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This study examines whether changes in cGMP concentration initiated by illumination of frog rod photoreceptors occur rapidly enough to implicate cGMP as an intermediate between rhodopsin activation in the disc membrane and permeability changes in the plasma membrane. Previous studies using whole retinas or isolated outer segments have provided conflicting evidence on the role of cGMP in the initial events of phototransduction. The rod photoreceptor preparation employed in this work consists of purified suspensions of outer segments still attached to the mitochondria-rich ellipsoid portion of the inner segment. These photoreceptors are known to retain normal electrophysiological responses to illumination and have cGMP levels comparable to those measured in the intact retina. When examined under several different conditions, changes in cGMP concentrations were found to occur as rapidly or more rapidly than the suppression of the membrane dark current. Subsecond changes in cGMP concentration were analyzed with a rapid quench apparatus and confirmed by comparison with a rapid freezing technique. In a 1 mM Ca2+ Ringer's solution, cGMP levels decrease to 65% of their final extent within 200 ms after bright illumination; changes in membrane dark current follow a similar time course. When the light intensity is decreased to 8000 rhodopsins bleached per rod per s, the light-induced cGMP decrease is completed within 50 ms, with 7 X 10(5) cGMP molecules hydrolyzed per rhodopsin bleached. During this time the dark current has not yet begun to change. Thus, under physiological conditions it is clear that changes in cGMP concentration precede permeability changes at the plasma membrane. The correlation of rapid changes in cGMP levels with changes in membrane current leave open the possibility that changes in cGMP concentration may be an obligatory step in the reaction sequence linking rhodopsin activation by light and the resultant decrease in sodium permeability of the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Intracellular recordings were obtained from rods in the Gekko gekko retina and the adaptation characteristics of their responses studied during light and dark adaptation. Steady background illumination induced graded and sustained hyperpolarizing potentials and compressed the incremental voltage range of the receptor. Steady backgrounds also shifted the receptor's voltage-intensity curve along the intensity axis, and bright backgrounds lowered the saturation potential of the receptor. Increment thresholds of single receptors followed Weber's law over a range of about 3.5 log units and then saturated. Most of the receptor sensitivity change in light derived from the shift of the voltage-intensity curve, only little from the voltage compression. Treatment of the eyecup with sodium aspartate at concentrations sufficient to eliminate the beta-wave of the electroretinogram (ERG) abolished initial transients in the receptor response, possibly indicating the removal of horizontal cell feedback. Aspartate treatment, however, did not significantly alter the adaptation characteristics of receptor responses, indicating that they derive from processes intrinsic to the receptors. Dark adaptation after a strongly adapting stimulus was similarly associated with temporary elevation of membrane potential, initial lowering of the saturation potential, and shift of the voltage-intensity curve. Under all conditions of adaptation studied, small amplitude responses were linear with light intensity. Further, there was no unique relation between sensitivity and membrane potential suggesting that receptor sensitivity is controlled at least in part by a step of visual transduction preceding the generation of membrane voltage change.  相似文献   

We have used a preparation of isolated, intact rod photoreceptors to correlate the effects of flash illumination on the intracellular cyclic GMP content and the membrane current. We find that the recovery of cyclic GMP levels after brief flash illumination requires approximately twice as much time as the recovery of the membrane current. In contrast, the subsecond kinetics of the cyclic GMP response to light are faster than the kinetics of membrane current suppression. Both cyclic GMP and the membrane current show graded responses to a wide range of flash intensities; however, in a low Ca2+-Ringer's solution, dim flashes can trigger a decrease in cyclic GMP concentration with no corresponding decrease in membrane current. These results suggest that either other factors can regulate the membrane current, or that measurements of total cellular cyclic GMP do not accurately reflect dynamic changes in cyclic GMP concentration in the vicinity of the light-regulated channel. Changes in cyclic GMP concentration in the presence of background illumination exhibit adaptational behavior similar to that observed in a light-adapted photoresponse: acceleration in the response kinetics and a decrease in response amplitude. That this result is observed in rods depleted of internal Ca2+ suggests a Ca2+-independent mechanism by which background illumination can accelerate the cyclic GMP response.  相似文献   

Light-induced changes of sensitivity in Limulus ventral photoreceptors   总被引:23,自引:22,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The responses of Limulus ventral photoreceptors to brief test flashes and to longer adapting lights were measured under voltage clamp conditions. When the cell was dark adapted, there was a range of energy of the test flashes over which the peak amplitude of the responses (light-induced currents) was directly proportional to the flash energy. This was also true when test flashes were superposed on adapting stimuli but the proportionality constant (termed peak currently/photon) was reduced. The peak current/photon was attenuated more by brighter adapting stimuli than by less bright adapting stimuli. The peak current/photon is a measure of the sensitivity of the conductance-increase mechanism underlying the light response of the photo-receptor. The response elicited by an adapting stimulus had a large initial transient which declined to a smaller plateau. The peak current/photon decreased sharply during the declining phase of the transient and was relatively stable during the plateau. This indicates that the onset of light adaptation is delayed with respect to the onset of the response to the adapting stimulus. If the adaptational state just before the onset of each of a series of adapting stimuli was constant, the amplitude of the transient was a nearly linear function of intensity. When the total intensity was rapidly doubled (or halved) during a plateau response, the total current approximately doubled (or halved). We argue that the transition from transient to plateau, light-elicited changes of threshold, and the nonlinear function relating the plateau response to stimulus intensity all reflect changes of the responsiveness of the conductance-increase mechanism.  相似文献   

We used an apparatus in which pieces of dark-adapted amphibian retinas (Rana pipiens, Bufo marinus) obtained under infrared illumination were exposed to precise intervals of 500-nm illuminations, and then frozen by contact of their outer segment surface with a liquid helium-cooled copper mirror. Sections of the frozen outer segment layer were obtained in a cryostat and then assayed for total extractable cyclic 3',5'-guanosine monophosphate (cGMP). Significant losses of cGMP with respect to the dark level were evident as early as 60 ms after light onset. With dim subsecond illuminations these losses were surprisingly large, which suggests a previously underestimated magnification in the cGMP cascade, or a transient substantial inhibition of guanylate cyclase activity in combination with increased cyclic GMP phosphodiesterase activity. Within the subsecond period, significant losses that were proportional to light intensity (2-log-unit range) and duration (60-550 ms) were generally not evident. However, losses significantly proportional to these factors became evident with durations of 1 s or longer. When pieces of retina were first illuminated (10 or 60 ms), then held in darkness for increasing periods before freezing, we observed a continuous loss of cGMP during the early postillumination dark period, followed by a recovery of the total cGMP level. The times for recovery to the preillumination level appear to be significantly longer than times reported for the recovery of the photoreceptor membrane potential after similar light exposures.  相似文献   

Molecular origin of continuous dark noise in rod photoreceptors.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Noise in the rod photoreceptors limits the ability of the dark-adapted visual system to detect dim lights. We investigated the molecular mechanism of the continuous component of the electrical dark noise in toad rods. Membrane current was recorded from intact, isolated rods or truncated, internally dialyzed rod outer segments. The continuous noise was separated from noise due to thermal activation of rhodopsin and to transitions in the cGMP-activated channels. Selectively disabling different elements of the phototransduction cascade allowed examination of their contributions to the continuous noise. These experiments indicate that the noise is generated by spontaneous activation of cGMP phosphodiesterase (PDE) through a process that does not involve transducin. The addition of recombinant gamma, the inhibitory subunit of PDE, did not suppress the noise, indicating that endogenous gamma does not completely dissociate from the catalytic subunit of PDE during spontaneous activation. Quantitative analysis of the noise provided estimates of the rate constants for spontaneous PDE activation and deactivation and the catalytic activity of a single PDE molecule in situ.  相似文献   

In the past several years there has been great progress in the understanding of the phototransduction process in retinal photoreceptors. Recently, this knowledge has expanded and we now understand the mechanism of background light adaptation in these cells and the role that calcium has to play.  相似文献   

A theory is presented which predicts the electrical responses of frog rods during light and dark adaptation. It is based upon the recent physiological studies. The central points in the theory are that: blocking particles released from rod disks block sodium channels; blocking particles are inactivated by the active transport across the disk membrane; energy spent in the transport is supplied with a light-dependent rate. There was agreement between the properties of real and model rods: the responses to flashes and 47 s pulses; the rate of change of potential after a pulse; frequency response characteristics at different mean illuminances.  相似文献   

The frog retina was stimulated with light flashes homogeneous in space but not time. The time heterogeneity of stimulation was created by abrupt change of a referent stimulus for a stimulus with different luminance. Such changes form a time pattern, as well as sharp borders of luminance between the neighbor areas of the visual field form a spatial pattern. The electroretinogram recorded in response to presentation of a triad of stimuli: the onset of a short flash of homogeneous light after long dark (or light) adaptation of a retina, brief sequence of the referent and test light flashes varied in luminance, and the offset, with returning to the initial level of adaptation. It was shown that responses of the retina under conditions of time heterogeneity of stimulation could be divided in two types as well as under conditions of spatial heterogeneity. Such a dual change in amplitude confirms our earlier hypothesis on the existence of two mechanisms of luminance coding in the frog retina. The first mechanism encodes power characteristics of light, it forms the information on the absolute level of the environmental luminance. Its activity is connected basically with receptors and cells of the external plexiform layer of the frog's retina. It is responsible for the b-wave of the electroretinogram. The other mechanism associated with RERG is based on a vector code of stimuli. This mechanism forms the information on spatial and time differentiation of the light flow in the visual field and is connected basically with cells of the internal plexiform layer. The results suggest that the frog retina has the individual mechanism for time pattern detection, distinguishing it from the homogeneous light flow in a similar way as in case of spatial light pattern detection. It is possible that the first mechanism is responsible for the detection of any new stimulus in general, irrespective of its specificity, whereas the second mechanism serves for the measurement of suprathreshold differences between stimuli.  相似文献   

Kefalov VJ  Crouch RK  Cornwall MC 《Neuron》2001,29(3):749-755
Regeneration of visual pigments of vertebrate rod and cone photoreceptors occurs by the initial noncovalent binding of 11-cis-retinal to opsin, followed by the formation of a covalent bond between the ligand and the protein. Here, we show that the noncovalent interaction between 11-cis-retinal and opsin affects the rate of dark adaptation. In rods, 11-cis-retinal produces a transient activation of the phototransduction cascade that precedes sensitivity recovery, thus slowing dark adaptation. In cones, 11-cis-retinal immediately deactivates phototransduction. Thus, the initial binding of the same ligand to two very similar G protein receptors, the rod and cone opsins, activates one and deactivates the other, contributing to the remarkable difference in the rates of rod and cone dark adaptation.  相似文献   

Cyclic GMP concentration was measured in the rod outer segments (ROS) of the isolated frog retinas. Retinas were quickly frozen in 0.5 s after the short light flash producing 90%-saturated late receptor potential (2,000 rhodopsins bleached per rod). ROS were obtained by microdissection, and cGMP levels were determined by radioimmunoassay method. No detectable changes in cGMP concentration was found in this stimulus condition. Dark-adapted ROS contained 46.3 ± 1.5 pmole cGMP per mg dry weight, flash-illuminated ones –45 ± 2 pmole/mg. 3-s bright illumination (ca. 107 rhodopsins bleached per rod per second) led to approximately 30% drop in cGMP content. It is supposed that the main part of cGMP within the ROS is in the bound state and therefore fast light-induced changes in its minor free fraction may escape the detection.  相似文献   

Cyclic GMP concentration was measured in the rod outer segments (ROS) of the isolated frog retinas. Retinas were quickly frozen in 0.5 s after the short light flash producing 90%-saturated late receptor potential (2,000 rhodopsins bleached per rod). ROS were obtained by microdissection, the cGMP levels were determined by radioimmunoassay method. No detectable changes in cGMP concentration was found in this stimulus condition. Dark-adapted ROS contained 46.3 +/- 2 pmol/mg. 3-s bright illumination (ca. 10(7) rhodopsins bleached per rod per second) led to approximately 30% drop in cGMP content. It is supposed that the main part of cGMP with the ROS is in the bound state and therefore fast light-induced changes in its minor free fraction may escape the detection.  相似文献   

Vertebrate photoreceptors can adjust their sensitivity to a wide range of light intensities spanning several orders of magnitude, the phenomenon of which is called light adaptation. Electrophysiological and biochemical studies have revealed that calcium can serve as an intracellular transmitter of light adaptation under the control of cGMP metabolism. After illumination, the cytoplasmic calcium concentration of a photoreceptor decreases, which in turn strongly activates photoreceptor guanylate cyclase. This calcium-dependent effect is mediated by a novel calcium-binding protein (recoverin) and leads to the restoration of the depleted cGMP pool after illumination.  相似文献   

The role of calcium as a regulator of light adaptation in rod photoreceptors was examined by manipulation of the intracellular Ca2+ concentration through the use of the calcium ionophore A23187 and external Ca2+ buffers. These studies utilized suspensions of isolated and purified frog rod outer segments that retain their mitochondria-rich inner segments (OS-IS). Three criteria of the dark- and light-adapted flash response were characterized as a function of the Ca2+ concentration: (a) the time to peak, (b) the rate of recovery, and (c) the response amplitude or sensitivity. For all Ca2+ concentrations examined, the time to peak of the flash response was accelerated in the presence of background illumination, suggesting that mechanisms controlling this aspect of adaptation are independent of the Ca2+ concentration. The recovery kinetics of the flash response appeared to depend on the Ca2+ concentration. In 1 mM Ca2+-Ringer's and 300 nM Ca2+-Ringer's + A23187, background illumination enhanced the recovery rate of the response; however, in 10 and 100 nM Ca2+-Ringer's + A23187, the recovery rates were the same for dark- and light-adapted responses. This result implies that a critical level of Ca2+ may be necessary for background illumination to accelerate the recovery of the flash response. The sensitivity of the flash response in darkness (SDF) was dependent on the Ca2+ concentration. In 1 mM Ca2+-Ringer's SDF was 0.481 pA per bleached rhodopsin (Rh*); a background of four Rh*/s decreased SDF by half (Io). At 300 nM Ca2+ + A23187, SDF was reduced to 0.0307 pA/Rh* and Io increased to 60 Rh*/s. At 100 nM Ca2+ + A23187, SDF was reduced further to 0.0025 pA/Rh* and Io increased to 220 Rh*/s. In 10 nM Ca2+ + A23187, SDF was lowered to 0.00045 pA/Rh* and Io raised to 760 RhI/s. Using these values of SDF and Io for each respective Ca2+ concentration, the dependence of the flash sensitivity on background intensity could be described by the Weber-Fechner relation. Under low Ca2+ conditions + A23187, bright background illumination could desensitize the flash response. These results are consistent with the idea that the concentration of Ca2+ may set the absolute magnitude of response sensitivity in darkness, and that there exist mechanisms capable of adapting the photoresponse in the absence of significant changes in cytoplasmic Ca2+ concentration.  相似文献   

The time-course of light and dark adaptation was quantitatively compared with the time-course of the onset of and recovery from desensitization produced by intracellular calcium injection in Limulus ventral photoreceptors. The onset of light adaptation tended to be faster (by 60-90 s) than the onset of desensitization produced by intracellular Ca++ injection. The initial portion of the time-course of dark adaptation was faster (about 10-20 s) than the time-course of recovery from desensitization produced by intracellular Ca++ injection. The final portion of recovery from Ca++ injection had the same time-course as a comparable dark adaptation.  相似文献   

The influence of lipid peroxidation (LPO) in isolated frog retina on dark adaptation of photoreceptors was studied. Stimulus-response functions, late receptor potential (LRP) as function of the stimulus light intensity were measured before bleach and in a steady state after dark adaptation. It was shown that accumulation of LPO products influenced dark adaptation in photoreceptors. Based on the displacements of the stimulus-response curves and experimental measurement data on the rate of LRP collapse after retina treatment with strophanthin it is concluded that the most probable mechanism of such an influence lies in a change of photoreceptor plasma membrane permeability.  相似文献   

Using a 'patch-clamp' method in the 'inside-out' configuration, ATP, ADP, AMP-PCP and AMP-PNP have been shown to increase the cGMP-dependent component of the rod plasma membrane conductance 2-4-fold and GTP, GDP but not GMP or nonhydrolyzable GTP analogs GMP-PNP and GTP-gamma-S to abolish the ATP action. The ATP and GTP effects were observed at [EDTA] = 1 mM when magnesium and calcium ions were absent. In about half of the experiments the cGMP-dependent conductance was shown to be increased by cAMP in the micromolar concentration range by 10-50%, the cAMP action did not depend on the presence of nucleoside triphosphates. In vivo ATP, GTP and cAMP are assumed to modulate the sensitivity of the photoreceptor plasma membrane to cGMP.  相似文献   

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