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This article reports the first demonstration of the impact of climate change on benthic–pelagic coupling and the biogeochemical cycles of a coastal marine system. Over the last 30 years Narragansett Bay, a 328-km2 temperate estuary on the east coast of the United States, has undergone a variety of ecological changes. Building on a robust data set that spans three decades, we present a link between warming (+1.7°C in annual mean water temperature) in the bay and a marked decrease in sediment oxygen consumption, in the fluxes of ammonium and phosphate from sediments to the overlying water, and in sediment denitrification. We attribute this reduction in biogeochemical exchange to a dramatic drop in the standing crop of water-column chlorophyll as the system has shifted from one characterized by a dominant winter–spring bloom to one supported by more ephemeral and less intense summer–autumn blooms. The recent climate-induced oligotrophication of the bay will be further exacerbated by forthcoming nitrogen reductions due to tertiary sewage treatment. Guest editors: J. H. Andersen & D. J. Conley Eutrophication in Coastal Ecosystems: Selected papers from the Second International Symposium on Research and Management of Eutrophication in Coastal Ecosystems, 20–23 June 2006, Nyborg, Denmark  相似文献   

Denitrification efficiency [DE; (N2 − N/(DIN + N2 − N) × 100%)] as an indicator of change associated with nutrient over-enrichment was evaluated for 22 shallow coastal ecosystems in Australia. The rate of carbon decomposition (which can be considered a proxy for carbon loading) is an important control on the efficiency with which coastal sediments in depositional mud basins with low water column nitrate concentrations recycle nitrogen as N2. The relationship between DE and carbon loading is due to changes in carbon and nitrate (NO3) supply associated with sediment biocomplexity. At the DE optimum (500–1,000 μmol m−2 h−1), there is an overlap of aerobic and anaerobic respiration zones (caused primarily by the existence of anaerobic micro-niches within the oxic zone, and oxidized burrow structures penetrating into the anaerobic zone), which enhances denitrification by improving both the organic carbon and nitrate supply to denitrifiers. On either side of the DE optimum zone, there is a reduction in denitrification sites as the sediment loses its three-dimensional complexity. At low organic carbon loadings, a thick oxic zone with low macrofauna biomass exists, resulting in limited anoxic sites for denitrification, and at high carbon loadings, there is a thick anoxic zone and a resultant lack of oxygen for nitrification and associated NO3 production. We propose a trophic scheme for defining critical (sustainable) carbon loading rates and possible thresholds for shallow coastal ecosystems based on the relationship between denitrification efficiency and carbon loading for 17 of the 22 Australian coastal ecosystems. The denitrification efficiency “optimum” occurs between carbon loadings of about 50 and 100 g C m−2 year−1. Coastal managers can use this simple trophic scheme to classify the current state of their shallow coastal ecosystems and for determining what carbon loading rate is necessary to achieve any future state. Guest editors: J. H. Andersen & D. J. Conley Eutrophication in Coastal Ecosystems: Selected papers from the Second International Symposium on Research and Management of Eutrophication in Coastal Ecosystems, 20–23 June 2006, Nyborg, Denmark  相似文献   

Phytoplankton is one of the biological quality elements included in the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD). Classification of water quality according to the WFD is based on the deviation of the present conditions from reference conditions. Given the lack of data from pristine conditions, this study used approximately 100-year-old measurements of Secchi depths from Danish waters in combination with relationships between Secchi depth and chlorophyll a (as a proxy for phytoplankton biomass) obtained from recent monitoring to calculate ‘historical’ or reference chlorophyll a (Chl-a) concentrations. Historical Secchi depth data were available for 9 out of the 11 Danish WFD intercalibration sites. At eight of the sites, reference summer (May–September) Chl-a concentrations were in the range 0.7–1.2 μg l−1. At one site, west of Bornholm in the western Baltic Sea, historical Secchi depth measurements date back to only the late 1950s corresponding to a calculated Chl-a concentration of 1.3 μg l−1. This value cannot be considered representative of reference conditions. Guest editors: J. H. Andersen & D. J. Conley Eutrophication in Coastal Ecosystems: Selected papers from the Second International Symposium on Research and Management of Eutrophication in Coastal Ecosystems, 20–23 June 2006, Nyborg, Denmark  相似文献   

We compared on eight dates during the ice-free period physicochemical properties and rates of phytoplankton and epipelic primary production in six arctic lakes dominated by soft bottom substrate. Lakes were classified as shallow ( < 2.5 m), intermediate in depth (2.5 m <  < 4.5 m), and deep ( > 4.5 m), with each depth category represented by two lakes. Although shallow lakes circulated freely and intermediate and deep lakes stratified thermally for the entire summer, dissolved oxygen concentrations were always >70% of saturation values. Soluble reactive phosphorus and dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN = NO3 –N + NH4 +–N) were consistently below the detection limit (0.05 μmol l−1) in five lakes. However, one lake shallow lake (GTH 99) periodically showed elevated values of DIN (17 μmol l−1), total-P (0.29 μmol l−1), and total-N (33 μmol l−1), suggesting wind-generated sediment resuspension. Due to increased nutrient availability or entrainment of microphytobenthos, GTH 99 showed the highest average volume-based values of phytoplankton chlorophyll a (chl a) and primary production, which for the six lakes ranged from 1.0 to 2.9 μg l−1 and 0.7–3.8 μmol C l−1 day−1. Overall, however, increased resulted in increased area-based values of phytoplankton chl a and primary production, with mean values for the three lake classes ranging from 3.6 to 6.1 mg chl a m−2 and 3.2–5.8 mmol C m−2 day−1. Average values of epipelic chl a ranged from 131 to 549 mg m−2 for the three depth classes, but levels were not significantly different due to high spatial variability. However, average epipelic primary production was significantly higher in shallow lakes (12.2 mmol C m−2 day−1) than in intermediate and deep lakes (3.4 and 2.4 mmol C m−2 day−1). Total primary production (6.7–15.4 mmol C m−2 day−1) and percent contribution of the epipelon (31–66%) were inversely related to mean depth, such that values for both variables were significantly higher in shallow lakes than in intermediate or deep lakes. Handling editor: L. Naselli-Flores  相似文献   

Seasonal variations of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) (NO3–N and NH4–N) and dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) were determined in Fuirosos, an intermittent stream draining an unpolluted Mediterranean forested catchment (10.5 km2) in Catalonia (Spain). The influence of flow on streamwater concentrations and seasonal differences in quality and origin of dissolved organic matter, inferred from dissolved organic carbon to nitrogen ratios (DOC:DON ratios), were examined. During baseflow conditions, nitrate and ammonium had opposite behaviour, probably controlled by biological processes such as vegetation uptake and mineralization activity. DON concentrations did not have a seasonal trend. During storms, nitrate and DON increased by several times but discharge was not a good predictor of nutrient concentrations. DOC:DON ratios in streamwater were around 26, except during the months following drought when DOC:DON ratios ranged between 42 and 20 during baseflow and stormflow conditions, respectively. Annual N export during 2000–2001 was 70 kg km−1 year−1, of which 75% was delivered during stormflow. The relative contribution of nitrogen forms to the total annual export was 57, 35 and 8% as NO3–N, DON and NH4–N, respectively.  相似文献   

We report on soil leaching of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) along transects across exposed edges of four coniferous and four deciduous forest stands. In a 64-m edge zone, DIN leaching below the main rooting zone was enhanced relative to the interior (at 128 m from the edge) by 21 and 14 kg N ha−1 y−1 in the coniferous and deciduous forest stands, respectively. However, the patterns of DIN leaching did not univocally reflect those of DIN throughfall deposition. DIN leaching in the first 20 m of the edges was lower than at 32–64 m from the edge (17 vs. 36 kg N ha−1 y−1 and 15 vs. 24 kg N ha−1 y−1 in the coniferous and deciduous forests, respectively). Nitrogen stocks in the mineral topsoil (0–30 cm) were, on average, 943 kg N ha−1 higher at the outer edges than in the interior, indicating that N retention in the soil is probably one of the processes involved in the relatively low DIN leaching in the outer edges. We suggest that a complex of edge effects on biogeochemical processes occurs at the forest edges as a result of the interaction between microclimate, tree dynamics (growth and litterfall), and atmospheric deposition of N and base cations.  相似文献   

Modeling nitrogen cycling in a coastal fresh water sediment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Increased nitrogen (N) loading to coastal marine and freshwater systems is occurring worldwide as a result of human activities. Diagenetic processes in sediments can change the N availability in these systems, by supporting removal through denitrification and burial of organic N (Norg) or by enhancing N recycling. In this study, we use a reactive transport model (RTM) to examine N transformations in a coastal fresh water sediment and quantify N removal rates. We also assess the response of the sediment N cycle to environmental changes that may result from increased salinity which is planned to occur at the site as a result of an estuarine restoration project. Field results show that much of the Norg deposited on the sediment is currently remineralized to ammonium. A rapid removal of nitrate is observed in the sediment pore water, with the resulting nitrate reduction rate estimated to be 130 μmol N cm−2 yr−1. A model sensitivity study was conducted altering the distribution of nitrate reduction between dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium (DNRA) and denitrification. These results show a 40% decline in sediment N removal as NO 3 reduction shifts from denitrification to DNRA. This decreased N removal leads to a shift in sediment-water exchange flux of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) from near zero with denitrification to 133 μmol N cm−2 yr−1 if DNRA is the dominant pathway. The response to salinization includes a short-term release of adsorbed ammonium. Additional changes expected to result from the estuarine restoration include: lower NO 3 concentrations and greater SO 4 2− concentrations in the bottom water, decreased nitrification rates, and increased sediment mixing. The effect of these changes on net DIN flux and N removal vary based on the distribution of DNRA versus denitrification, illustrating the need for a better understanding of factors controlling this competition.  相似文献   

We examined the hydrologic controls on nitrogen biogeochemistry in the hyporheic zone of the Tanana River, a glacially-fed river, in interior Alaska. We measured hyporheic solute concentrations, gas partial pressures, water table height, and flow rates along subsurface flowpaths on two islands for three summers. Denitrification was quantified using an in situ 15NO3 push–pull technique. Hyporheic water level responded rapidly to change in river stage, with the sites flooding periodically in mid−July to early−August. Nitrate concentration was nearly 3-fold greater in river (ca. 100 μg NO3–N l−1) than hyporheic water (ca. 38 μg NO3–N l−1), but approximately 60–80% of river nitrate was removed during the first 50 m of hyporheic flowpath. Denitrification during high river stage ranged from 1.9 to 29.4 mg N kg sediment−1 day−1. Hotspots of methane partial pressure, averaging 50,000 ppmv, occurred in densely vegetated sites in conjunction with mean oxygen concentration below 0.5 mgOl−1. Hyporheic flow was an important mechanism of nitrogen supply to microbes and plant roots, transporting on average 0.41 gNO3–N m−2 day−1, 0.22 g NH4+–N m−2 day−1, and 3.6 g DON m−2 day−1 through surface sediment (top 2 m). Our results suggest that denitrification can be a major sink for river nitrate in boreal forest floodplain soils, particularly at the river-sediment interface. The stability of the river hydrograph and the resulting duration of soil saturation are key factors regulating the redox environment and anaerobic metabolism in the hyporheic zone.  相似文献   

Eutrophication and the macroscope   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
It is important to view eutrophication as an increase in the supply of organic matter to an ecosystem rather than as a simple problem of nutrient pollution. This emphasizes that eutrophication is a fundamental change in the energetic base that may propagate through the system in various ways and produce a variety of changes. Some of these changes may be desirable (e.g., increased secondary production) and some may not (e.g., hypoxia). Defining eutrophication in terms of changing nutrient concentrations or chlorophyll levels or species composition confuses symptoms with the underlying phenomenon. While nutrient enrichment is the most common cause of eutrophication, it is not the only one. As recent and ongoing nutrient reductions make an impact in the coastal waters of the wealthier nations, we will see an increasing number of systems in which primary production is decreasing. This reduction in the supply of organic matter is here defined as oligotrophication, a phenomenon now well documented in lakes. So far, there has been little appreciation of this limnological study by coastal marine ecologists or managers, but there is much we can learn from it. The great ecologist H.T. Odum long argued that we need ‘macroscopes’ to help ecologists see the problems they study as they are embedded in the larger scales of nature and society. Marine eutrophication (and oligotrophication) is a perfect example of a problem that must be studied with a view toward the larger scales as well as toward the microscopic details. While much of the hardware (e.g., satellite imagery) for the mythical macroscope has been developed in the last 30 years, many ecologists and managers still look at eutrophication as a local problem linked to local sources of nutrient enrichment. Such a parochial view isolates eutrophication from its long intellectual history—a history that is linked to the development of our understanding of production in coastal waters. It also neglects the intellectual richness and complexity of eutrophication. One example of the importance of the macroscopic view is the emerging importance of climate-induced changes in phenology and the consequences of changing phenology on productivity. These changes may lead to eutrophication or oligotrophication. Climate changes may also exacerbate or alleviate conditions such as hypoxia that are associated with eutrophication. Seeing eutrophication in the macroscopic view is important for understanding and managing the phenomenon. Guest editors: J. H. Andersen & D. J. Conley Eutrophication in Coastal Ecosystems: Selected papers from the Second International Symposium on Research and Management of Eutrophication in Coastal Ecosystems, 20–23 June 2006, Nyborg, Denmark  相似文献   

To clarify the relationship between denitrification activity and dry–wet levels in the littoral wetland sediments of Lake Biwa, Japan, denitrification rates and their regulating parameters (degree of dryness, redox potential, nitrate concentration) were measured on different moisture sediments. Redox potential in sediments was higher in the exposed region in contact with atmosphere than the flooded region covered with water. The nitrate concentration in interstitial waters was undetectable in the flooded region. On the other hand, concentration in the exposed region increased with increase in the degree of sediment dryness. The denitrification rate ranged from <0.001 to 0.88 μg N cm−3 h−1 in the exposed region and increased with the increase in the degree of dryness. In the flooded region, on the other hand, no detectable rate (<0.001 μg N cm−3 h−1) was observed. This indicates that the rates in the exposed region were mainly influenced by nitrate concentration in the interstitial waters accumulated by desiccation of sediments, whereas rates in the flooded region were strongly limited by no accumulation of nitrate in the anaerobic conditions. The potential denitrification rate, under the application condition of nitrate, ranged from 0.13 to 0.26 μg N cm−3 h−1 in the flooded region and from 0.77 to 1.5 μg N cm−3 h−1 in the exposed region. The potential rates in the flooded region had a tendency to be lower than those in the exposed region, implying that the number of denitrifying bacteria in the flooded region was low due to inactivation of aerobic respiration and denitrification in the denitrifying bacteria community. Kinetic parameters, maximum rate (V max) and half-saturation constant (K s) for denitrification were calculated on the experimental procedures of the wetting–drying cycles of sediments. Both parameters decreased by the wetting treatment and increased by the drying treatment. The fluctuation of V max values with wetting–drying cycles indicated that the number of denitrifying bacteria was influenced by aerobic respiration and denitrification in the denitrifying bacteria community similar to the potential rates, and denitrifying enzyme was induced by the nitrate supplied by nitrification accelerated through the drying process. On the other hand, the fluctuation of K s values implied that members of denitrifying bacteria were shifted to members of high nitrate affinity by wetting treatment and of low nitrate affinity by drying treatment.  相似文献   

It is hypothesized that in the deep-sea, under psychrophilic, barophilic and oligotrophic conditions, microbial community of Central Indian Basin (CIB) sediments could be chemosynthetic. In the dark, at near ambient temperature, 4 ± 2°C, 500 atm pressure, pelagic red clay could fix carbon at rates ranging from 100 to 500 nmol C g−1 dry wt day−1. These clays accumulate in the deepest and the most remote areas of the ocean and contain <30% biogenic material. These clays with volcanic signatures fixed 230–9,401 nmol C g−1 dry wt day−1 while siliceous radiolarian oozes of the basin fixed only 5–45 nmol C g−1 dry wt day−1. These rates are comparable to those of white smoker waters and are 1–4 orders of magnitude less than those of bacterial mats and active vents recorded at other localities worldwide. The experimental ratios of carbon fixation to metal oxidation in the sediments were 0–1 order of magnitude higher than the corresponding average theoretical ratio of 0.0215 (0.0218, 0.0222, 0.0207 and 0.0211 for Fe, Mn, Co and Ni, respectively) in the siliceous ooze. In case of pelagic red clay it was 0–2 orders higher than theoretical ratio. Thus, chemosynthetic activity could be more widespread, albeit at low rates, than previously considered for abyssal basins. These environments may be dependent partially or even wholly on in situ microbial primary production for their carbon requirements rather than on photosynthetically derived detritus from surface waters.  相似文献   

Eutrophication has become increasingly serious and noxious algal blooms have been of more frequent occurrence in the Yangtze River Estuary and in the adjacent East China Sea. In 2003 and 2004, four cruises were undertaken in three zones in the estuary and in the adjacent sea to investigate nitrate (NO3–N), ammonium (NH4–N), nitrite (NO2–N), soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP), dissolved reactive silica (DRSi), dissolved oxygen (DO), phytoplankton chlorophyll a (Chl a) and suspended particulate matter (SPM). The highest concentrations of DIN (NO3–N+NH4–N+NO2–N), SRP and DRSi were 131.6, 1.2 and 155.6 μM, respectively. The maximum Chl a concentration was 19.5 mg m−3 in spring. An analysis of historical and recent data revealed that in the last 40 years, nitrate and SRP concentrations increased from 11 to 97 μM and from 0.4 to 0.95 μM, respectively. From 1963 to 2004, N:P ratios also increased from 30–40 up to 150. In parallel with the N and P enrichment, a significant increase of Chl a was detected, Chl a maximum being 20 mg m−3, nearly four times higher than in the 1980s. In 2004, the mean DO concentration in bottom waters was 4.35 mg l−1, much lower than in the 1980s. In comparison with other estuaries, the Yangtze River Estuary was characterized by high DIN and DRSi concentrations, with low SRP concentrations. Despite the higher nutrient concentrations, Chl a concentrations were lower in the inner estuary (Zones 1 and 2) than in the adjacent sea (Zone 3). Based on nutrient availability, SPM and hydrodynamics, we assumed that in Zones 1 and 2 phytoplankton growth was suppressed by high turbidity, large tidal amplitude and short residence time. Furthermore, in Zone 3 water stratification was also an important factor that resulted in a greater phytoplankton biomass and lower DO concentrations. Due to hydrodynamics and turbidity, the open sea was unexpectedly more sensitive to nutrient enrichment and related eutrophication processes.  相似文献   

Ecosystem acidification and eutrophication resulting from increased deposition of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) are issues of increasing global concern. Consequently, costly policy decisions are being implemented to decrease nitrogen oxide (NO x ) emissions. Although declining DIN deposition along with rapid declines of DIN in surface waters have been reported in parts of Europe, the same observation is just emerging in North America. Here we find a significant decline in bulk deposition NO3 during the later part of a 28-year record in southcentral Ontario, Canada. Despite high N retention and substantial inter-annual variability in the long-term record due to periods of drought, we find significant declines in annual NO3 concentrations and export at six out of 11 streams that drain upland-dominated catchments. In contrast, five streams draining primarily wetland-dominated catchments with lower levels of NO3 show no decreasing trend in NO3 concentration or export. The rapid response in stream NO3 to declining atmospheric inputs was observed at sites with historically moderate inputs of DIN (~870 mg m−2 y−1) in bulk deposition. Topographic features such as slope, and related catchment features including wetland cover, appear to influence which catchments will respond positively to declining DIN deposition. These findings force us to revise our original conceptualization of the N saturation status of these catchments.  相似文献   

In January 2004 the microplankton community from the coastal waters of Terre Adélie and Georges V Land (139°E–145°E) was studied. Results showed a diatom-dominated bloom with chlorophyll a levels averaging 0.64 μg l−1 at 5 m depth (range 0.21–1.57 μg l−1). Three geographic assemblages of diatoms were identified, based on principal diatom taxa abundances. The stratified waters near the Mertz Glacier presented highest phytoplankton biomasses (0.28–1.57 μg Chl a l−1 at 5 m) and diatom abundances (6,507–70,274 cells l−1 at 5 m), but low diversity, dominated by Fragilariopsis spp. Lower biomasses (0.38–0.94 μg Chl a l−1 at 5 m) and abundances (394–9,058 cells l−1 at 5 m) were observed in the mixed waters around the Astrolabe Glacier with a diverse diatom community characterised by larger species Corethron pennatum and Rhizosolenia spp. Finally an intermediate zone between them over the shallower shelf waters of the Adélie Bank represented by Chaetoceros criophilus, where biomasses (0.21–0.35 μg Chl a l−1 at 5 m) and abundances (1,190–5,431 cells l−1 at 5 m) were lowest, coinciding with the presence of abundant herbivorous zooplankton.  相似文献   

Brenner RE  Boone RD  Jones JB  Lajtha K  Ruess RW 《Oecologia》2006,148(4):602-611
Floristic succession in the boreal forest can have a dramatic influence on ecosystem nutrient cycling. We predicted that a decrease in plant and microbial demand for nitrogen (N) during the transition from mid- to late-succession forests would induce an increase in the leaching of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN), relative to dissolved organic nitrogen (DON). To test this, we examined the chemistry of the soil solution collected from within and below the main rooting zones of mid- and late-succession forests, located along the Tanana River in interior Alaska. We also used a combination of hydrological and chemical analyses to investigate a key assumption of our methodology: that patterns of soil water movement did not change during this transition. Between stands, there was no difference in the proportion of DIN below the rooting zone. 84–98% of DIN at both depths consisted of nitrate, which was significantly higher in the deeper mineral soil than at the soil surface (0.46±0.12 mg NO 3 –N l−1 vs 0.17±0.12 mg NO 3 –N l−1, respectively), and 79–92% of the total dissolved N consisted of DON. Contrary to our original assumption that nutrients were primarily leached downward, out of the rooting zone, we found much evidence to suggest that the glacially-fed Tanana River (>200 m from these stands) was contributing to the influx of water and nutrients into the soil active layer of both stands. Soil water potentials were positively correlated with river discharge; and ionic and isotopic (δ18O of H2O) values of the soil solution closely matched those of river water. Thus, our ability to elucidate biological control over ecosystem N retention was confounded by riverine nutrient inputs. Climatic warming is likely to extend the season of glacial melt and increase riverine nutrient inputs to forests along glacially-fed rivers.  相似文献   

The growth, biofiltering efficiency and uptake rates of Ulva clathrata were studied in a series of outdoor tanks, receiving waste water directly from a shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) aquaculture pond, under constant aeration and two different water regimes: (1) continuous flow, with 1 volume exchange a day (VE day-1) and (2) static regime, with 1 VE after 4 days. Water temperature, salinity, pH, dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN), phosphate (PO4), chlorophyll-a (chl-a), total suspended solids (TSS), macroalgal biomass (fresh weight) and tissue nutrient assimilation were monitored over 12 days. Ulva clathrata was highly efficient in removing the main inorganic nutrients from effluent water, stripping 70–82% of the total ammonium nitrogen (TAN) and 50% PO4 within 15 h. Reductions in control tanks were much lower (Tukey HSD, P < 0.05). After 3 days, the mean uptake rates by the seaweed biomass under continuous flow were 3.09 mg DIN g DW day−1 (383 mg DIN m−2 day−1) and 0.13 mg PO4 g DW day−1 (99 mg PO4 m−2 day−1), being significantly higher than in the static regime (Tukey HSD, P < 0.05). The chl-a decreased in seaweed tanks, suggesting that U. clathrata inhibited phytoplankton growth. Correlations between the cumulative values of DIN removed from the water and total nitrogen assimilated into the seaweed biomass (r = 0.7 and 0.8, P < 0.05), suggest that nutrient removal by U. clathrata dominated over other processes such as phytoplankton and bacterial assimilation, ammonia volatilization and nutrient precipitation.  相似文献   

Atmospheric deposition contributes a large fraction of the annual nitrogen (N) input to the basin of the Susquehanna River, a river that provides two-thirds of the annual N load to the Chesapeake Bay. Yet, there are few measurements of the retention of atmospheric N in the Upper Susquehanna’s forested headwaters. We characterized the amount, form (nitrate, ammonium, and dissolved organic nitrogen), isotopic composition (δ15N- and δ18O-nitrate), and seasonality of stream N over 2 years for 7–13 catchments. We expected high rates of N retention and seasonal nitrate patterns typical of other seasonally snow-covered catchments: dormant season maxima and growing season minima. Coarse estimates of N export indicated high rates of inorganic N retention (>95%), yet streams had unexpected seasonal nitrate patterns, with summer peaks (14–96 μmol L−1), October crashes (<1 μmol L−1), and modest rebounds during the dormant season (<1–20 μmol L−1). Stream δ18O-nitrate values indicated microbial nitrification as the primary source of stream nitrate, although snowmelt or other atmospheric source contributed up to 47% of stream nitrate in some March samples. The autumn nitrate crash coincided with leaffall, likely due to in-stream heterotrophic uptake of N. Hypothesized sources of the summer nitrate peaks include: delayed release of nitrate previously flushed to groundwater, weathering of geologic N, and summer increases in net nitrate production. Measurements of shale δ15N and soil-, well-, and streamwater nitrate within one catchment point toward a summer increase in soil net nitrification as the driver of this pattern. Rather than seasonal plant demand, processes governing the seasonal production, retention, and transport of nitrate in soils may drive nitrate seasonality in this and many other systems.  相似文献   

Previous studies suggest that current-driven plant transport in shallow lagoons and estuaries is associated with increased turbidity. Our hypothesis is therefore that macroalgae erode surface sediment while drifting as bedload. This ballistic effect of moving plants on surface sediment was tested in a series of controlled annular flume experiments, where simultaneous measurements of macrophytes transport and turbidity were conducted at increasing current velocities. Sediment erosion always started earlier in experiments with plants than in control experiments without plants. Turbidity increased immediately when plants started to move at current velocities of 2–4 cm s−1. From a background concentration of 7–10 mg SPM l−1, turbidity increased to 30–50 mg SPM l−1 for Ceramium sp., Ulva lactuca and Chaetomorpha linum, while the more rigid Gracilaria sp., caused much higher turbidities (50–180 mg SPM l−1). Such plant induced sediment erosion at low current velocity can explain the observed appearance of turbid waters in estuaries and lagoons in the absence of strong wind and wave action. Based on 3-D hydrodynamic modelling, it was determined that plant driven erosion occurs during most of the growth season in a shallow eutrophic estuary (Odense Fjord, Denmark).  相似文献   

Stream macrophytes are often removed with their sediments to deepen stream channels, stabilize channel banks, or provide habitat for target species. These sediments may support enhanced nitrogen processing. To evaluate sediment nitrogen processing, identify seasonal patterns, and assess sediment processes relative to stream load, we measured denitrification and nitrification rates in a restored third- to fourth-order agricultural stream, Black Earth Creek, Wisconsin, and estimated processing over a 10 km reach. Our results show that sediments with submerged and emergent macrophytes (e.g., Potomageton spp. and Phalaris arudinacea) support greater denitrification rates than bare sediments (1.12 μmol N g−1 h−1 vs. 0.29). Sediments with macrophytes were not carbon limited and organic matter fraction was weakly correlated to denitrification. The highest denitrification potential occurred in macrophyte beds (5.19 μmol N g−1 h−1). Nitrification rates were greater in emergent beds than bare sediments (1.07 μg N ml−1day−1 vs. 0.35) with the greatest nitrification rates during the summer. Total denitrification removal in sediments with macrophytes was equivalent to 43% of the nitrate stream load (463.7 kg N day−1) during spring and nitrification in sediments with macrophytes was equivalent to 247% of summer ammonium load (3.5 kg N day−1). Although the in-channel connectivity to nitrogen rich water was limited, actual stream nitrogen loads could increase with removal of macrophytes. Macrophyte beds and supporting fringing wetted areas are important if nitrogen management is a concern for riparian stream restoration efforts.  相似文献   

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