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We have previously described a series of human immunodeficiency virus type 1-based vectors in which efficient RNA encapsidation appeared to correlate with the presence of a 1.1-kb env gene fragment encompassing the Rev-responsive element (RRE). In this report, we explore in detail the role of the RRE and flanking env sequences in vector expression and RNA encapsidation. The analysis of a new series of vectors containing deletions within the env fragment failed to identify a discrete packaging signal, although the loss of certain sequences reduced packaging efficiency three- to fourfold. Complete removal of the env fragment resulted in a 100-fold decrease in the vector transduction titer but did not abolish RNA encapsidation. We conclude that the RRE and 3' env sequences are not essential for human immunodeficiency virus type 1 vector encapsidation but may be important in vectors in which a heterologous gene has been placed adjacent to the 5' packaging signal, potentially disrupting its structure.  相似文献   

The leader region of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) genome has a highly folded structure, comprising at least two RNA stem-loops [the transactivation response (TAR) and poly(A) hairpins] near its 5' end and four others (SL1 to SL4) downstream. Each of these stem-loops contributes to the function of the HIV-1 packaging signal, which efficiently targets genomic RNA into nascent virions. The central 140-base region of the leader, which includes the U5 and primer binding site (PBS) sequences, is also believed to adopt a complex structure, but the nature of this structure and its possible role in RNA packaging have not been extensively explored. Here we report a mutational analysis identifying at least three separate loci within the U5-PBS region which, when mutated, impair both HIV-1 packaging specificity and infectivity in a single-round proviral assay. In common with those of all previously described packaging signals in the leader, the function of one of these loci appeared to depend on secondary structure rather than on sequence alone. By contrast, the activity of the other two loci did not correlate with any predicted conformations. Moreover, unlike SL1 to SL4, the TAR, poly(A), and U5-PBS hairpins were not bound with high affinity by the nucleocapsid portion of the HIV-1 Gag protein in vitro, implying that they contribute to packaging through a mechanism distinct from that of SL1 to SL4. Our findings confirm the existence and importance of secondary structure around the PBS and demonstrate that functional packaging signals are distributed across the entire HIV-1 leader.  相似文献   

We used a series of deletion mutations in the untranslated leader region of human immunodeficiency virus type 2 (HIV-2) to seek cis-acting packaging signals. Sequences between the 5' major splice donor and the gag initiation codon, where such signals have been identified in HIV-1, appear to make a measurable but very minor contribution to genomic RNA packaging, and deletions here had little effect on viral replication in vitro. Immediately 5' to the splice donor, two regions were identified which, when deleted, caused a significant replication defect. The most proximal of these to the splice donor demonstrated a phenotype consistent with its being a major cis-acting packaging signal in HIV-2.  相似文献   

J Luban  S P Goff 《Journal of virology》1994,68(6):3784-3793
We previously identified blocks of sequence near the 5' end of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV-1) genome which conferred on RNA the ability to bind specifically to the HIV-1 Gag polyprotein, Pr55gag (J. Luban and S. P. Goff, J. Virol. 65:3203-3212, 1991; R. Berkowitz, J. Luban, and S. P. Goff, J. Virol. 67:7190-7200, 1993). Here we report the use of an RNase protection assay to quantify the effect of deletion of these sequences on RNA packaging into virions. First, we demonstrated with wild-type HIV-1 sequences that in comparison with spliced viral RNA, full-length viral genomic RNA is enriched 20-fold in virions. A previously described mutation with deletion of sequences between the major splice donor and the first codon of gag (A. Lever, H. Gottlinger, W. Haseltine, and J. Sodroski, J. Virol. 63:4085-4087, 1989) disrupted these ratios such that different HIV-1 RNA forms were packaged in direct proportion to cytoplasmic concentrations. The effect of deletion mutations preceding and within gag coding sequence on packaging was then tested in competition with RNAs containing wild-type packaging sequences. Using this system, we were able to demonstrate significant effects on packaging of RNAs with mutations immediately preceding the first codon of gag. The greatest reduction in packaging was seen with RNAs lacking the first 40 nucleotides of gag coding sequence, although sequences more 3' had slight additional effects.  相似文献   

K Shiroki  T Ishii  T Aoki  M Kobashi  S Ohka    A Nomoto 《Journal of virology》1995,69(11):6825-6832
Mouse cells expressing the human poliovirus receptor (PVR-mouse cells) as well as human HeLa cells are susceptible to poliovirus type 1 Mahoney strains and produce a large amount of progeny virus at 37 degrees C. However, the virus yield is markedly reduced at 40 degrees C in PVR-mouse cells but not in HeLa cells. The reduction in virus yield at 40 degrees C appears to be due to a defective initiation process in positive-strand RNA synthesis (K. Shiroki, H. Kato, S. Koike, T. Odaka, and A. Nomoto, J. Virol. 67:3989-3996, 1993). To gain insight into the molecular mechanisms involved in this detective process, naturally occurring heat-resistant (Hr)-mutants which show normal growth ability in PVR-mouse cells even at 40 degrees C were isolated from a virus stock of the Mahoney strain and their mutation sites that affect the phenotype were identified. The key mutation was a change from adenine (A) to guanine (G) at nucleotide position (nt) 133 within the 5' noncoding region of the RNA. This mutation also gave an Hr phenotype to the viral plus-strand RNA synthesis in PVR-mouse cells. Mutant Mahoney strains with a single point mutation at nt 133 (A to G, C, or T or deletion) were investigated for their ability to grow in PVR-mouse cells at 40 degrees C. Only the mutant carrying G at nt 133 showed an Hr growth phenotype in PVR-mouse cells. These results suggest that a host cellular factor(s) interacts with an RNA segment around nt 133 of the plus-strand RNA or the corresponding region of the minus-strand RNA, contributing to efficiency of plus-strand RNA synthesis.  相似文献   

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) can be used to generate recombinant viral vectors for delivery of heterologous genes to human CD4-positive lymphocytes. To define the cis-acting sequences required for efficient gene transfer, a number of HIV-1 vectors containing a previously identified packaging signal, long terminal repeats, and additional gag, pol, and env viral sequences were designed. By providing the viral proteins in trans, recombinant viruses were generated and analyzed for their abilities to transfer genes into human T lymphocytes. Inclusion of up to 653 nucleotides derived from the 5' end of the gag gene in the vector improved the efficiency of gene transfer, but inclusion of additional gag or pol sequences did not further improve this efficiency. The increased efficiency of gene transfer associated with the inclusion of 5' gag sequences in the vector arose, at least in part, from an increase in the packaging of vector RNA. The presence of the Rev-responsive element (RRE) increased the efficiency of transfer of vectors containing significant lengths of gag sequence, as expected from the Rev requirement for nucleus-to-cytoplasm transport of unspliced vector RNA containing intact packaging signals. However, the presence of a RRE did not affect the transfer efficiency of smaller vectors lacking significant lengths of gag sequences, arguing against a specific role for the RRE in packaging or vector transfer. These results contribute to an understanding of the minimal cis-acting sequences that operate in the context of HIV-1 vectors for delivering genes into human lymphocytes.  相似文献   

To characterize the cis-acting determinants that function in RNA dimer formation and maintenance, we examined the stability of RNA dimers isolated from virus particles containing mutations in the encapsidation region of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1). The genomic RNAs of all mutants containing lesions in elements required for in vitro dimerization exhibited thermal stability similar to that of wild-type (WT) HIV-1. These data indicate that the eventual formation of stable dimeric RNA in vivo is not absolutely dependent on the elements that promote dimer formation in vitro. Surprisingly, mutants that lacked a large segment of the middle portion of the genome, outside the likely primary dimer linkage region, formed RNA dimers that were measurably more stable than WT. In addition, the insertion of one or multiple copies of a foreign gene, which resulted in a series of vectors that approached RNA length similar to that of WT RNA, still exhibited augmented dimer stability. These results suggest that there are regions in the HIV-1 genome outside the primary dimer initiation and dimer linkage regions that can negatively affect dimer stability.  相似文献   

Endogenous retrovirus-related sequences exist within the normal genomic DNA of all eukaryotes, and these endogenous sequences have been shown to be important to the nature and biology of related exogenous retroviruses and may also play a role in cellular functions. To date, no endogenous sequences related to human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) have been reported. Herein we describe the first report of the presence of nucleotide sequences related to HIV-1 in human, chimpanzee, and rhesus monkey DNAs from normal uninfected individuals. We also present the isolation and characterization of two of these endogenous HIV-1-related sequences, EHS-1 and EHS-2. With use of low-stringency Southern blot hybridization, complex banding patterns were detected in human DNA with 5' and 3' HIV-1-derived probes. When an HIV-1 env region probe was used, we detected a less complex, conserved banding pattern in human DNA as well as a related but distinct banding pattern in chimpanzee and rhesus monkey DNAs. EHS-1 and -2 were cloned from normal human genomic DNA libraries by using the env region probe. Clone EHS-1 shows sequence similarity with the domain of the envelope cellular protease cleavage site of HIV-1, while EHS-2 has sequence similarity to the overlapping reading frame for Rev and gp41. Stringent hybridization of EHS-1 back to primate genomic DNA indicates two distinct EHS-1 loci in normal human DNA, an identical band pattern in chimpanzee DNA, and a single locus in rhesus monkey DNA. Likewise, EHS-2 is present as a single highly conserved locus in all three species. An oligonucleotide derived from EHS-2 across a region of near identity to HIV-1 detects a complex banding pattern in all primates tested similar to that seen with the 3' HIV-1 probe. These data suggest that most of the HIV-1-related sequences identified in primate DNA share a common core of nucleic acid sequence found in both EHS-2 and rev and that some of these HIV-1-related sequences have additional larger regions of sequence similarity to HIV-1.  相似文献   

The expression of Gag, Pol, Vif, Vpr, Vpu, and Env proteins from unspliced and partially spliced human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) mRNAs depends on the viral protein Rev, while the production of Tat, Rev, and Nef from multiply spliced mRNAs does not require Rev. To investigate the difference between gag and tat mRNAs, we generated plasmids expressing tat-gag hybrid mRNAs. Insertion of the gag gene downstream of the tat open reading frame in the tat cDNA resulted in the inhibition of Tat production. This inhibition was caused, at least in part, by a decrease in the stability of the produced mRNA. Deletions in gag defined a 218-nucleotide inhibitory sequence named INS-1 and located at the 5' end of the gag gene. Further experiments indicated the presence of more than one inhibitory sequence in the gag-protease gene region of the viral genome. The inhibitory effect of INS-1 was counteracted by the positive effect mediated by the Rev-Rev-responsive element interaction, indicating that this sequence is important for Rev-regulated gag expression. The INS-1 sequence did not contain any known HIV-1 splice sites and acted independently of splicing. It was found to have an unusually high AU content (61.5% AU), a common feature among cellular mRNAs with short half-lives. These results suggest that HIV-1 and possibly other lentiviruses have evolved to express unstable mRNAs which require additional regulatory factors for their expression. This strategy may offer the virus several advantages, including the ability to enter a state of low or latent expression in the host.  相似文献   

The retroviral genome consists of two homologous RNA molecules associated close to their 5' ends. We studied the spontaneous dimerization of four HIV-1 RNA fragments (RNAs 1-707, 1-615, 311-612, and 311-415) containing the previously defined dimerization domain, and a RNA fragment (RNA 1-311) corresponding to the upstream sequences. Significant dimerization of all RNAs is observed on agarose gels when magnesium is included in the electrophoresis buffer. In contrast to dimerization of RNAs 311-612 and 311-415, dimerization of RNAs 1-707, 1-615 and 1-311 strongly depends on the size of the monovalent cation present in the incubation buffer. Also, dimerization of RNAs 1-707, 1-615, and 1-311 is 10 times faster than that of RNAs 311-612 and 311-415. The dimers formed by the latter RNAs are substantially more stable than that of RNA 1-615, while RNA 1-311 dimer is 5-7 degrees C less stable than RNA 1-615 dimer. These results indicate that dimerization of HIV-1 genomic RNA involves elements located upstream of the splice donor site (position 305), i.e. outside of the previously defined dimerization domain.  相似文献   

Packaging of retroviral RNA is attained through the specific recognition of a cis-acting encapsidation site (located near the 5' end of the viral RNA) by components of the Gag precursor protein. Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) and simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) are two lentiviruses that lack apparent sequence similarity in their putative encapsidation regions. We used SIV vectors to determine whether HIV-1 particles can recognize the SIV encapsidation site and functionally propagate SIV nucleic acid. SIV nucleic acid was replicated by HIV-1 proteins. Thus, efficient lentivirus pseudotyping can take place at the RNA level. Direct examination of the RNA contents of virus particles indicated that encapsidation of this heterologous RNA is efficient. Characterization of deletion mutants in the untranslated leader region of SIV RNA indicates that only a very short region at the 5' end of the SIV RNA is needed for packaging. Comparison of this region with the corresponding region of HIV-1 reveals that both are marked by secondary structures that are likely to be similar. Thus, it is likely that a similar higher-order RNA structure is required for encapsidation.  相似文献   

We developed an in vitro binding assay to study the specific interaction between human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) RNA and the Gag polyprotein. Binding of the in vitro-expressed protein to in vitro-transcribed RNA was determined by altered migration of the protein in polyacrylamide gels. We found that a Gag precursor lacking the matrix domain bound specifically to HIV-1 RNA, while deletion of both matrix and capsid domains diminished the specificity of binding. Among several regions of HIV-1 RNA tested, strongest binding was seen with the 5'-most 261 nucleotides, while antisense RNA from the same region did not bind.  相似文献   

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