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Rates of hybridization vary among angiosperm taxa. Among-taxon variation in hybridization rate has been used to compare the importance of pre- and post-zygotic reproductive isolating mechanisms. Variation in rates of hybridization within a single-species pair would suggest that local conditions also affect reproductive isolation within a single taxonomic context. In this study, contact sites of Ipomopsis aggregata-Ipomopsis tenuituba were surveyed for variation in frequency of hybrids, and spatial structure. Floral morphology was used to identify parent species and hybrids in seven contact sites in the western Rocky Mountains, USA. Contact sites varied widely in elevational range, the degree to which morphological variation was clinal rather than mosaic and the frequency of hybrids. Two sites provided a strong contrast between a clinal, unimodal site and a mosaic, bimodal site. This natural variation among contact sites of the same species pair provides an opportunity to assess the effect of local ecological conditions and spatial structure of parent populations on reproductive isolation, while controlling for between-taxon variation.  相似文献   

Outbreeding depression in progeny fitness may arise from disruption of local adaptation, disruption of allelic coadaptation, or a combination of these "environmental" and "physiological" mechanisms. Thus the minimum spatial scale over which outbreeding depression arises should depend on the spatial scale of gene dispersal and (with an environmental mechanism) of change in selection regimes. We previously reported substantial outbreeding depression in lifetime fitness of progeny resulting from crosses among parents separated by 100 m in natural populations of the herbaceous plant Ipomopsis aggregata. In this paper we explore the effect of crossing distance on fitness in two additional experiments begun in 1987 and 1990. We planted seed progeny derived from partial diallel crossing designs in randomized blocks in maternal environments and scored emergence of seedlings, survival, and eventual flowering of individuals over the subsequent six to eight years. Nested within each diallel design were crossing distances of 1 m, 10 m, and 100 m. Compared to 1-m and 10-m progeny, 100-m progeny of the 1987 diallel suffered a significant reduction in seedling emergence, and both 1-m and 100-m progeny that survived to flower achieved lower lambda-values on average than 10-m progeny. Total outbreeding depression suffered by 100-m relative to 10-m progeny was approximately 10%, compared to approximately 30% in our earlier study of I. aggregata. Progeny of 10-m crosses also outperformed 1-m and 100-m progeny of the 1990 diallel by approximately 5%, but no difference among crossing distance treatments was significant. Thus, the magnitude of outbreeding depression in 100-m crosses varied among experiments. This is not surprising given likely spatial and temporal variation in gene flow and selection regimes, different population histories, and different parental and progeny environments. Characterizing outbreeding depression on the shortest spatial scales over which it is expressed, as well as its variation and causes, is worthwhile because it promises to shed light on the earliest stages of angiosperm speciation.  相似文献   

Speciation is the process by which reproductively isolated lineages arise, and is one of the fundamental means by which the diversity of life increases. Whereas numerous studies have documented an association between ecological divergence and reproductive isolation, relatively little is known about the role of natural selection in genome divergence during the process of speciation. Here, we use genome-wide DNA sequences and Bayesian models to test the hypothesis that loci under divergent selection between two butterfly species (Lycaeides idas and L. melissa) also affect fitness in an admixed population. Locus-specific measures of genetic differentiation between L. idas and L. melissa and genomic introgression in hybrids varied across the genome. The most differentiated genetic regions were characterized by elevated L. idas ancestry in the admixed population, which occurs in L. idas-like habitat, consistent with the hypothesis that local adaptation contributes to speciation. Moreover, locus-specific measures of genetic differentiation (a metric of divergent selection) were positively associated with extreme genomic introgression (a metric of hybrid fitness). Interestingly, concordance of differentiation and introgression was only partial. We discuss multiple, complementary explanations for this partial concordance.  相似文献   

Experimental work has provided evidence for extrinsic post-zygotic isolation, a phenomenon unique to ecological speciation. The role that ecological components to reduced hybrid fitness play in promoting speciation and maintaining species integrity in the wild, however, is not as well understood. We addressed this problem by testing for selection against naturally occurring hybrids in two sympatric species pairs of benthic and limnetic threespine sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus). If post-zygotic isolation is a significant reproductive barrier, the relative frequency of hybrids within a population should decline significantly across the life-cycle. Such a trend in a natural population would give independent support to experimental evidence for extrinsic, rather than intrinsic, post-zygotic isolation in this system. Indeed, tracing mean individual hybridity (genetic intermediateness) across three life-history stages spanning four generations revealed just such a decline. This provides compelling evidence that extrinsic selection plays an important role in maintaining species divergence and supports a role for ecological speciation in sticklebacks.  相似文献   

Understanding speciation depends on an accurate assessment of the reproductive barriers separating newly diverged populations. In several taxonomic groups, prezygotic barriers, especially preferences for conspecific mates, are thought to play the dominant role in speciation. However, the importance of postzygotic barriers (i.e., low fitness of hybrid offspring) may be widely underestimated. In this study, we examined how well the widely used proxy of postzygotic isolation (reproductive output of F1 hybrids) reflects the long‐term fitness consequences of hybridization between two closely related species of birds. Using 40 species‐specific single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers, we genotyped a mixed population of collared and pied flycatchers (Ficedula albicollis and F. hypoleuca) to identify grand‐ and great grand‐offspring from interspecific crosses to derive an accurate, multigeneration estimate of postzygotic isolation. Two independent estimates of fitness show that hybridization results in 2.4% and 2.7% of the number of descendents typical of conspecific pairing. This postzygotic isolation was considerably stronger than estimates based on F1 hybrids. Our results demonstrate that, in nature, combined selection against hybrids and backcrossed individuals may result in almost complete postzygotic isolation between two comparatively young species. If these findings are general, postzygotic barriers separating hybridizing populations may be much stronger than previously thought.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Floral traits, such as floral volatiles, can contribute to pre-zygotic reproductive isolation by promoting species-specific pollinator foraging. When hybrid zones form, floral traits could also influence post-zygotic isolation. This study examined floral volatiles in parental species and natural hybrids in order to explore potential scent mediation of pre-zygotic and post-zygotic isolation.


Floral bouquets were analysed for the sister species Ipomopsis aggregata and I. tenuituba and their natural hybrids at two contact sites differing in both hybridization rate and temporal foraging pattern of hawkmoth pollinators. Floral volatiles were quantified in diurnal and nocturnal scent samples using gas chromatography–mass spectrometry.

Key Results

The bouquets of parental species and hybrids showed qualitative overlap. All flowers emitted similar sets of monoterpenoid, sesquiterpenoid, aliphatic and benzenoid compounds, but separated into groups defined by multivariate analysis of quantitative emissions. The parental species differed most strikingly in the nitrogenous compound indole, which was found almost exclusively in nocturnal bouquets of I. tenuituba. Natural hybrid bouquets were highly variable, and showed emission rates of several compounds that appeared transgressive. However, indole emission rates were intermediate in the hybrids compared with rates in the parents. Volatile bouquets at the contact site with lower hybridization did not show greater species specificity in overall scent emission, but I. tenuituba presented a stronger indole signal during peak hawkmoth activity at that site.


The two species of Ipomopsis differed in patterns of floral bouquets, with indole emitted in nocturnal I. tenuituba, but not in I. aggregata. Natural hybrid bouquets were not consistently intermediate between the parents, although hybrids were intermediate in indole emission. The indole signal could potentially serve as a hawkmoth attractant that mediates reproductive isolation both before and after hybrid formation.  相似文献   

One cause of reproductive isolation is gamete competition, in which conspecific pollen has an advantage over heterospecific pollen in siring seeds, thereby decreasing the formation of F1 hybrids. Analogous pollen interactions between hybrid pollen and conspecific pollen can contribute to post-zygotic isolation. The herbaceous plants Ipomopsis aggregata and I. tenuituba frequently hybridize in nature. Hand-pollination of I. aggregata with pollen from F1 or F2 hybrids produced as many seeds as hand-pollination with conspecific pollen, suggesting equal pollen viability. However, when mixed pollen loads with 50% conspecific pollen and 50% hybrid pollen were applied to I. aggregata stigmas, fewer than half of the seeds had hybrid sires. Such pollen mixtures are frequently received if plants of the two species and F1 and F2 hybrids are intermixed, suggesting that this advantage of conspecific over hybrid pollen reduces backcrossing and contributes to reproductive isolation.  相似文献   

Reciprocal crosses between species often display an asymmetry in the fitness of F1 hybrids. This pattern, referred to as isolation asymmetry or Darwin's corollary to Haldane's rule, is a general feature of reproductive isolation in plants, yet factors determining its magnitude and direction remain unclear. We evaluated reciprocal species crosses between two naturally hybridizing diploid species of Arabidopsis to assess the degree of isolation asymmetry at different postmating life stages. We found that pollen from Arabidopsis arenosa will usually fertilize ovules from Arabidopsis lyrata; the reverse receptivity being less complete. Maternal A. lyrata parents set more F1 hybrid seed, but germinate at lower frequency, reversing the asymmetry. As predicted by theory, A. lyrata (the maternal parent with lower seed viability in crosses) exhibited accelerated chloroplast evolution, indicating that cytonuclear incompatibilities may play a role in reproductive isolation. However, this direction of asymmetrical reproductive isolation is not replicated in natural suture zones, where delayed hybrid breakdown of fertility at later developmental stages, or later‐acting selection against A. arenosa maternal hybrids (unrelated to hybrid fertility, e.g., substrate adaptation) may be responsible for an excess of A. lyrata maternal hybrids. Exogenous selection rather than cytonuclear incompatibilities thus shapes the asymmetrical postmating isolation in nature.  相似文献   

We propose a novel method that uses natural admixture between divergent lineages (hybridization) to investigate the genetic architecture of reproductive isolation and adaptive introgression. Our method employs multinomial regression to estimate genomic clines and to quantify introgression for individual loci relative to the genomic background (clines in genotype frequency along a genomic admixture gradient). Loci with patterns of introgression that deviate significantly from null expectations based on the remainder of the genome are potentially subject to selection and thus of interest to understanding adaptation and the evolution of reproductive isolation. Using simulations, we show that different forms of selection modify these genomic clines in predictable ways and that our method has good power to detect moderate to strong selection for multiple forms of selection. Using individual-based simulations, we demonstrate that our method generally has a low false positive rate, except when genetic drift is particularly pronounced (e.g. low population size, low migration rates from parental populations, and substantial time since initial admixture). Additional individual-based simulations reveal that moderate selection against heterozygotes can be detected as much as 50 c m away from the focal locus directly experiencing selection, but is not detected at unlinked loci. Finally, we apply our analytical method to previously published data sets from a mouse ( Mus musculus and M. domesticus ) and two sunflower ( Helianthus petiolaris and H. annuus ) hybrid zones. This method should be applicable to numerous species that are currently the focus of research in evolution and ecology and should help bring about new insights regarding the processes underlying the origin and maintenance of biological diversity.  相似文献   

Understanding the genetic details of reproductive isolation is a key goal in the study of speciation. Hybrid zones, geographical regions where two species meet and exchange genes, can provide insight into the genetic basis of reproductive isolation. This is especially true in species with mapped molecular markers because patterns of gene flow can be compared among different genomic regions. Even greater insight can be obtained in species with complete genome sequences because gene identity, gene number and other features of interest can be assessed for genomic regions with different patterns of introgression. Here, we review recent studies on the well-characterized hybrid zone between Mus domesticus and M. musculus , including a detailed survey of patterns of introgression for 13 markers on the X chromosome. We then compare levels of introgression for these 13 regions to a number of genomic attributes inferred from the complete sequence of the X chromosome, with two purposes. First, we identify candidate genes for reproductive isolation by finding genes that map to an X-linked region of reduced introgression and that are only expressed in the male germ line or that show high rates of protein evolution in comparison with rat. Second, we ask whether patterns of gene flow are correlated with recombination rate, gene density, base composition, CpG island density, mutation rate and the rate of protein evolution, as might be expected if many genes contribute to reproductive isolation. We identify seven candidate genes for reproductive isolation between M. domesticus and M. musculus , and our analyses reveal no general correlations between levels of introgression and other measured sequence characteristics. These results underline the utility of the house mouse as a model system for the study of speciation.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 84 , 523–534.  相似文献   

Hybridization between divergent lineages has long been assumed to give rise to unfavorable interactions between the parental genomes. These deleterious genetic interactions are further assumed to result in the production of hybrid offspring with decreased levels of viability and/or fertility. To test this assumption, we investigated the role of both nuclear and cytonuclear epistatic interactions in determining the frequencies of F2 genotypes produced in crosses between two species of Louisiana iris, Iris fulva and I. brevicaulis. Overall, these crosses revealed a significant deficit of intermediate hybrid genotypes accompanied by an excess of parental-like genotypes, suggesting that genetic interactions may promote postmating reproductive isolation between these species. However, analyses of single and multilocus segregation patterns revealed a variety of negative and positive interactions between the genomes of the parental taxa at the nuclear and cytonuclear levels. Taken together, these results indicate that the traditional view that interactions between divergent genomes are always deleterious is an oversimplification. Rather, it seems likely that crosses between divergent lineages can lead to the production of both fit and unfit hybrid genotypes.  相似文献   

Estimates of hybrid fitness have been used as either a platform for testing the potential role of natural hybridization in the evolution of species and species complexes or, alternatively, as a rationale for dismissing hybridization events as being of any evolutionary significance. From the time of Darwin's publication of The Origin, through the neo-Darwinian synthesis, to the present day, the observation of variability in hybrid fitness has remained a challenge for some models of speciation. Yet, Darwin and others have reported the elevated fitness of hybrid genotypes under certain environmental conditions. In modern scientific terminology, this observation reflects the fact that hybrid genotypes can demonstrate genotype × environment interactions. In the current review, we illustrate the development of one plant species complex, namely the Louisiana Irises, into a 'model system' for investigating hybrid fitness and the role of genetic exchange in adaptive evolution and diversification. In particular, we will argue that a multitude of approaches, involving both experimental and natural environments, and incorporating both manipulative analyses and surveys of natural populations, are necessary to adequately test for the evolutionary significance of introgressive hybridization. An appreciation of the variability of hybrid fitness leads to the conclusion that certain genetic signatures reflect adaptive evolution. Furthermore, tests of the frequency of allopatric versus sympatric/parapatric divergence (that is, divergence with ongoing gene flow) support hybrid genotypes as a mechanism of evolutionary diversification in numerous species complexes.  相似文献   

The frequency of hybrid formation in angiosperms depends on how often heterospecific pollen is transferred to the stigma and on the success of that heterospecific pollen at fertilizing ovules. Even if heterospecific pollen is capable of effecting fertilization it may perform poorly when conspecific pollen is also available on the stigma. We applied pollen mixtures to stigmas to determine how pollen interactions affect siring success and the frequency of hybrid formation between two species of Ipomopsis (Polemoniaceae) in Colorado. Plants of both parental species and natural hybrids were pollinated with I. aggregata and I. tenuituba pollen in ratios of 100:0, 80:20, 50:50, 20:80, and 0:100 by mass. Plants were homozygous for different alleles at an isozyme marker, allowing us to distinguish the type of pollen parent for 2166 viable seeds from 273 fruits. In contrast to studies of many other hybridizing taxa, there was no evidence of an advantage to conspecific pollen, nor did composition of the stigmatic pollen load affect seed set. Instead, the frequency of seeds sired by a given species was proportional to its representation in the pollen load. In this hybrid zone, both the frequency of first-generation hybrid formation and the relative male fitness of the two parental species should be predictable from the rates of pollen transfer to stigmas.  相似文献   

棉褐带卷叶蛾两个宗的杂交试验及酯酶同工酶的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国棉褐带卷叶蛾Adoxophyes orana北方宗苹小卷叶蛾与南方宗茶小卷叶蛾进行杂交试验,后代卵孵化率为20%左右。F1代全是雄性与亲本母体回交.后代卵孵化率为6%-8%。4十回交组的子代均能产生雄性和雌性成虫.但其生存能力显下降,结果表明棉褐带卷叶蛾南北方两个种群存在生殖隔离。用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳测定两个种群的脂酶同工酶发现,它们的酶谱差异很大,可见种群间遗传变异的程度很大。  相似文献   

Ecological speciation   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Ecological processes are central to the formation of new species when barriers to gene flow (reproductive isolation) evolve between populations as a result of ecologically‐based divergent selection. Although laboratory and field studies provide evidence that ‘ecological speciation’ can occur, our understanding of the details of the process is incomplete. Here we review ecological speciation by considering its constituent components: an ecological source of divergent selection, a form of reproductive isolation, and a genetic mechanism linking the two. Sources of divergent selection include differences in environment or niche, certain forms of sexual selection, and the ecological interaction of populations. We explore the evidence for the contribution of each to ecological speciation. Forms of reproductive isolation are diverse and we discuss the likelihood that each may be involved in ecological speciation. Divergent selection on genes affecting ecological traits can be transmitted directly (via pleiotropy) or indirectly (via linkage disequilibrium) to genes causing reproductive isolation and we explore the consequences of both. Along with these components, we also discuss the geography and the genetic basis of ecological speciation. Throughout, we provide examples from nature, critically evaluate their quality, and highlight areas where more work is required.  相似文献   

物种形成过程是生物多样性形成的基础, 长期以来一直是进化生物学的中心议题之一。传统的异域物种形成理论认为, 地理隔离是物种分化的主要决定因子, 物种形成只有在种群之间存在地理隔离的情况下才能发生。近年来, 随着种群基因组学的发展和溯祖理论分析方法的完善, 种群间存在基因流情况下的物种形成成为进化生物学领域新的研究焦点。物种形成过程中是否有基因流的发生?基因流如何影响物种的形成与分化?基因流存在条件下物种形成的生殖隔离机制是什么?根据已发表的相关文献资料, 作者综述了当前物种形成研究中基因流的时间和空间分布模式、基因流对物种分化的影响以及生殖隔离机制形成等问题, 指出基因流存在条件下的物种形成可能是自然界普遍发生的一种模式。  相似文献   

Using low‐coverage whole‐genome sequencing, analysis of vocalizations, and inferences from natural history, we document a first‐generation hybrid between a rose‐breasted grosbeak (Pheucticus ludovicianus) and a scarlet tanager (Piranga olivacea). These two species occur sympatrically throughout much of eastern North America, although were not previously known to interbreed. Following the field identification of a putative hybrid, we use genetic and bioacoustic data to show that a rose‐breasted grosbeak was the maternal parent and a scarlet tanager was the paternal parent of the hybrid, whose song was similar to the latter species. These two species diverged >10 million years ago, and thus it is surprising to find a hybrid formed under natural conditions in the wild. Notably, the hybrid has an exceptionally heterozygous genome, with a conservative estimate of a heterozygous base every 100 bp. The observation that this hybrid of such highly divergent parental taxa has survived until adulthood serves as another example of the capacity for hybrid birds to survive with an exceptionally divergent genomic composition.  相似文献   

In many damselfly species mature females exhibit colour polymorphism: one female morph resembles the conspecific male (androchrome) while the others do not (gynochromes). Hypotheses for the maintenance of such polymorphisms differ mainly as to whether they are based on density- and/or frequency-dependent selection and on the nature of the frequency dependence. We collected lifetime fitness data (individual lifespan, number of copulations and number of ovipositions) for female morphs of the damselfly Ischnura elegans from 15 insectaries differing in population parameters (density, sex ratio and ratio of andro- to gynochromes). Both density and frequency affected a specific set of the studied fitness components. While morph frequency influenced lifespan, sex ratio influenced the number of copulations, and density affected lifespan and the number of ovipositions. Clearly, discrepancies among studies may be generated if the studied fitness components differ. Our final fitness estimate, the number of ovipositions, was only influenced by density, thereby not supporting frequency-based hypotheses. Contrary to expectation under the current density-based hypothesis, androchromes compared to gynochromes had a lower number of ovipositions at high density. We discuss our findings in the light of mechanisms maintaining the female polymorphism.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 86 , 515–523.  相似文献   

In the present study we investigated sexual isolation between Triturus vulgaris and 77 montandoni in mating experiments run under semi-natural conditions. The two newt species offer a suitable model for studying evolution of reproductive isolation and mating preferences because they arc genetically the most similar species within the genus and readily hybridize in nature. Separate experiments were conducted in which groups of virgin females were placed together (in artificial pools) with groups of homospecific, heterospecific or both types of males. The estimates of reproductive isolation and mating propensity were based on the numbers of females producing hybrids and/or non-hybrid progeny. The levels of reproductive isolation, isolation asymmetry (IA) and propensity asymmetry (PA) were significant only for experiments in which females were given a choice between conspecific and heterospecific males. This implies that mating experiments with no interspecific choice may reduce discrimination and affect patterns of IA and PA. Asymmetry in reproductive isolation was also significant when the analysis was confined to just inseminated females. Differences in habitat preferences and condition of females possibly contributed to the relatively high values of PA.  相似文献   

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