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In bright beer, haze formation is a serious quality problem, degrading beer quality and reducing its shelf life. The quality of barley (Hordeum vulgare L) malt, as the main raw material for beer brewing, largely affects the colloidal stability of beer.


In this study, the genetic mechanism of the factors affecting beer haze stability in barley was studied. Quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis of alcohol chill haze (ACH) in beer was carried out using a Franklin/Yerong double haploid (DH) population. One QTL, named as qACH, was detected for ACH, and it was located on the position of about 108 cM in chromosome 4H and can explain about 20 % of the phenotypic variation. Two key haze active proteins, BATI-CMb and BATI-CMd were identified by proteomics analysis. Bioinformatics analysis showed that BATI-CMb and BATI-CMd had the same position as qACH in the chromosome. It may be deduced that BATI-CMb and BATI-CMd are candidate genes for qACH, controlling colloidal stability of beer. Polymorphism comparison between Yerong and Franklin in the nucleotide and amino acid sequence of BATI-CMb and BATI-CMd detected the corresponding gene specific markers, which could be used in marker-assisted selection for malt barley breeding.


We identified a novel QTL, qACH controlling chill haze of beer, and two key haze active proteins, BATI-CMb and BATI-CMd. And further analysis showed that BATI-CMb and BATI-CMd might be the candidate genes associated with beer chill haze.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12864-015-1683-1) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Two hundred and fifty doubled haploid lines were studied from a cross between two 2-row winter barley varieties. The lines were evaluated for several characters in a field experiment for 3 years on two locations with two replications. From a total of 431 RFLP probes 50 were found to be polymorphic and subsequently used to construct a linkage map. Quantitative trait loci (QTLs) were determined and localized for resistance against Rhynchosporium secalis and Erysiphe graminis, for lodging, stalk breaking and ear breaking tendency, for the physical state before harvest, plant height, heading date, several kernel parameters and kernel yield. The heritability of the traits ranged from 0.56 to 0.89. For each trait except for kernel thickness, QTLs have been localized that explain 5–52% of the genetic variance. Transgressive segregation occurred for all of the traits studied.  相似文献   

An RFLP map constructed from 99 doubled haploid lines of a cross between two spring barley varieties (Blenheim × Kym) was used to localize quantitative trait loci (QTL) controlling grain yield and yield components by marker regression and single-marker analysis. Trials were conducted over three years. Genotype-by-year interaction was detected for plant grain weight and ear grain weight so they were analysed separately for each year. None was detected for thousand-grain weight and ear grain number so data were pooled over years. A total of eleven QTL were detected for plant grain weight over two years and fourteen for ear grain weight over three years. Seven QTL were detected for plot yield. The locus with the largest effect was on chromosome 2(2H)L and accounted for 19% of the variation in the progeny. Eight QTL were detected for thousand-grain weight and five for ear grain number. Many of the QTL detected were in comparable positions in each year. Yield and yield components were only partly correlated. Comparisons based on common RFLP markers showed that some QTL were found in positions similar to those identified in other studies. For a number of QTL the identification of linked markers provided suitable opportunities for marker-assisted selection and improvement of barley and reference markers with which to analyse the homoeologous chromosome regions of wheat and other cereals.  相似文献   

A cDNA library containing approximately 5,000 clones from germinating barley embryos was constructed and used to examine the variation in gene expression patterns during the first 4 days postimbibition. The expression profiles of embryos (including scutellum) from 4 to 96 h postimbibition were compared to a reference profile from 24 h postimbibition using microarray analysis. A subset of clones exhibiting tenfold or greater differential expression patterns was sequenced to elucidate function. All of the sequenced clones could be identified to at least EST level with 64% exhibiting homology to published protein sequences. Almost 95% of the library exhibited similar expression levels at the 4 h time point as at the 24 h reference point. From 24 to 96 h, however, considerable fluctuations in gene expression occurred. The observed patterns of gene expression for the classified genes are consistent with the expected genetic changes required to prepare an embryo for germinative development. A replicate set of clones for the 23-kDa jasmonate-induced protein was identified. The current data not only provides conclusive evidence for the expression patterns of this abundant stress-response protein in germinating embryos, but also serves to validate previous research into JIP-23 isoforms, function and the relationship between timing of mRNA upregulation and protein abundance.  相似文献   

We developed an approach for relating differences in gene expression to the phenotypic variation of a trait of interest. This allows the identification of candidate genes for traits that display quantitative variation. To validate the principle, gene expression was monitored on a cDNA array with 1400 ESTs to identify genes involved in the variation of the complex trait malting quality in barley. RNA profiles were monitored during grain germination in a set of 10 barley genotypes that had been characterized for 6 quality-associated trait components. The selection of the candidate genes was achieved via a correlation of dissimilarity matrices that were based on (i) trait variation and (ii) gene expression data. As expected, a comparison based on the complete set of differentially-expressed genes did not reveal any correlation between the matrices, because not all genes that show differential expression between the 10 cultivars are responsible for the observed differences in malting quality. However, by iteratively taking out one gene (with replacement) and re-computing the correlation, those genes that are positively contributing to the correlation could be identified. Using this procedure between 17 and 30 candidate genes were identified for each of the six malting parameters analysed. In addition to genes of unknown function, the list of candidates contains well-known malting-related genes. Five out of eight mapped candidate genes display linkage to known QTLs for malting quality traits. The described functional association strategy may provide an efficient link between functional genomics and plant breeding.  相似文献   

In many temperate areas of the world, leaf rust is becoming an important disease of barley. In the last decade, new races of Puccinia hordei G. Otth have emerged which are virulent against the so-far most-effective race-specific resistance genes, such as Rph7. Marker-assisted selection greatly facilitates the pyramidization of two or more resistance genes in a single variety in order to achieve a more comprehensive resistance. Such a strategy requires the development of efficient and reliable markers. Here, we have developed a linkage map and found RFLP markers closely linked to the Rph7.g resistance gene on chromosome 3HS of barley. The receptor-like kinase gene Hv3Lrk that maps at 3.2 cM from Rph7.g was used to develop a PCR-based marker by exploiting a single nucleotide polymorphism. This marker was detected in 11 out of 12 (92%) barley lines having Rph7 and represents a valuable tool for marker-assisted selection. In addition, the identification of markers flanking Rph7.g provides the basis for positional cloning of this gene. Received: 1 December 1999 / Accepted: 28 February 2000  相似文献   

A BC2 population of 353 plants segregating for the Ppd-H1 photoperiod response gene was developed from a cross between the winter barley ’Igri’ and the spring barley ’Triumph.’ Bulk segregant analysis identified six AFLP markers closely linked to the Ppd–H1 gene and three strongly amplified AFLP bands that mapped 0.8-cM distal, 0.6-cM proximal and 2.3-cm proximal to Ppd-H1 were cloned and sequenced. Southern-blot analysis showed that the cloned fragments were single-copy sequences in ’Igri’, the variety from which they were derived. Two of the sequences were absent from ’Triumph’ while the third detected a single-copy sequence. The cloned fragments were used to design specific sequence tagged site (STS) primer pairs to assist in the construction of a high-resolution map of the Ppd-H1 region. Received: 22 March 2000 / Accepted: 10 April 2000  相似文献   

Quantitative trait loci (QTLs) have been revealed for characters in a segregating population from a spring barley cross between genotypes adapted to North-West Europe. Transgressive segregation was found for all the characters, which was confirmed by the regular detection of positive and negative QTLs from both parents. A QTL for all the agronomic, yield and grain characters measured except thousand grain weight was found in the region of the denso dwarfing gene locus. There were considerable differences between the location of QTLs found in the present study and those found in previous studies of North American germ plasm, revealing the diversity between the two gene pools. Thirty-one QTLs were detected in more than one environment for the 13 characters studied, although many more were detected in just one environment. Whilst biometrical analyses suggested the presence of epistasis in the genetic control of some characters, there was little evidence of interactions between the QTLs apart from those associated with yield. QTLs of large effect sometimes masked the presence of QTLs of smaller effect.  相似文献   

Pyrenophora graminea is the seed-borne pathogen causal agent of barley leaf stripe disease. Near-isogenic lines (NILs) carrying resistance of the cv ”Thibaut” against the highly virulent isolate Dg2 were obtained by introgressing the resistance into the genetic background of the susceptible cv ”Mirco”. The segregation of the resistance gene was followed in a F2 population of 128 plants as well as on the F3 lines derived from the F2 plants; the segregation fitted the 1:2:1 ratio for a single gene. By using NILs, a RAPD marker associated with the resistance gene was identified; sequence-specific (STS) primers were designed on the basis of the amplicon sequence and a RILs mapping population with an AFLP-based map were used to position this molecular marker to barley chromosome 1 S (7HS). STS and CAPS markers were developed from RFLPs mapped to the telomeric region of barley chromosome 7HS and three polymorphic PCR-based markers were developed. The segregation of these markers was followed in the F2 population and their map position with respect to the resistance gene was determined. Our results indicate that the Thibaut resistance gene, which we designated as Rdg2a, maps to the telomeric region of barley chromosome 7HS and is flanked by the markers OPQ-9700 and MWG 2018 at distances of 3.1 and 2.5 cM respectively. The suitability of the PCR-based marker MWG2018 in selection- assisted barley breeding programs is discussed. Received: 22 June 2000 / Accepted: 16 October 2000  相似文献   

A quantitative trait locus (QTL) controlling shoot differentiation from immature embryo callus was identified by linkage analysis with morphological and isozyme markers in barley, Hordeum vulgare L. Immature embryos were isolated from cvs Azumamugi (difficult to differentiate), Kanto Nakate Gold (easy to differentiate), their hybrids (F1) and a backcross population derived from a cross Azumamugi x F1. The embryos were cultured in vitro for callus initiation and subsequent shoot differentiation. The shoot differentiation rate was closely associated with ear type (v locus), isocitrate dehydrogenase isozyme (Idh-2), and esterase isozyme (Est-11). These markers were found to reside in a chromosome segment of approximately 30cM on chromosome 2. Recombination frequency was 9.9% between v and a proposed QTL named Shd1 (shoot differentiation), 11.5% between Idh-2 and Shd1, and 21.3% between Est-11 and Shd1. All data showed the Idh-2, v, Shdl and Est-11 loci to be arranged in this order from proximal to distal on the long arm of chromosome 2.  相似文献   

One hundred and forty six barley doubled-haploid lines (DH lines) were tested for variation in grain yield, yield components, plant height, and heading date after artificial infection with a German isolate of barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV-PAV-Braunschweig). Of these 146 lines 76 were derived from the cross of the barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV) tolerant cultivar ’Post’ to cv ’Vixen’ (Ryd2) and 70 from the cross of Post to cv ’Nixe’. Phenotypic measurements were gathered on both non-infected plants and plants artificially inoculated with BYDV-PAV by viruliferous aphids in pot and field experiments for three years at two locations. For all traits a continuous variation was observed suggesting a quantitative mode of inheritance for tolerance against BYDV-PAV. Using skeleton maps constructed using SSRs, AFLPs and RAPDs, two QTLs for relative grain yield per plant after BYDV infection, explaining about 47% of the phenotypic variance, were identified in Post × Vixen at the telomeric region of chromosome 2HL and at a region containing the Ryd2 gene on chromosome 3HL. In Post × Nixe, a QTL was found in exactly the same chromosome 2HL marker interval. In this cross, additional QTL were mapped on chromosomes 7H and 4H and together these explained about 40% of the phenotypic variance. QTL for effects of BYDV infection on yield components, plant height, and heading date generally mapped to the same marker intervals, or in the vicinity of the QTL for relative grain yield, on chromosomes 2HL and 3HL, suggesting that these regions are of special importance for tolerance to the Braunschweig isolate of BYDV-PAV. Possible applications of marker-assisted selection for BYDV tolerance based on these results are discussed. Received: 1 December 2000 / Accepted: 9 March 2001  相似文献   

Sui X  He Z  Lu Y  Wang Z  Xia X 《Hereditas》2010,147(5):176-182
Cultivated barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) is considered as a non-host or inappropriate host species for wheat stripe rust caused by Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici. Most barley cultivars show a broad-spectrum resistance to wheat stripe rust. To determine the genes for resistance to wheat stripe rust in barley, a cross was made between a resistant barley line Y12 and a susceptible line Y16. The two parents, F(1) and 147 BC(1) plants were tested at seedling stage with Chinese prevalent race CYR32 of Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici by artificial inoculation in greenhouse. The results indicated that Y12 possessed one dominant resistance gene to wheat stripe rust, designated YrpstY1 provisionally. A total of 388 simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers were used to map the resistance gene in Y12 using bulked segregant analysis. A linkage map, including nine SSR loci on chromosome 7H and YrpstY1, was constructed using the BC(1) population, indicating that the resistance gene YrpstY1 is located on chromosome 7H. It is potential to transfer the resistance gene into common wheat for stripe rust resistance.  相似文献   

邵宏波  梁海曼 《广西植物》2001,21(4):347-352
研究了种壳对大麦种子吸胀生理影响的调节作用 ,同时对其外植体性状的调控作用和其机制也进行了探讨。结果如下 :(1 )种壳显著延缓种子的吸水进程 ;(2 )种壳对分子渗漏影响显著 ;(3 )总 N的渗漏主要来自胚乳 ,Mn+ + 的渗漏在胚中相对较多 ,种壳对 K+ 渗漏影响较大 ;(4 )去壳促进吸胀期间的可溶性蛋白量和过氧化物酶同工酶活性上升 ;(5 )吸胀使 IAA、GA3含量上升 ,使胚乳中的 ABA含量显著减少 ,去壳显著促进吸胀初期胚乳中的 ABA、IAA、GA3含量上升 ,去壳减少吸胀后期胚中的 IAA、ABA、GA3含量 ;(6)去壳减少吸胀 2 4h并且种子进行培养时的培养效果 ,它们具有明显较高的萌发率和愈伤组织诱导率。  相似文献   

Hordeum bulbosum L. is a source of disease resistance genes that would be worthwhile transferring to barley (H. vulgare L.). To achieve this objective, selfed seed from a tetraploid H. vulgare x H. bulbosum hybrid was irradiated. Subsequently, a powdery mildew-resistant selection of barley phenotype (81882/83) was identified among field-grown progeny. Using molecular analyses, we have established that the H. bulbosum DNA containing the powdery mildew resistance gene had been introgressed into 81882/83 and is located on chromosome 2 (2I). Resistant plants have been backcrossed to barley to remove the adverse effects of a linked factor conditioning triploid seed formation, but there remains an association between powdery mildew resistance and non-pathogenic necrotic leaf blotching. The dominant resistance gene is allelic to a gene transferred from H. bulbosum by co-workers in Germany, but non-allelic to all other known powdery mildew resistance genes in barley. We propose Mlhb as a gene symbol for this resistance.  相似文献   



Upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) accounts for about 95% of world cotton production. Improving Upland cotton cultivars has been the focus of world-wide cotton breeding programs. Negative correlation between yield and fiber quality is an obstacle for cotton improvement. Random-mating provides a potential methodology to break this correlation. The suite of fiber quality traits that affect the yarn quality includes the length, strength, maturity, fineness, elongation, uniformity and color. Identification of stable fiber quantitative trait loci (QTL) in Upland cotton is essential in order to improve cotton cultivars with superior quality using marker-assisted selection (MAS) strategy.


Using 11 diverse Upland cotton cultivars as parents, a random-mated recombinant inbred (RI) population consisting of 550 RI lines was developed after 6 cycles of random-mating and 6 generations of self-pollination. The 550 RILs were planted in triplicates for two years in Mississippi State, MS, USA to obtain fiber quality data. After screening 15538 simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers, 2132 were polymorphic among the 11 parents. One thousand five hundred eighty-two markers covering 83% of cotton genome were used to genotype 275 RILs (Set 1). The marker-trait associations were analyzed using the software program TASSEL. At p < 0.01, 131 fiber QTLs and 37 QTL clusters were identified. These QTLs were responsible for the combined phenotypic variance ranging from 62.3% for short fiber content to 82.8% for elongation. The other 275 RILs (Set 2) were analyzed using a subset of 270 SSR markers, and the QTLs were confirmed. Two major QTL clusters were observed on chromosomes 7 and 16. Comparison of these 131 QTLs with the previously published QTLs indicated that 77 were identified before, and 54 appeared novel.


The 11 parents used in this study represent a diverse genetic pool of the US cultivated cotton, and 10 of them were elite commercial cultivars. The fiber QTLs, especially QTL clusters reported herein can be readily implemented in a cotton breeding program to improve fiber quality via MAS strategy. The consensus QTL regions warrant further investigation to better understand the genetics and molecular mechanisms underlying fiber development.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-397) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Microsatellite markers have many of the properties of an ideal marker, but development of microsatellite markers is tedious, time-consuming and expensive. In the past few years, great efforts have been made to develop, map and utilize microsatellite markers in various crops. It is still a major challenge to find a microsatellite marker associated with an economically important trait. In the present study we report on the targeted development of a microsatellite marker to a barley disease resistance gene. The method includes the following steps: (1) pooling DNA samples from a segregating population based on the principle of bulked-segregant analysis; (2) digesting the pooled DNAs and ligating adaptors; (3) selectively amplifying and identifying polymorphic microsatellites; and (4) developing primers for the microsatellite associated with the targeted trait. Using this method, a microsatellite marker associated with the true loose smut resistance gene (Un8) in the Harrington × TR306 doubled-haploid population was identified. This marker showed polymorphism in four breeding populations segregating for true loose smut resistance. In three of these populations, genetic distance between the microsatellite and the true loose smut resistance gene varied from 8.6 to 10.3 cM. Polymorphism of the microsatellite was tested among three disease resistant lines and 21 susceptible cultivars. Fourteen to eighteen of the 21 susceptible cultivars exhibited a polymorphism for the microsatellite with respect to at least one of the disease-resistant lines. This method for the targeted development of microsatellite markers should have widespread applicability and should efficiently provide highly polymorphic markers for use in breeding programs.  相似文献   

The Rfm1a gene restores the fertility of msm1 cytoplasmic male-sterile lines in barley. We identified three RAPD markers linked to the Rfm1 locus (CMNB-07/800, OPI-18/900, and OPT-02/700) using isogenic lines and segregating BC1F1 and F2 populations. Using a previously developed linkage map of barley, we located CMNB-07/800 and OPT-02/700 beside MWG2218 on chromosome 6HS. The linkage between MWG2218 and the Rfm1 locus was demonstrated using the segregating BC1F1 and F2 populations. To confirm the chromosomal locations of these markers, we converted them to STSs and tested against two sets of wheat–barley chromosome addition lines. These STS markers, CMNB-07/800, OPT-02/700, and MWG2218, were amplified only in the addition lines possessing the chromosome 6H, thereby providing additional evidence the Rfm1 locus is located on chromosome 6H. Homoeologous relationships among fertility restoration genes in Triticeae are discussed. Received: 27 March 2000 / Accepted: 25 June 2000  相似文献   

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