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The complex architecture of bacterial biofilms inevitably raises the question of their design. Microstructure of developing Escherichia coli biofilms was analyzed under static and laminar flow conditions. Cell attachment during early biofilm formation exhibited periodic density patterns that persisted during development. Several models for the origination of biofilm microstructure are considered, including an activator-inhibitor or Turing model.  相似文献   

Embryonic development of the mouse salivary glands begins with epithelial thickening and continues with sequential changes from the pre-bud to terminal bud stages. After birth, morphogenesis proceeds, and the glands develop into a highly branched epithelial structure that terminates with saliva-producing acinar cells at the adult stage. Acinar cells derived from the epithelium are differentiated into serous, mucous, and seromucous types. During differentiation, cytokeratins, intermediate filaments found in most epithelial cells, play vital roles. Although the localization patterns and developmental roles of cytokeratins in different epithelial organs, including the mammary glands, circumvallate papilla, and sweat glands, have been well studied, their stage-specific localization and morphogenetic roles during salivary gland development have yet to be elucidated. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the stage and acinar cell type-specific localization pattern of cytokeratins 4, 5, 7, 8, 13, 14, 18, and 19 in the major salivary glands (submandibular, sublingual, and parotid glands) of the mouse at the E15.5, PN0, PN10, and adult stages. In addition, cell physiology, including cell proliferation, was examined during development via immunostaining for Ki67 to understand the cellular mechanisms that govern acinar cell differentiation during salivary gland morphogenesis. The distinct localization patterns of cytokeratins in conjunction with cell physiology will reveal the roles of epithelial cells in salivary gland formation during the differentiation of serous, mucous or seromucous salivary glands.  相似文献   

The shoot apical meristem of Arabidopsis thaliana consists of three cell layers that proliferate to give rise to the aerial organs of the plant. By labeling cells in each layer using an Ac-based transposable element system, we mapped their contributions to the floral organs, as well as determined the degree of plasticity in this developmental process. We found that each cell layer proliferates to give rise to predictable derivatives: the L1 contributes to the epidermis, the stigma, part of the transmitting tract and the integument of the ovules, while the L2 and L3 contribute, to different degrees, to the mesophyll and other internal tissues. In order to test the roles of the floral homeotic genes in regulating these patterns of cell proliferation, we carried out similar clonal analyses in apetala3-3 and agamous-1 mutant plants. Our results suggest that cell division patterns are regulated differently at different stages of floral development. In early floral stages, the pattern of cell divisions is dependent on position in the floral meristem, and not on future organ identity. Later, during organogenesis, the layer contributions to the organs are controlled by the homeotic genes. We also show that AGAMOUS is required to maintain the layered structure of the meristem prior to organ initiation, as well as having a non-autonomous role in the regulation of the layer contributions to the petals.  相似文献   

We have used dye injection and immunolabeling to investigate the relationship between connexin (Cx) expression and dye coupling between ganglion cells (GCs) and other cells of the embryonic chick retina between embryonic days 5 and 14 (E5-14). At E5, GCs were usually coupled, via soma-somatic or dendro-somatic contacts, to only one or two other cells. Coupling increased with time until E11 when GCs were often coupled to more than a dozen other cells with somata in the ganglion cell layer (GCL) or inner nuclear layer (INL). These coupled clusters occupied large areas of the retina and coupling was via dendro-dendritic contacts. By E14, after the onset of synaptogenesis and at a time of marked cell death, dye coupling was markedly decreased with GCs coupled to three or four partners. At this time, coupling was usually to cells of the same morphology, whereas earlier coupling was heterogeneous. Between E5 and E11, GCs were sometimes coupled to cells of neuroepithelial morphology that spanned the thickness of the retina. The expression of Cx 26, 32, and 43 differed and their distribution changed during the period studied, showing correlation with events such as proliferation, migration, and synaptogenesis. These results suggest specific roles for gap junctions and Cx's during retinal development.  相似文献   

Glycolipid patterns have been studied during the first six days of Xenopus embryo development. Glycolipid contents showed a sharp increase more evident after the third day of development. Glucosylceramide and sulphatide are not only the most represented species, but also those which exhibit a statistically significant percentage change during early development. Among gangliosides, GD3 is the most represented specie. Two polysialylated gangliosides with not yet established structures are also present.  相似文献   

We have studied the developmental appearance of the O-2A(adult) progenitor cell, a specific type of oligodendrocyte-type-2 astrocyte (O-2A) progenitor cell that we have identified previously in cultures prepared from the optic nerves of adult rats. O-2A(adult) progenitors differ from their counterparts in perinatal animals (O-2A perinatal progenitor cells) in antigenic phenotype, morphology, cell cycle time, rate of migration, time course of differentiation into oligodendrocytes or type-2 astrocytes and sensitivity to the lytic effects of complement in vitro. In the present study, we have found that O-2A(adult) progenitor-like cells first appear in the developing optic nerve approximately 7 days after birth and that by 1 month after birth these cells appear to be the dominant progenitor population in the nerve. However, the perinatal-to-adult transition in progenitor populations is a gradual one and O-2A(adult) and O-2A perinatal progenitors coexist in the optic nerve for 3 weeks or more. In addition, cells derived from optic nerves of P21 rats express characteristic features of O-2adult and O-2A perinatal progenitors for extended periods of growth in the same tissue culture dish. Our results thus indicate that the properties that distinguish these two types of O-2A progenitors from each other are expressed in apparently identical environments. Thus, these cells must either respond to different signals present in the environment, or must respond with markedly different behaviours to the binding of identical signalling molecules.  相似文献   

The expression of NGF receptors on human Schwann cells during development and myelination and in culture was analyzed using a murine monoclonal antibody to human NGF receptor. Nonmyelinated femoral nerves from 13- to 14-week fetuses stained strongly for NGF receptor, whereas tissues from later stages of development showed a decrease in the staining intensity. These changes correlated with the initiation of myelination (17-19 weeks), as observed by phase-contrast and electron microscopy, and the reactivity with monoclonal antibody 4C5, a marker of mature Schwann cells. In adult nerves, only the perineurium and few endoneurial cells were stained with anti-NGF receptor antibody. Cultured human fetal Schwann cells were positive for NGF receptor by immunofluorescence irregardless of donor age or length of time in culture. The decreased staining of NGF receptor with nerve maturation may reflect a dependence of antigen expression on Schwann cell differentiation and/or neuron-Schwann cell interaction.  相似文献   

Nerve cell development in the brain is a tightly regulated process. The generation of neurons from precursor cells, their migration to the appropriate target sites, their extensive arborization and their integration into functional networks through synapse formation and refinement are governed by multiple interdependent signalling cascades. The function and turnover of proteins involved in these signalling cascades, in turn, are spatially and temporally controlled by ubiquitylation. Recent advances have provided first insights into the highly complex and intricate molecular pathways that regulate ubiquitylation during all stages of neural development and that operate in parallel with other regulatory processes such as phosphorylation or cyclic nucleotide signalling.  相似文献   

In the last 20 years, the nervous system of the developing leech has been used to great advantage to study the processes by which neurons seek and finally innervate their targets. This review summarizes what is presently known about how neurons of the CNS interact with each other and with their targets during embryogenesis. - 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The role of polysialic acid (PSA) during initial innervation of chick muscle was examined. Previously, the adhesion molecules L1 and N-CAM were shown to be important in balancing axon-axon and axon-muscle adhesion during this process. Here we demonstrate developmental changes in the pattern of innervation that are not correlated with levels of L1 or N-CAM expression, but rather with the amount of PSA at the axon surface. Removal of PSA by a specific endoneuraminidase (Endo-N) increased axon fasciculation and reduced nerve branching. In contrast, the nerve trunk defasciculation and increased branching produced by neuromuscular activity blockade were associated with an increase in axonal PSA levels. Furthermore, Endo-N prevented these inactivity-induced effects on branching. Together these results illustrate the potential of PSA as a regulator of cell-cell interactions and provide a direct example of a molecular link between the morphogenic effects of adhesion-mediated and synaptic activity-dependent processes.  相似文献   

Protein patterns from mycelial extracts of Streptomyces griseus strains No. 45H and No. 52-1 were studied by one dimensional gradient PAGE with 20 cm run. The results are reproducible, the protein patterns are the same for the same developmental stage in a given strain. There are well-defined characteristic changes of the protein patterns during the life cycle. The proteins of spores show conspicuous differences compared to protein patterns of the old (72 h) mycelia in the same culture. There is no difference between protein patterns of spores from submerged and from solid media. The protein patterns of two closely related Streptomyces griseus strains significantly differ from each other. After pulse labelling with (14C)-labelled protein hydrolyzate for 40 min, the specific activities of the proteins show considerable differences. There are characteristic bands with low specific activity and others with high incorporation. The fluorograms of the 16, 40 and 64 h cultures show that different proteins are being synthesized intensively at different ages of the culture.  相似文献   

British Umbelliferae form a natural cohesive taxon, having patterns of habitat distribution, reproductive biology and life-history that distinguish them from other British dicotyledons. They are usually found in open sites, and are local or rare in distribution.
Almost half of British species have the andromonoecious sex habit. Perfect flowers are usually protandrous. The floral composition of umbels, and the pattern of opening of the inflorescence combine to produce a protogynous effect. These have been interpreted as mechanisms which decrease competition for resources between male and female functions in the plant, such that separate maternal and paternal fitness can become optimal.
Seeds often require a chilling treatment, alternating temperatures, or a period of after-ripening before they are capable of germination. Schizocarps are of low weight. This seems to relate to the relative openness of habitat wherein unbellifers are found. Patterns of dry matter distribution reflect the life-history strategies of various umbellifer species. Agromyzid leaf miners parasitize the more widespread species, and those which arc found in a greater number of different habitats.  相似文献   

British Umbelliferae form a natural cohesive taxon, having patterns of habitat distribution, reproductive biology and life-history that distinguish them from other British dicotyledons. They are usually found in open sites, and are local or rare in distribution. Almost half of British species have the andromonoecious sex habit. Perfect flowers are usually protandrous. The floral composition of umbels, and the pattern of opening of the inflorescence combine to produce a protogynous effect. These have been interpreted as mechanisms which decrease competition for resources between male and female functions in the plant, such that separate maternal and paternal fitness can become optimal. Seeds often require a chilling treatment, alternating temperatures, or a period of after-ripening before they are capable of germination. Schizocarps are of low weight. This seems to relate to the relative openness of habitat wherein unbellifers are found. Patterns of dry matter distribution reflect the life-history strategies of various umbellifer species. Agromyzid leaf miners parasitize the more widespread species, and those which are found in a greater number of different habitats.  相似文献   

景天忠  李田宇 《生态学报》2018,38(10):3414-3421
森林昆虫种群表现出多样的时空模式,空间同步性是其中最常见的。回顾了森林昆虫空间同步性的特点、形成机制及研究方法方面的进展。森林害虫发生的同步性是广泛存在的,但不同昆虫种类的同步性大小不同。空间同步性常随距离的增大而下降,还与时间尺度有关。Moran效应和扩散是解释空间同步性的两种主要机制,通常Moran效应的影响要比扩散大。从虫害发生数据的获取、同步性的度量及成因3个方面介绍了空间同步性的研究方法方面的进展。利用树轮生态学原理重建森林虫害发生历史的方法可在事后获取可靠的数据,很值得国内研究者借鉴和应用。在空间自相关度量上,空间统计学方法和地统计学方法都是非常有力的手段,但由于不能处理多时间点数据而限制了其在同步性研究中的应用。在同步性成因研究中,利用变异分解将基于距离的Moran特征向量图(dbMEM)作为空间变量研究害虫发生的驱动力是比较新颖的研究方法。  相似文献   



Hospital readmissions are a leading topic of healthcare policy and practice reform because they are common, costly, and potentially avoidable events. Hospitals face the prospect of reduced or eliminated reimbursement for an increasing number of preventable readmissions under nationwide cost savings and quality improvement efforts. To meet the current changes and future expectations, organizations are looking for potential strategies to reduce readmissions. We undertook a systematic review of the literature to determine what factors are associated with preventable readmissions.


We conducted a review of the English language medicine, health, and health services research literature (2000 to 2009) for research studies dealing with unplanned, avoidable, preventable, or early readmissions. Each of these modifying terms was included in keyword searches of readmissions or rehospitalizations in Medline, ISI, CINAHL, The Cochrane Library, ProQuest Health Management, and PAIS International. Results were limited to US adult populations.


The review included 37 studies with significant variation in index conditions, readmitting conditions, timeframe, and terminology. Studies of cardiovascular-related readmissions were most common, followed by all cause readmissions, other surgical procedures, and other specific-conditions. Patient-level indicators of general ill health or complexity were the commonly identified risk factors. While more than one study demonstrated preventable readmissions vary by hospital, identification of many specific organizational level characteristics was lacking.


The current literature on preventable readmissions in the US contains evidence from a variety of patient populations, geographical locations, healthcare settings, study designs, clinical and theoretical perspectives, and conditions. However, definitional variations, clear gaps, and methodological challenges limit translation of this literature into guidance for the operation and management of healthcare organizations. We recommend that those organizations that propose to reward reductions in preventable readmissions invest in additional research across multiple hospitals in order to fill this serious gap in knowledge of great potential value to payers, providers, and patients.  相似文献   

During epiboly stages the cells (called deep blastomeres) which will form the definitive embryo disperse over the surface of the yolk sphere, only later aggregating and developing an embryonic axis. Five different statistical tests were used to study the pattern formed by the deep blastomeres during epiboly and early dispersed stages. The two most reliable tests, based on the distance from each deep blastomere within a selected area to its nearest neighboring cell, indicate that the distribution pattern changes from regular during epiboly stages to random during dispersed stages 1 and 2. Careful observation and time-lapse microphotography revealed some aspects of how the cells set up the regular pattern. The deep blastomeres exhibit a variety of cell extensions, with which they often contact one another. When two deep blastomeres make contact during epiboly stages, they soon break the contact and move apart; they overlap one another only rarely. Deep blastomeres are frequently located at, and are even elongated along, borders of the overlying flat cells (enveloping layer cells). These two mechanisms, one similar to contact inhibition of cell movement, the other to contact guidance, may contribute to the rather regular spacing of the deep blastomeres as well as to their arrangement in rows during epiboly stages.  相似文献   

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