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Four Gram-negative, chemoheterotrophic, nonmotile, yellow-colored strains were isolated from the East Sea or from deep-sea sediments of Nankai Trough by standard dilution plating. Characterization by polyphasic approaches indicated that the four strains are members of the same species. Phylogenetic analyses based on 16S rRNA gene sequences revealed that the strains formed a coherent and novel genus-level lineage within the family Flavobacteriaceae. The dominant cellular fatty acids were i-C15:0, 3-OH i-C17:0, and 2-OH i-C15:0 and/or C16:1 omega7c. Predominance of 2-OH i-C 15:0 and/or C16:1omega7c clearly differentiated the strains from closely related members. The DNA G+C contents ranged 35.1-36.2 mol%. It is proposed, from the polyphasic evidence, that the strains should be placed into a novel genus and species named Sufflavibacter maritimus gen. nov., sp. nov., with strain IMCC 1001T (=KCCM 42359T=NBRC 102039T) as the type strain.  相似文献   

A total of 17 facultatively lithoautotrophic strains of Nitrobacter were investigated. They all were found to be related on the species level by DNA hybridizations. The G+C content of DNA ranged between 58.9 and 59.9 mol %. The isolates originated from divers environments. The cells were 0.5–0.8×1.2–2.0 m in size and motile by one polar to subpolar flagellum. Cell-division normally occurred by budding. Polar caps of intracytoplasmic membranes as well as carboxysomes were present. The cells tended to excrete extracellular polymers forming aggregates or biofilms. Heterotrophic growth was slower than mixotrophic but often faster than litoautotrophic growth. In the presence of nitrite and organic substances the organisms often showed diphasic growth. First nitrite and then the organic material was oxidized. In the absence of oxygen growth was possible by dissimilatory nitrate reduction. Nitrite, nitric and nitrous oxide as well as ammonia were formed. Depending on growth conditions the generation times varied from 12 to 140 h. The new Nitrobacter spec. may be one of the most abundant nitrite-oxidizing bacteria in soils, fresh waters and natural as well as artificial stones. For this organism the name Nitrobacter vulgaris is proposed.The type strain is filed with the culture collection of the Institut für Allgemeine Botanik, Universität Hamburg, FRG.  相似文献   

Strain IAM 14872, isolated from wastewater in Thailand, is capable of producing polyhydroxyalkanoate. This bacterium is Gram-negative, rod-shaped, strictly aerobic and highly motile with a single polar flagellum. Both oxidase and catalase activities are positive. The G+C content of DNA is 67.5% and Q-10 is the major quinone. The major cellular fatty acids are C(18:1)omega7c, 2-OH C(18:0) and 3-OH C(14:0). On the basis of the 16S rDNA sequence analysis and phenotypic properties, it is proposed that the strain IAM 14872 be classified in a new genus as Tistrella mobilis gen. nov., sp. nov. The type strain is IAM 14872(T) (=TISTR 1108(T)).  相似文献   

The coelomycete Octopodotus stupendus and the ascomycete Phyllachora paludicola are described as obligate marine fungi from the decomposing salt-marsh plant, Spartina alterniflora. Both species fruit only on the leaf blades, not on the leaf sheaths. Whereas O. stupendus is known so far only from North Carolina, P. paludicola has been collected from Florida to Delaware. The total number of marine fungi reported from Spartina spp. is 41.  相似文献   

Novel dissimilatory perchlorate-reducing bacteria (DPRB) were isolated from enrichments conducted under conditions different from those of all previously described DPRB. Strain LT-1T was enriched using medium buffered at pH 6.6 with 2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulfonic acid (MES) and had only 95% 16S rRNA gene identity with its closest relative, Azonexus caeni. Strain MPT was enriched in the cathodic chamber of a perchlorate-reducing bioelectrical reactor (BER) and together with an additional strain, CR (99% 16S rRNA gene identity), had 97% 16S rRNA gene identity with Propionivibrio limicola. The use of perchlorate and other electron acceptors distinguished strains MPT and CR from P. limicola physiologically. Strain LT-1T had differences in electron donor utilization and optimum growth temperatures from A. caeni. Strains LT-1T and MPT are the first DPRB to be described in the Betaproteobacteria outside of the Dechloromonas and Azospira genera. On the basis of phylogenetic and physiological features, strain LT-1T represents a novel genus in the Rhodocyclaceae; strain MPT represents a novel species within the genus Propionivibrio. The names Dechlorobacter hydrogenophilus gen. nov., sp. nov and Propionivibrio militaris sp. nov. are proposed.  相似文献   

Three Gram-negative bacterial strains were isolated from the biofilter of a recirculating marine aquaculture. They were non-pigmented rods, mesophiles, moderately halophilic, and showed chemo-organoheterotrophic growth on various sugars, fatty acids, and amino acids, with oxygen as electron acceptor; strains D9-3T and D11-58 were in addition able to denitrify. Phototrophic or fermentative growth could not be demonstrated. Phylogenetic analysis of the 16S rRNA gene sequences placed D9-3T and D11-58, and D1-19T on two distinct branches within the alpha-3 proteobacterial Rhodobacteraceae, affiliated with, but clearly separate from, the genera Rhodobacter, Rhodovulum, and Rhodobaca. Based on morphological, physiological, and 16S rRNA-based phylogenetic characteristics, the isolated strains are proposed as new species of two novel genera, Defluviimonas denitrificans gen. nov., sp. nov. (type strain D9-3T = DSM 18921T = ATCC BAA-1447T; additional strain D11-58 = DSM19039 = ATCC BAA-1448) and Pararhodobacter aggregans gen. nov., sp. nov (type strain D1-19T = DSM 18938T = ATCC BAA-1446T).  相似文献   

The capacity of mesophilic sulfate-reducing bacteria to grow lithoautotrophically with H2, sulfate and CO2 was investigated with enrichment cultures and isolated species. (a) Enrichments in liquid mineral media with H2, sulfate and CO2 consistently yielded mixed cultures of nonautotrophic, acetate-requiring Desulfovibrio species and autotrophic, acetate-producing Acetobacterium species (cell ratio approx. 20:1). (b) By direct dilution of mud samples in agar, various non-sporing sulfate reducers were isolated in pure cultures that did grow autotrophically. Two oval cell types (strains HRM2, HRM4) and one curved cell type (strain HRM6) from marine sediment were studied in detail. The strains grew in mineral medium supplemented only with vitamins (biotin, p-aminobenzoate, nicotinate). Carbon autotrophy was evident (i) from comparative growth experiments with non-autotrophic, acetate-requiring species, (ii) from high cell densities ruling out a cell synthesis from organic impurities in the mineral media, and (iii) by demonstrating that 96–99% of the cell carbon was derived from 14C-labelled CO2. Autotrophic growth occurred with a doubling time of 16–20 h at 24–28°C. Formate, fatty acids up to palmitate, ethanol, lactate, succinate, fumarate, malate and other organic acids were also used and completely oxidized. The three strains possessed cytochromes of the b-and c-type, but no desulfoviridin. Strain HRM2 is described as a new species of a new genus, Desulfobacterium autotrophicum. (c) The capacity for autotrophic growth was also tested with sulfate-reducing bacteria that originally had been isolated on organic substrates. The incompletely oxidizing, non-sporing types such as Desulfovibrio and Desulfobulbus species and Desulfomonas pigra were confirmed to be obligate heterotrophs that required acetate for growth with H2 and sulfate. In contrast, several of the completely oxidizing sulfate reducers were facultative autotrophs, such as Desulfosarcina variabilis, Desulfonema limicola, Desulfococcus niacini, and the newly isolated Desulfobacterium vacuolatum and Desulfobacter hydrogenophilus. The only incompletely oxidizing sulfate reducer that could grow autotrophically was the sporing Desulfotomaculum orientis, which obtained 96% of its cell carbon from 14C-labelled CO2. Desulfovibrio baarsii and Desulfococcus multivorans may also be regarded as types of facultative autotrophs; they could not oxidize H2, but grew on sulfate with formate as the only organic substrate.  相似文献   

Two new polyaromatic hydrocarbon-degrading marine bacteria have been isolated from burrow wall sediments of benthic macrofauna by using enrichments on phenanthrene. Strain LC8 (from a polychaete) and strain M4-6 (from a mollusc) are aerobic and gram negative and require sodium chloride (>1%) for growth. Both strains can use 2- and 3-ring polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons as their sole carbon and energy sources, but they are nutritionally versatile. Physiological and phylogenetic analyses based on 16S ribosomal DNA sequences suggest that strain M4-6 belongs to the genus Cycloclasticus and represents a new species, Cycloclasticus spirillensus sp. nov. Strain LC8 appears to represent a new genus and species, Lutibacterium anuloederans gen. nov., sp. nov., within the Sphingomonadaceae. However, when inoculated into sediment slurries with or without exogenous phenanthrene, only L. anuloederans appeared to sustain a significant phenanthrene uptake potential throughout a 35-day incubation. In addition, only L. anuloederans appeared to enhance phenanthrene degradation in heavily contaminated sediment from Little Mystic Cove, Boston Harbor, Boston, Mass.  相似文献   

On the basis of phenotypical characteristics and analysis of 16S rRNA sequence, a new species belonging to a new genus is described, and the name Marinobacter hydrocarbonoclasticus is proposed. This organism, isolated from Mediterranean seawater near a petroleum refinery, is a gram-negative, aerobic, rod-shaped bacterium. It grows at NaCl concentrations of 0.08 to 3.5 M and uses various hydrocarbons as the sole source of carbon and energy. Its DNA has a guanine-plus-cytosine content of 52.7 mol%. The 16S rRNA analysis shows a clear affiliation between M. hydrocarbonoclasticus and the gamma group of the phylum Proteobacteria. A close phylogenetic relationship appears among the species Marinomonas vaga, Oceanospirillum linum, Halomonas elongata, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Because of the impossibility of finding a single most closely related species, we suggest that this bacterium be assigned to a new genus, at least temporarily. The possibility of a revision of this status when new data appear is, however, not excluded. The type strain is M. hydrocarbonoclasticus SP.17 (= ATCC 49840).  相似文献   

Two bacterial isolates (170/96T and 173/96T) were recovered from the indoor building materials of a children's day care center. Phylogenetic analyses using the 16S rRNA gene sequences of both isolates indicated they both represent new lineages in the alpha-1-subclass of the Proteobacteria, with the highest sequence similarities of 93.7% and 93.6%, respectively to the type strain of Paracraurococcus ruber. When directly compared both isolates showed a 93.4% sequence similarity of their 16S rRNAs. The major respiratory quinone in both strains was a ubiquinone with 10 isoprenoid units and the major whole cell fatty acid of both strains was 18:1 omega7c. Both isolates also contained 18:1 2-OH and other fatty acids typical for members of the alpha-1 subclass of the Proteobacteria. Both strains were heterotrophic and strictly aerobic and formed slightly red-colored colonies on tryptone soy agar. Bacteriochlorophyll a could not be detected by direct spectrophotometric analyses of aerobically grown cells. On the basis of the phylogenetic analyses, physiological and biochemical characteristics, we propose that strains 170/96T and 173/96T represent two new genera and new species of the alpha-1 subclass of the Proteobacteria for which we propose the names Teichococcus ludipueritiae gen. nov. sp. nov., and Muricoccus roseus gen. nov. sp. nov., respectively.  相似文献   

Anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox) is both a promising process in wastewater treatment and a long overlooked microbial physiology that can contribute significantly to biological nitrogen cycling in the world's oceans. Anammox is mediated by a monophyletic group of bacteria that branches deeply in the Planctomycetales. Here we describe a new genus and species of anaerobic ammonium oxidizing planctomycetes, discovered in a wastewater treatment plant (wwtp) treating landfill leachate in Pitsea, UK. The biomass from this wwtp showed high anammox activity (5.0 +/- 0.5 nmol/mg protein/min) and produced hydrazine from hydroxylamine, one of the unique features of anammox bacteria. Eight new planctomycete 16S rRNA gene sequences were present in the 16S rRNA gene clone library generated from the biomass. Four of these were affiliated to known anammox 16S rRNA gene sequences, but branched much closer to the root of the planctomycete line of descent. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with oligonucleotide probes specific for these new sequences showed that two species (belonging to the same genus) together made up > 99% of the planctomycete population which constituted 20% of the total microbial community. The identification of these organisms as typical anammox bacteria was confirmed with electron microscopy and lipid analysis. The new species, provisionally named Candidatus "Scalindua brodae" and "Scalindua wagneri" considerably extend the biodiversity of the anammox lineage on the 16S rRNA gene level, but otherwise resemble known anammox bacteria. Simultaneously, another new species of the same genus, Candidatus "Scalindua sorokinii", was detected in the water column of the Black Sea, making this genus the most widespread of all anammox bacteria described so far.  相似文献   

On the basis of phenotypic properties and G+C content of DNA, as well as competitive DNA-DNA hybridization and extracellular polymeric substance analysis it was shown that this strain was completely different from all other alkaliphilic bacteria. We hereby propose that this strain be designatedAlkalobacter lublini gen. nov., sp. nov.  相似文献   

Two bacterial strains, KIS66-7T and 5GH26-15T, were isolated from soil samples collected in the South Korean cities of Tongyong and Gongju, respectively. Both strains were aerobic, Gram-stain-positive, mesophilic, flagellated, and rodshaped. A phylogenetic analysis revealed that both strains belonged to the family Microbacteriaceae of the phylum Actinobacteria. The 16S rRNA gene sequence of strain KIS66-7T had the highest similarities with those of Labedella gwakjiensis KSW2-17T (97.3%), Cryobacterium psychrophilum DSM 4854T (97.2%), Leifsonia lichenia 2SbT (97.2%), Leifsonia naganoensis JCM 10592T (97.0%), and Cryobacterium mesophilum MSL-15T (97.0%). Strain 5GH26-15T showed the highest sequence similarities with Leifsonia psychrotolerans LI1T (97.4%) and Schumannella luteola KHIAT (97.1%). The 16S rRNA gene sequence from KIS66-7T exhibited 96.4% similarity with that from 5GH26-15T. Strain KIS66-7T contained a B2γ type peptidoglycan structure with D-DAB as the diamino acid; MK-13, MK-12, and MK-14 as the respiratory quinones; ai-C15:0, ai-C17:0, and i-C16:0 as the major cellular fatty acids; and diphosphatidylglycerol, phatidylglycerol, and glycolipids as the predominant polar lipids. Strain 5GH26-15T had a B2β type peptidoglycan structure with D-DAB as the diamino acid; MK-14 and MK-13 as the respiratory quinones; ai-C15:0, i-C16:0, and ai-C{vn17:0} as the major cellular fatty acids; and diphosphatidylglycerol, phatidylglycerol, and glycolipids as the predominant polar lipids. Both strains had low DNA-DNA hybridization values (<40%) with closely related taxa. Based on our polyphasic taxonomic characterization, we propose that strains KIS66-7T and 5GH26-15T represent novel genera and species, for which we propose the names Diaminobutyricibacter tongyongensis gen. nov., sp. nov. (type strain KIS66-7T=KACC 15515T=NBRC 108724T) and Homoserinibacter gongjuensis gen. nov., sp. nov. (type strain 5GH26-15T=KACC 15524T=NBRC 108755T) within the family Microbacteriaceae.  相似文献   

A new genus of marine methanogenic bacteria and two species within this genus are described.Methanogenium is the proposed genus andMethanogenium cariaci the type species. Cells of the type species are Gram-negative, peritrichously flagellated, irregular cocci with a periodic wall surface pattern. Colonies formed by these bacteria are yellow, circular and umbonate with entire edges. The DNA base composition is 52 mol% guanine plus cytosine. Formate or hydrogen and carbon dioxide serve as substrates for growth. Cells ofMethanogenium marisnigri are of similar shape but smaller diameter thanM. cariaci. The colonies ofM. marisnigri are convex, and the DNA base composition is 61 mol % G+C. Formate or hydrogen and carbon dioxide are growth substrates. Sodium chloride is required for growth of both methanogens.Abbreviations SDS sodium dodecylsulfate - PIPES piperazine-N,N-bis (2 ethanesulfonic acid) - HS-CoM coenzyme M, 2-mercaptoethanesulfonic acid  相似文献   

A new group of anaerobic thermophilic bacteria was isolated from enrichment cultures obtained from deep sea sediments of Peru Margin collected during Leg 201 of the Ocean Drilling Program. A total of ten isolates were obtained from cores of 1–2 m below seafloor (mbsf) incubated at 60°C: three isolates came from the sediment 426 m below sea level with a surface temperature of 9°C (Site 1227), one from 252 m below sea level with a temperature of 12°C (Site 1228), and six isolates under sulfate-reducing condition from the lower slope of the Peru Trench (Site 1230). Strain JW/IW-1228P from the Site 1228 and strain JW/YJL-1230-7/2 from the Site 1230 were chosen as representatives of the two identified clades. Based on the 16S rDNA sequence analysis, these isolates represent a novel group with Thermovenabulum and Caldanaerobacter as their closest relatives. The temperature range for growth was 52–76°C with an optimum at around 68°C for JW/IW-1228P and 43–76°C with an optimum at around 64°C for JW/YJL-1230-7/2. The pH25C range for growth was from 6.3 to 9.3 with an optimum at 7.5 for JW/IW-1228P and from 5 to 9.5 with an optimum at 7.9–8.4 for JW/YJL-1230-7/2. The salinity range for growth was from 0% to 6% (w/v) for JW/IW-1228P and from 0% to 4.5% (w/v) for JW/YJL-1230-7/2. The G+C content of the DNA was 50 mol% for both JW/IW-1228P and JW/YJL-1230-7/2. DNA–DNA hybridization yielded 52% similarity between the two strains. According to 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis, the isolates are located within the family, Thermoanaerobacteriaceae. Based on their morphological and physiological properties and phylogenetic analysis, it is proposed that strain JW/IW-1228PT is placed into a novel taxa, Thermosediminibacter oceani, gen. nov., sp. nov. (DSM 16646T=ATCC BAA-1034T), and JW/YJL-1230-7/2T into Thermosediminibacter litoriperuensis sp. nov. (DSM 16647T =ATCC BAA-1035T).An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

An obligately aerobic bacterium, strain KOPRI 20902T, was isolated from a marine sediment in Ny-Arlesund, Spitsbergen Islands, Norway. Cells were irregular rods and motile with polar monotrichous flagellum. The optimum growth temperature was 17-22 degrees . Cells grew best in pH 7.0-10.0 and 3-4% sea salts (corresponding to 2.3-3.1% NaCl). The novel strain required Ca2+ or Mg2+ in addition to NaCl for growth. Sequence analysis of 16S rRNA gene revealed that the Arctic isolate is distantly related with established species (<92.4% sequence similarity) and formed a monophyletic group with Cellvibrio, which formed a distinct phylogenetic lineage in the order Pseudomonadales. Predominant cellular fatty acids [C16:1 omega7c/15:0 iso 2OH (45.3%), C16:0 (18.4%), ECL 11.799 (11.2%), C10:0 3OH (10.4%)]; DNA G+C content (37.0 mol%); nitrate reduction to nitrogen; absence of aesculin hydrolysis, N-acetyl-beta-glucosaminidase and esterase; no assimilation of arabinose, galactose, glucose, lactose, maltose, and trehalose differentiated the strain from the genus Cellvibrio. Based on the phylogenetic and phenotypic characteristics, Dasania marina gen. nov., sp. nov. is proposed in the order Pseudomonadales. Strain KOPRI 20902T (=KCTC 12566T=JCM 13441T) is the type strain of Dasania marina.  相似文献   

Jin  Chuan-Bo  Feng  Xi  Zou  Qi-Hang  Ye  Meng-Qi  Du  Zong-Jun 《Antonie van Leeuwenhoek》2021,114(11):1855-1865
Antonie van Leeuwenhoek - A Gram-stain-negative, aerobic, rod-shaped, non-gliding and non-motile bacterium designated as N1E253T, was isolated from marine sediments collected from the coast of...  相似文献   

Two anaerobic bacteria involved in the conversion of the plant lignan secoisolariciresinol diglucoside were isolated from faeces of a healthy male adult. The first isolate, strain SDG-Mt85-3Db, was a mesophilic strictly anaerobic Gram-positive helically coiled rod. Based on 16S r RNA gene sequence analysis, its nearest relatives were Clostridium cocleatum (96.7% similarity) and Clostridium ramosum (96.6%). In contrast to these species, the isolate was devoid of alpha-galactosidase and -glucosidase and did not grow on maltose, melibiose, raffinose, rhamnose and trehalose. The hypothesis that strain SDG-Mt85-3Db represents a new bacterial species of the Clostridium cluster XVIII was confirmed by DNA-DNA hybridisation experiments. The G+C content of DNA of strain SDG-Mt85-3Db (30.7+/-0.8 mol%) was comparable with that of Clostridium butyricum, the type species of the genus Clostridium. The name Clostridium saccharogumia is proposed for strain SDG-Mt85-3Db (=DSM 17460T=CCUG 51486T). The second isolate, strain ED-Mt61/PYG-s6, was a mesophilic strictly anaerobic Gram-positive regular rod. Based on 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis, its nearest relatives were Clostridium amygdalinum (93.3%), Clostridium saccharolyticum (93.1%) and Ruminococcus productus (93.0%). The isolate differed from these species in its ability to dehydrogenate enterodiol. It also possessed alpha-arabinosidase and -galactosidase and had a higher G+C content of DNA (48.0 mol%). According to these findings, it is proposed to create a novel genus, Lactonifactor, and a novel species, Lactonifactor longoviformis, to accommodate strain ED-Mt61/PYG-s6. The type strain is DSM 17459T (=CCUG 51487T).  相似文献   

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