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Biosynthesis of mosquito vitellogenin   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Vitellogenin (Vg), the hemolymph precursor to the major yolk protein in mosquitoes, is synthesized in the fat body of blood-fed females. Mosquito Vg consists of two subunits with Mr = 200,000 and 66,000. Here, we demonstrate that both the Vg subunits are first synthesized as a single precursor. The identity of this Vg precursor was confirmed by immunoprecipitation with subunit-specific monoclonal antibodies. In cell-free translation of fat body poly (A)+ RNA, the Vg precursor had Mr = 224,000 which increased to 240,000 in the presence of canine pancreatic microsomal membranes. A precursor with Mr = 250,000 was immunoprecipitated in microsomal fractions isolated from rat bodies. With in vitro pulse labeling, the 250-kDa precursor could be detected in homogenates of fat bodies from blood-fed mosquitoes only during the first few hours accumulation of the Vg precursor was achieved by an in vitro stimulation of Vg synthesis in previtellogenic fat bodies cultured with an insect hormone, 20-hydroxyecdysone. The 250-kDa precursor was glycosylated and to a much lesser degree phosphorylated. Treatment of fat bodies with tunicamycin yielded the precursor with Mr = 226,000 which was neither glycosylated nor phosphorylated. The reduction in molecular mass of the 250-kDa Vg precursor and of both mature Vg subunits combined was similar after digestion with endoglycosidase H, indicating that glycosylation is completed prior to cleavage of the Vg precursor. In vitro pulse-chase experiments revealed rapid proteolytic cleavage of the 250-kDa precursor to two polypeptides with Mr = 190,000 and 62,000 which transformed into mature Vg subunits of 200- and 66-kDa as the last step prior to Vg secretion. This last step in Vg processing was inhibited by an ionophore, monensin, and therefore occurred in the Golgi complex. Sulfation as an additional, previously unknown, modification of mosquito Vg was revealed by the incorporation of sodium [35S]sulfate into both Vg subunits. Since sulfation of Vg was predominantly blocked by monensin, the final maturation of Vg subunits in the Golgi complex is, at least in part, due to this modification.  相似文献   

Gene expression patterns of Helicoverpa armigera gut proteases   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Relative quantification of reported gut proteinase cDNAs from Helicoverpa armigera larvae fed on various host plants (cotton, chickpea, pigeonpea, tomato and okra), non-host plant PIs (winged bean, bitter gourd, ground nut, and capsicum) and during larval development has been carried out using semi-quantitative RT-PCR. Five trypsin-like and three chymotrypsin-like proteinases were categorized as insensitive or sensitive to most of the proteinase inhibitors (PIs) and insensitive/sensitive to specific PIs based on their expression analysis. These results were supported by amino acid sequence analysis, where diverged amino acids were observed in the regions, which are reported to be involved in typical trypsin-trypsin inhibitor interactions and critical for proteinase inhibitor resistance. Among exopeptidases (five aminopeptidase and three carboxypeptidase), HaAmi4 and HaAmi5 of aminopeptidase and HaCar1 of carboxypeptidase exhibited considerable differential expression. Elastase and cathepsin B-like proteinases were expressed at negligible levels. The proteases identified in the study would be ideal candidates for further interactions studies with protease inhibitors to understand the structural reasons of protease inhibitor insensitivity.  相似文献   

Three alkaline protease‐producing strains designated as ANFLR1, NPLR1, and PROLR15 were isolated from Labeo rohita fish gut. These strains are able to produce alkaline protease using tannery fleshing (TF) as the sole carbon and nitrogen source and were identified as Bacillus megaterium, Serratia marcescens, and novel Pontibacter sps. Proteases from these organisms were purified to electrophoretic homogeneity following ammonium sulphate precipitation, ion exchange, and column chromatography. SDS‐PAGE revealed molecular weights of the proteases to be 46 kDa (ANFLR1), 52 kDa (NPLR1), and 58 kDa (PROLR15). The optimum pH and temperature for the protease activity of ANFLR1, NPLR1, and PROLR15 were found to be 10.5, 11.5, 9, and 70°C, 60°C, and 50°C, respectively. The maximum protease activities at the optimum conditions were 420 U/mL (ANFLR1), 550 U/mL (NPLR1), and 530 U/mL (PROLR15). Inhibition of the NPLR1 protease by pepstatin confirmed aspartate‐type enzymatic activity. Fe3+ enhanced the activity of PROLR15 protease. Unlike all other microbial proteases known so far, the PROLR15 enzyme did not require Ca2+ for activity and thermal stability. SDS‐PAGE and scanning electron microscopy analyses confirmed the conversion of high molecular weight substrate (TF) to low molecular weight peptides by these proteases. The alkaline metalloprotease production by novel Pontibacter sps. and aspartate protease production by S. marcescens remain unexplored. Hence, TF with its relatively abundant availability can be beneficially utilized for alkaline protease production through the fish gut microbial fermentation processes.  相似文献   

How microbe–microbe interactions dictate microbial complexity in the mosquito gut is unclear. Previously we found that, Serratia, a gut symbiont that alters vector competence and is being considered for vector control, poorly colonized Aedes aegypti yet was abundant in Culex quinquefasciatus reared under identical conditions. To investigate the incompatibility between Serratia and Ae. aegypti, we characterized two distinct strains of Serratia marcescens from Cx. quinquefasciatus and examined their ability to infect Ae. aegypti. Both Serratia strains poorly infected Ae. aegypti, but when microbiome homeostasis was disrupted, the prevalence and titers of Serratia were similar to the infection in its native host. Examination of multiple genetically diverse Ae. aegypti lines found microbial interference to S. marcescens was commonplace, however, one line of Ae. aegypti was susceptible to infection. Microbiome analysis of resistant and susceptible lines indicated an inverse correlation between Enterobacteriaceae bacteria and Serratia, and experimental co-infections in a gnotobiotic system recapitulated the interference phenotype. Furthermore, we observed an effect on host behavior; Serratia exposure to Ae. aegypti disrupted their feeding behavior, and this phenotype was also reliant on interactions with their native microbiota. Our work highlights the complexity of host–microbe interactions and provides evidence that microbial interactions influence mosquito behavior.Subject terms: Symbiosis, Microbial ecology, Bacterial host response  相似文献   

The control of gut motility   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Gut motility in non-mammalian vertebrates as in mammals is controlled by the presence of food, by autonomic nerves and by hormones. Feeding and the presence of food initiates contractions of the stomach wall and subsequently gastric emptying, peristalsis, migrating motor complexes and other patterns of motility follow. This overview will give examples of similarities and differences in control systems between species. Gastric receptive relaxation occurs in fish and is an enteric reflex. Cholecystokinin reduces the rate of gastric emptying in fish as in mammals. Inhibitory control of peristalsis is exerted, e.g. by VIP, PACAP, NO in fish and amphibians, while excitatory stimuli arise from nerves releasing tachykinins, acetylcholine or serotonin (5-HT). In crocodiles, we have found the presence of the same nerve types, although the effects on peristalsis have not been studied. Recent studies on signal transduction in the gut smooth muscle of fish and amphibians suggest that external Ca2+ is of great importance, but not the only source of Ca2+ recruitment in tachykinin-, acetylcholine- or serotonin-induced contractions of rainbow trout and Xenopus gastrointestinal smooth muscle. The effect of acetylcholine involves reduction of cAMP-levels in the smooth muscle cells. It is concluded that, in general, the control systems in non-mammalian vertebrates are amazingly similar between species and animal groups and in comparison with mammals.  相似文献   

The intestinal fluid of Locusta migratoria was purified by ionexchange chromatography on a DEAE-cellulose column. Four fractions (PI–PIV) with endopeptidase activity have been obtained and characterized in further studies. All proteolytic fractions were found to react with PMSF. Therefore, they seem to be typical serine proteases. Two of them, PI and PIV, resemble bovine trypsin and bovine chymotrypsin, respectively. These proteases hydrolyse the B-chain of oxidized insulin and the synthetic substrates BTEE,2 APNE and BAEE, BANA with a specificity very similar to the bovine enzymes. Moreover, they show similar inhibition characteristics and pH activity profiles. Their molecular weights were found to be 17,000 and 18,200, respectively, according to gel filtration. Fraction PIII did not hydrolyse any of the applied synthetic substrates, PII was active only with GluPNA. The pH optima of these enzymes lay near neutrality. Their molecular weights were found to be 27,000 and 32,000, respectively. Probably they belong to a type of proteases hitherto scarcely described and not to be found in vertebrates.  相似文献   

Larval trematodes (xiphidiocercariae) have been found to encyst in mosquito larvae. When the number of cysts is high, this results in the death of the mosquito larva. It is suggested that populating waters containing mosquito larvae with xiphidiocercariae can be developed as a mosquito control measure.  相似文献   

The 130-kilodalton mosquito larvicidal gene, cloned from Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis, was introduced into the cyanobacterium Agmenellum quadruplicatum PR-6 by plasmid transformation. Transformed cells synthesized 130-kilodalton delta-endotoxin protein and showed mosquito larvicidal activity. Results demonstrate a potential use of a cyanobacterium for biological control of mosquitoes.  相似文献   

Marten  Gerald G.  Bordes  Edgar S.  Nguyen  Mieu 《Hydrobiologia》1994,292(1):491-496
The New Orleans Mosquito Control Board mass produces Mesocyclops longisetus and Macrocyclops albidus for introduction to mosquito breeding sites as a routine part of control operations. Mesocyclops longisetus is used in tires that collect rainwater; M. albidus is used in temporary pools. Field trials in a Spartina marsh, rice fields, and residential roadside ditches in Louisiana suggest that M. longisetus and M. albidus could be of use to control larvae of Anopheles spp. and Culex quinquefasciatus. Mesocyclops longisetus has proved to be effective for Aedes aegypti control in cisterns, 55-gallon drums, and other domestic containers in Honduras.  相似文献   

蚊属于典型的性二态昆虫,两性在行为上有着巨大差异,雄性成蚊主要依靠植物汁液获取碳源,而雌性只有吸血后卵巢才能够正常发育,这也是蚊传播多种人类疾病的重要基础。蚊的性二态由复杂的性别决定基因通路调控,虽然通路中两个关键因子双性基因(doublesex,dsx)与fruitless(fru)在结构和功能上与其他昆虫具有高度保守性,通过性别可变剪切最终调控下游性别表型与性行为相关基因,但是其性别决定初始信号即雄性决定因子(Male-determining factor,M-factor)无论与其他昆虫相比还是属种间均具有巨大的差异,而从M-factor至dsx的调控通路亦尚未明确。目前,利用已知的蚊性别决定基因对蚊进行基因改造,在实验室已经初步达到了性别逆转或种群抑制的效果。本文综述了蚊性别决定调控通路中初始信号雄性决定因子的进化和作用机制,其下游信号通路的响应模式,以及以性别决定基因为靶点的转基因蚊防制策略,为深入理解蚊性别决定机制与探讨蚊媒防制提供新思路。  相似文献   

Helicoverpa armigera is a polyphagous pest damaging vast numbers of different crops leading to decrease in total production. Use of Bt transgenic to control H. armigera has worked well but has increased resistance against Bt in H. armigera and controversies about the Bt transgenic making it imperative to find another strategy to control attack. Soybean is a nonhost plant for H. armigera; reason could be laid in the defense system of the soybean. Proteinase Inhibitor (PIs) have been extensively studied for development of resistance against insect pest. Two cultivars developed by our university were investigated for the presence of proteinase inhibitors namely, MAUS-158 and MAUS-61. Partially purified inhibitors were showed inhibition of total protease activity of gut extract by 91.34±1.49 and 89.95±0.96% by MAUS-158 and MAUS-61, respectively. While inhibition of trypsin like proteases were found between 65 and 71% and inhibition of chymotrypsin like proteases ranges between 40 and 42%. The partial purification study shows stability of PIs up to 60°C. Soybean PIs are also showing more prominent inhibition pattern against trypsin than chymotrypsin.  相似文献   

Wetlands Ecology and Management - This synthesis is a short introduction to the Wetlands and Mosquito Control special issue of Wetlands Ecology and Management. The geographic extent of the articles...  相似文献   

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