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The present study tested the ability of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens and Microbacterium oleovorans to reduce Fusarium verticillioides populations and fumonisin accumulation in the maize agroecosystem. The impact of releasing these biocontrol agents on rhizospheric bacterial and fungal groups was also evaluated through isolation and identification of culturable microorganisms. When applied as seed coatings at a concentration of 107 CFU ml−1 both agents were effective in reducing F. verticillioides counts and fumonisin B1 and B2 content from maize grains. Rhizospheric counts of the pathogen were also decreased by use of B. amyloliquefaciens at 107 CFU ml−1. Richness and diversity indexes calculated for bacteria and fungi inhabiting the rhizosphere of maize remained unchanged following the addition of both biocontrol agents to seeds. Our research is being continued to further characterize the bacterial and fungal isolates with additional field assays.  相似文献   

A plant growth-promoting isolate of a fluorescent Pseudomonas sp. EM85 and two bacilli isolates MR-11(2) and MRF, isolated from maize rhizosphere, were found strongly antagonistic to Fusarium moniliforme, Fusarium graminearum and Macrophomina phaseolina, causal agents of foot rots and wilting, collar rots/stalk rots and root rots and wilting, and charcoal rots of maize, respectively. Pseudomonas sp. EM85 produced antifungal antibiotics (Afa+), siderophore (Sid+), HCN (HCN+) and fluorescent pigments (Flu+) besides exhibiting plant growth promoting traits like nitrogen fixation, phosphate solubilization, and production of organic acids and IAA. While MR-11(2) produced siderophore (Sid+), antibiotics (Afa+) and antifungal volatiles (Afv+), MRF exhibited the production of antifungal antibiotics (Afa+) and siderophores (Sid+). Bacillus spp. MRF was also found to produce organic acids and IAA, solubilized tri-calcium phosphate and fixed nitrogen from the atmosphere. All three isolates suppressed the diseases caused by Fusarium moniliforme, Fusarium graminearum and Macrophomina phaseolina in vitro. A Tn5:: lac Z induced isogenic mutant of the fluorescent Pseudomonas EM85, M23, along with the two bacilli were evaluated for in situ disease suppression of maize. Results indicated that combined application of the two bacilli significantly (P = 0.05) reduced the Macrophomina-induced charcoal rots of maize by 56.04%. Treatments with the MRF isolate of Bacillus spp. and Tn5:: lac Z mutant (M23) of fluorescent Pseudomonas sp. EM85 significantly reduced collar rots, root and foot rots, and wilting of maize caused by Fusarium moniliforme and F. graminearum (P = 0.05) compared to all other treatments. All these isolates were found very efficient in colonizing the rhizotic zones of maize after inoculation. Evaluation of the population dynamics of the fluorescent Pseudomonas sp. EM85 using the Tn5:: lac Z marker and of the Bacillus spp. MRF and MR-11(2) using an antibiotic resistance marker revealed that all the three isolates could proliferate successfully in the rhizosphere, rhizoplane and endorhizosphere of maize, both at 30 and 60 days after seeding. Four antifungal compounds from fluorescent Pseudomonas sp. EM85, one from Bacillus sp. MR-11(2) and three from Bacillus sp. MRF were isolated, purified and tested in vitro and in thin layer chromatography bioassays. All these compounds inhibited R. solani, M. phaseolina, F. moniliforme, F. graminearum and F. solani strongly. Results indicated that antifungal antibiotics and/or fluorescent pigment of fluorescent Pseudomonas sp. EM85, and antifungal antibiotics of the bacilli along with the successful colonization of all the isolates might be involved in the biological suppression of the maize root diseases.  相似文献   

The maize pathogens Fusarium verticillioides (Fv) and Fusarium proliferatum (Fp) are morphologically very similar to one another, so Fp isolates have been often mistaken as Fusarium moniliforme (the former name of Fv). The only presently accepted morphological discriminator between these species is the presence/absence of polyphialides. Here, a collection of 100 Fusarium strains, isolated from infected maize kernels on plants grown in north-western Italy, were assigned as Fv or Fp on the basis of the presence/absence of polyphialides. This classification was tested on a subset of isolates by sexual crosses, ITS and calmodulin sequencing and AFLP profiling. An ITS-RFLP assay was extended to the full collection and to a number of Fv and Fp isolates of different geographical origin and hosts. The ITS region is proposed as taxonomically informative for distinguishing between Fp and Fv.  相似文献   

Bacterial wilt caused by Ralstonia solanacearum (Smith) has become a severe problem mainly on potato and tomato in Ethiopia and no effective control measure is available yet. To explore possibilities for the development of biological control for the disease, 118 rhizobacteria, most of them collected from Ethiopia, were screened against an Ethiopian R. solanacearum strain. On the basis of in vitro screening, six strains (RP87, B2G, APF1, APF2, APF3, and APF4) with good inhibitory effect were selected for in planta testing in a greenhouse. In the greenhouse, soil and tomato seedlings were treated with the antagonists and their effects studied. The study showed that APF1 and B2G strains significantly reduced disease incidence and increased weight of tomato plants. Area under disease progress curves (AUDPC) was reduced by 60% and 56% in plants inoculated with APF1 and B2G strains, respectively. Plant dry weight increase in plants inoculated with APF1 and B2G strains was 96% and 75%, respectively. APF1 was found to be the most beneficial strain in disease suppression and also growth promotion resulting in 63% dry weight increase compared to untreated control. The study revealed that APF1 and B2G strains are promising strains whose effectiveness under field conditions and their mode of action should be investigated.  相似文献   

Glasshouse trials were performed to investigate the control of the parasitic weed Striga hermonthica by Fusarium nygamai and the performance of the host plant sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) using different inoculum substrates and inoculum amounts of the fungus. Optimal constant and alternating temperatures for the growth of the fungus were 25°C and 30/20°C, respectively. Striga incidence was decreased up to 100% when the fungus was incorporated into the soil preplanting. Emerged Striga plants at different stages of growth up to the flowering stage were killed by the fungus when the fungus was applied postemergent. In root-chamber trials none of the Striga seeds germinated when 10 ml inoculum suspension of 8 × 106 spores/ml of F. nygamai was applied on seeds of the parasitic weed sprinkled on the surface of filter paper. F. nygamai has potential as a bioherbicide for Striga control. Further studies regarding its performance under field conditions and its safety to the environment and humans should be assessed.  相似文献   

Fusarium verticillioides and other Fusarium species were examined for their spore germination phenotypes. In general, germinating spores of F. verticillioides formed germ tubes that immediately penetrated into agar. Such invasive germination was the predominant growth phenotype among 22 examined field isolates of F. verticillioides from a broad range hosts and locations. However, two of the field isolates were unique in that they formed conidial germ tubes and hyphae that grew along the surface of agar before penetration eventually occurred. Conidia of 22 other Fusarium species were assessed for their germination phenotypes, and only some strains of F. annulatum, F. fujikuroi, F. globosum, F. nygamai, and F. pseudoanthophilum had the surface germination phenotype (21 % of the strains assessed). Sexual crosses and segregation analyses involving one of the F. verticillioides surface germination strains, NRRL 25059, indicated a single locus, designated SIG1 (surface vs. invasive germination), controlled the germ tube growth phenotypes exhibited by both conidia and ascospores. Perfect correlation was observed between an ascospore germination phenotype and the germination phenotype of the conidia produced from the resulting ascospore-derived colony. Recombination data suggested SIG1 was linked (7 % recombination frequency) to FPH1, a recently described locus necessary for enteroblastic conidiogenesis. Corn seedling blight assays indicated surface germinating strains of F. verticillioides were less virulent than invasively germinating strains. Assays also indicated pathogenicity segregated independently of the FPH1 locus. Invasive germination is proposed as the dominant form of spore germination among Fusarium species. Furthermore, conidia were not necessary for corn seedling disease development, but invasive germination may have enhanced the virulence of conidiating strains.  相似文献   

以玉米自交系‘昌7-2’三叶期前后2个时间点(种子萌发后5d和8d)幼苗不同组织部位的总RNA为研究对象,采用实时荧光定量PCR技术,对玉米中6个Argonaute(AGO)蛋白家族基因(AGO1、AGO2、AGO4、AGO5、AGO7和AGO10)在幼苗不同发育时期及不同组织部位的表达谱进行了研究。结果表明:(1)AGO1、AGO2、AGO4和AGO7在种子萌发后5d和8d幼苗不同组织中均有表达,种子萌发后5d幼苗中的平均表达量均高于萌发8d的幼苗,且在地上部分新生组织或细胞分裂比较旺盛的组织中表达较多,表明AGO1、AGO2、AGO4和AGO7可能在玉米幼苗发育早期的分生组织分裂生长中发挥调控作用。(2)AGO5和AGO10只在叶片和茎尖中表达,其他组织中不表达;其中AGO5主要集中在新生叶和种子萌发后8d的茎尖中,AGO10在玉米叶发育过程中可能存在着迁移的现象。  相似文献   

以采自农田中自然生长的植物群落中的香丝草为供体,以典型的双子叶植物蚕豆和典型的单子叶植物玉米的幼苗为受体,运用根尖微核试验和染色体畸变试验,研究了香丝草的根、茎、叶和幼果4种器官水浸提液对受体的遗传毒性。结果表明:(1)在香丝草不同器官水浸提液作用下,蚕豆和玉米根尖细胞的有丝分裂各时期均受到明显影响,细胞中出现了微核、染色体桥、染色体断片、染色体环、染色体粘连及染色体滞后等多种染色体畸变。(2)香丝草各器官水浸提液对蚕豆幼苗根尖细胞分裂的抑制作用明显大于玉米。(3)香丝草各器官水浸提液对蚕豆和玉米幼苗根尖的染色体畸变诱导存在显著的浓度效应,即水浸提液浓度越高,受体的微核率和畸变率越高,相应的有丝分裂指数越低,水浸提液的诱导作用与浓度呈正相关关系,但不是简单的加和作用。(4)香丝草各器官水浸提液均具有较强的遗传毒性,但整体化感效应表现为叶>幼果>茎>根,即叶片产生的化感作用最强。因此,香丝草分泌的化感物质可能通过对受体植物生长点的细胞有丝分裂和细胞形态产生影响,造成受体植物染色体的多种畸变和不可逆的遗传损伤,从而成功入侵新的栖息地。  相似文献   

Summary Numerous Escherichia coli mutants have been used to determine the genetics and sequence of assembly of the prokaryotic proton-translocating ATP synthase complex. Similar studies with the analogous chloroplast ATP synthase in higher plants have not been possible due to lack of suitable mutants. We describe here a preliminary characterization of cfr, a nuclear mutation in Zea mays L. that appears to destabilize or prevent assembly of the chloroplast ATP synthase complex. Biochemical and physiological analyses indicate that the amounts of both the CF1 and CFo components of the complex are severely diminished. Mutant seedlings are pale green and occasionally survive, with greatly reduced vigor, to maturity. The cfr locus has been mapped genetically to the short arm of chromosome. 1.  相似文献   

Clonostachys rosea (CR) is a common worldwide saprophyte with destructive effect against several plant pathogenic fungi showing antagonistic features against a wide variety of pathogens. We recently isolated a strain of C. rosea, named CR47, from wheat crown infected with Fusarium culmorum (FC); this strain proved to be effective against Fusarium seed borne diseases of cereals under field condition. In this paper the function of C. rosea applied as seed treatment on wheat seedling growth was investigated. In addition, we investigated the expression pattern of peroxidases and chitinases as well as PR4 proteins following both CR treatments of seeds and FC infection and also in the three-component system pathogen–antagonist–wheat. Several chitinase isoforms were induced by CR-treatment both in coleoptiles and roots, whereas some peroxidase isoforms were induced only in the presence of both antagonist and pathogen. In the latter case, it seems that CR-treatment by itself promotes plant growth and reduces the peroxidase expression, while enhances some chitinase isoforms probably involved in cell wall disruption. Moreover, both the antagonist and the pathogen studied induced PR4 protein expression, which probably exerts its role on the invading microorganisms by a translation-inhibitory process that could be ascribed to their ribonuclease activity.  相似文献   

Witches’ broom is the most devastating disease of cacao in Brazil, and losses to it entail serious socio-economical and environmental problems. Biological control of the causal agent Moniliophthora perniciosa (Mp) using the antagonistic fungus Trichoderma stromaticum (Ts) is promising, although the identification of superior isolates is necessary. Here, we report a study on the selection of more effective Ts isolates based on field experiments. Sixty-three Ts isolates from a local collection were applied on brooms and placed under typical conditions of shaded-cacao plantations in southeastern Bahia State (Brazil), during two periods of three months each. The percentages of Ts sporulation and incidence and severity of Mp were the parameters used for biocontrol assessments. The results from both experiments were very distinct, indicating a high phenotypic variation in this collection and suggesting a significant effect of the environment in the TsMp interaction. Ts-sporulation rates were negatively correlated with the presence of Mp in the brooms and a number of isolates reduced Mp incidence more efficiently than the reference isolate. Contrasting isolates in their efficiency of reducing Mp incidence were selected and further tested in four subsequent field trials for validation purposes. The results partially confirmed their biocontrol phenotypes but also suggested isolate-specific responses to environmental variations. Inhibition of Mp-basidiospore germination by total protein secreted in culture supernatants of Ts isolates correlated well with field results and revealed a potentially useful procedure for pre-screening of large collections towards selection of better biological control isolates. The characteristics and efficiency of the method as a reliable protocol for identification of superior BCAs in the witches’ broom—cacao pathosystem is discussed.  相似文献   

Fumonisins are mycotoxins that cause several fatal animal diseases, including cancer in rats and mice. These toxins are produced by several Fusarium species, including the maize pathogen Fusarium verticillioides, and can accumulate in maize infected with the fungus. We have identified four F. verticillioides genes (FUM6, FUM7, FUM8, and FUM9) adjacent to FUM5, a previously identified polyketide synthase gene that is required for fumonisin biosynthesis. Gene disruption analysis revealed that FUM6 and FUM8 are required for fumonisin production and Northern blot analysis revealed that expression of all four recently identified genes is correlated with fumonisin production. Nucleotide sequence analysis indicated that the predicted FUM6 translation product is most similar to cytochrome P450 monooxygenase-P450 reductase fusion proteins and the predicted products of FUM7, FUM8, and FUM9 are most similar to type III alcohol dehydrogenases, class-II alpha-aminotransferases, and dioxygenases, respectively. Together, these data are consistent with FUM5 through FUM9 being part of a fumonisin biosynthetic gene cluster in F. verticillioides.  相似文献   

The potential of Fusarium oxysporum var. cubense UAMH 9013 to perform steroid biotransformations was reinvestigated using single phase and pulse feed conditions. The following natural steroids served as substrates: dehydroepiandrosterone (1), pregnenolone (2), testosterone (3), progesterone (4), cortisone (5), prednisone (6), estrone (7) and sarsasapogenin (8). The results showed the possible presence of C-7 and C-15 hydroxylase enzymes. This hypothesis was explored using three synthetic androstanes: androstane-3,17-dione (9), androsta-4,6-diene-3,17-dione (10) and 3α,5α-cycloandrost-6-en-17-one (11). These fermentations of non-natural steroids showed that C-7 hydroxylation was as a result of that position being allylic. The evidence also pointed towards the presence of a C-15 hydroxylase enzyme.The eleven steroids were also fed to Exophialajeanselmei var. lecanii-corni UAMH 8783. The results showed that the fungus appears to have very active 5α and 14α-hydroxylase enzymes, and is also capable of carrying out allylic oxidations.Ceratocystis paradoxa UAMH 8784 was grown in the presence of the above-mentioned steroids. The results showed that monooxygenases which effect allylic hydroxylation and Baeyer–Villiger rearrangement were active. However, redox reactions predominated.  相似文献   

High-level extracellular production of Fusarium solani cutinase was achieved using a Pichia pastoris expression system. The cutinase-encoding gene was cloned into pPICZαA with the Saccharomyces cerevisiae α-factor signal sequence and methanol-inducible alcohol oxidase promoter by two different ways. The additional sequences of the c-myc epitope and (His)6-tag of the vector were fused to the C-terminus of cutinase, while the other expression vector was constructed without any additional sequence. P. pastoris expressing the non-tagged cutinase exhibited about two- and threefold higher values of protein amount and cutinase activity in the culture supernatant, respectively. After simple purification by diafiltration process, both cutinases were much the same in the specific activity and the biochemical properties such as the substrate specificity and the effects of temperature and pH. In conclusion, the high-level secretion of F. solani cutinase in P. pastoris was demonstrated for the first time and would be a promising alternative to many expression systems previously used for the large-scale production of F. solani cutinase in Saccharomyces cerevisiae as well as Escherichia coli.  相似文献   

Fusarium head blight (FHB), caused by Fusarium graminearum (= Gibberella zeae), is a destructive disease of wheat for which biological controls are needed. Lysobacter enzymogenes strain C3, a bacterial antagonist of fungal pathogens via lytic enzymes and induced resistance, was evaluated in this study for control of FHB. In greenhouse experiments, chitin broth cultures of C3 reduced FHB severity to <10% infected spikelets as compared to >80% severity in the controls in some experiments. C3 broth cultures heated to inactivate cells and lytic enzymes, but retaining the elicitor factor for induced resistance, also were effective in reducing FHB severity, suggesting induced resistance is one mechanism of action. C3 broth cultures also were effective when applied in highly diluted form and when applied 1 week prior to pathogen inoculation. When applied to 8 cultivars of hard red spring wheat in the greenhouse, C3 treatments reduced FHB in 5 cultivars but not in the others. These findings also are consistent with induced resistance. Protection offered by C3 treatments, however, was not systemic and required that C3 be applied uniformly to all susceptible florets. Field tests were conducted in South Dakota and Nebraska to evaluate the efficacy of C3 chitin broth cultures in spring and winter wheat, respectively. In experiments involving two hard red spring wheat cultivars, treatment with C3 reduced FHB severity in ‘Russ’ but not in ‘Ingot’. In three other field experiments comparing C3, the fungicide tebuconazole, and the combination of C3 and tebuconazole, treatments with the bacterial culture alone and the fungicide alone were inconsistent across experiments, each treatment being ineffective in controlling FHB in one experiment. The biocontrol agent–fungicide combination was more consistently effective, reducing FHB incidence or severity in all three experiments. Thus, the potential for using L. enzymogenes C3 as a biological control agent for FHB was demonstrated along with a number of factors that might affect control efficacy in the field.  相似文献   

【背景】海岛棉相对陆地棉更易感枯萎病,一旦发生很难根治,使得枯萎病逐渐成为威胁新疆海岛棉产业发展的主要病害,但其致病机理目前还不是十分明确。【目的】揭示棉花枯萎病菌的遗传变异和致病机理,同时获得带有绿色荧光蛋白(Green Fluorescent Protein,GFP)标记的棉花枯萎病菌转化子用于观察其侵染海岛棉的途径。【方法】采用农杆菌介导的遗传转化(Agrobacterium tumefaciens-Mediated Transformation,ATMT)方法,对棉花枯萎病菌7号生理小种st89进行了遗传转化并对转化条件进行优化。【结果】农杆菌介导的遗传转化法转化棉花枯萎病菌的最佳条件为:150 mg/L的潮霉素浓度能完全抑制棉花枯萎病菌的生长,浓度为200 mg/L的头孢噻肟钠能完全抑制农杆菌LBA4404生长,农杆菌起始浓度OD600为0.2,农杆菌预培养时间为8 h,棉花枯萎病菌分生孢子浓度为105个/mL,枯萎病菌孢子悬液和农杆菌LBA4404比例为1:1,乙酰丁香酮浓度为200μmol/mL,共培养时间为4 d,转化后培养温...  相似文献   

为揭示玉米转录因子KNOX家族基因功能,采用生物信息学手段在玉米基因组水平鉴定KNOX家族成员,并对家族基因逆境和组织表达谱进行分析.结果 显示:(1)玉米基因组有22个ZmKNOX基因,根据其在染色体上的位置依次命名为ZmKNOX1-ZmKNOX22;编码蛋白质亚细胞定位预测发现,除ZmKNOX5、ZmKNOX11、...  相似文献   

The cost of rearing the root-feeding weevil, Mogulones cruciger Herbst, to control the invasive weed houndstongue (Cynoglossum officinale L.) was determined for two managed production methods. Production in an insectary setting provides control over rearing and all adult weevils that emerge can be collected, but required facility investment and high labor input. Mass-rearing in a managed ‘field crop’ setting required less facilities and labor while the insects were multiplying, but capture of the emerged adults was challenging and labor intensive. Estimated per adult weevil production costs were $CDN 2.65 for the insectary approach, and from $CDN 0.10 to $CDN 0.14 for mass-rearing in the managed field crop setting. Even though collection of adult weevils in the field crop production system was challenging, commercial production of M. cruciger should consider use of this mass-rearing method because of its lower cost.  相似文献   

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