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One of the earliest guidance decisions for spinal cord motoneurons occurs when pools of motoneurons orient their growth cones towards a common, segmental exit point. In contrast to later events, remarkably little is known about the molecular mechanisms underlying intraspinal motor axon guidance. In zebrafish sidetracked (set) mutants, motor axons exit from the spinal cord at ectopic positions. By single-cell labeling and time-lapse analysis we show that motoneurons with cell bodies adjacent to the segmental exit point properly exit from the spinal cord, whereas those farther away display pathfinding errors. Misguided growth cones either orient away from the endogenous exit point, extend towards the endogenous exit point but bypass it or exit at non-segmental, ectopic locations. Furthermore, we show that sidetracked acts cell autonomously in motoneurons. Positional cloning reveals that sidetracked encodes Plexin A3, a semaphorin guidance receptor for repulsive guidance. Finally, we show that sidetracked (plexin A3) plays an additional role in motor axonal morphogenesis. Together, our data genetically identify the first guidance receptor required for intraspinal migration of pioneering motor axons and implicate the well-described semaphorin/plexin signaling pathway in this poorly understood process. We propose that axonal repulsion via Plexin A3 is a major driving force for intraspinal motor growth cone guidance.  相似文献   

The presynaptic neurotoxin, beta-bungarotoxin, was injected into rat fetuses in utero to destroy the innervation of their hindlimb muscles. These injections were made prior to the invasion of motor axons into the muscles and, in some cases, prior to the cleavage of individual muscles. Examination of the lateral motor column of the spinal cord showed a dramatic reduction (greater than 95%) in the number of motoneuron cell bodies. Staining of sections of the hindlimb with silver and with antibodies to neurofilament proteins and to a synaptic vesicle protein indicated that the muscles were aneural. Anti-myosin antibodies applied to sections of the hindlimb revealed that these aneural muscles by the 20th day of gestation had the same types of fibers as were present in normal muscles of the same age. Moreover, fiber types in most muscles showed their characteristic intramuscular distributions. These findings suggest that fiber types can differentiate in the absence of the nervous system. However, some fibers achieved their ultimate fiber type fate without passing through the normal sequence of myosin expressions. Moreover, some slow fibers lost their slow expression, suggesting that the maintenance of the slow differentiation may require innervation. Muscle growth was dramatically affected by the absence of motoneurons; some muscles were decreased in size and others disappeared completely. In muscles which had not degenerated by the time secondary myogenesis normally begins, secondary muscle fibers were generated indicating that the genesis of these fibers is not strictly nerve dependent. Because fiber types differentiate independently of the nervous system, this study suggests that motoneurons selectively innervate fiber types during normal development.  相似文献   

In zebrafish embryos, the axons of the posterior trigeminal (Vp) and facial (VII) motoneurons project stereotypically to a small number of target muscles derived from the first and second branchial arches (BA1, BA2). Use of the Islet1 (Isl1)-GFP transgenic line enabled precise real-time observations of the growth cone behaviour of the Vp and VII motoneurons within BA1 and BA2. Screening for N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea-induced mutants identified seven distinct mutations affecting different steps in the axonal pathfinding of these motoneurons. The class 1 mutations caused severe defasciculation and abnormal pathfinding in both Vp and VII motor axons before they reached their target muscles in BA1. The class 2 mutations caused impaired axonal outgrowth of the Vp motoneurons at the BA1-BA2 boundary. The class 3 mutation caused impaired axonal outgrowth of the Vp motoneurons within the target muscles derived from BA1 and BA2. The class 4 mutation caused retraction of the Vp motor axons in BA1 and abnormal invasion of the VII motor axons in BA1 beyond the BA1-BA2 boundary. Time-lapse observations of the class 1 mutant, vermicelli (vmc), which has a defect in the plexin A3 (plxna3) gene, revealed that Plxna3 acts with its ligand Sema3a1 for fasciculation and correct target selection of the Vp and VII motor axons after separation from the common pathways shared with the sensory axons in BA1 and BA2, and for the proper exit and outgrowth of the axons of the primary motoneurons from the spinal cord.  相似文献   

Previous studies suggest that sensory axon outgrowth is guided by motoneurons, which are specified to innervate particular target muscles. Here we present evidence that questions this conclusion. We have used a new approach to assess the pathfinding abilities of bona fide sensory neurons, first by eliminating motoneurons after neural crest cells have coalesced into dorsal root ganglia (DRG) and second by challenging sensory neurons to innervate muscles in a novel environment created by shifting a limb bud rostrally. The resulting sensory innervation patterns mapped with the lipophilic dyes DiI and DiA showed that sensory axons projected robustly to muscles in the absence of motoneurons, if motoneurons were eliminated after DRG formation. Moreover, sensory neurons projected appropriately to their usual target muscles under these conditions. In contrast, following limb shifts, muscle sensory innervation was often derived from inappropriate segments. In this novel environment, sensory neurons tended to make more "mistakes" than motoneurons. Whereas motoneurons tended to innervate their embryologically correct muscles, sensory innervation was more widespread and was generally from more rostral segments than normal. Similar results were obtained when motoneurons were eliminated in embryos with limb shifts. These findings show that sensory neurons are capable of navigating through their usual terrain without guidance from motor axons. However, unlike motor axons, sensory axons do not appear to actively seek out appropriate target muscles when confronted with a novel terrain. These findings suggest that sensory neuron identity with regard to pathway and target choice may be unspecified or quite plastic at the time of initial axon outgrowth.  相似文献   

Structure of central projections of the motoneuron axons of the spinal cord of the lamprey Lampetra fluviatilis was studied using labeling with horseradish peroxidase in vitro. Axons of the lamprey spinal cord motoneurons were found to have collaterals terminating in ventral columns of the white matter, in which they establish contacts with dendrites of adjacent motoneurons, which can be considered as a substrate of the intermotoneuron interaction. Some axons of motoneurons give bifurcations to two equal branches connected with two neighboring ventral roots, which seems to facilitate propagation of rhythmic activity of locomotor generator in the rostro caudal direction for providing continuous wave of contraction of myotome muscles in the course of undulating movement.  相似文献   

We asked whether regenerating hindlimb motor axons would innervate inappropriate hindlimb regions if competition from appropriate innervation were prevented. The three ventral roots that innervate the hindlimb in the bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) tadpole were transected, and the two more rostral roots were ligated to prevent regeneration. The most caudal root, which primarily supplies more distal limb musculature in unoperated tadpoles, was left free to regenerate. The specificity of regeneration was assessed by retrogradely labeling spinal motoneurons with HRP placed in the ventral thigh, a region that receives most of its innervation from the ligated roots. Despite the lack of competition from appropriate innervation, the regenerating root did not provide substantial innervation to proximal limb musculature. The same result was obtained in tadpoles operated upon at stages when regeneration of motor axons is specific and in tadpoles at stages when regenerating motor axons do not reinnervate their appropriate targets (Farel and Bemelmans, 1986), although the mechanisms in each case are likely different.  相似文献   

Retrograde neuronal tracing with horseradish peroxidase (HRP) was used to determine the position in the spinal cord of motor neurone pools innervating muscles in the regenerated axolotl hindlimb. This method allows a detailed analysis of the accuracy of reformation of neuromuscular connections. The results show that regenerated distal limb muscles are reinnervated by motor neurones in the same region of the cord as those that innervate normal control distal limb muscles but that proximal muscles are innervated by a mixture of motor neurones in a normal position and motor neurones in a region of the spinal cord that normally supplies innervation to distal limb muscles. This difference between the reinnervation of proximal and distal limb muscles suggests that axons destined for proximal muscles may not enter distal limb territory during reinnervation of the regenerated limb.  相似文献   

The initiation, execution, and completion of complex locomotor behaviors are depending on precisely integrated neural circuitries consisting of motor pathways that activate muscles in the extremities and sensory afferents that deliver feedback to motoneurons. These projections form in tight temporal and spatial vicinities during development, yet the molecular mechanisms and cues coordinating these processes are not well understood. Using cell-type specific ablation of the axon guidance receptor Neuropilin-1 (Npn-1) in spinal motoneurons or in sensory neurons in the dorsal root ganglia (DRG), we have explored the contribution of this signaling pathway to correct innervation of the limb. We show that Npn-1 controls the fasciculation of both projections and mediates inter-axonal communication. Removal of Npn-1 from sensory neurons results in defasciculation of sensory axons and, surprisingly, also of motor axons. In addition, the tight coupling between these two heterotypic axonal populations is lifted with sensory fibers now leading the spinal nerve projection. These findings are corroborated by partial genetic elimination of sensory neurons, which causes defasciculation of motor projections to the limb. Deletion of Npn-1 from motoneurons leads to severe defasciculation of motor axons in the distal limb and dorsal-ventral pathfinding errors, while outgrowth and fasciculation of sensory trajectories into the limb remain unaffected. Genetic elimination of motoneurons, however, revealed that sensory axons need only minimal scaffolding by motor axons to establish their projections in the distal limb. Thus, motor and sensory axons are mutually dependent on each other for the generation of their trajectories and interact in part through Npn-1-mediated fasciculation before and within the plexus region of the limbs.  相似文献   

During vertebrate embryogenesis different classes of motor axons exit the spinal cord and migrate on common axonal paths into the periphery. Surprisingly little is known about how this initial migration of spinal motor axons is controlled by external cues. Here, we show that the diwanka gene is required for growth cone migration of three identified subtypes of zebrafish primary motoneurons. In diwanka mutant embryos, motor growth cone migration within the spinal cord is unaffected but it is strongly impaired as motor axons enter their common path to the somites. Chimera analysis shows that diwanka gene activity is required in a small set of myotomal cells, called adaxial cells. We identified a subset of the adaxial cells to be sufficient to rescue the diwanka motor axon defect. Moreover, we show that this subset of adaxial cells delineates the common axonal path prior to axonogenesis, and we show that interactions between these adaxial cells and motor growth cones are likely to be transient. The studies demonstrate that a distinct population of myotomal cells plays a pivotal role in the early migration of zebrafish motor axons and identify the diwanka gene as a somite-derived cue required to establish an axonal path from the spinal cord to the somites.  相似文献   

The innervation of the biceps muscle was examined in regenerated and vitamin A-induced serially duplicated axolotl forelimbs using retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase. The regenerated biceps muscle becomes innervated by motor neurones in the same position in the spinal cord as the normal biceps motor pool. In previous experiments in which the innervation of a second copy of a proximal limb muscle was examined in serially duplicated limbs (Stephens, Holder & Maden, 1985), the duplicate muscle was found to become innervated by motor neurones that would normally have innervated distal muscles. In the present study, the innervation of the second copy of biceps was examined under conditions designed to encourage nerve sprouting from 'correct' biceps axons. Following either partial limb denervation or denervation coupled with removal of the proximal biceps, the second copy of the muscle was still innervated by inappropriate motor neurones, which again would normally innervate distal limb muscles. These results are interpreted as evidence for the necessity for an appropriate local environment for axonal growth to allow reformation of a correct pattern of motor innervation in the regenerated limb.  相似文献   

The distribution of motoneurons in the lumbar spinal cord (spinal segments 8-10) of the clawed toad, Xenopus laevis, was studied with the horseradish peroxidase technique. In a total of 13 different hind limb muscles this tracer was applied in a slow-release gel. Motoneurons innervating a particular hind limb muscle were clustered in longitudinally arranged motor pools. Motor pools of different muscles did show considerable overlap both in the rostrocaudal and transverse plane. But, the various motor pools clearly show a somatotopic organization of motoneurons even in such a condensed lumbar spinal cord as in Xenopus laevis. Motoneurons innervating more distally positioned muscles are generally found in more caudal segments, while proximal muscles (with the exception of the m. adductor magnus) are supplied by motoneurons more or less throughout the lumbar enlargement. Flexor muscles usually are innervated by motoneurons situated ventrolaterally in the ventral horn, extensor muscles by dorsomedially found motoneurons. This pattern is particularly apparent for proximal (thigh) muscles, less so for more distal (shank and foot) muscles. The present data are in keeping with those obtained with the retrograde cell degeneration technique in ranid frogs and are consistent with observations in other tetrapods, although a more clear separation of motor pools is evident in "higher" vertebrates such as birds and mammals.  相似文献   

An explant culture system is described that allows examination of axonal growth from the tonically and phasically active motoneurons of the abdominal nerve cord of the crayfish. In this preparation, growth occurs from the cut end of the axon while the remainder of the motoneuron is undisturbed. In vitro growth from the branches of the third roots, which contain the axons from the tonic and phasic motoneurons of abdominal ganglia one through four, was verified as axonal by retrograde labeling of axons and neuronal somata within the nerve cord. Growth from the axons of phasic and tonic cells was observed as early as 24 h after plating and continued for an additional 7–10 days. The morphology and growth rates of the motor terminals differed between the tonic and phasic axons. The phasic axons grew significantly faster and branched more often than did the tonic motor axons. These differences in growth may be related to differences in motoneuron size or, may result from differences in electrical activity. Tonic motoneurons show spontaneous impulse activity for up to 6 days in culture, whereas phasic motoneurons show no spontaneous impulse activity. In addition, the differences in growth may be related to the morphological differences in tonic and phasic motor terminals observed in situ. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The neuroanatomy of an amphibian embryo spinal cord   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Horseradish peroxidase has been used to stain spinal cord neurons in late embryos of the clawed toad (Xenopus laevis). It has shown clearly the soma, dendrites and axonal projections of spinal sensory, motor and interneurons. On the basis of light microscopy we describe nine differentiated spinal cord neuron classes. These include the Rohon-Beard cells and extramedullary cells which are both primary sensory neurons, one class of motoneurons that innervate the segmental myotomes, two classes of interneurons with decussating axons, three classes of interneurons with ipsilateral axons and a previously undescribed class of ciliated ependymal cells with axons projecting ipsilaterally to the brain. We believe that all differentiated neuron classes are described and that this anatomical account is the most complete for any vertebrate spinal cord.  相似文献   

In order to examine the role of target cells in the development of spinal motoneurons, the neural tube from thoracic segments was transplanted to the lumbar region on embryonic day (E) 2, and allowed to innervate hindlimb muscles in the chick embryo. When examined at later stages of development, the proportion of white and gray matter in the thoracic transplant was altered to resemble normal lumbar cord. Many thoracic motoneurons were able to survive up to posthatching stages following transplantation. The branching and arborization of dendrites of thoracic motoneurons innervating hindlimb muscles, as well as motoneuron (soma) size, were also increased to an extent approximating that seen in normal lumbar motoneurons. In support of previous studies using a similar transplant model, we have also found that the peripheral (intramuscular) branching pattern of thoracic motoneuron axons innervating hindlimb muscles was similar to that of normal lumbar motoneurons. Axon size and the degree of myelination of transplanted thoracic motoneuron axons were also increased so that these parameters more closely resembled axons of normal lumbar than normal thoracic spinal motoneurons. Virtually all of the changes in motoneuron properties noted above were observed irrespective of whether or not the transplanted spinal cord had developed in anatomical continuity with the host rostral cord. Accordingly, it is unlikely that the changes in the development of transplanted thoracic motoneurons reported here are induced either entirely, or in part, by signals derived from the host central nervous system. Rather, these changes appear to be mediated by interactions between the transplanted motoneurons and the hindlimb. We favor the notion that retrograde trophic signals derived from the hindlimb act to modulate the development of innervating motoneurons. Whether this signal involves a diffusible trophic agent released from target cells, or acts by some other mechanism is presently unknown. © 1992 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

In order to examine the role of target cells in the development of spinal motoneurons, the neural tube from thoracic segments was transplanted to the lumbar region on embryonic day (E) 2, and allowed to innervate hindlimb muscles in the chick embryo. When examined at later stages of development, the proportion of white and gray matter in the thoracic transplant was altered to resemble normal lumbar cord. Many thoracic motoneurons were able to survive up to posthatching stages following transplantation. The branching and arborization of dendrites of thoracic motoneurons innervating hindlimb muscles, as well as motoneuron (soma) size, were also increased to an extent approximating that seen in normal lumbar motoneurons. In support of previous studies using a similar transplant model, we have also found that the peripheral (intramuscular) branching pattern of thoracic motoneuron axons innervating hindlimb muscles was similar to that of normal lumbar motoneurons. Axon size and the degree of myelination of transplanted thoracic motoneuron axons were also increased so that these parameters more closely resembled axons of normal lumbar than normal thoracic spinal motoneurons. Virtually all of the changes in motoneuron properties noted above were observed irrespective of whether or not the transplanted spinal cord had developed in anatomical continuity with the host rostral cord. Accordingly, it is unlikely that the changes in the development of transplanted thoracic motoneurons reported here are induced either entirely, or in part, by signals derived from the host central nervous system. Rather, these changes appear to be mediated by interactions between the transplanted motoneurons and the hindlimb. We favor the notion that retrograde trophic signals derived from the hindlimb act to modulate the development of innervating motoneurons. Whether this signal involves a diffusible trophic agent released from target cells, or acts by some other mechanism is presently unknown.  相似文献   

Chick embryonic motoneurons selectively grow out from the spinal cord as the first step of their selective axonal growth. In order to detect the molecules responsible for motoneuron outgrowth from the cord, we produced and immunohistochemically screened many monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) against cord and somite. We found that two of them, called M7412 and M7902, selectively bound to the cell surface of the anterior half of the sclerotome, where motoneurons selectively extend their axons. Immunohistochemistry and immunoblot results were identical for these antibodies and the antigen was called M7412 antigen. Although neural crest cells also migrate into the anterior half of the sclerotome, the expression of M7412 antigen by sclerotome cells was independent of the neural crest, because neural crest removal did not affect the appearance of the antigen. Furthermore, MAb M7412 bound to the mesenchymal cells along presumptive major nerve trunks in the limb and to the structures surrounding myotubes in muscles during the formation of intramuscular nerve branches. These results suggest that M7412 antigen might be a substrate for general, but not specific, growth of motoneuron axons. If this is the case, we must also infer that some molecule inhibitory for motoneuron growth is localized in the posterior half of sclerotome, because at upper cervical levels the M7412 antigen was also expressed intensely in the posterior sclerotome, whereas motoneurons still grew only into the anterior half. The M7412 antigen was transiently expressed in such various tissues as somite; muscles; blood vessels; spinal cord cells, especially motoneurons innervating the limb; and dorsal root and other peripheral ganglion cells. The M7412 antigenic molecule was extractable with NP40 from a membrane fraction of whole chick embryos and its molecular weight was estimated to be 70 kDa from immunoblot analysis. Thus, our monoclonal antibodies have revealed a new membrane-associated molecule which is likely to play a role in cell-cell interactions during development of motoneurons.  相似文献   

Traditional neuromorphological and NADPH-diaphorase methods were used to study the topography, morphology and neurochemical organization properties of spinal cord in teleosts fishes. The heterogeneous population of NO-producing motoneurons was revealed in the motor column of spinal cords from studied species. Dendrites of primary motoneurons formed rich plexus at the spinal segment periphery. This morphological pattern is determined by translational motion of the fishes in the water (trunk-tail movement), and has no connection with the origin of upper and lower extremities. The NO-producing capacity of spinal motoneurons shows their connection with premotor NO-ergic brain system, including over situated motor centers of reticular formation and descending projections of giant steam neurons (Mauthner and Muller cells). The NO-producing Rohon-Berd neurons were found in the dorso-medial part of spinal cord from studied fishes. These cells with the ascending propriospinal targets form spinal nociceptive system. Thus, the sense Rohon-Berd cells and most motor neurons of studied bony fishes are nitric oxide synthesizing ones. Spinal cord NO-synthesizing territories are situated in concordance with dorso-ventral histochemical gradient. Spinal cord interneurons of these fishes produce nitric oxide selectively. The quantity of NO-synthesizing reticular cells is determined by two main factors: the connection with the specialized neurochemical complexes, where NO is a specific neuromodulator, and individual properties of spinal cord structure directed by conditions of morphoadaptation.  相似文献   

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