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Pollen morphology of ten Brazilian species within the South American clade (ca. 20 species) of Symplocos section Barberina (Symplocaceae) was analyzed with scanning electron microscopy to assess their reported androdioecious breeding system. All species exhibited pollen dimorphism. Pollen from male individuals is well developed and 3-colporate, whereas that from morphologically hermaphroditic individuals is malformed, often completely fragmented, lacks cytoplasm, and has no germination pores. Our results suggest that the morphologically hermaphroditic species of S. section Barberina with malformed pollen are cryptically dioecious.  相似文献   

A 46,XY/46,XY,r(4) mosaicism is described in a malformed male newborn with bilateral renal agenesis. A review of the phenotypic findings in the previously reported ring chromosome 4 patients is made and the importance of the detection of chromosomal abnormalities towards the nosology of malformation sequences is discussed.  相似文献   

The associations between craniofacial morphology and the posture of the head and the cervical column were examined in a sample of 120 Danish male students aged 22–30 years. Two head positions were recorded on lateral cephalometric radiographs, one determined by the subject's own feeling of a natural head balance (self balance position), and the other by the subject looking straight into a mirror (mirror position). Craniofacial morphology was described by 42 linear and angular variables, and postural relationships by 18 angular variables. A comprehensive set of correlations was found between craniofacial morphology and head posture. The correlations were similar for both head positions investigated. Of the postural variables, the position of the head in relation to the cervical column showed the largest set of correlations with craniofacial morphology. Extension of the head in relation to the cervical column was found in connection with large anterior and small posterior facial heights, small antero-posterior craniofacial dimensions, large inclination of the mandible to the anterior cranial base and to the nasal plane, facial retrognathism, a large cranial base angle, and a small nasopharyngeal space. The possible role of functional factors in mediating the relationship between morphology and posture was discussed.  相似文献   

Three malformed Rhipicephalus sanguineus specimenswere noticed in a tick laboratory colony. These specimens had different degreesof twining, from an almost fused individual (with two anal pores) to apartiallyfused adult male, with four spiracular plates. One female was a heart-shapedspecimen, with both body halves fused along a longitudinal axes, with fourspiracular plates and two anal pores.  相似文献   

A detailed study of courtship in Spodoptera littoralis showed that there were four significant behaviour patterns. The male flew to a calling female and hovered above her with his brushes fully extended. In response, the female lifted her wings, curved her abdomen and withdrew her pheromone gland. The male settled beside the female to pair and then moved to hang head downwards during copulation. Thirty percent of successful courtships lacked one of the main behaviour patterns. Nearly half the courtships observed did not end in copulation: none of these included all of four major behaviour patterns and the majority lacked two or three. Females often rejected males with a rapid flick of the wings. Antennaless males did not mate or extend the brushes in response to a calling female. Just over half of the antennaless females observed during 135-min tests mated with normal males, but courtship was abnormal. Olfactory cues appeared to be important to females in recognizing the courting male, since antennaless females did not wing flick, were significantly more likely to take to flight as the result of the male brush display and frequently failed to retract the pheromone gland during the latter states of courtship. The courtship behaviour of S. littoralis is compared with published accounts for other Noctuids.  相似文献   

The double child burial from Sunghir (Russia) is a spectacular Mid Upper Palaeolithic funerary example dated to about 24,000 BP. A boy (Sunghir 2) and a girl (Sunghir 3), about 12-13 and 9-10 years old, respectively, were buried at the same time, head to head, covered by red ocher and ornamented with extraordinarily rich grave goods. Examination of the two skeletons reveals that the Sunghir 3 femora are short and exhibit marked antero-posterior bowing. The two femora do not show any asymmetry in the degree of shortening and bowing. Bowing affects the whole diaphysis and shows a regularly incurved profile, with the highest point at midshaft. Pathology is confined to the femora, and no other part of this well-preserved specimen shows abnormality. The isolated nature of the Sunghir 3 anomalies points to cases reported in the medical literature under the label of "congenital bowing of long bones" (CBLB). These are a group of rare conditions exhibiting localized, sometimes bilateral, bowing and shortening which are nonspecific and may result from different causes, including abnormalities of the primary cartilaginous anlage (i.e., the aggregation of cells representing the first trace of an organ). Localized ossification disturbances, possibly linked to a diabetic maternal condition, might explain the shortening and the coincidence of maximum midshaft curvature with the position of the primary ossification center, as well as the lack of involvement of other skeletal parts. This scenario, rather than other possibilities (early bilateral midshaft fracture, acute plastic bowing deformities, or faulty fetal posture), provides the most likely explanation for the Sunghir 3 femoral deformities. The intriguing combination of a pathological condition apparent since birth with a spectacular burial of unusually positioned young individuals of different sexes recalls significant aspects of the triple burial from the contemporary site of Dolní Vestonice (Moravia), evoking a patterned relationship between physical abnormality and extraordinary Upper Paleolithic funerary behavior.  相似文献   

We describe a male newborn with bilateral angle bowing of femora, absent fibulae, aplasia of the fingernails, hypoplastic toenails, malformed thumbs, hypospadias, inguinal hernia and cortical dysplasia in a consanguineous Turkish Family. The MCA syndrome in the present patient is similar to these reported in 3 affected sibling by Fuhrmann et al.  相似文献   

Summary The mutationdicephalic (dic) affects follicle development and thereby alters the antero-posterior polarity of embryonic patterning. It maps at a single locus (3–46.0±1.0) and can be characterized as a semi-dominant maternal effect mutation with low penetrance. Indic follicles, the 15 nurse cells form two clusters located at opposite poles of the oocyte; the numerical distribution of the nurse cells among the clusters varies from 7:8 to 1:14. Thedic egg shell carries a micropyle (anterior marker) at either pole, but the misshapen respiratory appendages are restricted to one of the two poles in most eggs. The malformed eggs rarely yield larvae and these are always abnormal anteriorly and/or posteriorly. The segment pattern expressed in their cuticle may represent two anterior parts of opposite polarities (double head type), two posterior parts of opposite polarities (double abdomen type, rare) or show uniform polarity. Lability of organization at the cystocyte stage appears as the primary developmental defect of the mutant.  相似文献   

Neanderthal forearms have been described as being very powerful. Different individual features in the lower arm bones have been described to distinguish Neanderthals from modern humans. In this study, the overall morphology of the radius and ulna is considered, and morphological differences among Neanderthals, Upper Paleolithic Homo sapiens and recent H. sapiens are described.Comparisons among populations were made using a combination of 3D geometric morphometrics and standard multivariate methods. Comparative material included all available complete radii and ulnae from Neanderthals, early H. sapiens and archaeological and recent human populations, representing a wide geographical and lifestyle range.There are few differences among the populations when features are considered individually. Neanderthals and early H. sapiens fell within the range of modern human variation. When the suite of measurements and shapes were analyzed, differences and similarities became apparent. The Neanderthal radius is more laterally curved, has a more medially placed radial tuberosity, a longer radial neck, a more antero-posteriorly ovoid head and a well-developed proximal interosseous crest. The Neanderthal ulna has a more anterior facing trochlear notch, a lower M. brachialis insertion, larger relative mid-shaft size and a more medio-lateral and antero-posterior sinusoidal shaft. The Neanderthal lower arm morphology reflects a strong cold-adapted short forearm. The forearms of H. sapiens are less powerful in pronation and supination. Many differences between Neanderthals and H. sapiens can be explained as a secondary consequence of the hyper-polar body proportions of the Neanderthals, but also as retentions of the primitive condition of other hominoids.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to quantify head impact exposure (frequency, location and magnitude of head impacts) for individual male and female collegiate ice hockey players and to investigate differences in exposure by sex, player position, session type, and team. Ninety-nine (41 male, 58 female) players were enrolled and 37,411 impacts were recorded over three seasons. Frequency of impacts varied significantly by sex (males: 287 per season, females: 170, p<0.001) and helmet impact location (p<0.001), but not by player position (p=0.088). Head impact frequency also varied by session type; both male and female players sustained more impacts in games than in practices (p<0.001), however the magnitude of impacts did not differ between session types. There was no difference in 95th percentile peak linear acceleration between sexes (males: 41.6 g, females: 40.8 g), but 95th percentile peak rotational acceleration and HITsp (a composite severity measure) were greater for males than females (4424, 3409 rad/s2, and 25.6, 22.3, respectively). Impacts to the back of the helmet resulted in the greatest 95th percentile peak linear accelerations for males (45.2 g) and females (50.4 g), while impacts to the side and back of the head were associated with the greatest 95th percentile peak rotational accelerations (males: 4719, 4256 rad/sec2, females: 3567, 3784 rad/sec2 respectively). It has been proposed that reducing an individual's head impact exposure is a practical approach for reducing the risk of brain injuries. Strategies to decrease an individual athlete's exposure need to be sport and gender specific, with considerations for team and session type.  相似文献   

Nacobbodera chitwoodi, n. gen., n. sp., representing Nacobboderinae n. subfam, in the Nacobbidae, is described and illustrated from roots of Douglas fir, Pseudotsuga menziesii near Florence Oregon. This new species, having characters common to Nacobbidae, Heteroderidae, and Meloidogynidae, appears to represent a connecting link between these three families of the Heteroderoidea. Especially, a distinct tail on swollen adult females, vermiform shape of juvenile females, and the shape and sclerotization of the head of the various stages, indicate a Nacobbidae relationship. Certain other characteristics present in this new species are of the Heteroderidae and Meloidogynidae type as follows: Gross shape of adult female in posterior half of body, two ovaries, anterior position of excretory pore as in Meloidogyne females, absence of a bursa, and development of male within a sausage-shaped cuticle as in root-knot and cyst nematodes.  相似文献   

The early diverging metazoan lineages have highly disparate adult body plan geometries, which can be characterised in terms of five major types of symmetry (asymmetrical, spherical, cylindrical, n-radial, bilateral). Patterns of evolutionary changes in symmetry types and the homology of body axes across lineages are discussed here by confronting evidence from comparative anatomy, phylogeny, genomics and evo-devo. The conventional scenario, postulating a graded complexification from asymmetry to radial and finally bilateral symmetry, is considered untenable. Cylindrical symmetry is likely to be the ancestral type from which derived all remaining types through multiple convergences. Recent proposals prompted by molecular data that the bilateral anatomies of many cnidarians and of the Bilateria are homologous are clearly not supported. The Hox-based patterning system operating along the antero-posterior axis of the Bilateria does not seem to predate their divergence with the Cnidaria, but intercellular signalling systems, notably the Wnt pathway, could have been involved in generating the main body axis in the last common ancestor of the Metazoa. To cite this article: M. Manuel, C. R. Biologies 332 (2009).  相似文献   

Adult male fish of the medaka HNI strain exposed to 9.5 Gy or 19 Gy (0.95 Gy/min) of gamma-rays were mated with non-irradiated female fish of the Hd-rR strain. Genomic DNA was prepared from malformed individual embryos which were expected to be dominant lethal and used for AP-PCR fingerprinting. By the use of a part of the T3 promoter sequence (20 mer), which, to our knowledge, is not found in the medaka genome as an arbitrary primer, we found polymorphisms in genomic fingerprints which could distinguish the parental strains. On the other hand, we found that the fingerprints of F1 hybrids were the sum of those of their parents. Based on these findings, we analyzed the fingerprints of genomic DNA of each severely malformed embryo, because we expect that radiation-induced genomic damages resulting in severe malformation and eventually in dominant lethals should be detected as changes in paternal fingerprints of F1 hybrids. Indeed, we succeeded in detecting changes in genomic DNA as loss of some paternal bands in fingerprints of malformed embryos. One of 10 malformed embryos obtained from 9.5 Gy gamma-irradiated males had lost one band of the paternal origin and 4 of 12 malformed embryos obtained from 19 Gy gamma-irradiated males had lost 5 bands. These results indicated a possibility that quantitative as well as qualitative estimation of gamma-ray-induced DNA damages can be made by this method which does not require the functional selection based on a specific target gene.  相似文献   

The pathology of the reproductive tract of Hz-2V-infected agonadal male corn earworm moths, Helicoverpa zea, was studied. The examination of the reproductive tissues of adult agonadal males infected with Hz-2V during different lifestages allowed us to positively correlate the grossly malformed tissues of typical agonadal male moths to the corresponding normal tissues in uninfected males. The reproductive tissues responsible for producing sperm, a pheromonostatic peptide (PSP), and the spermatophore in normal male moths were absent or grossly malformed in the agonadal male moths. Hz-2V was observed replicating in one area of these malformed reproductive tissues in pharate adult males as early as 7 days post-pupation. Interestingly, reproductive tissues essential for initiation of copulation and transfer of reproductive fluids into a female moth during mating appear to be intact and may be functional. These data suggest that agonadal adult males are able to mate with healthy female moths and transfer Hz-2V particles, without fertilizing female moths or altering their sexual receptivity to further mating with other male moths.  相似文献   

The typical mitochondrial (mt) genomes of bilateral animals consist of 37 genes on a single circular chromosome. The mt genomes of the human body louse, Pediculus humanus, and the human head louse, Pediculus capitis, however, are extensively fragmented and contain 20 minichromosomes, with one to three genes on each minichromosome. Heteroplasmy, i.e. nucleotide polymorphisms in the mt genome within individuals, has been shown to be significantly higher in the mt cox1 gene of human lice than in humans and other animals that have the typical mt genomes. To understand whether the extent of heteroplasmy in human lice is associated with mt genome fragmentation, we sequenced the entire coding regions of all of the mt minichromosomes of six human body lice and six human head lice from Ethiopia, China and France with an Illumina HiSeq platform. For comparison, we also sequenced the entire coding regions of the mt genomes of seven species of ticks, which have the typical mitochondrial genome organization of bilateral animals. We found that the level of heteroplasmy varies significantly both among the human lice and among the ticks. The human lice from Ethiopia have significantly higher level of heteroplasmy than those from China and France (Pt<0.05). The tick, Amblyomma cajennense, has significantly higher level of heteroplasmy than other ticks (Pt<0.05). Our results indicate that heteroplasmy level can be substantially variable within a species and among closely related species, and does not appear to be determined by single factors such as genome fragmentation.  相似文献   

Mango malformation is the most threaten disease that limits mango production, worldwide. For a long time, due to its complex nature, the cause and causal agents were strongly disputed. Diverse Fusaria, including Fusarium mangiferae, are known to be associated with the disease. There are indications that augmented level of endogenous ethylene in response to various abiotic and biotic stresses alters the morphology of reproductive organs. Here, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of healthy and malformed reproductive organs of mango cv. Baramasi was performed to compare the functional morphology. The SEM study revealed that anthers of hermaphrodite healthy flowers were bilobed with large number of turgid pollen grains whereas malformed flowers showed fused lobed anthers with scanty deformed pollen grains. Furthermore, the stigma of healthy flowers exhibited a broad landing pad as compared to malformed stigma which showed hooked and pointed tip. All these impaired morphology of male and female reproductive organs lead to failure of sexual reproduction. This is the first evidence to show fused lobed anther with impaired pollen grains and hooked stigma with poor stigmatic receptivity are mainly responsible for restricting the pollen germination and pollen tube growth. Here we suggest that abnormal development of anthers and pistils is due to endogenously produced stress ethylene. Further, added load of cyanide, a byproduct of ethylene biosynthesis, may also contribute to the development of necrosis which lead to desiccation of anther and pistil during hypersensitive response of plants.  相似文献   

This paper considers features of the external morphology and internal structure of the genital system of adult males and females of Metridia longa Lubbock from the White Sea, as well as related with them features of reproduction biology of this mass Arctic copepod. Males of M. longa are dimorphically asymmetric. In the population, there are two morphotypes, which are mirror images of each other. Asymmetry manifests in them as the presence of a right (males ??righties??) or left (males ??lefties??) geniculate antenna, structure of the fifth pair of swimming legs, and location of an unpaired gonad and genital opening. The relative position of these structures is linked together. In females, there are two widely spaced copulator pores that lead to the two spermathecae not connected to each other. The latter, in turn, are connected to two gonopores, through which shedding of eggs occurs. The vast majority of the females in the studied population M. longa in all seasons of the year had only one filled spermatheca, either the right or the left. The females with bilateral insemination also occurred, but did not exceed 2.7% of all specimens. The ratio of females with the right and left filled spermathecae and ??right-handed?? and ??left-handed?? males suggests that the male morphotype determines in which spermathecae male gonads are most likely to get into. The presence of females with two filled spermathecae implicates insemination by two males of different morphotypes. Since each spermatheca is connected to only one of the two oviducts, it is assumed that a half of the eggs produced by unilateral inseminated females remains not fertilized. The morphology of genital structures and literature data on the egg production of M. longa indicate that almost a half of eggs produced by females is not viable and thus wasted.  相似文献   

The spermatophore morphology of the hermit crab Isocheles sawayai from southwestern Atlantic (Brazil) is described. The spermatophores show similarities with those described for other members of the family Diogenidae, especially with the recently described Loxopagurus loxochelis. The spermatophore is composed of three major regions: a sperm filled head or ampulla, a columnar stalk and a foot or pedestal. The spermatophores show specific morphology in having a circular ampulla, and a constriction or neck between the ampulla (100 μm) and the thin (27 μm), long stalk (500 μm). The stalk penetrates less than half way into the spermatophore head. Most spermatophores show one of the small posterior projections on the underside of the ampulla as being bigger than the other, making it asymmetrical. The size of the spermatophore is related to hermit crab size with direct relationships found between spermatophore ampulla width, total length, and peduncle length with shield length of the hermit crab. The morphological characteristics of the spermatophore of I. sawayai are species-specific distinguishing it from other members of the family, and are useful to infer further phylogenetic relationships.  相似文献   

The morphology, colouration and sexual behaviour of two gynandromorph adults of the desert locust Schistocerca gregaria Forskål are described. In each of these specimens, the left half of the external genitalia has male characteristics and the right half has female characteristics. Yellowing of the epidermis occurs to different degrees in normal sexually mature male and female adult S. gregaria under crowded conditions. Two hypotheses are known to explain this phenomenon. One suggests involvement of a sex‐hormone/receptor complex, whereas the other proposes different sensitivities of the epidermis to the same hormonal environment. To examine which hypothesis is more likely, one gynandromorph adult is kept under crowded conditions and the other is maintained under isolated conditions. In the former, the left half of the body turns bright yellow, as in a sexually mature crowded male, and the right half is brownish with little yellowing, as in a sexually mature crowded female of the same age. The bilaterally divided body colouration may support the second hypothesis. In the second gynandromorph, which is isolated after adult emergence, the body colour remains brownish. Upon sexual maturity, this individual is kept together with normal male or female adults for behavioural observations. It attempts to mount a female but is approached and mounted by males.  相似文献   

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