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Here, we show that H-rasV12 causes the p53-knockout mouse astrocytes (p53−/− astrocytes) to be transformed into brain cancer stem-like cells. H-rasV12 triggers the p53−/− astrocytes to express a Nestin and a Cd133, which are expressed in normal and cancer neural stem cells. H-rasV12 also induces the formation of a single cell-derived neurosphere under neural stem cell culture conditions. Furthermore, H-rasV12-overexpressing p53−/− astrocytes (p53−/−ast-H-rasV12) possess an in vitro self-renewal capacity, and are aberrantly differentiated into Tuj1-positve neurons both in vitro and in vivo. Amongst a variety of Ras-mediated canonical signaling pathways, we demonstrated that the MEK/ERK signaling pathway is responsible for neurosphere formation in p53-deficient astrocytes, whereas the PI3K/AKT signaling pathway is involved in oncogenic transformation in these cells. These findings suggest that the activation of Ras signaling pathways promotes the generation of brain cancer stem-like cells from p53-deficient mouse astrocytes by changing cell fate and transforming cell properties.  相似文献   

p53 is well known as a "guardian of the genome" for differentiated cells,in which it induces cell cycle arrest and cell death after DNA damage and thus contributes to the maintenance of genomic stability.In addition to this tumor suppressor function for differentiated cells,p53 also plays an important role in stem cells.In this cell type,p53 not only ensures genomic integrity after genotoxic insults but also controls their proliferation and differentiation.Additionally,p53 provides an effective barrier for the generation of pluripotent stem celllike cells from terminally differentiated cells.In this review,we summarize our current knowledge about p53 activities in embryonic,adult and induced pluripotent stem cells.  相似文献   

Arf/p53 pathway protects the cells against DNA damage induced by acute stress. This characteristic is the responsible for its tumor suppressor activity. Moreover, it regulates the chronic type of stress associated with aging. This is the basis of its anti‐aging activity. Indeed, increased gene dosage of Arf/p53 displays elongated longevity and delayed aging. At a cellular level, it has been recently shown that increased dosage of Arf/p53 delays age‐associated stem cell exhaustion and the subsequent decline in tissue homeostasis and regeneration. However, p53 can also promote aging if constitutively activated. In this context, p53 reduces tissue regeneration, which correlates with premature exhaustion of stem cells. We discuss here the current evidence linking the Arf/p53 pathway to the processes of aging and cancer through stem cell regulation.  相似文献   

Many cancer cells are unable to maintain a numerically stable chromosome complement. It is well established that aberrant cell division can generate progeny with increased ploidy, but the genetic factors required for maintenance of diploidy are not well understood. Using an isogenic model system derived by gene targeting, we examined the role of Chk1 in p53-proficient and -deficient cancer cells. Targeted inactivation of a single CHK1 allele in stably diploid cells caused an elevated frequency of mitotic bypass if p53 was naturally mutated or experimentally disrupted by homologous recombination. CHK1-haploinsufficient, p53-deficient cells frequently underwent sequential rounds of DNA synthesis without an intervening mitosis. These aberrant cell cycles resulted in whole-genome endoreduplication and tetraploidization. The unscheduled bypass of mitosis could be suppressed by targeted reversion of a p53 mutation or by exogenous expression of Cdk1. In contrast, the number of tetraploid cells was not increased in isogenic cell populations that harbor hypomorphic ATR mutations, suggesting that suppression of unscheduled mitotic bypass is a distinct function of Chk1. These results are consistent with a recently described role for Chk1 in promoting the expression of genes that promote cell cycle transitions and demonstrate how Chk1 might prevent tetraploidization during the cancer cell cycle.  相似文献   

Many cancer cells are unable to maintain a numerically stable chromosome complement. It is well established that aberrant cell division can generate progeny with increased ploidy, but the genetic factors required for maintenance of diploidy are not well understood. Using an isogenic model system derived by gene targeting, we examined the role of Chk1 in p53-proficient and -deficient cancer cells. Targeted inactivation of a single CHK1 allele in stably diploid cells caused an elevated frequency of mitotic bypass if p53 was naturally mutated or experimentally disrupted by homologous recombination. CHK1-haploinsufficient, p53-deficient cells frequently underwent sequential rounds of DNA synthesis without an intervening mitosis. These aberrant cell cycles resulted in whole-genome endoreduplication and tetraploidization. The unscheduled bypass of mitosis could be suppressed by targeted reversion of a p53 mutation or by exogenous expression of Cdk1. In contrast, the number of tetraploid cells was not increased in isogenic cell populations that harbor hypomorphic ATR mutations, suggesting that suppression of unscheduled mitotic bypass is a distinct function of Chk1. These results are consistent with a recently described role for Chk1 in promoting the expression of genes that promote cell cycle transitions and demonstrate how Chk1 might prevent tetraploidization during the cancer cell cycle.  相似文献   

S-ibuprofen which inhibits the cyclooxygenase-1/-2 and R-ibuprofen which shows no COX-inhibition at therapeutic concentrations have anti-carcinogenic effects in human colon cancer cells; however, the molecular mechanisms for these effects are still unknown. Using HCT-116 colon carcinoma cell lines, expressing either the wild-type form of p53 (HCT-116 p53wt) or being p(HCT-116 p53−/−), we demonstrated that both induction of a cell cycle block and apoptosis after S- and R-ibuprofen treatment is in part dependent on p53. Also in the in vivo nude mice model HCT-116 p53−/− xenografts were less sensitive for S- and R-ibuprofen treatment than HCT-116 p53wt cells. Furthermore, results indicate that induction of apoptosis in HCT-116 p53wt cells after ibuprofen treatment is in part dependent on a signalling pathway including the neutrophin receptor p75NTR, p53 and Bax.  相似文献   

Recent evidence indicates that the accumulation of endogenous DNA damage can induce senescence and limit the function of adult stem cells. It remains elusive whether deficiency in DNA damage repair is associated with the functional alteration of mammary stem cells. In this article, we reported that senescence was induced in mammary epithelial cells during aging along with increased expression of p16Ink4a (p16), an inhibitor of CDK4 and CKD6. Loss of p16 abrogated the age-induced senescence in mammary epithelial cells and significantly increased mammary stem cell function. We showed that loss of Brca1, a tumor suppressor that functions in DNA damage repair, in the mammary epithelium induced senescence with induction of p16 and a decline of stem cell function, which was rescued by p16 loss. These data not only answer the question as to whether deficiency in DNA damage repair is associated with the functional decline of mammary stem cells, but also identify the role of p16 in suppressing Brca1-deficient mammary stem cell function.  相似文献   

In the present study, we evidence how in breast cancer cells low doses of Taxol for 18 h determined the upregulation of p53 and p21 waf expression concomitantly with a decrease of the anti-apoptotic Bcl-2. P53 and its gene product, the mdm2 protein, in treated cells exhibits a prevalent nuclear compartmentalization, thus potentiating p53 transactivatory properties. Indeed, the most important finding of this study consists with the evidence that Taxol at lower concentrations is able to produce the activation of p21 promoter via p53. Prolonged exposure of MCF-7 cells to Taxol (48 h) resulted in an increased co-association between p21 and PCNA compared to control and this well fits with the simultaneous block of cell cycle into the G2/M phase.  相似文献   

Lai JC  Cheng YW  Goan YG  Chang JT  Wu TC  Chen CY  Lee H 《DNA Repair》2008,7(8):1352-1363
Methylation of the O(6)-methylguanine-DNA-methyltransferase (MGMT) promoter is associated with G:C to A:T transitions in the p53 gene in various human cancers, including lung cancer. In tumors with p53 mutation, MGMT promoter methylation is more common in advanced tumors than in early tumors. However, in tumors with wild-type p53, MGMT promoter methylation is independent of tumor stage. To elucidate whether p53 participates in MGMT promoter methylation, we engineered three cell models: A549 cells with RNA interference (RNAi)-mediated knockdown of p53, and p53 null H1299 cells transfected with either wild-type p53 (WT-p53) or mutant-p53 (L194R, and R249S-p53). Knockdown of endogenous p53 increased MGMT promoter methylation in A549 cells, and transient expression of WT-p53 in p53 null H1299 cells diminished MGMT promoter methylation, whereas the MGMT promoter methylation status were unchanged by expression of mutant-p53. Previous work showed that p53 modulates DNA-methyltransferase 1 (DNMT1) expression; we additionally examined chromatin remodeling proteins expression levels of histone deacetylase 1 (HDAC1). We found that p53 knockdown elevated expression of both DNMT1 and HDAC1 in A549 cells. Conversely, expressing WT-p53 in p53 null H1299 cells reduced DNMT1 and HDAC1 expression, but the reduction of both proteins was not observed in expressing mutant-p53 H1299 cells. CHIP analysis further showed that DNMT1 and HDAC1 binding to the MGMT promoter was increased by MGMT promoter methylation and decreased by MGMT promoter demethylation. In conclusion, MGMT promoter methylation modulated by p53 status could partially promote p53 mutation occurrence in advanced lung tumors.  相似文献   

The role of p53 as the “guardian of the genome” in differentiated somatic cells, triggering various biological processes, is well established. Recent studies in the stem cell field have highlighted a profound role of p53 in stem cell biology as well. These studies, combined with basic data obtained 20 years ago, provide insight into how p53 governs the quantity and quality of various stem cells, ensuring a sufficient repertoire of normal stem cells to enable proper development, tissue regeneration and a cancer free life. In this review we address the role of p53 in genomically stable embryonic stem cells, a unique predisposed cancer stem cell model and adult stem cells, its role in the generation of induced pluripotent stem cells, as well as its role as the barrier to cancer stem cell formation.  相似文献   

The constitutive activation of the Janus kinase 2 (JAK2) and mutation of the p53 tumor suppressor are both detected in human cancer. We examined the potential regulation of JAK2 phosphorylation by wild-type (wt) p53 in human ovarian cancer cell lines, Caov-3 and MDAH2774, which harbor mutant form of p53 tumor suppressor gene and high levels of phosphorylated JAK2. The wt p53 gene was re-introduced into the cells using an adenovirus vector. In addition to wt p53, mutant p53 22/23, mutant p53-175, and NCV (negative control virus) were introduced into the cells in the control groups. Expression of wt p53, but not that of p53-175 mutant, diminished JAK2 tyrosine phosphorylation in MDAH2774 and Caov-3 cell lines. Expression of wt p53 or p53 22/23 mutant did not cause a reduction in the phosphorylation of unrelated protein kinases, ERK1 and ERK2 (ERK1/2). The inhibition of JAK2 tyrosine phosphorylation can be reversed by tyrosine phosphatase inhibitor, sodium orthovanadate. Protein tyrosine phosphatase 1-B levels increased with introduction of wt p53 and may be involved in the dephosphorylation of JAK2. These findings present a possible p53-dependent cellular process of modulating JAK2 tyrosine phosphorylation in ovarian cancer cell lines.  相似文献   

Neurotrophins and their receptors are known to play a role in the proliferation and survival of many different cell types of neuronal and non-neuronal lineages. In addition, there is much evidence in the literature showing that the p75 neurotrophin receptor (p75NTR), alone or in association with members of the family of Trk receptors, is expressed in a wide variety of stem cells, although its role in such cells has not been completely elucidated. In the present work we have investigated the expression of p75NTR and Trks in totipotent and pluripotent cells, the mouse pre-implantation embryo and embryonic stem and germ cells (ES and EG cells). p75NTR and TrkA can be first detected in the blastocyst from which ES cell lines are derived. Mouse ES cells retain p75NTR/TrkA expression. Nerve growth factor is the only neurotrophin able to stimulate ES cell growth in culture, without affecting the expression of stem cell markers, alkaline phosphatase, Oct4 and Nanog. Such proliferation effect was blocked by antagonizing either p75NTR or TrkA. Interestingly, immunoreactivity to anti-p75NTR antibodies is lost upon ES cell differentiation. The expression pattern of neurotrophin receptors in murine ES cells differs from human ES cells, that only express TrkB and C, and do not respond to NGF. In this paper we also show that, while primordial germ cells (PGC) do not express p75NTR, when they are made to revert to an ES-like phenotype, becoming EG cells, expression of p75NTR is turned on.  相似文献   

The question of how neural progenitor cells maintain its self-renewal throughout life is a fundamental problem in cell biology with implications in cancer, aging and neurodegenerative diseases. In this work, we have analyzed the p73 function in embryonic neural progenitor cell biology using the neurosphere (NS)-assay and showed that p73-loss has a significant role in the maintenance of neurosphere-forming cells in the embryonic brain. A comparative study of NS from Trp73−/−, p53KO, p53KO;Trp73−/− and their wild-type counterparts demonstrated that p73 deficiency results in two independent, but related, phenotypes: a smaller NS size (related to the proliferation and survival of the neural-progenitors) and a decreased capacity to form NS (self-renewal). The former seems to be the result of p53 compensatory activity, whereas the latter is p53 independent. We also demonstrate that p73 deficiency increases the population of neuronal progenitors ready to differentiate into neurons at the expense of depleting the pool of undifferentiated neurosphere-forming cells. Analysis of the neurogenic niches demonstrated that p73-loss depletes the number of neural-progenitor cells, rendering deficient niches in the adult mice. Altogether, our study identifies TP73 as a positive regulator of self-renewal with a role in the maintenance of the neurogenic capacity. Thus, proposing p73 as an important player in the development of neurodegenerative diseases and a potential therapeutic target.  相似文献   

Recently, we have described that CREB (cAMP-responsive element-binding protein) has the ability to transactivate tumor suppressor p53 gene in response to glucose deprivation. In this study, we have found that CREB forms a complex with p53 and represses p53-mediated transactivation of MDM2 but not of p21WAF1. Immunoprecipitation analysis revealed that CREB interacts with p53 in response to glucose deprivation. Forced expression of CREB significantly attenuated the up-regulation of the endogenous MDM2 in response to p53. By contrast, the mutant form of CREB lacking DNA-binding domain (CREBΔ) had an undetectable effect on the expression level of the endogenous MDM2. During the glucose deprivation-mediated apoptosis, there existed an inverse relationship between the expression levels of MDM2 and p53/CREB. Additionally, p53/CREB complex was dissociated from MDM2 promoter in response to glucose deprivation. Collectively, our present results suggest that CREB preferentially down-regulates MDM2 and thereby contributing to p53-mediated apoptosis in response to glucose deprivation.  相似文献   

Zhu JJ  Li FB  Zhu XF  Liao WM 《Life sciences》2006,78(13):1469-1477
p33ING1b induces cell cycle arrest and stimulates DNA repair, apoptosis and chemosensitivity. The magnitude of some p33ING1b effects may be due to activation of the tumor suppressor p53. To investigate if the p33ING1b protein affected chemosensitivity of osteosarcoma cells, we overexpressed p33ING1b in p53+/+ U2OS cells or in p53-mutant MG63 cells, and then assessed for growth arrest and apoptosis after treatment with etoposide. p33ING1b increased etoposide-induced growth inhibition and apoptosis to a much greater degree in p53+/+ U2OS cells than in p53-mutant MG63 cells. Moreover, ectopic expression of p33ING1b markedly upregulated p53, p21WAF1 and bax protein levels and activated caspase-3 protein kinase in etoposide-treated U2OS cells. Together, our data indicate that p33ING1b prominently enhances etoposide-induced apoptosis through p53-dependent pathways in human osteosarcoma cells. p33ING1b may be an important marker and/or therapeutic target in the prevention and treatment of metastatic osteosarcoma.  相似文献   

PRIMA-1 has been identified as a compound that restores the transactivation function to mutant p53 and induces apoptosis in cells expressing mutant p53. Studies on subcellular distribution of the mutant p53 protein upon treatment with PRIMA-1Met, a methylated form of PRIMA-1, have suggested that redistribution of mutant p53 to nucleoli may play a role in PRIMA-1 induced apoptosis. Here, we specifically investigated the influence of PRIMA-1 on cellular localization of mutated p53-R280K endogenously expressed in tumour cells. By using immunofluorescence staining, we found a strong nucleolar redistribution of mutant p53 following PRIMA-1 treatment. This subcellular localization was associated to p53 degradation via ubiquitylation. When cells were treated with adriamycin, neither nucleolar redistribution nor mutant p53 down modulation and degradation were observed. Interestingly, cells where p53-R280K was silenced were more sensitive to PRIMA-1 than the parental ones. These results indicate that in some cellular context, the cell sensitivity to PRIMA-1 could depend on the abolition of a gain-of-function activity of the mutated p53, through a protein degradation pathway specifically induced by this compound.  相似文献   

DNA damage induces cell cycle arrest through both Chk1 and the p53 tumor suppressor protein, the latter arresting cells through induction of p21waf1 protein. Arrest permits cells to repair the damage and recover. The frequent loss of p53 in tumor cells makes them more dependent on Chk1 for arrest and survival. However, some p53 wild type tumor cell lines, such as HCT116 and U2OS, are also sensitive to inhibition of Chk1 due to attenuated p21waf1 induction upon DNA damage. The purpose of this study is to determine the cause of this attenuated p21waf1 protein induction. We find that neither the induction of p21waf1 mRNA nor protein half-life is sufficient to explain the low p21waf1 protein levels in HCT116 and U2OS cells. The induced mRNA associates with polysomes but little protein is made suggesting these two cell lines have a reduced rate of p21waf1 mRNA translation. This represents a novel mechanism for disruption of the p53-p21waf1 pathway as currently known mechanisms involve either mutation of p53 or reduction of p53 protein levels. As a consequence, this attenuated p21waf1 expression may render some p53 wild type tumors sensitive to a combination of DNA damage plus checkpoint inhibition.  相似文献   

Somatic cells undergo a permanent cell cycle arrest, called cellular senescence, after a limited number of cell divisions in vitro. Both the tumor suppressor protein p53 and the stress-response protein p66(shc) are suggested to regulate the molecular events associated with senescence. This study was undertaken to investigate the effect of different oxygen tensions and oxidative stress on cell longevity and to establish the role of p53 and p66(shc) in cells undergoing senescence. As a model of cellular senescence, primary fetal bovine fibroblasts were cultured in either 20% O(2) or 5% O(2) atmospheres until senescence was reached. Fibroblasts cultured under 20% O(2) tension underwent senescence after 30 population doublings (PD), whereas fibroblasts cultured under 5% O(2) tension did not exhibit signs of senescence. Oxidative stress, as measured by protein carbonyl content, was significantly elevated in senescent cells compared to their younger counterparts and to fibroblasts cultured under 5% O(2) at the same PD. p53 mRNA gradually decreased in 20% O(2) cultured fibroblasts until senescence was reached, whereas p53 protein levels were significantly increased as well as p53 phosphorylation on serine 20, suggesting that p53 might be stabilized by posttranslational modifications during senescence. Senescence was also associated with high levels of p66(shc) mRNA and protein levels, while the levels remained low and stable in dividing fibroblasts under 5% O(2) atmosphere. Taken together, our results show an effect of oxidative stress on the replicative life span of fetal bovine fibroblasts as well as an involvement of p53, serine 20-p53 phosphorylation and p66(shc) in senescence.  相似文献   

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