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To develop further our understanding of initial dietary copper metabolism, a method has been developed to separate plasma copper that is bound to albumin, from that bound to ceruloplasmin. This method has been tested using plasma samples from a pilot study involving six human volunteers who consumed 3mg oral doses of the stable isotope (65)Cu and gave blood samples at timed intervals up to 7 days. The results suggest that this method can be used to monitor dynamic fluctuations in newly absorbed copper over a short time frame.  相似文献   

New stable isotope dilution assays were developed for the simultaneous quantitation of the folates 5-methyltetrahydrofolic acid, 5-formyltetrahydrofolic acid, tetrahydrofolic acid, 10-formylfolic acid, and folic acid as well as for their catabolites para-aminobenzoylglutamate (pABG) and acetyl-para-aminobenzoylglutamate (ApABG) in clinical samples. The methods were based on cleanup by strong anion exchange followed by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) detection. Deuterated analogues of the folates and [13C5]-labeled isotopologues of the catabolites were applied as the internal standards in stable isotope dilution assays. Extraction in 4-morpholineethanesulfonic acid (MES) buffer at pH 5.0 ensured the optimum stability of folates and, in combination with solid-phase extraction (SPE) based on strong anion exchange, resulted in higher recoveries compared with other combinations of extraction buffers and SPE. The method was sensitive enough to detect pABG in plasma generally and unmetabolized folic acid in the plasma of a volunteer after oral dosage of an aqueous folic acid solution. The sum of folate catabolites increased by a factor of 2 in the urine of the latter volunteer, compared with that resulting when only water was dosed.  相似文献   

We describe an improved whole blood folate analysis method that facilitates increased throughput compared to our previous method (Dueker et al. (2000) Anal. Biochem. 283, 266). Improvements include three items: first, a buffered solvent exchange to remove interfering amino acids, especially phenylalanine whose esters may interfere with the analysis because their retention times on the gas chromatography are close to those of the para-aminobenzoic acid (pABA) isotopomers; second, substituting an NH2 solid phase extraction step for an HPLC step permits the batch parallel processing of samples; third, replacing trifluoroacetyl derivatives of ethyl-esterified pABA isotopomers with heptafluorobutyl derivatives, which are better resolved on the GC column. The method measures pABA, a stable degradation product of folate. This simplifies sample handling and purification. Relative standard deviations are typically 5% or less and a single operator can process samples in batches of 40. Results from our GCMS method correlate (R = 0.98) with the Lactobacillus casei assay for whole blood folate. The modifications will facilitate the development of high throughput methods for whole blood folate. Our method holds promise for epidemiological and clinical studies, where accurate whole blood folate concentrations are needed. Because it is internally standardized, interlaboratory variation should be minimal.  相似文献   

A flow injection-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (FI-ICP-MS) with a simple sample preparation procedure was developed for the determination of selenium, copper, and zinc in blood serum/plasma. A serum/plasma sample was filtered through a 0.45-μm membrane filter and diluted with a mixture of trace elements in a standard solution (9∶1, v/v). Measurement of the reference serum sample confirmed the accuracy of our method for selenium, copper, and zinc concentration. In the case of blood plasma samples obtained from six healthy adult males, the selenium, copper, and zinc concentrations were similar to those of a typical healthy male in Japan. These results suggest that the sample prepartive procedure coupled with FI-ICP-MS can be used for the routine determination of selenium, copper, and zinc in human blood serum/plasma.  相似文献   

Two new stable isotope dilution assays were developed for the quantification of ochratoxin A in human blood samples for exposure studies. The methods based on two different sample extraction and cleanup procedures including liquid–liquid extraction with following immunoaffinity chromatography (IA) as well as a dispersive solid-phase extraction (DSPE) method. For detection, LC–MS/MS was applied. For the first time, exact quantitation of the reference compound ochratoxin A was performed by quantitative NMR spectroscopy (qNMR). Additionally, a comparison of different blood-drawing procedures revealed no differences for heparin plasma and serum whereas citrate plasma gave significantly lower results for the mycotoxin. Limits of detection (LOD: 0.02 ng/g (IA) vs 0.03 ng/g (DSPE)), limits of quantification (LOQ: 0.07 ng/g (IA) vs 0.08 ng/g (DSPE)), relative recovery (?94%), precision, and linearity indicated excellent performance of the developed methods.  相似文献   

The concentration of zinc, copper, selenium, albumin, and ceruloplasmin in blood plasma and the activity of superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase in erythrocytes were determined in a set of patients with idiopathic scoliosis (n=51). A significant decrease of selenium concentration (0.50±0.16 μmol/L) was found when compared with a control group (0.69±0.07 μmol/L) (p<0.01). The same levels of significance were found out for selenium levels corrected for albumin content. In a group of patients with a curvature over 45° indicated for a surgical correction, the average plasma concentrations of selenium were significantly lower (p<0.05) in comparison with a group of patients with a curvature below 45° treated conservatively. The GSH-Px activity in erythrocytes was the same in both sets. In comparison with the controls, no significant differences were revealed in all of the other parameters. The detection of the decreased blood plasma concentration of selenium has suggested possible disturbance of well-proportioned distribution and of general optimal availability of selenium in the organism of patients with idiopathic scoliosis with likely effects on the process of synthesis and maturation of collagen affecting the axial skeleton stability.  相似文献   

In metabolomic research, blood plasma and serum have been considered to possess similar compositions and properties. Their perceived equivalence has resulted in researchers choosing arbitrarily between serum and plasma for analysis. Here, routine serum and plasma were prepared and their low-molecular-weight compounds were determined using gas chromatography/time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Principal components analysis was applied to process the acquired data, and marked differences in metabolite profiles were observed between serum and plasma. Of the 72 identified compounds, 36 (50%) discriminate serum from plasma, with 29 and 7 metabolites showing a significantly higher abundance (t test, P < 0.05) in serum and plasma, respectively. Incubation of blood had distinct effects on the analyte peak areas, with the effects being more pronounced for plasma than for serum and more pronounced for a shorter incubation than for a longer incubation. These results highlight the importance in choosing serum or plasma as the analytical sample and in stipulating the incubation time. Because incubation affected the analyte peak areas less in serum than in plasma, we recommend serum as the sample of choice in metabolomic studies.  相似文献   

Published values for the concentration of Cu in cerebrospinal and intraocular fluids cover a very wide range (0.016 to 1.0 microgram/ml) and include values which are several times higher than those which would be consistent with normal physiology. An atomic absorption spectrophotometer equipped with a graphite furnace was used to measure the Cu concentration in these fluids and in blood plasma of toads, rabbits, and cats. Under standard conditions, these fluids yielded high background absorbance and only fractional recovery of added Cu. Parameters were therefore established which eliminated both the high background and the matrix interference and allowed the determination of Cu in 10-microliters aliquots of diluted blood plasma and undiluted cerebrospinal and ocular fluid samples. Under these conditions the Cu measured in the ocular (0.011 to 0.032 microgram/ml) and cerebrospinal fluids (0.033 to 0.050 microgram/ml) of these three species was lower than most previously reported values and only a small fraction (1-3%) of the concentration of Cu in the plasma of the same animals (0.85 to 1.22 micrograms/ml).  相似文献   

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