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描述中国朽木甲亚科栉甲属Cteniopinus 4新种:宽胸栉甲Cteniopinus brevithoracus sp.nov.,黑头栉甲C.ni-grocapitis sp.nov.,黑腹栉甲C.nigroventrus sp.nov.和红足栉甲C.rubipes sp.nov.。模式标本均保存在河北大学博物馆。宽胸栉甲,新种Cteniopinus brevithorucus sp.nov.(图1~8,33)。正模♂,云南高黎贡山,2000—06—27,梁宏斌采。副模1♂,记录同正模。新种与分布朝鲜的黑角栉甲C.nigritarhsis Borchrnann,1930在外形上近似,两者区别是:前者腿节和触角基部3节黄色,前胸背板宽明显大于长,下颚须端节上缘长于下缘1.3倍。后者则整个腿节和触角黑色,前胸背板长宽近相等,下颚须端节上缘长于下缘2.2倍。词源:种名意指前胸背板较宽。黑头栉甲,新种Cteniopinus nigroeapitis sp.nov.(图9~16,34)。正模♂,云南高黎贡山,2000—06—27,梁宏斌采。新种与分布中国甘肃和四川的波氏栉甲C.potanini Heyd,1889在外形上近似,两者区别是:前者体长不超过9mm,前胸背板宽大于长,下颚须端节上缘长于下缘1.4倍,身体腹面黄色至浅褐色。后者体长超过11mm,前胸背板长宽近相等。下颚须端节上缘长于下缘2.6倍。身体腹面黑色。词源:种名意指头为黑色。黑腹栉甲,新种Cteniopinus nigroventrus sp.nov.(图17~24,35)。正模♂,重庆江津,2001—05—21,王海建采。副模1♂,2♀♀,记录同正模。新种与分布日本和中国华东的普氏栉甲C.hypocrita(Marseul,1876)在外形上近似,两者区别是:前者下颚须黑色;前胸背板侧缘前端无饰边;足基节和腹部黑色,下颚须柄节黄色,梗节褐色,第3节深褐色。后者前胸背板侧缘具完整饰边。足基节黄色。词源:种名意指腹部暗黑色。红足栉甲,新种Cteniopinus rubipes sp.nov.(图25~32,36)。正模♂,四川康定玉君山(3000m),1999—08—06,任国栋采。副模2♂♂,10♀♀,记录同正模。新种与分布中国云南的红色栉甲C.ruber Pic,1923在外形上近似,两者区别是:前者体长不足12mm;头和足红色,小盾片和腹部黄色。后者体长13mm以上;头和足、小盾片和腹部均黑色。词源:种名意指足为红色。  相似文献   

记述采自四川峨眉山夏蚱属Xidtettix 1新种,峨眉山夏蚱Xiaitrttix emeishanensis sp.nov..模式标本保存在陕西师范大学动物所标本室.峨眉山夏蚱,新种Xidtettix emeishanensis sp.nov.(图1 ~4)本种因其头顶侧缘明显反折,略高于复眼;前胸背板后突末端钝角形;后足股节外侧下隆线具3个片状突起;体暗绿色;后足胫节黑色,端部和基部具淡色环区别属内其它种.正模♀,四川峨眉山(雷音寺),海拔800m,2011-08-04,杨瑞刚采.副模1♀,同正模.词源:新种种名源自模式产地峨眉山.  相似文献   

记述采自四川峨眉山夏蚱属Xiaitettix 1新种,峨眉山夏蚱Xiaitettix emeishanensis sp.nov.。模式标本保存在陕西师范大学动物所标本室。峨眉山夏蚱,新种Xiaitettix emeishanensis sp.nov.(图1~4)本种因其头顶侧缘明显反折,略高于复眼;前胸背板后突末端钝角形;后足股节外侧下隆线具3个片状突起;体暗绿色;后足胫节黑色,端部和基部具淡色环区别属内其它种。正模♀,四川峨眉山(雷音寺),海拔800m,2011-08-04,杨瑞刚采。副模1♀,同正模。词源:新种种名源自模式产地峨眉山。  相似文献   

对中国云南省的齿甲属Uloma Dejean进行了分类整理,描述1新种Uloma valgipes sp.nov.并绘图,新种与小齿甲U.minuta Liu,Ren& Wang,2007相似,但可以通过以下特征区别于后者:前足胫节向内侧极弯;雄性前胸背板无凹;前胸背板前缘近两侧具细饰边,中部1/3范围内无饰边;后足第1跗节长于第4节;雄性外生殖器形状不同.并给出了云南省已知种类检索表.模式标本保存于河北大学博物馆.弯胫齿甲,新种Ulomavalgipes sp.nov.(图1~9)正模♂,云南龙陵龙新黑山(海拔2 300 m),2008-07-23,徐吉山采.词源:新种种名源自拉丁词valgus(弯的)+拉丁词pes (足)变化词尾组合而成,意指该虫的雄性前足胫节向内侧极弯曲.  相似文献   

记述采自贵州施秉赫蚱属Hebarditettix 1 新种,短背赫蚱Hebarditettix brachynotus sp.nov.,并附有分种检索表.模式标本保存在陕西师范大学动物所标本室(2♀♀).短背赫蚱,新种Hebarditettix brachynotus sp.nov.(图1~4)新种与长背赫蚱Hebarditettix dolichonota Zheng,2008相似,主要区别:前胸背板侧片后角横向伸出;侧面观前胸背板上缘平直;后突短,到达后足胫节的前1/3处;前足股节下缘略波状,下缘后半部具1列小齿突;后足跗节第1节与第3节等长.正模♀,贵州施秉(云台山),海拔950 m,2012-08-09,邓维安采.副模1♀,同正模.  相似文献   

记述我国树甲族1新纪录属和2新种并提出2种新名。模式标本均保存在河北大学博物馆。 Eucrossoscelis Nakane,1963中国新纪录 梭形真树甲,新种Eucrossoscelis hastatus sp.nov.(图1~8,20) 正模♀,贵州省道真县程家山,2004—05—24,于洋采。新种与分布于日本的E.araneiformis相似,但前者的头部和前胸背板的刻点不同,前胸背板光滑,刻点细小,侧缘饰边完整,端部钝尖;而后者的这几点都与之不同。种名来自它的梭形身体。 武夷山树甲,新种Strongylium wuyishanense sp.nov.(图9-19,21) 正模♂,福建省武夷山黄岗山,2004—05—21,苑彩霞、李静采。新种与云南鸡足山的细长树甲S.jizushanense Masumoto,1999相似,与后者的主要区别是:复眼较小、眼间距较宽,前胸背板的刻点小而稀疏,鞘翅刻点行上有较稀疏的刻点。这几点与后一种均有不同。种名来自模式标本产地。 Strongylium masumotoi Yuan et Ren,2005 nom.nov.Yuan et Ren,2005.Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica,30(2):401.[nec Maeiklin,1864] Strongylium obscuratum Yuan et Ren,2005 nom.nov.Yuan et Ren,2005.Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica,30(2):402.[nec Maeiklin,1864]  相似文献   

对中国直扁足甲属Blindus Mulsantet Rey,1853进行了分类总结,分别给出世界已知8种及亚种的♂和♀成虫检索表,描述1新种:弯胫直扁足甲B.curvotibius sp.nov.。模式标本保存在河北大学博物馆。弯胫直扁足甲,新种Blindu curvotibius sp.nov.(图2~9,52)新种近似于Blindus reichardti Medvedev,1968,两者的显著区别是:1)前者的额有1人字凹;而后者无;2)前者前胸背板的刻点行深,行间十分隆起;而后者的刻点行浅,行间隆起不明显;3)前者的前胸背板基部仅两端有饰边;而后者整个基部有完整饰边;4)前者的后足胫节明显弯曲;而后者后足胫节均匀弯曲,整体弯曲不强烈。正模♂,河南鸡公山,2004-08-05,海拔250~700m,王凤艳采。副模2♀♀,记录数据同正模。词源:种名根据后足胫节弯曲而提订。  相似文献   

记述了采自中国内蒙古阿拉善高原的齿足甲属CheirodesGené1新种:梯胸齿足甲Cheirodes(Pseuduademia)scalarithoracus sp.nov.,给出了详细的鉴别特征、中英文描述及形态特征图,简要记述了该种的采集环境和生物学特性。模式标本保存在河北大学博物馆。梯胸齿足甲,新种Cheirodes(Pseuduademia)scalarithoracus sp.nov.(图2~13)体长卵形,略有光泽;背面黑色,上唇、体下、足、触角及口须栗褐色。上唇狭小,前缘略弯并具毛,两侧有长毛,背面后半部有短毛。唇基前缘4道湾并向上翘起;前颊在眼前方最宽;后颊显缩,眼后方有毛束;盘区密布近于粗糙的稠密浅刻点;复眼被前颊深切。触角10节,向后伸达前胸背板前缘,球状部扩展明显。前胸背板近于梯形,宽大于长2倍,向上均匀但明显地隆起;盘区刻点疏大浅圆形,向侧区过渡为稠密;前缘2湾并有完整饰边,中间有缘毛;侧缘于中部之前最宽,饰边完整,仅前面有长缘毛;基部宽弯,中间稍弯,具饰边,仅两侧有缘毛;前角宽圆,后角直。鞘翅长大于宽1.5倍,两侧平行,仅基部有缘毛;盘上刻点行不清晰,行间有不规则横皱纹和稀疏圆刻点。前胫节内缘弱弯,端部有缘毛;前缘显宽于跗节之长,中齿以下有数枚弱齿;中胫节仅有数枚波齿,端齿宽大;后胫节中齿突出,其附近有数枚波齿,端齿扁粗并裂缘,其长度较跗节短,外侧中间有若干长毛。体长5~6mm;宽2~3mm。正模♂,内蒙古阿拉善旗巴音诺日公,2010-08-05,任国栋采。副模:9♂♂,8♀♀,记录同正模。副模:1♂,5♀♀,内蒙古阿拉善左旗乌力吉,2010-08-04,任国栋、于有志、贾龙采。词源:新种以拉丁词"scalari(梯形的)+thoracus(胸部)"命名,表示该种前胸背板呈梯形。新种与郑氏齿足甲Cheirodes(Pseuduademia)zhengi(Renet Yu,1994)的主要区别是:前者的前胸背板近梯形,侧缘无波齿,整个盘区布十分稠密的粗刻点,而后者的前胸背板近方形,侧缘有波齿,盘区中央的刻点稀疏;前者仅前胸端部和鞘翅基部有侧缘毛,而后者几乎全有侧缘毛;前者的中、后足胫节中齿不明显,而后者则明显。分布:中国(内蒙古阿拉善)。  相似文献   

记述了中国齿甲属UlomaDejean2新种,即扁平齿甲U.compressa sp.nov.和方胸齿甲U.quadratithoraca sp.nov.。模式标本保存在河北大学博物馆。1 扁平齿甲,新种Uloma compressa sp.nov.(图1 ~8 , 17)新种与眼脊齿甲U.nanshanchica Masumoto et Nisiiikawa,1986相似,主要区别:眼内侧无横脊;触角较长,达到前胸背板基部1/2处;前胸腹板中间有少许短毛;鞘翅行间扁平;后足第1跗节明显长于末节。正模♂,云南景东景屏利月(1 630m) , 2001-11-16 ,童正强采。副模1 ♂,张家界, 1986-07 ,采集者不详。词源:种名由拉丁词compressus(扁压的,直的)变化词尾而来,意指该虫身体扁平。2 方胸齿甲,新种Uloma quadratithoraca sp.nov.(图9 ~16 , 18)新种与贡山齿甲U.gongshanicaRenetLiu, 2004相似,主要区别:体中等大小,红棕色;触角末节很长,卵形,端部尖;下颚须末节细长,近刀状;前胸背板方形;前胸腹板突末端缓慢下降。正模♂,湖南省溆浦县大江口, 1962-04 ,邓爱国采。词源:种名由拉丁语词quadratus(成方形的) 拉丁语词thorac(胸部)组合并变化词尾而成,意指该虫的前胸背板为方形。  相似文献   

西藏栉甲属三新种记述(鞘翅目,拟步甲科,朽木甲亚科)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对中国西藏栉甲属Cteniopinus Seidlitz进行了分类整理,给出已知种检索表,描述3新种,即:半圆栉甲C.semicirculoris sp.nov.,察隅栉甲C.zayicussp.nov.和黑缘栉甲C.nigriepipleuron sp.nov.。模式标本均保存在河北大学博物馆。半圆栉甲,新种Cteniopinus semicirculoris sp.nov.(图1~12,33~34)新种与黄须栉甲Cteniopinus flavipalpulus Baiet Ren,2004相似,但可由下列特征与之区别:个体明显大,体长11.1~12.4mm;前胸背板几乎半圆形;上唇前缘近直。正模♂,西藏察隅下察隅,1500~1580m,2005-07-12,石爱民采。副模:2♂♂,2♀♀,记录同正模;2♂♂,2♀♀,西藏察隅下察隅,1500~1580m,2005-07-11,石爱民采;2♂♂,2♀♀,西藏察隅上察隅,1700~2000m,2005-07-14,石爱民采。词源:新种种名以前胸背板几呈半圆形而拟定。察隅栉甲,新种Cteniopinus zayicus sp.nov.(图13~22,35)新种...  相似文献   

The three-dimensional structure of a potent SSTR3-selective analogue of somatostatin, cyclo(3-14)H-Cys(3)-Phe(6)-Tyr(7)-D-Agl(8)(N(beta) Me, 2-naphthoyl)-Lys(9)-Thr(10)-Phe(11)-Cys(14)-OH (des-AA(1, 2, 4, 5, 12, 13)[Tyr(7), D-Agl(8)(N(beta) Me, 2-naphthoyl)]-SRIF) (peptide 1) has been determined by (1)H NMR in water and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. The peptide exists in two conformational isomers differing mainly by the cis/trans isomerization of the side chain in residue 8. The structure of 1 is compared with the consensus structural motifs of other somatostatin analogues that bind predominantly to SSTR1, SSTR2/SSTR5 and SSTR4 receptors, and to the 3D structure of a non-selective SRIF analogue, cyclo(3-14)H-Cys(3)-Phe(6)-Tyr(7)-D-2Nal(8)-Lys(9)-Thr(10)-Phe(11)-Cys(14)-OH (des-AA(1, 2, 4, 5, 12, 13)[Tyr(7), D-2Nal(8)]-SRIF) (peptide 2). The structural determinant factors that could explain selectivity of peptide 1 for SSTR3 receptors are discussed.  相似文献   

Vacuolar-type rotary H(+)-ATPase/synthase (V(o)V(1)) from Thermus thermophilus, composed of nine subunits, A, B, D, F, C, E, G, I, and L, has been reconstituted from individually isolated V(1) (A(3)B(3)D(1)F(1)) and V(o) (C(1)E(2)G(2)I(1)L(12)) subcomplexes in vitro. A(3)B(3)D and A(3)B(3) also reconstituted with V(o), resulting in a holoenzyme-like complexes. However, A(3)B(3)D-V(o) and A(3)B(3)-V(o) did not show ATP synthesis and dicyclohexylcarbodiimide-sensitive ATPase activity. The reconstitution process was monitored in real time by fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) between an acceptor dye attached to subunit F or D in V(1) or A(3)B(3)D and a donor dye attached to subunit C in V(o). The estimated dissociation constants K(d) for V(o)V(1) and A(3)B(3)D-V(o) were ~0.3 and ~1 nm at 25 °C, respectively. These results suggest that the A(3)B(3) domain tightly associated with the two EG peripheral stalks of V(o), even in the absence of the central shaft subunits. In addition, F subunit is essential for coupling of ATP hydrolysis and proton translocation and has a key role in the stability of whole complex. However, the contribution of the F subunit to the association of A(3)B(3) with V(o) is much lower than that of the EG peripheral stalks.  相似文献   

Six-coordinate low-spin iron(III) porphyrinates adopt either common (d(xy))(2)(d(xz),d(yz))(3) or less common (d(xz),d(yz))(4)(d(xy))(1) ground state. In this review article, three major factors that affect the electronic ground state have been examined. They are (i) nature of the axial ligand, (ii) electronic effect of peripheral substituents, and (iii) deformation of porphyrin ring. On the basis of the (1)H NMR, (13)C NMR, and EPR data, it is now clear that (i) the axial ligands with low-lying pi* orbitals such as tert-butylisocyanide and 4-cyanopyridine, (ii) the electron donating groups at the meso-carbon atoms, and (iii) the ruffled deformation of porphyrin ring stabilize the (d(xz),d(yz))(4)(d(xy))(1) ground state. By manipulating these factors, we are able to prepare various low-spin iron(III) porphyrinates with unusual electronic structures such as bis(imidazole) complexes with the (d(xz),d(yz))(4)(d(xy))(1) ground state or bis(tert-butylisocyanide) complexes with the (d(xy))(2)(d(xz),d(yz))(3) ground state; bis(imidazole) and bis(tert-butylisocyanide) complexes usually adopt the (d(xy))(2)(d(xz),d(yz))(3) and (d(xz),d(yz))(4)(d(xy))(1) ground state, respectively.  相似文献   

Study plots totaling 0.2 Ha were established in primary forest in the highlands of central Palawan Island, Philippines. Samples of various anatomical parts [typically leaf + twig (If/tw), stem bark (sb), and root (rt)] were collected from all tree species represented within the plots by individuals having a diameter at breast height > or = 10 cm. In all, 211 distinct samples were obtained from 68 tree species, representing 35 families (not including samples from 4 indeterminate species). Methanol extracts of these samples were tested in in vitro antiplasmodial, brine shrimp toxicity, and cytotoxicity assays. The following samples showed an IC50 < or = 10 microg/mL against either chloroquine-sensitive or chloroquine-resistant clones of Plasmodium falciparum: Acronychia laurifolia (sb), Agathis celebica (lf/tw), Aglaia sp. 1 (sb), Aglaia sp. 2 (lf/tw, rt), Bhesa sp. 1 (rt), Cinnamomum griffithii (lf/tw), Croton leiophyllus (rt), Dysoxylum cauliflorum (rt), Garcinia macgregorii (sb), Lithocarpus sp. 1 (rt, sb), Meliosma pinnata ssp. macrophylla (lf/tw, rt), Myristica guatteriifolia (lf/tw), Ochrosia glomerata (rt, sb), Swintonia foxworthyi (lf/tw), Syzygium sp. 1 (rt), Turpinia pomifera (rt), and Xanthophyllum flavescens (sb). Secondly, those samples which displayed > or = 50% immobilization of brine shrimp at 100 microg/mL were: Acronychia laurifolia (lf/tw/fruit, rt, sb), Agathis celebica (lf/tw, sb), Aglaia sp. 1 (lf/tw), Alphonsea sp. 1 (rt), Ardisia iwahigensis (lf/tw), Arthrophyllum ahernianum (lf/tw, rt, sb), Castanopsis cf. evansii (rt), Cinnamomum griffithii (lf/tw, rt), Croton argyratus (lf/tw), C. leiophyllus (lf/tw, rt), Dysoxylum cauliflorum (fruit, lf/tw, rt), Euonymus javanicus (rt), Glochidion sp. 1 (rt), Polyosma sp. 1 (rt), Symplocos polyandra (rt), Timonius gammillii (sb), and Xanthophyllum flavescens (rt). Lastly, samples which exhibited an IC50 < or = 20 microg/mL against one or more of the cancer cell lines employed (LU1, KB, KB-V1, P-388, LNCaP, or ZR-75-1) include: Acronychia laurifolia (lf/tw/fruit, rt, sb), Aglaia sp. 1 (sb), Aglaia sp. 2 (rt), Alphonsea sp. 1 (rt), Ardisia iwahigensis (lf/tw, rt, sb), Astronia cumingiana (sb), Croton argyratus (lf/tw, rt, sb), C. leiophyllus (lf/tw, rt), Dimorphocalyx murina (lf/tw, rt, sb), Lithocarpus caudatifolius (rt, sb), Litsea cf. sibuyanensis (rt), Syzygium cf. attenuatum (rt, sb), S. confertum (sb), Ternstroemia gitingensis (rt), and Ternstroemia sp. 1 (rt, sb).  相似文献   

Hulcr J 《ZooKeys》2010,(56):105-119
Following the recent reclassification of the Palaeotropic xyleborine genera (Hulcr and Cognato in press), additional species are transferred to correct genera or synonymized based on analysis of their morphological characters. The following species are given new combinations: Debus amphicranoides (Hagedorn), comb. n., Debus birmanus (Eggers, 1930), comb. n., Debus dolosus (Blandford, 1896), comb. n., Debus eximius (Schedl, 1970), comb. n., Debus interponens (Schedl, 1954), comb. n., Debus robustipennis (Schedl, 1954), comb. n., Debus spinatus (Eggers, 1923), comb. n., Microperus alpha (Beeson, 1929), comb. n., Microperus corporaali (Eggers), comb. n., Microperus eucalyptica (Schedl, 1938), comb. n., Microperus nugax (Schedl, 1939), comb. n., Pseudowebbia percorthylus (Schedl, 1935), comb. n., Truncaudum circumcinctus (Schedl, 1941), comb. n.THE FOLLOWING SPECIES ARE SYNONYMIZED: Arixyleborus hirtipennis (Eggers), syn. n., with Arixyleborus puberulus (Blandford); Coptoborus palmeri (Hopkins), syn. n., with Debus emarginatus (Eichhoff); Coptoborus terminaliae (Hopkins), syn. n., with Debus emarginatus (Eichhoff); Cyclorhipidion polyodon (Eggers), syn. n., with Truncaudum agnatum (Eggers); Euwallacea artelaevis (Schedl), syn. n., with Planiculus bicolor (Blandford); Xyleborinus perminutissimus (Schedl), syn. n., with Xyleborinus perpusillus (Eggers); Xyleborus exesus Blandford, syn. n., with Debus emarginatus (Eichhoff); Xyleborus fulvulus (Schedl), syn. n., with Microperus corporaali (Eggers); Xyleborus marginicollis (Schedl), syn. n., with Diuncus justus (Schedl); Xyleborus shoreae Stebbing, syn. n., with Debus fallax (Eichhoff).THE FOLLOWING SPECIES ARE GIVEN NEW STATUS: Streptocranus superbus (Schedl, 1951), restored name; Webbia divisus Browne, 1972, restored name; Webbia penicillatus (Hagedorn, 1910), restored name. Genus Taphrodasus Wood (1980) is declared not valid.  相似文献   

Ammonium D-glucarate, NH(4)(C(6)H(9)O(8)) [ammonium D-saccharate, NH(4)-SAC], has been synthesized, and its crystal structure solved by single-crystal X-ray diffraction methods. NH(4)-SAC crystallizes in the monoclinic space group P2(1) (#4) with cell parameters a = 4.8350(4) Angstroms, b = 11.0477(8) Angstroms, c = 16.7268(12) Angstroms, beta = 90.973(1) degrees, V = 894.34(12) Angstroms(3), Z = 3. The structure was refined by full-matrix least-squares on F(2) yielding final R-values (all data) R1 = 0.0353 and R(w)2 = 0.0870. The structure consists of alternating (NH(4))(+) and (C(6)H(11)O(6))(-) layers parallel to the bc plane. An extended network of N-H...O(SAC) and O(SAC)-H...O(SAC) hydrogen bonds provide the 3-D connectivity. The aqueous solubility (S(w)) has been shown to be pH independent at ambient conditions within the range 4.5 < pH < 10 with S(w) = 2.19 M/L, whose value is about a factor of two lower than that of the ammonium isosaccharate analogue.  相似文献   

Methanobactin (mb) is a novel chromopeptide that appears to function as the extracellular component of a copper acquisition system in methanotrophic bacteria. To examine this potential physiological role, and to distinguish it from iron binding siderophores, the spectral (UV–visible absorption, circular dichroism, fluorescence, and X-ray photoelectron) and thermodynamic properties of metal binding by mb were examined. In the absence of Cu(II) or Cu(I), mb will bind Ag(I), Au(III), Co(II), Cd(II), Fe(III), Hg(II), Mn(II), Ni(II), Pb(II), U(VI), or Zn(II), but not Ba(II), Ca(II), La(II), Mg(II), and Sr(II). The results suggest metals such as Ag(I), Au(III), Hg(II), Pb(II) and possibly U(VI) are bound by a mechanism similar to Cu, whereas the coordination of Co(II), Cd(II), Fe(III), Mn(II), Ni(II) and Zn(II) by mb differs from Cu(II). Consistent with its role as a copper-binding compound or chalkophore, the binding constants of all the metals examined were less than those observed with Cu(II) and copper displaced other metals except Ag(I) and Au(III) bound to mb. However, the binding of different metals by mb suggests that methanotrophic activity also may play a role in either the solubilization or immobilization of many metals in situ.  相似文献   

Leaf intrinsic water-use efficiency (WUE), the ratio of photosynthetic rate to stomatal conductance (A/g(s) ), is a key plant trait linking terrestrial carbon and water cycles. A rapid, integrative proxy for A/g(s) is of benefit to crop breeding programmes aiming to improve WUE, but also for ecologists interested in plant carbon-water balance in natural systems. We hypothesize that the carbon isotope composition of leaf-respired CO(2) (δ(13) C(Rl) ), two hours after leaves are transferred to the dark, records photosynthetic carbon isotope discrimination and so provides a proxy for A/g(s) . To test this hypothesis, δ(13) C(Rl) was measured in four barley cultivars grown in the field at two levels of water availability and compared to leaf-level gas exchange (the ratio of leaf intercellular to ambient CO(2) partial pressure, C(i) /C(a) , and A/g(s) ). Leaf-respired CO(2) was more (13) C-depleted in plants grown at higher water availability, varied between days as environmental conditions changed, and was significantly different between cultivars. A strong relationship between δ(13) C(Rl) and δ(13) C of sucrose was observed. δ(13) C(Rl) was converted into apparent photosynthetic discrimination (Δ(13) C(Rl) ) revealing strong relationships between Δ(13) C(Rl) and C(i) /C(a) and A/g(s) during the vegetative stage of growth. We therefore conclude that δ(13) C(Rl) may provide a rapid, integrative proxy for A/g(s) in barley.  相似文献   

A series of square-planar Pd(II) complexes of the composition cis-[Pd(L(n))(2)Cl(2)] {L(1)=2-chloro-6-benzylamino-9-isopropylpurine (1), L(2)=2-chloro-6-[(4-methoxybenzyl)amino]-9-isopropylpurine (2), L(3)=2-chloro-6-[(2-methoxybenzyl)amino]-9-isopropylpurine (3) and 2-[(chloropropyl)amino]-6-benzylamino-9-isopropylpurine (6)} has been synthesized by the reaction of PdCl(2) with L(n) in a 1:2 molar ratio. In contrast, the same reaction followed by recrystallization of the product from N,N'-dimethylformamide (DMF) leads to trans-[Pd(L(n))(2)Cl(2)] x nDMF {L(3), n=0 (4), n=1(4( *)DMF); L(4)=2-chloro-6-[(2,3-dimethoxybenzyl)-amino]-9-isopropylpurine, n=0 (5), n=1.5 (5( *)DMF). The compounds have been characterized by elemental analyses, conductivity measurements, electrospray mass spectra in the positive ion mode (ES+MS), FTIR, (1)H and (13)C NMR spectra, thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Moreover, the complexes 2 and 6 have been also investigated by (15)N NMR spectroscopy. The molecular structures of L(5), {(H(2+)L(5))(Cl(-))(2)} x H(2)O, i.e. the protonated form of L(5), trans-[Pd(L(3))(2)Cl(2)] (4) and trans-[Pd(L(4))(2)Cl(2)] (5) have been determined by single crystal X-ray analysis. NMR data and X-ray structures revealed that the organic molecules are coordinated to Pd via N7 atom of a purine moiety. All the complexes and the corresponding ligands have been tested in vitro for their cytotoxicity against four human cancer cell lines: breast adenocarcinoma (MCF7), malignant melanoma (G361), chronic myelogenous leukaemia (K562) and osteogenic sarcoma (HOS). Promising in vitro cytotoxic effect has been found for cis-[Pd(L(2))(2)Cl(2)] (2), having the IC(50) values of 12, 10, 25, and 14 microM against MCF7, G361, K562, and HOS, respectively, and for trans-[Pd(L(3))(2)Cl(2)].DMF (4) with the IC(50) value of 15 microM against G361.  相似文献   

Two trisaccharides, three tetrasaccharides, two pentasaccharides, one hexasaccharide, one heptasaccharide, one octasaccharide and one decasaccharide were isolated from polar bear milk samples by chloroform/methanol extraction, gel filtration, ion exchange chromatography and preparative thin-layer chromatography. The oligosaccharides were characterized by 1H-NMR as follows: the saccharides from one animal: Gal(α1-3)Gal(β1-4)Glc (α3′-galactosyllactose), Fuc(α1-2)Gal(β1-4)Glc (2′-fucosyllactose), Gal(α1-3)[Fuc(α1-2)]Gal(β1-4)Glc (B-tetrasaccharide), GalNAc(α1-3)[Fuc(α1-2)]Gal(β1-4)Glc (A-tetrasaccharide), Gal(α1-3)Gal(β1-4)GlcNAc(β1-3)Gal(β1-4)Glc, Gal(α1-3)[Fuc(α1-2)]Gal(β1-4)GlcNAc(β1-3)Gal(β1-4)Glc, Gal(α1-3)Gal(β1-4)GlcNAc(β1-3)[Gal(α1-3)Gal(β1-4)GlcNAc(β1-6)]Gal(β1-4)Glc; the saccharides from another animal: α3′-galactosyllactose, Gal(α1-3)Gal(β1-4)[Fuc(α1-3)]Glc, A-tetrasaccharide, GalNAc(α1-3)[Fuc(α1-2)]Gal(β1-4)[Fuc(α1-3)]Glc (A-pentasaccharide), Gal(α1-3)Gal(β1-4)[Fuc(α1-3)]GlcNAc(β1-3)Gal(β1-4)Glc, Gal(α1-3)Gal(β1-4)[Fuc(α1-3)]GlcNAc(β1-3)Gal(β1-4)[Fuc(α1-3)]Glc (difucosylheptasaccharide) and Gal(α1-3)Gal(β1-4)[Fuc(α1-3)]GlcNAc(β1-3){Gal(α1-3)Gal(β1-4)[Fuc(α1-3)]GlcNAc(β1-6)}Gal(β1-4)Glc (difucosyldecasaccharide). Lactose was present only in small amounts. Some of the milk oligosaccharides of the polar bear had α-Gal epitopes similar to some oligosaccharides in milk from the Ezo brown bear and the Japanese black bear. Some milk oligosaccharides had human blood group A antigens as well as B antigens; these were different from the oligosaccharides in Ezo brown and Japanese black bears.  相似文献   

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