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Reaction of HSi(OEt)3 with IrCl(CO)(PPh3)2 (5:1 molar ratio) at room temperature for 1 h gives IrCl(H){Si(OEt)3}(CO)(PPh3)2 (1), which is observed by the 1H and 31P{1H} NMR spectra of the reaction mixture. The same reaction, but in 20:1 molar ratio at 50 °C for 24 h produces IrCl(H)2(CO)(PPh3)2 (2) rather than the expected product Ir(H)2{Si(OEt)3}(CO)(PPh3)2 (3) that was previously reported to be formed by this reaction. Accompanying formation of Si(OEt)4, (EtO)3SiOSi(OEt)3, and (EtO)2HSiOSi(OEt)3 is observed. On the other hand, trialkylhydrosilane HSiEt3 reacts with IrCl(CO)(PPh3)2 (10:1 molar ratio) at 80 °C for 84 h to give Ir(H)2(SiEt3)(CO)(PPh3)2 (4) in a high yield, accompanying with a release of ClSiEt3.  相似文献   

The X-band EPR spectra of the IR sensitive untreated PSII and of MeOH- and NH3-treated PSII from spinach in the S2-state are simulated with collinear and rhombic g- and Mn-hyperfine tensors. The obtained principal values indicate a 1Mn(III)3Mn(IV) composition for the Mn4 cluster. The four isotropic components of the Mn-hyperfine tensors are found in good agreement with the previously published values determined from EPR and 55Mn-ENDOR data. Assuming intrinsic isotropic components of the Mn-hyperfine interactions identical to those of the Mn-catalase, spin density values are calculated. A Y-shape 4J-coupling scheme is explored to reproduce the spin densities for the untreated PSII. All the required criteria such as a S=1/2 ground state with a low lying excited spin state (30 cm−1) and an easy conversion to a S=5/2 system responsible for the g=4.1 EPR signal are shown to be satisfied with four antiferromagnetic interactions lying between −290 and −130 cm−1.  相似文献   

Adding one equivalent of H2O2 to compounds of stoichiometry MoCl2(O)2(OPR3)2, OPR3 = OPMePh2 or OPPh3, leads to the formation of oxo-peroxo compounds MoCl2(O)(O2)(OPR3)2. The compound MoCl2(O)(O2)(OPMePh2)2 crystallized with an unequal disorder, 63%:37%, between the oxo and peroxo ligands, as verified by single-crystal X-ray diffractometry, and can be isolated in reasonable yields. MoCl2(O)(O2)(OPPh3)2, was not isolated in pure form, co-crystallized with MoCl2(O)2(OPPh3)2 in two ratios, 18%:82% and 12%:88%, respectively, and did not contain any disorder in the arrangement of the oxo and peroxo groups. These complexes accomplish the isomerization of various allylic alcohols. A mechanism of this reaction has been constructed based on 18O isotopic studies and involves exchange between the alcohol and metal bonded O atoms.  相似文献   

The reaction of uranyl oxalate trihydrate with guanidinium acetate at room temperature in water yields known uranyl complex with composition (CN3H6)2[UO2(C2O4)2(H2O)]·H2O as a first phase and a novel complex (CN3H6)5[(UO2)3O(OH)2(CH3COO)(C2O4)3] as a second. The second phase was investigated by means of IR spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction. The trinuclear discrete complex contains two symmetrically independent uranyl ions with a pentagonal bipyramid structure and has a nonplanar geometry. The distortion of its equatorial plane is caused by substitution of a monodentate bridge hydroxide anion by a bidentate bridge acetate-anion. The acidic ligands found in the complex are usually in competition for a place in coordination sphere of an uranyl ion, thus peculiarities of the complex formation are discussed in terms of ‘crystallochemical analysis’.  相似文献   

The reaction of an aqueous solution of Mn(ClO4)2 · 6H2O with 5-fluoro-2-hydroxypyrimidine (HFpymo) and NaOH in 1:2:1 ratio affords a species analysing as Mn(Fpymo)2(H2O)2 (1) in 70% yield. Single crystal X-ray analysis reveals that 1 consists of [Mn2(μ-Fpymo-N1,O2)2(Fpymo-O2)2(H2O)4] dinuclear units, in which each Mn(II) ion shows a slightly distorted trigonal bipyramidal stereochemistry. Thermal treatment of 1 above 150 °C gives an anhydrous, amorphous material analysing as Mn(Fpymo)2 (2a). Further heating of this compound above 250 °C results in the formation of the microcrystalline Mn(Fpymo)2 species (2b). The thermal dependence of the magnetic susceptibility χ has been studied for species 1 and 2b in the 2-300 K temperature range at 100, 300 and 5000 Oe field strengths. The fitting of the χ values of 1 to the Curie-Weiss equation gives values of C = 2.450(2) and θ = 1.0(2) K, which is indicative of an almost negligible magnetic interaction between the Mn(II) centres. At variance, 2b shows a significant antiferromagnetic behaviour, with a decrease of the μeff values upon cooling. The fitting of the χ values of 2b to the Curie-Weiss equation gives the respective C and θ values of 4.26(1) and −14.8(3) K, which agrees with an efficient coupling of the magnetic Mn(II) centres, possibly through bridges of the Fpymo-N1,N3 kind, within a polymeric network. The N2 and CO2 gas adsorption measurements at 77 K and 293 K, respectively, show that the 2b phase is not microporous, which is reflected in its low BET surface (19 m2 g−1) and its BJH pore size distribution.  相似文献   

The novel ferromagnetic coupling one-dimensional complex {Cu(NIT3Py)2[N(CN)2]2(H2O)2} (NIT3Py=2-(3-pyridyl)-4,4,5,5-tetramethylimidazoline-1-oxyl-3-oxide) was synthesized and characterized structurally and magnetically. It crystallizes in the monoclinic space group C2/c. The Cu(II) ion is in a distorted octahedral environment. The units of {Cu(NIT3Py)2[N(CN)2]2(H2O)2} were connected as one-dimensional structure by the intermolecular hydrogen bonds. Magnetic measurements show that there are intramolecular ferromagnetic interactions and intermolecular antiferromagnetic interactions within the chain.  相似文献   

Spectroscopic and electrochemical study of the [Fe(4)(mu(3)-S)(3)(NO)(7)](-) photochemical reaction and thermodynamic calculations of relevant systems demonstrate the redox character of this process. The photoinduced electron transfer between substrate clusters in excited and ground state (probably via exciplex formation) results in dismutation yielding unstable [Fe(4)(mu(3)-S)(3)(NO)(7)](2-) and [Fe(4)(mu(3)-S)(3)(NO)(7)](0). Back electron transfer between the primary products is responsible for fast reversibility of the photochemical reaction in deoxygenated solutions. In the presence of an electron acceptor (such as O(2), MV(2+) or NO) an oxidative quenching of the (*)[Fe(4)(mu(3)-S)(3)(NO)(7)](-) is anticipated, although NO seems to participate as well in the reductive quenching. The electron acceptors can also regenerate the substrate from its reduced form ([Fe(4)(mu(3)-S)(3)(NO)(7)](2-)), whereas the other primary product ([Fe(4)(mu(3)-S)(3)(NO)(7)](0)) decomposes to the final products. The suggested mechanism fits well to all experimental observations and shows the thermodynamically favored pathways and explains formation of all major (Fe(2+), S(2-), NO) and minor products (N(2)O, Fe(3+)). The photodissociation of nitrosyl ligands suggested earlier as the primary photochemical step cannot be, however, definitely excluded and may constitute a parallel pathway of [Fe(4)(mu(3)-S)(3)(NO)(7)](-) photolysis.  相似文献   

Two new rhenium(IV) mononuclear compounds of formula NBu4[ReBr4(OCN)(DMF)] (1) and (NBu4)2[ReBr(OCN)2(NCO)3] (2) (NBu4 = tetrabutylammonium cation, OCN = O-bonded cyanate anion, NCO = N-bonded cyanate anion and DMF = N,N-dimethylformamide) have been synthesized and their crystal structures determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. 1 crystallizes in the monoclinic system with the space group P21/n, whereas 2 crystallizes in the triclinic one with as space group. In both complexes the rhenium atom is six-coordinated, in 1 by four Br atoms in the equatorial plane, and two trans-oxygen atoms, one of a DMF molecule and another one from a cyanato group, while in 2 by one bromide anion and five cyanate ligands, two of which are O-bonded and three N-bonded, forming a somewhat distorted octahedral surrounding. Magnetic susceptibility measurements on polycrystalline samples of 1 and 2 in the temperature range 1.9-300 K are interpreted in terms of magnetically isolated spin quartets with large values of the zero-field splitting (|2D| is ca. 41.6 and 39.2 cm−1 for 1 and 2, respectively).  相似文献   

The first heterometallic chain cluster {[Mn4(hmp)6(NO3)2FeNO(CN)5·4CH3CN}n (1) based on the [Mn4(hmp)6] SMM has been synthesized. 1 has one-dimensional chain structure: the [Mn4(hmp)6] units are linked via CN-groups of nitroprusside anions. Its magnetic and relaxation properties and low temperature IR spectra under light irradiation have been investigated. The ferromagnetic exchange constants have been calculated.  相似文献   

The crystal structures of the four-coordinate trans-[Rh(Cl)(CO)(SbPh3)2] (1) and the five-coordinate trans-[Rh(Cl)(CO)(SbPh3)3] (2) are reported, as well as the unexpected oxidative addition product, trans-[Rh(I)2(CH3)(CO)(SbPh3)2] (3), obtained from the reaction of 2 with CH3I. The formation constants of the five-coordinate complex were determined in dichloromethane, benzene, diethyl ether, acetone and ethyl acetate as 163±8, 363±10, 744±34, 1043±95 and 1261±96 M−1, respectively. While coordinating solvents facilitate the formation of the five-coordinate complex, the four-coordinate complex could be obtained from diethyl ether due to the favorable low crystallization energy. The tendency of stibine ligands to form five-coordinate rhodium(I) complexes is attributed mainly to electron deficient metal centers in these systems, with smaller contributions by the steric effects. The average effective cone angle for the SbPh3 ligand in the three crystallographic studies was determined as 139° with individual values ranging from 133 to 145°.  相似文献   

A new CoII/CoIII hexanuclear complex, [Co4IICo2III(dea)2(Hdea)4)(piv)4](ClO4)2·H2O 1, has been obtained by reacting cobalt(II) perchlorate, diethanolamine, and pivalic acid (H2dea = diethanolamine and piv = pivalato anion). The cobalt ions are held together by four μ3 and four μ2 alkoxo bridges as well as by four syn-syn carboxylato groups. The hexanuclear motif contains four Co(II) and two Co(III) ions. The {CoII4CoIII22-O)43-O)4} core can be described as a four face-sharing monovacant and bivacant distorted heterocubane units. The cobalt(III) ions are hexacoordinated. Two of the cobalt(II) are hexacoordinated, while the two others are pentacoordinated with a bipyramidal stereochemistry. The magnetic properties of 1 have been investigated in the temperature range 1.9-300 K. Compound 1 exhibits an overall antiferromagnetic behaviour with a ground singlet spin state.  相似文献   

Pressure-tuning infrared spectra (up to ca. 40 kbar) are reported for Magnus’ Green salt, [Pt(NH3)4][PtCl4] and two of its derivatives, [Pt(ND3)4][PtCl4] and [Pt(NH3)4][PtBr4]. The spectroscopic data indicate that there is restricted rotation of the coordinated ammonia groups about the Pt-N bonds in the complexes. It is possible that this restricted rotation is due to the presence of weak hydrogen bonding to the halogens, i.e., N-H?X (X = Cl, Br) interactions.  相似文献   

Reaction of (NEt4)2MS4 (M = Mo, W) with CuCl and KSCN (or NH4SCN) in acetone or acetonitrile affords a new set of mixed metal–sulfur compounds: infinite anionic chains Cu4(NCS)5MS43− (1,2), (CuNCS)3WS42− (3) and two dimensional polymeric dianions (CuNCS)4MS42− (4,5). Crystal of 1 (M = W) and 3 are triclinic, space group P1(1:a = 10.356(2),b = 15.039(1),c = 17.356(2)Å, = 78.27(1)°, β = 88.89(2)° and γ = 88.60(1)°,Z = 2,R = 0.04 for 3915 independent data;3:a = 8.449(2),b = 14.622(4),c = 15.809(8)Å, = 61.84(3)°, β = 73.67(3)° and γ = 78.23(2)°,Z = 2,R = 0.029 for 6585 independent data). Crystals of 4 (M = W) and 5 (M = Mo) are monoclinic, space group P21/m,Z = 2 (4:a = 12.296(4),b = 14.794(4),c = 10.260(3)Åand β = 101.88(3)°,R = 0.034 for 4450 independent data;5:a = 12.306(2),b = 14.809(3),c = 10.257(2)Åand β = 101.99(3)°,R = 0.043 for 3078 independent data). The crystal structure determinations of 4 and 5 show that four edges of the tetrahedral MS42− core are coordinated by copper atoms forming WS4Cu4 aggregates linked by eight-membered Cu(NCS)2Cu rings. A two-dimensional network is thus formed in the diagonal (101) plane. The space between the anionic two-dimensional networks is filled with the NEt4+ cations. Additional NCS groups lead to the [Cu4(NCS)5WS4]3− (1) trianion connected by NCS bridges forming pseudo-dimers. These latter are held together by weak CuS(NCS) interactions giving rise to infinite chains along a direction parallel to [100]. In contrast complex3 develops infinite chains from WS4Cu3 aggregates with the same Cu(NCS)2Cu bridges as in 4 and 5. These chains are running along a direction parallel to [010]. The structural data of the different types of polymeric compounds containing MS42− and CuNCS have been used to interpret vibrational spectroscopic data of the thiocyanate groups.  相似文献   

The reaction of [HRe3(CO)12]2− with an excess of Ph3PAuCl in CH2Cl2 yields [(Ph3PAu)4Re(CO)4]+ as the main product, which crystallizes as [(Ph3PAu)4Re(CO)4]PF6 · CH2Cl2 (1 · CH2Cl2) after the addition of KPF6.The crystal structure determination reveals a trigonal bipyramidal Au4Re cluster with the Re atom in equatorial position.If [(Ph3PAu)4Re(CO)4]+ is reacted with PPh4Cl, a cation [Ph3PAu]+ is eliminated as Ph3PAuCl, and the neutral cluster [(Ph3PAu)3Re(CO)4] (2) is formed.It combines with excess [(Ph3PAu)4Re(CO)4]+ to afford the cluster cation, [(Ph3PAu)6AuRe2(CO)8]+. It crystallizes from CH2Cl2 as[(Ph3PAu)6AuRe2(CO)8]PF6 · 4CH2Cl2 (3 · 4CH2Cl2). In [(Ph3PAu)3Re(CO)4] the metal atoms are arranged in form of a lozenge while in [(Ph3PAu)6AuRe2(CO)8]+ two Au4Re trigonal bipyramids are connected by a common axial Au atom.The treatment of [(Ph3PAu)4Re(CO)4]+ with KOH and Ph3PAuCl in methanol yields the cluster cation [(Ph3PAu)6Re(CO)3]+, which crystallizes with from CH2Cl2 as [(Ph3PAu)6Re(CO)3]PF6 · CH2Cl2 (4 · CH2Cl2). The metal atoms in this cluster form a pentagonal bipyramid with the Re atom in the axial position.  相似文献   

The reactions of Zr(C5H5)(6,6-dmch)(PMe3)2 and Zr(6,6-dmch)2(PMe3)2 (dmch=dimethylcyclohexadienyl) with CO lead to the selective replacement of one PMe3 ligand by CO. Both carbonyl complexes have been structurally characterized. Additionally, the reaction of the latter complex with PhC2SiMe3 leads to a similar replacement of one PMe3 ligand, involving simple coordination of the alkyne, rather than any coupling to the dmch ligand.  相似文献   

The reaction of the Tc(I) complex [Tc(NO)Cl2(HOMe)(PPh3)2] with stoichiometric amounts of 2-mercatopyridine and a proton scavenger yields [Tc(NO)Cl(Spy)(PPh3)2] or [Tc(NO)(Spy)2(PPh3)], depending upon quantities of ligands employed. These two complexes have been structurally characterized. The small bite angles of the bidentate mercaptopyridine ligands cause significant deviation from octahedral coordination geometry.  相似文献   

The reaction of iron(III) acetylacetonate with zirconium(IV) n-propanolate in n-propanol leads to a tetranuclear species Zr3FeO(OC3H7)10(acac)3. This compound crystallizes in the triclinic system (space group P ): a = 12.426(2), b = 12.977(2), c = 20.129(4) Å, α = 91.55(1), β = 97.90(1), γ = 100.53(1)°. The structure consists of discrete tetranuclear molecules. The metal atoms design an almost perfect tetrahedron around a four-fold coordinated oxygen atom. The zirconium atoms are in a seven-fold coordination and the iron atom in a five-fold coordination.  相似文献   

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