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采用每日定时向密封人工气候室补充CO2的方法,研究了3种CO2浓度(平均浓度分 别为287.11、532.88和780.46 μmol·mol-1)对茴香 (Foeniculum vulgare)生长、精油含量和组分的影响。结果表明:随着CO2浓度的升高,茴香的株高、花序数、花序鲜重、花序干重、全株干重 和植株的干物率均有所上升;植株可溶性糖和全碳含量不断升高,而全氮和蛋白氮含量不断减少;叶色素含量呈下降趋势,叶绿素a/b比的差异 不显著;植株精油含量(分别为1.26、1.45和1.57 ml·(100 g) -1 DW)和单株精油产量(分别为0.019、 0.023和0.033 ml)均随之升高。从茴 香植株的精油中鉴定出22种成分,用不同浓度的CO2处理,精油的成分种类没有差异,成分相对含量却有差别,差异达到极显著水平的有:醎蒎 烯、鈅蒎烯、月桂烯、对聚伞花素、反式葑醇乙酸酯和顺式茴香脑;含量差异达到显著水平的有:香桧烯、水芹烯、罗勒烯、鉥萜品烯、3,4- 二甲基-2,4,6_三烯、爱草脑、葑醇乙酸酯、古巴烯、 金合欢烯和吉玛烯。茴香精油的主要成分反式茴香脑的含量(分别为55.94%、57.20%和 59.5 5%)随着CO2浓度的升高而升高,而柠檬烯含量(29.60%、30.24%和26.12%)表现出相反的趋势,二者在不同的CO2浓度处理之间差异均不 显著。  相似文献   

光照强度对茴香植株生长以及精油的含量和成分的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
测定100%、60%和30%自然光下,茴香生长及其精油含量和组分的结果表明,随着光照强度的提高,茴香株高、最大叶长、最大叶宽、最大叶面积和最大叶鲜重均呈下降趋势;比叶重、真叶数、茴香单株的鲜重和干重、地上部鲜重、地下部鲜重、干物率均呈升高趋势。茴香植株的可溶性糖和全碳含量也均呈升高趋势,全氮含量以60%自然光下的为最高,不同光照强度下的蛋白氮含量差异不显著。茴香的叶绿素a、叶绿素b和类胡萝卜素含量随光照强度的升高均呈下降趋势,而叶绿素a/b比呈升高趋势。茴香精油含量和单株精油产量均随之升高;精油共鉴定出23种成分,不同光照强度下精油成分种类没有差别,但部分种类的相对含量则有一定的差异。随着光照强度的提高,茴香精油的主要成分反式-茴香脑和柠檬烯的含量变化不大,在不同光照强度下二者的差异不显著。  相似文献   

阴离子对球茎茴香生长和精油含量的影响   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
分别用 6 0mmol·L-1浓度的HCO-3 、Cl-、SO2 -4复合盐处理定植后的球茎茴香 ,结果Cl-对生长的影响不明显 ,HCO-3 和SO2 -4处理的生长略差些 ,但植株中Na 、Ca2 、Mg2 含量均增加 ,全氮、全磷和K 的含量则都下降。精油含量以Cl-处理的为最高 ,SO2 -4的次之 ,HCO-3 的无变化。Cl-和SO2 -4的精油含量增加主要是烯的增加  相似文献   

 采用每日定时向密封人工气候室补充CO2的方法,研究了3种CO2浓度(平均浓度分 别为287.11、532.88和780.46 μmol·mol-1)对茴香 (Foeniculum vulgare)生长、精油含量和组分的影响。结果表明:随着CO2浓度的升高,茴香的株高、花序数、花序鲜重、花序干重、全株干重 和植株的干物率均有所上升;植株可溶性糖和全碳含量不断升高,而全氮和蛋白氮含量不断减少;叶色素含量呈下降趋势,叶绿素a/b比的差异 不显著;植株精油含量(分别为1.26、1.45和1.57 ml·(100 g) -1 DW)和单株精油产量(分别为0.019、 0.023和0.033 ml)均随之升高。从茴 香植株的精油中鉴定出22种成分,用不同浓度的CO2处理,精油的成分种类没有差异,成分相对含量却有差别,差异达到极显著水平的有:醎蒎 烯、鈅蒎烯、月桂烯、对聚伞花素、反式葑醇乙酸酯和顺式茴香脑;含量差异达到显著水平的有:香桧烯、水芹烯、罗勒烯、鉥萜品烯、3,4- 二甲基-2,4,6_三烯、爱草脑、葑醇乙酸酯、古巴烯、 金合欢烯和吉玛烯。茴香精油的主要成分反式茴香脑的含量(分别为55.94%、57.20%和 59.5 5%)随着CO2浓度的升高而升高,而柠檬烯含量(29.60%、30.24%和26.12%)表现出相反的趋势,二者在不同的CO2浓度处理之间差异均不 显著。  相似文献   

茴香菖蒲精油化学成分的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
程菊英  唐改福   《广西植物》1985,(1):38-42
利用色谱—质谱联用方法,结合薄层层析、气相层析、红外和核磁共振光谱等鉴定了茴香菖蒲全株的精油成分为:α-派烯,β-水芹烯,伪柠檬烯,异龙脑,胡椒酚甲醚,大茴香脑,榄香烯,β-石竹烯等17种以上。为进一步开发利用茴香菖蒲精油提供科学依据。  相似文献   

开花后光照长度对大豆农艺性状的影响   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
在人工控制条件下,研究了开花后的光照长度对大豆农艺性状的影响及大豆不同发育阶段长度与农艺性状的相关性.结果表明,开花后长日照可提高大豆的干物质积累量,在正常成熟的前提下可明显提高产量.试验进一步证明鼓粒期长度与粒重和产量呈正相关,花荚期长度对产量形成相当重要.认为东北大豆花荚期及以前的长日照有助于干物质的积累和较多花荚数量的形成,鼓粒开始后迅速缩短的日照条件可促进干物质向籽粒的运转,并加快籽粒的整齐成熟.  相似文献   

缩短光照对貉冬毛生长的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
貉是一种季节性换毛动物。其毛被的生长受光因子的影响。自然光照条件下4—8月间冬季绒毛陆续脱落,新生绒毛于7—11月间生长和逐渐成熟。冬季针毛在6月开始脱落,同时新生针毛开始生长,于10月下旬成熟,因此貉在夏季是以稀疏、粗硬的针毛和稀短的绒毛组成毛被。本文用控光的方法研究了貉冬毛生长的规律,得到了缩短光照时间能诱导毛皮提前32天成熟的结果并表现出较自然光照条件下毛皮生长成熟期缩短的趋勢。  相似文献   

湿度和光照对桑白盾蚧种群生长的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文分析了 4组不同湿度和 3组光照条件下桑白盾蚧 Pseudaulacapis pentagona(Targioni-Tozzetti)的种群生长状况 ,组建生命表。相对湿度在 55% ,77% ,80 % ,95%时 ,种群的内禀增长率分别为 :- 0 .0 0 57,0 .0 510 ,0 .0 50 8,0 .0 0 94 ;净增殖率分别为 :0 .6 92 0 ,2 7.2 10 0 ,2 7.6 6 80 ,1.86 0 6 ;后 3者世代增倍时间分别为 13.5910 ,13.6 4 4 6 ,73.7391天 ;光周期在 L∶D=14∶ 10 ,12∶ 12时 ,种群内禀增长率分别为 :0 .0 4 4 5,0 .0 334,净增殖率分别为 2 3.96 2 8,12 .156 2 ,增倍时间为 15.576 3,2 0 .752 0天 ,而 L∶D=10∶ 14时 ,净增殖率为 0 ,内禀增长率和增倍时间都不存在 ,种群将消亡。  相似文献   

螺旋藻是一种经济价值很高的微藻。针对螺旋藻的高光效性,在不同波长LED灯照射下,研究光照对螺旋藻生长速率的影响。结果表明,在螺旋藻的养殖中,经过红光(650-675 nm)、绿光(522-532 nm)和蓝光(465-475 nm)处理后,获得最大螺旋藻的干物质含量分别为1.232 g/L、1.195 g/L、0.742 g/L;红光处理过的螺旋藻生长速度最快,所得的干物质含量比对照样增加了66.04%。  相似文献   

光照对水生动物摄食、生长和存活的影响   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
在水生动物生存的环境中,光是一个复杂的生态因子,它有多方面的生态作用,直接或间接地影响动物的摄食、生长和存活等。目前,光照对水生动物在这方面影响的研究尚处于资料积累阶段,本文总结这方面的研究概况,以期对这方面的工作有所帮助。    相似文献   

We investigated the wound healing efficacy of the Foeniculum vulgare compounds, fenchone and limonene, using an excisional cutaneous wound model in rats. An excision wound was made on the back of the rat and fenchone and limonene were applied topically to the wounds once daily, separately or together, for 10 days. Tissue sections from the wounds were evaluated for histopathology. The healing potential was assessed by comparison to an untreated control group and an olive oil treated sham group. We scored wound healing based on epidermal regeneration, granulation tissue thickness and angiogenesis. After day 6, wound contraction with limonene was significantly better than for the control group. Ten days after treatment, a significant increase was observed in wound contraction and re-epithelialization in both fenchone and limonene oil treated groups compared to the sham group. Groups treated with fenchone and with fenchone + limonene scored significantly higher than the control group, but the difference was not statistically significant compared to the olive oil treated group. Our findings support the beneficial effects of fenchone and limonene for augmenting wound healing. The anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial activities of fenchone and limonene oil increased collagen synthesis and decreased the number of inflammatory cells during wound healing and may be useful for treating skin wounds.  相似文献   

水分胁迫对茅苍术根茎生长及挥发油含量的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过控制茅苍术[Atractylodes lancea(Thunb.)DC.]不同生长期的土壤含水量,研究了轻度和重度干旱胁迫与涝渍胁迫对茅苍术根茎生长及挥发油含量的影响。结果表明,在不同生长期,茅苍术根茎生长和挥发油成分含量对不同土壤水分条件的反应不同,其中生殖生长期对水分胁迫较敏感,干旱和涝渍胁迫均会导致根茎生长量和挥发油含量下降。水分胁迫对茅苍术根茎生长量和挥发油含量的影响效应是一致的,导致根茎生长量显著下降的水分条件可使挥发油含量下降,对根茎生长量影响不显著的水分条件则有利于挥发油成分的积累。在果后期进行适当的涝渍胁迫(土壤含水量35.5%~38.5%)有利于茅苍术根茎生长和挥发油含量的提高。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the accuracy and transferability of near-infrared (NIR) calibrations for estimating the content and composition of the volatile fraction in fennel fruits (Foeniculum vulgare Miller) as an example of medicinal and spice plants. A master calibration with spectra obtained on a scanning monochromator was generated using 345 samples from three different harvests (1997-1999). A subset of 70 samples from 1999 was also measured on a dispersive grating and a scanning diode array system to gain an insight into the influence of sample presentation and scanning techniques. For all instruments, calibrations with standard errors in the range of the reference method were achieved. Furthermore the influence of storage on NIR spectra and, additionally, the potential of transferring spectra between both scanning monochromators was studied.  相似文献   

The percentage and the rate of germination of seeds of three varieties of Florence fennel was higher in the dark than in the light, the high temperature cut-off points being between 27.2 and 29.4°C. The optimum temperature for germination was between 20 and 25°C. Seeds of all three varieties responded to incubation in solutions containing gibberellin A4/7 mixture (GA4/7; Regulex), giving higher germination in the light at temperatures from 20 to 30°C. Seeds steeped for 4 h at 25°C or for 24 h at 5°C in GA4/7 solutions gave a higher percentage and increased rate of emergence as compared with untreated dry seeds, when sown in compost at 25°C; steeping in water alone was also beneficial. In general, drying the treated seeds before sowing reduced the rate but sometimes increased the percentage of germination as compared with seeds sown when still moist. Seeds harvested from secondary umbels of var. Zefa fino germinated better both in the light and dark than those taken from primary umbels.Abbreviations GA4/7 a commercial mixture of the gibberellins A4 and A7 (trade name Regulex)  相似文献   

A trial was conducted to examine the effect of cinnamon essential oil supplementation on lamb growth performance and meat quality. Sixteen male lambs were randomly assigned to two groups. The first group served as control and was given a basal diet, and the second group was given the same diet supplemented with cinnamon oil (1 ml/kg of concentrated feed) for 35 days. Incorporation of cinnamon oil did not affect growth performance (P>0.05). Meat pH, colour, water-holding capacity, shear force, intramuscular fat and lipid oxidation values of longissimus thoracis muscle were not significantly influenced by cinnamon oil supplementation (P>0.05). The post-inoculation counts of Salmonella enteritidis and Listeria monocytogenes on raw meat during refrigerated storage for 6 days did not differ (P>0.05) between the two groups. The results show that cinnamon oil supplementation may not have the potential to improve lamb growth performance and meat quality characteristics.  相似文献   

An environment friendly technique is desirable for enhancing of crop production. In this study, seeds of cumin (Cuminum cyminum L.) Yazd accession were treated with 0, 150 mT, 250 mT, 500 mT and 1 T magnetic field strengths for min and germination parameters were determined. All of the treatments improved germination parameters and seedling growth as compared with the control. However, 500 and 150 mT were the most effective treatments and thus selected for field studies. Seeds were exposed to 150 mT and 500 mT static magnetic field of strengths for 12 min, planted in the field during 2010–2012 in Isfahan, Iran. Static magnetic field treatment shortened the days to emergence, flowering and maturity, increased chlorophyll and reduced proline contents. Highest biological, seed and essential oil yield, oil content, and oil yield were recorded under 500 mT followed by 150 mT and control, respectively. The results suggested that the pretreatment of cumin seeds with static magnetic field can improve germination, growth and oil and essential contents of the cumin seed under the field.  相似文献   

林业有害植物豚草挥发油GC-MS成分分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对豚草新鲜枝叶进行水蒸气蒸馏,应用色质分析(GC-MS)方法,对林业有害植物豚草挥发成份进行鉴定及定量分析,鉴定出28种化合物,为探讨豚草能分布于不同的水分和热量带并使其他植物受害的机制提供了依据。  相似文献   

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