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Counts on Swainson's spurfowl Pternistis swainsonii were made during 1998–1999 within an intensive, fine‐grained, agricultural landscape to estimate population parameters, seasonal dispersion and habitat preferences. Radio‐transmitters were fitted to four birds to note habitat use and home ranges within the Summer breeding season. During Winter, population densities peaked, and birds exploited agricultural crops extensively. At the onset of Spring, densities dropped as birds paired to establish non‐overlapping breeding territories over a number of habitats with apparently sufficient cover and ‘natural’ food. Expanding grazed grassland appears to be the greatest threat to Swainson's spurfowl due to a lack of cover and food. The matrix of habitats within the landscape plays important roles in the success of this opportunistic spurfowl. Agricultural crops in the Winter sustain the population until the following Summer when natural savanna and ungrazed grasslands provide complementary foraging, nesting and roosting sites.  相似文献   

We studied topographical and year-to-year variation in the performance (pupal weights, survival) and larval parasitism of Epirrita autumnata larvae feeding on mountain birch in northernmost Finland in 1993–1996. We found differences in both food plant quality and parasitism between sites ranging from 80 m to 320 m above sea level. Variation in food plant quality had particularly marked effects on larval survival. The advanced phenology of the birches in relation to the start of the larval period reduced pupal weights. Parasitism rates were different between years and between sites. The clearest site differences were in the proportions of different parasitoid species: Eulophus larvarum was most abundant at the lowest-altitude sites, and Cotesia jucunda at the highest. Differences in the performance of E. autumnata were related to temperature conditions: at higher temperatures, survival and the egg production index were lower, and larval parasitism was higher than at lower temperatures. The higher parasitism at higher temperatures was probably due to greater parasitoid activity during warmer days. In the comparison of different sources of spatial and annual variation in the performance of E. autumnata, the most important factor appeared to be egg mortality related to minimum winter temperature, followed by parasitism and, finally, the variation in food plant quality. If, as predicted, the climate gradually warms up, the effects of warmer summers on the outbreaks of E. autumnata suggest a decrease in outbreak intensity. Received: 4 January 1999 / Accepted: 22 March 1999  相似文献   

A leaf-folding sawfly in the genusPhyllocolpa (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae) attackingSalix miyabeana (Salicaceae) was studied near Sapporo, Hokkaido, along the Ishikari River in 1993. Host plant individuals were young trees 4–7 years old which were growing rapidly, producing some long shoots with large leaves. On a gradient of shoot length classes from 0–5 cm long to over 80 cm long, shoots were much more abundant in the shorter shoot length classes. However, attacks by ovipositing females increased as shoot length increase from 0 attacks on the shortest shoots to 5.17 attacks per shoot on the longest shoots. The frequency of attack per leaf increased from 0 to 0.13 over the same range of shoot lengths. This pattern of attack resulted in a high frequency of larval establishment in feeding sites, between 0.96 and 1.00, in all attacked shoot length categories. However, probability of survival to a late instar larva increased with shoot length and corresponded to the attack pattern, indicating a preference-performance linkage between female ovipositional decisions and larval survival. The patterns found for thisPhyllocolpa species are similar for galling sawflies in North America and Europe, especially in the genusEuura, members of which make stem, bud and leaf midrib galls. Extending the pattern to aPhyllocolpa species broadens identification of pattern and ultimately the generality of the emerging theory on populations of galling sawflies.  相似文献   

Abstract 1. There was a positive correlation between oviposition and feeding preferences and offspring performance in the spittlebug Aphrophora pectoralis Matsumura (Homoptera: Cercopoidea, Aphrophoridae) on four species of willow Salix sp. (Salicaceae) growing near Sapporo, Japan. Spittlebugs preferred rapidly growing shoots where performance was highest.
2. When the effects of shoot length were removed, egg densities on willow species were associated with offspring performance on three of four species. Egg densities and survival rates were low on Salix integra and Salix miyabeana . Survival rates were high on Salix sachalinensis , which had high egg densities, and Salix hultenii , which had low egg densities.
3. Aphrophora pectoralis formed mating aggregations almost exclusively on S. sachalinensis but then dispersed to other willow species to oviposit.
4. Nymphs dispersed from the oviposition site to feed on nearby shoots within the same plant but they did not disperse to other willow plants. Nymphs had the same preference for rapidly growing shoots as ovipositing females, so they were able to refine the maternal choice by moving to larger shoots near the shoot on which they had eclosed.
5. The spittlebugs were highly aggregated at all life stages so that even at high densities only a small proportion of the most vigorously growing shoots was utilised.  相似文献   

The hypothesis is developed that there are causal linkages in evolved insect herbivore life histories and behaviors from phylogenetic constraints to adaptive syndromes to the emergent properties involving ecological interactions and population dynamics. Thus the argument is developed that the evolutionary biology of a species predetermines its current ecology.Phylogenetic Constraints refer to old characters in the phylogeny of a species and a group of species which set limits on the range of life history patterns and behaviors that can evolve. For example, a sawfly is commonly limited to oviposition in soft plant tissue, while plants are growing rapidly.Adaptive Syndromes are evolutionary responses to the phylogenetic constraints that minimize the limitations and maximize larval performance. Such syndromes commonly involve details of female ovipositional behavior and how individuals make choices for oviposition sites relative to plant quality variation which maximize larval survival. Syndromes also involve larval adaptations to the kinds of choices females make in oviposition. The evolutionary biology involved with phylogenetic constraints and adaptive syndromes commonly predetermines the ecological interactions of a species and its population dynamics. Therefore, these ecological interactions are calledEmergent Properties because they are natural consequences of evolved morphology, behavior, and physiology. They commonly strongly influence the three-trophic-level interactions among host plants, insect herbivores, and carnivores, and the relative forces of bottom-up and top-down influences in food webs. The arguments are supported using such examples as galling sawflies and other gallers, shoot-boring moths and beetles, budworms, and forest Macrolepidoptera. The contrasts between outbreak or eruptive species and uncommon and rare species with latent population dynamics are emphasized.  相似文献   

1. Tree‐ring techniques were used to date larval gallery scars of a native wood borer, Enaphalodes rufulus (Haldeman), in host Quercus rubra L. from eight sites within the Ozark and Ouachita National Forests of Arkansas. 2. Borer densities were quantified throughout the past century as indicated by scars within host tree boles and per capita rate of increase was calculated from one generation to the next. Both of these variables were extrapolated to the regional level. 3. Scar data from 78 Q. rubra revealed that at the regional level borer population growth increased from 1976 to 2000, or 11 generations prior to a recent outbreak. Duration and intensity of eruptive behaviour were variable geographically. 4. Sites with higher outbreak densities also sustained incipient (i.e. growing) populations for a longer time period than sites with lower outbreak densities, which indicates that a greater potential for exponential increase existed at these sites because more borers were present when conditions became favourable for an outbreak. 5. An index of summer soil moisture availability explained almost half of the variation in E. rufulus population growth, which suggests that drought may have been an important causal factor in the recent outbreak.  相似文献   

The seasonal abundance of the neotropical brown stink bug, Euschistus heros (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae), in overwintering sites in northern Paraná state, Brazil (latitude 23°11 S, longitude 51°11 W) was monitored from September 1994 to August 1995. The breaking of dormancy (oligopause) was studied in the laboratory by comparing the feeding activity and reproduction of adults collected in the field under different physiological conditions (i.e., dormant and non-dormant). No bugs were found in overwintering sites during the summer (December to February) and during early autumn (March). From mid-autumn to winter (April – August), the number of E. heros captured in these sites gradually increased, decreasing thereafter with the start of spring in September. Dormant and non-dormant E. heros taken to the laboratory and maintained at 25 ± 1 °C , 65± 5% r.h., and L14: D10 photoperiod, and given suitable food (soybean pods or seeds), began feeding immediately. The number of stylet sheaths deposited/day on the food was greater for non-dormant than for dormant adults. Feeding activity was greater on immature pods than on mature seeds of soybean. Dormant females placed under suitable biotic and abiotic conditions took ca. 2 weeks to start reproduction, in contrast to non-dormant females, which reproduced immediately.  相似文献   

The beech caterpillar, Syntypistis punctatella (Motschulsky) (Lepidoptera: Notodontidae), often causes extensive defoliation of beech forests in Japan. Outbreaks have often occurred synchronously among different areas at intervals of 8–11 years. Synchrony of outbreaks was considered to be caused by synchrony of weather. Populations of this insect exhibit periodical dynamics in both outbreak and nonoutbreak areas. Factors that might influence the population dynamics of the beech caterpillar were classified from the point of view of the natural bioregulation com-plex, which includes a coleopteran predator, Calosoma maximowiczi, avian predators, parasitoids, entomopathogenic fungi, and delayed induced defensive response (DIR) of beech trees. Because such periodic population dynamics are believed to be caused by one or more delayed density-dependent factors, delayed density-dependent mortality has been identified as a likely source of population cycles. The DIR and pathogenic diseases showed a high order of density dependence. An infectious pathogen, Cordyceps militaris, was considered to be the most plausible agent responsible for periodic dynamics of the beech caterpillar population because insect diseases were effective in cases in which the S. punctatella population started to decrease without reaching outbreak densities, but DIR was not. Conspicuous defoliation caused by this insect tends to occur at certain elevations, where forests are composed of pure stands of beech trees. I propose three different hypotheses to explain this phenomenon: the diversity–stability hypothesis, the resource concentration hypothesis, and the altitudinal soil nutrient hypothesis. Received: November 20, 1999 / Accepted: August 3, 2000  相似文献   

对蒙古寒蝉若虫与成虫的触角感器进行了研究,并结合不同龄期若虫触角的形态特征,采用Dyar法则与“头宽—龄期”的回归曲线验证,初步断定蒙古寒蝉若虫具有4个龄期。不同龄期若虫与成虫的触角形态差异显著,触角感器的种类、数量和分布也明显不同,其差异或与若虫和成虫的生态位不同密切相关。  相似文献   

1. Foliar trichomes clearly reduce chewing damage and efficiency of movement by some insect herbivores, but the effect of trichomes on insect oviposition is less well characterised. Trichomes are likely to have particularly strong, negative effects on species that require secure attachment of the egg to the leaf epidermis for successful transition to the feeding stage – a group that includes many leaf mining insects. 2. One such species, Micrurapteryx salicifoliella, must initially enter leaf cells directly from an egg adhered to the cuticle, but later instars can move between leaves and initiate new mines from the leaf exterior. 3. Natural patterns of occurrence by M. salicifoliella were quantified on 10 sympatric Salix species varying in trichome expression to test whether trichomes were associated with reduced oviposition, larval survival and leaf damage. 4. Mean egg density and leaf mining damage were negatively related to mean trichome density across Salix species. Survival of M. salicifoliella from egg to pupa was positively related to trichome density, suggesting that initiation of new mines by late‐instar larvae was not adversely affected by trichomes. There was no evidence that trichomes benefited leaf miner larvae indirectly by decreasing density‐dependent mortality; rather, the positive relationship between trichome density and larval survival may reflect less effective chemical defence by Salix species expressing high trichome density. 5. The results suggest that foliar trichomes serve as an effective defence against M. salicifoliella by deterring oviposition, but do not reduce the survivorship of those individuals that successfully transition from egg to larva.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Sub-arctic mountain birch Betula pubescens var. pumila communities in the North Atlantic region are of variable stature, ranging from prostrate scrubs to forests with trees up to 12 m high. Four hypotheses were tested, relating growth and population characteristics of sub-arctic birch woodland and scrub to tree stature; i.e. the variable stature of birch woods is due to differences in (1) the mean growth rate; (2) the age-related patterns of growth rate; (3) the life expectancy of stems; or (4) the tree form. Methods: A stratified random sample of 300 birch trees was drawn from the total population of indigenous birch woodlands and scrub in Iceland, yielding 286 valid sample genets. The population was divided into three sub-populations with dominant trees 0-2, 2-4 and 4-12 m tall, referred to as birch scrub, birch scrub-woodland and birch forest, respectively. KEY RESULTS: Trees in the scrub population were of more contorted growth form than birch in the scrub-woodland and forest populations. Mean growth rates, mean age and median life expectancies increased significantly with sub-population of greater tree stature. At the population level, annual increment and longevity of birch stems was apparently interrelated as the stems in vigorously growing birch sub-populations had a longer life expectancy than those of slower growth. However, no difference was observed between sub-populations in age-related patterns of extension growth rate. CONCLUSIONS: The results were consistent with hypotheses (1), (3) and (4), but hypothesis (2) was rejected. Hence, mountain birch of more vigorous growth attains a greater stature than birch of lesser increment due to faster extension growth rate and a longer lifespan. In addition, the more contorted stem form of scrub populations contributes to their low stature.  相似文献   

There was a strong correlation between the relative standard metabolic rate (rSMR) values of individual Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L. measured 5 and 22 weeks after first feeding in June and October respectively (Pearson's r =0·68, 26 d.f., P <0·001). However, this is a conservative estimate of repeatability as two separate regressions were used to calculate SMR in October due to the separation of the population into an upper modal group made up of early migrants and a lower modal group comprised of delayed migrants. SMR values in June and October were similar (paired t test, t =-0·85, 27 d.f., P >0·05) when expressed as the percentage deviation from those predicted for a fish of that size based on the body mass/SMR relations in June or October indicating that relative standard metabolic rates were stable over time when food was not limiting. rSMR status was maintained in 19 of the 28 fish (i.e. 68%) between the two measures. rSMR status was correlated with life history strategy: salmon fry with a high SMR in June were more likely to become smolts during the autumn than those with a low SMR.  相似文献   

1. Global change may strongly affect population dynamics, but mechanisms remain elusive. Several Arctic goose species have increased considerably during the last decades. Climate, and land-use changes outside the breeding area have been invoked as causes but have not been tested. We analysed the relationships between conditions on wintering and migration staging areas, and survival in Svalbard pink-footed geese Anser brachyrhynchus. Using mark-recapture data from 14 winters (1989-2002) we estimated survival rates and tested for time trends, and effects of climate, goose density and land-use. 2. Resighting rates differed for males and females, were higher for birds recorded during the previous winter and changed smoothly over time. Survival rates did not differ between sexes, varied over time with a nonsignificant negative trend, and were higher for the first interval after marking (0.88-0.97) than afterwards (0.74-0.93). Average survival estimates were 0.967 (SE 0.026) for the first and 0.861 (SE 0.023) for all later survival intervals. 3. We combined 16 winter and spring climate covariates into two principal components axes. F1 was related to warm/wet winters and an early spring on the Norwegian staging areas and F2 to dry/cold winters. We expected that F1 would be positively related to survival and F2 negatively. F1 explained 23% of survival variation (F1,10=3.24; one-sided P=0.051) when alone in a model and 28% (F1,9=4.50; one-sided P=0.031) in a model that assumed a trend for survival. In contrast, neither F2 nor density, land-use, or scaring practices on important Norwegian spring staging areas had discernible effects on survival. 4. Climate change may thus affect goose population dynamics, with warmer winters and earlier springs enhancing survival and fecundity. A possible mechanism is increased food availability on Danish wintering and Norwegian staging areas. As geese are among the main herbivores in Arctic ecosystems, climate change, by increasing goose populations, may have important indirect effects on Arctic vegetation. Our study also highlights the importance of events outside the breeding area for the population dynamics of migrant species.  相似文献   

We isolated genomic clones containing sequences encoding globins I and IA from a Chironomus thummi thummi genomic library. Three clones contain globin IA (ctt-1A) genes, while one contains a globin I (ctt-1) gene. The coding regions of the four genes are identical except for the single base substitution accounting for the globin I/IA polymorphism. The noncoding DNA flanking the coding region is more than 98% similar, confirming a previous hypothesis that the globin ctt-1 and ctt-1A genes are alleles. Hemoglobins I and IA are monomeric in the insect hemolymph. Earlier in situ hybridization studies suggested that monomeric and dimeric globin genes are clustered at different chromosomal loci. In situ hybridization of ctt-1 DNA to polytene salivary gland chromosomes places the ctt-1 gene on the same band as genes for the dimeric globins II and VIIB, forcing revision of the earlier hypothesis that genes for monomeric and dimeric globin genes are at different loci. The evolution of the ctt-1 and ctt-1A alleles and of the two globin gene loci are discussed. Correspondence to: G. Bergtrom  相似文献   

为了明确泰和县近年来晚稻田褐飞虱Nilaparvata lugens(Stl)连年暴发的规律。通过分析泰和县2008—2013年褐飞虱的田间调查及灯诱数据,并结合气象条件,研究了泰和县晚稻田褐飞虱暴发的主要影响因素。结果表明:(1)危害早稻田的褐飞虱以2、3代为主,其田间种群数量的多少主要受春季迁入虫量的限制,本地早稻收割后的滞留虫源对晚稻种群数量的影响很小。(2)危害晚稻田的褐飞虱以5、6代为主,后期迁入虫量、秋季温度以及晚稻田初期外来迁入虫量是影响晚稻田后期暴发的关键因子。(3)不同年份间晚稻田褐飞虱暴发类型不同。2008和2009年属后期迁入虫量与"暖秋"共同影响类型;2010年是"暖秋"影响类型;2011和2012年是后期迁入虫量影响类型;2013年是晚稻田早期迁入虫量积累影响类型。后期迁入虫量、秋季温度以及晚稻田早期迁入虫量是导致泰和县晚稻田褐飞虱连年暴发的主要原因。这些结果为褐飞虱暴发规律的阐明及可持续治理提供了理论依据和参考价值。  相似文献   

G.L. Mackie 《Hydrobiologia》1991,219(1):251-268
The zebra mussel, Dreissena polymorpha, is a new exotic species that was introduced into the Great Lakes as early as the fall of 1985. It differs markedly from native species of bivalves in its: (i) shell form; (ii) mode of life; (iii) reproductive potential; (iv) larval life cycle; (v) population dynamics; (vi) distribution, (vii) dispersal mechanisms; (viii) physiology; (ix) potential impact on the ecosystem; and (x) impact on society and the economy. In body form, it has an anterior umbone, a flat ventral surface with permanent aperature for the byssal apparatus and a shape that together make the animal well adapted for life on a hard surface. The shell has a zebra-stripe pattern, a heteromyarian muscle condition and lacks hinge teeth which make it easily identifiable from native bivalves. The zebra mussel is strongly byssate and has an epifaunal mode of life not seen in native bivalves. The species is dioecious and has external fertilization, the eggs developing into pelagic veligers which remains planktonic for approximately 4 weeks. Gametogenesis begins in late winter to early spring, veligers appear in the water column in late May to early June and disappear in mid to late October in Lake St. Clair. Adults live for about 2 years and have very rapid growth rates. Maximum shell lengths average 2.3 to 2.5 cm. Standing crops as high as 200 000 m-2 are present in the 1-m depths of the Ontario shores. Infestations may be interfering with the normal metabolism of native unionid clams and there is potential of the unionid clam populations being reduced or even eliminated from Lake St. Clair.  相似文献   

The assemblage of Anemonia viridis which is an important component of the photophilic soft algae biocoenosis, has not been adequately studied up to date. The A. viridis assemblage studied, was poor in species number compared to other photophilic soft algae assemblages, possibly because of its peculiar physiology and competition for space. Three age groups of A. viridis were distinguished, two of which (the first and the third) showed significant seasonal variations. The reasons for this are still unclear and may depend on recruitment, competition among small-sized individuals, predation or other mortality factors, and migration of larger individuals.  相似文献   

Host specialization plays a key role in the extreme diversification of phytophagous insects. Whereas proximate mechanisms of specialization have been studied extensively, their consequences for species divergence remain unclear. Preference for, and performance on hosts are thought to be a major source of divergence in phytophagous insects. We assessed these major components of specialization in two moth species, the European corn borer (ECB) and the Adzuki bean borer (ABB), by testing their oviposition behaviour in different conditions (choice or no‐choice set‐ups) and their performances, by reciprocal transplant at the larval stage on the usual host and an alternative host plant. We demonstrated that both ABB and ECB have a strong preference for their host plants for oviposition, but that relative larval performances on the usual host and an alternative host differed according to the experiment and the trait considered (weight or survival). Finally, we show for the first time that the preference for maize in ECB conceals a strong avoidance of mugwort. The differences in performance, attraction and avoidance between ECB and ABB are discussed in the light of the underlying mechanisms and divergence process.  相似文献   

Data was collected on the population structure and fecundity of the mysidNeomysis integer and the calanoid copepodEurytemora affinis in Hickling Broad, a shallow and eutrophic brackish lake, over a two-year period 1988/89. Standing biomass and production rate estimates were made using estimates of size-specific dry weights and development times obtained from laboratory measurements, field observations and information found in the literature. Both mysid and copepod are capable of a rapid response to favourable conditions and have high rates of birth, growth and production.E. affinis reproduces throughout the year with an estimated annual (May 1988–May 1989) production of 20 g dry wt m−2. Copepod standing biomass was less in 1989 compared with 1988 owing to an overall reduction in copepod body-size and a reduction of size at maturity. There was a suggestion from the data that this was caused by predation from a greater number of large (>9 mm body-length) mysids in 1989 compared with 1988.N. integer is highly seasonal in its growth with distinct peaks of recruitment in May and July. Annual (May 1988–May 1989) production of the mysid was estimated as 5.8 g dry wt m−2. AlthoughE. affinis is the only available prey ofN. integer in the lake, the mysid population appears independent of changes in that of the copepod and probably avoids negative predator-prey feedback mechanisms owing to an ability to feed on epiphytic algae.  相似文献   

Dicyphus hesperus Knight (Heteroptera: Miridae) is an omnivorous predator used to control pests of greenhouse vegetables. Plant preferences and life history traits were studied using nine plant species: Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. (Solanaceae), Capsicum annuum L. (Solanaceae), Verbascum thapsus L. (Scrophulariaceae), Nepeta cataria L. (Lamiaceae), Stachys albotomentosa (Lamiaceae), Nicotiana tabacum L. (Solanaceae), Vicia sativa L. (Fabaceae), Zea mays L. (Gramineae), and Chrysanthemum coronarium L. (Asteraceae). Plants were selected from among potential target crops, natural hosts, plants used for mass rearing, and plants on which D. hesperus has not been reported. Plant preference was measured by multi‐choice host plant selection and oviposition assays. Development and reproduction were measured on each of the plant species on both a plant diet alone and on a plant diet supplemented with Ephestia kuehniella Zeller (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) eggs. Dicyphus hesperus females and nymphs expressed a preference for some plants over others. Plant preference ranged from low preference plants, such as Z. mays, V. sativa, C. coronarium, and C. annuum, to high preference plants such as V. thapsus, N. tabacum, and S. albotomentosa. When E. kuehniella eggs were supplied, there were few differences in the development time and fecundity of D. hesperus among plants, with the exception of corn and broad bean, where fecundity was lower. On a plant diet alone, nymphs were able to complete their development on V. thapsus, C. annuum, and N. cataria. However, mortality and development time were much lower on V. thapsus than on C. annuum and N. cataria. On most of the plant species D. hesperus did not lay any eggs when fed on a plant diet alone. On V. thapsus, females laid a few eggs and lived longer than when fed on prey. Dicyphus hesperus females tended to prefer host plants on which nymph survival without prey was greatest.  相似文献   

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