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The purpose of this study was to compare in a laboratory experiment, a suite of methods developed to track viable bacteria during field transport experiments. The criteria for development and selection of these methods included: (1) the ability to track bacteria within the environment from which they were isolated; (2) the lack of any effect upon the viability or the transport characteristics of the strain; (3) low detection limits; (4) a quantification range that covered several orders of magnitude; and (5) an analytical cost and turnover time commensurate with the analysis of several thousands of samples in a few months. The approaches developed included: enumeration of bacteria labeled with a vital fluorescent stain (CFDA/SE) using microplate spectrofluorometry, flow cytometry, and ferrographic (immunomagnetic) capture; enumeration of highly (13)C-enriched bacteria using combustion-IRMS; and quantitative PCR. These methods were compared to direct microscopic enumeration and plate counts during a bacterial transport experiment performed in an intact sediment core and designed to simulate the field experiment. Four of the seven methods had equivalent recoveries for the breakthrough of a pulse of bacteria eluting from a 50-cm long sediment core, and all of the methods detected the arrival of cells in the effluent prior to the conservative tracer. Combustion IRMS and ferrographic enumeration had the lowest quantification limits (approximately 2 to 20 cells/ml), whereas microplate spectrofluorometry had the highest quantification limit (approximately 10(5) cells/ml). These methods have the potential for numerous applications beyond tracking bacteria injected into the subsurface.  相似文献   

Two differentially labeled bacterial strains were monitored in near-real time during two field-scale bacterial transport experiments in a shallow aquifer in July 2000 and July 2001. Comamonas sp. strain DA001 and Acidovorax sp. strain OY-107 were grown and labeled with the vital fluorescent stain TAMRA/SE (5 [and -6]-carboxytetramethylrhodamine, succinimidyl ester) or CFDA/SE (5 [and -6]-carboxyfluorescein diacetate, succinimidyl ester). Fluorescently labeled cells and a conservative bromide tracer were introduced into a suboxic superficial aquifer, followed by groundwater collection from down-gradient multilevel samplers. Cells were enumerated in the field by microplate spectrofluorometry, with confirmatory analyses for selected samples done in the laboratory by epifluorescence microscopy, flow cytometry, and ferrographic capture. There was general agreement in the results from all of the vital-stain-based enumeration methods, with differences ranging from <10% up to 40% for the analysis of identical samples between different tracking methods. Field analysis by microplate spectrofluorometry was robust and efficient, allowing thousands of samples to be analyzed in quadruplicate for both of the injected strains. The near-real-time data acquisition allowed adjustments to the predetermined sampling schedule to be made. The microplate spectrofluorometry data sets for the July 2000 and July 2001 experiments allowed the transport of the injected cells to be related to the site hydrogeology and injection conditions and enabled the assessment of differences in the transport of the two strains. This near-real-time method should prove effective for a number of microbial ecology applications.  相似文献   

AIMS: To apply fluorescent staining method for fast assessment of microbial quality of herbal medicines. METHODS AND RESULTS: The number of total bacteria and esterase-active bacteria on powdered traditional Chinese medicines were enumerated by fluorescent staining method using 6-carboxyfluorescein diacetate (6CFDA) and 4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI), and they were compared with colony-forming units (CFU). The CFU was approximately 10(3) per gram in ginseng radix, and no bacterial colonies were detected from others. However, the total bacterial number (TDC) was more than 10(7) per gram, and number of bacteria possessing esterase activity ranged from 1 to 3% of TDC. CONCLUSIONS, SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Many bacteria in each Chinese medicine had enzyme activity and most of them could not be detected by conventional plate counting technique. Enumeration of bacterial cells on traditional Chinese medicines by fluorescent staining method requires less than 1 h. The double staining method with 6CFDA and DAPI could be applicable to rapid microbial monitoring of crude drugs.  相似文献   

The vital staining of endothelium of fresh and stored corneas with fluorescence diacetate is described. This staining is suitable for critical examination of corneas before transplantation.  相似文献   

优化了实验教材上传统的银染液鞭毛染色方法,用单宁酸和FeCl3做媒染剂,增大单宁酸和FeCl3的质量浓度(并将其配制的溶液分别保存),然后用碱性染料沙黄水溶液[1]、齐氏石炭酸碱性复红染液[1]和稀释10倍吕氏碱性美蓝染液[1],分别对培养好的枯草芽胞杆菌进行染色,得到较粗、清晰的染色结果。  相似文献   

A quantitative technique is presented for differentiating live and dead yeast cells grown in culture through the use of the fluorescent dye acridine orange. The method gives results that correlate well with those of other commonly used vital staining techniques and is free of certain interpretative errors inherent in them. Vital staining of yeasts with acridine orange also allows for more precise assessment of the physiological state of individual cells and the culture as a whole. The progressive senescence of yeast cells in culture can be monitored by the changing staining characteristics of several subcellular organelles. The method is simple and reliable.  相似文献   

A novel method for cloning of genes coding for cytotoxic molecules based on a cell viability assay is described. The working hypothesis is that expression of DNA sequences coding for cytotoxic molecules in bacterial cells will lead to cell death or impairment, and the isolation of the impaired or dead cells could lead to identification of DNA sequences responsible for debilitating the host cells. We verified this concept by isolating the well known antimicrobial Puroindoline b gene in Escherichia coli cells. We further demonstrated the feasibility to use this approach for isolating DNA encoding for antimicrobials from cDNA expression libraries. Sequence analysis and bioassay indicated that the isolated clones encoded previously characterized antimicrobial proteins (AMPs), proteins not previously characterized as AMPs, as well as novel antimicrobial peptides. In addition, clones harboring ribosomal protein encoding cDNA were also identified. Therefore, this method could also be used to identify host genes important in maintaining bacterial cell viability.  相似文献   

The xylE gene encodes catechol 2,3-dioxygenase, which catalyzes the conversion of catechol to 2-hydroxymuconic semialdehyde. The expression of this gene in eucaryotic cells can be detected simply by addition of catechol to the growth medium of the cells: cells that have a sufficient level of expression of the xylE gene stain yellow because of the accumulation of 2-hydroxymuconic semialdehyde. The number of stained cells is thus dependent upon the transfection efficiency as well as the level of expression of the xylE gene and is a measure of the combined transfection/expression efficiency in a particular cell type. Since the staining procedure does not affect the viability of the culture, the cells can be harvested afterward and analyzed for the expression of other, cotransfected, genes. This system for measuring transfection efficiency is especially useful when only small amounts of tissue are available.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Cutting plant material is essential for observing internal structures and may be difficult for various reasons. Most fixation agents such as aldehydes, as well as embedding resins, do not allow subsequent use of fluorescent staining and make material too soft to make good-quality hand-sections. Moreover, cutting thin roots can be very difficult and time consuming. A new, fast and effective method to provide good-quality sections and fluorescent staining of fresh or fixed root samples, including those of very thin roots (such as Arabidopsis or Noccaea), is described here.


To overcome the above-mentioned difficulties the following procedure is proposed: fixation in methanol (when fresh material cannot be used) followed by en bloc staining with toluidine blue, embedding in 6 % agarose, preparation of free-hand sections of embedded material, staining with fluorescent dye, and observation in a microscope under UV light.

Key Results

Despite eventual slight deformation of primary cell walls (depending on the species and root developmental stage), this method allows effective observation of different structures such as ontogenetic changes of cells along the root axis, e.g. development of xylem elements, deposition of Casparian bands and suberin lamellae in endodermis or exodermis or peri-endodermal thickenings in Noccaea roots.


This method provides good-quality sections and allows relatively rapid detection of cell-wall modifications. Also important is the possibility of using this method for free-hand cutting of extremely thin roots such as those of Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

An indirect fluorescent antibody (FA) staining technique was developed for the rapid detection of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans. The specificity of the FA stain for T. ferrooxidans was demonstrated with both laboratory and environmental samples. Coal refuse examined by scanning electron microscopy exhibited a rough, porous surface, which was characteristically covered by water-soluble crystals. Significant numbers of T. ferrooxidans were detected in the refuse pores. A positive correlation between numbers of T. ferrooxidans and acid production in coal refuse in the laboratory was demonstrated with the FA technique.  相似文献   

Classically bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) purification and silver staining take several days. We designed a simple and fast method for LPS isolation which when combined with silver staining using Pharmacia PhastSystem both can be completed in few hours. The purity of LPS isolated by this simple method may not be comparable to that by the phenol-water method hence we recommend this rapid isolation and staining procedures for simple and fast study of LPS patterns in gels.  相似文献   

Development of a broad-spectrum fluorescent heavy metal bacterial biosensor   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Bacterial biosensors can measure pollution in terms of their actual toxicity to living organisms. A recombinant bacterial biosensor has been constructed that is known to respond to toxic levels of Zn2+, Cd2+ and Hg2+. The zinc regulatory gene zntR and zntA promoter from znt operon of E. coli have been used to trigger the expression of GFP reporter protein at toxic levels of these ions. The sensor was induced with 3–800?ppm of Zn2+, 0.005–4?ppm of Cd2+ and 0.001–0.12?ppm of Hg2+ ions. Induction studies were also performed in liquid media to quantify GFP fluorescence using fluorimeter. To determine the optimum culture conditions three different incubation periods (16, 20 and 24?h) were followed. Results showed an increased and consistent fluorescence in cells incubated for 16?h. Maximum induction for Zn2+, Cd2+ and Hg2+ was observed at 20, 0.005 and 0.002?ppm, respectively. The pPROBE-zntR-zntA biosensor reported here can be employed as a primary screening technique for aquatic heavy metal pollution.  相似文献   

An indirect fluorescent antibody (FA) staining technique was developed for the rapid detection of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans. The specificity of the FA stain for T. ferrooxidans was demonstrated with both laboratory and environmental samples. Coal refuse examined by scanning electron microscopy exhibited a rough, porous surface, which was characteristically covered by water-soluble crystals. Significant numbers of T. ferrooxidans were detected in the refuse pores. A positive correlation between numbers of T. ferrooxidans and acid production in coal refuse in the laboratory was demonstrated with the FA technique.  相似文献   

A method previously developed to stabilize methylene blue vital staining has been applied to toluidine blue, a basic dye with a closely related chemical structure commonly used as a vital stain for the screening of oral and esophageal lesions.The stain was made stable by adding 1% sodium silicotungstate to an aldehyde fixative (formaldehyde or glutaraldehyde). Sections were prepared for light and electron microscopy.  相似文献   

Olivomycin is taken up efficiently by HeLa cells and by rat fibroblast cells at 38.5 °C, but not by BHK cells. On irradiation with light of 425 nm wavelength, the nuclei of living cells that have taken up olivomycin fluoresce. When olivomycin complexes with DNA in solution, the emission spectrum broadens and shifts, the excitation wavelength maximum shifts up 15 nm, and the fluorescence polarization increases. In HeLa and fibroblast cells, the fluorescence characteristics indicate that olivomycin is entirely complexed to DNA, and its rotational mobility indicates that it is complexed to DNA in regions where other components of the chromatin offer no steric hindrance.  相似文献   

Microscopic discrimination between extracellular and invasive, intracellular bacteria is a valuable technique in microbiology and immunology. We describe a novel fluorescence staining protocol, called FITC-biotin-avidin (FBA) staining, which allows the differentiation between extracellular and intracellular bacteria and is independent of specific antibodies directed against the microorganisms. FBA staining of eukaryotic cells infected with Gram-negative bacteria of the genus Neisseria or the Gram-positive pathogen Staphylococcus aureus are employed to validate the novel technique. The quantitative evaluation of intracellular pathogens by the FBA staining protocol yields identical results compared to parallel samples stained with conventional, antibody-dependent methods. FBA staining eliminates the need for cell permeabilization resulting in robust and rapid detection of invasive microbes. Taken together, FBA staining provides a reliable and convenient alternative for the differential detection of intracellular and extracellular bacteria and should be a valuable technical tool for the quantitative analysis of the invasive properties of pathogenic bacteria and other microorganisms.  相似文献   

A rapid, simple method for staining bacterial flagella.   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
A simple modification of Gray's flagellar staining procedure is described. It can be used on air-dried smears or directly on wet mounts of motile bacteria. The stained bacterial flagella can be observed with phase-contrast or bright-field optics. No rigorous cleaning of slides, counterstains, or any washing procedures are required with the staining method, making it very suitable for routine examinations.  相似文献   

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