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ABSTRACT. A ciliate isolated from a pond in Brazil, transformed to a giant form when its food was shifted from a bacterial prey to a ciliate prey. This polymorphism is immediately reversible when the prey ciliates, either Tetrahymena or Colpidium , disappear from the culture medium. By its life cycle, morphology, and ultrastructure, this ciliate belongs to the Class Colpodea. it could belong to the genus Platyophryides Foissner, 1987, except that its micronucleus is not enveloped by the macronuclear membrane. The systematic position of the genus Platyophryides , the validity of the three species in this genus, and the characteristics of the Cyrtolophosidida are discussed.  相似文献   

This is the first report of a putative pathogenic ciliate protozoan that has been associated with Caribbean corals. Previously, only 2 species of the phylum Ciliophora had been linked to coral diseases, and they were exclusive to the Indo-Pacific region. In this study, a ciliate of the genus Halofolliculina was found on 10 hard coral species at the National Parks of Los Roques and Morrocoy, Venezuela. The general morphology of this ciliate is very similar to that of Halofolliculina corallasia from the Indo-Pacific, which is known to cause skeletal eroding band. None of the other 31 genera in the family Folliculinidae are known to cause diseases in corals or in any other animal species. The presence of this ciliate, which shows a prevalence comparable to that of other epizootics in the Caribbean, suggests it could be a new threat to the coral reefs of this region.  相似文献   

黑龙江省帽儿山镇沼泽地生存着一种在体形和皮层形态上酷似贻贝棘尾虫的腹毛类纤毛虫,其大核呈多个结节相连的索状,这与传统的棘毛虫属的特征有别,但S期大核复制带两个仍在两端出现,这一点全似棘尾虫属,又鉴于腹毛类的其它属中也有大核结数目不同的种(Borror,1983),故单纯大核结节数目不同不应被视为属间判别,因此本文将此虫定为棘尾虫属一新种,名之为多节核棘尾虫,据此,棘尾虫属的传统鉴别特征在核形上也予以修正。  相似文献   

Coral reef organisms living in mutualistic symbioses with phototrophic dinoflagellates are widespread in shallow UV-transparent waters. Maristentor dinoferus is a recently discovered species of marine benthic ciliate that hosts symbiotic dinoflagellates of the genus Symbiodinium. In this study, we tested this ciliate for the occurrence of mycosporine-like amino acids, a family of secondary metabolites that minimize damage from exposure to solar UV radiation by direct screening. Using high-performance liquid chromatography and liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry, five mycosporine-like amino acids (shinorine, palythenic acid, palythine, mycosporine-2-glycine, and porphyra-334) were identified in aqueous methanolic extracts of the symbiosis. This is the first report of mycosporine-like amino acids in a marine ciliate.  相似文献   

Although starvation is considered one of the most important induces of ciliate encystment, its nature has been unclear. Euplotes is a well-known ciliate genus, but the relationship in Euplotes between encystment and food has not been reported. The encystment of Euplotes elegans is facilitated when it is transferred to Chalkley's solution without bacteria as food. A higher ciliate density also facilitates encystment. Thus, starvation and ciliate density needed to be examined. Ciliates were inoculated into 3 treatments: Chalkley's solution with formaldehyde-fixed bacteria as nutritive particles (FFB group), with polystyrene latex particles as non-nutritive particles (PLP group), and without particles (control group). Cysts appeared fastest and ciliate numbers increased in the FFB group. Although the encystment kinetics of the PLP group was similar to that of the control group, the encystment rate of the PLP group was lower than that of the control group in the earliest phase. This suggests that the ciliates were temporarily deceived into feeding on PLP, because they had food vacuoles containing PLP during the earliest phase of incubation. A cell-free old culture solution from a stationary phase, which probably contained excreted substances from high-density ciliates, also facilitated encystment.  相似文献   

Many freshwater protists harbor unicellular green algae within their cells and these host‐symbiont relationships slowly are becoming better understood. Recently, we reported that several ciliate species shared a single species of symbiotic algae. Nonetheless, the algae from different host ciliates were each distinguishable by their different genotypes, and these host‐algal genotype combinations remained unchanged throughout a 15‐month period of sampling from natural populations. The same algal species had been reported as the shared symbiont of several ciliates from a remote lake. Consequently, this alga appears to play a key role in ciliate‐algae symbioses. In the present study, we successfully isolated the algae from ciliate cells and established unialgal cultures. This species is herein named Brandtia ciliaticola gen. et sp. nov. and has typical ‘Chlorella‐like’ morphology, being a spherical autosporic coccoid with a single chloroplast containing a pyrenoid. The alga belongs to the Chlorella‐clade in Chlorellaceae (Trebouxiophyceae), but it is not strongly connected to any of the other genera in this group. In addition to this phylogenetic distinctiveness, a unique compensatory base change in the SSU rRNA gene is decisive in distinguishing this genus. Sequences of SSU‐ITS (internal transcribed spacer) rDNA for each isolate were compared to those obtained previously from the same host ciliate. Consistent algal genotypes were recovered from each host, which strongly suggests that B. ciliaticola has established a persistent symbiosis in each ciliate species.  相似文献   

Brown band disease of coral is caused by a ciliate that consumes the tissue of the corals in the genus Acropora. We describe the ciliate associated with this disease on Guam, based on: general morphology, division stages, and ciliature observed on live and protargol-stained specimens; modification of the oral structures between divisional stages, observed on protargol-stained specimens; and some aspects of behavior in field and laboratory studies. Porpostoma guamensis n. sp. is elongate and has ciliature typical for the genus; live cells are 70-500 × 20-75 μm; the macronucleus is sausage-like, elongate but often bent, positioned centrally along the main cell axis; the oral ciliature follows a basic pattern, being composed of three adoral polykinetidal regions, as described for other species in the genus, although there is variability in the organization, especially in large cells where the three regions are not easily distinguished. Ciliates fed on coral with their oral region adjacent to the tissue, which they engulfed, leaving the coral a bare skeleton. Both zooxanthellae and nematocysts from coral occurred in the ciliates. Zooxanthellae appeared to be ingested alive but deteriorated within 2-3 days. Ciliates formed thin-walled division cysts on the coral and divided up to 3 times. Cysts formed around daughter cells within cysts. We provide some observations on the complex division pattern of the ciliate (i.e. tomont-trophont-cyst) and propose a possible complete pattern that requires further validation.  相似文献   

Protozoan epibionts were found on specimens of the mysid Mysis relicta collected in Lake Lü?iai (Lithuania). These protozoans belong to three genera of ciliates: Vorticella, Dendrosoma and Tokophrya, and were located on the antennae, carapace, appendages and abdomen of the basibiont. The ciliates of the genus Vorticella had a bell‐shaped body, with concave‐type striations and a very long contractile stalk. The stalk joined the body via a truncated and overlapping zone. The macronucleus was J‐shaped, and the contractile vacuole was anterolateral. Only one ciliate species of Vorticella has been found on mysids, although on species other than M. relicta, and this is therefore the first record of Vorticella on M. relicta, and the second on the order Mysidacea. The ciliates of the genus Dendrosoma had an irregular body directly attached to the substrate. Finger‐like actinophores arose from the body, with a bundle of tentacles at their ends. The macronucleus ramified into branches that followed the actinophores. These ciliates were included in the species D. astaci. The presence of this ciliate represents the first record of this genus on Mysis relicta. The ciliates of the genus Tokophrya had a pyramidal body, the apical surface of which showed two conspicuous actinophores, with a short, longitudinally striated stalk joining to the body via a narrow unstriated band. The macronucleus was spherical or ovoid, centrally located, and there was an apical contractile vacuole. Only one previous study has referred to the presence of this genus on Mysis relicta, and the data contained in it were compared with those of the present study. The biometrical data and taxonomical position of the ciliate epibionts was considered.  相似文献   

A new oxytrichid ciliate Notohymena saprai sp. nov was isolated from the Valley of Flowers, an isolated bioreserve in the upper Himalayas. The ciliate was found in the soil samples collected from the peripheral areas of the flowering region of the valley which is covered with permafrost for nearly eight months in a year. Cells were excysted from the soil samples by the non-flooded petridish method. Species identification was performed by observations on live and silver-impregnated cells. Notohymena saprai sp. nov is highly flexible, measures 152 × 49 μm and shows abundant presence of dark green sub-pellicular granules. The species is distinct by virtue of its new combination of morphometric and developmental characters. Prominent distinguishing features of the new species are its relative large size and presence of four macronuclei (other species of this genus have two macronuclei). The study also reports morphogenetic peculiarities which separate it from the other known species of the genus.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Philaster hiatti n. sp., a marine holotrichous ciliate is described from Hawaii. Anatomic studies were made on specimens treated with the Chatton-Lwoff silver impregnation technic. Particular attention was given to the buccal infraciliature. Anatomic data, especially of the buccal infraciliature, differ from those of Philaster digitiformis, the only species in the genus; a new species, Philaster hiatti, is therefore proposed for this ciliate.  相似文献   

利用蛋白银染色技术对采自青岛沿海砂隙的寡毛类纤毛虫Strombidium kielum进行了形态学重描述,发现该种在寡毛类纤毛虫中具有独一无二的纤毛下器模式,因此为其建立了1新属Varistrombidium,特征为具有5条斜穿虫体的体动基列,其中体动基列1和2延伸到虫体背部,终止于虫体尾端。对Varistrombidium kielum(Maeda&Carey,1985)nov.comb.的小亚基RNA序列分析表明,该种位于Strombidiidae科内,与其形态学相近种Omegastrombidium elegans聚在一起。同时对其小亚基RNA序列可变区2的二级结构进行了预测并与其形态学相似种进行了比较。还对Apostrombidium pseudokielum Xuet al.,2009进行了补充性描述。  相似文献   

Microdiaphanosoma arcuatum Wenzel, 1953 is a world-wide distributed ciliate, recorded mainly in soil samples, which we have also identified in ground water samples from South Africa. This ciliate has been frequently overlooked or not determined due to its small size, ~12 μm. The genus Microdiaphanosoma is nowadays included in the class Colpodea, order Bryometopida, family Kreyellidae. The first complete small subunit (SSU) rDNA gene sequence of this ciliate was obtained from a South African isolate. Phylogenetic analysis including available SSU rDNA sequences from another Colpodea species in the GenBank strongly supported the position of M. arcuatum within the order Cyrtolophosidida instead of the order Bryometopida. The analysis also suggested a sister relationship between this species and species from the family Cyrtolophosididae.  相似文献   

Rumen ciliate species composition was surveyed in domestic yaks kept in Tibet, Sichuan, and Inner Mongolia, China. Twelve genera including 36 species with 18 formae were identified. The species compositions were slightly different among the three areas: yaks in Tibet had the simplest fauna, in contrast, the fauna of yaks in Inner Mongolia were the most abundant and similar to those found in the cattle kept in the same area. This suggests that the rumen ciliate composition of yaks is affected by that of cattle kept together or in proximity. A new species belonging to the genus Entodinium, Entodinium monuo n. sp., was recognized from the yaks in all areas. This new species was common in the yaks but was not detected in the cattle fed near yaks in Inner Mongolia. There was a similar generic ciliate composition in yaks kept in respective areas. Entodinium was the most predominate ciliate (51.9-61.0%) with total ciliate densities estimated as 10(5)/ml per yak.  相似文献   

An apostome ciliate, Collinia oregonensis n. sp., is reported inhabiting the cephalothorax and abdomen of 3 euphausiid species from the Oregon-Washington coast: Euphausia pacifica Hansen, 1911, Thysanoessa spinifera Holmes, 1900, and Thysanoessa gregaria G.O. Sars, 1883. This ciliate is the 7th species described for the genus Collinia and the 2nd species known to infect euphausiids. Disease progression and ciliate morphology are described using (1) modified protargol stain, (2) hematoxylin counterstained with Fast Green, and (3) Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). All endoparasitic developmental stages (trophont, tomont, tomitogenesis, protomite, and tomite) of C. oregonensis are astomatous and possess between 14 and 22 kineties. C. oregonensis is smaller than C. beringensis Capriulo & Small, 1986, which infects the euphausiid Thysanoessa inermis Kr?yer, 1846 in the Bering Sea and which possesses between 24 and 80 kineties. The ciliate is a parasitoid because it must kill the host to complete its life cycle. Infections and mortalities in multiple host species likely reflect the virulent nature of the ciliate. Adult euphausiids infected with this parasitoid possess a swollen and bright orange cephalothorax. C. oregonensis feeds and proliferates inside euphausiids, producing fulminating infections that rupture the cephalothorax and release large numbers of tomites into the surrounding water. After several hours in the free swimming stage under shipboard conditions in the present study, the tomites adhered to each other, forming filaments. Infection rates ranged between 3 and 20% within individual euphausiid aggregations, but infected aggregations were randomly and sparingly distributed. Infected euphausiids were found at 6.7% of 316 stations sampled during 3 summer cruises. No infected euphausiids were collected in winter. Because E. pacifica and T. spinifera account for about 90% of the euphausiid standing stock in the northern California Current System, this parasitoid ciliate may have a significant impact on euphausiid population abundance, distribution and secondary productivity.  相似文献   

The ciliate genus Protocruzia belongs to one of the most ambiguous taxa considering its systematic position,possibly as a member of the classes Heterotrichea,Spirotrichea or Karyorelictea,which is tentatively placed into Spirotrichea in Lynn's 2008 system.To test these hypotheses,multigene trees(Bayesian inference,evolutionary distance,maximum parsimony,and maximum likelihood) were constructed using the small subunit rRNA(SSU rRNA) gene,internal transcribed spacer 2(ITS2) and a protein coding gene(histone H4).All analyses agree that:(1) four morphotypes of Protocruzia from different geographical origins group together and form a monophyletic clade,which cannot be assigned to any of the eleven described ciliate classes;(2) it is invariably positioned on an isolated branch separated from the class Spirotrichea suggesting that this clade should be clearly removed from Spirotrichea;(3) this leads us to hypothesize that this taxon may indeed represent a lineage on a class rank.Based on the fact that it is,both morphologically and in molecular features,closely related to the heterotrichs,Colpodea and Oligohymenophorea,Protocruziida might be an ancestral form for the subphylum Intramacronucleata in the evolutionary line from the class Heterotrichea(subphylum Postciliodesmatophora) to higher taxa.  相似文献   

A histophagous ciliate infection was discovered in a number of Norway lobsters (Nephrops norvegicus) from the Clyde Sea Area, Scotland. Silver-carbonate staining of cultured ciliates revealed an oral apparatus and additional structural features that are morphologically similar to scuticociliates in the genus Mesanophrys, which are known to parasitize crustaceans. However, ribosomal DNA sequences (ITS1/5.8S/ITS2) of the ciliate were identical to Orchitophyra stellarum, a parasitic scuticociliate of sea stars with a different morphology from Mesanophrys spp. and to the ciliate from N. norvegicus. Associated pathology included degeneration and necrosis of the myocardial heart muscle, and large numbers of ciliates in the gill filaments.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to survey ciliated intestinal protozoa of the black rhinoceros ( Diceros bicornis michaeli ) and white rhinoceros ( Ceratotherium simum simum ) in Kenyan National Parks. Faecal samples from 28 rhinoceroses that were chemically immobilized for translocation were opportunistically collected. Presence of ciliates was assessed using faecal floatation and sedimentation techniques. The ciliates were identified using cellular morphological features. Ophryoscoleciidae, Cycloposthiidae and Blepharocrythiidae were the three ciliate families represented. Ophryoscoleciidae had nine genera, Cycloposthiidae six genera and Blepharocorythiidae 1 genus. The dominant ciliate genus in all the rhinoceroses that were sampled was entodinium . It was found that the nutrient composition of the diet influences the diversity and numbers of intestinal ciliates, which in turn regulates the nutrient available to the animal. This interplay of nutrient composition of diet, ciliate diversity and nutritional benefits to the host has been used as an index to assess the nutritional state of ruminants. Because of the occurrence of rumenal ciliates in the hindgut fermentative chamber of the rhinoceros, such an index can be used to guide the formulation of feed mixtures for rhinoceros in captivity and remote nutritional assessments of rhinoceros both in free-range and in captivity.  相似文献   

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