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本实验采用木瓜酶水解,SPA柱亲合层析等手段得到人IgGFc段及Fab段,以Sigma抗人IgGfFc段和抗人IgG Fab段单抗为标准品,鉴定了细胞库中抗人IgG系列的部分细胞株,得到特异性分泌抗人IgG Fc段和抗人IgG Fab段单抗的细胞各一株。 在上述实验基础上,用抗人IgG Fc及抗人IgG Fab单抗分别制备了Sepharose4B亲合层析柱,提纯了酶解人IgG Fc、Fab片段,经ELISA法鉴定,相互之间无交叉反应。同时用此方法制备了人抗HBe Fab片段,并将该片段进行了过氧化物酶标记,用来配制HBe ELISA诊断盒,证明其生物活性未受影响,而且消除了类风湿因子引起的HBe Ag假阳性现象。因抗HBe单抗来源困难,如采用HBe多抗制备ELISA试剂,本法将是提高质量的一个好方法。  相似文献   

Summary Radioiodine-labelled 791T/36 monoclonal antibody (mAb) and its Fab/c fragment, consisting of one Fab arm and the Fc portion, have identical whole-body survival curves in BALB/c mice (t1/2 = 3.75 days). Therefore, these two forms of this antibody provide a suitable model for studying the role of valency in the targeting efficiency of antibodies to tumours in vivo. 791/T36 antibody and its Fab/c fragment were labelled either by direct iodination using the iodogen method (125I) or by dilactitol-125I-tyramine (125I-DLT), a residualizing label, which accumulates in the cells involved in degradation of the carrier protein. In tumour-bearing nude mice, the percentage of injected dose of mAb or Fab/c fragment reaching the specific 791T tumour was similar, and these proteins appeared to be catabolized at a similar rate in this tissue. mAb, but not the Fab/c fragment, was found to be very actively catabolized by the liver and spleen of tumour-bearing mice compared to control nude mice, this probably resulting from clearance of immune complexes. This effect was most pronounced when the mAb was labelled with125I-DLT, the percentage of injected dose of mAb reaching the spleen and liver being higher than the percentage of injected dose reaching the tumour. This effect was not seen with the Fab/c fragment. Autoradiographic studies on tumour sections, which exhibit antigenic sites throughout the tumour mass, showed that the Fab/c fragment was already homogeneously distributed in the tumour 12 h after injection whereas the whole antibody was mainly localized at the periphery of the tumour. Those results suggest a binding site barrier effect. Overall, these results indicate that the highest valency and affinity may not be the optimal choice for mAb to be used for therapeutic purposes.  相似文献   

目的制备抗食蟹猴、恒河猴等非人灵长类实验动物免疫球蛋白二级抗体,开展对其传染病血清学快速诊断方法的建立。方法采用饱和硫酸铵盐析、Agarose-Protein G亲和层析技术,从食蟹猴血清中提纯IgG。经SDS-PAGE电泳鉴定,采用常规法免疫C57BL/6小鼠,三次免疫后取脾细胞与Sp2/0-Ag14骨髓瘤细胞通过PEG4000融合制备杂交瘤细胞,利用间接ELISA、Western blot等方法进行筛选、鉴定。结果得到5株阳性杂交瘤,分别命名为2B6、2B7、2D9、3B2、5E4,并且5株杂交瘤分泌的抗体均与恒河猴的IgG或血清发生交叉反应,而与其他物种如东北虎、犬等动物的IgG或血清无交叉反应。结论 5株杂交瘤产生的单克隆抗体(McAb)具有较好免疫活性,且能长期、稳定地分泌抗体。此项研究工作为后续研究食蟹猴、恒河猴传染病血清学诊断方法奠定基础。  相似文献   

 我们用超声法制备了内部包裹阿霉素,表面有抗人胃癌细胞M85的单克隆抗体3Hll或非相关抗体IgG的阿霉素靶向脂质体和阿霉素非靶向脂质体,研究了这些脂质体和游离阿霉素抑制靶细胞M85和非靶细胞HeLa细胞生长的能力。结果表明,一方面,与游离阿霉素或阿霉素非靶向脂质体相比,阿霉素靶向脂质体抑制M85细胞生长的能力提高了2—4倍,而在抑制非靶细胞HeLa细胞的生长方面,阿霉素靶向脂质体的效力还不如游离阿霉素或阿霉素非靶向脂质体。过量的游离单克隆抗体3Hll可以有效地抑制阿霉素靶向脂质体对M85细胞的细胞毒作用,而另一种单克隆抗体3G9则不能。空靶向和空非靶向脂质体对M85细胞生长均无影响。因此,靶向脂质体可以把包裹的抗癌药物专一地送给胃癌细胞,井杀伤它们。  相似文献   

用牛血清IgG免疫BALB/c小鼠,取其脾细胞与小鼠骨髓瘤细胞SP2/0进行融合,用含山羊血清的培养基培养细胞,上清用间接ELISA法筛选。获得4株能稳定分泌抗牛血清IgG的单克隆抗体杂交瘤细胞株,分别命名为1G5、2A8、3F5、4C5。其中2A8为IgG2a,其余3株为IgG1;腹水单抗的ELISA滴度均超过10-5;除3F5株单抗与山羊血清有交叉反应外,1G5、2A8、4C5株与人、马、猪、羊、兔、豚鼠等血清均不发生交叉反应;4株单抗与制备病毒性疫苗的基质液呈阴性反应;4株单抗识别分子量为160kD的牛血清IgG的两个不同抗原表位;4株单抗相对亲和力大小依次为4C5>2A8>1G5>3F5,相对敏感度依次为2A8>4C5>3F5>1G5;4株杂交瘤细胞株的染色体计数均大于90条,连续培养三个月以及冷冻保存半年后复苏,细胞生长良好。使用这些单抗建立的双抗体夹心法检测生物制品中的残留牛血清IgG。  相似文献   

The model system for the analysis of targeted liposomes is proposed--the layer of protein antigen adsorbed on polystyrene wells. Antibodies were treated with palmitoyl chloride and liposomes were produced by the cholate dialysis method in the presence of the modified protein (7 X 10(-4) mol protein/mol lipid). Affinity of antibody-bearing liposomes to the antigen on the surface of Multiwell plates was studied, and apparent dissociation constant value was estimated: KD was in the range 1.5 to 5 X 10(-9) M liposomes. Sequential transfers of liposomes in antigen-coated plates revealed that the high-affinity fraction of liposomes is adsorbed first. The bound fraction has 1.7-times-higher protein content. For effective in vivo targeting it would be necessary to have high-affinity liposomes and a high concentration of the target antigen.  相似文献   

Bispecific IgG production in single host cells has been a much sought-after goal to support the clinical development of these complex molecules. Current routes to single cell production of bispecific IgG include engineering heavy chains for heterodimerization and redesign of Fab arms for selective pairing of cognate heavy and light chains. Here, we describe novel designs to facilitate selective Fab arm assembly in conjunction with previously described knobs-into-holes mutations for preferential heavy chain heterodimerization. The top Fab designs for selective pairing, namely variants v10 and v11, support near quantitative assembly of bispecific IgG in single cells for multiple different antibody pairs as judged by high-resolution mass spectrometry. Single-cell and in vitro-assembled bispecific IgG have comparable physical, in vitro biological and in vivo pharmacokinetics properties. Efficient single-cell production of bispecific IgG was demonstrated for human IgG1, IgG2 and IgG4 thereby allowing the heavy chain isotype to be tailored for specific therapeutic applications. Additionally, a reverse chimeric bispecific IgG2a with humanized variable domains and mouse constant domains was generated for preclinical proof-of-concept studies in mice. Efficient production of a bispecific IgG in stably transfected mammalian (CHO) cells was shown. Individual clones with stable titer and bispecific IgG composition for >120 days were readily identified. Such long-term cell line stability is needed for commercial manufacture of bispecific IgG. The single-cell bispecific IgG designs developed here may be broadly applicable to biotechnology research, including screening bispecific IgG panels, and to support clinical development.  相似文献   

在马的免疫学研究领域中,由于目前市场上缺乏商业化的马IgG单克隆抗体,使得对马的B细胞研究受到很大阻碍,IgG是B细胞受体(BCR)的重要构成成分,与B细胞分化成熟相关。为了获得马IgG特异性单克隆抗体,利用单个B细胞扩增技术进行抗体筛选。首先,将马IgG蛋白(EqIgG1-C)密码子优化后合成到真核表达载体pcDNA3.4上,纯化出抗原蛋白。随后,使用蛋白质免疫小鼠,分离脾细胞后利用流式细胞术分离特异性单个B细胞,扩增出抗体重链和轻链的可变区基因,用overlapping PCR方法扩增出线性化的完整抗体,并进行鉴定。结果从80个B细胞中获得了27株特异性重组单克隆抗体,并挑选出3株线性结合活性最强的抗体基因构建到表达载体上,共转染Expi293FTM细胞后表达纯化,经过ELISA和Western blot验证,显示获得的抗体可以和EqIgG1-C蛋白有良好的结合作用。使用该方法可以省时高效的获得特异性抗体,为马的免疫学研究提供了重要研究工具,为鼠单克隆抗体筛选提供了技术拓展。  相似文献   

The concentrations of two types of endogenous thiol proteinase inhibitors, TPI-alpha and TPI-beta, in rat peripheral blood cells were determined by sensitive immunoassay methods. The concentration of TPI-alpha was highest in neutrophils among the peripheral blood cells tested. On the contrary, the concentration of TPI-beta was highest in macrophages followed in order by neutrophils, lymphocytes and erythrocytes. The serum level of TPI-beta was 47 times that of TPI-alpha. Immunohistochemical studies showed that in rat liver, TPI-beta was localized in Kupfer cells, and that only little TPI-alpha was present in liver tissue.  相似文献   

Eleven individual hyperimmune rabbit polyclonal anti-fluorescein Fab fragment preparations were resolved into heterogeneous subfractions based on differential dissociation times from a specific adsorbent. Four Fab subfractions (i.e., 0.1-, 1.0-, 10-, and 100-day elutions) that differed in affinity were characterized and classified according to the extent of the bathochromic shift in the absorption properties of antibody-bound fluorescein ligand. Absorption maxima of bound fluorescein were shifted in all cases to two distinct narrow ranges, namely, 505 to 507 nm or 518 to 520 nm relative to 491 nm for free fluorescein. There was no direct correlation between the two spectral shift populations and antibody affinity, fluorescence polarization, fluorescence quenching, or fluorescence lifetimes of bound ligand. Fluorescence emission maxima varied with the bathochromic shift range. Bound fluorescein ligand, with absorption maxima of 505 to 507 nm and 518 to 520 nm showed fluorescence emission maxima of 519 to 520 nm and 535 nm, respectively. The two spectral shift ranges differed by 14 to 15 nm and/or energies of 1.5 kcal mol–1 relative to each other and to the absorption maximum for free fluorescein. Spectral effects on the antibody-bound ligand were discussed relative to solvent-water studies and the atomic structure of a high-affinity liganded anti-fluorescein active site.  相似文献   

单克隆抗体类生物治疗药物目前是国内外生物药中增长最快的领域。药品的规范生产与质量控制与其安全有效性息息相关,欧美药典中均设有对此类药品质量控制的总体要求,2015版《中国药典》在进一步保障药品安全和提高质量控制水平的编制指导思想下,也拟纳入对单克隆抗体类生物治疗药物的总体要求,就相关起草工作从产品涉及范畴、制造与产品检定等方面进行阐述。  相似文献   

The reliable assessment of monoclonal antibody (mAb) affinity against membrane proteins in vivo is a major issue in the development of cancer therapeutics. We describe here a simple and highly sensitive method for the evaluation of mAbs against membrane proteins by means of a kinetic exclusion assay (KinExA) in combination with our previously developed membrane protein display system using budded baculovirus (BV). In our BV display system, the membrane proteins are displayed on the viral surface in their native form. The BVs on which the liver cancer antigen Roundabout 1 (Robo1) was displayed were adsorbed onto magnetic beads without fixative (BV beads). The dissociation constant (Kd, ∼10−11 M) that was measured on the Robo1 expressed BV beads correlated well with the value from a whole cell assay (the coefficient of determination, R2 = 0.998) but not with the value for the soluble extracellular domains of Robo1 (R2 = 0.834). These results suggest that the BV–KinExA method described here provides a suitably accurate Kd evaluation of mAbs against proteins on the cell surface.  相似文献   

噬菌体抗体库技术是获得人源抗体的重要方法,此文探讨大容量天然噬菌体抗体库在筛选人源抗体中的实际应用价值。从正常人外周血分离淋巴细胞,通过基因工程方法获得抗体基因并且构建到含有重组位点的载体pDF中获得初级噬菌体抗体库,初级库在重组系统中重组之后获得了容量为9×1010的天然Fab噬菌体抗体库,通过序列测定和重组蛋白筛选来对抗体库的质量进行初步鉴定。对随机挑取的96个克隆测序序列分析表明各种型别比例基本合适;用四种抗原筛选有明显的富集,并且获得了针对其中一种抗原的阳性抗体克隆。  相似文献   

Omalizumab is a humanized anti‐IgE antibody that inhibits the binding of IgE to its receptors on mast cells and basophils, thus blocking the IgE‐mediated release of inflammatory mediators from these cells. Omalizumab binds to the Fc domains of IgE in proximity to the binding site of the high‐affinity IgE receptor FcɛRI, but the epitope and the mechanisms and conformations governing the recognition remain unknown. In order to elucidate the molecular mechanism of its anti‐IgE activity, the aim was to analyse the interaction of omalizumab with human IgE. Therefore, IgE Fc Cɛ2–4 was recombinantly produced in mammalian HEK‐293 cells. Functionality of the IgE Fc was proven by ELISA and mediator‐release assays. Omalizumab IgG was cleaved with papain and the resulting Fab was purified by ion‐exchange chromatography. The complex of IgE Fc with omalizumab was prepared by size‐exclusion chromatography. However, crystals containing the complex were not obtained, suggesting that the process of crystallization favoured the dissociation of the two proteins. Instead, two structures of the omalizumab Fab with maximum resolutions of 1.9 and 3.0 Å were obtained. The structures reveal the arrangement of the CDRs and the position of omalizumab residues known from prior functional studies to be involved in IgE binding. Thus, the structure of omalizumab provides the structural basis for understanding the function of omalizumab, allows optimization of the procedure for complex crystallization and poses questions about the conformational requirements for anti‐IgE activity.  相似文献   

Lectin analysis of human immunoglobulin G N-glycan sialylation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The lectins Sambucus nigraagglutinin (SNA) and Ricinus communisagglutinin (RCA), specific for 2,6 linked sialylation, and terminal galactose respectively were used to study the occurrence, linkage and distribution of human immunoglobulin G (IgG) sialylation. SNA was shown to bind N-glycan 2,6-linked sialic acid only. Sialidase analysis confirmed that this is the dominant, if not exclusive linkage. Total IgG sialylation was estimated at 1.0[emsp4 ]g SA/mg IgG (or about 0.5 mole per mole) using a biochemical sialic acid assay. SNA displayed strong binding to the IgG Fab fragment in both its native and denatured state. In contrast, SNA failed to bind the IgG Fc fragment in its native form, but displayed strong binding after the Fc was denatured. This allowed the construction of quantitative assays capable of measuring both IgG Fab and Fc 2,6-sialylation without the need for enzymatic peptide digestion.  相似文献   

A myriad of innovative bispecific antibody (BsAb) platforms have been reported. Most require significant protein engineering to be viable from a development and manufacturing perspective. Single-chain variable fragments (scFvs) and diabodies that consist only of antibody variable domains have been used as building blocks for making BsAbs for decades. The drawback with Fv-only moieties is that they lack the native-like interactions with CH1/CL domains that make antibody Fab regions stable and soluble. Here, we utilize a redesigned Fab interface to explore 2 novel Fab-based BsAbs platforms. The redesigned Fab interface designs limit heavy and light chain mixing when 2 Fabs are co-expressed simultaneously, thus allowing the use of 2 different Fabs within a BsAb construct without the requirement of one or more scFvs. We describe the stability and activity of a HER2×HER2 IgG-Fab BsAb, and compare its biophysical and activity properties with those of an IgG-scFv that utilizes the variable domains of the same parental antibodies. We also generated an EGFR × CD3 tandem Fab protein with a similar format to a tandem scFv (otherwise known as a bispecific T cell engager or BiTE). We show that the Fab-based BsAbs have superior biophysical properties compared to the scFv-based BsAbs. Additionally, the Fab-based BsAbs do not simply recapitulate the activity of their scFv counterparts, but are shown to possess unique biological activity.  相似文献   

A myriad of innovative bispecific antibody (BsAb) platforms have been reported. Most require significant protein engineering to be viable from a development and manufacturing perspective. Single-chain variable fragments (scFvs) and diabodies that consist only of antibody variable domains have been used as building blocks for making BsAbs for decades. The drawback with Fv-only moieties is that they lack the native-like interactions with CH1/CL domains that make antibody Fab regions stable and soluble. Here, we utilize a redesigned Fab interface to explore 2 novel Fab-based BsAbs platforms. The redesigned Fab interface designs limit heavy and light chain mixing when 2 Fabs are co-expressed simultaneously, thus allowing the use of 2 different Fabs within a BsAb construct without the requirement of one or more scFvs. We describe the stability and activity of a HER2×HER2 IgG-Fab BsAb, and compare its biophysical and activity properties with those of an IgG-scFv that utilizes the variable domains of the same parental antibodies. We also generated an EGFR × CD3 tandem Fab protein with a similar format to a tandem scFv (otherwise known as a bispecific T cell engager or BiTE). We show that the Fab-based BsAbs have superior biophysical properties compared to the scFv-based BsAbs. Additionally, the Fab-based BsAbs do not simply recapitulate the activity of their scFv counterparts, but are shown to possess unique biological activity.  相似文献   

R. Mertens  B. Deus-Neumann  E.W. Weiler   《FEBS letters》1983,160(1-2):269-272
Monoclonal antibodies (mAB) have been produced which recognize the physiologically active 2-cis-(S-form of the endogenous plant growth regulator, abscisic acid (ABA). Cross-reaction with the ABA-catabolites, phaseic and dihydrophaseic acid, is negligible, and (R)-ABA, 2-trans-ABA, the ABA-conjugate, ABA-β-D-glucopyranosyl ester, as well as the putative ABA precursor, xanthoxin, are totally unreactive. In addition to being very specific, the mAB exhibit high affinites for 2-cis-(S)-ABA: the K values were 7.9 × 109 l/mol and 3.7 × 109 l/mol for antibodies from two different clones. By mAB-radioimmunoassay (RIA), 4 pg 2-cis-(S)-ABA (99.5% confidence level) can be detected. mAB-RIA can be used to quantitate ABA directly in unprocessed plant extracts.  相似文献   

严重急性呼吸道综合征(severe acute respiratory syndrome,SARS)或称传染性非典型肺炎,已严重威胁人民健康和生命安全。快速研制一种可用于紧急预防SARS病毒感染的基因工程抗体预防制剂迫在眉睫。为此,运用噬菌体表面呈现技术,从多个SARS病人恢复期血中获得淋巴细胞,通过基因工程手段,构建了人源抗SARS病毒基因工程抗体文库,并筛选获得37株特异抗SARS病毒基因工程Fab抗体,其中ll株人源抗体结合基因工程重组的SARS病毒核(N)蛋白,其中的1株在Western blot分析中与SARS病毒结合,识别SARS病毒N蛋白线性位点。对所获抗体的功能鉴定及基因分析正在进行中。人源抗SARS病毒基因工程抗体的获得,将对SARS疾病的特异性预防,治疗和诊断提供新的途径。  相似文献   

重组抗体药物研究进展及应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
重组抗体药物的发展经历了鼠源单克隆抗体(McAb)、人 鼠嵌合抗体、人源化抗体和全人抗体等阶段,目前初步应用于抗肿瘤、抗自身免疫病、抗感染等领域。保持和提高抗体的亲和力、降低抗体的免疫原性是抗体药物基因工程改造的两大原则。在嵌合抗体成功的基础上,通过CDR移植、表面修饰、抗体库以及转基因鼠技术,逐步提高人源化程度至100%。然而,实验室水平的研究结果与实际应用仍然存在一定差距。就重组抗体药物的基本概况、现存的问题与可能的解决办法以及在肿瘤、病毒性疾病和阿尔茨海默病治疗上的应用情况等进行了综述。  相似文献   

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