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The spermatozoon of Hemirhamphodon pogonognalhus shows modifications that are frequent though not obligate in internally fertilizing sperm, notably elongation of the nucleus and extension of the mitochondria of the midpiece as an elongate sheath around the proximal region of the axoneme. These similarities to poecilid and jenynsid sperm are considered homoplasic. As in the mature sperm of all but one investigated teleost, an acrosome is absent. The elongate, blade-shaped, electron-dense nucleus has a mean length of 3.2 μm; its basal implantation fossa, less than one-tenth of the length of the nucleus, houses the anterior half of the distal and only centriole (of triplet construction with satellite rays), a centriolar plug, and a mass connecting the centriole to the wall of the fossa. A unilateral putative centriole adjunct is present. The anterior region of the axoneme is surrounded by a mitochondrial sleeve, and internal to this, separated by a cisterna, by a submitochondrial sleeve. The mitochondrial sleeve unites posteriorly with the submitochondrial sleeve. Between the submitochondrial sleeve and the axoneme is a space, the cytoplasmic canal, that is open to the exterior posteriorly. The discrete, cristate mitochondria, in their sleeve, are unique in investigated atherinomorph sperm in being bilateral, grouped on only two opposing sides of the axoneme, with an arc-shaped ‘intermitochondrial link’ between. The 9 + 2 flagellum is unique for the Animalia in having 23 radial subplasmalemmal rods, repeated longitudinally (periodicity 0.025 pm) in a quasicrystalline array. Internal fertilization is deduced to have arisen in the Exocoetoidei independently of that in the Cyprinidcntiformes.  相似文献   

A trichiurid, Lepturacanthus roelandti (Bleeker, 1860), previously regarded as a synonym of L. savala (Cuvier, 1829), is redescribed as a valid species on the basis of the holotype of the former and four non-type specimens. This species differs from the two valid congeners, viz., L. savala and L. pantului (Gupta, 1966), in having a gold sheen or yellowish-silver color when fresh (vs. steel-blue with metallic sheen in the latter two), posterior margin of maxilla reaching or extending beyond a vertical through hind eye margin (vs. not extending beyond a vertical through hind eye margin), pectoral fin slightly longer than snout (vs. slightly shorter than snout), tip of pectoral fin clearly extending beyond dorsal outline when vertically orientated (vs. not reaching dorsal outline), gill rakers absent or reduced to stiff ossified structures (vs. well developed, spinelike), first anal fin spine situated below the 40th–43rd dorsal fin ray (vs. below 35th–39th in L. pantului and 35th–40th in L. savala), precaudal vertebrae 42–43 (vs. 35–39 in L. pantului and 36–40 in L. savala), and attaining larger sizes [882–1200 mm in total length (TL) vs. less than 800 mm TL in the latter two].  相似文献   

Asterorhombus annulatus was long synonymized with A. intermedius. Twenty-nine specimens from the Coral Sea revealed that the former is clearly separable from the latter in having a short first dorsal fin ray, slender gill rakers with spinules, distinctly shorter blind-side pelvic fin base, an absence of conspicuous black spots on the ocular side of the body, greater eye diameter and greater interorbital width, and somewhat higher ranges of upper jaw lengths. A. annulatus is redescribed as a valid species. Received: March 4, 2000 / Revised: September 13, 2000 / Accepted: January 12, 2001  相似文献   

A new species of gekkonid, Hemiphyllodactylus dupanglingensis sp. nov., is described based on six specimens from Hunan Province, China. The new species is phylogenetically close to H. zugi, H.hongkongensis, H. dushanensis, and H. huishuiensis,and can be distinguished from its congeners by the following combination of cha racters: 9–11 chin scales; postmental scales enlarged; 9–12 infralabials,11–14 supralabials; 14–16 dorsal scales and 10–11 ventral scales longitudinally arranged at the midbody contained with one eye diameter; a manual lamellar formula of 4–4–5–4 or 4–5–5–4 and a pedal lamellar formula of 4–5–5–5 or 5–6–6–4; 21–25 continuous precloacal and femoral pores in males.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Ultrastruktur der interstitiellen Zellen im Hoden von Trichogaster leeri (Anabantoidei, Teleostei) wird beschrieben. In diesen Zellen kommen kleine Mitochondrien, die nur Cristae enthalten, neben großen Mitochondrien (bis zu 3 im Durchmesser) vor, die sowohl Cristae als auch Tubuli besitzen. Die Tubuli sind in parallel verlaufenden gewellten Bündeln angeordnet und können eine regelmäßige zirkuläre Streifung ihrer Wand aufweisen. Verschiedene Differenzierungsstadien dieser Mitochondrien werden mit ähnlich strukturierten Mitochondrien verglichen, wie sie in Steroid produzierenden Zellen anderer endokriner Organe vorkommen.
Special mitochondria in the leydig-cells of the teleost, Trichogaster leeri (Bleeker)
Summary The ultrastructure of the interstitial cells in the testis of Trichogaster leeri (Anabantoidei, Teleostei) is described. In these cells small mitochondria, containing only cristae, occur by the side of large mitochondria (up to 3 in diameter) which possess cristae as well as tubules. The tubules are oriented in parallel wavy bundles and may show a regular circular striation of their walls. Various stages of differentiation of these mitochondria are compared with mitochondria in steroid producing endocrine organs.
30. Mai 1972.  相似文献   

From June to July 1988, larvae of Mystus macropterus (Bleeker) were obtained by artificial propagation of spawners collected from the Jialing River, China. Larvae grown in water temperatures ranging from 26 to 29°C were fully developed at approximately 20 days. The newly-hatched larvae measured 6.0–7.5 mm t.l. , exceeding the dimensions of any known newly-hatched larvae of freshwater catfishes indigenous to China. Five days after hatching, when the larvae were 11.4 mm t.l. and the prolarval stage was complete, exogenous feeding commenced. Twelve days after hatching, at 18.4 mm t.l. , the yolk sac disappeared, organogenesis was almost complete and the juvenile period began. At 20 days post-hatching, at 23.0 mm t.l. , the lateral line system had formed and the juveniles resembled the adults with respect to all external features, which signalled the end of thejuvenile period. Comparison of the larval development in eight species ofeconomic freshwater catfishes shows that the most significant aspect of the larval development of M. macropterus is the sustained (6–7 days) mixed nourishment period and the early differentiation of organs, which enhances the survival rate of the larvae.  相似文献   

The cyprinid Barbodes gonionotus (Bleeker) is a commercially important fish in both capture fisheries and aquaculture in Southeast Asia. Five polymorphic microsatellite loci from B. gonionotus are described. Four are highly variable, with 9–30 alleles observed per locus in four populations sampled from Thailand (HO = 0.694–0.808). These will be of use in studies of population genetic structure and in pedigree analyses.  相似文献   

The first marine fish digeneans recorded from Shark Bay, Western Australia are described from the flatfish Pseudorhombus jenynsi. Macvicaria dampieri n. sp. differs from the other members of the genus in its undivided, straight, saccular seminal vesicle, and the definition of the genus is extended to include this feature. The following new combinations are made: Macvicaria branchiostegi (Yamaguti, 1937) [originally Plagioporus] and M. cynoglossi (Madhavi, 1975) [originally P.]. Cainocreadium alanwilliamsi n. sp. is distinguished by the variable anterior extent of its excretory vesicle, which reaches to a level ranging between the posterior margin of the ventral sucker and just into the forebody, and by its relatively short forebody.  相似文献   

Gerres chrysops, a new gerreid species from the Gulf of Thailand, is described on the basis of 29 specimens, 58–83 mm in standard length (SL). A small-sized species (less than 100 mm SL), it is characterized by a silvery-gold sheen on the head and trunk, vivid yellow or yellowish-hyaline fins in life, two supraneural bones (formula 0/0/2/) and dorsal fin rays usually IX, 10. The new species is similar toG. decacanthus (Bleeker, 1865) andG. setifer (Hamilton, 1822), which are redescribed. being similarly small valid gerreid species characterized by two supraneural bones. Together, the three species comprise “theGerres setifer complex.”Gerres chrysops differs from bothG. decacanthus andG. setifer in life and fresh colors, the body being silvery-gold with vivid yellow or yellowish dorsal, caudal, anal and pelvic fins, and yellowish-hyaline pectoral fins (vs. silver body with hyaline fins in the latter two species).Gerres setifer differs fromG. chrysops andG. decacanthus in having the last dorsal fin spine longer than the penultimate spine (vs. almost same length or shorter), usually ten dorsal fin spines and nine soft dorsal rays (vs. usually IX, 10), and 8 or 9 lower series gill rakers (vs. usually 7).Gerres decacanthus differs fromG. chrysops andG. setifer in having a shorter head, lesser body depth at the first anal fin spine base, lesser body width at the pectoral fin base, and shorter second dorsal and third anal fin spines. The new species is currently known only from Angsilla, near Bangsaen, and around Si Chang Island, northeastern Gulf of Thailand.Gerres decacanthus inhabits southern Chinese waters andG. setifer is currently known from the Bay of Bengal to the Andaman Sea.  相似文献   

The South-east Asian cyprinid Barbonymus schwanenfeldii is recorded for the first time in the Iberian Peninsula from two specimens collected in the Guadiana River Basin in 2005. Their presence is probably due to release from aquaria.  相似文献   

裸项栉鰕虎鱼消化系统组织形态学观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 研究裸项栉缎虎鱼消化系统的组织形态学.方法 对裸项栉鰕虎鱼进行解剖,并测量和计算肠道系数、食道长度等数据;制作组织切片,采用光镜技术对消化系统的组织器官进行观察分析.结果 裸项栉鰕虎鱼的消化系统由消化管和消化腺组成,其中消化管包括口咽、食道、胃、小肠和大肠等,消化腺包括肝脏和胰腺.咽部上皮和食道上皮为复层扁平上皮,内有较多的杯状细胞和黏液腺,食道肌层为横纹肌.胃上皮为单层柱状上皮,胃底腺主要位于胃体部的固有层中.肠黏膜向肠腔突起形成许多皱襞,肠上皮为单层柱状上皮,上皮中有数量不等的杯状细胞.肠道系数(IC)约为0.30.胃和肠的肌层都为平滑肌.肝细胞中含有丰富的脂滴,在HE染色标本中因脂滴被溶解而呈大小不等的空泡.胰腺包括外分泌部和内分泌部,外分泌部是浆液腺,内分泌部又称胰岛,主要由内分泌细胞组成.结论 裸项栉鰕虎鱼的消化系统组织形态学与其杂食性相适应,本研究可为裸项栉鰕虎鱼的实验动物化提供支持.  相似文献   

The holotype of a bothid flounder,Arnoglossus tapeinosomus (Bleeker, 1866), was re-examined and found to bear none of the diagnostic characters ascribed by many authors to the species. In addition, the shape of the prevomer was clearly different between the holotype and 18 specimens supposedly“A. tapeinosomus.” A. macrolophus Alcock, 1889, which was synonymized underA. tapeinosomus by Weber and de Beaufort (1929), is considered as a valid replacement name for“A. tapeinosomus,” because of the elongated anterior rays in the dorsal fin and a large, dark spot on the posterior dorsal and anal fin bases.A. tapeinosomus is redescribed from the holotype.  相似文献   

In line with current conservation efforts, some success in the captive breeding of the seahorse Hippocampus kuda (Teleostei: Syngnathidae) has been achieved. To evaluate the salinity tolerance of these hatchery‐bred juveniles, 9‐week‐old H. kuda were transferred without prior acclimatization from ambient full strength seawater (32–33 ppt) to salinities ranging from freshwater to 85 ppt. Survival, growth, and total body water content were determined after 4 and 18 days of exposure. Juvenile H. kuda are able to survive in dilute seawater (15 ppt) for at least 18 days without any compromise in growth (both wet and dry body weight), survival, and total body water. Fish abruptly transferred to freshwater succumbed within 4–24 h, while survival of 5 ppt‐reared fish decreased to ca. 65% in 18 days. Although 10 ppt‐reared seahorses had growth and survival comparable with the control (30 ppt seawater), total body water was significantly elevated indicating reduced adaptability. The upper limit of H. kuda salinity tolerance was 50 ppt. Fish reared at salinities ≥55 ppt succumbed within 24 h. Like several other marine teleosts, growth and survival of juvenile H. kuda tended to peak in diluted seawater salinities of 15 and 20 ppt. These results indicate the possibility of growing hatchery‐bred H. kuda in brackishwater environments.  相似文献   

Aim of this study was to evaluate sperm morphology of silver barb, Barbodes gonionotus, sperm and describe the effect of antibiotics on morphological characteristics of the sperm using an ASMA plug‐in. The experiment was done at the room temperature (25°C) and divided into four treatments in three replicates: (i) freshly collected semen, (ii) extended semen (control), (iii) extended semen supplemented with 0.5% penicillin‐streptomycin (PS), and (iv) extended semen supplemented with 0.5% penicillin‐gentamicin (PG). Silver barb sperm comprised three main compartments: a circular head with no acrosome, a midpiece, and a single flagellum. Addition of 0.5% PS had no detrimental effects on sperm morphometry, except flagellum width. Administration of 0.5% PG affected sperm morphology in two distinct ways: (i) intact sperm (76.92 ± 5.84% of total sperm) except for flagellum width, and (ii) severe morphological damage (23.08 ± 2.67%).  相似文献   

蛇鮈属一新亚种记述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蛇(鱼句)属为一群小型鲤科鱼类.蛇(鱼句)广泛分布于东亚大陆.通过对采自云南程海和珠江、闽江、长江、辽河、松花江等水系蛇标本的形态、度量特征进行仔细分析和比较,认为蛇程海种群是蛇的1个新亚种,命名为程海蛇(Saurogobio dabryi chenghaiensis).程海蛇(鱼句)的特征为:吻皮发达,盖过上唇;上下唇布满发达的乳突;体及尾柄极细长,体高为体长的12.7%~15.0%,尾柄高为体长的5.5%~6.1%、为尾柄长的31.8%~39.1%;沿体侧中轴自鳃孔上方至尾鳍基具一浅色暗纹,其上布有6~11个大型棒状黑斑(黑斑长为宽的2~4倍);肛门位于腹鳍长度的中点之后;尾鳍最长鳍条为其最短鳍条的2倍以上;仅分布于云南程海.  相似文献   

Rhabdochona (Rhabdochona) parastromatei sp.n. is characterized by its relatively large body size, 16 teeth in pros tome, right spicule 0.48-0.50 mm and left 0.10-0.12 mm in length, 9–10 pairs of caudal papillae, a single adanal papilla, eggs in female 0.029-0.044 by 0.018-0.025 mm in size, and by having a marine fish host.  相似文献   

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