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OBJECTIVE: To test the hypothesis that a baby''s survival is related to the mother''s birth weight. DESIGN: Population based dataset for two generations. SETTING: Population registry in Norway. SUBJECTS: All birth records for women born in Norway since 1967 were linked to births during 1981-94, thereby forming 105104 mother-offspring units. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Perinatal mortality specific for weight for offspring in groups of maternal birth weight (with 500 g categories in both). RESULTS: A mother''s birth weight was strongly associated with the weight of her baby. Maternal birth weight was associated with perinatal survival of her baby only for mothers with birth weights under 2000 g. These mothers were more likely to lose a baby in the perinatal period (odds ratio 2.3, 95% confidence interval 1.4 to 3.7). Among mothers with a birth weight over 2000 g there was no overall association between mother''s weight and infant survival. There was, however, a strong interaction between mother''s birth weight, infant birth weight, and infant survival. Mortality among small babies was much higher for those whose mothers had been large at birth. For example, babies weighing 2500-2999 g had a threefold higher mortality if their mother''s birth weight had been high (> or = 4000 g) than if the mother had been small (2500-2999 g). CONCLUSION: Mothers who weighed less than 2000 g at birth have a higher risk of losing their own babies. For mothers who weighed > or = 2000 g their birth weight provides a benchmark for judging the growth of their offspring. Babies who are small relative to their mother''s birth weight are at increased risk of mortality.  相似文献   

Twenty couples whose newborn baby had an open myelomeningocoele were given a detailed account of the baby''s clinical state and likely future by the paediatrician. They each said how they wanted their child treated. I believe a high percentage of parents would like to be involved in the decision on how to treat their spina bifida baby. When parents are given all the facts (including an interpretation of the clinical assessment) by an experienced doctor—and who better for the job than the paediatrician—then the chances of reaching the right decision for child and family which that joint consultation offers are greater than when the doctor has to act as adviser and sole adjudicator.  相似文献   

A prospective study was designed to investigate the weaning practices of 50 primiparous mothers whose babies were born between September 1976 and March 1978. The question whether the age of weaning influenced growth from birth to 6 months was also considered. The mothers and babies were seen in hospital and then at a follow-up clinic at 1, 2, 3, and 6 months. Details were taken of feeding practices, and measurements made of the babies'' weight, length, and subscapular and triceps skinfold thicknesses. Seventeen infants who were breastfed received their first solid food at a mean age of 13.8 weeks, compared with 8.3 weeks for the 33 bottle-fed infants. Most (38) mothers weaned because they though their babies were hungry (crying after a feed or demanding more frequent feeds, or both). The age of weaning did not influence weight gain, growth in length, or change in skinfold thicknesses. The results suggest that the "4-month rule" for weaning is unrealistic. The decision to wean should be based more on the mother''s interpretation of her baby''s needs than on age alone.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To determine whether signs of illness reported by parents can be used to identify babies at risk from the sudden infant death syndrome. DESIGN--A two year prospective case-controlled study based in a geographically defined area. SETTING--Four health districts in Avon and north Somerset. SUBJECTS--Babies who had died suddenly and unexpectedly aged between 1 week and 2 years (index babies) and two control babies for each index baby selected from the same health visitor''s list and matched for age, time of year of the interview, and area of residence. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Major and minor signs of illness during two weeks before the index babies'' death, or before the interview for control babies, and consultations with the general practitioner during the same period. RESULTS--Parents reported major and minor signs of illness in the previous week in 66 of the 95 index babies compared with 77 of the 190 controls. No significant difference was found in the incidence of major signs reported (34 out of 95 index babies and 44 out of 190 controls), but a higher proportion of the index babies had been seen by their general practitioner during the previous week (17/95 v 11/190). CONCLUSION--Major and minor signs of illness are neither a sensitive nor a specific indicator of sudden unexpected death of infants and have no predictive value. Better understanding of the reasons why a higher proportion of parents of babies who died took them to their general practitioners may help to identify babies at risk before death.  相似文献   

Disgust is a powerful behavioral adaptation, which confers the advantage of reducing the risk of pathogen infection. However, there are situations in which disgust at core elicitors (e.g., feces) must be modulated in the service of other goals (e.g., caring for a close kin). In Study 1, mothers of infants completed a self-report questionnaire about their reactions to changing their baby's feces-soiled diaper compared with the diaper of someone else's baby. In Study 2, mothers of infants were presented with a series of trials in which they smelled concealed samples of their own baby's feces-soiled diaper and those of someone else's baby. In addition, labels were used to identify the source of the sample (correctly labeled, mislabeled, or no label). Both studies provide evidence suggesting that mothers regard their own baby's fecal smell as less disgusting than that from someone else's baby. Furthermore, labeling had relatively little influence on this effect, and the effect persisted when social desirability was controlled.  相似文献   

Mothers of a random sample of 2182 legitimate live births were interviewed about their experiences of pregnancy, labour, and delivery. Of these, 24% reported that their labours were induced, and data about this from a subsample of mothers tallied with information obtained through the doctors in charge in 88% of cases. All but 3% of the mothers who were induced perceived some medical reason for the induction. The proportion of inductions in the 24 study areas ranged from 6% to 39%. A relatively small proportion of labours in “teaching” hospitals, small hospitals with less than 100 beds, and GP maternity hospitals were induced, but a comparatively high proportion of private patients had an induction. There was no clear association between induction and the mother''s age or parity. Despite being given more pain relief, those who were induced reported similar intensities of pain during the first and second stages of labour to those whose labour started spontaneously; they also reported that they had “bad pains” for a similar period. The period they had contractions was shorter for the induced than for those starting spontaneously, and the intensity of pain at delivery was rated somewhat less by those who were induced.There was no difference between induced babies and others in the proportion who were held by their mothers immediately after their birth. Two-fifths of the mothers who were induced would have liked more information about induction; and a similar proportion said they had not discussed induction with a doctor, midwife, or nurse during their pregnancy. Only 17% of the mothers who had an induction said they would prefer to be induced if they had another baby. This contrasts with 63% of those who had epidural analgesia who would opt for the same procedure next time, while 83% of those who had had a baby in hospital, and 91% of those having had a home birth, would want their next baby in the same type of place.  相似文献   

We observed 55 inpatients with "do-not-resuscitate" (DNR) orders to determine what happened to their DNR status after hospital discharge. All were admitted to the medical service of a Department of Veterans Affairs hospital. Of the 55 patients, 16 died in the hospital, 10 were discharged to inpatient hospice units, and 1 was transferred to an acute care hospital. An additional 19 patients were discharged to nursing homes. The other 9 patients (16% of the total) survived their hospital stays; 6 successful contacts were made with patients'' spouses. In 1 case the spouse thought a DNR order was no longer desirable. In the other 5 cases the spouse said the DNR status was "probably" or "definitely" still warranted, but only 1 spouse had a written DNR order at home. We contacted 9 of the 14 house officers who had cared for the patients in hospital. Only 2 had ever written a DNR order after hospital discharge. Two house officers said they routinely discussed with family members a patient''s expected dying process at home. Unwanted resuscitation is as undesirable at home as in the hospital. Physicians should discuss future resuscitation procedures with patients who have DNR orders at the time of hospital discharge. Physicians, paramedic service directors, and policymakers also should develop protocols and standardized home DNR orders so that paramedics can honor the wishes of patients in the prehospital setting.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To determine parent''s views on how death of their children should have been handled. DESIGN--Retrospective questionnaire survey of parents who had experienced death of their child. SETTING--Charitable organisation of bereaved parents. SUBJECTS--150 bereaved parents, all members of the organisation, of whom 120 (80%) participated voluntarily in the study. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Child''s age; date and cause of death; details of person breaking the news and handling of the interview; time parents spent with dead child, their attitude to requests for organ donation, and follow up support received. RESULTS--122 children''s deaths were described; the largest single group was due to road traffic accidents, 16 were suicides, and eight were murders. Twice as many interviews were rated as sympathetically or reasonably handled as badly or offensively handled (68 v 34). The interview ratings depended on the sensitivity and personal skills of the interviewers rather than on their previous contact or professional position; police were rated as more sympathetic than doctors and nurses. Of 109 respondents, 81 had seen their child''s body, 44 of whom thought that sufficient time had been denied. Of the 28 parents who did not see the body, 17 subsequently stated their regret. In 82 parents organ donation had not been discussed. Only 16 parents recorded any follow up support from hospital staff and very few support at the time. CONCLUSIONS--The consistency of the responses suggests a serious need to revise the in service training and education of the police and health professionals in their approach to informing of death; organ donation should be discussed sensitively and parents allowed time with their dead child with fewer restrictions.  相似文献   

Fifty children referred to the Park Hospital because of actual or threatened abuse were compared with 50 controls born at the same maternity hospital. Five factors were significantly more common in the abused group than among their controls: (a) mother aged under 20 at birth of first child, (b) evidence of emotional disturbance, (c) referral of family to hospital social worker, (d) baby''s admission to special care baby unit, (e) recorded concern over the mother''s ability to care for child. Thirty-five of the abused group had two or more of these factors compared with only five of the control group. As these data were collected from information recorded routinely at the maternity hospital, it is possible to identify most abusing families when the child is born. Such identification must lead to a comprehensive assessment of each case followed by constructive preventive action.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To collect data from a cohort of women requesting a home birth and examine the experience and outcome of pregnancy, the indications for hospital transfer, and the attitudes of mothers, midwives, and general practitioners. DESIGN: Follow up study with anonymised postal questionnaires. SETTING: Northern Regional Health Authority area. SUBJECTS: The 256 women resident in the Northern region who expected to deliver in 1993 and whose request for a home birth became known to one of the local supervisors of midwives. Limited cross validating information was also collected retrospectively on all other women delivering a baby outside hospital in 1993. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Rate of and reason for transferred care; maternal, midwifery, and general practitioner views; perinatal outcome. RESULTS: Five women miscarried, leaving 251 in the study. Of these, 142 (57%) delivered at home. There were 17 (7%) caesarean sections but no perinatal deaths. General practitioners had reservations about half of the booking requests. Two thirds of the women thought they had not been offered any option about place of birth, 74 (29%) were referred to hospital for delivery before the onset of labour, and 35 (14%) were referred to hospital during labour. Intrapartum transfers were uneventful, and half the mothers commented spontaneously that they valued having spent even part of their labour at home. CONCLUSIONS: Home birth is valued for its family setting. General practitioners'' support is sought and influential but uncommon, possibly because of a lack of understanding of the responsibilities of the midwife and general practitioner.  相似文献   

Skinfold thickness measurements were made at biceps, triceps, subscapular, and suprailiac sites on both sides on 265 full-term newborn infants. The mothers were classified as thin (25), normal (179), or obese (61) on the basis of their triceps skinfold thicknesses. At all skinfold sites the babies of the obese mothers were significantly fatter than the babies of normal mothers, and the babies of the normal mothers were significantly fatter than those of the thin mothers. There was a highly significant positive correlation between maternal triceps thickness and the baby''s sum of skinfold thicknesses. Hypertension was common during the pregnancies of the obese mothers and was associated with a significant reduction in the babies'' skinfold thicknesses. When each of the 61 obese mothers were matched for parity, blood pressure, and smoking habit with 61 non-obese mothers the babies of the obese mothers still had significantly greater skinfold thicknesses than the babies of non-obese mothers.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To assess the preference of terminally ill patients with cancer for their place of final care. DESIGN--Prospective study of randomly selected patients with cancer from hospital and the community who were expected to die within a year. Patients expected to live less than two months were interviewed at two week intervals; otherwise patients were interviewed monthly. Their main carer was interviewed three months after the patient''s death. SETTING--District general hospital, hospices, and patients'' homes. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE--Stated preferred place of final care; actual place of death; reason for final hospital admission for those in hospital; community care provision required for home care. RESULTS--Of 98 patients approached, 84 (86%) agreed to be interviewed, of whom 70 (83%) died during the study and 59 (84%) stated a preferred place of final care: 34 (58%) wished to die at home given existing circumstances, 12 (20%) in hospital, 12 (20%) in a hospice, and one (2%) elsewhere. Their own home was the preferred place of care for 17 (94%) of the patients who died there, whereas of the 32 patients who died in hospital 22 (69%) had stated a preference to die elsewhere. Had circumstances been more favourable 67% (41) of patients would have preferred to die at home, 16% (10) in hospital, and 15% (9) in hospice. CONCLUSION--With a limited increase in community care 50% more patients with cancer could be supported to die at home, as they and their carers would prefer.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To review the outcome of liver transplantation in babies aged less than 1 year. DESIGN--Prospective evaluation of survival, clinical complications, and nutritional and developmental status before and one year after liver transplantation. SETTING--The Children''s Hospital and Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham. SUBJECTS--All 25 babies who received liver transplantation from January 1989 to December 1992 were included. Median age was 9 months and median weight was 7.0 kg. Seven babies were assessed but were not given transplants because they died while on the waiting list (two) or had severe extrahepatic disease (five). RESULTS--24 babies had severe decompensated liver disease and 20 were severely malnourished despite nutritional support. Six babies received a whole liver graft and 19 received a reduction hepatectomy. Postoperative complications included primary nonfunction of the transplanted liver (one baby), hepatic artery thrombosis (two), biliary obstruction (seven), acute and chronic rejection (six), and sepsis (18). Three babies required a second transplant; all survived. Three babies, two of whom presented with fulminant hepatic failure, died. The overall actuarial survival rate (4 months to 4 years) is 88%. Review at 12 months showed a dramatic improvement in growth (p < 0.001) and normal psychosocial development with good quality of life. CONCLUSION--The improvement in survival rates and quality of life in this group of very sick babies is related not only to the development of reduction hepatectomy but also to advances in medical and nursing expertise. Early referral for liver transplantation is justified even if babies are critically ill.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To evaluate screening for abnormalities of the fetal renal tract by ultrasonography and to determine the incidence of such abnormalities in a population. DESIGN--A 12 month prospective population study. Follow up of infants to between 9 and 18 months. SETTING--A district general hospital. PARTICIPANTS--6292 Pregnant women reaching 28 weeks'' gestation within the study period. INTERVENTIONS--Antenatal ultrasound scanning was offered to all of the women. Babies in whom an abnormality of the renal tract had been detected antenatally underwent ultrasound scanning at the end of the first week. If the abnormality was confirmed contrast radiography was performed. END POINT--Confirmation of suspected renal abnormality by postnatal investigations. Detection of abnormality in children thought to be normal antenatally. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS--Of the 92 babies who had abnormal antenatal scans, 42 had abnormalities confirmed postnatally. Four of them died and 21 had had or were awaiting an operation at 18 months'' follow up. Seven children had renal abnormalities that were missed antenatally. The incidence of abnormalities detected by screening antenatally was 0.65%, and the overall incidence at 18 months'' follow up was 0.76%. CONCLUSIONS--The incidence of structural renal abnormalities in babies is higher than reported previously. Antenatal ultrasonography is an effective way of detecting such abnormalities.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the changing prognosis for babies of less than 28 weeks'' gestation. DESIGN: A prospective, collaborative, population based survey. SETTING: The former Northern Regional Health Authority. SUBJECTS: All the births between 1983 and 1994 at 22 to 27 completed weeks'' gestation to women normally resident in the region. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Miscarriage, stillbirth, death in the first year of life, and disability in survivors. RESULTS: There were 479070 registered births in the study period. No baby of 22 weeks'' gestation survived; only eight (4%) of the 197 babies of 23 weeks who were alive at the onset of labour survived for a year-a proportion that did not change during the study period. Survival among other babies of less than 28 weeks improved progressively between 1983-6 and 1991-4, but administration of artificial surfactant to babies requiring ventilation from mid-1990 was associated with further improvement in survival only in those over 25 weeks'' gestation. Babies of 24 weeks required three times as much high dependency care per survivor as babies of 27 weeks (76 v 26 days). The rate of severe disability in the one year survivors of less than 26 weeks'' gestation (30/123; 24%) was similar to that seen in the sampled survivors of 26 and 27 weeks (29/108; 27%); the proportion disabled did not change significantly during the study period. All the children born in 1983, 1987, and 1991 were later reassessed in greater detail: 10% (13/136) seemed destined for a continuing life of total dependency. CONCLUSIONS: Gestation, if accurately assessed, can give a woman facing very preterm delivery a clear indication of the prognosis for her baby and help her judge the appropriateness of accepting obstetric intervention and sustained perinatal support.  相似文献   

Parents and family doctors were questioned about the management of 150 infants with acute illness before their admission to hospital. When 108 of the children were first assessed the family doctor did not consider that admission was necessary, but follow-up was arranged in only 14 of these cases. Thus in 94 cases the initiative for recall was left to the parents, who in 44 cases already wanted their child to be admitted. Forty-eight infants were referred because the doctors thought that the parents could not cope. The parents of 31 of the children delayed in seeking help. As over half the children were ill for more than three days before they were admitted to hospital, regular follow-up could have been arranged. Doctors should normally retain the initiative for this rather than leave it to the parents'' discretion.  相似文献   

An outbreak of gastroenteritis due to Salmonella virchow occurred in a maternity hospital in the Midlands in October–November 1968. Twenty-six babies and six mothers were infected. Fifteen of the babies had diarrhoea and 10 of these were in the special care baby unit The only fatal case was that of an infant with gross congenital malformations.The outbreak followed the admission of a patient to the delivery suite who was subsequently shown to be a symptomless excreter of S. virchow. A major factor in the spread of this organism is thought to have been heavy environmental contamination resulting from diarrhoea due to infection of her newborn baby.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To explore the attitudes of parents to measuring their babies'' rectal temperature. DESIGN--Qualitative study using unstructured interviews of parents given "Baby Check," a scoring system designed to assess severity of illness in babies that includes measurement of rectal temperature. SETTING--One inner city general practice in Newcastle upon Tyne. SUBJECTS--42 parents of 34 babies under 6 months old. RESULTS--Parents were reluctant to measure rectal temperature in their babies; 37 parents spontaneously raised concerns. Fifteen did not undertake measurement, 16 did so once only, and 11 did so more than once. Parents'' concerns included a fear of hurting their child, anxieties about sexual intimacy and abuse, difficulty in comforting their child, and concern for their child''s feelings. Most (33) substituted axillary measurement. CONCLUSIONS--Parents'' preference for the axillary method of measuring temperature and resistance to using a rectal method in their children was based on several concerns. If parents are to be encouraged to use the rectal method of measuring temperature in sick babies any benefits must be set against the generation of considerable parental anxiety and the resources that would be necessary to negotiate with parents and change their views.  相似文献   

Reduction in maternal mortality, infant mortality, and infant morbidity have been successively the goals of perinatal medicine. The fourth is to reduce bonding failure. In July 1978 a preventive service was started in the John Radcliffe Maternity Hospital. A twice-weekly round is made. Midwives refer families who cause them concern. In the first year the referral rate ws 20.5 per 1000 liveborn babies. The referred sample differed from the hospital population in terms of maternal psychiatric history, marital state and babies'' admission to special care. The main reasons for referral were: doubt about parenting ability (27%), psychiatric history (15%), disturbed behaviour in hospital (14%), and diffuse social and medical problems (17%). Long-term care was needed for only 14% of families. At their first birthdays, six babies were placed away from their natural parents; the sample had had a slightly higher than expected admission rate to hospital; the distribution of weights did not differ from the expected; doctors and health visitors were still concerned about one-quarter of the families. Seven cases of screening failure were found among those not referred to our service, but only one was seriously abused. No child referred in the first year has been seriously neglected or abused.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To determine the effect of discharge information given to general practitioners on their management of newly discharged elderly patients. DESIGN--A random sample of 133 elderly patients who had unplanned readmission to a district general hospital within 28 days of discharge was compared with a matched control sample of patients who were not readmitted. Information was gathered from the hospital, the patients, the carers, and the general practitioners about the information that the hospital had sent the general practitioner and the general practitioners'' response to this information. SETTING--All specialties in a district general hospital. PATIENTS--266 Patients aged over 65 representative in the main demographic indices of the population of elderly patients admitted to hospital. RESULTS--Ten weeks after discharge the doctors had received notice of discharge about 169 of the patients, but fewer than half the discharge notices were received within the first week. General practitioners were dissatisfied with the information in 60 cases. A general practitioner visited 174 of the patients after their discharge from hospital and three quarters of the visits took place within two weeks of the discharge. These visits were more likely to have been initiated by patients or families than by the doctor, and this was not influenced by the doctor receiving notice of the patient''s discharge. Older patients and those who had carers were the most likely to be visited. Nearly half of the carers were dissatisfied with some aspect of general practitioner care, problems with home visiting being the commonest source of complaint. CONCLUSIONS--Hospital communications to general practitioners about the discharge of elderly patients still cause concern, particularly in the time they take to arrive. Written instruction to vulnerable elderly patients asking them to inform their general practitioner of the discharge might be helpful. Carers complained of lack of support, and it is clearly important for someone (either the general practitioner or another health worker) to visit elderly people shortly after their discharge.  相似文献   

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