel correlations suggested a strong spatial pattern along one axis at a projection line 72 degrees from North. We then fitted a generalized additive model to log population density assuming a fixed-form travelling wave in one spatial dimension for which the density at each site was offset in time by a constant amount from a standard density-time curve. We assumed that the magnitude of this offset would be proportional to the spatial separation between any given site and the centroid of the sampling sites, where separation is the distance between sites in a fixed direction. After fitting this model, we estimated that the wave moved at an average speed of 19 km yr-1, heading from West to East at an angle of 78 degrees from North. Nomadic avian predators which could synchronize populations over large areas are scarce and the travelling wave may be caused by density-dependent dispersal by field voles and/or predation by weasels, both of which act at a suitably small spatial scale.  相似文献   

Mechanically induced ATP release from human airway epithelial cells regulates mucociliary clearance through cell surface nucleotide receptors. Ectoenzymes detected on these cells were recently shown to terminate ATP-mediated responses by sequential dephosphorylation of extracellular ATP into ADP, AMP, and adenosine. We now demonstrate that an ecto-adenylate kinase (ecto-AK) contributes to the metabolism of adenine nucleotides on human airway epithelial surfaces by the reversible reaction: ATP + AMP 2ADP. This phosphotransferase exhibited a bilateral distribution on polarized primary cultures of human bronchial epithelial cells with a 4-fold higher activity on the mucosal surface. Ecto-AK presented an absolute requirement for magnesium and adenine-based nucleotides. UMP, GMP, and CMP could not substitute for AMP as gamma-phosphate acceptor, and UDP could not replace ADP. Apparent K(m) and V(max) values were 23 +/- 5 microM and 1.1 +/- 0.1 nmol x min(-1) x cm(-2) for ATP and 43 +/- 6 microM and 0.5 +/- 0.1 nmol x min(-1) x cm(-2) for ADP. Ecto-AK accounted for 20% of [gamma-(32)P]ATP dephosphorylation, and the impermeant AK inhibitor, diadenosine pentaphosphate, reduced ADPase activity by more than 70% on both epithelial surfaces. Time course experiments on ATP metabolism demonstrated that ecto-AK significantly prolongs effective ATP and ADP concentrations on airway epithelial surfaces for P2 receptor signaling and reduces by 6-fold adenosine production. Our data suggest a role for this nucleotide entrapment cycle in the propagation of purine-mediated mucociliary clearance on human airway epithelial surfaces.  相似文献   

We evaluated the effect of carbohydrate (CHO) loading on cycling performance that was designed to be similar to the demands of competitive road racing. Seven well-trained cyclists performed two 100-km time trials (TTs) on separate occasions, 3 days after either a CHO-loading (9 g CHO. kg body mass(-1). day(-1)) or placebo-controlled moderate-CHO diet (6 g CHO. kg body mass(-1). day(-1)). A CHO breakfast (2 g CHO/kg body mass) was consumed 2 h before each TT, and a CHO drink (1 g CHO. kg(.)body mass(-1). h(-1)) was consumed during the TTs to optimize CHO availability. The 100-km TT was interspersed with four 4-km and five 1-km sprints. CHO loading significantly increased muscle glycogen concentrations (572 +/- 107 vs. 485 +/- 128 mmol/kg dry wt for CHO loading and placebo, respectively; P < 0.05). Total muscle glycogen utilization did not differ between trials, nor did time to complete the TTs (147.5 +/- 10.0 and 149.1 +/- 11.0 min; P = 0.4) or the mean power output during the TTs (259 +/- 40 and 253 +/- 40 W, P = 0.4). This placebo-controlled study shows that CHO loading did not improve performance of a 100-km cycling TT during which CHO was consumed. By preventing any fall in blood glucose concentration, CHO ingestion during exercise may offset any detrimental effects on performance of lower preexercise muscle and liver glycogen concentrations. Alternatively, part of the reported benefit of CHO loading on subsequent athletic performance could have resulted from a placebo effect.  相似文献   

The reflex upper airway (UA) motor response to UA negative pressure (UANP) is attenuated by neuromuscular blockade. We hypothesized that this is due to a reduction in the sensitivity of laryngeal mechanoreceptors to changes in UA pressure. We examined the effect of neuromuscular blockade on hypoglossal motor responses to UANP and to asphyxia in 15 anesthetized, thoracotomized, artificially ventilated rats. The activity of laryngeal mechanoreceptors is influenced by contractions of laryngeal and tongue muscles, so we studied the effect of selective denervation of these muscle groups on the UA motor response to UANP and to asphyxia, recording from the pharyngeal branch of the glossopharyngeal nerve (n = 11). We also examined the effect of tongue and laryngeal muscle denervation on superior laryngeal nerve (SLN) afferent activity at different airway transmural pressures (n = 6). Neuromuscular blockade and denervation of laryngeal and tongue muscles significantly reduced baseline UA motor nerve activity (P < 0.05), caused a small but significant attenuation of the motor response to asphyxia, and markedly attenuated the response to UANP. Motor denervation of tongue and laryngeal muscles significantly decreased SLN afferent activity and altered the response to UANP. We conclude that skeletal muscle relaxation reduces the reflex UA motor response to UANP, and this may be due to a reduction in the excitability of UA motor systems as well as a decrease of the response of SLN afferents to UANP.  相似文献   

Inhalation of lysophosphatidic acid (LPA, 1-100 microg/ml) for 2 min enhanced the airway response induced by intravenous injection of ACh in guinea pigs. At 30 min after inhalation of LPA, the airway response to ACh was two fold higher than that before inhalation. This enhancement of airway response to ACh was partially inhibited by capsaicin desensitization or bilateral vagotomy. These results suggested that the enhancement of airway response to ACh induced by LPA may be due to the activation of capsaicin-sensitive fibers. It can be also contribute to bronchial asthma or other types of pulmonary disease such as cough variant asthma and atopic cough.  相似文献   

Intracellular diffusion in muscle cells is known to be restricted. Although characteristics and localization of these restrictions is yet to be elucidated, it has been established that ischemia-reperfusion injury reduces the overall diffusion restriction. Here we apply an extended version of raster image correlation spectroscopy to determine directional anisotropy and coefficients of diffusion in rat cardiomyocytes. Our experimental results indicate that diffusion of a smaller molecule (1127 MW fluorescently labeled ATTO633-ATP) is restricted more than that of a larger one (10,000 MW Alexa647-dextran), when comparing diffusion in cardiomyocytes to that in solution. We attempt to provide a resolution to this counterintuitive result by applying a quantitative stochastic model of diffusion. Modeling results suggest the presence of periodic intracellular barriers situated ~1 μm apart having very low permeabilities and a small effect of molecular crowding in volumes between the barriers. Such intracellular structuring could restrict diffusion of molecules of energy metabolism, reactive oxygen species, and apoptotic signals, enacting a significant role in normally functioning cardiomyocytes as well as in pathological conditions of the heart.  相似文献   

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