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The interactions between hydrated trichloroacetaldehyde and cobalt(II)bovine carbonic anhydrase B have been investigated as a function of pH by means of electronic spectroscopy of FT nmr spectroscopy. The hydrated aldehyde is bound to the metal ion and its apparent affinity constant is pH dependent with a bell-shaped profile. The kinetic parameters of the dissociation process have also been determined.  相似文献   

The epr spectra at 4.2 K of inhibitor derivatives of cobalt carbonic anhydrase have been recorded. The spectra can be grouped into two classes according to whether the low-field signal is broad or sharp and with g ranges of 6.1–6.8, 2.3–2.9, 1.6–1.8, and 5.8–6.2, 2.2–2.8, 1.5–1.8, respectively. The two kinds of spectra have been empirically related to the features of the room-temperature solution electronic spectra. A third kind of epr spectrum with a single broad signal is obtained when the inhibitor is in large excess.The possibility of using the epr spectra for deducing the geometry of cobalt enzymes is discussed.  相似文献   

Bleomycin (blm) solutions containing the nickel(II) ion have been investigated through 1H nmr, ligand field and circular dichroism spectroscopies. It has been found the blm binds the metal ion in a pH dependent fashion. The spectral data are consistent with the presence of at least two species. It is suggested that in the low pH region blm binds to nickel(II) through the β-aminoalanino residue, whereas in the high pH region, the 4-amino-pyrimidine, imidazole, and amido group of β-hydroxy-histidine are also involved in coordination.  相似文献   

Palladium(II) oxalato complexes with heterocyclic ligands have been prepared and characterized by spectroscopic and biological studies. The compounds are of the general formula Pd(ox)(L)n where ox = oxalato For n = 1, the ligand is isoxazole, 3,5-dimethylisoxazole, 2-methyl-benzoxazole, 2,5-dimethylbenzoxazole, and ethylenediamine, for n = 2, the ligand is N methylimidazole, N-ethylimidazole, N-propylimidazole, 3-amino, 5-methylisoxazole, and 5-amino 3,4 dimethylisoxazole. The Pd(ox)(L)2 soluble in water are monomeric square-planar; the Pd(ox)(L) that are little soluble in water are dimeric square-planar with the ligand bridging bidentate except to the chelate ethylenediamine. All the compounds exhibit a certain inhibitorial effect with the exception of the Pd(ox)(en) derivative.  相似文献   

The reaction of parsley 2Fe-2S ferredoxin in the normal oxidized state with eaq? generated by pulse radiolysis techniques has been studied at ~25°C, pH 7–8, I = 0.10 M (NaClO4). Rate constants ke (eaq? decay) and kp (protein absorbance change) are the same, second-order rate constant 9.7 × 109 M?1 sec?1. The reaction exhibits close to 100% efficiency. With 8Fe-8S ferredoxin from Clostridium pasteurianum under identical conditions it now appears that kp (although sometimes significantly smaller) is equal to ke. Varying efficiencies are also observed with this protein depending on the batch used. The reasons for such variable behavior are not fully understood. With oxidized and reduced forms of Chromatium v. high-potential iron-sulfur protein (HIPIP), ke and kp are essentially the same, but the highest efficiency observed is only ~50%. The prevailing pattern is therefore that rate constants ke and kp are generally in step for proteins having a single (or identical) active site(s). When the active site is buried as with HIPIP the efficiency of the reaction appears to decrease.  相似文献   

Poly(1-vinyl-2-methylimidazole) and poly(1-vinyl-2-methylimidazole-co-1-vinylpyrrolidone) predominantly form five-coordinate heme complexes in aqueous solution. The apparent formation constants (K) of the heme complexes were estimated spectroscopically. The K values of the polymer-heme complexes were about 102 to 103 times those of the corresponding monomeric ones. These large K values were canceled by adding poly(1-vinylpyrrolidone), alcohol, or dimethylformamide. The viscometric measurement of the polymer-heme solution showed that the polymer complex took a compact shape. These results indicate a hydrophobic interaction of heme with the polymer-ligand. Poly(1-vinyl-2-methylimidazole) could form the five-coordinate heme complex, even in the presence of a large amount of imidazole.  相似文献   

Synthetic polymer-bound hemin (iron(III) protoporphyrin IX) derivatives were effectively reduced by ferredoxin and ferredoxin-NADP reductase system. The resultant polymer-bound heme (iron(II) protoporphyrin IX) derivatives formed oxygen adducts with a lifetime of ca. 1 hr in aqueous solution at -30 degrees C. The reduction rate is discussed in terms of the structure of the hemin derivatives.  相似文献   

Two novel complexes of Pd(II) involving vitamin B6 compounds have been synthesized. They are compatible with the compositions Pd(P.H.)2 C2(P=pyridoxol) and Pd(PL.H)2C2 (PL = pyridoxal). The complexes inhibited the growth as well as the biosynthesis of RNA, DNA, and protein of E. coli B-766. Photoacoustic spectral (PAS) measurements showed that the complexes bound to DNA of the bacteria and were present only in the kidney of treated mice. The complexes inhibited the incorporation of 3H-thymidine as well as 14C-leucine in the DNA and protein, respectively, of liver cell cultures (BL8L). The inhibition of cell division of Walker-S-cells and human lymphocytes by the complexes was highly significant.  相似文献   

L-Cysteinatogold(I) was prepared by the reaction of L-cysteine with KAuBr4 in acidic media and its solubility determined from pH 4 to 10. The solubility at pH 7.4 and 37 degrees C is 1 microM. In the presence of excess cysteine, the solubility increases because of formation of bis(L-cysteinato)gold(I). The equilibrium-constant for formation of the bis complex is 2.1 +/- 0.4 X 10(-3), which at pH 7.4 CORRESPONDs to an apparant formation constant of 4.4 X10(4). The formation of the bis adduct was confirmed by chromatographic separation of the products of the reaction between [35S]-L-cysteine and Na2AuTM. This complex elutes with Kav = 1.15 which allows it to be distinguished from other gold thiolates that might form in vivo. The bis(cysteinato)gold(I) complex is shown to be present in kidney cytosol isolated from rats given Na2AuTM in vivo. When additional cysteine is added to the cytosol in vitro, the peak at 1.15 is increased, but if glutathione is added, the low molecular weight gold elutes at Kav = 1.00, which is taken as evidence for the existence of bis(cysteinato)gold(I) in the cytosol preparation. The amount of gold present as bis(cysteinato)gold(I) after 4 different dose schedules has been measured and found to increase with the total cytosol gold concentration. L-Cysteinatogold(I) does not dissolve in the presence of bovine serum albumin to form an adduct.  相似文献   

The interaction of pyridoxal (PL) with pyridoxamine (PM) in the presence or absence of CU(II) has been studied in acidic aqueous solutions. We conclude that a ternary complex is formed prior to the interaction of pyridoxal with pyridoxamine in the presence of Cu(II) ions. Although the rate of interaction of excess PL with the Cu(II)-PM system of composition 1:1 followed pseudo-first-order kinetics, this was not so with composition ratios of PM to Cu(II), greater than unity. The observed rate constant (kobs) has the following form for Cu(II):PM:PL in the ratio 1:1:10 (or more):

Fast reaction kinetic experiments on the electron transfer reaction between azurin and cytochrome c551 isolated from Pseudomonas aeruginosa confirmed the existence of two redox forms of reduced azurin previously reported. The pH dependence of the amplitudes of the relaxation processes observed in temperature jump experiments indicate that these two redox forms are in pH dependent equilibrium. The pH independence of the overall equilibrium constant indicates that redox active and inactive forms of cytochrome c551 may also exist. Evidence that reduced cytochrome c551 undergoes a pH transition is given by optical spectrophotometry. The nature of the transition is discussed in the context of recent nmr studies and in terms of the Marcus theory of electron transfer. The metabolic consequences of these transitions are also discussed.  相似文献   

The protonation constants of several 5-substituted-2-formylpyridine thiosemicarbazones, formation constants for their copper complexes, adduct formation constants of these complexes with ethylenediamine, protonation constants of the copper complexes, and half-wave reduction potentials of the copper and corresponding iron complexes have been determined. The electronic effect of substituents has been examined through the calculation of linear free energy correlations utilizing Hammet substituent constants as the independent parameter in the relationships. The effect of substituents upon the pharmacological properties of thiosemicarbazones is reconsidered here. The current results are used to suggest new experiments involving the reaction of 5-substituted-2-formylpyridine thiosemicarbazonato copper(II) complexes with Ehrlich cells.  相似文献   

Thymidylate synthase from methotrexate-resistant Lactobacillus casei was rapidly and completely inactivated by low concentrations of permanganate, periodate, or potassium triiodide at 0 degree C. The enzyme was not inactivated to any appreciable extent by iodate, iodide, ferricyanate, iodosobenzoate, or hydrogen peroxide. The inactivation by permanganate was retarded by the substrate 2'-deoxyuridylate and, to a lesser extent, by phosphate. Titration of enzyme activity with permanganate showed that two moles of permanganate were required to completely inactivate one mole of thymidylate synthase.  相似文献   

We have shown the dependence of the deamidation half-times of the peptides, GlyLeuGlnAlaGly and GlyArgGlnAlaGly upon pH, temperature, and ionic strength. Increase in temperature or ionic strength, variation of pH to pH′s higher or lower than pH 6, and the use of phosphate buffer rather than Tris buffer at high pH all decrease the half-time of dcamidation. Temperature increase of 20°C or pH change of 2 pH units decreases the half-time about fivefold, while increase of one ionic strength unit decreases the half-time about twofold. In pH 7.4, I = 0.2, 37.0°C phosphate buffer, the deamidation half-times are 663 ± 74 and 389 ± 56 days respectively for the two peptides, GlyLeuGlnAlaGly and GlyArgGlnAlaGly.These experiments should serve as a warning to peptide and protein experimenters that even the more stable glutaminyl residues are unstable with respect to deamidation in certain solvent conditions. These experiments also provide, along with previously reported experiments on asparaginyl peptides (7), some quantitative data to help with the extrapolation of in vitro deamidation experiments to in vivo deamidation conditions.  相似文献   

Use of rigorous equilibration kinetics to evaluate rate constants for the Fe(CN)6 4- reduction of horse-heart cytochrome c in the oxidized form, cyt c (III), has shown that limiting kinetics do not apply with concentrations of Fe(CN)6 4- (the reactant in excess) in the range 2-10 x 10(-4) M, I = 0.10 M (NaCl). The reaction conforms to a first-order rate law in each reactant, and at 25 degrees C, pH 7.2 (Tris), it is concluded that K for association prior to electron transfer is less than 200 M-1. From previous studies at 25 degrees C, ph 7.0 (10(-1) M phosphate), I = 0.242 M (NaCl), a value K = 2.4 x 10(3) M-1 has been reported. Had such a value applied, some or all of the redox inactive complexes Mo(CN)8 4-, Co(CN)6 3-, Cr(CN)6 3-, Zr(C2O4)4 4- present in amounts 5-20 x 10(-4) M would have been expected to associate at the same site and partially block the redox process. No effect on rats was observed. With the reductants Fe(CN)5(4-NH2-py)3- and Fe(CN)5(imid)3-, reactions proceeded to greater than 90% completion and rate laws were again first order in each reactant. Rate constants (M-1 sec-1) at 25 degrees C, pH 7.2 (Tris), I = 0.10 M (NaCl), are Fe(CN)6 4- (3.5 x 10(4)), Fe(CN)5(4-NH2py)3- (6.7 x 10(5), and Fe(CN)5(imid)3- (4.2 x 10(5). Related reactions in which cyt c(II) is oxidized are also first order in each reactant, Fe(CN)6 3- (9.1 x 10(6)), Fe(CN)5(NCS)3- (1.3 x 10(6)), Fe(CN)5(4-NH2py)2- (3.8 x 10(6) at pH 9.4), and Fe(CN)5(NH3)2- (2.75 x 10(6) at ph 8). Redox inactive Co(CN)6 3- (1.0 x 10(-3) M) has no effect on the reaction of Fe(CN)6 3- which suggests that a recent interpretation for the Fe(CN)6 3- oxidation of cyt c(II), I = 0.07 M, may also require reappraisal.  相似文献   

The second-order rate constants (M?1sec?1, 25°C, pH 8.2, I = 0.15 M) for the oxidation to (semi-met)0of deoxyhemerythrin from Phascolopsis gouldii (P.g.) and Themiste zostericola (T.z.) have been determined for Fe(CN)5(4-NH2py)2? (3.6 × 104 T.z.,2.8 × 102P.g.),Fe(CN)5NH32?(2.4 × 104 T.z.), Fe(CN)63? (1.0 × 105 T.z.,1.4 × 102P.g.), Fe(CN)5PPh32? (7.3 × 105T.z.), and Fe(CN)4dipy- (~6 × 106 T.z.,7.5 × 104 P.g.). Corresponding rate constants for the oxidation of (semi-met)R to met are: Fe(CN)5(4-NH2py)2? (1.2 × 103 P.g.), Fe(CN)63? (3.4 × 105 T.z., 4.5 × 10 Fe(CN)5PPh32? (4.4 × 104P.g.), Fe(CN)4dipy? (1.7 × 105P.g.), and Coterpy23+ (5.1 P.g.) The rates of oxidation of deoxy- and (semi-met)R myohemetythrin by Fe(CN)63? were too rapid for stopped-flow measurement. The Marcus relationship for cross-reactions was successfully applied to these data.  相似文献   

The investigation of the inhibitory activity on the membrane bonded ATP-ase of the M(L)2X2 complexes [where M = Pd(II), Pt(II); L = isoxazole(isox), 3,5-dimethylisoxazole(3,5-diMeisox), 3-methyl,5-phenylisoxazole(3-Me,5-Phisox), 3,5-diphenylisoxazole-(3,5-diPhisox), and 4-amino-3,5-dimethylisoxazole(4-ADI); X = Cl, Br] is reported. These results show that the complexes with isox and its methyl and phenyl derivatives have a much stronger inhibitory effect than the corresponding free ligands; in the 4-ADI compounds this activity drops. The Pd(II) complexes have a greater effect than the Pt(II) derivatives. The interaction occurs with SH groups and probably also with other active centers of the enzyme. These conclusions have been correlated with the E.S.C.A. spectra. These measurements show that the electron density of the complexes on the central metal ion and Nring atom or Nring and N-hexocyclic atoms on passing from chloride to bromide derivatives changes slightly.  相似文献   

Using visible absorption, CD, 1H nmr, and epr spectroscopy, the Cu(II) binging properties of daunomycin, adriamycin, and N-trifluoroacetyl daunomycin in water and ethanol have been explored. The drugs form two water soluble complexes having Cu-drug stoichiometries of 1:1 and 1:2, and with apparent pKas of formation of 5.6 and 6.5, respectively. At pH values above ~8, the drugs form insoluble polymeric complexes with Cu(II). Similar species are also observed in ethanol. The structure of the compounds have been interpreted in terms of binding of the deprotonated hydroxyquinone portion of the drug to the copper ion. No evidence for the binding of the amino group on daunosamine was found.  相似文献   

Various Pt(II)-glycine coordination compounds were characterized by 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy, some of them also by electrophoretic and chromatographic behavior. The results were applied to the analysis of the reaction mixtures of cis-[Pt(NH3)2Cl2] and glycine obtained under various conditions. Cis-[Pt(NH3)2Cl2] reacts with glycine to give cis-diammine-(glycine-N,O)-Pt(II) and cis-diammine-bis(glycine-N-)Pt(II). Their ratio depends primarily on the pH of the reaction medium. Conformation of these compounds is discussed based on the observed Pt-C and Pt-H NMR coupling constants.  相似文献   

The binding of copper(II) and zinc(II) to oxidized glutathione   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1H and 13C NMR studies of Zn(II) binding to oxidized glutathione (GSSG) in aqueous solution over the pH range 4-11 show that it forms a complex with a 1:1 Zn:GSSG stoichiometry. At pH values between 6 and 11 the metal ligands are the COO- and NH2 groups of the glutamate residues. Below pH 5 the glycine end of the molecule also binds to the metal ions. EPR and visible absorption spectra of Cu(II) GSSG solutions suggest that similar complexes are formed with Cu(II). The solid products obtained from these solutions are shown by analysis and EPR to be primarily binuclear with Cu2GSSG stoichiometry, although the structures depend on the pH and stoichiometry of the solution from which they were obtained.  相似文献   

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