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中国北亚热带次生森林植被研究述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对我国北亚热带植被的研究,可追溯到本世纪二三十年代对南京森林植物的调查工作"'和钟山森林之变迁的研究"'。受战争的影响,约有20年的停动期。50年代后,研究工作得以继续,而且研究内容日益广泛,研究程度日益深入,这些工作大体可分为以下4个方面。1植被特征的研究曲仲湘'-"利用LUtZ树木结构图解首次对北亚热带的南京灵谷寺、琅郎山、栖霞山森林和林木进行了研究,并依据树种的耐阴程度探讨了其可能的变化过程。文中所用的划分树木生态年龄为5个等级的方法,确立了我国森林树种"年龄"划分的标准。虽然,这种划分方法比较简化,但因…  相似文献   

本文利用CO2交换系统和叶绿素荧光方法研究南亚热带森林的阳生或群落演替早期树种荷木(Schima superba)、中生性或群落演替中期树种红椎(Castanopsis hystrix)和耐荫或群落演替后期树种黄果厚壳桂(Cryptocarya concinna)的叶片光合速率和光合能量利用对高氮和光强的响应.3种供试树种在高氮和高光强下(HNHL)植株叶片的净光合速率(Po)比在低氮和高光强(LNHL)下高,低氮限制了高光强下植株叶片的Pn;高氮和低光强下(HNLL)的植株也有明显低的Pn,低光强限制了高氮下植株的Pn.Pn对氮的响应依赖于氮的水平和生长的光强状况.荷木和红椎的HNHL,LNHL和HNLL植株叶片有相似的F'v/F'm而黄果厚壳桂HNHL植株的F'v/F'm《较LNHL和HNLL高(P〈0.05).在光强0~1200μmol·photo.m^-2.s^-1,黄果厚壳桂的HNHL植株有高的光化量子产率(△/F'm),而这一效应并不反映在阳生树种荷木和中生性树种红椎上.在光强0~2000μmol·photo·m^-2.s^-1,荷木的LNHL植株叶片用于光化反应的吸收光能占18.2%,较HNHL高,并显著高于HNLL(P〈0.05);红椎的LNHL植株亦有较HNHL和HNLL植株高的光化能量利用,而黄果厚壳桂的HNHL植株的光化能量利用部分则较LNHL和HNLL高.3种供试树种的HNLL植株均有低的光化能量利用和光合电子传递速率.高氮和低光强对耐荫或群落演替的后期树种黄果厚壳桂光合能利用的影响较群落演替的早期树种荷木和中期树种红椎大.在当前氮沉降的持续增高和频繁出现的阴霾或灰霾天气情况下,氮沉降可能会导致南亚热带耐荫性树种的退化,而演替早期树种和中期树种有较好的忍耐性,从而能够竞争到更多的资源成为生态系统的优势种.因此,氮沉降可能导致地带性森林群落退化,也可能会减缓植物群落的正向演替进程.  相似文献   

申鑫  曹林  徐婷  佘光辉 《植物生态学报》2015,39(12):1125-1135
利用遥感数据开展森林资源树种的分类对森林资源的监测、森林可持续经营及生物多样性研究都有重要意义。该文以江苏南部丘陵地区的北亚热带天然次生林为研究对象, 利用LiCHy (LiDAR、CCD、Hyperspectral)集成传感器同期获取的高分辨率和高光谱数据, 进行冠幅识别和多个层次的树种分类: 首先, 对高分辨率影像进行基于边缘检测的多尺度分割, 提取出单木冠幅; 其次, 对高光谱影像进行特征变量提取, 并对提取出的特征变量利用信息熵原理选取优化特征变量; 然后, 分别利用全部特征变量和经优化的重要特征变量对森林树种及森林类型进行预分类; 最后, 在预分类结果中加入单木冠幅信息对森林树种及森林类型进行重分类, 并分析分类结果的精度。研究表明: 1)利用全部特征变量进行4个典型树种分类时, 总体精度为64.6%, Kappa系数为0.493; 而针对森林类型的分类精度为81.1%, Kappa系数为0.584。2)利用选取的优化特征变量分类精度略低于利用全部特征变量的分类精度, 其中对4个典型树种分类时, 总体精度为62.9%, Kappa系数为0.459; 而针对森林类型的分类精度为77.7%, Kappa系数为0.525。通过集成传感器同期获取的高分辨率和高光谱数据可以有效地进行北亚热带森林的树种分类及森林类型的划分。  相似文献   

UV-B辐射对南亚热带森林木本植物幼苗生长的影响   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
研究了UV -B辐射对广东省南亚热带森林木本植物九节、鸭脚木、猴耳环、半枫荷、山乌桕和绿化树种大叶合欢幼苗生长的影响。实验结果表明 ,UV -B辐射降低叶片光合色素的含量 ;显著降低幼苗的净光合速率、蒸腾速率和气孔导度 ;降低干物质的增长 ;抑制大叶合欢幼苗根瘤的形成  相似文献   

研究了南亚热带森林90种木本植物的种子和果实的大小、含水量等特征及种子萌发,并对其中有足够萌发个体的种(45种)进行了萌发分析和对有足够萌发个体和足够种子的种(41种)进行了种子或果实储存对萌发影响的研究.肉质果实种子和肉质种子萌发率较干燥种子高,两者差异显著.大多数种播种60 d内萌发.肉质果实的种子和肉质种子较干燥种子的休眠期长,留土萌发种子较出土萌发种子休眠期长.大种子种与小种子种之间、夏季成熟的肉质果实的种子与冬季和春季成熟的肉质果实的种子之间休眠期长短差异不显著.萌发率与新鲜种子含水量无显著的相关,但种子中水分含量的减少明显影响萌发率,尤其是在种子自然干燥的最初3 d.当种子的水分含量减至20%(约在种子自然干燥10~14 d)时,种子萌发率降至很低.萌发率随储存时间(密封,(4±1) ℃)而下降,但储存一个月下降不大(-8.3%),储存3个月后,显著下降.果实储存与种子储存之间、大种子种与小种子种储存之间、肉质果实的种子和肉质种子储存与干燥种子储存之间,萌发率差异一般不显著.  相似文献   

南亚热带森林木本植物种子萌发和储存   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
研究了南亚热带森林 90种木本植物的种子和果实的大小、含水量等特征及种子萌发 ,并对其中有足够萌发个体的种 (45种 )进行了萌发分析和对有足够萌发个体和足够种子的种 (41种 )进行了种子或果实储存对萌发影响的研究。肉质果实种子和肉质种子萌发率较干燥种子高 ,两者差异显著。大多数种播种 6 0d内萌发。肉质果实的种子和肉质种子较干燥种子的休眠期长 ,留土萌发种子较出土萌发种子休眠期长。大种子种与小种子种之间、夏季成熟的肉质果实的种子与冬季和春季成熟的肉质果实的种子之间休眠期长短差异不显著。萌发率与新鲜种子含水量无显著的相关 ,但种子中水分含量的减少明显影响萌发率 ,尤其是在种子自然干燥的最初 3d。当种子的水分含量减至 2 0 % (约在种子自然干燥 10~ 14d)时 ,种子萌发率降至很低。萌发率随储存时间 (密封 ,(4± 1)℃ )而下降 ,但储存一个月下降不大 (- 8.3% ) ,储存 3个月后 ,显著下降。果实储存与种子储存之间、大种子种与小种子种储存之间、肉质果实的种子和肉质种子储存与干燥种子储存之间 ,萌发率差异一般不显著。  相似文献   

随着城市化进程的加快, 臭氧(O3)已经成为中国夏季首要大气污染物。已有研究表明O3通过气孔进入叶片显著抑制光合作用, 影响陆地生态系统碳水循环过程。但是O3浓度升高对植物光合和气孔导度模型关键参数影响的研究仍然缺乏。该研究利用开顶式气室, 设置两个O3处理(CF, 过滤空气; E-O3, 未过滤空气+ 60 nmol·mol-1 O3), 选用4种常见的树木(茶(Camellia sinensis)、复叶槭(Acer negundo)、栾树(Koelreuteria paniculata)和蒙古栎(Quercus mongolica)), 通过测定叶片气体交换参数, 探究O3浓度升高对植物光合和气孔导度模型关键参数的影响。结果表明: O3浓度升高显著降低了4种植物的饱和光合速率和光合生化模型参数叶肉导度, 但是O3对光合生化模型参数最大羧化速率和最大电子传递速率的负效应在不同树种间存在差异。此外, 不同植物气孔导度对O3的响应也存在差异。通过对最优化气孔导度模型进行参数化, 结果表明O3显著提高了蒙古栎和复叶槭的斜率参数(g1), 并显著增加了茶的气孔导度模型截距参数(g0), 但降低了复叶槭的g0。在不同O3处理下4种树木的内源水分利用效率与g1呈显著线性负相关关系。综上所述, O3浓度升高显著影响光合生化和气孔导度模型关键参数。  相似文献   

北亚热带马尾松年轮宽度与NDVI的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
北亚热带地处暖温带向亚热带的过渡地区,对环境变化较为敏感。因此,研究北亚热带马尾松年轮宽度与森林NDVI的关系对于揭示陆地生态系统对全球气候变化的响应具有重要意义。以马尾松自然分布北界的南郑县和河南省鸡公山自然保护区为研究地点,利用北亚热带马尾松年轮宽度指数和1982-2006年逐月NOAA/AVHRR的归一化植被指数(NDVI)数据及气候数据,在分析年轮宽度及NDVI与气候因子关系的基础上,重点讨论了北亚热带马尾松径向生长与NDVI之间的关系。结果表明:北亚热带NDVI受水热条件的共同控制,其中与月均温相关性较强,且以正相关为主,与月降水量和干旱度指数多负相关;马尾松的径向生长与上一生长季的温度呈正相关,降水和干旱度指数为负相关,当年生长季内的温度和降水以促进作用为主,而与干旱度指数的关系在两地区内相反;南郑县和鸡公山地区年轮宽度与NDVI年值之间关系均不显著(P>0.05)。单月来讲,南郑县3、4、12月NDVI值与年表显著相关,鸡公山地区9月份的NDVI值与差值年表RES相关性最大;南郑县树木生长受温度影响最大,而鸡公山地区受温度和降水的综合作用。因此,在北亚热带地区,长时间序列的年轮宽度数据并不能很好反应NDVI的长期变化,利用树轮宽度指数来重建北亚热带地区NDVI需要进一步研究。  相似文献   

南亚热带森林群落光合作用的模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以广东黑石顶森林群落为对象,将群落分为4层,其高度分别为21m,13m,9m和1.5m,对每层植物种类的叶片光合作用水平及相关因子进行了测定.建立了3个以净光合速率对光合有效辐射和CO2浓度响应的数学方程式为基础的植物瞬间光合作用模型.不同模型对群落各层的模拟效果不同,模型中的参数反映了群落各层植物对光合有效辐射的不同利用效率,即有第一层<第二层<第三层<第四层.并建立了黑石顶南亚热带群落光合作用模型,利用该群落光合作用模型计算了黑石顶南亚热带常绿阔叶林森林群落的净第一性生产力,每年群落光合作用固定的CO2为61.75t·hm-2,换算为干物质则为每年37.04t·hm-2.群落净第一性生产力中,群落第一层占82.09%,第二层占10.77%,第三层占6.28%,第四层占0.05%.一年中以6~9这4个月的净第一性生产力最高,而12、1、2等3个月的净第一性生产力最低  相似文献   

用巴拿马50 hm2森林动态监测样地内直径≥1 cm的树种资料,分析了该样地树种多度(个体数)和丰富度(物种数)及其方差和变异系数在6个取样尺度(5 m×5 m,10 m×10 m,20 m×20 m,25 m×25 m,50 m×50 m,100 m×100 m)的变化规律.结果显示:(1)由于多度的可加性,不同取样尺度在样地内树种多度的变化表现出一致性;随取样尺度的增加,多度方差呈线性增加,而变异系数呈线性减小.(2)丰富度随取样尺度的变化较为复杂,随取样尺度的增加,丰富度方差呈非线性变化,在取样尺度为25 m×25 m时方差最大;变异系数随取样尺度的增加而呈线性减小.研究表明,大尺度的多度值可以由小尺度的多度值通过外推法估计,而丰富度却不能,在生物多样性的保护和管理中不能简单地从一个取样尺度的生物丰富度推测另一个取样尺度丰富度.  相似文献   

杨树--林木基因组学研究的模式物种   总被引:23,自引:1,他引:23  
林木植物是大多数生态系统中的主要生命形式,在所有陆地生态系统中具有最大的生物量和生物生产力,因此它具有重要的经济及生态价值。林木植物特有的多年生习性使其生物学研究相对困难,因此需要寻找一种适用于遗传学及分子生物学方法做精细分析的模式植物。杨属(Populus)植物作为林业研究的模式植物,具有优良的实验特性:容易进行种间杂交和无性繁殖;生长迅速,并已建立完善的遗传转化系统;基因组相对较小,约450~550Mbp;易于进行遗传研究;适应性强,生长速度快,丰产性强。自2002年起,美国能源部与多家研究机构正式启动了杨属植物基因组计划,目前已接近完成。本文综述了模式植物杨树及其基因组学的研究进展。  相似文献   

为了了解水土保持树种的气体交换特性,对无患子(Sapindus mukorossi)、南酸枣(Choerospondias axillaris)、香樟(Cinnamomum camphora)、秃瓣杜英(Elaeocarpus glabripetalus)和毛竹(Phyllostachys edulis)等常见树种的光合蒸腾特性进行研究。结果表明,香樟、无患子、南酸枣和毛竹的净光合速率(Pn)日变化曲线呈双峰型,有明显的"光合午休"现象;秃瓣杜英的Pn日变化曲线则呈单峰型,未出现"光合午休"现象。5种树种的Pn以香樟毛竹无患子南酸枣秃瓣杜英;蒸腾速率(Tr)以香樟无患子毛竹南酸枣秃瓣杜英;水分利用效率(WUE)以秃瓣杜英毛竹南酸枣无患子香樟。单因素方差分析表明:不同树种间的Tr、气孔导度(Gs)和WUE存在显著差异,而Pn和胞间CO2浓度(Ci)的差异不显著。相关性分析表明,Pn与Tr、Gs和光合有效辐射(PAR)呈正相关关系;Tr与Gs呈正相关关系,与WUE呈负相关关系;Gs与WUE呈负相关关系;Ci与PAR和空气CO2浓度(Ta)呈负相关关系。香樟和无患子的Tr相对较大,而WUE较低,在养护过程应加强浇水及遮阴以降低其水分蒸腾的速率;秃瓣杜英、南酸枣和毛竹的Tr相对较低,而WUE相对较高,能够科学地利用土壤水分,可适应较干燥的外界环境。  相似文献   

This study examines the effect of four tree species on nitrogen (N) retention within forested catchments of the Catskill Mountains, New York (NY). We conducted a 300-day 15N field tracer experiment to determine how N moves through soil, microbial, and plant pools under different tree species and fertilization regimes. Samples were collected from single-species plots of American beech (Fagus grandifolia Ehrh.), eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis L.), red oak (Quercus rubra L.), and sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh). Using paired plots we compared the effects of ambient levels of N inputs (11 kg N/ha/y) to additions of 50 kg N/ha/y that began 1.5 years prior to and continued throughout this experiment. Total plot 15N recovery (litter layer, organic and mineral soil to 12 cm, fine roots, and aboveground biomass) did not vary significantly among tree species, but the distribution of sinks for 15N within the forest ecosystem did vary. Recovery in the forest floor was significantly lower in sugar maple stands compared to the other species. 15Nitrogen recovery was 22% lower in the fertilized plots compared to the ambient plots and red oak stands had the largest drop in 15N recovery as a result of N fertilization. Aboveground biomass became a significantly greater 15N sink with fertilization, although it retained less than 1% of the tracer addition. These results indicate that different forest types vary in the amount of N retention in the forest floor, and that forest N retention may change depending upon N inputs.  相似文献   

Thomas Wagner 《Biotropica》2000,32(3):502-514
Beetles were collected on 64 trees of four species (Cynometra alexandri C. H. Wright, Rinorea beniemis (Welwitsch ex Olivier) Kuntze, Teclea nobilis Delile, and Trichilia rubescens Olivier) in Budongo Forest, Uganda, using an insecticidal fogging technique. Selected tree species were abundant, taxonomically not closely related, and different in the shape of leaves, growth form, and size, with heights between 7 and 35 m. Trees were fogged in an old primary forest stand, in an area of secondary forest where selective logging was performed, and in a swamp forest. Eight conspecific trees per forest type were fogged. A total of 29,736 beetles were collected from all trees that could be assigned to 1433 (morpho)‐species; 41.6 percent were singletons and 89.6 percent of species were found with less than ten individuals. Abundant beetle taxa included Latridiidae (N= 4093), Chrysomelidae (3952), Staphylinidae (2931), Apioninae (2621), and Curculionidae (2457). Most species‐rich groups were Staphylinidae (N= 196 spp.), Curculionidae (189), and Chrysomelidae (148). Abundance increased in the order: primary < secondary < swamp forest. Due to the relatively high dominance of some species in the secondary forest, species richness increased in the order: secondary < primary < swamp forest. Beta diversity measures and factor analysis showed distinct differences among forest types but higher similarity of beetle communities on different tree species within one forest type. The taxonomic distribution of beetles in the secondary forest was more heterogeneous than in the primary forest. Analyses of the data revealed low host specificity even for phytophagous beetles, underlining the importance of habitat structure and chance effects on the spatial distribution of beetles in the canopy of Budongo Forest.  相似文献   

We initiated a study of the effects of mycorrhizal fungal community composition on the restoration of tropical dry seasonal forest trees. Tree seedlings were planted in a severely burned experimental site (1995 fire) during the growing season of 1998 at the El Edén Ecological Reserve, in north Quintana Roo, Mexico. Seedlings of Leucaena leucocephala, Guazuma ulmifolia, Caesalpinia violacea, Piscidia piscipula, Gliricidia sepium, and Cochlospermum vitifolium were germinated in steam‐sterilized soil and either remained uninoculated (nonmycorrhizal at transplanting) or were inoculated with mycorrhizal fungi in soils from early‐seral (recently burned) or late‐seral (mature forest) inoculum. Inoculum from the early‐seral soil was largely Glomus spp., whereas a diverse community of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi were reintroduced from the mature forest including species of Scutellospora, Gigaspora, Glomus, Sclerocystis, and Acaulospora. Plants grew better when associated with the mature forest inoculum, unlike a previous experiment in which plants grew taller with the early‐seral inoculum. Reasons for the different responses include a less‐intense burn resulting in more residual organic matter. In addition to mycorrhizal responses, plants were severely affected by deer browsing. One tree species, C. vitifolium found in the region but not in the reserve, was eliminated by a resident fungal facultative pathogen. Several practical conclusions for restoration can be made. The common nursery practice of soil sterilization may be detrimental because it eliminates beneficial mycorrhizal fungi; species not native to the site may not survive because they may not be adapted to the local pathogens; and herbivory can be severe depending on the landscape context of the restoration.  相似文献   

A mathematical model of leaf photosynthesis has been established. In this model, the processes of photosynthesis are divided into two parts, ie., the carboxylation process driven by light which is dependent on temperature and CO2 concentration, and the diffusion of CO2 from atmosphere to the carboxylation site. Finatly, CO2 uptake by the leaf is understood as dependent on 1), the CO2 response curve of the leaf mesophyll and 2). the CO2 partial pressure in the intercellular space in leaf. The COs response curve of the leaf photosynthesis is described mathematically in terms of carboxylation efficiency (Ca) or its initial slope and the photosynthetic capacity (Pm) or the CO2-saturated uptake rate of CO2 uptake, and dark respiration (Rd). The dependency of photosynthesis on leaf temperature and incident light intensity is incorporated into variations of those parameters which establish an appropriate response to internal CO2 pressure for particular light and temperature conditions prevailing at any time. Secondly the interactiion of stomata with photosynthesis is represented as an empirical relation between stomatal conductance and a combined environmental physiological index, APn·Hx/CaThe parameters used in the modelwere estimated with Marquardt-Newton method for non-linear function. Field measurements of mulberry leaf photosynthesis provided a data set for model testing. The resuks show that the simulated values of the model agree well with observed data. The model was used to analyse the response surface of leaf conductance and photosynthesis to environmental factors—Applications and limitations of the model are discussed  相似文献   

Photosynthetic response of seedlings of two evergreen trees dorminant in a subtropical forest to long-term elevated CO2 were studied. Pot seedlings of Castanopsis fissa (Champ.) Rehd. et Wils. and Schima superba Gardn. et Champ. were grown in semi-open chambers with ambient (350 μL · L-1) CO2 concentration under natural light from June to September, 1993. Net photosynthetic rate of the plants exposed to elevated CO2 increased by 79%~95% than that of the plants in ambient CO2 atmosphere. But no significant difference was observed when measurement was done at either CO2 concentration, 350 μL · L-1 or 500 μL · L-1 The Ph-CO2 concen/ration response curves of plants growing in elevated CO2 were higher than that of plants growing in ambient (350μL · L-1 CO2). In addition, the chlorophyll and carotenoid contents dropped slightly and stomatal conductance decreased obviously under elevated atmospheric CO2, while the ratios of chlorophyll a to b and carotenoid to chlorophyll were unaltered. The results indicated that downward acclimation of phetosynthesis did not appear in both plant species when they were grown under prolonged exposure to high (500 μL · L-1) atmospheric CO2.  相似文献   

Polymorphic allozyme loci were used to estimate outcrossing rates for three tree species from a disturbed dry forest in southern Costa Rica. Estimates of the multilocus outcrossing rates of Cedrela odorata and Jacaranda copaia were 0.969 and 0.982, respectively, and suggest that these species may be self-incompatible. The subcanopy tree Stemmadenia donnell-smithii also demonstrated little self-fertilization based on an estimated outcrossing rate of 0.896. Significant heterogeneity in pollen allele frequencies among maternal trees was detected for at least two enzyme loci for each species. A test of correlated mating between progeny of S. donnell-smithii revealed that all seeds within a fruit were singly sired. In addition, the low estimates of biparental inbreeding and significant differences in pollen and ovule allele frequencies for this species suggest that gene flow into the sampled forest fragment may occur. The implications of deforestation on the mating systems of these tropical tree taxa are discussed.  相似文献   

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