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用6种限制性内切酶分析了4种白蚁的线粒体DNA限制性片段长度多态性,根据限制性片段差异计算了4种白蚁之间的遗传距离,利用UPGMA聚类分析法构建了分子聚类图。结果表明:尖唇异白蚁与散白蚁属关系很近,聚类分析结果显示应将其归于散白蚊属。  相似文献   

杨兵 《动物学研究》1992,13(2):123-131
本文记述了云南散白蚁属Reticulitermes(Holmgren)和钩歪白蚁属PseudocapritermesKemner四新种: 1.江城散白蚁Reticulitermes(Frontotermes)jiangchengensis新种; 2.短头散白蚁Peticulitermes(Planifrontotermes)curticeps新种; 3.平颠钩歪白蚁Pseudocapritermes Planimentus新种; 4.江城钩歪白蚁Pseudocapritermes jiangchengensis新种。  相似文献   

记述分布于云南绿春和沧源的原白蚁科1新记录属:古白蚁属Archotermopsis Desneux 及1新记录种:罗夫顿古白蚁Archotermopsis wroughtoni Desneux.详细描述了其形态特征,提供了罗夫顿古白蚁的整体、头部、前胸背板和上颚照片,以及古白蚁属和国内发现的另一古老白蚁属:原白蚁属Hodotermopsis的区别特征.研究标本保存于中国科学院昆明动物所昆虫标本馆.  相似文献   

我国已知大白蚁属18种,其中仅1种属于大,中,小(兵蚁,工蚁)三态类型,由李桂祥,平正明定名为三型大白蚁。作者等于1994年,在云南省南亚热带地区,发现另一三态类型大白蚁,定名为箕头大白蚁新种。  相似文献   

2008~2011年间,对四川省宜宾市白蚁种类进行调查,发现了6种散白蚁四川新纪录——圆唇散白蚁Reticulitermes labralis Hsia et Fan、细颚散白蚁Reticulitermes leptomandibularis Hsia et Fan、细颏散白蚁Reticulitermes leptogulus Ping et Xu、黄胸散白蚁Reticulitermes flaviceps(Oshima)、舌唇散白蚁Reticulitermes lingulatus Ping和卵唇散白蚁Reticulitermes ovatilabrum Xia et Fan,将四川省散白蚁属白蚁记录种类由6种增加至12种,将四川省白蚁记录种类由62种增加至68种。  相似文献   

壤白蚁属Parahy potermes Zhu et Huang,新属 模式种:曼允壤白蚁Parahy potermes manyunensis,新种。 属征:兵蚁头近卵圆形,头背面被毛稀少,两侧缘于触角前骤然狭缩,头中部最宽,后缘宽圆,头背面中部明显隆起;左上颚内缘中部第1缘齿上方具2—3枚小齿。 比较与讨论:本新属与地白蚁属Hypotermes Holmgren较接近。但Hypotermes头两侧缘触角前不呈狭缩状;左上颚第1缘齿上方不具锯齿状小齿;头背面中部呈弧状隆起。  相似文献   

广西白蚁八新种——等翅目:鼻白蚁科, 白蚁科   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李桂祥  肖维良 《昆虫学报》1989,32(4):465-476
我们先后于1973、1975和1985年对广西白蚁作了专题调查,特别是对森林茂盛的自然保护区:龙胜的花坪林区天平山、武鸣的大明山、金秀的大瑶山、宁明县陇瑞自然保护区和贺县滑水冲自然保护区,进行重点采集;此外,广西林科,所、广西科学院生物室、南宁、桂林和玉林白蚁所,惠赠了部分标本。现对所得标本初步分类鉴定,计有4科22属68种,内有8个新种,描述如下。 1.粗颚异白蚁Heteratermes solidimandibulas新种 兵蚁(图1) 体型中等。头部、上唇、触角黄色,前胸背板淡黄色,上颚棕褐色,腹部和足黄白色。头部有稀疏、分散的直立刚毛,上唇有2根端毛外,有些个体仍有侧端毛和  相似文献   

本文描述产于云南的白蚁科2新种:章凤马歪白蚁Malaysiocapritermes zhangfengersis sp.n.、江城瘤歪白蚁Mirocapritermes jiangchengersis sp.n。在读者讨论中,作者等认为,李桂祥等描述的中国马歪白蚁M.sinicus Li et Xiao应转移入华歪白蚁属Sinocapritermes Ping et Xu,新组合为中国华歪白蚁Si  相似文献   

平正明  徐月莉 《昆虫学报》1992,35(4):461-469
本文首次报道湖北省散白蚁属三新种。这三新种和广泛分布于我国东南地区的Reticulitermes flaviceps(Oshima)和东北地区的R.speratus(Kolbe)两常见种均较近缘。从形态特征上可看出它们和两常见种在华中地区演化的过渡性状。通过湖北标本和河南省科学院王治国先生惠赠大量河南标本的初步鉴定,R.flaviceps和R.spe-  相似文献   

谭速进 《四川动物》2014,(3):449-455
为了给基础研究和防治应用提供参考,笔者结合近年的研究成果和经验,对1923~2013年的文献涉及内容进行分析和甄别,确认四川地区(含重庆市)现发现白蚁4科14属96种。其中,草白蚁科:原白蚁属1种;木白蚁科:堆砂白蚁属1种,树白蚁属13种;鼻白蚁科:乳白蚁属1种,散白蚁属39种,杆白蚁属17种;白蚁科:土白蚁属5种,大白蚁属2种,亮白蚁属1种,华扭白蚁属5种,近扭白蚁属3种,象白蚁属4种,钝颚白蚁属3种,新白蚁属1种。四川省发现白蚁4科14属64种:其中草白蚁科:原白蚁属1种;木白蚁科:堆砂白蚁属1种,树白蚁属10种;鼻白蚁科:乳白蚁属1种,散白蚁属23种,杆白蚁属13种;白蚁科:土白蚁属1种,大白蚁属1种,亮白蚁属1种,华扭白蚁属3种,近扭白蚁属2种,象白蚁属4种,钝颚白蚁属2种,新白蚁属1种。  相似文献   

白蚁表皮碳氢化合物组分鉴定及分类学意义   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
应用GC-MS分析表明,不同种类白蚁表皮碳氢化合物组成和含量均有差异。运用UPGMA聚合R分析的最小距离系数值绘制的系统树表明:圆唇凸额类白蚁——黄胸散白蚁Reticulitermes flaviceps、双色散白蚁R. dichrousR. sp.1之间;圆唇平额类白蚁——圆唇散白蚁R. labralis、小头散白蚁R. microcephalusR. sp.2和R. sp.3之间; 尖唇类白蚁——海南异白蚁Heterotermes hainanensis、拧黄异白蚁H. citrinus、细颚异白蚁H.leptomandibularis、尖唇异白蚁H. aculabialisH. sp. 4之间的亲缘关系较近。3类白蚁中,圆唇凸额类白蚁和圆唇平额类白蚁亲缘关系相近,而两者与尖唇类白蚁亲缘关系较远。实验结果表明,我国存在异白蚁属,它与散白蚁属主要区别在于其表皮缺乏以下数种碳氢化合物:正十七烷烃、正二十烷烃、正二十一烷烃、正二十二烷烃、正二十三烷烃、正二十四烷烃和正二十六烷烃等;却含有一种特殊化合物异喹啉。表皮碳氢化合物分析的结果与形态分类的结果有一定差异,形态分类被鉴定为双色散白蚁的R. sp.1,被鉴定为小头散白蚁的R. sp.2,被鉴定为圆唇散白蚁的R.sp.3,被鉴定为尖唇散白蚁的H. sp.4,根据表皮碳氢化合物分析的结果,R. sp.1、R. sp.3和H. sp.4可能是其他种,而R. sp.2则可能是圆唇散白蚁的亚种或其他种。  相似文献   

部分蚂蚁种类是白蚁的重要天敌。为了探明成都市白蚁天敌——蚂蚁的常见种类及其生境,2011—2015年通过对成都市房屋建筑、园林树木、古建筑以及安装在住宅小区绿地的地下型白蚁监测装置等生境中调查白蚁与蚂蚁种类及数量,共鉴定白蚁9种,隶属于3科4属,黑胸散白蚁Reticulitermes chinensis占比最高(83.9%);蚂蚁29种,隶属于4亚科15属,中国短猛蚁Brachyponera chinensis占比最高(38.2%)。相关性分析表明,黑毛蚁Lasius niger与尖唇散白蚁R.aculabialis、新中华散白蚁R.neochinensis之间,莱曼氏蚁Formica lemani与黑胸散白蚁、尖唇散白蚁之间,敏捷扁头猛蚁Pachycondyla astuta、铺道蚁Tetramorium caesputum与尖唇散白蚁之间均呈显著负相关。黑毛蚁、莱曼氏蚁、敏捷扁头猛蚁、铺道蚁的种群数量大,在白蚁生物防治中具有一定的应用潜力。鉴于蚂蚁对白蚁的控制作用受环境、人为等多种因素的影响,建议进一步加强蚂蚁对白蚁自然控制作用的系统研究。  相似文献   

兵蚁和工蚁是白蚁中的非生殖品级,兵蚁是由工蚁分化产生。为了探讨兵蚁品级性腺不育的原因以及兵蚁和工蚁性腺发育的差异,采用组织学染色观察与测量方法对尖唇散白蚁Reticulitermes aculabialis Tsai et Hwang的兵蚁和工蚁的卵子发生各阶段进行比较和分析。结果显示:两者性腺发育大小呈极显著性差异(P<0.01),兵蚁与工蚁卵巢横切面面积之比约为1∶7;兵蚁的卵子发生与工蚁相比,仅有卵母细胞的分化期,没有生长期;兵蚁的卵母细胞比工蚁的小,两者的分化期卵母细胞体积之比约为1∶16。该结果表明工蚁向兵蚁转化过程中性腺进一步退化,兵蚁性腺极度退化使其丧失了成为补充繁殖蚁的可能性。该研究结果为兵蚁不能生殖提供组织学上的证据,同时又揭示了兵蚁和工蚁在潜在生殖能力差异方面的组织学基础。  相似文献   

We investigated the bacterial gut microbiota from 32 colonies of wood-feeding termites, comprising four Microcerotermes species (Termitidae) and four Reticulitermes species (Rhinotermitidae), using terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis and clonal analysis of 16S rRNA. The obtained molecular community profiles were compared statistically between individuals, colonies, locations, and species of termites. Both analyses revealed that the bacterial community structure was remarkably similar within each termite genus, with small but significant differences between sampling sites and/or termite species. In contrast, considerable differences were found between the two termite genera. Only one bacterial phylotype (defined with 97% sequence identity) was shared between the two termite genera, while 18% and 50% of the phylotypes were shared between two congeneric species in the genera Microcerotermes and Reticulitermes, respectively. Nevertheless, a phylogenetic analysis of 228 phylotypes from Microcerotermes spp. and 367 phylotypes from Reticulitermes spp. with other termite gut clones available in public databases demonstrated the monophyly of many phylotypes from distantly related termites. The monophyletic "termite clusters" comprised of phylotypes from more than one termite species were distributed among 15 bacterial phyla, including the novel candidate phyla TG2 and TG3. These termite clusters accounted for 95% of the 960 clones analyzed in this study. Moreover, the clusters in 12 phyla comprised phylotypes from more than one termite (sub)family, accounting for 75% of the analyzed clones. Our results suggest that the majority of gut bacteria are not allochthonous but are specific symbionts that have coevolved with termites and that their community structure is basically consistent within a genus of termites.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships of symbiotic spirochetes from five dry-wood feeding lower termites (Cryptotermes cavifrons, Heterotermes tenuis, Kalotermes flavicollis, Neotermes mona, and Reticulitermes grassei) was compared to those described in previous reports. The 16S rDNA bacterial genes were PCR-amplified from DNA isolated from intestinal samples using a spirochete-selective primer, and the 16S amplicons were cloned into Escherichia coli. Sequences of the cloned inserts were then used to determine closest relatives by comparison with published sequences. Clones sharing more than 97% sequence identity were grouped into the same phylotype. Forty-three new phylotypes were identified. These termite whole-gut-spirochetes fell into two previous defined clusters, designated as Treponema Clusters I and II, and one new Cluster III. Thirty-seven phylotypes were grouped in Cluster I. Cluster II comprised three phylotypes, two from Reticulitermes grassei (LJ029 and LJ012) and one from Heterotermes tenuis (LQ016). Three phylotypes, LK057, LK050 and LK028, were affiliated to Cluster III. Members of Cluster I showed the following characteristics: (i) spirochete phylotypes from a particular species of termite were more closely related to each other than to phylotypes of other termite species; (ii) spirochetes obtained from different genera of the same family, such as Cryptotermes sp., Kalotermes sp., and Neotermes sp., all from the family Kalotermitidae, were also related to each other. It was therefore concluded that spirochetes are specific symbionts that have coevolved with their respective species of termites, are stably harbored, and are closely related to members of the same termite family.  相似文献   

In laboratory bioassays, Steinernema riobrave Cabanillas, Poinar and Raulston (355 strain), Steinernema carpocapsae (Weiser) (Mexican 33 strain), Steinernemafeltiae (Filipjev) (UK76 strain), and Heterorhabditis bacteriophora Poinar (HP88 strain) were all capable of infecting and killing three termite species, Heterotermes aureus (Snyder), Gnathamitermes perplexus (Banks), and Reticulitermes flavipes (Kollar) in laboratory sand assays. S. riobrave and S. feltiae caused low levels of Reticulitermes virginicus (Banks) mortality under the same conditions. At 22 degrees C, significant mortality (> or = 80%) of worker H. aureus and G. perplexus was caused by S. riobrave, in sand assays, indicating the need for further study. Because of the short assay time (3 d maximum), reproduction of the nematodes in the target host species was not recorded. All nematode species were observed to develop to fourth-stage juveniles, preadult stages, or adults in all termite species with the exception of R. virginicus. Only S. riobrave developed in R. virginicus. Nematode concentration and incubation time had significant effects on the mortality of worker H. aureus. S. riobrave consistently generated the highest infection levels and mortality of H. aureus in sand assays.  相似文献   

苏晓红  刘晓  吴佳  魏艳红  王云霞  邢连喜 《昆虫学报》2011,54(10):1104-1110
为探讨凋亡调节因子Bcl-2和Bax蛋白对白蚁生殖蚁和工蚁性腺发育的影响, 揭示白蚁生殖品级与非生殖品级性腺发育的调节机理, 以尖唇散白蚁Reticulitermes aculabialis为研究对象, 运用免疫细胞化学定位方法对生殖蚁和工蚁精子发生过程中的Bcl-2和Bax蛋白表达进行了研究。结果显示: 生殖蚁和工蚁精子发生过程中从精原细胞至精子时期均有Bcl-2-like和Bax-like的阳性表达。生殖蚁的次级精母细胞、 精子细胞和精子中Bcl-2-like阳性表达率较高, 而在精原细胞和初级精母细胞中阳性率较低; 工蚁在次级精母细胞中最高, 在精原细胞和初级精母细胞中较低。除初级精母细胞期外, 工蚁生殖细胞其他发育阶段Bax-like阳性表达率均显著高于生殖蚁同一阶段生殖细胞。生殖蚁的生殖细胞在精原细胞、 初级精母细胞和次级精母细胞时期Bax-like阳性表达率较高, 发育至精子时期阳性率最低; 工蚁在次级精母细胞、 精子细胞和精子时期Bax-like表达率较高, 在初级精母细胞中表达率最低。在精子发生过程中, 生殖蚁生殖细胞Bax/Bcl表达量比值逐步下降; 而工蚁生殖细胞发育过程中Bax/Bcl表达量比值仅在次级精母细胞期下降, 其他发育时期均升高; 根据Bax/Bcl判断, 精原细胞和初级精母细胞是生殖蚁精子发生过程中主要的凋亡点, 而工蚁除了精原细胞和初级精母细胞外, 精子细胞和精子也是主要的凋亡目标。研究结果表明, 白蚁生殖细胞凋亡与其他动物一样受Bcl-2家族的调节, 在精子发生过程中Bcl-2-like和Bax-like表达具有动态变化规律, 正是这种变化调控生殖细胞在不同发育阶段的生或死; Bcl-2-like和Bax-like对生殖细胞凋亡调节不仅在精子发生中有非常重要的作用, 而且可能与工蚁品级的形成有关。  相似文献   

Because of morphological ambiguity, traditional identification of Reticulitermes Holmgren termites has always been difficult and unreliable. A molecular diagnostic method is presented for differentiating Reticulitermes species occurring in the south central United States, which are economically important urban pests. A 379-bp region of the mtDNA COII gene and a 415-bp region of the mtDNA 16S rRNA gene were amplified using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and sequenced from Reticulitermes flavipes (Kollar), Reticulitermes virginicus (Banks), Reticulitermes hageni Banks, and Reticulitermes tibialis (Banks). Applying DNA sequence data, the PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) analysis of two restriction enzymes each for the COII amplicon and the 16S amplicon, were diagnostic for all of the Reticulitermes species analyzed. Based on putative mutation rates, >87% and 97% of the samples should be successfully identified to species with PCR-RFLP of COII and 16S, respectively. To verify the accuracy of our predictions, we examined unclassified Reticultermes populations from Arkansas, Louisiana, Missouri, Oklahoma, Texas, and Virginia using PCR-RFLP. Applying PCR-RFLP, 97 samples were correctly classified to species. This technique allows the use of field-collected specimens preserved in alcohol and can identify termite specimens regardless of caste. PCR-RFLP, resolved with agarose or polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, provided an efficient method for identification of Reticulitermes species from the south central United States for diagnostic purposes.  相似文献   

为探讨白蚁非生殖品级和生殖品级生殖细胞发育差异,采用组织学染色技术对尖唇散白蚁Reticulitermes aculabialis Tsaiet Hwang繁殖蚁、工蚁和兵蚁的精巢发育以及精子发生进行了显微观察和比较研究。结果发现3个品级间精巢发育的程度差异很大,三者精巢切面面积相对大小之比为:繁殖蚁∶工蚁=1.7∶1;繁殖蚁∶兵蚁=29.3∶1;工蚁∶兵蚁=17.1∶1。繁殖蚁和工蚁精巢管内有精子的形成,工蚁和繁殖蚁精子的发生都经历了精原细胞、初级精母细胞、次级精母细胞、精细胞和精子时期,但工蚁有大量次级精母细胞呈细胞凋亡状态。兵蚁生殖细胞发育仅有精原细胞、初级精母细胞、次级精母细胞,没有精细胞和精子产生。工蚁的生殖细胞显著小于同一时期繁殖蚁的生殖细胞,兵蚁的各时期生殖细胞均极显著小于繁殖蚁同一时期的生殖细胞。研究表明各品级之间生殖功能分化与生殖细胞发育有直接关系,工蚁有转化为补充繁殖蚁和兵蚁的能力;而兵蚁由于精巢极度退化不能产生精细胞和精子,因此是非生殖品级分化的终极形式,不具有转化成补充繁殖蚁或其它品级的能力。  相似文献   

Pressure from subterranean termites is known to vary geographically across the United States, but there are few quantitative studies concerning the threat of structural infestation for any geographic region. We assessed the number and locations of termite colonies present on 20 infested residential properties in central North Carolina, where subterranean termite pressure is considered to be heavy. This was achieved by using microsatellite markers to determine colony identity of termites collected over 6-14 mo from mud tubes in structures, below-ground monitors, and wood debris in the yard. In total, we identified 188 distinct colonies and determined their breeding structures. Reticulitermes flavipes (Kollar) was by far the most common species, accounting for nearly 90% of all colonies; the remaining colonies belonged to Reticulitermes hageni Banks and Reticulitermes virginicus (Banks). In four cases, there were two colonies infesting a structure simultaneously; in all other cases only a single colony was detected in the structure. Colony densities were high, averaging 62 colonies per ha (25 per acre) with a maximum of 185 colonies per ha (75 colonies per acre). Foraging ranges of R. flavipes and R. hageni colonies were generally small (<30 linear m), and most colonies were headed by a single pair of monogamous reproductives with nearly all the remaining colonies headed by relatively few inbreeding descendants of the original monogamous pair. These results provide the most detailed picture to date of the number, distribution, and colony characteristics of subterranean termite colonies located in and around residential structures.  相似文献   

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