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Variation in budburst phenology among individual trees of interior Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii var. glauca [Beissn.] Franco) may influence their susceptibility to western spruce budworm (Choristoneura occidentalis Freeman) defoliation. We tested the hypothesis that phenological asynchrony between Douglas-fir and the western spruce budworm is a mechanism of resistance using clones derived from parent trees that showed resistance versus susceptibility to C. occidentalis defoliation in the field. Susceptible clones had earlier budburst phenology compared with resistant clones when they were grown in a common greenhouse environment, demonstrating a genetic basis for parallel phenological differences exhibited by the parent trees. We tested the importance of phenological asynchrony as a factor influencing fitness of C. occidentalis using two different greenhouse bioassay experiments. One experiment compared western spruce budworm performance on equivalent phenological stages of susceptible and resistant clones by matching larval feeding to the columnar (fourth) bud development stage of each clone. Larvae reared on resistant clones had greater realized fitness (i.e., number of F1 offspring produced) than those reared on susceptible clones when the influence of variation in budburst phenology was minimized. In the other experiment, western spruce budworm larvae were placed on all trees on the same date when approximately 50% of all terminal buds in the population were in the yellow (second) budburst stage. Larvae reared on susceptible clones had greater realized fitness than those reared on resistant clones when the influence of phenological asynchrony was expressed. Our results suggest that resistant phenotypes of Douglas-fir have negative effects on survival and reproduction of C. occidentalis under the natural conditions that insects and trees experience in the field. Genetic variation among trees in budburst phenology has an important influence on interactions between the western spruce budworm and Douglas-fir.  相似文献   

Artificial defoliation has been used commonly to simulate defoliation by insect herbivores in experiments, in spite of the fact that obvious differences exist between clipping foliage and natural defoliation due to insect feeding. We used a greenhouse experiment to compare the effects of artificial and western spruce budworm (Choristoneura occidentalis Freeman) defoliation on the growth and biomass allocation of 3-yr old half-sib seedlings from mature Douglas-fir [Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco variety glauca] trees that showed phenotypic resistance versus susceptibility to budworm defoliation in the forest. Artificial clipping of buds mimicked the effects of budworm feeding on total seedling biomass when 50% of the terminal buds were damaged. However, artificial defoliation decreased seedling height, relative growth rate of height, and shoot: root ratio more than budworm defoliation, whereas budworm defoliation decreased stem diameter relative growth rate more than artificial defoliation. Half-sib seedling progeny from resistant maternal tree phenotypes had greater height, diameter, biomass, and shoot: root ratio than seedlings from susceptible phenotypes. We concluded that careful artificial defoliation could generally simulate effects of budworm defoliation on total biomass of Douglas-fir seedlings, but that the two defoliation types did not have equal effects on biomass allocation between shoot and root. Further, an inherently higher growth rate and a greater allocation of biomass to shoot versus root are associated with resistance of Douglas-fir trees to western spruce budworm defoliation.  相似文献   

Laboratory and field studies investigated carry-over effects of tebufenozide on spruce budworm, Choristoneura fumiferana (Clemens). In the laboratory, third and fourth instars were fed either sublethal doses of tebufenozide (10 ppm) or water onAbies balsamea (L.) Mill. needles, reared to adulthood and allowed to oviposit on laying surfaces 1 or 14 d after being sprayed with water or tebufenozide concentrations of 17.5, 35.0, and 70.0 g/liter. Percentage adult emergence and sex ratio were not affected by larval ingestion of the tebufenozide. Also, the mean number of eggs laid on untreated wax paper by moths reared from tebufenozide-treated larvae was similar to the controls. Hence, tebufenozide did not inhibit carry-over effects on treated larvae. Oviposition on tebufenozide-treated wax paper by moths reared from untreated larvae was affected by both the substrate concentration and the age of the treatment residue. When offered treated and untreated laying surfaces simultaneously, C. fumiferana did not show a preference. However, significantly fewer eggs were laid on both laying surfaces by fewer females than when tebufenozide was absent. Residual tebufenozide on wax paper did not affect egg hatch but topical applications were toxic to eggs. Field studies appear to corroborate laboratory results and suggest that although the ingestion of tebufenozide by larval spruce budworm might not impair adult reproduction, the insecticide's presence in the environment could inhibit oviposition. This inhibition was considered to be a primary factor in tebufenozide's multi-year effects against spruce budworm populations.  相似文献   

  • 1 The western spruce budworm, Choristoneura occidentalis Freeman, and Douglas-fir, Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco, have been used to test the hypothesis that variation in levels of foliar sugars form part of the basis for plant resistance to herbivore attack.
  • 2 Budworm population growth was evaluated on artificial diets with 2–45% sucrose using a three generation bioassay. Diets with 1.2% and 3.9% N were tested to determine if responses to sugar were dependent on levels of protein. The 3.9% N diets were supplemented with a mineral salt mixture, so they had high levels of N and minerals.
  • 3 The response of budworm population growth to sucrose concentrations ≤20% was convex at 1.2% N and flat for 3.9% N. Population growth on the 1.2% N diet, which had levels of N and minerals similar to host foliage, was good with only 2% sugar, but optimal at the 6% sucrose level; the number of F1, F2 and F3 larvae produced declined substantially when sugar was increased to 11% and 20%. On the 3.9% N diets, population growth was equivalent for diets with 2% and 11% sucrose. Sucrose concentrations ≥29% were detrimental to the budworm at both N levels.
  • 4 Sugar concentrations in Douglas-fir foliage varied between 5.7% and 18.4%. Thus, results from the 1.2% N experiment indicated that budworm performance was best on diets with sugar concentrations near the lower limit observed for host foliage. This implies that plants with higher foliar sugar may be inferior hosts for the budworm. Field observations supported this conclusion, as putatively resistant Douglas-fir trees had significantly higher levels of sugars in their foliage than nearby paired susceptible trees. Variation in foliar sugars among individual trees may be part of the mechanism in Douglas-fir resistance to C.occidentalis damage.

Distribution of FMRFamide-like immunoreactivity was examined in the larval ventral nerve cord of the eastern spruce budworm, Choristoneura fumiferana (Lepidoptera : Tortricidae). Indirect immunofluorescent methods revealed the existence of 3 groups of FLI neurons in each ganglion. The neurons are distributed in a bilaterally symmetrical fashion at the anterodorsal, midlateral and posteroventral regions of the ganglia. There are 4 FMRFamide-like immunoreactive fiber tracts on the dorsal surface of the ganglia to which the anterodorsal FLI neurons project ipsilaterally, while the midlateral pair projects both ipsi-, and contralaterally. The last abdominal ganglion (AG8) has 4 additional pairs of FLI neurons; and axons from some of these extend into the median abdominal nerve, which suggests some role for this neuropeptide in the control of posterior structures of the larva.  相似文献   

Species identifications have been historically difficult in the Choristoneura fumiferana group, an important insect pest complex. We examined the utility of simple sequence repeats (SSRs, also referred to as microsatellites) and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) for delimiting and identifying eight currently recognized species sampled across North America. Four of these species formed discrete clusters using SSRs, while only two species were delimited with mtDNA. There was evidence for hybridization or incomplete lineage sorting between several species pairs. An integrative approach, using both phenotypic traits and molecular markers, allowed for the discrimination of more biologically relevant species units than did the use of molecular markers alone. As species are currently identified using putatively adaptive phenotypic traits, the differences observed between recognized species and neutral SSRs or mtDNA suggests that these species (or evolutionary significant units) have diverged via natural selection in spite of some gene flow.  相似文献   

Species in cryptic complexes tend to be very difficult, if not impossible, to identify using morphological characters. One such complex is the spruce budworm (Choristoneura fumiferana Clemens, 1865) species group, an economically important group of Nearctic forest pests. Morphological, ecological, behavioural and genetic characters have been studied to try to understand the taxonomy of this group better, but diagnostic character states differ in frequency rather than being complete replacements between each species. We used mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), together with a new morphology‐based character system that focuses on forewing colour components, to determine if one or a combination of character sources can be used for species diagnoses within the spruce budworm complex. We characterized 47 forewing morphometric measurements and sequenced a 470 bp region of cytochrome c oxidase I mtDNA for 111 ingroup individuals comprising five taxa within the complex. Larval host association and coloration or adult pheromone attraction were used as the prior method for grouping individuals. Our results showed that linear discriminant analysis of morphometric wing characters gave unique clusters for all species on the first and second canonical axes, except for a partial overlap between C. fumiferana and C. biennis, which are not sympatric in nature. In contrast, mtDNA distinguished C. fumiferana, C. pinus pinus Freeman, 1953 and a group of western species, but the three western species (C. occidentalis Freeman, 1967 , C. biennis Freeman, 1967 and C. lambertiana Busck, 1915) shared mtDNA haplotypes. On the basis of the linear discriminant analysis of the combined character set, this study supports the application of both morphology and mtDNA within a framework of integrative taxonomy as the most accurate method for species identification. Furthermore, it demonstrates the utility of quantitative colour analysis, which may be particularly helpful for groups in which colour characters are difficult to divide into discrete units due to intergrading hues.  相似文献   

We examined the responses of some gustatory neurons in various contact-chemoreceptor sensilla of second-instar larvae of the spruce budworm. These included the L1 and L2 sensilla on the maxillary palp, and the LST and MST sensilla on the galea. Our objective was to determine whether there were differences in the physiological characteristics of individual neurons between the early and late larval instars. Changes were observed in both some sugar-sensitive and amino acid-sensitive neurons. We also confirmed the presence of a water-sensitive neuron in the L2 sensillum. Our findings are discussed in relation to changes that occur during the development of both the host plant and the insect. To our knowledge, this is the first paper to examine the responses from contact-chemoreceptor sensilla of very young second-instar caterpillar larvae.  相似文献   

The production of oral exudate by larval eastern and western spruce budworms,Choristoneura fumiferana (Clem.) andChoristoneura occidentalis Free., respectively, was investigated in the laboratory. All larvae except those entering into a molt exhibited aggressive behavior and produced exudate in response to handling or intraspecific encounters. Larvae could be induced to produce exudate up to four times over 2–3 min and produced an average of 1.92±0.04 µl (X ± SE) per induction. Larvae on foliage spent much of their time maintaining their silken feeding tunnel, including spinning and combing silk and removing frass. Exposure to conspecific oral exudate deposited inside the tunnel, or released by agitated larvae inside the tunnel, increased the proportion of larvae that dispersed away from the tunnels and, apparently, increased the larval sensitivity to disturbances. The behavior induced by the oral exudate indicates that it acts as an epideictic (spacing) pheromone.  相似文献   

Epicuticular waxes of balsam fir, Abies balsamea,act as oviposition stimulants for fertilized females of the eastern spruce budworm, Choristoneura fumiferana(Clem.). Those same waxes do not stimulate unfertilized females, nor do the latter respond to nonchemical cues such as leaf texture, shape, etc. Ablation experiments suggest that the chemoreceptors responsible for the perception of waxes are located on the proboscis.  相似文献   

A combination of polymerase-chain-reaction amplification and automated DNA sequencing was used to survey variation in a species complex of pest insects, the spruce budworms (Choristoneura fumiferana species group), and an outgroup species, C. rosaceana. We sequenced an mtDNA region of 1,573 bp that extends from the middle of cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) through tRNA leucine (UUR) to the end of cytochrome oxidase subunit II. In addition, we examined levels of intraspecific variation within a 470-bp region of the COI gene. Choristoneura fumiferana clearly represented the oldest lineage within its species group, with 2.7%-2.9% sequence divergence from the other species. In contrast, the four remaining species (C. pinus, C. biennis, C. occidentalis, and C. orae) had closely related or identical mtDNA, with < 1% divergence among most of their haplotypes. Despite its older lineage and widespread geographic distribution, C. fumiferana showed significantly lower intraspecific genetic diversity than did C. occidentalis. Choristoneura orae shared haplotypes with C. occidentalis and C. biennis, and species-level separation of these three species was not supported. Two divergent, uncommon haplotypes were also found in C. occidentalis and C. biennis. The divergent haplotype in C. biennis had an unusually high number of inferred amino acid replacements, suggesting selective differences between mitochondrial DNA haplotypes. Transition:transversion ratios in Choristoneura paralleled those found in Drosophila; transition:transversion ratios were highest in closely related sequences but decreased with increasing sequence divergence. Nucleotide composition showed an A+T bias that was near the high end of the range known for insects. This work illustrates the potential utility of direct DNA sequencing in assessing population structures, species limits, and phylogenetic relationships among organisms that have not previously been subjected to DNA analysis.   相似文献   

The tip of the maxillary palp in the spruce budworm and other lepidoptera larvae contains a cluster of eight basiconic sensilla. Except for a few electrophysiological recordings from the entire group of these sensilla, no information is available on the response characteristics of any individual one. Using a compound microscope at 320x magnification, with a long working-distance objective, it has been possible to view individual sensilla and to record electrical responses from three of these to some gustatory stimuli in preliminary tests. One of them, sensillum (L1), contains a sugar-sensitive neuron whose responses to a range of sucrose concentrations are reported here. The physiological characteristics of this neuron differ from those of the known sugar-sensitive neuron in the lateral styloconic sensillum on the galea of these same insects. Input of chemosensory information about the same gustatory stimulus by more than one neuron in different mouthpart sensilla is discussed in relation to the feeding habits of the spruce budworm.  相似文献   

Various instars of Choristoneura occidentalis were fed with a range of doses of Nosema fumiferanae and reared at 20, 24 and 28 degrees C to determine the influence of temperature and dose on the time to spore egestion and the number of spores egested in the frass. When larvae were fed in the third stadium, as few as 10(2) spores per larva initiated infection, and both onset of spore egestion and the number of spores egested were affected by a complex relationship between temperature and inoculation dose. Onset of spore egestion varied from 11 to 15 days postinoculation. At 20 degrees C, the onset was delayed and spore production decreased with increasing inoculation dose whereas at higher temperatures spores were first egested at the lowest dose and spore production increased with dose. When larvae were fed spores in the fifth and sixth stadium, no spores were egested because pupation occurred before completion of the incubation period. To assess the effect of temperature on horizontal transmission, Choristoneura fumiferana larvae fed with 10(4) N. fumiferanae spores per larva were reared with uninfected larvae at 15, 20 and 25 degrees C. At 15 degrees C, we observed the highest degree of horizontal transmission, defined by the largest change in N. fumiferanae prevalence, even though the density of spores available for horizontal transmission was the lowest. Infected adults eclosed later than uninfected adults and the time to eclosion was also dependent on sex and temperature. We relate our experimental findings to consequences for horizontal and vertical transmission of N. fumiferanae in spruce budworm populations.  相似文献   

We conducted laboratory experiments to examine the effects of single versus double exposures of spruce budworm, Choristoneura fumiferana (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) female larvae to various concentrations of a Bacillus thuringiensis variety kurstaki (Btk) commercial formulation (Foray 48B). Our main objective was to document the vulnerability to Btk and the sublethal responses of fifth-instar larvae that survived from a first ingestion of Btk during their fourth stadium and to compare them with insects treated either during their fifth or fourth stadium only. As reported in the literature, fifth-instar larvae were more vulnerable than fourth-instar larvae, but only at low and medium concentrations. Fifth-instar larvae that had survived Btk ingestion during their fourth stadium were more vulnerable to a high concentration of Btk and had a shorter feeding inhibition period than those that had not been exposed during their fourth stadium. Compared with a single treatment at the fourth stadium, a double exposure to Btk further reduced the population by 20-30%, depending on the concentration applied. The second treatment also induced another feeding inhibition period and increased larval development time by 14%. The impact of the different treatments on pupal weight depended on whether treated insects exhibited supernumerary instars. In the absence of developmental polymorphism, a higher concentration, a late, or a double exposure to Btk significantly reduced pupal weight.  相似文献   

The L1 contact-chemoreceptor sensillum on the maxillary palp of the spruce budworm larva Choristoneura fumiferana (Clem.) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) was examined electrophysiologically for its responses to stimulation by various pyranose and furanose sugars. The results were compared to those from previous work on the sugar-sensitive neuron of the LST sensillum on the galea. We show that the L1 contact-chemoreceptor sensillum contains one sugar-sensitive neuron with furanose but no pyranose sites. It has response characteristics that differ from those of the sugar-sensitive neuron in the LST. Behavioural 2-choice feeding experiments show that, even with both known sugar-sensitive neurons disabled, larvae can still discriminate between disks treated with either distilled water or alpha-D-glucose. We conclude that the epipharyngeal sensilla must thus also contain a sugar-sensitive neuron.  相似文献   

  • 1 A hitherto unknown factor causing cyclic reduction in population fertility of Epirzotia tedella (Cl.) was identified as sublethal infections of the neogregarine Mattesia sp.
  • 2 Infection probably takes place when larvae enter hibernation, but does not develop into spore production until the formation of pupae and adult moths.
  • 3 At the individual level, the sublethal neogregarine infection causes a slight delay in adult emergence, a decreased adult lifespan, a suppression of egg development, and thus a reduction in fertility.
  • 4 At the population level, fertility reduction has a delayed density dependent component and, through correlation, Mattesia is assumed to be causative. Since fertility reduction is a key-factor in E.tedella, Mattesia may even be a dominant factor in the dynamics of this species.
  • 5 Mattesia infections were found in no other dominant insect species at the locations, and consequently the interaction between E.tedella and Mattesia sp. seems to be specific. Such delayed density dependent interaction can create host oscillations, as seen in many forest insects. However, host-parasitoid interaction alone leads to oscillations with the observed period of 6–8 years length, and the neogregarine infections apparently act in parallel with the parasitoids and enhance the amplitude of the oscillations.

The obvious benefits associated with insecticide resistance for pest species may come at a cost to other life-history traits. In this study, we compared the larval and pupal developmental times, pupal mass wing surface area and wing fluctuating asymmetry (FA) in insecticide resistant and control strains of codling moth, Cydia pomonella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), collected from apple (Malus spp.) orchards in central Canada. Resistant strains had significantly longer larval developmental times and lower pupal masses compared with the susceptible strain. Although the forewings of resistant moths were smaller in resistant than control strain, no difference in wing FA was detected. Longer developmental times could increase exposure time to natural enemies, and reduced adult size could affect longevity and total reproductive output.  相似文献   

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