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The effects of three forms of density-dependent regulation were explored in model coral reef fish populations: top-down (predation), bottom-up (competition for food), and pelagic (non-reef-based mechanisms) control. We describe the demographic responses of both biomass and numbers of adult fish, predicting the mean and the variance of temporal fluctuations resulting from stochastic recruitment of juveniles. We find that top-down control acts by suppressing variability of numbers of fish, which in turn suppresses the variability of biomass. Bottom-up control has no effect on fluctuations of numbers of fish, though it strongly reduces fluctuations of biomass. Because fecundity of fish is directly linked to body mass, the regulation of biomass tightly regulates reproductive output independently of the number of individuals in the population. Finally, populations under pelagic control experience bounded fluctuations of biomass and numbers directly proportional to the bounded fluctuations of recruitment. The demographic signatures predicted from both bottom-up and pelagic control are consistent with current evidence supporting the recruitment limitation hypothesis in reef fish ecology. We propose tests to discriminate the dominant mode of density-dependent regulation using qualitative trends in time series demographic data across environmental clines.  相似文献   

Factors involved in causing cyclic vole populations to decline, and in preventing populations from recovering during the subsequent low density phase have long remained unidentified. The traditional view of self-regulation assumes that an increase in population density is prevented by a change in the quality of individuals within the population itself, but this is still inadequately tested in the field. We compared the population growth of wild field voles ( Microtus agrestis ) from the low phase (conducted in 1998) with that of voles from the increase phase (conducted in 1999) in predator-proof enclosures (each 0.5 ha) in western Finland. Within a few months, enclosed vole populations increased to high density, and the realised per capita rate of change over the breeding season did not differ between the populations from different cycle phases. This implies that the recovery of populations from the low phase was not hindered by an impoverishment in quality of individual voles. Accordingly, we suggest that population intrinsic factors (irrespective of the mechanisms they are based on) are unlikely to play a significant role in the generation of cyclic density fluctuations of voles. Instead, we discovered direct density-dependent regulation in the vole populations. Accurate estimates of population growth and the observed density dependence provide important information for empirically based models on population dynamics of rodents.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the basic types of dynamical behavior of populations obtained in discrete models, such as monotonous dynamics, stable limited cycles, and chaotic variations. All these modes are shown to have possibly arisen in the evolution of limited populations under the effect of density-independent selection. This effect together with that of density-dependent non-selective factors has been termed F-selection, which is characterized by independence of relative fitnesses from population density, whereas populations may be ecologically limited; in other words, absolute fitnesses prove to be a function of population size. The characteristic of F-selection is to be not sensitive to changes in population size but to lead to fluctuations, that create conditions for achieving density-dependent selection.  相似文献   

Cyclic populations of western tent caterpillars fluctuate with a periodicity of 6–11 years in southwestern British Columbia, Canada. Typically, larval survival is high in early stages of the population increase, begins to decline midway through the increase phase, and is low through several generations of the population decline. Fecundity is generally high in increasing and in peak populations but is also reduced during the population decline. Poor survival and low fecundity for several generations cause the lag in recovery of populations that is necessary for cyclic dynamics. The dynamics of tent caterpillar populations vary among sites, which suggests a metapopulation structure; island populations in the rainshadow of Vancouver Island have more consistent cyclic dynamics than mainland populations in British Columbia. Sudden outbreaks of populations that last a single year suggest that dispersal from source to sink populations may occur late in the phase of population increase. Wellington earlier discussed qualitative variation among tent caterpillar individuals as an aspect of population fluctuations. The variation in caterpillar activity he observed was largely statistically nonsignificant. Recent observations show that the frequency of elongate tents as described by Wellington to characterize active caterpillars varies among populations but does not change in a consistent pattern with population density. The level of infection from nucleopolyhedrovirus (NPV) was high in some populations at peak density but was not associated with all population declines. Sublethal infection can reduce the fecundity of surviving moths, and there is a weak association between viral infection and egg mass size in field populations. The impact of weather in synchronizing or desynchronizing populations is a factor to be investigated further. Received: May 25, 1999 / Accepted: March 28, 2000  相似文献   


Sampling methods are described for estimating the population density, mortality, and natality of a univoltine population of codling moth attacking mature apple trees (cv. ‘Delicious’) at Nelson, New Zealand. These methods were used to construct life tables for the species over eight generations (1967–68 to 1974–75) on trees variously sprayed and not sprayed with ryania in an integrated control programme. Bait traps provided a sensitive measure of seasonal adult population density. Analysis of the life tables shows that migration of adults was the main key factor and that overwintering larval mortality (particularly that due to bird predation), fecundity, and ryania also made a major contribution to variation in generation mortality. In the absence of ryania the resident population usually increased between generations, whereas it usually decreased when ryania sprays were applied. The density dependence of overwintering larval mortality was due to bird predation, and the inverse density dependence of larval mortality from ryania was due to changes in the site of fruit entry with larval population density. Fecundity was density independent, and inconclusive evidence was obtained on the density dependence of migration. The wide variation in fecundity is attributed primarily to weather conditions. The impact on control strategy of the above key factors, density dependence, and total natural mortality is discussed. Ryania is found to be uneconomic, whereas the granulosis virus of codling moth and male removal with pheromone traps show promise as future control methods. The need to eliminate reservoirs of codling moth close to orchards under integrated pest control is emphasised. Regulation of codling moth populations at Nelson on neglected, unsprayed trees appears to result from intraspecific competition for fruits and cocooning sites, and weakly density-dependent mortality of mature larvae when seeking cocooning sites and while overwintering in their cocoons. Variation in fecundity also cohtributes to fluctuations in abundance of the species. In contrast, at low density in an integrated control programme no intraspecific competition was evident; migration, winter mortality, and fecundity were the main determinants of abundance. This illustrates the need to study pest populations at densities similar to those tolerable commercially.  相似文献   

On the survival of populations in a heterogeneous and variable environment   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary The survival time of small and isolated populations will often be relatively low, by which the survival of species living in such a way will depend on powers of dispersal sufficiently high to result in a rate of population foundings that about compensates the rate of population extinctions. The survival time of composite populations uninterruptedly inhabiting large and heterogeneous areas, highly depends on the extent to which the numbers fluctuate unequally in the different subpopulations. The importance of this spreading of the risk of extinction over differently fluctuating subpopulations is demonstrated by comparing over 19 years the fluctuation patterns of the composite populations of two carabid species, Pterostichus versicolor with unequally fluctuating subpopulations, and Calathus melanocephalus with subpopulations fluctuating in parallel, both uninterruptedly occupying the same large heath area. The conclusions from the field data are checked by simulating the fluctuation patterns of these populations, and thus directly estimating survival times. It thus appeared that the former species can be expected to survive more than ten times better than the latter (other things staying the same). These simulations could also be used to study the possible influence of various density restricting processes in populations already fluctuating according to some pattern. As could be expected, the survival time of a population, which shows a tendency towards an upward trend in numbers, will be favoured by some kind of density restriction, but the degree to which these restrictions are density-dependent appeared to be immaterial. Density reductions that are about adequate on the average need even not occur at high densities only, if only the chance of occurrence at very low densities is low. The density-level at which a population is generally fluctuating appeared to be less important for survival than the fluctuation pattern itself, except for very low density levels, of course. The different ways in which deterministic and stochastic processes may interact and thus determine the fluctuations of population numbers are discussed. It is concluded that some stochastic processes will operate everywhere and will thus necessarily result in density fluctuations; such an omnipresence is much less imperative, however, for density-dependent processes, by which population models should primarily be stochastic models. However, if density-dependent processes are added to model populations, that are already fluctuating stochastically the effects are taken up into the general, stochastic fluctuation pattern, without altering it fundamentally.Communication No. 228 of the Biological Station WijsterDedicated to Professor Michael Evenari  相似文献   

Negative frequency-dependence, which favors rare genotypes, promotes the maintenance of genetic variability and is of interest as a potential explanation for genetic differentiation. Density-dependent selection may also promote cyclic changes in frequencies of genotypes. Here we show evidence for both density-dependent and negative frequency-dependent selection on opposite life-history tactics (low or high reproductive effort, RE) in the bank vole (Myodes glareolus). Density-dependent selection was evident among the females with low RE, which were especially favored in low densities. Instead, both negative frequency-dependent and density-dependent selection were shown in females with high RE, which were most successful when they were rare in high densities. Furthermore, selection at the individual level affected the frequencies of tactics at the population level, so that the frequency of the rare high RE tactic increased significantly at high densities. We hypothesize that these two selection mechanisms (density- and negative frequency-dependent selection) may promote genetic variability in cyclic mammal populations. Nevertheless, it remains to be determined whether the origin of genetic variance in life-history traits is causally related to density variation (e.g. population cycles).  相似文献   

Density dependence of reproduction has generally been proposed to be caused by habitat heterogeneity and by the individual response of reproductive output. However, a further mechanism might generate density dependence of average reproductive rates. High density situations might be associated with a high proportion of first-season breeders which often show a principally lower reproductive performance. We tested for the existence of the latter mechanism as well as for density-dependent individual changes of reproductive effort in a population of European rabbits living in a homogeneous grassland habitat. The study was conducted over a period of eleven years. Overall, a strong relationship between mean reproductive rates and the breeding density of females was apparent. All necessary conditions for the presence of a density-dependent effect caused by age-dependent reproduction were fulfilled: Fluctuations of breeding density were paralleled by variations in the proportion of one-year-old females. These one-year-old, first-season breeders showed a consistently lower reproductive performance than older females, which might be caused by their lower body mass and their lower social rank. However, we also found strong evidence for density-dependent response of individual reproductive effort: Individual changes in fecundity over successive years were explained by changes in the breeding density of females. The results suggest that density dependence of reproduction in European rabbits is due to an interaction of age-dependent reproductive performance together with short-term fluctuations in breeding density, and a density-dependent, individual based response of reproductive rates. We further conclude that the lower reproductive performance of first-season breeders in age-structured animal populations may contribute substantially to interannual, and under particular circumstances to density-dependent variations of mean reproductive rates.  相似文献   

Density dependence plays a key role in life-history characteristics and population ecology of large, herbivorous mammals. We designed a manipulative experiment to test hypotheses relating effects of density-dependent mechanisms on physical condition and fecundity of North American elk (Cervus elaphus) by creating populations at low and high density. We hypothesized that if density-dependent effects were manifested principally through intraspecific competition, body condition and fecundity of females would be lower in an area of high population density than in a low-density area. Thus, we collected data on physical condition and rates of pregnancy in each experimental population. Our manipulative experiment indicated that density-dependent feedbacks affected physical condition and reproduction of adult female elk. Age-specific pregnancy rates were lower in the high-density area, although there were no differences in pregnancy of yearlings or in age at peak reproduction between areas. Age-specific rates of pregnancy began to diverge at 2 years of age between the two populations and peaked at 6 years old. Pregnancy rates were most affected by body condition and mass, although successful reproduction the previous year also reduced pregnancy rates during the current year. Our results indicated that while holding effects of winter constant, density-dependent mechanisms had a much greater effect on physical condition and fecundity than density-independent factors (e.g., precipitation and temperature). Moreover, our results demonstrated effects of differing nutrition resulting from population density during summer on body condition and reproduction. Thus, summer is a critical period for accumulation of body stores to buffer animals against winter; more emphasis should be placed on the role of spring and summer nutrition on population regulation in large, northern herbivores.  相似文献   

Four types of laboratory populations of the bean weevil (Acanthoscelides obtectus) have been developed to study the effects of density-dependent and age-specific selection. These populations have been selected at high (K) and low larval densities (r) as well as for reproduction early (Y) and late (O) in life. The results presented here suggest that the r- and K-populations (density-dependent selection regimes) have differentiated from each other with respect to the following life-history traits: egg-to-adult viability at high larval density (K > r), preadult developmental time (r > K), body weight (r > K), late fecundity (K > r), total realized fecundity (r > K), and longevity of males (r > K). It was also found that the following traits responded in statistically significant manner in populations subjected to different age-specific selection regimes: egg-to-adult viability (O > Y), body weight (O > Y), early fecundity (Y > O), late fecundity (O > Y), and longevity of females and males (O > Y). Although several life-history traits (viability, body weight, late fecundity) responded in similar manner to both density-dependent and age-specific selection regimes, it appears that underlying genetic and physiological mechanisms responsible for differentiation of the r/K and Y/O populations are different. We have also tested quantitative genetic basis of the bean weevil life-history traits in the populations experiencing density-dependent and age-specific selection. Among the traits traded-off within age-specific selection regimes, only early fecundity showed directional dominance, whereas late fecundity and longevity data indicated additive inheritance. In contrast to age-specific selecton regimes, three life-history traits (developmental time, body size, total fecundity) in the density-sependent regimes exhibited significant dominance effects. Lastly, we have tested the congruence between short-term and long-term effects of larval densities. The comparisons of the outcomes of the r/K selection regimes and those obtained from the low- and high-larval densities revealed that there is no congruence between the selection results and phenotypic plasticity for the analyzed life-history traits in the bean weevil.  相似文献   

Variation in the strength of selection pressures acting upon different subpopulations may cause density-dependent regulatory processes to act differentially on particular genotypes and may influence the rate of selection of adaptive traits. Using host-helminth parasite systems as examples, we investigate the impact of different positive and negative density dependence on the potential spread of anthelmintic resistance. Following chemotherapy, the negative density-dependent processes restricting parasite population growth will be relaxed, increasing the genetic contribution of resistant parasites to the next generation. Simple deterministic models of directly transmitted nematodes that merge population dynamics and genetics show that the frequency of drug-resistant alleles may increase faster in species whose population size is down-regulated by density-dependent parasite fecundity than in species with density-dependent establishment or parasite mortality. A genetically structured population dynamics model of an indirectly transmitted nematode is used to highlight how population regulation will influence the resistance allele frequency in different parasite lifestages. Results indicate that surveys aimed at monitoring the evolution of drug resistance should consider carefully which life stage to sample, and the time following treatment samples should be collected. Anthelmintic resistance offers a good opportunity to apply fundamental evolutionary and ecological principles to the management of a potentially crucial public health problem.  相似文献   

After some 70 years of debate on density-dependent regulation of animal populations, there is still poor understanding of where spatial and temporal density dependence occurs. Clearly defining the portion of the population that shapes density-dependent patterns may help to solve some of the ambiguities that encircle density dependence and its patterns. In fact, individuals of the same species and population can show different dynamics and behaviors depending on their locations (e.g., breeding vs. dispersal areas). Considering this form of intrapopulation heterogeneity may improve our understanding of density dependence and population dynamics in general. We present the results of individual-based simulations on a metapopulation of the Spanish imperial eagle Aquila adalberti. Our results suggest that high rates of floater mortality within settlement areas can determine a shift in the classical relationship (from negative to positive) between the fecundity (i.e., fledglings per pair) and density (i.e., number of pairs) of the breeding population. Finally, we proved that different initial conditions affecting the breeder portion of the population can lead to the same values of fecundity. Our results can represent a starting point for new and more complex approaches studying the regulation of animal populations, where the forgotten and invisible component--the floater--is taken into account.  相似文献   

Populations of Drosophila melanogaster were maintained for 36 generations in r- and K-selected environments in order to test the life-history predictions of theories on density-dependent selection. In the r-selection environment, populations were reduced to low densities by density-independent adult mortality, whereas populations in the K-selection environment were maintained at their carrying capacity. Some of the experimental results support the predictions or r- and K-selection theory; relative to the r-selected populations, the K-selected populations evolved an increased larval-to-adult viability, larger body size, and longer development time at high larval densities. Mueller and Ayala (1981) found that K-selected populations also have a higher rate of population growth at high densities. Other predictions of the thoery are contradicted by the lack of differences between the r and K populations in adult longevity and fecundity and a slower rate of development for r-selected individuals at low densities. The differences between selected populations in larval survivorship, larval-to-adult development time, and adult body size are strongly dependent on larval density, and there is a significant interaction between populations and larval density for each trait. This manifests an inadequacy of the theory on r- and K-selection, which does not take into account such interactions between genotypes and environments. We describe mechanisms that may explain the evolution of preadult life-history traits in our experiment and discuss the need for changes in theories of density-dependent selection.  相似文献   

Dean AM 《Genetics》2005,169(2):1147-1156
Analysis of a continuous-time model shows that a protected polymorphism can arise in a haploid population subject to temporal fluctuations in selection. The requirements are that population size is regulated in a density-dependent manner and that an allele's arithmetic mean relative growth rate is greater than one when rare and that its harmonic mean relative growth rate is less than one when common. There is no requirement that relative growth rate be frequency dependent. Comparisons with discrete-time models show that the standard formalism used by population genetics ignores forced changes in generation time as rare advantageous alleles sweep into a population. In temporally variable environments, frequency-dependent changes in generation times tend to counteract these invasions. Such changes can prevent fixation and protect polymorphisms.  相似文献   

Population density is an ecological variable that is hypothesized to be a major agent of selection on offspring size. In high-density populations, high levels of intraspecific competition are expected to favor the production of larger offspring. In contrast, lower levels of intraspecific competition and selection for large offspring should be weaker and more easily overridden by direct selection for increased fecundity in low-density populations. Some studies have found associations between population density and offspring size consistent with this hypothesis. However, their interpretations are often clouded by a number of issues. Here, we use data from a 10-year study of nine populations of the least killifish, Heterandria formosa, to describe the associations of offspring size with habitat type, population density, and predation risk. We found that females from spring populations generally produced larger offspring than females from ponds; however, the magnitude of this difference varied among years. Across all populations, larger offspring were associated with higher densities and lower risks of predation. Interestingly, the associations between the two ecological variables (density and predation risk) and offspring size were largely independent of one another. Our results suggest that previously described genetic differences in offspring size are due to density-dependent natural selection.  相似文献   

Because environmental filters are temporally and spatially heterogeneous, there often is a lack of significant relationship between the spatial patterns of successive life stages in plant populations. In this study, we determined the spatiotemporal relationships between different life stages in two populations of an annual plant of the deciduous forests of eastern North America, Floerkea proserpinacoides. Demographic surveys were done over a 4-yr period, and experiments were performed in the field and under controlled conditions to test for the effects of various environmental factors on population dynamics. There was a general lack of relationship between the spatial patterns of seed bank and seedling density, and a lack of similarity between their spatial correlograms. This was related mostly to the effects of spatially variable environmental filters operating on germination and emergence. However, environmental filters acting on plant survival were stable through time and contributed to stabilize the density and spatial patterns of the populations. Despite density-dependent presenescence mortality, spatial patterns of seedlings and mature individuals were similar and their correlograms were alike, suggesting that mortality did not fully compensate for density. Estimated fecundity was negatively correlated with population density over the study period. Although flower production started only 2-3 wk after emergence, seed maturation mostly occurred at the end of the life cycle, just before the onset of plant senescence. Yet, individual fecundity was low for an annual plant, i.e., 3.0 ± 0.5 mature seeds/plant (mean ± 1 SE). Seed predation by vertebrates was not significant. Low soil moisture had little effect on the total number of seeds germinating, although it slowed down the germination process. In quadrats where leaf litter was experimentally doubled, seedling emergence was lower than in control quadrats; in quadrats where leaf litter was completely removed, emergence did not differ from that in control quadrats. Susceptibility to drought stress was higher for seedlings than for mature plants. Although the species does not maintain a long-term persistent soil seed bank, other factors, such as density-dependent fecundity and autogamy, may temper population fluctuations through time and reduce the probability of local extinction.  相似文献   

1. Life-table data for 14 species of Lepidoptera are analysed by the k -factor technique of Varley & Gradwell (1960). Two factors are shown to be of particular importance in determining fluctuations in abundance from one generation to the next. These key factors are predators and the failure of females to lay their full complement of eggs.
2. Data from 24 studies are reviewed to identify any density-dependent factors that would be capable of regulating the populations about an equilibrium density. In eight studies no density-dependent relationships could be identified, and in a further 13 the only density dependence demonstrated was due to intraspecific competition for resources. It is argued that competition is incapable of regulating populations at low density. In the other three studies, natural enemies are thought to be acting in a density-dependent manner, but their ability to regulate the populations is questioned.
3. The frequency of over-population and of extinction is reviewed and both appear to occur frequently in Lepidoptera. This, coupled with the failure of most studies to demonstrate the existence of density-dependent processes capable of regulating populations, leads the author to reject the model of regulation about an equilibrium density in favour of a model of population limitation by a ceiling set by resources.
4. Fluctuations in resource availability may be important in determining variations in the abundance of many Lepidoptera, but at present too few ecologists have quantified the carrying capacity of habitats occupied by the species they study to generalize about this.  相似文献   

The question of how dispersal behavior is adaptive and how it responds to changes in selection pressure is more relevant than ever, as anthropogenic habitat alteration and climate change accelerate around the world. In metapopulation models where local populations are large, and thus local population size is measured in densities, density-dependent dispersal is expected to evolve to a single-threshold strategy, in which individuals stay in patches with local population density smaller than a threshold value and move immediately away from patches with local population density larger than the threshold. Fragmentation tends to convert continuous populations into metapopulations and also to decrease local population sizes. Therefore we analyze a metapopulation model, where each patch can support only a relatively small local population and thus experience demographic stochasticity. We investigated the evolution of density-dependent dispersal, emigration and immigration, in two scenarios: adult and natal dispersal. We show that density-dependent emigration can also evolve to a nonmonotone, “triple-threshold” strategy. This interesting phenomenon results from an interplay between the direct and indirect benefits of dispersal and the costs of dispersal. We also found that, compared to juveniles, dispersing adults may benefit more from density-dependent vs. density-independent dispersal strategies.  相似文献   

This model provides for any number of genotypes defined by age-specific survival and fecundity rates in a population with completely overlapping generations and growing under the control of density-governing functions affecting survival or fecundity. It is tested in situations involving two alleles at one locus. Nonselection populations at Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium obey the ecogenetic law; i.e., each genotype follows Lotka's law regarding rate of increase and stable age distribution as if it were an independent true-breeding population. Populations experiencing age- and density-independent selection approximate this situation, and the changes in gene frequency are predicted by relative fitnesses bases on λ, the finite rate of increase of the genotypes. Polymorphic gene equilibria occurring at steady-state population sizes are determined by fitnesses based on R, the net reproductive rate. In examples involving differences in generation time produced by age-dependent differences in fecundity, the allele associated with longer generation time may be favored or opposed by selection, depending on whether the density-governing factor controlling population size affects survival or fecundity. If such genotypes have similar R's, a genetic equilibrium may be established if the population is governed by a density function acting upon fecundity. Received: August 23, 1999 / Accepted: July 13, 2000  相似文献   

To understand the interplay between environmental stochasticity and Allee effects, we analyse persistence, asymptotic extinction, and conditional persistence for stochastic difference equations. Our analysis reveals that persistence requires that the geometric mean of fitness at low densities is greater than one. When this geometric mean is less than one, asymptotic extinction occurs with high probability for low initial population densities. Additionally, if the population only experiences positive density-dependent feedbacks, conditional persistence occurs provided the geometric mean of fitness at high population densities is greater than one. However, if the population experiences both positive and negative density-dependent feedbacks, conditional persistence only occurs if environmental fluctuations are sufficiently small. We illustrate counter-intuitively that environmental fluctuations can increase the probability of persistence when populations are initially at low densities, and can cause asymptotic extinction of populations experiencing intermediate predation rates despite conditional persistence occurring at higher predation rates.  相似文献   

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