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Genetic instabilities in (CTG.CAG) repeats occur by recombination.   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
The expansion of triplet repeat sequences (TRS) associated with hereditary neurological diseases is believed from prior studies to be due to DNA replication. This report demonstrates that the expansion of (CTG.CAG)(n) in vivo also occurs by homologous recombination as shown by biochemical and genetic studies. A two-plasmid recombination system was established in Escherichia coli with derivatives of pUC19 (harboring the ampicillin resistance gene) and pACYC184 (harboring the tetracycline resistance gene). The derivatives contained various triplet repeat inserts ((CTG.CAG), (CGG.CCG), (GAA.TTC), (GTC.GAC), and (GTG.CAC)) of different lengths, orientations, and extents of interruptions and a control non-repetitive sequence. The availability of the two drug resistance genes and of several unique restriction sites on the plasmids enabled rigorous genetic and biochemical analyses. The requirements for recombination at the TRS include repeat lengths >30, the presence of CTG.CAG on both plasmids, and recA and recBC. Sequence analyses on a number of DNA products isolated from individual colonies directly demonstrated the crossing-over and expansion of the homologous CTG.CAG regions. Furthermore, inversion products of the type [(CTG)(13)(CAG)(67)].[(CTG)(67)(CAG)(13)] were isolated as the apparent result of "illegitimate" recombination events on intrahelical pseudoknots. This work establishes the relationships between CTG.CAG sequences, multiple fold expansions, genetic recombination, formation of new recombinant DNA products, and the presence of both drug resistance genes. Thus, if these reactions occur in humans, unequal crossing-over or gene conversion may also contribute to the expansions responsible for anticipation associated with several hereditary neurological syndromes.  相似文献   

Length-dependent energetics of (CTG)n and (CAG)n trinucleotide repeats   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Trinucleotide repeats are involved in a number of debilitating diseases such as myotonic dystrophy. Twelve to seventy-five base-long (CTG)n oligodeoxynucleotides were analysed using a combination of biophysical [UV-absorbance, circular dichroism and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC)] and biochemical methods (non-denaturing gel electrophoresis and enzymatic footprinting). All oligomers formed stable intramolecular structures under near physiological conditions with a melting temperature that was only weakly dependent on oligomer length. Thermodynamic analysis of the denaturation process by UV-melting and calorimetric experiments revealed an unprecedented length-dependent discrepancy between the enthalpy values deduced from model-dependent (UV-melting) and model-independent (calorimetry) experiments. Evidence for non-zero molar heat capacity changes was also derived from the analysis of the Arrhenius plots and DSC profiles. Such behaviour is analysed in the framework of an intramolecular ‘branched-hairpin’ model, in which long CTG oligomers do not fold into a simple long hairpin–stem intramolecular structure, but allow the formation of several independent folding units of unequal stability. We demonstrate that, for sequences ranging from 12 to 25 CTG repeats, an intramolecular structure with two loops is formed which we will call ‘bis-hairpin’. Similar results were also found for CAG oligomers, suggesting that this observation may be extended to various trinucleotide repeats-containing sequences.  相似文献   

Genetic recombination is a robust mechanism for expanding CTG.CAG triplet repeats involved in the etiology of hereditary neurological diseases (Jakupciak, J. P., and Wells, R. D. (1999) J. Biol. Chem. 274, 23468-23479). This two-plasmid recombination system in Escherichia coli with derivatives of pUC19 and pACYC184 was used to investigate the effect of triplet repeat orientation on recombination and extent of expansions; tracts of 36, 50, 80, and 36, 100, and 175 repeats in length, respectively, in all possible permutations of length and in both orientations (relative to the unidirectional replication origins) revealed little or no effect of orientation of expansions. The extent of expansions was generally severalfold the length of the progenitor tract and frequently exceeded the combined length of the two tracts in the cotransformed plasmids. Expansions were much more frequent than deletions. Repeat tracts bearing two G-to-A interruptions (polymorphisms) within either 171- or 219-base pair tracts substantially reduced the expansions compared with uninterrupted repeat tracts of similar lengths. Gene conversion, rather than crossing over, was the recombination mechanism. Prior studies showed that DNA replication, repair, and tandem duplication also mediated genetic instabilities of the triplet repeat sequence. However, gene conversion (recombinational repair) is by far the most powerful expansion mechanism. Thus, we propose that gene conversion is the likely expansion mechanism for myotonic dystrophy, spinocerebellar ataxia type 8, and fragile X syndrome.  相似文献   

Homologous recombination was shown to enable the expansion of CTG.CAG repeat sequences. Other prior investigations revealed the involvement of replication and DNA repair in these genetic instabilities. Here we used a genetic assay to measure the frequency of homologous intermolecular recombination between two CTG.CAG tracts. When compared with non-repeating sequences of similar lengths, long (CTG.CAG)(n) repeats apparently recombine with an approximately 60-fold higher frequency. Sequence polymorphisms that interrupt the homogeneity of the CTG.CAG repeat tracts reduce the apparent recombination frequency as compared with the pure uninterrupted repeats. The orientation of the repeats relative to the origin of replication strongly influenced the apparent frequency of recombination. This suggests the involvement of DNA replication in the recombination process of triplet repeats. We propose that DNA polymerases stall within the CTG.CAG repeat tracts causing nicks or double-strand breaks that stimulate homologous recombination. The recombination process is RecA-dependent.  相似文献   

The mechanism of disease-associated trinucleotide repeat length variation may involve slippage of the triplet-containing strand at the replication fork, generating a slipped-strand DNA structure. We recently reported formation in vitro of slipped-strand DNA (S-DNA) structures when DNAs containing triplet repeat blocks of myotonic dystrophy or fragile X diseases were melted and allowed to reanneal to form duplexes. Here additional evidence is presented that is consistent with the existence of S-DNA structures. We demonstrate that S-DNA structures can form between two complementary strands containing equal numbers of repeats. In addition, we show that both the propensity for S-DNA formation and the structural complexity of S-DNAs formed increase with increasing repeat length. S-DNA structures were also analyzed by electron microscopy, confirming that the two strands are slipped out of register with respect to each other and confirming the structural polymorphism expected within long tracts of trinucleotide repeats. For (CTG)50.(CAG)50 two distinct populations of slipped structures have been identified: those involving </=10 repeats per slippage, which appear as bent/kinked DNA molecules, and those involving >10 repeats, which have multiple loops or hairpins indicative of complex alternative DNA secondary structures.  相似文献   

(CAG)(n)*(CTG)(n) expansion is associated with many neurodegenerative diseases. Repeat instability has been extensively studied in bacterial plasmids, where repeats undergo deletion at high rates. We report an assay for (CAG)(n)*(CTG)(n) deletion from the chloramphenicol acetyltransferase gene integrated into the Escherichia coli chromosome. In strain AB1157, deletion rates for 25-60 (CAG) x (CTG) repeats integrated in the chromosome ranged from 6.88 x 10(-9) to 1.33 x 10(-10), or approximately 6,300 to 660,000-fold lower than in plasmid pBR325. In contrast to the situation in plasmids, deletions occur at a higher rate when (CTG)(43), rather than (CAG)(43), comprised the leading template strand, and complete rather than partial deletions were the predominant mutation observed. Repeats were also stable on long term growth following multiple passages through exponential and stationary phase. Mutations in priA and recG increased or decreased deletion rates, but repeats were still greatly stabilized in the chromosome. The remarkable stability of (CAG)(n) x (CTG)(n) repeats in the E. coli chromosome may result from the differences in the mechanisms for replication or the probability for recombination afforded by a high plasmid copy number. The integration of (CAG)(n) x (CTG)(n) repeats into the chromosome provides a model system in which the inherent stability of these repeats reflects that in the human genome more closely.  相似文献   

Expansion of CAG/CTG repeats causes certain neurological and neurodegenerative disorders, and the formation and subsequent persistence of stable DNA hairpins within these repeats are believed to contribute to CAG/CTG repeat instability. Human cells possess a DNA hairpin repair (HPR) pathway, which removes various (CAG)(n) and (CTG)(n) hairpins in a nick-directed and strand-specific manner. Interestingly, this HPR system processes a (CTG)(n) hairpin on the template DNA strand much less efficiently than a (CAG)(n) hairpin on the same strand (Hou, C., Chan, N. L., Gu, L., and Li, G. M. (2009) Incision-dependent and error-free repair of (CAG)(n)/(CTG)(n) hairpins in human cell extracts. Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol. 16, 869-875), suggesting the involvement of an additional component for (CTG)(n) HPR. To identify this activity, a functional in vitro HPR assay was used to screen partially purified HeLa nuclear fractions for their ability to stimulate (CTG)(n) HPR. We demonstrate here that the stimulating activity is the Werner syndrome protein (WRN). Although WRN contains both a 3'→5' helicase activity and a 3'→5' exonuclease activity, the stimulating activity was found to be the helicase activity, as a WRN helicase mutant failed to enhance (CTG)(n) HPR. Consistently, WRN efficiently unwound large (CTG)(n) hairpins and promoted DNA polymerase δ-catalyzed DNA synthesis using a (CTG)(n) hairpin as a template. We, therefore, conclude that WRN stimulates (CTG)(n) HPR on the template DNA strand by resolving the hairpin so that it can be efficiently used as a template for repair or replicative synthesis.  相似文献   

A quantitative genetic assay was developed to monitor alterations in tract lengths of trinucleotide repeat sequences in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Insertion of (CAG)50 or (CTG)50 repeats into a promoter that drives expression of the reporter gene ADE8 results in loss of expression and white colony color. Contractions within the trinucleotide sequences to repeat lengths of 8 to 38 restore functional expression of the reporter, leading to red colony color. Reporter constructs including (CAG)50 or (CTG)50 repeat sequences were integrated into the yeast genome, and the rate of red colony formation was measured. Both orientations yielded high rates of instability (4 x 10(-4) to 18 x 10(-4) per cell generation). Instability depended on repeat sequences, as a control harboring a randomized (C,A,G)50 sequence was at least 100-fold more stable. PCR analysis of the trinucleotide repeat region indicated an excellent correlation between change in color phenotype and reduction in length of the repeat tracts. No preferential product sizes were observed. Strains containing disruptions of the mismatch repair gene MSH2, MSH3, or PMS1 or the recombination gene RAD52 showed little or no difference in rates of instability or distributions of products, suggesting that neither mismatch repair nor recombination plays an important role in large contractions of trinucleotide repeats in yeast.  相似文献   

The influences of double-strand breaks (DSBs) within a triplet repeat sequence on its genetic instabilities (expansions and deletions) related to hereditary neurological diseases was investigated. Plasmids containing 43 or 70 CTG.CAG repeats or 43 CGG.CCG repeats were linearized in vitro near the center of the repeats and were transformed into parental, RecA-dependent homologous recombination-deficient, or RecBC exonuclease-deficient Escherichia coli. The resulting repair process considerably increased deletion of the repeating sequence compared to the circular DNA controls. Unexpectedly, the orientation of the insert relative to the unidirectional ColE1 origin of replication affected the amount of instability generated during the repair of the DSB. When the CTG strand was the template for lagging-strand synthesis, instability was increased, most markedly in the recA- strain. Results indicated that RecA and/or RecBC might play a role in DSB repair within the triplet repeat. Altering the length, orientation, and sequence composition of the triplet repeat suggested an important role of DNA secondary structures during repair intermediates. Hence, we hypothesize that ColE1 origin-dependent replication was involved during the repair of the DSB. A model is presented to explain the mechanisms of the observed genetic instabilities.  相似文献   



During DNA replication or repair, disease-associated (CAG)n/(CTG)n expansion can result from formation of hairpin structures in the repeat tract of the newly synthesized or nicked DNA strand. Recent studies identified a nick-directed (CAG)n/(CTG)n hairpin repair (HPR) system that removes (CAG)n/(CTG)n hairpins from human cells via endonucleolytic incisions. Because the process is highly similar to the mechanism by which XPG and XPF endonucleases remove bulky DNA lesions during nucleotide excision repair, we assessed the potential role of XPG in conducting (CAG)n/(CTG)n HPR.


To determine if the XPG endonuclease is involved in (CAG)n/(CTG)n hairpin removal, two XPG-deficient cell lines (GM16024 and AG08802) were examined for their ability to process (CAG)n/(CTG)n hairpins in vitro. We demonstrated that the GM16024 cell line processes all hairpin substrates as efficiently as HeLa cells, and that the AG08802 cell line is partially defective in HPR. Analysis of repair intermediates revealed that nuclear extracts from both XPG-deficient lines remove CAG/CTG hairpins via incisions, but the incision products are distinct from those generated in HeLa extracts. We also show that purified recombinant XPG protein greatly stimulates HPR in XPG-deficient extracts by promoting an incision 5' to the hairpin.


Our results strongly suggest that 1) human cells possess multiple pathways to remove (CAG)n/(CTG)n hairpins located in newly synthesized (or nicked) DNA strand; and 2) XPG, although not essential for (CAG)n/(CTG)n hairpin removal, stimulates HPR by facilitating a 5' incision to the hairpin. This study reveals a novel role for XPG in genome-maintenance and implicates XPG in diseases caused by trinucleotide repeat expansion.  相似文献   

The disease-associated expansion of (CTG)·(CAG) repeats is likely to involve slipped-strand DNAs. There are two types of slipped DNAs (S-DNAs): slipped homoduplex S-DNAs are formed between two strands having the same number of repeats; and heteroduplex slipped intermediates (SI-DNAs) are formed between two strands having different numbers of repeats. We present the first characterization of S-DNAs formed by disease-relevant lengths of (CTG)·(CAG) repeats which contained all predicted components including slipped-out repeats and slip-out junctions, where two arms of the three-way junction were composed of complementary paired repeats. In S-DNAs multiple short slip-outs of CTG or CAG repeats occurred throughout the repeat tract. Strikingly, in SI-DNAs most of the excess repeats slipped-out at preferred locations along the fully base-paired Watson–Crick duplex, forming defined three-way slip-out junctions. Unexpectedly, slipped-out CAG and slipped-out CTG repeats were predominantly in the random-coil and hairpin conformations, respectively. Both the junctions and the slip-outs could be recognized by DNA metabolizing proteins: only the strand with the excess repeats was hypersensitive to cleavage by the junction-specific T7 endonuclease I, while slipped-out CAG was preferentially bound by single-strand binding protein. An excellent correlation was observed for the size of the slip-outs in S-DNAs and SI-DNAs with the size of the tract length changes observed in quiescent and proliferating tissues of affected patients—suggesting that S-DNAs and SI-DNAs are mutagenic intermediates in those tissues, occurring during error-prone DNA metabolism and replication fork errors.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that homologous recombination is a powerful mechanism for generation of massive instabilities of the myotonic dystrophy CTG.CAG sequences. However, the frequency of recombination between the CTG.CAG tracts has not been studied. Here we performed a systematic study on the frequency of recombination between these sequences using a genetic assay based on an intramolecular plasmid system in Escherichia coli. The rate of intramolecular recombination between long CTG.CAG tracts oriented as direct repeats was extraordinarily high; recombinants were found with a frequency exceeding 12%. Recombination occurred in both RecA(+) and RecA(-) cells but was approximately 2-11 times higher in the recombination proficient strain. Long CTG.CAG tracts recombined approximately 10 times more efficiently than non-repeating control sequences of similar length. The recombination frequency was 60-fold higher for a pair of (CTG.CAG)(165) tracts compared with a pair of (CTG.CAG)(17) sequences. The CTG.CAG sequences in orientation II (CTG repeats present on a lagging strand template) recombine approximately 2-4 times more efficiently than tracts of identical length in the opposite orientation relative to the origin of replication. This orientation effect implies the involvement of DNA replication in the intramolecular recombination between CTG.CAG sequences. Thus, long CTG.CAG tracts are hot spots for genetic recombination.  相似文献   

Most epigenetic studies assess methylation of 5′-CpG-3′ sites but recent evidence indicates that non-CpG cytosine methylation occurs at high levels in humans and other species. This is most prevalent at 5′-CHG-3′, where H = A, C or T, and it preferentially occurs at 5′-CpA-3′ and 5′-CpT-3′ sites. With the goal of facilitating the detection of non-CpG methylation, the restriction endonucleases ApeKI, BbvI, EcoP15I, Fnu4HI, MwoI and TseI were assessed for their sensitivity to 5-methylcytosine at GpCpA, GpCpT, GpCpC or GpCpG sites, where methylation is catalyzed by the DNA 5-cytosine 5′-GpC-3′ methyltransferase M.CviPI. We tested a variety of sequences including various plasmid-based sites, a cloned disease-associated (CAG)83•(CTG)83 repeat and in vitro synthesized tracts of only (CAG)500•(CTG)500 or (CAG)800•(CTG)800. The repeat tracts are enriched for the preferred CpA and CpT motifs. We found that none of the tested enzymes can cleave their recognition sequences when they are 5′-GpC-3′ methylated. A genomic site known to convert its non-CpG methylation levels upon C2C12 differentiation was confirmed through the use of these enzymes. These enzymes can be useful in rapidly and easily determining the most common non-CpG methylation status in various sequence contexts, as well as at expansions of (CAG)n•(CTG)n repeat tracts associated with diseases like myotonic dystrophy and Huntington disease.Key words: non-CpG methylation, CpG methylation, 5-methylcytosine, trinucleotide repeats, ApeKI, BbvI, EcoP151, Fnu4HI, MwoI and TseI  相似文献   

Most epigenetic studies assess methylation of 5'-CpG-3' sites but recent evidence indicates that non-CpG cytosine methylation occurs at high levels in humans and other species. This is most prevalent at 5'-CHG-3', where H = A, C or T, and it preferentially occurs at 5'-CpA-3' and 5'-CpT-3' sites. With the goal of facilitating the detection of non-CpG methylation, the restriction endonucleases ApeKI, BbvI, EcoP15I, Fnu4HI, MwoI and TseI were assessed for their sensitivity to 5-methylcytosine at GpCpA, GpCpT, GpCpC or GpCpG sites, where methylation is catalyzed by the DNA 5-cytosine 5'-GpC-3' methyltransferase M.CviPI. We tested a variety of sequences including various plasmid-based sites, a cloned disease-associated (CAG)83?(CTG)83 repeat and in vitro synthesized tracts of only (CAG)500?(CTG)500 or (CAG)800?(CTG)800. The repeat tracts are enriched for the preferred CpA and CpT motifs. We found that none of the tested enzymes can cleave their recognition sequences when they are 5'-GpC-3' methylated. A genomic site known to convert its non-CpG methylation levels upon C2C12 differentiation was confirmed through the use of these enzymes. These enzymes can be useful in rapidly and easily determining the most common non-CpG methylation status in various sequence contexts, as well as at expansions of (CAG)n?(CTG)n repeat tracts associated with diseases like myotonic dystrophy and Huntington disease.  相似文献   

Unpaired structures in SCA10 (ATTCT)n.(AGAAT)n repeats   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A number of human hereditary diseases have been associated with the instability of DNA repeats in the genome. Recently, spinocerebellar ataxia type 10 has been associated with expansion of the pentanucleotide repeat (ATTCT)(n).(AGAAT)(n) from a normal range of ten to 22 to as many as 4500 copies. The structural properties of this repeat cloned in circular plasmids were studied by a variety of methods. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and atomic force microscopy detected local DNA unpairing in supercoiled plasmids. Chemical probing analysis indicated that, at moderate superhelical densities, the (ATTCT)(n).(AGAAT)(n) repeat forms an unpaired region, which further extends into adjacent A+T-rich flanking sequences at higher superhelical densities. The superhelical energy required to initiate duplex unpairing is essentially length-independent from eight to 46 repeats. In plasmids containing five repeats, minimal unpairing of (ATTCT)(5).(AGAAT)(5) occurred while 2D gel analysis and chemical probing indicate greater unpairing in A+T-rich sequences in other regions of the plasmid. The observed experimental results are consistent with a statistical mechanical, computational analysis of these supercoiled plasmids. For plasmids containing 29 repeats, which is just above the normal human size range, flanked by an A+T-rich sequence, atomic force microscopy detected the formation of a locally condensed structure at high superhelical densities. However, even at high superhelical densities, DNA strands within the presumably compact A+T-rich region were accessible to small chemicals and oligonucleotide hybridization. Thus, DNA strands in this "collapsed structure" remain unpaired and accessible for interaction with other molecules. The unpaired DNA structure functioned as an aberrant replication origin, in that it supported complete plasmid replication in a HeLa cell extract. A model is proposed in which unscheduled or aberrant DNA replication is a critical step in the expansion mutation.  相似文献   

DNA trinucleotide repeats, particularly CXG, are common within the human genome. However, expansion of trinucleotide repeats is associated with a number of disorders, including Huntington disease, spinobulbar muscular atrophy and spinocerebellar ataxia. In these cases, the repeat length is known to correlate with decreased age of onset and disease severity. Repeat expansion of (CAG)n, (CTG)n and (CGG)n trinucleotides may be related to the increased stability of alternative DNA hairpin structures consisting of CXG-CXG triads with X-X mismatches. Small-molecule ligands that selectively bound to CAG repeats could provide an important probe for determining repeat length and an important tool for investigating the in vivo repeat extension mechanism. Here we report that napthyridine-azaquinolone (NA, 1) is a ligand for CAG repeats and can be used as a diagnostic tool for determining repeat length. We show by NMR spectroscopy that binding of NA to CAG repeats induces the extrusion of a cytidine nucleotide from the DNA helix.  相似文献   

Lin Y  Dion V  Wilson JH 《Mutation research》2005,572(1-2):123-131
CAG.CTG repeat expansions cause more than a dozen neurodegenerative diseases in humans. To define the mechanism of repeat instability in mammalian cells we developed a selectable assay to detect expansions of CAG.CTG triplet repeats in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. We showed previously that long tracts of CAG.CTG repeats, embedded in an intron of the APRT gene, kill expression of the gene, rendering the cells APRT-. By contrast, tracts with fewer than 34 repeats allow sufficient expression to give APRT+ cells. Although it should be possible to use APRT+ cells with short repeats to assay for expansion events by selecting for APRT- cells, we find that APRT+ cells with 31 repeats are not killed by the standard APRT- selection protocol, most likely because they produce too little Aprt to incorporate sufficient 8-azaadenine into their adenine pool. To overcome this problem, we devised a new selection, which increases the proportion of the adenine pool contributed by the salvage pathway by partially inhibiting the de novo pathway. We show that APRT- CHO cells with 61 or 95 CAG.CTG repeats survive this selection, whereas cells with 31 repeats die. Using this selection system, we can select for expansion to as few as 39 repeats. Thus, this assay can monitor expansions across the critical boundary from the longest lengths of normal alleles to the shortest lengths of disease alleles.  相似文献   

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