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Toad spinal ganglion cells are individually enclosed in sheaths consisting of one or more attenuated layers of satellite cell cytoplasm surrounded externally by a basement membrane. Narrow (~150 A) extracellular channels separate these layers from one another and from the underlying neuron. In both in vivo and in vitro experiments it was found that molecules of ferritin, a water-soluble protein, are to some extent able to pass across the basement membrane and through these channels to reach the neuronal plasma membrane. Ferritin particles arriving at the neuronal surface are engulfed by the neuron in 0.1 to 0.2 µ "coated" vesicles. The concentration of ferritin in these vesicles is higher than in the perineuronal space. The ferritin incorporated into the neuron is segregated, apparently intact, in multivesicular bodies. It is inferred that the 150A channels in the satellite cell sheath are patent, aqueous spaces through which molecules with a diameter as large as 95 A are able to pass, and that these neurons are capable of taking up whole protein from their immediate environment by the process of pinocytosis.  相似文献   

丁虎  周期 《生理学报》1990,42(1):61-67
工作分析了不同年龄易卒中型自发性高血压大鼠(SHRSP)主动脉中血管紧张素Ⅱ(AⅡ)含量与收缩压(SBP)间的关系。SHRSP的SBP在12及16周龄时均持续上升,20周龄时不再继续上升但维持在高水平;三个年龄组的SHRSP的主动脉AⅡ含量均明显高于同年龄WKY对照鼠,向SHRSP侧脑室灌注巯甲丙脯氨酸四周不仅降低脑区中AⅡ含量,而且具有明显降压效应,同时显著降低主动脉AⅡ含量及血浆、主动脉中去甲肾上腺素和肾上腺素水平,上述结果证实了SHRSP血管中肾素-血管紧张素系统活动的异常与高血压发病学间的密切关系,提示中枢AⅡ可能通过易化外周交感-肾上腺系统活动调节血管中AⅡ水平。  相似文献   

蒋芝华  吕建利 《生理学报》1995,47(3):281-286
将胎龄为17d的大鼠胚胎海马(移植物)移植到同种成年大鼠(宿主)腹海马,90d后,用TH免疫细胞化学方法对海马移植物内神经元与儿茶酚胺(catecholamine CA)能纤维之间的突触联系进行上观察。免疫组织化学显示,宿主海马内有大量TH免疫反应纤维。这些纤维是直径为0.5-1μm的细纤维。它们的分布密度是,齿回门区和CA3区透明层内较密集,分子层次之,锥体细胞层和颗粒细胞层内较稀疏。在移植物的  相似文献   

马铃薯(Solanum tuberosum L.)切片在24h陈化期间,总呼吸速率(V_t)明显升高,交替途径容量(V_(alt))增加更为显著。交替途径实际活性(ρV_(alt))及其对V_t的贡献(ρV_(alt)/V_t)在陈化初期上升,12h后基本保持稳定;相应交替途径运行系数ρ值随陈化进程不断下降。陈化切片内源乙烯产生的时间曲线与V_(alt)的变化趋势一致,而与ρV_(alt)的趋势不同。用乙烯相关效应剂进行实验,发现促进乙烯产生的ACC及Cu~(2 )可促进V_(alt)的发生,而抑制乙烯产生或其生理作用的Co~(2 )及Ag~ 则可部分抑制V_(alt)的发生。所有上述效应剂虽然对ρV_(alt)及ρV_(alt)/V_t值在12h前有所影响,但都不能改变切片陈化期间交替途径ρ值不断下降的趋势。这些结果表明,内源乙烯对马铃薯切片陈化过程中交替途径的实际运行稍有影响,但对抗氰容量的诱导发生具有重要的调控作用。  相似文献   

目的研究原代培养脊髓神经元线状溶酶体(nematolysosome)的形成与分布及其与细胞骨架蛋白-纽蛋白(vinculin)的关系.方法用细胞松弛素D(cytochalasin D,CD)及佛波醇酯(phorbol myristate acetate,PMA)处理原代培养脊髓神经元,用免疫荧光双标记纽蛋白及组织蛋白酶D(cathepsin D)、酸性磷酸酶(ACPase)、电镜细胞化学及共焦激光扫描显微镜方法研究线状溶酶体与纽蛋白的关系.结果在正常对照组神经元,组织蛋白酶D(标记溶酶体)与纽蛋白分布于胞质及突起内;在CD及PMA处理神经元,纽蛋白及组织蛋白酶D的分布呈向心性移动,但集聚的部位不同;电镜酶细胞化学方法显示CD组及PMA组神经元内线状溶酶体均增多.结论组织蛋白酶D及纽蛋白在培养脊髓神经元内协同分布,CD及PMA均可引起二者分布的变化,提示纽蛋白可通过增强细胞内吞体/溶酶体系统活动而使线状溶酶体增加,也可通过促进丝状肌动蛋白聚合而影响线状溶酶体的形成及运动.  相似文献   

Abstract— In this work we have studied the effect of afferent electrical stimulation (AES) of the contralateral brachial plexus on the release of glutamine and glutamate from the cat's brain into the cerebral venous blood, at rest and during continuous infusion of L-glutamine and sucrose solutions.
(1) In the resting state, before stimulation, there was a net outflow of glutamine from the brain into the cerebral venous blood, but no release of glutamic acid. (2) AES caused release of glutamate and increased 3.5-fold the release of glutamine. The increase in release of glutamine and glutamate was found to be reversed very shortly after stimulation. (3) Steady intravenous infusion of a 0.3 M-gluta-mine solution for 10 min changed the negative arterio-venous difference in glutamine to a positive one and increased the content in brain by 15×20%. In this case AES caused a singificant drop, to zero of the glutamine arterio-venous difference. (4) At the onset of pentamethylenetetrazole (PTZ) seizures, like AES, there was a significant reduction of the level of glutamine in the cats'cerebral cortex. This reduction vanished when the animals were infused with L-glutamine solution but not with 0.3 M-sucrose solution that was used as an inert electrolyte. (5) The kinetic behaviour of the glutamine transport is compatible with a carrier-mediated process, but not with passive diffusion.  相似文献   

1. In a salt-free medium the proportion of the total amount of hemolytic sensitizer present, combined with the homologous cells, reaches a maximum of almost 100 per cent at pH 5.3. On the alkaline side of this point the proportion combined diminishes with the alkalinity and reaches a minimum of approximately 5 per cent at pH 10. On the acid side of pH 5.3 the proportion combined diminishes with the acidity but somewhat less rapidly than for a corresponding increase in alkalinity. 2. The presence of NaCl greatly increases the proportion of sensitizer combined with cells at all reactions except those in the neighborhood of pH 5.3. At this point the combination of sensitizer with cells is independent of the presence of electrolyte. 3. The curves representing the proportion of sensitizer combined or free run almost exactly parallel, both when the sensitizer combines de novo and when it dissociates from combination; therefore, in constant volume, at a given hydrogen ion concentration, and at a given temperature, an equilibrium exists between the amount of sensitizer free and that combined with cells. 4. The combination of sensitizer and cells is related fundamentally to the isoelectric point of the sensitizer. 5. The dissociated ions of the sensitizer, formed either by its acid or its basic dissociation, do not unite with cells. Combination takes place only between the cells and the undissociated molecules of the sensitizer.  相似文献   

1. Analyses have been made of the electrolytes and proteins of serum and transudates from human subjects. 2. The distribution ratios of HCO3, Cl, Na, and H+ deviated from unity as predicted by the Gibbs-Donnan law for similar heterogeneous systems. 3. Analyses of serum, and of artificial salt solutions approximating edema fluid in composition, after equilibration across collodion membranes showed distributions similar to those between serum and edema fluid in vivo.  相似文献   

用追踪和免疫电镜技术研究三叉神经尾侧亚核(Vc)内P物质受体(SPR)阳性神经元与初级传入和下行投射之间的突触联系。光镜观察发现,在Vc浅层,SPR阳性神经元的分布与RMg下行投射终末的分布有重叠。电镜观察发现,三叉初级传入终末和SPR阳性神经元树突形成非对称性轴树突触;RMg下行投射终末与SPR阳性神经元树突也形成非对称性轴树突触,提示RMg下行投射纤维可能通过直接作用于丘脑投射神经元对三叉初级传入的伤害性信息进行调控。  相似文献   

本文初次报告了烟草愈伤组织在不同盐浓度胁迫下交替途径与细胞色素途径的动态变化,同时检测了内源乙烯产生速率和活性氧(O2、H2O2和·OH)的含量及其相关酶(SOD和CAT)活性的变化。结果表明,交替途径实际运行量(ρValt)先逐渐上升,于0.75%盐浓度左右时达到极大值,但交替途径容量(Valt)与ρValt并不同步,且细胞色素途径活性(ρ’Vcyt)与ρValt变化趋势相反。与此同时,愈伤组织体内H2O2和O2迅速积累,分别在0.5%和0.75%左右达到极大值,·OH则一直呈上升趋势。而内源乙烯产生速率先急剧上升,在0.5%盐浓度左右时达到极大值后下降。将上述变化与各呼吸参数变化相比较发现,H2O2含量和乙烯产生速率与Valt变化曲线同步,而O2与ρValt变化曲线一致,但·OH含量与Valt变化曲线呈负相关。据此我们推测抗氰交替途径的发生、运行可能与活性氧的积累以及乙烯的产生密切相关,并讨论了交替途径运行的一些可能的生理作用。  相似文献   

郑天珍  张经济 《生理学报》1991,43(6):584-588
在狗的十二指肠浆膜面埋植银-氯化银双极电极,记录空腹时的肌电活动,观察血糖浓度变化与消化间期综合肌电(IDMEC)周期的关系。实验结果表明:(1)血糖浓度随 IDMEC周期的不同时相而变动,Ⅰ相最高,Ⅱ相次之,Ⅲ相最低(P<0.01)。(2)静脉注射酚妥拉明或心得安后。血糖浓度随 IDMEC 周期的波动均消失。(3)切除双侧迷走神经干后,血糖浓度略有升高,随 IDMEC 的周期性波动依然存在。(4)分别阻断肾上腺素α、β受体及切除迷走神经后,不影响 IDMEC 的周期性活动,但可使周期延长,各相所占时程百分比发生变化。以上结果证明,空腹情况下血糖浓度随 IDMEC 周期的不同时相而变动,交感神经和迷走神经具有一定的调节作用。  相似文献   

兔血压功率谱低频峰与交感神经活动的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
观察了阿托品化家兔血压功率谱低频峰与交感神经活动的关系。结果表明,血压功率谱低频峰与交感神经活动有关,当交感张力增加,则低频峰密度增加,反之则降低;肾神经放电与低频峰密度呈正线性相关(r=0.89,P<0.0001)。因此,在阻断副交感神经的条件下,血压功率谱低频峰可以客观、定量地反映阻力血管的交感神经活动水平。  相似文献   

电刺激乌拉坦麻醉的大鼠下丘脑外侧区(LH)可使缰核(Hb)内51.0%的单位兴奋,15.7%的单位抑制,其中发生兴奋反应的单位有15.4%可被逆行激活。双侧Hb内微量注射利多卡因,电刺激LH引起的升压反应可被阻断42.0±28.0%;反之,双侧LH内微量注射利多卡固,电刺激Hb引起的升压反应可被阻断62.0±26.4%。结果表明,LH与Hb在血压调节中相互依赖,具有协同作用。  相似文献   

Abstract— In order to examine the hypothesis that acetylcholinesterase (AChE) is contained within dopaminergic neurons of the nigro-striatal projection, the effects of selective destruction of these neurons by 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) on cholinesterase, tyrosine hydroxylase, and choline acetyltransferase in substantia nigra (SN) and caudate-putamen (CP) were studied in the rat. Four to five weeks after intraventricular or intracerebral 6-OHDA injections tyrosine hydroxylase in these structures was reduced by 90% or more. Choline acetyltransferase was not affected in the SN or CP, but cholinesterase was reduced by about 40% in the SN and by 12% in the CP. To determine that the observed decreases in cholinesterase activity reflected true AChE and not butyrylcholinesterase (BChE), further experiments were conducted on tissues from animals with intracerebral 6-OHDA lesions. (1) Substrate specificity. Acetylcholine (ACh) was replaced by either acetyl-β-methyl-choline (AcβMeCh) or butyrylcholine (BCh) in the cholinesterase assay. SN and CP from 6-OHDA lesioned rats showed 54% and 92% of control tissue cholinesterase activity respectively with AcβMeCh as substrate, in good agreement with values found using ACh. No decrease in activity toward BCh was observed. (2) Kinetics. The decrease in cholinesterase activities at different concentrations of ACh was determined. Analysis of the data revealed that cholinesterase in dopaminergic neurons was inhibited by high ACh concentrations, a characteristic property of AChE but not BChE. (3) Selective inhibitors. In the SN, cholinesterase in dopaminergic neurons was inhibited by the selective AChE inhibitors BW284C51 and ambenonium with a dose-response curve similar to erythrocyte AChE but different from serum BChE. The selective BChE inhibitor, tetraisopropylpyrophosphoramide, inhibited the enzyme in dopaminergic neurons only at concentrations which inhibited erythrocyte AChE, concentrations somewhat higher than those which inhibited serum BChE. These results support recent histochemical observations indicating that AChE is contained in dopaminergic neurons of the SN. Moreover, these experiments represent the first characterization of AChE from a homogeneous population of non-cholinergic neurons in mammalian CNS.  相似文献   

用玻璃微电极细胞外记录大鼠中缝大核(NRM)神经元的单位放电。共记录277个细胞,NRM 神经元自发放电频率大都在每秒0.5—20次之间,平均为6.41 Hz。其中221个神经元被电刺激尾所激活,35个被抑制,21个无明显变化。NRM 神经元对躯体刺激的反应类型与自发放电的特征有关,兴奋型神经元的自发放电频率较低((?)=4.96Hz),而抑制性神经元的自发放电频率较高((?)=15.03 Hz)。在24例兴奋型神经元中,刺激尾核头部能够激活大多数 NRM 神经元的自发放电和抑制其伤害感受性反应。导水管周围灰质微量注射纳洛酮(2.5ug/0.5μl,n=15)。能够明显阻断刺激尾核头部激活 NRM 神经元自发放电和抑制伤害感受性反应的效应。  相似文献   

Abstract— Rabbits were given an intraocular injection of [3H]acetate and [1-14C]glucosamine. The two precursors were incorporated into the gangliosides, whose activities were measured in the retina, optic nerve, optic tract and lateral geniculate body. The radioactivities of cerebrosides and ethanolamine and choline phosphoglycerides were also determined. Gangliosides were labelled in all parts of the optic pathway, from both acetate and glucosamine. The precursors seemed to be distributed along the entire pathway shortly after injection. They were not transported with the blood and no ganglioside transport could be shown.  相似文献   

周小萍  蒋志根 《生理学报》1992,44(4):347-354
在豚鼠肠系膜下神经节(IMG)及其支配的结肠段联合标本上,对IMG细胞内电位与肠段纵肌或环肌舒缩活动进行了同步记录。实验结果表明:(1)肠段预置张力为零时,约50%IMG细胞有自发的快兴奋性突触后电位(EPSP)活动,切断结肠神经或以筒箭毒(50μmol/L)灌流IMG后消失;(2)筒箭毒或低钙高镁溶液阻断神经节传递时,环肌节律性收缩幅度增大,节律变慢,但对纵肌节律性收缩无明显影响,(3)串刺激节前神经,在IMG细胞引起一串快EPSP或动作电位并常跟随迟慢的EPSP,同时,纵肌在0.1-0.2s潜伏期后出现迅速的、时程基本与动作电位串一致的舒张波,后者在筒箭毒灌流IMG后消失,而环肌运动可见舒张、舒张波延长或收缩波增大。结果提示:IMG不仅中继经典的胆碱能传出功能,还参与以胆碱能传递为中介的肠-肠反射,该反射活动的传出效应主要在于抑制环肌收缩。  相似文献   

在动物离心机上测定了7只轻度麻醉家免暴露于+G_Z时心、眼水平动脉压和心率的变化。+G_Z作用5-12s时、心水平动脉压(HABP)降至最低水平,然后开始代偿性回升。当+G_Z增大到一定值时,于加速度达峰值后,HABP降为0 mmHg、并在峰值后5.5±1.7s降到最大负值,继之代偿性升为正值,并常再度降为负值。我们称HABP的这种变化状态为“临界状态”。+G_Z暴露时,心率以两种型式发生改变:第一种,随着G值增大,心率发生不同程度增快,当加速度达某一G值时,心率突然减慢至2次/秒左右;第二种,当G值≥3时,在暴露过程中,心率逐渐减慢,并在某一G值,心率减慢到2次/秒左右。心率和HABP关系密切。当HABP达临界状态时,心率减慢至2次/秒左右并出现明显节律不整。以心率减慢到2次/秒左右作为家免+G_Z耐力终点是合适的,该指标规律性强,重复性好,实验方法对动物无损伤又易实施。按此标准,测得7只家免的+G_Z耐力为4.85±0.47G。  相似文献   

龙血树真菌群及其对血竭形成的影响   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
从柬埔寨龙血树(Dracaenacochinchinensis)茎杆中分离到303株真菌,其中镰刀菌属(Fusarium)菌株占总分离频率的52%,其次是短梗霉(Aureobasidium)和枝孢霉(Cladosporium)。通过活体接种对血竭产生的影响试验表明,对血竭形成起重要作用的真菌主要是禾谷镰刀菌龙血树变种(F.graminumvar.dracaena)等4株红色镰刀菌,可使血竭形成量提高66%-120%。  相似文献   

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