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Over the last decade, genetic studies on social insects have revealed a remarkable diversity of unusual reproductive strategies, such as male clonality, female clonality, and social hybridogenesis. In this context, Cataglyphis desert ants are useful models because of their unique reproductive systems. In several species, queens conditionally use sexual reproduction and parthenogenesis to produce sterile workers and reproductive queens, respectively. In social hybridogenesis, two distinct genetic lineages coexist within a population, and workers result from mating between partners of different lineages; in contrast, queens and males are both produced asexually by parthenogenesis. Consequently, nonreproductive workers are all interlineage hybrids, whereas reproductives are all pure lineage individuals. Here, we characterized the reproductive systems of 11 species to investigate the distribution of the conditional use of sex and social hybridogenesis in Cataglyphis. We identified one new case in which sexual reproduction was conditionally used in the absence of dependent‐lineage reproduction. We also discovered five new instances of social hybridogenesis. Based on our phylogenetic analyses, we inferred that both the conditional use of sex and social hybridogenesis independently evolved multiple times in the genus Cataglyphis.  相似文献   

Polarization sensitivity in arthropod photoreceptors is crucially dependent on the arrangement of the microvilli within the rhabdom. Here, we present an electron-microscopical study in which the degree of microvillar alignment and changes in the cross-sectional areas of the rhabdoms along their length were studied in the compound eye of the desert ant, Cataglyphis bicolor. Serial cross-sections through the retina were taken and the orientation of the microvilli was determined in the photoreceptors of individually identified ommatidia. The reconstructions of microvillar alignment were made in the three anatomically and functionally distinct regions of the Cataglyphis compound eye: the dorsal rim area (DRA), the dorsal area (DA), and the ventral area (VA). The following morphological findings are consistent with polarization sensitivities measured previously by intracellular recordings. (1) The microvilli of the DRA photoreceptors are aligned in parallel along the entire length of the cell from the distal tip of the rhabdom down to its proximal end, near the basement membrane. The microvilli of the retinular cells R1 and R5 are always parallel to each other and perfectly perpendicular, with only minor deviation, to the microvillar orientation of the remaining receptor cells. (2) In the DA and VA regions of the eye, the microvillar tufts of the small receptors R1, R3, R5, R7, and R9 change their direction repetitively every 1-4 7m for up to 90°. In contrast, the large receptor cells R2, R4, R6, and R8 maintain their microvillar orientation rigidly. (3) In the DRA ommatidia, the cross-sectional areas of the rhabdomeres do not change along the length of the rhabdom, but substantial changes occur in the DA and VA ommatidia.  相似文献   

The local resource competition (LRC) hypothesis predicts thatwherever philopatric offspring compete for resources with theirmothers, offspring sex ratios should be biased in favor of thedispersing sex. In ants, LRC is typically found in polygynous(multiple queen) species where foundation of new nests occursby budding, which results in a strong population structure anda male-biased population-wide sex ratio. However, under polygyny,the effect of LRC on sex allocation is often blurred by theeffect of lowered relatedness asymmetries among colony members.Moreover, environmental factors, such as the availability ofresources, have also been shown to deeply influence sex ratioin ants. We investigated sex allocation in the monogynous (singlequeen) ant Cataglyphis cursor, a species where colonies reproduceby budding and both male and female sexuals are produced throughparthenogenesis, so that between-colony variations in relatednessasymmetries should be reduced. Our results show that sex allocationin C. cursor is highly male biased both at the colony and populationlevels. Genetic analyses indicate a significant isolation-by-distancein the study population, consistent with limited dispersal offemales. As expected from asexual reproduction, only weak variationsin relatedness asymmetry of workers toward sexual offspringoccur across colonies, and they are not associated with colonysex ratio. Inconsistent with the predictions of the resourceavailability hypothesis, the male bias significantly increaseswith colony size, and investment in males, but not in females,is positively correlated with total investment in sexuals. Overall,our results are consistent with the predictions of the LRC hypothesisto account for sex ratio variation in this species.  相似文献   

Morishima K  Yoshikawa H  Arai K 《Heredity》2008,100(6):581-586
Triploid loaches Misgurnus anguillicaudatus are derived from unreduced diploid gametes produced by an asexual clonal lineage that normally undergoes gynogenetic reproduction. Here, we have investigated the reproductive system of two types of triploids: the first type carried maternally inherited clonal diploid genomes and a paternally inherited haploid genome from the same population; the second type had the same clonal diploid genomes but a haploid genome from another, genetically divergent population. The germinal vesicles of oocytes from triploid females (3n=75) contained only 25 bivalents, that is, 50 chromosomes. Flow cytometry revealed that the majority of the progeny resulting from fertilization of eggs from triploid females with normal haploid sperm were diploid. This indicates that triploid females mainly produced haploid eggs. Microsatellite analyses of the diploid progeny of triploid females showed that one allele of the clonal genotype was not transmitted to haploid eggs. Moreover, the identity of the eliminated allele differed between the two types of triploids. Our results demonstrate that there is preferential pairing of homologous chromosomes as well as the elimination of unmatched chromosomes in the course of haploid egg formation, that is, meiotic hybridogenesis. Two distinct genomes in the clone suggest its hybrid origin.  相似文献   

The ant Cataglyphis cursor is exceptional in that unmated workers are potentially able to lay both male and female eggs. We characterized eight pairs of primers for microsatellite loci, developed from genomic DNA for this species. Variability was tested with DNA from 19 workers and all eight loci were highly polymorphic, displaying 5–10 alleles and a high level of heterozygosity. Cross‐species amplifications indicate that these microsatellites might be useful in genetic studies of other species belonging to the genus Cataglyphis.  相似文献   

We investigated population genetic structure, mating system, worker reproduction and thelytokous parthenogenesis in the desert ant Cataglyphis livida. Pedigree analyses at polymorphic microsatellite loci show that colonies are headed by a single queen, and that queens are mated with two to eight males. No inbreeding was found in the population sampled. Colonies are genetically differentiated and exhibit no isolation-by-distance pattern, consistent with independent foundation of new colonies. Workers do reproduce and lay haploid (arrhenotokous) eggs in queenless colonies; conversely, we found no evidence of worker reproduction in queenright nests. In contrast with C. cursor, where new queens are produced by thelytokous parthenogenesis, female sexuals and workers of C. livida arise from classical sexual reproduction. We discuss the parallels and contrasts between the mating system and population structure in C. livida and the other Cataglyphis species studied so far.  相似文献   

Chemical analyses revealed that in Cataglyphis niger both the hemolymph and the crop contain the same hydrocarbons that are found in the postpharyngeal gland (PPG). On the cuticle, on the other hand, alkanes, and in particular nonacosane, were more abundant than in the PPG. Studies of their biosynthesis in vivo, using intact ants, revealed the presence of newly synthesized hydrocarbons in both the PPG and the crop. In decapitated ants (in the absence of the PPG), however, the crop did not contain any newly synthesized hydrocarbons, indicating the PPG as the major source of crop hydrocarbons. The fat body, as demonstrated by in vitro studies, is the major tissue that biosynthesizes hydrocarbons. The PPG failed to do so, but showed good de novo biosynthesis of other lipid constituents. The large amount of hydrocarbons in the crop suggests that the alimentary canal may serve as an outlet for the overflow of PPG hydrocarbons, or as a route for the directed clearance of hydrocarbons from the PPG.These results confirm and enlarge the model proposed for hydrocarbon circulation in C. niger. They are synthesized by the fat body, released to the hemolymph and transported to the cuticle and the PPG. The PPG hydrocarbons are applied to the cuticle by self-grooming, but can also be cleared via the alimentary canal. Partial emptying of the PPG may facilitate the admixing of recognition cues that the ant may acquire from nestmates by trophallaxis. The reason for the dissimilarity in hydrocarbon composition between the PPG and the cuticle is not yet clear; it may be due to secretions from additional glands, or reflect deviant hydrocarbon transport mechanisms between the PPG and the cuticle.  相似文献   

Cataglyphis ants are mostly scavengers adapted to forage individually in arid environments. Although they are widely thought to have lost the capacity of recruitment, we provide evidence that C. floricola foragers that find a large prey near their nest are able to solicit the help of nestmates to carry it cooperatively. After discovering a non-transportable prey, these ants readily return to their nest and stimulate the exit of several recruits. This rudimentary form of recruitment, which is absent in the sympatric species C. rosenhaueri, is only employed when the prey is sufficiently close to the nest entrance (<1 m) and does not allow the food location to be communicated. Instead, C. floricola recruits search for the prey in all directions until they discover it and transport it cooperatively to their nest.  相似文献   

Desert ants (Cataglyphis fortis) navigate by means of path integration, and perform accurately even in undulating terrain. They are able to correctly calculate the ground distance between nest and feeder even if their foraging excursion leads them over corrugated surfaces. To compute the respective ground projection when walking over an inclined surface, ants must measure its slope with sufficient accuracy—but how they do so is still not understood. Using a new behavioural assay that included a negative reinforcement, we investigated how well different slopes are discriminated by the ants. Ants were trained to visit an elevated feeder, via a ramp of fixed inclination (five training inclinations were used: 0°, 15°, 30°, 45°, 60°). The ants discriminated a steeper test slope that differed from the training slope by 12.5°. This discrimination performance was found to be constant for training slopes between 0° and 45°. Ants trained on a 60° slope, however, did not discriminate all steeper slopes, up to a vertical ascent, from the 60° inclination. The consequences of this discrimination accuracy for errors in the path integration process are discussed.  相似文献   

In ants, postpharyngeal glands are; the reservoir for the colonial odour which mediates the interindividual recognition. Quantitative and qualitative changes in colonial hydrocarbon profile of these glands were studied in the ant Cataglyphis iberica from emergence of workers. Isolation of callow seems to affect the maturation process. The glandular secretion of the callow workers increases in amount and becomes similar to that of mature workers around 10 d old. However, the rate of hydrocarbon accumulation in the glands of callow workers that were reared in isolation remains lower compared to mature nestmates. Early social isolation also affects the acquisition of the specific colony profile which remains very different from that of their mother colony. These results suggest a transfer of hydrocarbons from matures to callows. This transfer allows the new members of the colony to integrate the colonial odour during the few days following emergence.  相似文献   

An unusual ant diet:Cataglyphis floricola feeding on petals   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary C. floricola is an endemic species from the southern Iberian Peninsula which collects large amounts ofHalimium halimifolium petals. Laboratory and field observations confirm that both workers and larvae feed on these petals, which represent an important food resource forC. floricola colonies. This petal consumption is a very unusual ant diet.  相似文献   

Insect societies headed by multiple queens (polygyny) raise evolutionary questions, such as how does genetic heterogeneity among colony members affect in-nest interactions; or, are all queens equally reproductive or equally treated by workers? Answering such questions requires intensive and continuous observations of in-nest behavior. Here, we addressed these questions in the polygyne supercolonial ant, Cataglyphis niger, using a barcoding system that enables the tracking of individual interactions, together with polymorphic DNA microsatellite markers that indicate the matriline and patriline of all individuals. Our findings that both queens and workers have low interrelatedness corroborate earlier reports regarding the supercolony structure of C. niger. Ovary inspection and worker genotyping revealed that all the queens contribute similarly to nest demography. Tracking positions of individual workers through time revealed that only a small proportion of them are constantly engaged in tending the queens and can be considered as retinue workers. However, genotyping these workers and the attended queens revealed no relationship to genetic relatedness, again typical of a true polygyne and supercolonial species. Unlike invasive supercolonial species, C. niger is native to Israel, enabling us to address questions regarding the driving forces, other than kin selection, that stabilize this society.  相似文献   

1. Sexual selection has been little studied in social insects. Nonetheless, because mating is generally for life, opportunities for selecting among mating partners should be exploited. 2. In some ants, males aggregate at nest entrances to mate with emerging gynes. Both males and females thus have access to multiple mates over a relatively protracted period, giving rise to opportunities for mate choice and multiple mating. 3. We provide data from field observations of the male mating biology of the ant, Cataglyphis cursor Fonscolombe. In this species, females mate with, on average, six males each at the nest entrance and found colonies with the help of workers. 4. Males were present at the field site for approximately 1 month in spring, with up to 40 males at a single nest entrance for, on average, 4.7 days. Individual males were observed to survive up to 3 days, and mate up to eight times. 5. Thus both males and females of this species have the ability to mate multiply and have a window permitting mate choice to occur. Workers actively attacked males and may take part in the mate choice process, making C. cursor an interesting model to study questions relating to sexual selection and male mating strategies.  相似文献   

Abstract. The postpharyngeal gland of Cataglyphis niger (André, 1881) workers is characterized, at the ultrastructural level, by a well-developed smooth endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, and numerous mitochondria and lamellar inclusions suggesting an involvement in lipid metabolism. In addition, the microvillar differentiation of the apical membrane and basal invaginations of the cell imply a transportation process.
The gland shows a clear structural as well as chemical age-dependent development. Epithelial thickness increases with age, reaching its maximum within the first week after emergence. Concurrently there is a progressive development of microvilli and appearance of the lamellar inclusions. The gland's secretion consists mainly of hydrocarbons, with a predominance of monomethyl and dimethyl alkanes. Congruency was found between the hydrocarbon composition of glandular exudates and those of the epicuticular washes. An age-dependent increase in the total amount of hydrocarbons was found to correlate with the ultrastructural development and gross morphology (thickness of epicuticular lining) of the gland.  相似文献   

Thorictus beetles of the Dermestidae are obligate myrmecophiles. To understand how these beetles are integrated into and tolerated by their host colonies, the cuticular hydrocarbon profiles of different species of the Thorictus castaneus group that are generally associated with Cataglyphis were examined. The beetles are characterized by small amounts of cuticular hydrocarbons, which render them partly chemically “insignificant”. They also have the same cuticular hydrocarbon profiles as their hosts and thus likely use chemical mimicry to evade worker hostility but, like slaves in slave-maker species, they maintain some partial chemical identity. Thorictus martinezi from Burkina Faso were immediately adopted by conspecific colonies of their host, Cataglyphis sp. aff. bicolor, but were never adopted by colonies of other species (i.e. Cataglyphis viatica and Formica selysi). Thorictus buigasi from Morocco also mimicked the chemical profile of its host, C. viatica, but, in contrast to T. martinezi, individuals were adopted by colonies of Cataglyphis velox from Spain. This result can be explained by the similarity between the hydrocarbon profiles of C. viatica and C. velox, which may facilitate adoptions. T. buigasi beetles remained in Formica selysi colonies for some time but were ultimately rejected, probably due to their very different hydrocarbon profiles. In contrast, they were sometimes adopted by Camponotus herculeanus colonies and eventually chemically matched their new hosts, probably by passive camouflage. These data suggest that Thorictus of castaneus group myrmecophily is the result of coevolution with Cataglyphis hosts and that the mimicry is plastic, such that beetles can live with different hosts if the hosts show very limited CHC differences.  相似文献   

Because immune defences are costly, life-history theories predict a modulation of immune investment according to its potential benefits. Social insects provide interesting models since infection risk may vary among individuals within a colony. In particular, the foraging workers, that have to leave the nest, suffer a higher infection risk and can contaminate their nest, which may favour high immune investments. However, evolutionary theories of aging predict that foragers should reduce their immune investment when they suffer high extrinsic mortality. To test these two predictions, we investigated the levels of phenoloxidase (PO) and prophenoloxidase, two important enzymes of the insect immune system, in workers of the ant Cataglyphis velox. We found a higher PO activity in foragers than in intra-nidal workers. This could result from an adaptive upregulation of the harmful PO (an enzyme potentially leading to autoimmune reactions) only when the risk of infection and wounding is high.  相似文献   

The neurons of the first optic ganglion (the lamina) in the desert ant, Cataglyphis bicolor, have been studied with the light microscope after Golgi silver impregnation. The different types of retinal and laminal fibres and their configuration are compared with the results obtained in the bee. The first synaptic region in the visual system of the ant lies proximally to the fenestrated layer below the basement membrane and the layer containing the monopolar cell bodies. The synaptic region can be separated into three morphologically different zones: (1) The most distal layer where the short visual fibres end at two different levels. The short visual fibres and some laminal fibres (monopolar cell fibres) also show lateral elements in this region. (2) The second layer appears almost free of branches of retinal and laminal fibres. (3) The most proximal layer, which has a characteristically dense horizontal structure resulting from the lateral elements of long visual, centrifugal, monopolar and tangential fibres. Nine cell axons arising from each ommatidium leave the retina. Six of these are short visual fibres and end at two different levels in the lamina. Three different types of short visual fibres can be distinguished by their different terminal depths and lateral branching pattern. The remaining three fibres, the long visual fibres, terminate in the medulla. They can be distinguished from each other by their lateral elements in the lamina neuropile. The five morphologically different laminal fibre types (axons of the monopolar cells in the lamina) have different shapes and different arborizations at different levels. Tangential, centrifugal and incerta sedis-fibres, which originate either from cell bodies in the cell body layer at the periphery of the outer chiasma or more centrally, terminate in the synaptic region of the lamina. Consideration is given to the clearly demarkated arrangement and length of the branching pattern of retinal and laminal fibres at different levels of the synaptic region of the lamina. In addition, a hypothetical connectivity pattern is discussed.  相似文献   

The evolutionary paradox of sex remains one of the major debates in evolutionary biology. The study of species capable of both sexual and asexual reproduction can elucidate factors important in the evolution of sex. One such species is the ant Cataglyphis cursor, where the queen maximizes the transmission of her genes by producing new queens (gynes) asexually while simultaneously maintaining a genetically diverse workforce via the sexual production of workers. We show that the queen can also produce gynes sexually and may do so to offset the costs of asexual reproduction. We genotyped 235 gynes from 18 colonies and found that half were sexually produced. A few colonies contained both sexually and asexually produced gynes. Although workers in this species can also use thelytoky, we found no evidence of worker production of gynes based on genotypes of 471 workers from the six colonies producing sexual gynes. Gynes are thus mainly, and potentially exclusively, produced by the queen. Simulations of gynes inbreeding level following one to ten generations of automictic thelytoky suggest that the queen switches between or combines thelytoky and sex, which may reduce the costs of inbreeding. This is supported by the relatively small size of inbred gynes in one colony, although we found no relationship between the level of inbreeding and immune parameters. Such facultative use of sex and thelytoky by individual queens contrasts with other known forms of parthenogenesis in ants, which are typically characterized by distinct lineages specializing in one strategy or the other.  相似文献   

In the thermophilic ant genus Cataglyphis, species differing in their physical caste system have developed alternative mechanisms to face extreme heat by physiological and/or behavioural adaptations. In this study, we tested whether thermal tolerance is related to worker size in the ant Cataglyphis cursor that presents intermediate worker size compared with previously studied species (size range 3.5–10 mm). Thermal tolerance at two temperatures was tested in the laboratory on colonies originating from two habitats (seaside versus vineyard), known to differ in average worker size. As expected large workers were more resistant to high temperature than small workers, but the effect of worker size on thermal resistance was less pronounced under the more extreme temperatures. The pattern of thermal tolerance was similar in the two habitat types. After controlling for worker size, worker thermal tolerance significantly varied amongst colonies, but this variation was not related to colony size. Our results suggest that a higher thermal tolerance can confer an advantage to larger workers especially during foraging and are discussed in the context of the evolution of worker size in ants.  相似文献   

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