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Turnover in phosphate and potassium limited chemostat cultures of Bacillus subtilis W23 results in the release of over 80% of the wall material present at the time of chasing equilibrium-labelled cultures. The rate at which turnover proceeds is faster in potassium limited cultures than in phosphate limited cultures but in both cases a fraction of the wall material appears to be conserved, or to undergo turnover at a lower rate. Previously we have shown that the polar wall is less active metabolically than the cylindrical wall and it is possible that the apparently conserved wall is that present in the pole.  相似文献   

The rate of turnover of peptidoglycan in exponentially growing cultures of Bacillus subtilis was observed to be sensitive to extracellular protease. In protease-deficient mutants the rates of cell wall turnover were greater than that of wild-type strain 168, whereas hyperprotease-producing strains exhibited decreased rates of peptidoglycan turnover. The rate of peptidogylcan turnover in a protease-deficient strain was decreased when the mutant was grown in the presence of a hyperprotease-producing strain. The addition of phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride, a serine protease inhibitor, to cultures of hyperprotease-producing strains increased their rates of cell wall turnover. Isolated cell walls of all protease mutants contained autolysin levels equal to or greater than that of wild-type strain 168. The presence of filaments, or cells with incomplete septa, was observed in hyperprotease-producing strains or when a protease-deficient strain was grown in the presence of subtilisin. The results suggest that the turnover of cell walls in B. subtilis may be regulated by extracellular proteases.  相似文献   

The kinetics of cell wall turnover in Bacillus subtilis have been examined in detail. After pulse labeling of the peptidoglycan with N-acetylglucosamine, the newly formed peptidoglycan is stable for approximately three-quarters of a generation and is then degraded by a process that follows first-order kinetics. Deprivation of an auxotroph of amino acids required for protein synthesis results in a cessation of turnover. If a period of amino acid starvation occurs during the lag phase of turnover, then the initiation of turnover is delayed for a period of time equivalent to the starvation period. During amino acid starvation, new cell wall peptidoglycan is synthesized and added to preexisting cell wall. This peptidoglycan after resumption of growth is also subject to degradation (turnover). It is suggested that cell wall turnover is dependent on cell growth and elongation. Several possible control mechanisms for cell wall autolytic enzymes are discussed in light of these observations.  相似文献   

Cell wall polymers were measured both in the cells and in the cell-free medium of samples from steady-state chemostat cultures of Bacillus subtilis, growing at various rates under magnesium or phosphate limitation. The presence of both peptidoglycan and anionic wall polymers in the culture supernatant showed the occurrence of wall turnover in these cultures. Variable proportions of the total peptidoglycan present in the culture samples were found outside the cells in duplicate cultures, indicating that the rate of peptidoglycan turnover is variable in B. subtilis. Besides peptidoglycan, anionic wall polymers were detected in the culture supernatant: teichoic acid in magnesium-limited cultures and teichuronic acid in phosphate-limited cultures. In several samples, the ratio between the peptidoglycan and the anionic polymer concentrations was significantly lower in the extracellular fluid than in the walls. This divergency was attributed to the occurrence of direct secretion of anionic polymers after their synthesis.  相似文献   

We have observed a connection between cell wall synthesis and the initiation of chromosome replication in Bacillus subtilis. Initiation of chromosome replication was prevented in synchronous cultures in the presence of the cell wall synthesis inhibitor vancomycin. When vancomycin was added to the cultures after initiation of chromosome replication, one round of replication was completed but no reinitiation occurred. Similar results were obtained when cell wall synthesis was inhibited by ristocetin, cycloserine, cloxacillin, or cephaloridine. When sucrose was added to the medium, initiation of deoxyribonucleic acid replication occurred in the presence of vancomycin, to an extent which allowed replication of no more than approximately one-half of the deoxyribonucleic acid of the culture. The same was found in cultures of spheroplasts of B. subtilis. However, initiation of chromosome replication in spheroplasts was completely insensitive to cloxacillin.  相似文献   

Although the bacterial cell wall has been the subject of decades of investigation, recent studies continue to generate novel and controversial models of its synthesis and assembly. Here we compare and contrast the transcompartmental biosyntheses of peptidoglycan and teichoic acid in Bacillus subtilis. In addition, the current paradigms of B. subtilis wall assembly and structure are distinguished from emerging models of murein insertion and organization. We discuss evidence for the directed, cytoskeleton-dependent insertion of nascent peptidoglycan and the existence of a periplasmic compartment. Furthermore, we summarize the challenges these findings represent to the existing paradigm of murein insertion. Finally, motivated by these new developments, we discuss outstanding issues that remain to be addressed and suggest research directions that may contribute to a better understanding of cell wall assembly in B. subtilis.  相似文献   

Activities of three lysosomal enzymes--acid RNase. N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidase and acid phosphatase--were determined during the growth cycles of WI-38 and HeLa cells, as well as in radiation-arrested WI-38 cells. In confluent and growth-arrested cultures of WI-38 cells, the lysosomal RNase increased six- to sevenfold; glucosaminidase, four- to fivefold; and phosphatase, two- to threefold. In HeLa cells, the lysosomal enzymes also increased in confluent cultures, but less than twofold; and the RNase level increased only transiently. In both WI-38 and HeLa cells, the rate of RNA breakdown also increased as cultures approached confluency. The rate of turnover of RNA, like the level of acid RNase, was higher in WI-38 cells than in HeLa cells (4 d half-life compared to 8 d). The increase in acid RNase could be prevented by incubation of cells in NH4Cl, but the rate of turnover in the presence of NH4Cl increased just as much when cells became confluent or stopped growth. The content of acid RNase could be changed more than 10-fold without altering the rate of RNA turnover. It is suggested that the increase in enzyme level is more important for possible autophagy or increased digestion of engulfed RNA, rather than for normal RNA turnover, when growth stops.  相似文献   

Summary Activities of three lysosomal enzymes—acid RNase,N-acetyl-β-D-glucosaminidase and acid phosphatase—were determined during the growth cycles of WI-38 and HeLa cells, as well as in radiation-arrested WI-38 cells. In confluent and growth-arrested cultures of WI-38 cells, the lysosomal RNase increased six- to sevenfold; glucosaminidase, four- to five-fold; and phosphatase, two- to threefold. In HeLa cells, the lysosomal enzymes also increased in confluent cultures, but less than twofold; and the RNase level increased only transiently. In both WI-38 and HeLa cells, the rate of RNA breakdown, also increased as cultured approached confluency. The rate of turnover of RNA, like the level of acid RNase, was higher in WI-38 cells than in HeLa cells (4 d half-life compared to 8 d). The increase in acid RNase could be prevented by incubation of cells in NH4Cl, but the rate of turnover in the presence of NH4Cl increased just as much when cells became confluent or stopped growth. The content of acid RNase could be changed more than 10-fold without altering the rate of RNA turnover. It is suggested that the increase in enzyme level is more important for possible autophagy or increased digestion of engulfed RNA, rather than for normal RNA turnover, when growth stops. This study was supported by Grant GM-21357 from the National Institutes of Health.  相似文献   

CDP-glycerol pyrophosphorylase, CDP-ribitol pyrophosphorylase and poly(ribitol phosphate) synthetase activities have been measured in cultures of Bacillus subtilis W23 as they became phosphate-starved either in batch culture or during changeover from potassium limitation to phosphate limitation in a chemostat. The results indicated that repression of synthesis of all three enzymes occurred at the onset of phosphate starvation and that this was accompanied by inhibition of inactivation of CDP-glycerol pyrophosphorylase and poly(ribitol phosphate) synthetase. These results show that the initial response to phosphate starvation involves more than inhibition of one enzyme as proposed by Glaser and Loewy [Glaser L. and Loewy, A. (1979) J. Biol. Chem. 254, 2184-2186]. Synthesis of both linkage unit and poly(ribitol phosphate) are inhibited independently.  相似文献   

Stable RNA maturation is a key process in the generation of functional RNAs, and failure to correctly process these RNAs can lead to their elimination through quality control mechanisms. Studies of the maturation pathways of ribosomal RNA and transfer RNA in Bacillus subtilis showed they were radically different from Escherichia coli and led to the identification of new B. subtilis‐specific enzymes. We noticed that, despite their important roles in translation, a number of B. subtilis small stable RNAs still did not have characterised maturation pathways, notably the tmRNA, involved in ribosome rescue, and the RNase P RNA, involved in tRNA maturation. Here, we show that tmRNA is matured by RNase P and RNase Z at its 5′ and 3′ extremities, respectively, whereas the RNase P RNA is matured on its 3′ side by RNase Y. Recent evidence that several RNases are not essential in B. subtilis prompted us to revisit maturation of the scRNA, a component of the signal recognition particle involved in co‐translational insertion of specific proteins into the membrane. We show that RNase Y is also involved in 3′ processing of scRNA. Lastly, we identified some of the enzymes involved in the turnover of these three stable RNAs.  相似文献   

Cell wall binding properties of the Bacillus subtilis autolysin(s)   总被引:16,自引:15,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Cell walls isolated from exponentially growing Bacillus subtilis have autolysin(s) attached to them. An autolysin can be released from the walls by incubation at 0 C with 3 m LiCl. The enzyme can reattach to walls when the salt concentration is reduced. The bound enzyme cannot be removed or destroyed by washing the walls with 8 m urea at 0 C. The binding of free enzyme to walls at 0 C can take place normally in the presence of 2 m urea.  相似文献   

Cells of a Bacillus subtilis mutant deficient in both major autolytic enzyme activities were continuously labeled in either cell wall or DNA or both cell wall and DNA. After appropriate periods of chase in minimal as well as in rich medium, thin sections of cells were autoradiographed and examined by electron microscopy. The resolution of the method was adequate to distinguish labeled DNA units from cell wall units. The latter, which could be easily identified, were shown to segregate symmetrically, suggesting a zonal mode of new wall insertion. DNA units could also be clearly recognized despite a limited fragmentation; they segregated asymmetrically with respect to the nearest septum. Analysis of cells simultaneously labeled in cell wall and DNA provided clear visual evidence of their regular but asymmetrical cosegregation, confirming a previous report obtained by light microscope autoradiography (J.-M. Schlaeppi and D. Karamata, J. Bacteriol. 152:1231-1240, 1982). In addition to labeled wall units, electron microscopy of thin sections of aligned cells has revealed fibrillar networks of wall material which are frequently associated with the cell surface. Most likely, these structures correspond to wall sloughed off by the turnover mechanism but not yet degraded to filterable or acid-soluble components.  相似文献   

Although exponential growth of Bacillus subtilis 168 in a phosphate-limited medium halted with the exhaustion of inorganic phosphate, the bacteria continued to grow at a slower rate for a further 3 to 4 h at 37 degrees C. This postexponential growth in the absence of an exogenous phosphate supply was accompanied by a loss of teichoic acid from the cell walls of the bacteria. Quantitative analysis of walls and culture fluids showed that the phosphate loss from the walls could not be accounted for by an increase in phosphate-containing compounds in the medium, which implied that the cells were using their own wall teichoic acids to supply phosphate necessary for growth. Addition of exogenous teichoic acid to phosphate-starved cultures resulted in stimulation of growth and in the simultaneous disappearance of teichoic acid phosphate from the medium. It is proposed that teichoic acids, which can contain more than 30% of the total phosphorus of exponential-phase cells, can be used as a reserve phosphate source when the bacteria are starved for inorganic phosphate.  相似文献   

Cell Wall Protein in Bacillus subtilis   总被引:10,自引:9,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The cell wall of Bacillus subtilis 168 contains protein that is refractory to removal by salts, detergents, and denaturants.  相似文献   

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