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Endothelium of microvessels acts as selective barrier between blood and tissues and regulates transport of substances across vascular wall. In stressful situations permeability of microvessels increases acutely and leads to edema and the loss of organ function. This review describes molecular mechanisms of maintenance, loss and recovery of endothelial barrier as well as modern approaches to pharmacologic correction of vascular hyperpermeability.  相似文献   

The mechanical characteristics of endothelial cells reveal four distinct compartments, namely glycocalyx, cell cortex, cytoplasm and nucleus. There is accumulating evidence that endothelial nanomechanics of these individual compartments control vascular physiology. Depending on protein composition, filament formation and interaction with cross-linker proteins, these four compartments determine endothelial stiffness. Structural organization and mechanical properties directly influence physiological processes such as endothelial barrier function, nitric oxide release and gene expression. This review will focus on endothelial nanomechanics and its impact on vascular function.  相似文献   

The ability of vascular endothelial, cells (ECs) to respond to fluid mechanical forces associated with blood flow is essential for flow-mediated vasoregulation and arterial wall remodeling. Abnormalities in endothelial responses to flow also play a role in the development of atherosclerosis. Although our understanding of the endothelial signaling pathways stimulated by flow has greatly increased over the past two decades, the mechanisms by which ECs sense flow remain largely unknown. Activation of flow-sensitive ion channels is among the fastest known endothelial responses to flow; therefore, these ion channels have been proposed as candidate flow sensors. This review focuses on: 1) describing the various types of flow-sensitive ion channels that have been reported in ECs, 2) discussing the implications of activation of these ion channels for endothelial function, and 3) proposing candidate mechanisms for activation of flow-sensitive ion channels.  相似文献   

The endothelium is a key site of injury from reactive oxygen species that can potentially be protected by the antioxidant enzymes superoxide dismutase and catalase. Large proteins, such as superoxide dismutase and catalase, do not readily penetrate cell membranes, which limits their efficacy in protecting cells from cellular reactions involving both intracellularly and extracellularly generated reactive oxygen species. Two methods are described that promote enzyme delivery to cultured endothelial cells and confer increased resistance to oxidative stress. The first method is to entrap the antioxidant enzymes within liposomes, which then become incorporated by endothelial cells and can increase enzyme specific activities by as much as 44-fold within 2 h. The second method involves covalent conjugation of polyethylene glycol (PEG) to superoxide dismutase and catalase, a technique that increases circulatory half-life and reduces protein immunogenicity. Conjugation of PEG to superoxide dismutase and catalase increased cellular-specific activities of these enzymes in cultured endothelial cells (but at a slower rate than for liposome entrapped enzymes) and rendered these cells more resistant to oxidative stress. Both liposome-mediated delivery and PEG conjugation offer an additional benefit over native superoxide dismutase and catalase because they can increase cellular antioxidant activities in a manner that can provide protection from both intracellular and extracellular superoxide and hydrogen peroxide.  相似文献   

Molecular determinants of permeation through the cation channel TRPV4   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
We have studied the molecular determinants of ion permeation through the TRPV4 channel (VRL-2, TRP12, VR-OAC, and OTRPC4). TRPV4 is characterized by both inward and outward rectification, voltage-dependent block by Ruthenium Red, a moderate selectivity for divalent versus monovalent cations, and an Eisenman IV permeability sequence. We identify two aspartate residues, Asp(672) and Asp(682), as important determinants of the Ca(2+) sensitivity of the TRPV4 pore. Neutralization of either aspartate to alanine caused a moderate reduction of the relative permeability for divalent cations and of the degree of outward rectification. Neutralizing both aspartates simultaneously caused a much stronger reduction of Ca(2+) permeability and channel rectification and additionally altered the permeability order for monovalent cations toward Eisenman sequence II or I. Moreover, neutralizing Asp(682) but not Asp(672) strongly reduces the affinity of the channel for Ruthenium Red. Mutations to Met(680), which is located at the center of a putative selectivity filter, strongly reduced whole cell current amplitude and impaired Ca(2+) permeation. In contrast, neutralizing the only positively charged residue in the putative pore region, Lys(675), had no obvious effects on the properties of the TRPV4 channel pore. Our findings delineate the pore region of TRPV4 and give a first insight into the possible architecture of its permeation pathway.  相似文献   

Tumors depend on a vascular supply for their growth. Tumor blood vessels, which are derived from normal tissue vasculature, display a markedly abnormal phenotype. Tumor endothelial properties are highly varied in space and time. An important goal is to delineate the range of phenotypes in tumor endothelium and to identify tumor endothelial-specific molecular signatures. This information should lead to a more complete understanding of the mechanisms of tumor growth, the discovery of new therapeutic targets, and the development of biomarkers for diagnosis and surveillance. The goals of this review are to outline recent advances in dissecting tumor endothelial-cell-specific gene expression, to address mechanisms of phenotypic heterogeneity in tumor vascular beds, and to discuss the therapeutic implications of these findings.  相似文献   

EndoGlyx-1, the antigen identified with the monoclonal antibody H572, is a pan-endothelial human cell surface glycoprotein complex composed of four different disulfide-bonded protein species with an apparent molecular mass of approximately 500 kDa. Here, we report the purification and peptide analysis of two EndoGlyx-1 subunits, p125 and p140, and the identification of a common, full-length cDNA with an open reading frame of 2847 base pairs. The EndoGlyx-1 cDNA encodes a protein of 949 amino acids with a predicted molecular mass of 105 kDa, found as an entry for an unnamed protein with unknown function in public data bases. A short sequence tag matching the cDNA of this gene was independently discovered by serial analysis of gene expression profiling as a pan-endothelial marker, PEM87. Bioinformatic evaluation classifies EndoGlyx-1 as an EMILIN-like protein composed of a signal sequence, an N-terminal EMI domain, and a C-terminal C1q-like domain, separated from each other by a central coiled-coil-rich region. Biochemical and carbohydrate analysis revealed that p125, p140, and the two additional EndoGlyx-1 subunits, p110 and p200, are exposed on the cell surface. The three smaller subunits show a similar pattern of N-linked and O-linked carbohydrates, as shown by enzyme digestion. Because the two globular domains of EndoGlyx-1 p125/p140 show structural features shared by EMILIN-1 and Multimerin, two oligomerizing glycoproteins implicated in cell-matrix adhesion and hemostasis, it will be of interest to explore similar functions for EndoGlyx-1 in human vascular endothelium.  相似文献   

Cytochemical studies of the vascular endothelium   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cytochemical methods have been used to examine the vascular endothelium. With hemeproteins and immunocytochemistry, investigators have demonstrated the pathways that blood-borne molecules can take to gain access to the extravascular space (Ghitescu et al. 1986; Milici et al. 1987; Schneeberger and Karnovsky 1971; Simionescu et al. 1975). These same cytochemical methods have also provided evidence that morphologically similar endothelia may have different permeability properties (Hart and Pino 1985b, 1986; Pino 1985; Pino and Essner 1980, 1981). Differences in the location and chemical composition of cell surface moieties have been ascertained with enzyme digestion methods, lectins, and cationic ferritin (De Bruyn and Michelson 1978; Pino 1984c, 1986a, b; Simionescu et al. 1981a). The author hopes that he has provided the reader with representative examples of how investigators have used these cytochemical methods for their studies. As new methods are developed and applications are found for existing techniques such as ultracryomicrotomy (Milici et al. 1987) and colloidal gold markers (Pino 1987b), cytochemistry will remain a fundamental tool for the study of the structure and function of the vascular endothelium.  相似文献   

The phosphorylation status of myosin light chain (MLC) is regulated by both MLC kinases and type 1 Ser/Thr phosphatase (PPase 1), MLC phosphatase (MLCP) activities. The activity of the catalytic subunit of MLCP (CS1β) towards myosin depends on its associated regulatory subunit, namely myosin PPase targeting subunit 1 (MYPT1). Our previously published data strongly suggested the involvement of MLCP in endothelial cell (EC) barrier regulation. In this study, our new data demonstrate that inhibition of MLCP by either CS1β or MYPT1 siRNA-based depletion results in significant attenuation of purine nucleotide (ATP and adenosine)-induced EC barrier enhancement. Consistent with the data, thrombin-induced EC F-actin stress fiber formation and permeability increase were attenuated by the ectopic expression of constitutively active (C/A) MYPT1. The data demonstrated for the first time direct involvement of MLCP in EC barrier enhancement/protection. Cloning of MYPT1 in human pulmonary artery EC (HPAEC) revealed the presence of two MYPT1 isoforms, long and variant 2 (V2) lacking 56 amino acids from 553 to 609 of human MYPT1 long, which were previously identified in HeLa and HEK 293 cells. Our data demonstrated that in Cos-7 cells ectopically expressed EC MYPT1 isoforms co-immunoprecipitated with intact CS1β suggesting the importance of PPase 1 activity for the formation of functional complex of MYPT1/CS1β. Interestingly, MYPT1 V2 shows decreased binding affinity compared to MYPT1 long for radixin (novel MLCP substrate and a member of ERM family proteins). These results suggest functional difference between EC MYPT1 isoforms in the regulation of MLCP activity and cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

Ligation of CD28 or CTLA-4 with some biologicals can activate T cells due to an unexpected superagonist or inverse agonist activity, respectively. The risk of such an outcome limits the therapeutic development of these reagents. Thus, identifying the molecular determinants of superagonist/inverse agonist properties for biologicals targeting costimulatory/inhibitory receptors has not only fundamental value but also important therapeutic implications. In this study, we show that ligation of CTLA-4 with either soluble B7.1 Ig (but not B7.2 Ig) or with a recombinant bispecific in-tandem single chain Fv known as 24:26 induces TCR-independent, T cell activation. Such an inverse agonist activity requires CD28 expression and high CTLA-4 expression and is not seen when CTLA-4 is ligated by membrane-bound B7.1 or B7.2. At the molecular level, the inverse agonist activity of B7.1 Ig or 24:26 correlates with their ability to induce the formation of unique dimer-based, CTLA-4 oligomers on the T cell surface and involves CTLA-4 signaling through its cytoplasmic domain. Our results provide a potential mechanism to explain and to predict inverse agonist activity for CTLA-4 ligands.  相似文献   

To elucidate the molecular basis for the interaction of ligands with the human melanocortin-4 receptor (hMC4R), agonist structure-activity studies and receptor point mutagenesis were performed. Structure-activity studies of [Nle(4), D-Phe(7)]-alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone (NDP-MSH) identified D-Phe7-Arg8-Trp9 as the minimal NDP-MSH fragment that possesses full agonist efficacy at the hMC4R. In an effort to identify receptor residues that might interact with amino acids in this tripeptide sequence 24 hMC4R transmembrane (TM) residues were mutated (the rationale for choosing specific receptor residues for mutation is outlined in the Results section). Mutation of TM3 residues D122 and D126 and TM6 residues F261 and H264 decreased the binding affinity of NDP-MSH 5-fold or greater, thereby identifying these receptor residues as sites potentially involved in the sought after ligand-receptor interactions. By examination of the binding affinities and potencies of substituted NDP-MSH peptides at receptor mutants, evidence was found that core melanocortin peptide residue Arg8 interacts at a molecular level with hMC4R TM3 residue D122. TM3 mutations were also observed to decrease the binding of hMC4R antagonists. Notably, mutation of TM3 residue D126 to alanine decreased the binding affinity of AGRP (87-132), a C-terminal derivative of the endogenous melanocortin antagonist, 8-fold, and simultaneous mutations D122A/D126A completely abolished AGRP (87-132) binding. In addition, mutation of TM3 residue D122 or D126 decreased the binding affinity of hMC4R antagonist SHU 9119. These results provide further insight into the molecular determinants of hMC4R ligand binding.  相似文献   

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