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The two main species of human hookworm, Ancylostoma duodenale and Necator americanus (Table 1), are together believed to infect about 900 million people - mainly in tropical countries where adequate sanitary facilities may be lacking. But interactions between the two species, and their relative contributions to observed age-related infection patterns and seasonal cycles of transmission, continue to engender controversy. People tend to remain susceptible to infection through-out life, even with constant exposure to the infective stages. So what role does human immunity or resistance play in the epidemiology and control of infection? In this article, Jerzy Behnke reviews the epidemiology of hookworm infection in the light of current understanding of mechanisms involved in host responses to infection and hookworm evasion of those responses. As he stresses, much further work is required.  相似文献   

Extravagant male ornaments expressed during reproduction are almost invariably assumed to be sexually selected and evolve through competition for mating opportunities. Yet in species where male reproductive success depends on the defence of offspring, male ornaments could also evolve through social competition for offspring survival. However, in contrast to female ornaments, this possibility has received little attention in males. We show that a male ornament that is traditionally assumed to be sexually selected—the red nuptial coloration of the three-spined stickleback—is under stronger selection for offspring survival than for mating success. Males express most coloration during parenting, when they no longer attract females, and the colour correlates with nest retention and hatching success but not with attractiveness to females. This contradicts earlier assumptions and suggests that social selection for offspring survival rather than for sexual selection for mating success is the main mechanism maintaining the ornament in the population. These results suggest that we should consider other forms of social selection beyond sexual selection when seeking to explain the function and evolution of male ornaments. An incorrect assignment of selection pressures could hamper our understanding of evolution.  相似文献   

There are two reasons why researchers are interested in the phenotypic relationship between the expression of male secondary sexual characters (SSCs) and ‘ejaculate quality’ (defined as sperm/ejaculate traits that are widely assumed to increase female fertility and/or sperm competitiveness). First, if the relationship is positive then females could gain a direct benefit by choosing more attractive males for fertility assurance reasons (‘the phenotype‐linked fertility’ hypothesis). Second, there is much interest in the direction of the correlation between traits favoured by pre‐copulatory sexual selection (i.e. affecting mating success) and those favoured by post‐copulatory sexual selection (i.e. increasing sperm competitiveness). If the relationship is negative this could lead to the two forms of selection counteracting each other. Theory predicts that the direction of the relationship could be either positive or negative depending on the underlying genetic variance and covariance in each trait, the extent of variation among males in condition (resources available to allocate to reproductive traits), and variation among males in the cost or rate of mating. We conducted a meta‐analysis to determine the average relationship between the expression of behavioural and morphological male secondary sexual characters and four assays of ejaculate quality (sperm number, viability, swimming speed and size). Regardless of how the data were partitioned the mean relationship was consistently positive, but always statistically non‐significant. The only exception was that secondary sexual character expression was weakly but significantly positively correlated with sperm viability (r = 0.07, P < 0.05). There was no significant difference in the strength or direction of the relationship between behavioural and morphological SSCs, nor among relationships using the four ejaculate quality assays. The implications of our findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Recent studies have suggested that structural-based coloration is an honest signal of male genetic and/or conditional quality in sexual selection. However, whether structural coloration functions in intrasexual competition is unknown. We examined whether plumage color functions as a status signal during intrasexual interactions in the red-flanked bushrobin Tarsiger cyanurus; adult males have many blue plumes as structural coloration whereas yearling males and females are olive brown with few blue plumages. Blue males did not always dominate olive-brown males. The number of interactions did not differ with the colors of the two birds involved. The interactions of a blue male and an olive-brown male were less aggressive than those of two blue or of two olive-brown males. In this study, we found that structural plumage coloration may serve as a signal of aggressive intent and lower the escalation level of an aggressive interaction in a manner consistent with hypotheses regarding the evolution of delayed plumage maturation.  相似文献   

The link between parasites and eosinophilia has been known for more than a century, although the role of eosinophils in host protection is still an open issue. Much less appreciated, however, is the concurrent systemic induction of a related cell type, the basophil, in parasitized hosts. To date, little is known about the role of basophils in immunity against parasites, but recent evidence points to a possible crucial role in the initiation of T-helper type 2 responses in the host. In this article, we review the current understanding of parasitic infections and basophils and discuss their putative role in immunity.  相似文献   

Movement s an d habitat use of 7 male and 7 female roe deerCapreolus capreolus (Linnaeus, 1758) were studied by radioteleme try from March 1999 to February 2001. Annual and bimonthly home ranges of males were small (ca 10 ha, 95% kernel), with large overlap among individuals throughout the year. Exclusive core areas (ca 0.4 ha, 25% kernel) were concentrated in the forest, a limited and sought-after resource in the study area. The difference in overlap between male exclusive core areas and female home ranges in the pre-rut and rut periods suggested that females made excursions to search for territorial males during the rut Our results support the mating strategy hypothesis of territorial behaviour Different space use patterns occurred between the sexes, with females apparently playing an active role in mate choice by visiting males at clumps of core areas in the forest.  相似文献   

Pheromones function not only as mate attractors, but they may also relay important information to prospective mates. It has been shown that vertebrates can distinguish, via olfactory mechanisms, major histocompatibility complex types in their prospective mates. However, whether pheromones can transmit information about immunocompetence is unknown. Here, we show that female mealworm beetles (Tenebrio molitor) prefer pheromones from males with better immunocompetence, indicated by a faster encapsulation rate against a novel antigen, and higher levels of phenoloxidase in haemolymph. Thus, the present study indicates that pheromones could transmit information about males' parasite resistance ability and may work as a reliable sexual ornament for female choice.  相似文献   

Rodent urine provides animals with a large amount of information, from the identity of the animal through its physical condition to social status. Many studies therefore focus on rodent urine-marking behaviour and use marking frequency as an indicator of social status or competitive ability. However, marking, like many other aspects of rodent behaviour, may be affected by individual behavioural activity, a factor that has not been examined so far. We therefore studied a relationship between male urine-marking in reaction to another male's marks (standard opponent) and individual personality profile, characterised by behavioural activity in an open field test (OFT). The marking appeared to be consistent and specific for particular individuals as there was a significant positive relationship between individual markings in two different phases of the experiment. The linkage between behavioural activity in the OFT and urine-marking frequency was non-linear (quadratic), which suggested that males with intermediate activity marked more intensively than males from the extremes of the behavioural spectra. The relationship between the opponent's and the tested males' markings was positive, however, we found no statistically significant evidence that the voles would attempt to overmark the opponent. Marking thus seems to have more of a self-advertising than a competitive function in the common vole. Further, as high marking activity is under strong intra- or intersexual selection, the result might suggest a stabilising selection of the personality trait described as behavioural activity in our study.  相似文献   

The common cuckoo (Cuculus canorus) is an obligate brood parasite that mimics the eggs of its hosts. The host-specific egg pattern is thought to be inherited matrilinearly, creating female-only host-specific races. Males are thought not to be adapted to their host and they maintain the species by mating arbitrarily with respect to host specialization of females. However, recent results suggest that male cuckoos may also show host-specific adaptations and these may require assortative mating with respect to host. The calls males produce on the breeding grounds could provide a potential mechanism for assortative mating. We tested whether male cuckoo calls differ more between nearby populations that parasitize different hosts than between distant populations that parasitize the same host. We recorded the calls of geographically distant pairs of populations in Hungary, with each pair consisting of a forest population and a nearby reed bed population. Each habitat is characterized by one main host species for the common cuckoo. Our results show that calls of distant cuckoo populations from the same habitat type are more similar to each other than they are to those of nearby populations from a different habitat. These results suggest that cuckoo calls differ sufficiently to allow recognition of habitat-specific individuals.  相似文献   

The handicap hypothesis of sexual selection predicts that sexual ornaments have evolved heightened condition-dependent expression. The prediction has only recently been subject to experimental investigation. Many of the experiments are of limited value as they: (i) fail to compare condition dependence in sexual ornaments with suitable non-sexual trait controls; (ii) do not adequately account for body size variation; and (iii) typically consider no stress and extreme stress manipulations rather than a range of stresses similar to those experienced in nature. There is also a dearth of experimental studies investigating the genetic basis of condition dependence. Despite the common claim that sexual ornaments are condition-dependent, the unexpected conclusion from our literature review is that there is little support from well-designed experiments.  相似文献   

Microplastics (MPs) are widespread in aquatic environments and have become a critical environmental issue in recent years due to their adverse impacts on the physiology, reproduction, and survival of aquatic animals. Exposure to MPs also has the potential to induce sub‐lethal behavioral changes that can affect individual fitness, but these effects are understudied. Many plastic additives introduced during the manufacture of MPs are known endocrine‐disrupting chemicals (EDCs) that mimic the action of natural hormones, alter sexual and competitive behavior, and impair reproductive success in fish. In addition, EDCs and other aquatic contaminants may adhere to MPs in the environment, the latter of which may serve as transport vectors for these compounds (i.e., the vector hypothesis). In this study, we staged territorial contests between control males, and males exposed to virgin MP particles or to MPs previously immersed in one of two environmentally relevant concentrations of 17‐alpha ethinyl estradiol (EE2; 5 ng/L and 25 ng/L) to evaluate the independent and synergistic effects of exposure to MPs and a common environmental estrogen on male–male aggression and competitive territory acquisition in a freshwater fish, Pimephales promelas. Short‐term (30 days) dietary exposure to MPs did not impair the ability of males to successfully compete for and obtain a breeding territory. Overall levels of aggression in control and exposed males were also similar across trial series. These results help to fill a critical knowledge gap regarding the direct and indirect (vector‐borne) effects of MPs on the reproductive behavior of aquatic vertebrates in freshwater systems.  相似文献   

Color is a common feature of animal defense. Herbivorous insects are often colored in shades of green similar to their preferred food plants, making them difficult for predators to locate. Other insects advertise their presence with bright colors after they sequester enough toxins from their food plants to make them unpalatable. Some insects even switch between cryptic and aposomatic coloration during development.1 Although common in animals, quantitative evidence for color-based defense in plants is rare. After all, the primary function of plant leaves is to absorb light for photosynthesis, rather than reflect light in ways that alter their appearance to herbivores. However, recent research is beginning to challenge the notion that color-based defence is restricted to animals.Key words: aposomatic colouration, cryptic colouration, herbivory, moa, plant defenseTemperate deciduous forests provide what is arguably the most extraordinary display of color in nature. Prior to leaf-fall in autumn, the leaves of many deciduous tree species in Asia, Europe and North America turn red, leading to brilliantly colored landscapes. Once thought to be a by-product of chlorophyll re-absorption prior to leaf abscission, autumn flushes in red leaf colors are now known to result from the active synthesis of red-colored pigments.2,3 Although the exact reason for the production of red-colored pigments prior to leaf-fall is unknown, it has recently been hypothesized to be a form of defense.4 Aphids are common phloem-feeding herbivores in deciduous forests, which disperse from the forest floor into tree crowns in autumn, and the synthesis of red pigments could signal the timing of leaf fall and the reduction in the supply of photosynthate.5,6 Although there are also physiological explanations,7 red leaf colors could be a reliable signal of unpalatably to herbivores.8Lev-Yadun and Holopainen9 recently showed that there are fewer red-colored deciduous tree species in Europe than in North America, and they speculate that historical processes are the cause. During the advance and retreat of glaciers in the Pleistocene, the European Alps would have hindered the movement of plants and their herbivores in response to long-term climate change. Mountain ranges in North America run perpendicular to the equator, which would facilitate these migrations. Therefore, if red leaves are signals to herbivores, geographic differences in leaf pigmentation may be ‘anachronistic’.10 In other words, they may result from historical coevolutionary dynamics between plants and their herbivores, rather than present day selection pressures alone.Despite these important insights, our understanding of color-based defense in plants is in its infancy and progress hinges on quantitative tests in other parts of the globe. Previous work is also restricted largely to aposomatic, or warning colors.11 Given that cryptic coloration is widespread in animals, it might also be common in plants. Yet we are far from determining if this is true.Here, I discuss several New Zealand plant species that seem to be colored in ways that would make them difficult for herbivores to locate. I suggest that these plants are anachronisms; their unusual appearance is the result of selection from flightless browsing birds called moa, which went extinct following the arrival of humans in New Zealand 750 years ago. I also discuss the difficulties associated with testing for cypsis in plants and finish by outlining a methodological approach to test for color-based defense in plants when the putative herbivores are either unknown or extinct.  相似文献   

While there has been considerable interest in female choice for male sexual signals, there have been few studies of the underlying information that different aspects of the signal calls convey. Such studies, however, are essential to understand the significance of signals as honest handicaps, arbitrary Fisherian traits and/or in species recognition. We studied the somewhat exceptional system of audible drumming in the wolf spider Hygrolycosa rubrofasciata. We estimated the repeatabilities of signal components, the levels of between-male variance, the symmetry of the signal, the correlations between different aspects of drumming and their correlations with body weight. While in other taxa the frequency of audible signals may convey honest information of male size, in this species signal frequency was not related to male size and had a low repeatability. The pulse rate within each drum was highly repeatable but had a relatively small between-male coefficient of variation. In previous studies on this species, these traits were not important for male mating success. Among the traits directionally preferred by females, signal volume had considerable repeatability. Signal length was repeatable with high variability between males. In one population, signal length and volume were positively correlated with the rate at which males produced the drumming signals, a trait essential for male mating success. Thus, while signal length may reliably indicate male quality, other signal characteristics such as peak frequency and symmetry were not repeatable or were static and not related to any other male traits. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   


Summary We studied interspecific alarm communication between two species of social wasps in a nesting association in northwestern Costa Rica by testing the alarm responses ofPolybia occidentalis andMischocyttarus immarginatus to venom of both species. This is the first investigation of alarm pheromone in the genusMischocyttarus. M. immarginatus did not respond with alarm behavior to the venom of either species.P. occidentalis, which responds to its own venom with alarm behavior (Jeanne, 1981), also responded with alarm behavior to the venom ofM. immarginatus, but with much less intensity. Since heterospecific venoms did not release species-typical levels of alarm behavior, we conclude that interspecific alarm signalling plays no role in the nesting association.  相似文献   

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