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The dynamic light scattering (DLS) method provides us with information about the apparent diffusion coefficient, Dapp, as well as the static scattering intensity, Is, of particles in solution. For long but thin rods with length L and diameter d, the dependence on L and d of Dapp is quite different from that of Is. By means of DLS we studied synthetic myosin filaments of rabbit skeletal muscle in solution at pH 8.3 and 10 degrees C. It appeared that Mg2+ ions induced thickening and lengthening of the filaments, whereas ATP (and ADP) induced thinning and shortening (depolymerization) of the filaments. When ATP was added to the filament preparation in the presence of Mg2+ ions, it was clearly observed that thinning of the filament (or splitting into subfilaments) occurred before shortening (or depolymerization).  相似文献   

Synthetic filaments prepared from column-purified rabbit skeletal myosin by slow dialysis exhibit characteristic bipolar organization and 14-nm axial subunit spacing. Backbone substructure can be discerned in high resolution micrographs in the form of striations of 3--4-nm width and slight angular tilt from the direction of the filament axis. Filament backbone diameters vary over the population, although remaining relatively constant for a single filament. Approximately 25% of the filaments appear poorly stained and frayed, which may be due to collapse on the electron microscope grid. Optical diffraction studies reveal a 43-nm axial repeat as well as the 14.3-nm subunit repeat, indicating a structural homology with natural filaments. A model for synthetic filament aggregation is presented that is consistent with observations of backbone diameter variation, absence of bare zones, and the presence of fraying filaments.  相似文献   

The position of the myosin head with respect to the filament backbone is thought to be a function of pH, ionic strength (micro) and the extent of regulatory light chain (RLC) phosphorylation [Harrington (1979) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 76, 5066-5070]. The object of this study is to examine the dynamics of the proximal part of the myosin head (regulatory domain) which accompany the changes in head disposition. The essential light chain was labeled at Cys177 with the indanedione spin-label followed by the exchange of the labeled proteins into myosin. The mobility of the labeled domain was investigated with saturation transfer electron paramagnetic resonance in reconstituted, synthetic myosin filaments. We have found that the release of the heads from the myosin filament surface by reduction of electrostatic charge is accompanied by a 2-fold increase in the mobility of the regulatory domain. Phosphorylation of the RLC by myosin light chain kinase resulted in a smaller 1. 5-fold increase of motion, establishing that the head disordering observed by electron microscopy [Levine et al. (1996) Biophys. J. 71, 898-907] is due to increased mobility of the heads. This result indirectly supports the hypothesis that the RLC phosphorylation effect on potentiation of force arises from a release of heads from the filament surface and a shift of the heads toward actin.  相似文献   

X-ray results are presented concerning the structural state of myosin heads of synthetic filaments in threads. These were made from purified rabbit skeletal muscle myosin and studied by x-ray diffraction and electron microscopy by Cooke et al. (Cooke, P. H., E. M. Bartels, G. F. Elliott, and R. A. Hughes, 1987, Biophys. J., 51:947-957). X-ray patterns show a meridional peak at a spacing of 14.4 nm. We concentrate here on the only other feature of the axial pattern: this is a central region of diffuse scatter, which we find to be similar to that obtained from myosin heads in solution (Mendelson, R. A., K. M. Kretzschmar, 1980, Biochemistry, 19:4103-4108). This means that the myosin heads have very large random displacements in all directions from their average positions, and that they are practically randomly oriented. The myosin heads do not contribute to the 14.4-nm peak, which must come entirely from the backbone. Comparison with x-ray data from the unstriated Taenia coli muscle of the guinea pig indicates that in this muscle at least 75% of the diffuse scatter comes from disordered myosin heads. The results confirm that the diffuse scatter in x-ray patterns from specimens that contain myosin filaments can yield information about the structural behavior of the myosin heads.  相似文献   

Electron microscopy and negative staining techniques have been used to show that the proteolytic removal of 13 amino acids from the N-terminus of essential light chain 1 and 19 amino acids from the N-terminus of the regulatory light chain of rabbit skeletal and cardiac muscle myosins destroys Ca(2+)-induced reversible movement of subfragment-2 (S2) with heads (S1) away from the backbone of synthetic myosin filaments observed for control assemblies of the myosin under near physiological conditions. This is the direct demonstration of the contribution of the S2 movement to the Ca(2+)-sensitive structural behavior of rabbit cardiac and skeletal myosin filaments and of the necessity of intact light chains for this movement. In muscle, such a mobility might play an important role in proper functioning of the myosin filaments. The impairment of the Ca(2+)-dependent structural behavior of S2 with S1 on the surface of the synthetic myosin filaments observed by us may be of direct relevance to some cardiomyopathies, which are accompanied by proteolytic breakdown or dissociation of myosin light chains.  相似文献   

Synthetic thick filaments were cross-linked with dimethyl suberimidate at various pH values over the range pH 6.8---8.3. The rate of cross-linking myosin heads to the thick filament surface decreases significantly over a narrow pH range (7.4--8.0) despite the fact that the rate of the chemical reaction (amidination of lysine side chains) shows a positive pH dependence. The fall in rate cannot be ascribed to dissociation of the filament during the cross-linking reaction since the sedimentation boundary of the cross-linked filament (pH 8.3) remains unaltered in the presence of high salt (0.5 M). The decreased rate of cross-linking is also not caused by a shift in reactivity of a small number of highly reactive lysine groups, since the time course of cross-linking (pH 7.2) is unaffected by preincubation with a monofunctional imidate ester. Our results suggest that the heads of the myosin molecules move away from the thick filament surface at alkaline pH but are held close to the surface at neutral pH.  相似文献   

The actin-activated ATPase activities of myosin minifilaments and heavy meromyosin are similar at high actin concentrations. Under low ionic strength conditions, the minifilaments in Tris citrate buffer yield the same maximal turnover rate (Vmax) and apparent dissociation constant of actin from myosin (Kapp) as heavy meromyosin in standard low salt conditions. The time course of actin-activated ATP hydrolysis of minifilaments is similar to that observed for standard myosin preparations. Depending on the exact protein composition of the assay mixture, either the ATPase activity declines continuously with time, or is accelerated at the onset of superprecipitation. In analogy with myosin filaments, the ATPase of minifilaments shows a biphasic dependence on actin concentration. Super-precipitation of minifilaments follows a well resolved clearing phase during which their structural integrity appears to be fully preserved. These results indicate that minifilaments or similar small assemblies of myosin can fulfill contractile functions.  相似文献   

K Kubota  Y Tominaga  S Fujime 《Biopolymers》1987,26(10):1717-1729
Dynamic light-scattering measurements were carried out for collagen in acetate buffer (pH 4.8) extracted from lathyritic ratskin. The correlation functions were analyzed in terms of the semiflexibility of collagen molecules. The experimental Γ /K2 vs K2 relationship was compared with the theoretical one based on formulation including anisotropy in translational diffusion, chain flexibility, and the hydrodynamic interaction; Γ is the average decay rate and K is the magnitude of the momentum transfer vector. By using the model parameters evaluated from the Γ /K2 vs K2 relationship, a good agreement was obtained between profiles of theoretical and experimental correlation functions over the entire delay times. Detailed examinations of the dynamic light-scattering spectrum permitted us to conclude that a set of the contour length L of 300 nm and the Kuhn length γ?1 of 340 nm are much more probable than other sets of L and γ?1 that equally explain static quantities such as the radius of gyration. The results show that collagen molecules are well characterized by a wormlike chain model.  相似文献   

By dynamic light scattering, the intensity autocorrelation function, G2(tau) = B[1 + beta[g1(tau)[2], was obtained over the scattering angles (theta) from 30 to 130 degrees in steps of 10 degrees for semidilute solutions of muscle F-actin and of F-actin complexed with heavy meromyosin in the absence of ATP (acto-HMM), where B is the baseline and beta a constant. The main findings were: (1) A 0.5 mg/ml F-actin solution gave nonreproducible spectra at theta less than or equal to 40 degrees but quite reproducible spectra at theta greater than or equal to 50 degrees, with beta = 0.9-0.8 at all theta values. Nonreproducibility of spectra at low theta values was concluded to be due to restricted motions of very long filaments confined in cages or zig-zag tubing formed by a major fraction of filaments, where the very long filaments were those at a distant tail of an exponential length distribution and the major fraction of filaments were those with lengths around Ln-2Ln, Ln being the number-average length. Spectral widths were compared with theoretical ones for rigid rods averaged over the length distribution with Ln = 900 nm, and were suggested to be largely contributed at high theta values from bending motions of filaments. (2) Acto-HMM solutions at 0.5 mg/ml F-actin and at weight ratios of HMM to F-actin of 0.5-2 gave spectra which, with respect to theta, behaved very similarly to those of F-actin alone. The spectral widths, however, drastically decreased with the weight ratio up to unity and stayed virtually constant above unity. In contrast to a previous study (F.D. Carlson and A.B. Fraser, J. Mol. Biol. 89 (1974) 273), beta values of acto-HMM were as large as those of F-actin alone. Acto-HMM was concluded to travel a distance far greater than 1/K with a mobility smaller than that of F-actin, where K = (4 pi/lambda) sin(theta/2), lambda being the wavelength of light in the medium. These results suggest that acto-HMM gels are very soft even though they did not pour from an inverted cell. Based on several intuitive models which give a mutual relationship between the beta value and modes of motion of scatterers, we discuss the restricted motions responsible for nonreproducibility of spectra at low angles and large beta values of acto-HMM gels at all theta values and weight ratios so far studied.  相似文献   

Dynamic light-scattering study on polymerization process of muscle actin   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Globular actin (G-actin) polymerizes into a fibrous form (F-actin) under physiological salt conditions. The polymerization process of muscle actin was studied by a dynamic light-scattering method. The intensity correlation functions G2(tau) of scattered light from a G-actin solution containing 2 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.0) and 0.1 mM ATP were analyzed by a cumulant expansion method, and the translational diffusion coefficient was determined to be D = (8.07 +/- 0.10) X 10(-7) cm2/s at 20 degrees C. This D value gave a diameter of 5.3 nm for spherical G-actin including a hydration layer. Polymerization of 1-3 mg/ml G-actin in a solution containing 10 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.0), 0.2 mM ATP and 60 mM KCl was followed by successive measurements of G2(tau) for a data accumulation period of 60-300 s/run. The time evolution of G2(tau) was analyzed by a least-squares fitting to the field correlation function of a multiexponential form g1(tau) = sigma iAi exp(-gamma i tau) with gamma 1 greater than gamma 2 greater than 3 greater than ..., and the static scattering intensity I(t) = mean value of I as a function of time t after initiation of polymerization was decomposed as I(t) = mean value of I sigma iAi. At the early stage of polymerization, a two-exponential fit gave results indicating that component 1 came from G-actin and component 2 from F-actin growing linearly with t. At the middle stage of polymerization, a three-exponential fit gave the results that component 1 came from G-actin and possibly its small oligomers, component 2 from polymers with a number-average length Ln of about 900 nm which was independent of t, and component 3 from 'ghosts' in dynamic light scattering in a semidilute regime. Component 3 was concluded to arise from restricted motions of polymers with lengths much longer than Ln in cages formed by polymers giving component 2, and a fragmentation-elongation process of F-actin was suggested to start at the middle stage of polymerization, resulting in the size redistribution of F-actin.  相似文献   

Binding of connectin to myosin filaments   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Binding of native connectin (2,100 kDa fragment of alpha-connectin) to myosin filaments was investigated using a sedimentation technique and densitometric estimations of the separated proteins. In the presence of 60 mM KCl and 5 mM phosphate buffer, pH 7.0, as much as 1.5 mol of connectin was bound to 1 mol of myosin, suggesting that some 150 connectin filaments bound to a single myosin filament of approximately 0.5 micron in length. This value was much more than the ratio found in muscle (12:1). It appeared that C protein did not affect the binding of connectin to myosin filaments.  相似文献   

On the stability of myosin filaments   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  

1. The molecular weights of a series of synthetic myosin filaments have been measured, using the transport-concentration dependence theory of Rowe, A.J. [Biopolymers, 1977, 16, 2595--2611]. It is shown that for preparations of narrow length distribution (0.60--0.77 micrometer), N, the number of myosin molecules/14.3 nm varies between 3 and 6. 2. The reduced specific viscosity of synthetic myosin filaments has been measured as a function of both concentration and shear rate. From the concentration dependence at zero rate of shear, a value for the "swelling" of the filaments Vs/-v = 2.3 has been calculated. 3. The frictional coefficient of synthetic myosin filaments has been shown to be anomalously but reproducibly high, as compared to that of prolate ellipsoids of the same length and mass. This additional frictional drag has been numerically characterised by a "frictional increment", fi = 1.76 +/- 0.11. 4. A procedure has been devised whereby for any elongated structure which can be assumed to show the same (or other known) fi value, the molecular weight can be estimated from s0 (extrapolated sedimentation coefficient) and 2b (length) alone. 5. An s0 value for natural A-filaments, isolated from rabbit psoas muscle, has been determined by the active enzyme centrifugation technique. From this value, s0 = 132 +/- 3 S, a molecular weight of 1.20 . 10(8) has been computed by the new procedure, for preparations of average length 1.27 micrometer. 6. Contingent upon the validity of the assumptions used (see 4 above) the N value is computed as 3.1 +/- 0.2, consistent with the native, fully intact A-filament having three-fold symmetry, containing 294 myosin molecules, and having a molecular weight based upon myosin and C-protein of 1.31 . 10(8).  相似文献   

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