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We previously described a thermophilic (60 degrees C), syntrophic, two-membered culture which converted acetate to methane via a two-step mechanism in which acetate was oxidized to H(2) and CO(2). While the hydrogenotrophic methanogen Methanobacterium sp. strain THF in the biculture was readily isolated, we were unable to find a substrate that was suitable for isolation of the acetate-oxidizing member of the biculture. In this study, we found that the biculture grew on ethylene glycol, and an acetate-oxidizing, rod-shaped bacterium (AOR) was isolated from the biculture by dilution into medium containing ethylene glycol as the growth substrate. When the axenic culture of the AOR was recombined with a pure culture of Methanobacterium sp. strain THF, the reconstituted biculture grew on acetate and converted it to CH(4). The AOR used ethylene glycol, 1,2-propanediol, formate, pyruvate, glycine-betaine, and H(2)-CO(2) as growth substrates. Acetate was the major fermentation product detected from these substrates, except for 1,2-propanediol, which was converted to 1-propanol and propionate. N,N-Dimethylglycine was also formed from glycine-betaine. Acetate was formed in stoichiometric amounts during growth on H(2)-CO(2), demonstrating that the AOR is an acetogen. This reaction, which was carried out by the pure culture of the AOR in the presence of high partial pressures of H(2), was the reverse of the acetate oxidation reaction carried out by the AOR when hydrogen partial pressures were kept low by coculturing it with Methanobacterium sp. strain THF. The DNA base composition of the AOR was 47 mol% guanine plus cytosine, and no cytochromes were detected.  相似文献   

A thermophilic methanogen was isolated from enrichment cultures originally inoculated with sludge from an anaerobic kelp digester (55°C). This isolate exhibited a temperature optimum of 55 to 60°C and a maximum near 70°C. Growth occurred throughout the pH range of 5.5 to 9.0, with optimal growth near pH 7.2. Although 4% salt was present in the isolation medium, salt was not required for optimal growth. The thermophile utilized formate or H2-CO2 but not acetate, methanol, or methylamines for growth and methanogenesis. Growth in complex medium was very rapid, and a minimum doubling time of 1.8 h was recorded in media supplemented with rumen fluid. Growth in defined media required the addition of acetate and an unknown factor(s) from digester supernatant, rumen fluid, or Trypticase. Cells in liquid culture were oval to coccoid, 0.7 to 1.8 μm in diameter, often occurring in pairs. The cells were easily lysed upon exposure to oxygen or 0.08 mg of sodium dodecyl sulfate per ml. The isolate was sensitive to tetracycline and chloramphenicol but not penicillin G or cycloserine. The DNA base composition was 59.69 mol% guanine plus cytosine.  相似文献   

A novel thermophilic, coccoid methanogen isolated from nonthermal freshwater sediments is described. Hydrogen plus carbon dioxide and formate were substrates for methanogenesis, and methane production was stimulated by yeast extract, Casamino Acids, and tryptose. Growth also occurred autotrophically. Elevated levels of sodium chloride were not required for maximum growth and were inhibitory above 2%. The minimum doubling time occurred at 57°C, and the upper and lower limits for methane production were 62 and 26°C, respectively. The optimum pH for growth was between 7.0 and 7.5. Inhibitory antibiotics included metronidazole, anisomycin, chloramphenicol, and lasalocid. Colonies were circular, dark yellow, shiny, and convex with entire edges. Cells were 1 to 2.5 μm in diameter, nonmotile, occurring singly or in pairs, and fimbriated. Cells were lysed by pronase or trypsin digestion, glass-distilled water, and 1% sodium dodecyl sulfate. Electron micrographs of thin sections showed a monolayered cell wall ca. 20 nm thick. The DNA base ratio was 49.2 mol% guanine plus cytosine. The whole cell protein pattern differed from that of other named coccoid methanogens.  相似文献   

The thermophilic, anaerobic, propionate-oxidizing bacterial populations present in the methanogenic granular sludge in a thermophilic (55°C) upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor were studied by cultivation and in situ hybridization analysis. For isolation of propionate-degrading microbes, primary enrichment was made with propionate as the sole energy source at 55°C. After several attempts to purify the microbes, a thermophilic, syntrophic, propionate-oxidizing bacterium, designated strain SI, was isolated in both pure culture and coculture with Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum. Under thermophilic (55°C) conditions, strain SI oxidized propionate, ethanol, and lactate in coculture with M. thermoautotrophicum. In pure culture, the isolate was found to ferment pyruvate. 16S ribosomal DNA sequence analysis revealed that the strain was relatively close to members of the genus Desulfotomaculum, but it was only distantly related to any known species. To elucidate the abundance and spatial distribution of organisms of the strain SI type within the sludge granules, a 16S rRNA-targeted oligonucleotide probe specific for strain SI was developed and applied to thin sections of the granules. Fluorescence in situ hybridization combined with confocal laser scanning microscopy revealed that a number of rod-shaped cells were present in the middle and inner layers of the thermophilic granule sections and that they formed close associations with hydrogenotrophic methanogens. They accounted for approximately 1.1% of the total cells in the sludge. These results demonstrated that strain SI was one of the significant populations in the granular sludge and that it was responsible for propionate oxidation in the methanogenic granular sludge in the reactor.  相似文献   

A thermophilic strain of Methanosarcina, designated Methanosarcina strain TM-1, was isolated from a laboratory-scale 55 degrees C anaerobic sludge digestor by the Hungate roll-tube technique. Penicillin and d-cycloserine, inhibitors of peptidoglycan synthesis, were used as selective agents to eliminate contaminating non-methanogens. Methanosarcina strain TM-1 had a temperature optimum for methanogenesis near 50 degrees C and grew at 55 degrees C but not at 60 degrees C. Substrates used for methanogenesis and growth by Methanosarcina strain TM-1 were acetate (12-h doubling time), methanol (7- to 10-h doubling time), methanol-acetate mixtures (5-h doubling time), methylamine, and trimethylamine. When radioactively labeled acetate was the sole methanogenic substrate added to the growth medium, it was predominantly split to methane and carbon dioxide. When methanol was also present in the medium, the metabolism of acetate shifted to its oxidation and incorporation into cell material. Electrons derived from acetate oxidation apparently were used to reduce methanol. H(2)-CO(2) was not used for growth and methanogenesis by Methanosarcina strain TM-1. When presented with both H(2)-CO(2) and methanol, Methanosarcina strain TM-1 was capable of limited hydrogen metabolism during growth on methanol, but hydrogen metabolism ceased once the methanol was depleted. Methanosarcina strain TM-1 required a growth factor (or growth factors) present in the supernatant of anaerobic digestor sludge. Growth factor requirements and the inability to use H(2)-CO(2) are characteristics not found in other described Methanosarcina strains. The high numbers of Methanosarcina-like clumps in sludges from thermophilic digestors and the fast generation times reported here for Methanosarcina TM-1 indicate that Methanosarcina may play an important role in thermophilic methanogenesis.  相似文献   

Sludge from a thermophilic, 55 degrees C digester produced methane without a lag period when enriched with butyrate. The sludge was found by most-probable-number enumeration to have ca. 5 x 10 butyrate-utilizing bacteria per ml. A thermophilic butyrate-utilizing bacterium was isolated in coculture with Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum. This bacterium was a gram-negative, slightly curved rod, occurred singly, was nonmotile, and did not appear to produce spores. When this coculture was incubated with Methanospirillum hungatei at 37 degrees C, the quantity of methane produced was less than 5% of the methane produced when the coculture was incubated at 55 degrees C, the routine incubation temperature. The coculture required clarified digester fluid. The addition of yeast extract to medium containing 5% clarified digester fluid stimulated methane production when a Methanosarcina sp. was present. Hydrogen in the gas phase prevented butyrate utilization. However, when the hydrogen was removed, butyrate utilization began. Penicillin G and d-cycloserine caused the complete inhibition of butyrate utilization by the coculture. The ability of various ecosystems to convert butyrate to methane was studied. Marine sediments enriched with butyrate required a 2-week incubation period before methanogenesis began. Hypersaline sediments did not produce methane after 3 months when enriched with butyrate.  相似文献   

A bacterium, strain BC, was isolated from a benzene-degrading chlorate-reducing enrichment culture. Strain BC degrades benzene in conjunction with chlorate reduction. Cells of strain BC are short rods that are 0.6 μm wide and 1 to 2 μm long, are motile, and stain gram negative. Strain BC grows on benzene and some other aromatic compounds with oxygen or in the absence of oxygen with chlorate as the electron acceptor. Strain BC is a denitrifying bacterium, but it is not able to grow on benzene with nitrate. The closest cultured relative is Alicycliphilus denitrificans type strain K601, a cyclohexanol-degrading nitrate-reducing betaproteobacterium. Chlorate reductase (0.4 U/mg protein) and chlorite dismutase (5.7 U/mg protein) activities in cell extracts of strain BC were determined. Gene sequences encoding a known chlorite dismutase (cld) were not detected in strain BC by using the PCR primers described in previous studies. As physiological and biochemical data indicated that there was oxygenation of benzene during growth with chlorate, a strategy was developed to detect genes encoding monooxygenase and dioxygenase enzymes potentially involved in benzene degradation in strain BC. Using primer sets designed to amplify members of distinct evolutionary branches in the catabolic families involved in benzene biodegradation, two oxygenase genes putatively encoding the enzymes performing the initial successive monooxygenations (BC-BMOa) and the cleavage of catechol (BC-C23O) were detected. Our findings suggest that oxygen formed by dismutation of chlorite can be used to attack organic molecules by means of oxygenases, as exemplified with benzene. Thus, aerobic pathways can be employed under conditions in which no external oxygen is supplied.  相似文献   

Growth of Methanosarcina sp. strain 227 and Methanosarcina mazei on H2-CO2 and mixtures of H2-CO2 and acetate or methanol was examined. The growth yield of strain 227 on H2-CO2 in complex medium was 8.4 mg/mmol of methane produced. Growth in defined medium was characteristically slower, and cell yields were proportionately lower. Labeling studies confirmed that CO2 was rapidly reduced to CH4 in the presence of H2, and little acetate was used for methanogenesis until H2 was exhausted. This resulted in a biphasic pattern of growth similar to that reported for strain 227 grown on methanol-acetate mixtures. Biphasic growth was not observed in cultures on mixtures of H2-CO2 and methanol, and less methanol oxidation occurred in the presence of H2. In M. mazei the aceticlastic reaction was also inhibited by the added H2, but since the cultures did not immediately metabolize H2, the duration of the inhibition was much longer.  相似文献   

Y. Feng  K. D. Racke    J. Bollag 《Applied microbiology》1997,63(10):4096-4098
The isolation of a pure culture of bacteria able to use 3,5,6-trichloro-2-pyridinol (TCP) as a sole source of carbon and energy under aerobic conditions was achieved for the first time. The bacterium was identified as a Pseudomonas sp. and designated ATCC 700113. [2,6-(sup14)C]TCP degradation yielded (sup14)CO(inf2), chloride, and unidentified polar metabolites.  相似文献   

一株生物表面活性剂产生菌的分离及其特性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
孙燕  洪青  李顺鹏 《微生物学通报》2009,36(8):1110-1116
模炼油厂污泥中分离得到1株生物表面活性剂产生菌C-3, 根据其生理生化特性和16S rDNA序列相似性分析, 将其鉴定为铜绿假单胞菌(Pseudomonas aeruginosa)。初步研究了其产生物表面活性剂的最适条件, 在以植物油为碳源、30°C、初始pH 8、Ca2+浓度20 mg/L、250 mL三角瓶中装75 mL发酵液的条件下, 最利于菌株的生长和生物表面活性剂产生。它的成分为糖脂类物质, 临界胶束浓度(CMC)为50 mg/L, 具有很好的增溶效果。  相似文献   

Isolation and Characterization of a Cellulose-utilizing Bacterium   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
A cellulose-decomposing aerobic and mesophilic bacterium has been isolated from soils of sugar cane fields. The terminal dilution method was adapted to isolate a single clone of cellulolytic organism from closely related contaminants. The cultural and physiological characteristics of the isolate were studied, and the organism was identified as a member of the genus Cellulomonas. The isolate excreted cellulase into the menstruum, and it hydrolyzed various cellulosic materials producing cellobiose as the final breakdown product in the menstruum. When sugar cane bagasse was properly treated with alkali and heat, the organism could decompose up to 90% of the initial substrate within 5 days. Amino acid analysis of the cell crop revealed a high content of lysine, and the essential amino acid pattern compared favorably with that of Food and Agricultural Organization reference protein.  相似文献   

A moderately halophilic methanogenic bacterium was enriched with trimethylamine and isolated from the sediment of a solar salt pond (total dissolved solids of pond water, 250 g/liter; pH 7.5). The isolate (strain SF1, DSM 3243) was an irregular coccus which stained gram negative, with a diameter of 1 μm and a thin monolayered cell wall. The organism grew singly, in pairs, and in irregular clumps. Colonies were tannish yellow, circular, with entire edges, and about 1 mm in diameter within 1 week. Only methylamines or methanol was used for growth and methanogenesis. Most rapid growth (doubling time, 10.2 h) occurred at a temperature of 37°C and a pH of 7.4. The optimum NaCl concentration was 2.1 M. Yeast extract or rumen fluid was required. The isolate was lysed by sodium dodecyl sulfate (0.1 g/liter) and was sensitive to chloramphenicol. The G+C content of the DNA was 41 (±1) mol%.  相似文献   

A halophilic methanogenic microorganism isolated from sediments collected from the southern arm of Great Salt Lake, Utah, is described. Cells were irregular, nonmotile cocci approximately 1.0 μm in diameter and stained gram negative. Colonies from anaerobic plates and roll tubes were foamy, circular, and cream-yellow. Methanol, methylamine, dimethylamine, and trimethylamine supported growth and methanogenesis. Hydrogen-carbon dioxide, formate, and acetate were not utilized. Sodium and magnesium were required for growth; the optimum NaCl concentration ranged between 1.0 and 2.0 M, with the minimum doubling time occurring at 2.0 M. The optimum growth temperature was 35°C, with maximum growth rate occurring at pH 7.5. The DNA base composition was 48.5 mol% guanine + cytosine. SLP is the type strain designation (= ATCC 35705).  相似文献   

The ability of microorganisms in sediments from the Atlantic Coastal Plain to biodegrade methoxylated aromatic compounds was examined. O-demethylation activity was detected in deep (121- and 406-m) sediments, as well as in the surface soil. A syringate-demethylating consortium, containing at least three types of bacteria, was enriched from a deep-sediment sample in a medium containing syringate as the sole organic carbon source and with a N2-CO2 atmosphere. An isolate which demethylated syringate was obtained from the enrichment on an agar medium incubated under a H2-CO2 but not a N2-CO2 or N2 atmosphere. O demethylation of syringate of this isolate was dependent on the presence of both H2 and CO2 in the gas phase. The metabolism of syringate occurred in a sequential manner: methylgallate accumulated transiently before it was converted to gallate. Mass balance analysis suggests that the stoichiometry of the reaction in this isolate proceeds in accordance with the following generalized equation: C7H3O3(OCH3)n- + nHCO3- + nH2 → C7H3O3(OH)n- + nCH3COO- + nH2O.  相似文献   

高效产氢菌株Enterococcus sp. LG1的分离及产氢特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用Hungate厌氧培养技术分别从厌氧污泥、好氧污泥及河底泥中分离出12株厌氧产氢细菌,并对其中的Enterococcus sp.LG1(注册号:EU258743)进行了研究.结果表明,该株细菌为专性厌氧菌,经革兰氏染色结果为阴性.通过16S rDNA碱基测序和比对证实,该菌株是目前尚未报道过的1个新菌种,初步确定其细菌学上的分类地位.同时,以灭菌预处理的污泥为底物培养基,对该菌的产氢能力及污泥发酵过程中底物性质变化(SCOD、可溶性蛋白质、总糖和pH值等)进行了探讨.实验结果显示,产氢茵Enterococcus sp.LG1的发酵过程中只有H2和CO2产生,无CH4产生.产气量最高为36.48 mL/g TCOD,氢气含量高达73.5%,为已报道文献中以污泥为底物发酵制氢中之最高.根据污泥发酵产物分析得知,该菌的发酵类行为典型的丁酸型发酵.  相似文献   

Isolation and Characterization of a Fucoidan-Degrading Marine Bacterium   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Fucoidan, a mixture of sulfated fucose-containing polysaccharides, was prepared from the algal bodies of Cladosiphon okamuranus (class Phaeophyceae, order Chordariales, family Chordariaceae) with a yield of 2.0% of the wet weight of the alga. To obtain enzymes that digest the fucoidan, we screened bacteria in the gut contents of the sea cucumber Stichopus japonicus for their ability to decrease the fucoidan in their culture media, and successfully isolated one bacterial strain that could decrease it. The bacterial strain was gram-negative and possessed menaquinone 7 as the predominant respiratory quinone, and the GC content of its genomic DNA was 52%. The results of the phylogenetic analysis of its 16S ribosomal DNA sequence indicated that the bacterial strain was a member of the division Verrucomicrobia. However, as the bacterial strain is phylogenetically and phenotypically distinct from verrucomicrobial species described previously, the strain was assumed to be a new member of the division Verrucomicrobia. When the bacterial strain was cultivated in an algal fucoidan-containing medium, the strain decreased fucoidan from C. okamuranus (44%), Nemacystus decipiens (19%), Laminaria japonica (31%), Kjellmaniella crassifolia (23%), sporophyl of Undaria pinnatifida (22%), Fucus vesiculosus (42%), and Ascophyllum nodosum (61%).  相似文献   

目的:从腾冲热海温泉中分离嗜热芽孢杆菌噬菌体,并初步分析其特征。方法:采用双层平板法分离纯化嗜热芽孢杆菌噬菌体,对分离得到的噬菌体进行电镜形态观察,按照感染复数(MOI)分别为0.01、0.1、1.0、10和100加入噬菌体纯培养液和宿主菌,55℃、160r/min培养8h后测定噬菌体滴度,并进行噬菌体的热稳定性和pH稳定性分析。结果:从腾冲热海温泉中分离得到的噬菌体为二十面体型;其感染宿主菌NHH4形成清晰的噬菌斑,最适MOI为1.0,最适感染温度为55℃,最适感染pH值为7.5。将这株噬菌体命名为TBIP1。结论:从腾冲热海温泉中分离得到的噬菌体TBIP1为典型的二十面体型,当MOI为1.0时,TBIP1感染其宿主菌产生的子代噬菌体滴度最高。  相似文献   

A thermophilic, autotrophic methanogen (strain CB12, DSM 3664) was isolated from a mesophilic biogas digestor. This bacterium used H2-CO2 or formate as a substrate and grew as short rods, sometimes in pairs and in crooked filaments. Motility was not observed. Its optimum temperature (56°C) was lower than that of other thermophilic members of the genus Methanobacterium. The maximum observed specific growth rate was 0.564 h−1 (74-min doubling time).  相似文献   

从四川省成都市青城山采集土壤,以琼脂作为唯一碳源,筛选到产琼脂酶细菌CMCK136;通过形态观察、生化鉴定、16S r DNA测序及序列分析鉴定其种属;随后测定了菌株CMCK136的胞外酶活性。菌株CMCK136被鉴定为芽胞杆菌属细菌,命名为Bacillus sp.CMCK136。菌株CMCK136的胞外琼脂酶的最适酸碱度为p H 7.0,最适温度为35℃。菌株CMCK136是产琼脂酶细菌家族的新成员,该菌株的发现进一步提示芽胞杆菌属很可能蕴含有尚待开发的琼脂酶资源。  相似文献   

Nine bacterial strains growing on inulin as the sole carbon and energy source were isolated from soil samples by enrichment culture on a mineral medium. Four of the strains were thermophilic and belong to the genus Bacillus. The thermophilic strains synthesized a β-fructosidase that was active on both inulin and sucrose. The presence of inulin in the culture medium is necessary for enzyme synthesis. Most of the activity on inulin was recovered in the culture medium, and the enzyme was synthesized during cell growth.  相似文献   

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