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Cancer vaccines reproducibly cure laboratory animals and reveal encouraging trends in brain tumor (glioma) patients. Identifying parameters governing beneficial vaccine-induced responses may lead to the improvement of glioma immunotherapies. CD103+ CD8 T cells dominate post-vaccine responses in human glioma patients for unknown reasons, but may be related to recent thymic emigrant (RTE) status. Importantly, CD8 RTE metrics correlated with beneficial immune responses in vaccinated glioma patients.


We show by flow cytometry that murine and human CD103+ CD8 T cells respond better than their CD103? counterparts to tumor peptide-MHC I (pMHC I) stimulation in vitro and to tumor antigens on gliomas in vivo.


Glioma responsive T cells from mice and humans both exhibited intrinsic de-sialylation-affecting CD8 beta. Modulation of CD8 T cell sialic acid with neuraminidase and ST3Gal-II revealed de-sialylation was necessary and sufficient for promiscuous binding to and stimulation by tumor pMHC I. Moreover, de-sialylated status was required for adoptive CD8 T cells and lymphocytes to decrease GL26 glioma invasiveness and increase host survival in vivo. Finally, increased tumor ST3Gal-II expression correlated with clinical vaccine failure in a meta-analysis of high-grade glioma patients.


Taken together, these findings suggest that de-sialylation of CD8 is required for hyper-responsiveness and beneficial anti-glioma activity by CD8 T cells. Because CD8 de-sialylation can be induced with exogenous enzymes (and appears particularly scarce on human T cells), it represents a promising target for clinical glioma vaccine improvement.  相似文献   

Different T cell subsets may play different roles in allorecognition and allograft rejection. It has been suggested that CD8 T cells can only initiate rejection with help from CD4 T cells. Since CD8 T cells may have different requirements for allorecognition and for costimulation, it is important to clarify the role of CD8 cells in rejection. We examined the role of CD8 cells in allorecognition using a TCR transgenic mouse transplantation model. In our study, CD8 cells were able to recognize alloantigens and reject allografts in the absence of help from CD4 T cells. Furthermore our study provides a model to study the mechanisms of CD8-mediated allograft rejection. It may be important in the future, to consider that CD8 T cells may need to be targeted independently of CD4 T cells in strategies used to prevent rejection and induce tolerance.  相似文献   

Peptide immunotherapy both activates and suppresses the T cell response against known peptide Ags. Although pretreatment with VP2(121-130) peptide inhibits the development of antiviral CTL specific for the immunodominant D(b):VP2(121-130) epitope expressed during acute Theiler's murine encephalomyelitis virus infection, i.v. injection of this same peptide or MHC tetramers containing the peptide during an ongoing antiviral CTL response results in a peptide-induced fatal syndrome (PIFS) within 48 h. Susceptibility to PIFS is dependent on peptide-specific CD8(+) T cells, varies among inbred strains of mice, and is not mediated by traditionally defined mechanisms of shock. Analyses using bone marrow chimeras and mutant mice demonstrate that susceptibility to PIFS is determined by the genotype of bone marrow-derived cells and requires the expression of perforin. Animals responding to peptide treatment with PIFS develop classical stress responses in the brain. These findings raise important considerations for the development of peptide therapies for active diseases to modify immune responses involving expanded populations of T cells. In summary, treatment with peptides or MHC-tetramers during a peptide-specific immune response can result in a fatal shock-like syndrome. Susceptibility to the syndrome is genetically determined, is mediated by CD8(+) T cells, and requires expression of perforin. These findings raise concerns about the use of peptides and MHC tetramers in therapeutic schemes.  相似文献   

Human CD4+ T cells mediate rejection of porcine xenografts   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
It has previously been demonstrated that xenograft rejection in rodents is dependent on CD4+ T cells. However, because of the lack of an appropriate in vivo model, little is known about the cellular basis of human T cell-mediated rejection of xenografts. In this study, we have evaluated the ability of human T cells to mediate rejection of porcine skin grafts in a novel in vivo experimental system using immunodeficient mice as recipients. Recombinase-activating gene-1-deficient mice (R-) lacking mature B and T cells were grafted with porcine skin and received human lymphocytes stimulated in vitro with irradiated porcine PBMC. Skin grafts on mice given either unseparated, activated human lymphocytes, or NK cell-depleted lymphocyte populations were rejected within 18 days after adoptive cell transfer. In contrast, skin grafts on mice given T cell-depleted human lymphocytes or saline showed no gross or histologic evidence of rejection up to 100 days after adoptive transfer. Purified CD4+ T cells were also able to mediate rejection of porcine skin grafts. These data suggest that human CD4+ T cells are sufficient to induce rejection of porcine xenografts. Thus, strategies directed toward CD4+ T cells may effectively prevent cellular rejection of porcine xenografts in humans.  相似文献   

NKT cells perform crucial roles in tumor surveillance, functioning as regulators of early host response. In this study, we have assessed the effects of NKT activation at the time of tumor Ag immunization, and have evaluated the contributions of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells in tumor rejection during adaptive immune response against live tumor cells. Our data indicate that CD4+ T cells play critical roles, not only in assisting CTL, but also in the orchestration of host response against the tumor. The CD4+ T cells were found to reject the transplanted tumor cells very efficiently under conditions in which the CTLs were removed either genetically, or via the action of anti-CD8 Ab in mice that had been immunized with tumor extracts and alpha-galactosylceramide. Immunization resulted in an NKT cell-dependent antitumor adaptive immune response, which was associated with both CD4+ T cells and cytokine IFN-gamma.  相似文献   

The magnitude and duration of CD8(+) T cell-mediated responses in the skin to hapten sensitization and challenge, contact hypersensitivity (CHS), is negatively regulated by CD4(+) T cells through an unknown mechanism. In this study we show that CD4(+) T cells restrict the development and expansion of hapten-specific CD8(+) T cells mediating CHS responses to 2,4-dinitrofluorobenzene. In the absence of CD4(+) T cells, high numbers of hapten-specific CD8(+) T cells producing IFN-gamma were detected in the skin-draining lymph nodes on day 5 postsensitization, and these numbers decreased slightly, but were maintained through day 9, correlating with the increased magnitude and duration of CHS responses observed in these mice. In the presence of CD4(+) T cells, the number of hapten-specific CD8(+) T cells producing IFN-gamma detected on day 5 postsensitization was lower and quickly fell to background levels by day 7. The limited development of effector CD8(+) T cells was associated with decreased numbers of hapten-presenting dendritic cells in the lymphoid priming site. This form of immunoregulation was absent after sensitization of Fas ligand-defective gld mice. Transfer of wild-type CD4(+) T cells to gld mice restored the negative regulation of CD8(+) T cell priming and the immune response to hapten challenge in gld-recipient mice. These results indicate that CD4(+) T cells restrict hapten-specific CD8(+) T cell priming for CHS responses through a Fas ligand-dependent mechanism.  相似文献   

Effector CD8+ T cells mediate inflammation and airway hyper-responsiveness   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Allergic asthma is a complex syndrome characterized by airway obstruction, airway inflammation and airway hyper-responsiveness (AHR). Using a mouse model of allergen-induced AHR, we previously demonstrated that CD8-deficient mice develop significantly lower AHR, eosinophilic inflammation and interleukin (IL)-13 levels in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid compared with wild-type mice. These responses were restored by adoptive transfer of antigen-primed CD8(+) T cells. Previously, two distinct populations of antigen-experienced CD8(+) T cells, termed effector (T(EFF)) and central memory (T(CM)) cells, have been described. After adoptive transfer into CD8-deficient mice, T(EFF), but not T(CM), cells restored AHR, eosinophilic inflammation and IL-13 levels. T(EFF), but not T(CM), cells accumulated in the lungs, and intracellular cytokine staining showed that the transferred T(EFF) cells were a source of IL-13. These data suggest an important role for effector CD8(+) T cells in the development of AHR and airway inflammation, which may be associated with their Tc2-type cytokine production and their capacity to migrate into the lung.  相似文献   

Substantial evidence indicates that immune activation at stroma can be rerouted in a tumor-promoting direction. CD69 is an immunoregulatory molecule expressed by early-activated leukocytes at sites of chronic inflammation, and CD69(+) T cells have been found to promote human tumor progression. In this study, we showed that, upon encountering autologous CD69(+) T cells, tumor macrophages (MΦs) acquired the ability to produce much greater amounts of IDO protein in cancer nests. The T cells isolated from the hepatocellular carcinoma tissues expressed significantly more CD69 molecules than did those on paired circulating and nontumor-infiltrating T cells; these tumor-derived CD69(+) T cells could induce considerable IDO in monocytes. Interestingly, the tumor-associated monocytes/MΦs isolated from hepatocellular carcinoma tissues or generated by in vitro culture effectively activated circulating T cells to express CD69. IL-12 derived from tumor MΦs was required for early T cell activation and subsequent IDO expression. Moreover, we found that conditioned medium from IDO(+) MΦs effectively suppressed T cell responses in vitro, an effect that could be reversed by adding extrinsic IDO substrate tryptophan or by pretreating MΦs with an IDO inhibitor 1-methyl-DL-tryptophan. These data revealed a fine-tuned collaborative action between different types of immune cells to counteract T cell responses in tumor microenvironment. Such an active induction of immune tolerance should be considered for the rational design of effective immune-based anticancer therapies.  相似文献   

CD4+ T cells enhance tumor destruction by CD8+ T cells. One benefit that underlies CD4+ T cell help is enhanced clonal expansion of newly activated CD8+ cells. In addition, tumor-specific CD4+ help is also associated with the accumulation of greater numbers of CD8+ T cells within the tumor. Whether this too is attributable to the effects of help delivered to the CD8+ cells during priming within secondary lymphoid tissues, or alternatively is due to the action of CD4+ cells within the tumor environment has not been examined. In this study, we have evaluated separately the benefits of CD4+ T cell help accrued during priming of tumor-specific CD8+ T cells with a vaccine, as opposed to the benefits delivered by the presence of cognate CD4+ cells within the tumor. The presence of CD4+ T cell help during priming increased clonal expansion of tumor-specific CD8+ T cells in secondary lymphoid tissue; however, CD8+ T cells that have low avidity for tumor Ag were inefficient in tumor invasion. CD4+ T cells that recognized tumor Ag were required to facilitate accumulation of CD8+ T cells within the tumor and enhance tumor lysis during the acute phase of the response. These experiments highlight the ability of tumor-specific CD4+ T cells to render the tumor microenvironment receptive for CD8+ T cell immunotherapy, by facilitating the accumulation of all activated CD8+ T cells, including low-avidity tumor-specific and noncognate cells.  相似文献   

T cells are critical for clearing infection and preventing tumors induced by polyoma virus, a natural murine papovavirus. We previously identified the immunodominant epitope for polyoma virus-specific CTL in tumor-resistant H-2k mice as the Dk-restricted peptide, MT389-397, derived from the polyoma middle T oncoprotein. In this study, we developed tetrameric Dk complexes containing the MT389-397 peptide to directly visualize and enumerate MT389-397-specific CTL during polyoma virus infection. We found that Dk/MT389 tetramer+CD8+ T cells undergo a massive expansion during primary infection such that by day 7 postinfection these Ag-specific CD8+ T cells constitute approximately 20% of the total and approximately 40% of the activated CD8+ T cells in the spleen. This expansion of Dk/MT389 tetramer+CD8+ T cells parallels the emergence of MT389-397-specific ex vivo cytolytic activity and clearance of polyoma virus. Notably, Dk/MT389 tetramer+CD8+ T cells are maintained in memory at very high levels. The frequencies of Dk/MT389 tetramer+CD8+ effector and memory T cells in vivo match those of CD8+ T cells producing intracellular IFN-gamma after 6-h in vitro stimulation by MT389-397 peptide. Consistent with preferential Vbeta6 expression by MT389-397-specific CD8+CTL lines and clones, Dk/MT389 tetramer+CD8+ T cells exhibit biased expression of this Vbeta gene segment. Finally, we show that Dk/MT389 tetramer+CD8+ T cells efficiently infiltrate a polyoma tumor challenge to virus-immune mice. Taken together, these findings strongly implicate virus-induced MT389-397-specific CD8+ T cells as essential effectors in eliminating polyoma-infected and polyoma-transformed cells in vivo.  相似文献   

IL-17A is a proinflammatory cytokine that has received attention for its role in the pathogenesis of several autoimmune diseases. IL-17A has also been implicated in cardiac and renal allograft rejection. Accordingly, we hypothesized that depletion of IL-17A would enhance corneal allograft survival. Instead, our results demonstrate that blocking IL-17A in a mouse model of keratoplasty accelerated the tempo and increased the incidence of allograft rejection from 50 to 90%. We describe a novel mechanism by which CD4(+)CD25(+) regulatory T cells (Tregs) respond to IL-17A and enhance corneal allograft survival. Our findings suggest the following: 1) IL-17A is necessary for ocular immune privilege; 2) IL-17A is not required for the induction of anterior chamber-associated immune deviation; 3) Tregs require IL-17A to mediate a contact-dependent suppression; 4) corneal allograft Tregs suppress the efferent arm of the immune response and are Ag specific; 5) Tregs are not required for corneal allograft survival beyond day 30; and 6) corneal allograft-induced Treg-mediated suppression is transient. Our findings identify IL-17A as a cytokine essential for the maintenance of corneal immune privilege and establish a new paradigm whereby interplay between IL-17A and CD4(+)CD25(+) Tregs is necessary for survival of corneal allografts.  相似文献   

CD8(+) tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL) are defective in cytolysis due to tumor-induced inhibition of proximal TCR-mediated signaling, a defect that is relieved upon purification and brief culture. We show in this study that frequency of conjugation in vitro of nonlytic TIL with tumor cells is low in comparison with their lytic counterparts, and the strength of interaction and duration of conjugation are also reduced. Previous reports show that p56(lck) activation is required for TCR-initiated LFA-1 avidity up-regulation, raising the question: is low LFA-1 avidity the basis of reduced TIL conjugation frequency? When stimulated with phorbol ester, nonlytic TIL bind purified ICAM-1 equivalently as lytic TIL, suggesting that LFA-1 can be activated if proximal TCR signaling is bypassed. However, when treated with phorbol ester, the conjugation frequency of nonlytic TIL does not increase. CD2 and CD8 also mediate T cell adhesion to cognate target cells and are both expressed at lower levels in nonlytic TIL in addition to being excluded from the immune synapse formed upon conjugation. Collectively, these results imply that adhesion defects in nonlytic TIL result from a combination of decreased cell surface levels of adhesion molecules, deficient LFA-1 activation, and the failure to recruit essential adhesion receptors to the membrane contact site formed with cognate target cells.  相似文献   

Non-specific suppression of the immune response was investigated in Brugia pahangi-infected Lewis rats. The proliferative response of peripheral blood lymphocytes or splenic non-adherent cells to mitogens was significantly reduced by B. pahangi infection. The degree of hyporesponsiveness of splenic non-adherent cells to mitogens was comparable between microfilaremic and non-microfilaremic animals. The suppressed proliferative response of splenic non-adherent cells was restored by blocking with anti-CD8 monoclonal antibody. After separation of T cells into CD4+ and CD8+ subpopulations, only CD8+ T cells from B. pahangi-infected rats suppressed the proliferative response of normal spleen cells to concanavalin A. CD8+ T cells from normal rats had no suppressive effect. On the other hand, the proliferative response of CD4+ T cells to concanavalin A was comparable between normal and infected rats. These results suggest that CD8+ T cells participate in the non-specific suppression of immune response in experimental filariasis.  相似文献   

Therapeutic use of IL-2 can generate antitumor immunity; however, a variety of different mechanisms have been reported. We injected IL-2 intratumorally (i.t.) at different stages of growth, using our unique murine model of mesothelioma (AE17; and AE17 transfected with secretory OVA (AE17-sOVA)), and systematically analyzed real-time events as they occurred in vivo. The majority of mice with small tumors when treatment commenced displayed complete tumor regression, remained tumor free for >2 mo, and survived rechallenge with AE17 tumor cells. However, mice with large tumors at the start of treatment failed to respond. Timing experiments showed that IL-2-mediated responses were dependent upon tumor size, not on the duration of disease. Although i.t. IL-2 did not alter tumor Ag presentation in draining lymph nodes, it did enhance a previously primed, endogenous, tumor-specific in vivo CTL response that coincided with regressing tumors. Both CD4(+) and CD8(+) cells were required for IL-2-mediated tumor eradication, because IL-2 therapy failed in CD4(+)-depleted, CD8(+)-depleted, and both CD4(+)- and CD8(+)-depleted C57BL/6J animals. Tumor-infiltrating CD8(+) T cells, but not CD4(+) T cells, increased in association with a marked reduction in tumor-associated vascularity. Destruction of blood vessels required CD8(+) T cells, because this did not occur in nude mice or in CD8(+)-depleted C57BL/6J mice. These results show that repeated doses of i.t. (but not systemic) IL-2 mediates tumor regression via an enhanced endogenous tumor-specific CTL response concomitant with reduced vasculature, thereby demonstrating a novel mechanism for IL-2 activity.  相似文献   

The large (LI) and small intestine (SI) differ in patterns of susceptibility to chronic mucosal inflammation. In this study, we evaluated whether this might, in part, reflect differences in resident mucosal CD11c(+) T cells. These cells comprised 39-48% (SI) and 12-17% (LI) of the intraepithelial compartment, most of which were T-cell receptor-αβ(+). In the SI, the majority of these cells were CD103(+) CD8(+) NK1.1(-), whereas the opposite phenotype prevailed in the LI. In transfer models of CD4(+) T cell-induced colitis, small numbers (2.5 × 10(5)) of SI CD11c(+) CD8(+) T cells suppressed proinflammatory cytokine-producing CD4(+) T cells in mesenteric lymph nodes and mucosa-associated lymphoid compartments (SI and LI) and protected mice from chronic inflammation. On a per-cell basis, the regulatory function of SI CD11c(+) T cells in CD4(+) T cell colitis was potent compared with other reported regulatory CD4(+) or CD8(+) T cells. In contrast, neither LI CD11c(+) T cells nor SI CD11c(-) T cells were effective in such immunoregulation. SI CD11c(+) CD8(+) T cells were similarly effective in suppressing CD4(+)CD45RB(hi) T cell colitis, as evidenced by inhibition of intracellular proinflammatory cytokine expression and histological inflammation. These findings indicate that SI CD11c(+) CD8(+) T cells are a distinct intestinal T cell population that plays an immunoregulatory role in control of proinflammatory CD4(+) T cells and maintenance of intestinal mucosal homeostasis.  相似文献   

Wang Y  Lobigs M  Lee E  Müllbacher A 《Journal of virology》2003,77(24):13323-13334
C57BL/6J mice infected intravenously with the Sarafend strain of West Nile virus (WNV) develop a characteristic central nervous system (CNS) disease, including an acute inflammatory reaction. Dose response studies indicate two distinct kinetics of mortality. At high doses of infection (10(8) PFU), direct infection of the brain occurred within 24 h, resulting in 100% mortality with a 6-day mean survival time (MST), and there was minimal destruction of neural tissue. A low dose (10(3) PFU) of infection resulted in 27% mortality (MST, 11 days), and virus could be detected in the CNS 7 days postinfection (p.i.). Virus was present in the hypogastric lymph nodes and spleens at days 4 to 7 p.i. Histology of the brains revealed neuronal degeneration and inflammation within leptomeninges and brain parenchyma. Inflammatory cell infiltration was detectable in brains from day 4 p.i. onward in the high-dose group and from day 7 p.i. in the low-dose group, with the severity of infiltration increasing over time. The cellular infiltrates in brain consisted predominantly of CD8(+), but not CD4(+), T cells. CD8(+) T cells in the brain and the spleen expressed the activation markers CD69 early and expressed CD25 at later time points. CD8(+) T-cell-deficient mice infected with 10(3) PFU of WNV showed increased mortalities but prolonged MST and early infection of the CNS compared to wild-type mice. Using high doses of virus in CD8-deficient mice leads to increased survival. These results provide evidence that CD8(+) T cells are involved in both recovery and immunopathology in WNV infection.  相似文献   

CD4(+) T cells control the effector function, memory, and maintenance of CD8(+) T cells. Paradoxically, we found that absence of CD4(+) T cells enhanced adoptive immunotherapy of cancer when using CD8(+) T cells directed against a persisting tumor/self-Ag. However, adoptive transfer of CD4(+)CD25(-) Th cells (Th cells) with tumor/self-reactive CD8(+) T cells and vaccination into CD4(+) T cell-deficient hosts induced autoimmunity and regression of established melanoma. Transfer of CD4(+) T cells that contained a mixture of Th and CD4(+)CD25(+) T regulatory cells (T(reg) cells) or T(reg) cells alone prevented effective adoptive immunotherapy. Maintenance of CD8(+) T cell numbers and function was dependent on Th cells that were capable of IL-2 production because therapy failed when Th cells were derived from IL-2(-/-) mice. These findings reveal that Th cells can help break tolerance to a persisting self-Ag and treat established tumors through an IL-2-dependent mechanism, but requires simultaneous absence of naturally occurring T(reg) cells to be effective.  相似文献   

 We demonstrate in a murine model that targeting an anti-viral T cell response to a growing tumor facilitates priming of a tumor-associated antigen (TAA)-specific, rejecting T cell response. Murine P815 mastocytoma cells grow aggressively in a syngeneic host. Transfected P815/S cells (expressing the hepatitis B surface antigen, HBsAg) also grow as subcutaneous tumors, but occasional ‘spontaneous’ rejections after transient growth are observed. Growth of P815/S tumors (but not of P815 tumors) is efficiently suppressed by a CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL)-dependent immune mechanism in mice primed to HBsAg by DNA–immunization. In hosts immunized against HBsAg by DNA vaccination, HBsAg-specific CTL are generated. This specific CTL reactivity was targeted to s.c.-growing P815 tumors by intra tumor injections of either HBsAg-encoding plasmid DNA or viable P815/S cells; this treatment led to tumor rejection in 70–80% of the tumor-bearing animals. All rejecting animals showed a CD8+ CTL-dependent resistance to subsequent challenges by native, non-transfected P815 tumors. Targeting an established anti-viral (‘strong’) CTL response to a growing tumor hence is an efficient strategy to facilitate priming of a rejecting CTL response against (‘weak’) TAA in this system. Received: 18 December 1996 / Accepted: 6 February 1997  相似文献   

Despite evidence that human non-hematopoietic cells, such as vascular endothelium, can activate allogeneic T lymphocytes in vitro, the prevailing view has been that hematopoietic antigen-presenting cells are required to trigger alloimmune responses in vivo. Here we report that mouse non-hematopoietic cells activate alloreactive CD8+ T lymphocytes in vitro and in vivo. We also show that vascularized cardiac allografts are acutely rejected via CD8+ direct allorecognition even if the alloantigen is not presented by hematopoietic professional antigen-presenting cells. Because activation of alloreactive CD8+ T cells by donor-type non-hematopoietic cells can continue for the life of the allograft, these findings present a new clinically relevant mechanism of allorecognition and should be taken into consideration when developing strategies to prevent allograft vasculopathy or to induce tolerance.  相似文献   

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