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We analyzed successional patterns in a very dry tropical deciduous forest by using 15 plots differing in age after abandonment and contrasted them to secondary successions elsewhere in the tropics. We used multivariate ordination and nonlinear models to examine changes in composition and structure and to estimate forest recovery rates and resilience. A shrub phase characterized early succession (0–3 yr); afterwards, the tree Mimosa acantholoba became dominant. Below its canopy, sprouts and seed-regenerated individuals of mature forest species slowly accumulated. Canopy height, plant density, and crown cover stabilized in less than 15 yr, whereas species richness, diversity, and basal area continued to increase. The pioneer species group has very low diversity and the long-lived pioneer phase typical of humid forests is absent; species composition may therefore recover soon as suggested by convergence toward mature forest species composition. The time trend of plant density also differed from humid forests for it lacked its characteristic density decline, presumably because of differences in regeneration mechanisms between very dry and other less water-stressed forest types. As opposed to the prevailing hypothesis, resilience was not higher than in moister forests, and thus factors other than structure relative simplicity must be accounted for when assessing resilience.  相似文献   

Seedling establishment in harsh environments is often enhanced by the proximity of adult shrubs. This information has been used in restoration work by placing seedlings of species being restored under the canopy of some shrubs. However, monitoring this process is often restricted to a single species, and comparisons with practices that protect planted seedlings against harsh conditions are scant. Similarly, few studies have supplied seedlings with water in the summer to observe the effects of water availability on the interaction. We compared sapling survival of three woody species (Olea europaea, Pistacia lentiscus, and Ziziphus lotus) under the leguminous shrub Retama sphaerocarpa and in gaps covered with piled branches that mimicked a shrub canopy. After 3 years, survival of saplings planted under Retama differed depending on species identity and water supply. Survival of Olea saplings placed under Retama shrubs was twice that under piled branches if not watered (35 ± 8 vs. 17 ± 2 %, respectively), whereas survival of saplings under Retama, if watered, was less (48 ± 11 vs. 68 ± 8%, respectively). Retama shrubs had a negative effect on Ziziphus; most saplings died under its canopy, whereas survival in piled branches ranged 10–54%. Pistacia was neither facilitated nor outcompeted by Retama. Facilitation of Olea by Retama shrubs was more apparent under dry conditions where watering increased competition and decreased facilitation. Overall, we conclude that Retama shrubs can help dry land restoration to a greater extent than artificial shade for Olea when not watered. The critical role played by water supply in determining nursing success rates warrants further study.  相似文献   

林下层植物在退化马尾松林恢复初期养分循环中的作用   总被引:20,自引:4,他引:20  
以鼎湖山退化马尾松 (Pinusmassoniana)林恢复过程中林下层植物凋落物、分解和养分动态为对象 ,研究了林下层植物在退化马尾松林恢复初期养分循环中的作用。结果表明 ,林下层年凋落物量除在第 5年有所下降外均随时间逐年上升 ,但其增加速率随年份不同而异 ,总平均年增长速率为 3 8%。第 4年凋落物量为 0 .2 0 t· hm- 2 · a- 1,第 1 1年为 1 .1 7t·hm- 2·a- 1。凋落物养分元素平均浓度为 (% ) :N0 .95 ,P0 .0 4,K0 .5 7,Ca0 .1 3和 Mg0 .0 8,基本上以夏季和秋季最高冬春交替月份最低。第 1 1年凋落物各元素养分归还量为 (kg· hm- 2·a- 1) :N1 1 .1 0 ,P0 .47,K6.65 ,Ca1 .48和 Mg 0 .91。凋落物在分解过程中失重率呈直线模型变化 ,第 1年的分解速率为 3 1 % ,至试验结束时凋落物的残存量占起始量的 66%。在凋落物分解过程中 ,N和 P浓度随时间逐渐上升 ,但 N增加的速度较 P快 ,其余元素浓度均下降 ,但 K下降的速度最快。在凋落物分解过程中 ,N是唯一表现残留量呈先上升然后下降变化的元素。P的残留量变化与凋落物的失重率变化几乎一致。各元素在分解试验结束时残留量占起始量的百分比分别为 :N 90 % ,P 67% ,K 9% ,Ca 3 0 %和Mg 1 4%。可见 ,林下层凋落物在退化马尾松林恢复初期碳及其它营养元素循  相似文献   

The influence of El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) on rainfall and its possible effect on availability of food for white‐tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) in a tropical dry forest in the Pacific coast of Mexico was studied. From 1977 to 2003 there were three significant El Niño and La Niña events. During El Niño years rainfall decreased during the wet season ( June to October) and increased during the dry season (November to May), with the opposite effect during La Niña years. Plant diversity was monitored in permanent plots during the wet and dry seasons of 1989–1993. The results provide evidence that ENSO events affect deer food availability, particularly in the dry season.  相似文献   

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