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There were four patients with palatal clefts who had been operated on many times previously but who still had large oronasal defects due to wound disruption. Moreover, there was considerable scar in the residual palatal tissue, which was contracted in the anteroposterior dimension. These patients were treated with a radial forearm flap transfer. The technical aspects of this reconstruction are emphasized, especially methods to enhance primary healing and to facilitate in setting the flap. Three of the patients were successfully reconstructed with one operation. The fourth had a small area of dehiscence anteriorly that was later closed with advancement of the flap tissue. There were no other complications. With the replacement of healthy tissue, the palate could be pushed further back to achieve better repair of the muscle. This would contribute to better speech function. In every patient, nasal regurgitation was eliminated, and speech quality improved significantly. The radial forearm flap is ideal for intraoral use, providing thin, hairless skin with a long, large-caliber vascular pedicle. It can reconstruct defects in one stage with well-vascularized tissue and minimal dissection of the palate. In a select group of cleft palate patients, this free-tissue transfer should be considered to achieve closure of large oronasal fistulas in patients with dense scar.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the clinical technique of using an intraoral camera to monitor the size of residual oronasal fistulas in cleft lip-cleft palate patients, to assess its repeatability on study casts and patients, and to compare its use with other methods. Seventeen plaster study casts of cleft palate patients with oronasal fistulas obtained from a 5-year series of 160 patients were used. For the clinical study, 13 patients presenting in a clinic prospectively over a 1-year period were imaged twice by the camera. The area of each fistula on each study cast was measured in the laboratory first using a previously described graph paper and caliper technique and second with the intraoral camera. Images were imported into a computer and subjected to image enhancement and area measurement. The camera was calibrated by imaging a standard periodontal probe within the fistula area. The measurements were repeated using a double-blind technique on randomly renumbered casts to assess the repeatability of measurement of the methods. The clinical images were randomly and blindly numbered and subjected to image enhancement and processing in the same way as for the study casts. Area measurements were computed. Statistical analysis of repeatability of measurement using a paired sample t test showed no significant difference between measurements, indicating a lack of systematic error. An intraclass correlation coefficient of 0.97 for the graph paper and 0.84 for the camera method showed acceptable random error between the repeated records for each of the two methods. The graph paper method remained slightly more repeatable. The mean fistula area of the study casts between each method was not statistically different when compared with a paired samples t test (p = 0.08). The methods were compared using the limits of agreement technique, which showed clinically acceptable repeatability. The clinical study of repeated measures showed no systematic differences when subjected to a t test (p = 0.109) and little random error with an intraclass correlation coefficient of 0.98. The fistula size seen in the clinical study ranged from 18.54 to 271.55 mm. Direct measurements subsequently taken on 13 patients in the clinic without study models showed a wide variation in the size of residual fistulas presenting in a multidisciplinary clinic. It was concluded that an intraoral camera method could be used in place of the previous graph paper method and could be developed for clinical and scientific purposes. This technique may offer advantages over the graph paper method, as it facilitates easy visualization of oronasal fistulas and objective fistulas size determination and permits easy storage of data in clinical records.  相似文献   

Soft palate and oronasal breathing in humans   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

OBJECTIVE--To determine the outcome of administration of neuroleptics to patients with senile dementia of Lewy body type confirmed at necropsy. DESIGN--Retrospective analysis of clinical notes blind to neuropathological diagnosis. SETTING--Specialist psychogeriatric assessment units referring cases for necropsy to a teaching hospital neuropathology service. PATIENTS--41 elderly patients with diagnosis of either Alzheimer type dementia (n = 21) or Lewy body type dementia (n = 20) confirmed at necropsy. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Clinical state including extrapyramidal features before and after neuroleptic treatment and survival analysis of patients showing severe neuroleptic sensitivity compared with the remainder in the group. RESULTS--16 (80%) patients with Lewy body type dementia received neuroleptics, 13 (81%) of whom reacted adversely; in seven (54%) the reactions were severe. Survival analysis showed an increased mortality in the year after presentation to psychiatric services compared with patients with mild or no neuroleptic sensitivity (hazard ratio 2.70 (95% confidence interval 2.50-8.99); (chi 2 = 2.68, p = 0.05). By contrast, only one (7%) of 14 patients with Alzheimer type dementia given neuroleptics showed severe neuroleptic sensitivity. CONCLUSIONS--Severe, and often fatal, neuroleptic sensitivity may occur in elderly patients with confusion, dementia, or behavioural disturbance. Its occurrence may indicate senile dementia of Lewy body type and this feature has been included in clinical diagnostic criteria for this type of dementia.  相似文献   

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