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OBJECTIVE--To see whether low dose thiazide diuretics given to patients with essential hypertension might avoid the adverse metabolic consequences seen with conventional doses. DESIGN--Double blind randomised crossover study of two 12 week treatment periods with either low dose (1.25 mg) or conventional dose (5.0 mg) bendrofluazide given after a six week placebo run in period. SETTING--Outpatient clinics serving the greater Belfast area. SUBJECTS--16 white non-diabetic patients (9 male) under 65 with essential hypertension recruited from general practices within the greater Belfast area. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Systolic and diastolic blood pressure and peripheral and hepatic insulin action. RESULTS--One man failed to complete the study. There were no differences between doses in their effects on systolic and diastolic blood pressure. Bendrofluazide 1.25 mg had substantially less effect on serum potassium concentration than the 5.0 mg dose. There were no intertreatment differences in fasting glucose, insulin, cholesterol, and triglyceride concentrations. Bendrofluazide 5.0 mg significantly increased postabsorptive endogenous glucose production compared with baseline (mean 10.9 (SD 1.2) v 10.0 (0.8) mumol/kg/min), whereas bendrofluazide 1.25 mg did not. Postabsorptive endogenous glucose production was significantly higher with bendrofluazide 5.0 mg compared with 1.25 mg (10.9 (1.2) v 9.9 (0.8) mumol/kg/min) but was suppressed to a similar extent after insulin (bendrofluazide 5.0 mg 2.8 (1.5) mumol/kg/min v bendrofluazide 1.25 mg 2.2 (1.5) mumol/kg/min). Exogenous glucose infusion rates required to maintain euglycaemia were not significantly different between doses and were similar to baseline. CONCLUSIONS--Bendrofluazide 1.25 mg is as effective as conventional doses but has less adverse metabolic effect. In contrast with conventional doses, low dose bendrofluazide has no effect on hepatic insulin action. There is no difference between low and conventional doses of bendrofluazide in their effect on peripheral insulin sensitivity.  相似文献   

The induction of reciprocal translocation in rhesus monkey spermatogonial stem cells was studied following exposure to low doses of acute X rays (0.25 Gy, 300 mGy/min) or to low-dose-rate X rays (1 Gy, 2 mGy/min) and gamma rays (1 Gy, 0.2 mGy/min). The results obtained at 0.25 Gy of X rays fitted exactly the linear extrapolation down from the 0.5 and 1.0 Gy points obtained earlier. Extension of X-ray exposure reduced the yield of translocations similar to that in the mouse by about 50%. The reduction to 40% of translocation rate after chronic gamma exposure was clearly less than the value of about 80% reported for the mouse over the same range of dose rates. Differential cell killing with ensuing differential elimination of aberration-carrying cells is the most likely explanation for the differences between mouse and monkey.  相似文献   

A new model (Random Coincidence Model--Radiation Adapted (RCM-RA)) is proposed which explains a possible pseudo threshold for stochastic radiation effects. It describes the formation of cancer in the case of multistep fixation of lesions in the critical regions of tumor associated genes such as proto-oncogenes or tumor-suppressor genes. The RCM-RA contains two different possibilities of DNA damage to complementary nucleotides. The damage may be caused either by radiation or by natural processes such as cellular radicals or thermal damage or by chemical cytotoxins. The model is based on the premise that radiation initially is bionegative, damaging organisms at their different levels of organization. The radiation, however, also induces various cellular radioprotective mechanisms which decrease the damage by natural processes. Considering both effects together, the theory explains apparent thresholds in the dose-response relation for radiation carcinogenesis without contradiction to the classical assumption that radiation is predominantly bionegative at doses typically found in occupational exposures.  相似文献   

In human radiation protection, the shape of the dose effects curve for low doses irradiation (LDI) is assumed to be linear, extrapolated from the clinical consequences of Hiroshima and Nagasaki nuclear explosions. This extrapolation probably overestimates the risk below 200 mSv. In many circumstances, the living species and cells can develop some mechanisms of adaptation. Classical epidemiological studies will not be able to answer the question and there is a need to assess more sensitive biological markers of the effects of LDI. The researches should be focused on DNA effects (strand breaks), radioinduced expression of new genes and proteins involved in the response to oxidative stress and DNA repair mechanisms. New experimental biomolecular techniques should be developed in parallel with more conventional ones. Such studies would permit to assess new biological markers of radiosensitivity, which could be of great interest in radiation protection and radio-oncology.  相似文献   

Increasing the dose of a thiazide diuretic used alone in patients with essential hypertension has little further effect on blood pressure but increases the deleterious metabolic consequences of the diuretic. The effect of a beta-blocker on this flat dose response is not known. In two randomised crossover studies the effect of 12.5 mg, 25 mg, and 50 mg hydrochlorothiazide combined with 400 mg acebutolol was assessed. The mean fall in supine blood pressure was about 15% and was the same whatever dose of thiazide was used with the beta-blocker. As the dose of hydrochlorothiazide was increased, however, there was evidence of increasing metabolic consequences of the diuretic. The study did not define the minimum dose of diuretic, and doses of hydrochlorothiazide lower than 12.5 mg might be as effective. These results suggest that many patients who are being treated with a combination of a beta-blocker and a diuretic are receiving unnecessarily large amounts of the diuretic without benefit to their blood pressure and with adverse metabolic consequences.  相似文献   

G. Lemieux  M. Beauchemin  P. Vinay  A. Gougoux 《CMAJ》1980,122(8):905-907
In a study of 50 patients with uncomplicated arterial hypertension the administration of hydrochlorothiazide, 50 to 100 mg daily or every other day, with or without reserpine, 0.25 mg daily, resulted in a fall in the mean blood pressure from 182/113 to 144/92 mm Hg. The mean duration of therapy was 19 months. The mean serum potassium concentration was 4.3 mmol/l before the onset of therapy. It fell during the first 6 weeks of treatment, but seldom below 3.5 mmol/l, then rose gradually and spontaneously to 4.1 mmol/l after 19 months of therapy. All the patients remained asymptomatic. These findings bring into question the routine use of potassium supplements or a potassium-sparing diuretic, such as spironolactone or triamterene, during the treatment of hypertension with diuretics such as the thiazides. The use of potassium supplements or a potassium-sparing agent may induce hyperkalemia in spite of the simultaneous administration of a diuretic that acts more proximally. Since hyperkalemia is potentially lethal, the serum potassium concentration should be carefully monitored in any patient receiving potassium supplements or a potassium-sparing agent.  相似文献   

The dependence of the incidence of radiation-induced cancer on the dose rate of the radiation exposure is a question of considerable importance to the estimation of risk of cancer induction by low-dose-rate radiation. Currently a dose and dose-rate effectiveness factor (DDREF) is used to convert high-dose-rate risk estimates to low dose rates. In this study, the end point of neoplastic transformation in vitro has been used to explore this question. It has been shown previously that for low doses of low-LET radiation delivered at high dose rates, there is a suppression of neoplastic transformation frequency at doses less than around 100 mGy. In the present study, dose-response curves up to a total dose of 1000 mGy have been generated for photons from (125)I decay (approximately 30 keV) delivered at doses rates of 0.19, 0.47, 0.91 and 1.9 mGy/min. The results indicate that at dose rates of 1.9 and 0.91 mGy/min the slope of the induction curve is about 1.5 times less than that measured at high dose rate in previous studies with a similar quality of radiation (28 kVp mammographic energy X rays). In the dose region of 0 to 100 mGy, the data were equally well fitted by a threshold or linear no-threshold model. At dose rates of 0.19 and 0.47 mGy/min there was no induction of transformation even at doses up to 1000 mGy, and there was evidence for a possible suppressive effect. These results show that for this in vitro end point the DDREF is very dependent on dose rate and at very low doses and dose rates approaches infinity. The relative risks for the in vitro data compare well with those from epidemiological studies of breast cancer induction by low- and high-dose-rate radiation.  相似文献   

Cultures of human lymphocytes obtained from blood of healthy adult donors were irradiated with different doses of 60Co γ-rays and the irradiated cells were analysed in metaphase 50 h after irradiation. The effect (total yield of abberations of chromosome type, or total yield of exchange type abberations) produced by the lowest dose (5 rad) appears to be statistically significant in a sample of 1500 cells. In the usual dose range (25–400 rad), both parabolic and linear-quadratic equations give a satisfactory fit of experimental data (dicentrics, fragments, or all aberrations of chromosome type). Low doses of γ-rays, however, produced more aberrations than expected, if one extrapolates dose-effect curves from higher doses. Both relations should be considered, therefore, merely as empirical equations. Dicentrics show at low doses (10–30 rad) a plateau which appears to be statistically significant. Some indications are obtained that the total number of chromosome-type aberrations is a more reliable criterion of cytogenetic damage than the usually accepted yeild of dicientrics and rings.  相似文献   

L. Vertesi  L. Wilson  N. Glick 《CMAJ》1983,128(7):809-812
A prospective study conducted in the Greater Vancouver area compared survival rates in prehospital cardiac arrest managed by an advanced life support (paramedic) service with those in cardiac arrest managed by conventional ambulance service. Management by the paramedic service was associated with higher survival rates for patients found in cardiac arrest but not for patients who suffered the arrest while the ambulance was present. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation by bystanders was associated with a significant increase in survival rates when combined with paramedic services but not when only basic life support services were available.  相似文献   

The yield of chromosome aberrations induced by gamma-radiation of 60Co in human blood lymphocytes in vitro at low doses (30 divided by 600 mGy) and low dose rates (0.70, 5.05, 59.2 mGy/min) was investigated. It was found that the observed level of chromosomal aberrations induced by gamma-irradiation was unaffected by the value of the dose rate when using constant dose rate and obtaining different doses by altering the exposure time. However, a relatively enhanced level of chromatid aberrations was found at 5.05 and 59.2 mGy/min dose rates in the dose range less than 250 mGy. We have found that the observed level of the sum of chromosomal aberrations induced by gamma-irradiation at doses less than 250 mGy and a dose rate of 59.2 mGy/min was essentially larger compared with the level extrapolated from high doses (above 300 mGy) using a linear-quadratic dose curve. This complied with our previous finding in 1976, 1977 when the enhanced level of dicentrics was only found at a high dose rate approximately 500 mGy/min. Such a non-linear cytogenetic effect does not manifest itself statistically significantly at dose rates of 0.70 and 5.05 mGy/min for the sum of chromosomal aberrations and does not manifest itself at all for dicentrics at all the examined dose rates.  相似文献   

Physical and dosimetric characteristics of the gamma-radiation field which is formed in the room containing the 60Co radiation source were investigated on condition of an unclosed breech mechanism and the presence of the lead layer on the beam pathway. The inverse square law was approximately found for the dependence of the dose rate vs distance on the radiation source both for the unclosed breech mechanism and lead layer (4 and 9 cm wide) in the beam pathway. This finding indicated a non-significant contribution of the radiation scattered from the walls at the point of cytogenetic experiments. The Monte Carlo calculations showed that some changes in the efficient spectrum of gamma-radiation resulted in a decreased average energy of 60Co gamma-rays to 1.03, 1.17 and 1.07 MeV for the unclosed breech mechanism, behind 4 and 9 cm lead layers, respectively.  相似文献   

Human peripheral lymphocytes were irradiated with 0.05-0.5 Gy of 220 keV X-rays. After application of either a conventional or the fluorescence plus Giemsa (FPG) staining technique, the dose response for dicentrics and acentrics was studied. The analysis of exclusively first-division cells (M1), carried out by the FPG method, revealed significantly higher aberration yields as compared with the results of the conventional method. The data from M1 cells support the assumption of a linear dose response for both dicentrics and acentrics. The results are discussed with regard to the application of chromosome analyses for a cytogenetic dosimetry after exposure to low levels of ionizing radiation.  相似文献   

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